Executive Assistant Interview Questions

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Why leave

"At my current organization, I've expanded my professional skillset and built great relationships. Recently, it became clear to me that I need motivation from a strong mission while continuing to grow professionally. The mission of your company to serve underrepresented communities is something I'm excited to work on." "I've been working on my communication and collaboration skills when it comes to facilitating large, complex projects. The opportunities to grow that expertise are limited in my current role, so I was excited to learn about this opportunity, where collaboration and transparency are mentioned as important components of the job." "I'd like more pay." "I'm motivated by a lot of factors, and client satisfaction, as well as peer and manager approval, are at the top of the list. But compensation is also a motivator for me and I'm excited about the opportunity to sell a product I'm passionate about, exceed my targets and celebrate when I've surpassed my goals." "I'm bored at work/I don't like the job." "I've learned a lot in my current role, but I'm looking for an opportunity that provides more challenges as I continue developing my skills and abilities." or "While I've gained important skills in my experience with this role, like communication and time management, I want to focus more on honing my leadership and writing skills. I'm excited that this role provides more opportunities to grow those skills."

What do you believe an executive assistant brings to a company?

"Being an executive assistant makes me feel like I'm part of something bigger. I love making people's' lives run more smoothly and efficiently, and I believe an executive assistant is crucial for making business-critical decisions, averting crisis and acting as the face and voice of top-level executives."

Prioritize -product mgr

"I am used to working under tight deadlines, so I set my most urgent tasks at the top of my to-do list every morning when I get to work. Then, I establish a clear deadline for myself that's usually a day in advance of company due dates. Recently, I had to shift around my workload to accommodate an urgent product order. The client wanted custom modifications to the product completed in a week, but our normal lead time for implementing modifications is around 10 to 14 days. I communicated with my production department and manufacturing team to implement urgent changes in the production timeline. These adjustments allowed us to ship the product to the client on time, effectively reducing the time it took to apply the customizations by three days."

How do you define success?

"I define success as fulfilling my role in my team and in the company. I work toward completing my individual duties as effectively as possible, balancing that with professional growth and contributing to larger organizational goals. In my previous role, success meant exceeding weekly metrics, implementing processes that supported the company's KPIs and meeting quarterly professional development goals Example 1: Entry-level position "I consider reaching both small and large milestones towards a goal as a success. I view success as a process where challenges encourage me to look at things from different perspectives and to find creative solutions to problems. Facing those challenges helps me progress personally at the same time that I hopefully make progress toward company objectives. I can leave work feeling successful as long as I have made some progress toward solving a problem or reaching a goal, even if I have not reached every personal goal at the end of the day." Example 2: Mid-level position "I define success as fulfilling my role in my team and the company. I trust that my employer has placed me in a position where I am capable of achieving the team's and company's goals, and so I work toward completing my individual duties as effectively as possible. I still want to grow within the company, but I hope to achieve that growth by making a positive impact where I stand." Example 3: Leadership position "I define success as meeting a combination of company and personal goals and helping my team do the same. I believe that effective goals motivate us to push ourselves and grow, and as a result of meeting such goals, we not only help the company by meeting its objectives, but we also become more effective employees that can contribute to even greater growth in the future. As a leader, I also want my team to feel capable of achieving their goals as well as the company's objectives, so I make it a priority to personally help them meet individualized milestones."

attention to detail

"I feel that my strong attention to detail and the ability to pick out inconsistencies will bring tremendous value to my role as your Copy Editor. This position requires a keen eye to be able to edit large amounts of content regularly. Not only will this ability benefit my next job, but it has proved useful in previous jobs as well. During my role as a Blog Manager for Nutrient Dense, I identified a spelling error in a vitamin brand's ingredient on the company website. It turned out that all the writers were misspelling the ingredient because that was simply the way it was spelled on the vitamin bottle. My boss notified the vitamin company and thanked me for taking the extra time to spellcheck blog content, particularly the content that previous editors assumed was correct."

Do you prefer to get feedback about your performance through formal reviews or informal meetings?

"I prefer regular performance evaluations at least once a year, but I also appreciate receiving informal feedback whenever it is appropriate."

What do you know about our company?"

"I really respect your company's commitment to be constantly evolving. I think that growth and innovation are key in any industry but especially in the field of technology, and this organization is constantly pushing past the preconceived limitations. In this past year alone you have taken quite a few risks as you are entering different markets, all of which have paid off. As an engineer, I strive to approach problems in new and creative ways, which is why I think I would be an asset to this team."

Tell me about a difficult task you faced. How did you handle it?"

"I recently worked as a customer service representative in the support department at a cable and internet service company. Our company increased monthly rates by a small amount for all of our customers, and we sent multiple notices to customers in the six months leading up to the rate increase. However, many customers ignored the increase notices, and, as a result, many customers called us to complain about the rate increases. Many of my colleagues and I found it frustrating to receive these calls because it meant we had less time to help customers with other issues. I approached my supervisor and proposed we send another notice to all of our customers and update our telephone menu messaging to educate customers and redirect their calls specifically to representatives handling billing. Also, based on our feedback and customer feedback, the company gave all customers a prorated rebate. As a result, we received fewer customer complaints overall, and the customers who called felt more satisfied with their experience and listened to by the company."

What do you feel are your most valuable skills as an executive assistant?

"I think my strongest skill is my decision-making. In my prior position, I supported a construction project manager, and for one project, a contractor contacted me about an unforeseen problem at the job site. I knew that my responsibilities in my role as an executive assistant included making calls in situations where the project manager was unavailable. So I assessed the problem, discussed the two options the contractor had to solve the problem and reviewed the project manager's notes on similar circumstances. I chose an option that enabled the crew to get back to work that same day rather than wait until the next day when the PM was available. The project continued and was completed on schedule."

Provide me with an example of a time you had to collaborate with a team to solve an issue for an executive.

"I worked with a team of five to compile and condense many pages of important data for an executive. Our goal was to make the data more readable and actionable so the executive could make a sound decision for the company based on the data. We split our work up into five parts and met daily to discuss progress. Each person contributed, and I compiled the final report with the condensed data and successfully turned in the assignment on time."

What are your greatest strengths?

"I'm a natural problem-solver. I find it rewarding to dig deep and uncover solutions to challenges—it's like solving a puzzle. It's something I've always excelled at, and something I enjoy. Much of product development is about finding innovative solutions to challenging issues, which is what drew me to this career path in the first place. I've always been a natural leader. With more than 10 years of experience in finance and sales, I've exceeded my KPIs every quarter and have been promoted twice in the past five years. I look back at those successes and know that I wouldn't have reached them if I hadn't built and led teams composed of highly skilled and diverse individuals. I'm proud of my ability to get cross-functional groups on the same page. I've regularly honed my management skills through 360 reviews and candid sessions with my team, and I know continuing to build my leadership skills is something I want from my next role." "I'm very collaborative and have always preferred to work in groups. In the project teams I've directed, members work with a variety of people and are motivated by diverse creative tasks. Since I began managing my current team, I've increased productivity by 15 percent and retention by 25 percent over three years." I'm an empathetic person who's skilled at relating to people and making them feel heard. In one memorable instance from earlier this year, I was on a support call with a customer whose contract we had terminated. Reinstating the service agreement would have increased her rates dramatically. She was understandably upset and felt trapped because she couldn't be without car insurance for her and her family. It became clear very quickly that we couldn't meet her needs but I wanted her to walk away with a favorable impression of the service we had provided. I talked her through some of her other options, even letting her know of other providers who might be able to offer her a lower rate so she could avoid a lapse in coverage. In the feedback survey from that interaction, she specifically mentioned that she would still be recommending our services to others. In my career in customer support, I've had many interactions like this—they are complex but end with the customer still feeling positive." I'm obsessed with the newest version of [insert name of new software]. I started pushing the boundaries of what it could do as soon as it was released. I'm excited about applying my passion and abilities to this position and pushing the envelope of this program for your company." I have extremely strong writing skills. I've worked as a copywriter for eight years in several industries, and am committed to both creative excellence and performance metrics when it comes to my work. I've had to learn how to find the perfect balance between that creativity and analytics, and it's a personal passion of mine to demonstrate what good writing can achieve for the bottom line—in advertising or otherwise." I'm thorough and tenacious. When I'm on a project, I keep track of the details. Because I have a comprehensive understanding of the components, I can spot the essentials and rigorously advocate for them to meet deadlines. I regularly see this reflected in my peer and management feedback." I never miss a deadline. I'm highly organized, and I've applied my natural skill for organizing people and projects to all aspects of my work. After seven years of working as a project manager, I've had only one late product launch. From that experience, which took place three years ago, I learned a crucial lesson about trade-offs. I spent time addressing a crucial design need and that pushed everything else back. I wouldn't trade the lessons I learned from that experience for anything—being sure to communicate to stakeholders about upcoming roadblocks chief among them." One of my greatest strengths as a content manager is my expertise in using a variety of content management systems, including popular enterprise-level solutions and proprietary tools. In my last role, I noticed the marketing team wasn't using their CMS to its full potential. Because I had experience with this type of software, I was able to teach the team how to use the solution to manage SEO efforts, track analytics and more. This saved the company more than $50,000 per year in additional tools and ensured they were getting the most from their investment." One of my greatest strengths is my perceptiveness. I've always had a natural ability to pick up on changes in people's emotions by noticing body language or facial expressions. This is something that's served me well over the past two years in a leadership position. When I was promoted to manager, the sales department was facing high turnover. I was able to identify when my team members were angry, frustrated or stressed out, and address the problem on the spot. To date, my team has the lowest turnover of any sales team in the company."

