Excel Chapter 1
the position of data between the cell margin
Enables you to copy the contents of cell or cell range or to continue a sequence by dragging the fill handle over an adjacent cell or range of cell
auto fill
The intersection of a column and row
the horizontal measurement of a column
column width
the background color appearing behind data in a cell
fill color
A small green square at the bottom right corner of cell
fill handle
Displays the content ( text, value, date, or formula) in the active cell
formula bar
a combination of cell references, operators, values, and/or functions used to perform a calculation
formatting that enables a label to appear on multiple lines wit the current cell
merge cells
Identifies the address of the current cell
name box
Rules that control the sequence in which excel performs arithmetic operations
order of operations
A range of cells containing results based on manipulation the variables
a rectangular group of cells
the vertical measurement of a row
row height
Displays the name of worksheet within a workbook
sheet tab
Includes letters, numbers, symbols, and spaces
a number that represents a quantity or amount
A file containing related worksheets
A spreadsheet that contains formulas, functions, values, text, and visual aids
A range of cells containing values for variables used in a formula