What does customer service mean to you?

"In my experience, good customer service involves taking responsibility when something goes wrong and doing what you can to make it right. For example, on a recent flight, I had pre-ordered my meal only to discover they didn't stock enough of my dish. Instead of simply stating the facts, the flight attendant apologized sincerely and offered me a free drink or premium snack. To me, this apology went a long way in smoothing things over. The freebie was a bonus that made me feel valued as a customer and choose the same airline for my next flight."

weakness 6

"In my last position as a marketing intern, I found that my supervisor gave very specific instructions regarding my responsibilities. Because I became familiar with having a strong direction, I tend to be unsure when approaching an ambiguous assignment or goal. It is a goal of mine to become not only comfortable but successful working with ambiguity. To do so, I have created a personal framework for times when I feel overwhelmed or confused by an ambiguous task including conducting structured research and asking subject matter experts for advice. Doing so has helped me thrive when working on ambiguous tasks or when working towards less specific or defined goals."

Stress mgmy

"In my previous role, one of our clients had an urgent need arise and we had to address it right away. I already had quite a few tasks on my to-do list that I needed to complete that day, so having to set my list aside and focus on the client's need caused me to feel some stress about how I would get my other work done. "I took a few minutes to reorganize my task list and decide what could wait until the next day. Then, I met with my team to break down the client's need into smaller tasks and delegated them to each member. Through this process, we were able to meet the client's need while still having time that day to complete several other projects. I find that approaching workplace situations in this manner helps me avoid stress as much as possible."

Thank you for this opportunity to meet with you, Mr. Smith."

"Thank you for the opportunity to meet with you, John."

How do you go about anticipating the needs of an executive?

"The best way I've learned to anticipate the needs of an executive is to learn their habits by observing their likes and dislikes, as well as their moods on any given day. I then will adapt my work and duties accordingly to anticipate and meet their needs. My goal is to stay one step ahead at all times and remain involved in the changing needs of executives and the entire business. I use my own intuition and experience to determine what an executive needs to know, and what is just noise."

What are your strategies for managing your time when dealing with multiple urgent tasks simultaneously?

"When I'm being pulled in multiple directions, I focus on staying calm and collected. I write out to-do lists and focus on prioritizing tasks based on importance and deadlines. This clears my head and helps me finish all of my tasks on time." I'm well-versed in multi-tasking and handling a variety of time sensitive issues at once. I have a few strategies I employ to help me manage my time well. First, I keep a detailed calendar of all my deadlines for the month. From there, I create weekly and daily to do lists that ensure I stay on track to meet my obligations. I've learned from experience that it's best to leave some time every day to handle unexpected tasks or challenges, so I also ensure I have at least one unplanned hour in my day that I can always use to work ahead if needed. This strategy worked really well for me in my last position. I was on track to finish my monthly report and prep my executive's calendar for the coming week when I got a call from a client that ended up taking over an hour. Since I'd built that time into my schedule and stayed on track with my tasks the rest of the month, I was able to finish my assignments on time."

Do you prefer to use multitasking on the job?

"While I can multitask when necessary, I prefer to focus on one task at a time. This allows me to give my undivided attention and get more accomplished on the most urgent projects instead of completing small portions of all of my projects. In my prior position, I often had multiple important projects to complete or work on every day. I started every morning by checking relevant deadlines and then prioritizing each accordingly. Once organized, I would steadily progress through the daily list of responsibilities. My performance under this system led to satisfaction for my supervisor and consistently positive performance reviews."

What interests you about this role?

"While I highly valued my time at my previous company, there are no longer opportunities for growth that align with my career goals. This position fits perfectly with my skill set and how I'm looking to grow in my career. I'm also looking for a position at a company like yours that supports underserved communities, which is a personal passion of mine." "While I highly valued my time at my previous company, there are no longer many opportunities for growth that align with my career goals. This position aligns perfectly with my skill set and how I'm looking to advance my career." While I have enjoyed my time in my current position, I am really looking to apply the skills and experience I have gained in my role over the last five years to a supervisory position where I can help others grow in their success. Unfortunately, my current employer does not have any supervisory positions available and doesn't expect any to become available soon." I want this job because I am looking for an opportunity that lets me exercise my skill with numbers and eye for detail. I feel this position will allow me to succeed because my interpersonal skills help me establish meaningful relationships with vendors, and my experience with accounting software allows me to confidently manage invoices and inventory databases."

Questions - wrap up

1. What is your perspective on how my skills fit for this position?" 2. What is the next step?"

above and beyond 4 Assistant manager

A couple of months ago, I noticed that my manager didn't complete most of the staff schedules for the following weeks. My manager normally completes them on time, but he had been working on several other urgent projects. Rather than add to his burden by complaining, I offered to help him with some of his workloads so he could complete the schedule. We worked overtime hours for a week, and I helped him catch up on everything while learning new skills. I am always ready to go above and beyond to help a colleague or manager with tasks and projects."

What do you bring to the table?

Administrative assistant example: "I'll come into this role fully prepared to take on any task that you or a member of the team asks of me. With a willingness to help wherever is needed, and a desire to learn new skills and procedures, I can help workflow progress as it should and contribute to the group meeting deadlines on projects. While I take direction well, I am also proactive and able to seek out tasks that need my assistance. In my prior role as an administrative assistant at Partners in Health, my collaborative energy directly contributed to a project completing in time."

When can you start?

After getting an offer, I am able to start two weeks later to provide time for my current role to be filled."

Describe a time you had to adjust a schedule due to unforeseen circumstances.

An executive flying in from Boston was scheduled to present at a mission critical meeting, but his flight was delayed and he wouldn't be able to present until two hours after his scheduled time slot. Instead of rescheduling for another day, pushing back the meeting or cancelling his presentation, I decided to switch his time slot with two other executives so that he could present when he arrived at the office, ensuring that nobody else's schedule was impacted."

weakness 3

Because I am independent and enjoy working quickly, it has been difficult for me to ask for help when I need it. I have learned that it is much more beneficial both for me and the business to reach out when I do not understand something or feel burned out with my workload. I also understand that many experts around me have specific knowledge and skills that can make my work better. While I am still working on it, I have been able to produce more high-quality work as a result of getting help from those around me."

weakness 5

Because I truly love my work and have ambitious career goals, it can be difficult for me to keep a healthy balance between work and my personal life. I have seen a negative impact on my motivation and focus when I ignore my personal needs. As a result, I have made it a point to focus on creating space in my schedule to focus on volunteering and spending time with my family. Taking small actions like putting my phone on silent during dinnertime is helpful. When I maintain a good work/life balance, I have found my output is more qualitative, I can get more work done and I feel excited about coming to work in the morning."

Tell me about yourself.

Currently, I serve as the assistant to three of the company's five executive team members, including the CEO. During my time at the organisation, I have been recognised for my time management skills, writing abilities and commitment to excellence. From my 12 years of experience as an executive assistant, I've developed the ability to anticipate roadblocks and create effective alternative plans. My greatest value to any executive is my ability to work independently, freeing up their time to focus on the needs of the business. It's clear that you're looking for someone who understands the nuances of managing a CEO's busy day and can proactively tackle issues. As someone with a sharp eye for detail and a drive to organise, I thrive on making sure every day has a clear plan and every plan is clearly communicated." Ultimately, I've learned a lot in my current role, but I'm looking for the next step where I can continue to grow and use the skills I've honed to contribute to a company I love, and this opportunity seems to be the perfect fit. I was born in New Jersey to a family consisting mostly of teachers. I'm a hard-working individual with a winning mentality and I always look for creative solutions to difficult challenges."

Tell me about a time you went above and beyond (Entry-level marketing assistant

During a recent project, my leader asked me to complete a marketing report based on two of our top competitors. The requirements were simple; I had to fill out the answers to questions about our competitor's products, their prices and sales percentages on a spreadsheet to present in a meeting. I saw an opportunity to go above and beyond by making colorful charts and graphs comparing our current numbers to our competitors, and I assessed what we needed to do to beat our competitors. I presented the information in a clear and precise way, using a slideshow in our meeting. My charts helped everyone in the meeting to stay engaged, and our brainstorming session about our next steps was successful.

Why do you want to work in this role?

Example 1 "I've been working in the travel industry for more than five years. I've expanded my experience in customer service, and I'm ready to apply that expertise to a global company that's committed to its employees. I decided to apply for a position at this company because it's consistently ranked as one of the city's best places to work." Example 2 "I love working with people, and I'm particularly excited that this role will let me use my bilingual skills to speak to customers all over the world. My ultimate objective is to rise to a leadership position in customer service, and I know that having this excellent opportunity to grow my experience and improve my skills will help bring me closer to achieving that goal." Example 3 "Your company has been around for several decades, and you've never wavered from your mission to give people a comfortable, fun and memorable travel experience. The organization has always been forward thinking, and it uses the latest technologies to help improve customer experiences. Your app is ranked as one of the top travel apps, and you've won some of the most prestigious awards in the industry year after year." Example 4 "When I began looking for a new position, I purposefully sought out companies that are committed to integrity and innovation, and your company ranks at the top of the list. The organization's philanthropy is well known as well, and the company gives to some of the same charities that I donate to myself." Example 5 "I've been a loyal user of your product for many years, and I'm consistently impressed by the advanced technology and great user experience your company provides. A few months ago, I had an issue and called customer support. The representative I spoke with was extremely helpful, personable and professional. I remember thinking then that your company must be a good one to work for." Example 6 "When I saw the job description for the Product Manager position, I decided to research your business's values and culture further. All of the information that I found supported my intuition that this is a place where I would love to work. I want to grow my career at a company that is passionate about user experience and innovation." Example 7 "I'm impressed by your company's commitment to the growth and development of its employees. One of my friends works in your marketing department, and she has praised this company for its excellent treatment of employees. I'm looking for an organization that empowers and challenges its employees to be the best professionals possible. In my research, I've found that you invest in continuing education for your employees through education reimbursement, on-site training and mentorship programs. In addition, you have a great reputation for leadership in the industry. I would be honoured to grow my career at this company."

What Are Your Future Goals?"

Example 1 "In five years, I'd love to be a true apparel industry expert with successful end-to-end project management experience under my belt as I look to grow into a more senior market analyst role. It's exciting that your company has a strong focus on hands-on experience and continued learning opportunities." Example 2 "A few of my future goals include leading a finance team in some capacity. I'm excited about the prospect of working with teams like legal and procurement on developing streamlined processes—this is a natural fit with my business administration background. One reason this job stood out to me was that it calls for a candidate with organizational expertise. I've had inspirational managers that I really admired, and would love to manage my own team in a few years." Example 3 "In the short term, one of my goals is to continue developing my writing skills. I want to help brands become world-class publishers. In addition, I've been raising my hand for more public speaking assignments, since I know that written and verbal communication skills often work together. I would love to apply this skill set to establish your company as a thought leader in this industry."

How Do You Handle Stress?

Example 1 "Planning is an important tool in handling stress for me. Drawing up detailed plans for projects and even my daily work helps me to get ahead of stressful situations. When stress does inevitably arise, planning helps me to tackle the situation one step at a time to prioritize what needs to be done in an efficient way for myself and my colleagues. In fact, some of my best work in streamlining processes has come from a stressful situation. I've been able to design simpler, more efficient workflows with less room for error." Example 2 "Stress can be a big motivator for me. A healthy amount of pressure helps me produce efficient, quality work by giving me a picture of what my colleagues need from me and when. I've experienced stressful situations that bring my team together, and have seen some of our best work come from pressure." Example 3 "For me, communication is key in stressful situations, if even over-communicating to ensure everyone is on the same page. For example, I was working on a project with another team and we found there was a lot of duplicate work being done. By scheduling a weekly standup and keeping open lines of honest communication with our teams and managers, we pushed the project forward and ended up moving the needle on a company goal in a big way."

Why do you want this job?

Example 1"I am impressed by Goodwin Manufacturer's commitment to excellence and customer service. I really appreciate a company that puts the consumer first and I would love to work with a team that prioritizes producing quality products instead of just making a profit. I read that last year, Goodwin's Customer Relations department won an award for their exceptional performance. That dedication to service resonated with me and I am excited by the prospect of working for a company that shares my values." Why this is a good answer: This response focuses on what the job seeker likes about the company. It shows the company that the job seeker invested time in researching them and that they're taking the opportunity seriously. Example 2:"I am interested in this job because I think it would allow me to contribute both my technical expertise and my people skills. Working for Ellis Software as the Design Manager would enable me to use both my knowledge of computer programming and my experience in customer service. I pride myself on being able to handle both computers and clients successfully, so this job feels like a great fit for me. I think because I can contribute to both the production and the sale of Ellis Software's products, I would be a valuable asset to the team." Why this is a good answer: It's clear the job seeker has a thorough understanding of the role and they've drawn connections to how their experience can be an asset to the company. Example 3:"I want to teach at Lilypad Elementary because I believe it will help me achieve my professional goal of becoming a more effective teacher. I am very impressed by the school's high standards for performance and I believe working here would really push me to improve and challenge me to continue growing. I know how many award-winning teachers have taught here and that really motivates me to push myself to meet the administration's expectations for excellence. This school has an outstanding reputation and it would truly be a privilege to work as a part of this teaching team.

Where Do You See Yourself in 10 Years?"

Example 1: "After looking into your company, I see that there is a lot of area for growth, which made me excited to apply for this role. It's important for me to work at a company that is expected to expand. Based on your current processes, I can see that this is realistic for the company. In 10 years, I hope to have more responsibilities and be a part of helping the company reach its maximum potential. I want to have learned all I can about this industry and be a thought leader who inspires others." Example 2: "Since the start of my career, I have had my ideal career path in mind, and this company definitely supports it. My ideal career is one where my ideas are heard and in which I am making a real impact. I can see myself further developing my skill set in this role and eventually have more leadership tasks here. I see myself being even more confident in this field, with more knowledge and experiences. I hope to grow with the company and lead others in reaching their own career goals. What are your long-term goals for someone in this role?" Example 3: "In 10 years, I hope to advance in my role as much as possible. I love this industry and think it is the right choice for me long term. I want to continue working in a collaborative environment where every employee can thrive. I see my ideas making a bigger positive impact on the company, and I will use my communication and leadership skills to make this happen." Example 4: "As I learned more about this role and your company, I became excited about potentially having a future here. In 10 years, I see myself leading a team. I want to learn all that I can about this role first and advance my skills to earn that kind of position. I'm happy to start in this role and get to know the team and process well and then start to have more responsibilities. What are your long-term goals for someone in this role?"

How Would Your Boss Describe You?

Example 1: "During my last performance review, my employer gave me a five out of five rating. He said that since I started with the company five years ago, I have shown an impressive amount of growth. In the review, he also mentioned that I was next in line for a managerial role at the company." Example 2: "Honestly, she would say I am smart. She is always praising me for my new ideas and research work. More than once I have seen my ideas take hold in office and she has said as much to me more than once as well. I am always coming up with new ideas and solutions for the team." Example 3: "Kind, honest and communicative. I can think back to one time when I noticed a fellow employee was being deceitful about their working hours. I discretely mentioned it to my employer, and he was so thankful that I brought this to his attention. He said he could always count on me to do the right thing." Example 4: "She would say that I am focused. In fact, she often has to tell me it's time to go home at the end of the day. I have a habit of getting fully absorbed into my work. I am actively working toward reaching my full potential and she has even said to me before that she has never seen an employee so dedicated to their craft before." Example 5: "As someone who seeks to help others, I would hope my employer would say I am kind and supportive. We had a good working relationship where one always looked out for the other. More than once she has thanked me for stepping up." Example 6: "He would describe me as a go-getter. That's because I am constantly reaching out to clients and finding ways to nurture new leads. I have the drive and focus needed for a sales position." Example 7: "Since I am always quick to make a joke or try to get someone to smile, my employer would say I am funny. Perhaps this doesn't sound like a typical resume point, but members of my team might beg to differ. We all worked together well, and I helped to keep morale high. I think it's important to incorporate a little humor into our everyday lives to keep spirits high in the office." Example 8: "As a matter of fact, I have heard this one from him directly and so has the entire company. During our last quarterly meeting, my employer gave me a company-wide shoutout for a new initiative I implemented. Due to this, I think he would say I am ambitious and helpful." Example 9: "How you get along with your team members is an important contribution to how the team functions overall. My employer has recognized that quality in me. He is always inviting me to business trips because, as he told me himself before, I am outgoing and able to make a good impression on others. So, I would say he thinks I am sociable and a good conversationalist which is helpful in client relations." Example 10: "Since my employer and I have developed a pretty close relationship, she would probably describe me as a team player. She is always praising me for the contributions I make to my team and how much effort I put into my work. I am sure that she will miss me if I have the opportunity to move forward in my career elsewhere." Example 11: "He would describe me as personable and kind since I am always asking people how they are doing. But more than that, he would also say that I am a quick learner. I find that I catch onto new projects and systems quite easily, And I am happy to pass that knowledge onto others so that we can all work well together for our shared end goals." Example 12: "My employer would describe me as organized. For instance, I helped our entire department implement a new filing system that keeps all of our documents in order. I was working with over 10,000 different documents.""She once told me that I am detail-oriented because I am always noticing mistakes and correcting them." Example 13: "My employer would describe me as technically savvy and helpful. As the only IT professional at my company, people are always asking me to solve their computer issues. I am always happy to help. So she would probably also have nice things to say about my good spirits and responsiveness." Example 14: "My employer thinks that I am a valuable asset to the team. She is always praising me for my insightful ideas at team meetings. During my last performance review, he said I am a natural leader. I think he feels this way because I am always organized, attentive to directions and willing to guide others.""* Example 15: "I think my employer would describe me as smart, dependable and attentive. She often relies on me for many high-level tasks, saying that I am one of the only people in the department she trusts with the kind of work. I can tell that she is pleased with my work ethic and ability to prioritize my work." Example 16: "Careful and conscientious. Due to the nature of my work, I need to make sure I am closely following the company's protocols. I could also be called introspective in that I am always thinking through ideas thoroughly before presenting them to my team." Example 17: "Mindful of other's feelings. I am a very empathetic person who is always trying to treat others with respect and kindness. She would also say that I am a good listener. I use my active listening skills to help myself remember important information and to show people I value what they have to say." Example 18: *"Friendly. I am always eager to greet customers and ask them how they are doing. I strive to make people feel good when they enter our store.b My employer once said I am the happiest person he's ever met. I do find that my positive attitude helps me stay upbeat at work. I also find that moods are contagious. So if I am happy and upbeat, so are my coworkers, so is my boss and so are the customers."** Example 19: "She would describe me as someone good with conflict management. I have the skills and confidence to help people see new perspectives. I have been told that I am enjoyable to be around. I am here to make people feel welcomed and comfortable. I'm also always respectful and polite. I grew up in a household where we were always considerate of others. This makes me a good fit for a customer service role." Example 20: *"Determined. I will do anything to get the job done right, even if that means working longer hours or starting over again."**"I think he would say I am driven by success. That's because I am constantly reaching out to new clients and trying to secure new deals for the company." Example: "My previous company had annual peer reviews that were very helpful in understanding how my coworkers viewed me. In their feedback, they consistently shared that I was reliable, a natural leader and someone who works well under pressure."

What did you like most about your last position?

Example 1: Administrative assistant "I thoroughly enjoyed working with my coworkers. It was a very light-hearted atmosphere that encouraged me to go to work every day. I handled client invoices within our booking software, although it wasn't always reliable. After some time, I was able to plan in advance for particular issues, making notes in another application so that I could later copy and paste them in. This allowed me to keep moving forward with my work and proved to management that nothing could stop me from completing objectives on time." Example 2: Digital marketer "It was a great entry-level position at a start-up agency. Not only was I learning more about marketing, but management was also very transparent, teaching us a great deal about owning a business. It was a very collaborative atmosphere, and the team and I worked together on almost every project. Everyone's weak point was countered by another's strong point. I learned more working there than I ever did in college, and I'm excited to apply these skills to a new position." Example 3: Project manager "Through my experience at my previous company, I was exposed to many different managing styles as team leads overcame barriers through collaborative and effective efforts. I oversaw a broad range of projects, but was unable to focus on any particular one. I'm excited to take what I learned from my previous position and focus on individual projects at your company." Example 4: Video game programmer "Working at my current job was an absolute dream. I was able to intern with the creative team right after college and thought I'd be with there for the foreseeable future. We had special perks like a video game room to enjoy on our breaks and a slide that extended from the second floor down to the main lobby. As great as it was, the atmosphere was a bit too casual for me. I'm ready to try something new where I can really prove myself and grow as a programmer." Example 5: Human resource manager "I was at my previous company for eight years. It was a great experience overall, and I designed many training initiatives they still use. I prided myself on being an advocate for employees, doing my best to understand their individual situations and solve problems that best fit their needs. I hope to bring this same amount of care to your workplace, creating a sense of family and teamwork among employees." "It was a great entry-level position at a start-up agency. Not only was I learning more about marketing, but management was also very transparent, teaching us a great deal about owning a business. It was a very collaborative atmosphere, and the team and I worked together on almost every project. Everyone's weak point was countered by another's strong point. I learned more working there than I ever did in college, and I'm excited to apply these skills to a new position."

Why Are You Interested in This Position?

Example 1: Marketing manager "I've enjoyed the past 15 years with my current employer, but I'm ready to take on a role that requires more leadership. While I manage five teams consisting of 10 employees each, I noticed that this job would require me to manage five teams of 20 employees—a challenge I'm excited to take on. Would you tell me more about the various types of teams you need someone to put together?" Example 2: Business Analyst "While I highly valued my time at my previous company, there are no longer opportunities for growth that align with my career goals. This position fits perfectly with my skill set and how I'm looking to grow in my career. I'm also looking for a position at a company like yours that supports underserved communities, which is a personal passion of mine. Can you tell me more about how the company creates growth opportunities for people who work here?" Example 3: Architect "While I do enjoy working on small-scale residential projects in my current role, this position allows me to use my technical expertise for more large projects with higher impact. I'm eager to combine my artistic talents with my technical skills to create designs for an industry leader like Cloud Clearwater. Can you tell me more about what you're looking for in an ideal candidate for this position?"

Why should we hire you?

Example 1: Office administrator" You should hire me for my passion and proven abilities in organization for office efficiency. I pride myself on my time-management, coordination and interpersonal skills. In my previous role as an administrative assistant, I came up with a plan to reorganize the office supply closet by category. We placed fewer orders and saved 30% on office supplies year over year. I'm excited to bring my skills to this role." AA: Example: "You should hire me for my passion and proven abilities in organization for office efficiency. In my previous role as an administrative assistant, I came up with a plan to reorganize the office supply closet by category. Because items were easier to find, we placed fewer orders and saved 30% on office supplies year-over-year. I'm excited to bring my skills to this role." I have a passion for application development that's grown stronger over the course of my five-year career. The company's mission aligns with my personal values and, from my limited time in the office, I can already tell this is the sort of positive culture that I would thrive in. I want to work for a company that has the potential to reshape the industry, and I believe you're doing just that." "My experience accurately managing inventory intake and skills in creating effective, streamlined schedules make me uniquely qualified to succeed in this kitchen manager position. I understand that you require a highly organized candidate with acute attention to detail. In my previous job, I successfully handled schedules for 20 employees and reduced food waste by 15%. I'm confident in my ability to use my organizational skills to bring efficiency and order to your restaurant. I am very good with numbers and have an almost obsessive attention to detail, so I think I am very well-suited for the role of junior accountant at your company."

Tell me about a few of the first things you would do in this role.

Example answer: "Because I understand your group's biggest pain point to be inefficiencies and lack of organization, my first priority would be to streamline office processes. Part of this would be implementing an online appointment booking system that would reduce errors and optimize the efforts of the sales team. I would also comb through the current office budget to ensure that the company is getting the best deals on supplies and working with reliable vendors."

What type of work environment do you prefer?

Example answer: "I enjoy and perform best working in a highly collaborative and energetic environment. I find my work quality is better and more efficient when I'm in a team setting with open communication. When I'm in a fast-paced environment, I feel motivated and excited about coming to work every day."

What are your career goals?

Example answer: "In the short-term, I hope to use my marketing skills to increase this company's profits on a large scale in a role like this one. Over the coming years, I hope to develop my expertise in the field and eventually take on a leadership role here where I am able to manage large marketing projects and work directly with clients to meet their needs."

How Would You Describe Yourself

Example: "I am passionate about my work. Because I love what I do, I have a steady source of motivation that drives me to do my best. In my last job, this passion led me to challenge myself daily and learn new skills that helped me to do better work. For example, I taught myself how to use Photoshop to improve the quality of our photos and graphics. I soon became the go-to person for any design needs." Example: "I am ambitious and driven. I thrive on challenge and constantly set goals for myself, so I have something to strive toward. I'm not comfortable with settling, and I'm always looking for an opportunity to do better and achieve greatness. In my previous role, I was promoted three times in less than two years." Example: "I am highly organized. I always take notes, and I use a series of tools to help myself stay on top of deadlines. I like to keep a clean workspace and create a logical filing method so I'm always able to find what I need. I find this increases efficiency and helps the rest of the team stay on track, too. In my last role, I created a new filing process that increased departmental efficiency 25%." Example: "I'm a people-person. I love meeting new people and learning about their lives and their backgrounds. I can almost always find common ground with strangers, and I like making people feel comfortable in my presence. I find this skill is especially helpful when kicking off projects with new clients. In my previous job, my clients' customer satisfaction scores were 15% over the company average." Example: "I'm a natural leader. I've eventually been promoted to a leadership role in almost every job because I like to help people. I find co-workers usually come to me with questions or concerns even when I'm not in a leadership role because if I don't know the answer, I'll at least point them in the right direction. In my last two roles, I was promoted to leadership positions after less than a year with the company." Example: "I am results-oriented, constantly checking in with the goal to determine how close or how far away we are and what it will take to make it happen. I find this pressure inspiring and a great motivator for the rest of the team. In fact, over the past year, I was able to help my team shorten our average product time to market by two weeks." Example: "I am an excellent communicator. I pride myself on making sure people have the right information because it drives better results. Most business issues stem from poor communication, so I feel a responsibility to keep everyone on the same page. These skills helped increase my personal client retention rate by more than 40% in a year, and helped the team deliver 100% of our projects by the original deadline." Example answer: "I am results-oriented, constantly checking in with the goal to determine how close or how far away we are and what it will take to make it happen. I find this pressure inspiring and a great motivator for the rest of the team. In fact, over the past year, I was able to help my team shorten our average product time to market by two weeks."

What Is the Biggest Challenge You've Faced In Work

Example: "In my most recent role, a former coworker left her job unexpectedly. During this time, she was the team leader on an important new project. When she left, my manager asked me to take it over. While I had never performed her job duties in the past, I had previous leadership experience. Using my leadership and problem-solving skills, I pushed the project forward, encouraged the rest of the team and completed her responsibilities as well as mine. We were able to complete this project successfully and on deadline." Example 2: "In one of my recent roles, we had a disgruntled customer who was unhappy with her purchase. I offered to speak with her and took the time to listen to her concerns. Once she was calm, I offered her various options to help resolve the issue. When she decided on the solution that best suited her, she thanked me for my time and ended up making another purchase with us in the future. While I helped rectify this situation, I also ensured we kept her as a customer." Example 3: "As a college freshman, one of my biggest challenges was keeping up with the volume of work compared to what I was used to in college. When I noticed myself feeling overwhelmed, I worked on my organization and time management skills. I also reached out for help from my professors, joined study groups and worked on creating a structured schedule which helped me focus on the tasks at hand. Everything I learned from this is what I hope to carry into this role with your company."

3 words

First, I would say I am personable. I enjoy meeting new people and forming connections with them. Then, I would say I am organized. I am constantly updating my calendar and reassessing my priorities. Finally, I would say I am proactive. I am one to anticipate the needs of others and prevent problems from occurring."

above and beyond 3 Entry-level customer service representative

Going above and beyond in my position is something I enjoy. It makes the clients feel special, and it helps our business. I regularly call clients to check in with them and see how they are doing, even if there are no issues with the service they received. This is not required by my company or supervisor, but I think going above and beyond our customer's expectations by keeping in touch with them helps to build lasting relationships that keep the clients loyal to our business."

Tell me about a time you had to respond to a client or coworker while maintaining confidential information. How did you handle the situation?

Handling private information as an executive assistant requires great care, and I always take extra precautions to ensure I'm protecting my employer's confidentiality. In my former position, I needed to bring in a staff member without proper clearance in an emergency situation. Prior to contacting them, I met briefly with my boss to discuss what, if anything, was allowed to be shared with the employee in order to ensure that there was no misunderstanding or over sharing. Although the limits set for the interaction were highly restrictive due to the sensitive nature of the information, I used the guidelines my employer provided to convey both the urgency of the situation and what needed to be completed to the employee without crossing any lines of confidentiality."

Are you willing to work overtime or on weekends?

Having worked in similar roles, I expect this job to be full time and that it may require me to put in additional hours. That is not an issue for me, as I have no other commitments and I enjoy what I do. I am fine with long hours and occasional weekends when the situation requires." My weekday schedule is very flexible. I'm willing to work additional hours, either early in the morning or in the evening, after the regular office hours. I am ready to work from Monday to Friday, and I am very flexible on start and end times on weekdays. I appreciate family time during the weekends. I am more than willing to work beyond standard hours during the week." I am free and ready to start whenever you need me. Regarding the hours, I am flexible and willing to work whenever the team needs me the most." I understand this is a manager position and realize I can expect to work long hours. I usually take some work home, so I don't mind working overtime. It is something I am used to in my current position. I love my job, and I can't wait to join the team." I first found it challenging, but then I set a system, and I got used to it. I learned to enjoy the peaceful atmosphere. I like that there are fewer distractions during night shifts and that I can accomplish more." Within the next month, there will be only two dates I would not be able to work: the fourth and the thirteenth. I have other commitments on those dates. Other than that, I am entirely available and ready to start immediately."


I am flexible on work hours and available every day of the week. I need to give my current employer two weeks' notice. I will do it as soon as I receive your job offer." One of my favorite things about being a travel agent is making my own schedule. My schedule is very flexible, and I'm available nights, weekends and holidays. My clients always know I'm only one text or email away."


I am not looking to work here because of money alone, I believe there is an opportunity for me with your company. All other things considered, I will consider your most competitive offer." I am more interested in the opportunity and I will consider your strongest offer Example 1:"While I am certainly flexible, I am looking to receive between $83,000 and $87,000 annually. Due to my skill set and experience level, I feel that this is a comfortable and appropriate range for my work." Example 2:"My baseline salary requirement is $94,500. I feel that the value and expertise I can bring to this role supports my compensation expectations. Is this in line with your thoughts?" Example 3:"Let me start by reiterating how grateful I am for the benefits this job offers such as generous paid time off and health benefits. That being said, I am expecting my salary for this position to fall between $45,000 and $50,000 annually. My rich background in client services specific to this industry can play a role in strengthening the organization." Example 4:"Thank you for asking. I feel that an annual salary between $67,000 and $72,000 is in line with the industry average and reflects my skills and experience level well. I am, however, flexible and open to hearing about the company's compensation expectations for this position." Responding with a request for a pay increase "My current salary is $60,000, which is the maximum compensation that my employer allows for this position. I have recently completed an MBA which gives me the skill and expertise necessary to take on the more advanced position that I am now applying for. As this job has a greater number of responsibilities, I'm seeking a 10% increase in my salary and asking for $70,000." Responding with a desired salary based on relocation "Based on my research, the average salary for an RN in the Chicago area is $65,000 to $85,000. I have 10 years of experience as an RN and recently obtained Certified Additions Registered Nurse-Advanced Practice certification. I believe this qualifies me for a higher salary within this range, and request compensation of $80,000 to $85,000." Responding when you're unsure of your desired salary "I don't have a specific number in mind yet. I'm focused on finding a position that's a good fit for my skills and career goals. Once I've done that, I'm willing to consider the salary offer that you feel is fair." Responding in a cover letter to desired salary in an online application "On the application, I selected a salary range of $40,000 to $50,000. I believe this is appropriate for my skills and experience level. I am open to negotiation regarding the salary and benefits for this position and look forward to discussing this with you further." Example 1 "I'm looking for a competitive offer that includes benefits and other kinds of compensation, but I'd like to know more about the specifics of what this job requires first." (This answer is good for most situations.) Example 2 "Over the course of my career, I've worked in several different areas, across different levels. I'd like to learn more about what this role entails as well as the benefits and other forms of compensation you offer." (This may be a better answer if you're transitioning to a new career track.) Example 1 "I understand from my research and experience that low 50s to mid-60s is the competitive range for this role in this industry and city." Example 2 "In this environment and in this location, my research indicates that mid-50s to low-70s is a reasonable range." For the more experienced candidate: "Based on my experience in this field and my research on the current market, I understand that mid 70 to low 90s is a competitive range." Example 1 "I feel like it is too early in the hiring process for me to answer this question. I would like to learn more about the position and all the responsibilities it entails. Perhaps we can discuss a salary range when we get further into the hiring process." Example 2 "I would prefer to keep this information private, as I feel like it is what is respectful for my current employer. I want to continue to have a positive relationship with them, even as I move onto another role. If we move forward in the hiring process, I am open to discussing potential salary ranges and benefits for this role." Example 3 "My current salary is $40,000. While I understand that this can be useful information for your company to have, I do want to emphasize my need for higher compensation. I feel like the responsibilities of this role are greater than my current job. While I am ready for this kind of role, I also hope to be compensated accordingly. Of course, we can discuss these details at a later time." Example 4 "I would rather not discuss my current salary, as I feel like it is not relevant for your role or market. If you wish to eventually discuss salary ranges for your role, I am definitely open to negotiation. I would also like to learn more about any benefits that come along with this position." Example 5 "Prior to applying for this role, I did extensive research of what an appropriate salary would be for someone with my experience and credentials. While I do not wish to disclose my salary, I can ensure it is within the range of what is appropriate for this role."

What skills would you bring to the job?

I can make anyone feel comfortable in a new environment, which makes me a good fit as a human resources assistant. In my previous position, a new employee came to me and told me that she didn't think she was right for the company culture. After talking to her for a few minutes, we realized that she felt too much pressure to participate in company events. I started introducing events that involved fewer competitions and more casual environments, and she quickly grew more comfortable with her team." Example: "I love being able to help customers with their problems, and I always look forward to the opportunity to assist a customer who may be upset. In my previous position, I continued helping a customer troubleshoot an issue with their laptop for more than an hour. When we found the solution to their problem, they thanked me and gave our company a five-star review." Example: "I would do well in this job because I enjoy working with people and want to help them understand their insurance better. I've always been a strong communicator, and I excel in resolving problems and teaching others." Example: "At my previous job, our team found a web design issue that prevented us from moving forward in our project. I used my attention to detail to figure out what was causing the usability problem, which allowed us to move on and finish the development before our deadline."

Why do you want to be an executive assistant?

I chose to become an executive assistant because I thought my skill set would be a great fit for the position. I enjoy organizing, setting up events or meetings and aiding those who need my help. I also knew that I could learn many different things by becoming an executive assistant because each day is different as new challenges present themselves. I hope to continue applying my skills to this important position supporting one of your executives."

Which of your skills best allows you to clearly and effectively communicate the company's needs to outside contractors?

I consider myself to be highly personable and have found that this is an extremely useful skill when interacting with contractors and other outside professionals. In my last position, I scheduled all maintenance at the facility with outside contractors. I maintained a friendly but professional tone in all calls, and as a result, built long-lasting relationships with effective professionals to secure competitive rates on all projects. I am also very decisive when the situation calls for it. In my prior position, a contractor we had a long relationship with began to provide subpar work. I discussed our concerns and laid out expectations for work, and when results continued to fall below expectations, I terminated the contract. I established a new professional relationship with a different company that could meet my organization's high standards."

What is your dream job?

I enjoy guiding other team members on projects and making sure everything goes smoothly..." My dream job would be a leadership position where the other team members are active participants and communication happens daily... I love seeing a project through to the end and celebrating everyone's hard work..." For instance, if you're applying for a leadership position, you might discuss how your dream job would include supervisory responsibilities."

Do You Prefer Working Alone or in a Group?

I feel that both teamwork and independent work situations come with their advantages and disadvantages. One advantage to teamwork is the collaboration with diverse professionals, however, working in groups every day can take away from focus and productivity in some cases. Similarly, even though independent work can provide the space for quiet concentration and productivity, it can also take away from some of the creative ideas and strategies that can come from group collaboration. I truly love being a part of a team where I can brainstorm with my colleagues to find the best methods for completing projects. I find that my teammates help keep me motivated to achieve goals and energize and excite me about new ideas." I feel that both teamwork and independent work situations come with their advantages and disadvantages. For instance, in my last workplace, some of the software development projects I worked on required extreme concentration and focus, but since we were completing different stages of the project in small groups, finding the time and space to focus independently was somewhat of a challenge. However, working as a team allowed us to complete many aspects of the project through group collaboration and integrating solutions from everyone's unique perspectives and talents." I know this position requires a lot of independent work, and with my past experience completing a majority of projects on my own, I feel that this role is suited to my work style and personality." In my past role, I spent equal amounts of time between collaborating with my team and completing tasks independently. Typically, we would meet at the start of a new project to brainstorm and delegate specific tasks of the project according to our unique skills and talents. This allowed my team and I the room to work together as well as giving us two days throughout the week where we could focus on our own and come back together later to check in with our team leaders." Example of working independently "I prefer working independently because it has the advantage of giving me room to focus and stay productive throughout the day. I understand this position will require me to initiate projects independently much of the time, and with my experience, attention to detail and motivation to succeed, I am confident that this role will suit my personality." Example of working on a team "In my past role, I was part of the marketing team and spent much of my time with my colleagues developing strategies, implementing new approaches to lead generation and improving budget plans to reduce marketing costs. I love working with diverse professionals that motivate me and engage me, as this allows me to use my creativity and learn from others on the job. I know the position with your company will require me to be a part of a larger team, and I'm truly excited to contribute new ideas as part of the team." Example of demonstrating flexibility "Both independent work and teamwork have their benefits and drawbacks. I love the flexibility of this position because it will allow me to collaborate with others and initiate my projects independently. In my past role, I worked as part of the finance team, and I enjoyed collaborating and learning from my colleagues and team leader. However, I was also required to complete many data entry tasks and record financial documents independently, which I also enjoyed because it gave me the space I needed to focus on completing important tasks." Example: "I have always thrived in positions where I can collaborate with others. I strongly believe that great work is achieved when more opinions and ideas are shared. However, I am fully capable of doing heads-down work when it's needed."

tell me 3

I have 10 years of experience in personal finance management, and I have assisted 45 repeat clients in increasing their capital by an average of 15% every year." As a financial analyst, I've used visual growth charts to show my clients how each saving plan option can impact their goals. When I became a senior financial analyst, I supervised other analysts and trained them in providing the most helpful experience to our customers." As your senior financial consultant, I aim to integrate my individualized approach to helping clients build the retirement fund they will depend on.

Have you supervised other office staff members before?

I have supervised a small group of four team members, including interns and receptionists while completing my own work." I am expecting an open-space office situation, with everyone working separately, but also collaborating on various projects. That being said, I am very flexible and adapt quickly to any work situation."

How do you prioritize tasks on your typical workday as an executive assistant?

I prioritize tasks using an electronic to-do list and calendar. I evaluate my deadlines and complete the most pressing or challenging tasks first. I am also able to adapt quickly when new tasks or projects present themselves." Each day when I arrive to work, I create a to-do list for myself that includes the items I need to complete within that day. I order my list by level of importance and deadline so I can focus on the most critical and urgent tasks first while keeping all other tasks on the list to make sure they get done as well. I was promoted to team lead in my last position, so my work responsibilities shifted to include less background support and more client interaction. I adjusted to the change by starting each day by responding to emails. I made a daily list of clients I needed to contact and questions to answer." As soon as I get to work, I record the assignments I need to complete and list them in order of highest to lowest priority based on the due dates. This helps me manage my workflow and keeps me on track with what I need to get done for that day." My daily task list helps me manage a steady workflow, but I understand that priorities can shift unexpectedly. Knowing this, I try to limit the number of daily tasks and save time in the event that I need to make adjustments for any changes to my daily workload." "I prioritize my work according to company objectives and what is expected of me as an office administrator. I organize my workload to reflect my most urgent priorities, such as corresponding with clients and communicating team updates. I follow my urgent tasks with my important organizational tasks, like creating the topic outlines for our monthly team conferences. When I prioritize my work this way, I still have room for any changes in priorities while maintaining a healthy balance between my work and personal life." Every morning when I arrive at work, I look over my company task sheet to review any new development projects I have. Since some of my software projects can take longer than others, I communicate with clients about their expectations for completion. I use the client's input to help me organize my most urgent tasks and to set deadlines for myself for completing projects. Then, I create a document to share with my team lead so they know which tasks I'm working through and which tasks I'm moving toward the end of the week." I prioritize my workload by first communicating with senior analysts in the event there are any urgent developments. Then, I create a to-do list based on our company shareholders' business objectives. Since analyzing risk and costs are typically among my most urgent tasks, I usually complete my risk and cost analyses documentation assignments first. Once completed, I collaborate again with senior analysts to ensure my work meets my supervisors' and stakeholders' expectations."

Are you a team player?

I really enjoy being a part of a team and I thrive when I'm able to effectively collaborate with others. In my last position, I actually developed and implemented procedures that streamlined communication among team members. As a result, the entire team was able to become more efficient and boost productivity." I have served as both a team leader and a team contributor, so I'm extremely comfortable working in a team environment. Regardless of the role I'm put in, I utilize my reliability, communication skills, positive attitude and outgoing personality so that I can become a key contributor." Yes, I find teamwork to be a vital part of my role. There are certainly plenty of technical skills related to the engineering profession, but I think the most successful engineers are those that can effectively collaborate with others. In fact, I received praise from my supervisor at my previous position because I was able to communicate with my team to cultivate a creative solution and then explain it to peers in marketing and sales that lack technical knowledge."


I really enjoy playing the piano. I have been doing so since I was 10 years old, and I have become quite good at it. Actually, last week I played for a retirement party, which was quite fun. Another one of my hobbies is playing basketball on the weekends. It's a great way for me to spend time with my friends while also getting some fun exercise." In my free time, I like to go hiking, fishing and camping. I try to find any way I can to enjoy the outdoors. Last weekend, I climbed a mountain that I had never visited before, Mount Helena, and although it took me longer than expected due to the weather, it was so satisfying to get to the top and achieve my goal. I try to apply the same dedication to my work because I know that the ultimate satisfaction of a job well done is worth the effort it takes to get there." I love traveling, and I try to take a trip every season. On my last trip to Boston, my flight was delayed, and I had a show to get to. As soon as I found out about the delay, I called my hotel to confirm a later check-in. I knew I would have enough time to make my show, but I scheduled my rideshare from the hotel to the theater to save time. Once I got to my hotel, I had about 10 minutes to settle into my room and then get into my rideshare to the theater. Traveling allows me to adapt to new situations and use my organization and planning skills to ensure I have the most fun I can. I try to anticipate possible delays and other interruptions in my travel and always have a list of important contacts, such as my hotel front desk or travel coordinator. These strategies prepare me for many possible situations, which is how I approach my event and travel planning as an administrative assistant."

What are your greatest weaknesses?

I sometimes have trouble saying 'no' and end up overwhelmed by my workload. Earlier in my career, I would take on so many projects that I'd work evenings and weekends. It was stressful. I realised this was counterproductive, so I started using workload management tools and setting better expectations for myself and my teammates. In my last role, I would sometimes struggle with taking on too many responsibilities and then find myself overburdened. While I don't like to say no to a task or project, I was able to learn that it is ok to ask for help and to delegate tasks so our entire team could accomplish our goals together and on-time." My greatest weakness is that I sometimes focus too much on the details of a project and spend too much time analyzing the finer points. I've been striving to improve in this area by checking in with myself at regular intervals and giving myself a chance to refocusing on the bigger picture. That way I can still ensure quality without getting so caught up in the details that it affects my productivity or the team's ability to meet the deadline." My greatest weakness is that I sometimes have a hard time letting go of a project. I'm the biggest critic of my own work. I can always find something that needs to be improved or changed. To help myself improve in this area, I give myself deadlines for revisions. This helps ensure that I'm not making changes at the last minute. My greatest weakness is that I sometimes have trouble saying 'no' to requests and end up taking on more than I can handle. In the past, this has led me to feel stressed or burnt out. To help myself improve in this area, I use a project management app so I can visualize how much work I have at any given moment and know whether or not I have the bandwidth to take on more." My greatest weakness is that I get impatient when projects run past the deadline. I'm a stickler for due dates and get uncomfortable when work is not completed on time. To avoid this, I've started being more proactive and paying attention to how I'm reacting to make sure I'm being motivational and helping foster efficiency." I can be too critical of myself. A pattern I've noticed throughout my career is that I often feel I could have done more, even if objectively, I've done well. Earlier in my career, this led to burnout and negative self-talk. One solution I've implemented over the last three years is to actively pause and celebrate my achievements. Not only has this helped my own self-esteem, but it has also helped me genuinely appreciate and recognize my team and other support systems." I'm naturally shy. From high school and into my early professional interactions, it prevented me from speaking up. After being a part of a workgroup that didn't meet our strategic goals two quarters in a row, I knew I owed it to my team and myself to confidently share my ideas. I joined an improv acting class—it's fun and has really helped me overcome my shyness. I learned practical skills around leading discussions and sharing diverse perspectives. Now, in group settings, I always start conversations with the quieter folks. I know exactly how they feel, and people can be amazing once they start talking." I default to believing that I can solve any problem on my own. This works well in some situations, but in many cases, I need the help of others to overcome factors beyond my control. In one instance last year, I was spearheading a client event that had a lot of moving parts. It wasn't until after the event that I realized how narrowly I had pulled it off. I was trying to manage everything from the strategic plan down to the tiniest details, like table settings. I did a lot of self-reflection afterward. Since then, I've been training myself to take a step back before diving into problem-solving mode and identify people or groups that can be resources to me." I'm not familiar with the latest version of [insert name of non-critical software]. Instead, I've focused on [insert name of preferred software] because user-centric design has become a strong passion of mine. In my last few jobs, that's where I've spent time learning and growing." I've always been a procrastinator. I used to think it wasn't such a bad habit because I was only creating stress for myself. But when I was working for XYZ Company several years ago, I was on a group project where I could see how my putting things off to the last minute created stress for everyone else. It was a wake-up call. I started creating daily schedules that hold me accountable to my team, and I broke the habit. It was hard at first, but using the Agile process was a real breakthrough in my workflow and mindset." I tend to be a perfectionist and can linger on the details of a project which can threaten deadlines. Early on in my career, when I worked for ABC Inc., that very thing happened. I was laboring over the details and in turn, caused my manager to be stressed when I almost missed the deadline on my deliverables. I learned the hard way back then, but I did learn. Today I'm always aware of how what I'm doing affects my team and management. I've learned how to find the balance between perfect and very good and being timely." Math wasn't my strongest subject in school. To be honest, as a student, I didn't understand how it would be applicable in my adult life. Within a few years of being in the working world, though, I realized that I wanted to take my career in a more analytical direction. At first, I wasn't sure where to begin, but I found some free online courses that refreshed the important basics for me. In my most recent job, this new foundation has enabled me to do my own goal setting and tracking. Actually, getting over the math anxiety I had when I was younger has been incredibly empowering." I learned how to use the basic functions of Microsoft Excel at a young age, but as I grow in my career, I've discovered the importance of expanding that knowledge. I would love to be able to create more complex spreadsheets and formulas, so I started taking online courses and have already been able to navigate Excel more efficiently. At my previous job, I even volunteered to create a detailed spreadsheet for a budget report, which was highly praised by management." I'm very goal-oriented and work hard to accomplish tasks, so if I'm assigned a new task that I can complete quickly, I jump from my current project to the new project. But I've discovered that switching gears too many times throughout the day prevents me from doing my best work on projects where longer focus is required. Now, I'm working on prioritizing new assignments and emails, along with setting time aside each day to work on specific, long-term projects. I've already become more efficient and have been able to manage my time more effectively." One weakness I've been working on is my ability to provide constructive criticism. I understand how providing feedback on work or projects that could have been handled better is extremely valuable. To improve on this, I'm writing down my feedback before I approach my colleagues. This helps me to plan out my answer, give the best criticism possible and be less nervous."

pressure 2

I tend to embrace working under pressure because it forces me to become the best version of myself and act in a quick and decisive manner. At my last job, I was told that a major client was arriving from overseas in just five hours, and I had to create a presentation for her arrival. I quickly overcame that initial sense of panic, took a deep breath and collected my thoughts, trying to figure out the best way of working on such short notice. Those five hours were both intense and stressful, but I managed to create a powerful presentation. I know stress tends to build up, but I eliminate it through yoga and meditation. Reading also relaxes me after a long day at work, refreshing my mind and making me ready to take up new challenges the next day."

How do you handle stress and pressure?

I think pressure helps me stay focused and prioritize things." Example: My first position out of college had strict deadlines and a large workload. Although it was stressful at times, it allowed me to learn how to handle stress in the workplace. Organization and attention-to-detail help me to navigate these stressful situations. I create daily, weekly and monthly to-do lists to ensure I stay prioritized and on track."* I am well-equipped to work in a fast-paced and stressful environment. I have worked well within strict deadlines, and I am willing to put in the work to complete the necessary tasks correctly and on time. I make sure I balance my work with my personal life to avoid burnout, therefore I am continuously refreshed and ready to perform." I'm able to stay calm when I focus on the bigger picture and break down my projects into smaller tasks. I always start by asking myself, "What is the ultimate goal I'm trying to achieve?" From there, I make a list of immediate and long-term action items with achievable but ambitious deadlines. Even if the big project is due tomorrow, I ask myself, 'What's something I can tackle in the next 30 minutes?' Before I know it, I've made significant progress and that impossible project doesn't seem so impossible." Throughout my career, I've discovered how to embrace working under pressure. I find that routine can make us complacent, so I try to look for challenges that push me to grow. One time, I was supposed to deliver a project to a client in five days. A colleague who was working with another client had the same deadline, but he had to take a leave of absence due to personal reasons. I was forced to take up both projects at the same time. While I felt an initial sense of panic, I tried to reframe it as an opportunity to see what I might be capable of. Instead of letting the stress get to me, I came up with a very detailed time management plan and found new ways to boost my efficiency that enabled me to deliver both projects on time." Communication is key for me in stressful situations, even if over-communicating is necessary to ensure everyone is on the same page. For example, I was working on a project with another team and we found there was duplicate work being done. By scheduling a weekly standup and keeping open lines of honest communication with our teams and managers, we pushed the project forward and ended up contributing to a significant company goal in a big way." I am not naturally efficient under pressure, but it is something that I have learned with experience. I had quite a few exams in college where pressure got to me and I did not perform to the best of my abilities. After realizing that I needed to improve, I actively looked for stressful situations in my career, with the purpose of getting better in these circumstances. I've developed several personal strategies, and I now see pressure as a motivating factor and a challenge, so when these situations arise, I approach them with a positive mindset." Meeting deadlines is important to me, so I use project management software to keep track of all my tasks and their due dates. As new projects come up, I add them to my list within the software and include the deadline, which helps me prioritize items that must be completed before others on my to-do list. I also split large projects into smaller, more manageable tasks so I can easily complete them in the days leading up to the deadline." Time management is important because it impacts my productivity and ability to complete my tasks at work. Without good time management skills, it would be impossible to meet deadlines and complete each project to the best of my abilities. In my previous role, I wanted to improve how I managed my time spent at work to maximize my productivity, so I started using a daily to-do list that allowed me to better prioritize my tasks and avoid missing any deadlines." I had been working on a large project that my team committed to turning around for the client in 60 days. My manager came to me and said that the client wanted it back in 45 days and that we would need to speed up our work without losing momentum on our other projects. I met with our team and we reviewed the calendar. We eliminated team meetings and shifted lower-priority tasks until the end of the 45-day period to add extra hours to our workweeks. I challenged my team to complete the project in 45 days or left and as a reward promised two days of extra PTO time. Our team got the job done in 42 days."

Tell me about a time when you exceeded expectations.

I was working on the wait staff at a downtown diner a few years ago. There were a lot of regulars I'd gotten to know who were really nice to me. Around December, I decided to get a few extra holiday cards. When a regular came in, I would sign one (from the restaurant) and hand it to him or her along with the bill. I figure it never hurts to create goodwill by showing a little appreciation! My manager loved the idea, and now we do it for all of our regulars, every year

What are your goals for the future?

I would like to continue developing my marketing expertise as well as my leadership skills over the next several years. One of the reasons I'm interested in working for a fast-growing startup company is that I'll have the ability to wear many hats and collaborate with many different departments. I believe this experience will serve me well in achieving my ultimate goal of someday leading a marketing department."

How would you rate your computer proficiency?

I would rate my computer skills as highly proficient. I have worked with a variety of software and I know how to troubleshoot minor computer issues on my own. I know how to make spreadsheets, use word processors and scheduling software."

What are you passionate about?

I'm passionate about creating truly beautiful, efficient digital products to make people's experience with technology memorable..." One of the things I loved about my last job was witnessing the results of my team's code update and watching as our months of work yielded positive user feedback... Having the opportunity to lead projects from ideation through launch was one of the reasons I was so excited to apply for this role."

tell me about yourself 2

I've been a hostess at XYZ Restaurant for just over two years where I greet and seat customers, assess wait times, fulfill to-go orders and answer the phones. I love the lively and busy environment—we often have Friday and Saturday wait times of one hour or more..." Before working at XYZ Restaurant, I worked in retail as a floor associate for five years. Working in retail developed the customer service skills that make me a great hostess, offering a top-tier dining experience from the moment customers walk in the door. It also equipped me with the ability to work quickly under pressure..." .I've enjoyed and grown in my current role, but wish to expand and utilize my customer service expertise in an elite restaurant environment. I am interested in your restaurant because of its reputation for delivering first in class service to your patrons in a lively, dynamic environment." "I am an ambitious and driven individual. I thrive in a goal-oriented environment where I can constantly challenge myself personally and professionally. I am always looking for an opportunity to do better and grow. These characteristics have helped me achieve success in my career. For example, I was promoted three times in less than two years in my last position."

Tell me (AA)

I've been working as an administrative assistant for three years. At my current job in the finance department of a midsize company, I handle scheduling, meeting and travel planning for four executives and 20 staff members. I also help prepare correspondence, presentations and reports. "I'm known for being a detail-oriented, well-organized team player. I never miss deadlines, I'm a good communicator and I can juggle multiple tasks at once. In my performance reviews, my supervisor always notes that he appreciates my professionalism and enthusiasm for the job. "I work as hard as it takes to get the job done, and I take pride in the results. If necessary, I take extra time and go above and beyond the call of duty to achieve those results." "With this experience under my belt, I'm looking for an opportunity to take the next step in my career. I'm hoping to do so in an organization like yours that works to improve the environment, which is something I'm passionate about."

Where do you see yourself in five years?

In five years, I'd like to be an industry expert in my field, able to train and mentor students and entry-level designers alike. I would also like to gain specialised experience in user experience to be a well-rounded contributor working with design and marketing teams on large-scale projects that make a difference both in the company and the global community." "In five years, I would love to be an industry expert that others can come to for ideas, help and strategy. I've had amazing mentors and managers in my past positions, so I'd like to be able to provide similar guidance, potentially taking on a leadership role. Finally, I'd like to have taken the lead on a project I'm passionate about. I'm motivated by connecting my initiatives to a company's larger goals and I'm excited by the prospect of getting more experience in that." "Some Of my future goals for the next few years include leading a design team in a formal or informal capacity. I'm also excited about the prospect of working with product and event teams on developing streamlined processes—this is a natural fit with my project management background. I'd also like to further develop my skills in user experience to aid in creating more user-focused designs all around."


In my last role as lead designer, there was a point in time when my team was short-staffed and facing a significant backlog of work. The account managers were setting unrealistic deadlines, which was causing stress for my team and affecting morale." As a team leader, it was my role not only to ensure my team met our deadlines but also to communicate bandwidth to other departments and keep my team motivated." I set up a formal creative request process including project timeline estimates to set better expectations. I scheduled weekly meetings with account managers to discuss my team's bandwidth and share progress updates. I also kept my team informed of the new processes, so they could have some peace of mind knowing the issues were being addressed." By providing more transparency into my team's processes and setting better expectations with the account managers, we were able to re-prioritize the design team's to-do list and complete everything in our backlog. I took these learnings, continued to apply this structure and as a result, in the following quarter, we shortened our average project timeline by two days. I also learned just how important it is to communicate clearly across teams."

Accomplishment 2

In my most recent job I was responsible for managing the orientation and training programs for our new hires. Unfortunately, the content was not engaging. While it was necessary information for our new hires to have, we found that only 35% of new hires did not complete the training. We were also receiving poor feedback on the course evaluation forms. I decided to rework the training program to make it more relevant and interesting based on industry best practices and feedback on the evaluation forms. Today, 93% of participants complete the training and provide positive feedback about their experience. My manager was so pleased with the improvements that she asked me to lead a training seminar in our New York office.

What software programs have you used in the past and how would you describe your computer skills?

In my previous role, I used Google Sheets and Docs extensively to create reports and presentations, but I've also been using the full Microsoft Office suite for over 10 years. I'm known by my friends as their personal tech support specialist, so I love fixing things when they go wrong and can master new tools and programs quickly."

Tell me about a time you identified a problem and took action on your own to rectify the situation.

In my prior position, I ran a meeting between my supervisor and a potential client that was offering a potentially lucrative partnership. On the day of the presentation, when the clients arrived, they brought additional staff members with them who we hadn't planned for. Unfortunately, the room that we had for the presentation wasn't big enough, and our larger conference room wasn't set up with the required technology for the pitch the company had planned. I contacted our tech department and asked that they get the larger room set up right away. They needed approximately 30 minutes, so I quickly and quietly let my supervisor know about the delay. He was able to extend his initial meeting in his office, allowing time for the tech team to work. With the larger room prepared, we were able to accommodate everyone and gave a presentation that impressed the client, leading to an agreement with the client."

weakness 4

In the past, I have found it difficult to work with aggressive personality types. While I understand diversity in personalities makes a business strong, I tend to quiet my own ideas and opinions around louder colleagues. To combat this, I have made it a point to spend more time with colleagues I feel uncomfortable working with. By learning more about them, their communication style and motivations, I am better able to collaborate with these personality types so that we both equally contribute our strengths and skills."

weakness 2

In the past, I have sometimes struggled with confidence. It has been helpful for me to keep a running document of the impact I have made on my team and at my organization to better understand why I should be confident about the skills and unique talents I bring to the table. I have also made it a point to voice my ideas and opinions during meetings when I feel they are appropriate and will add value to the conversation. Because of this, our team ended up adopting my idea for a new financing process, which resulted in a 10% decrease in time taken to plan our annual budget."

What is your greatest accomplishment?

Last year, my team won an award for most innovative process improvement. My role was to organize the team to brainstorm ways we could speed up the production process. We tested three proven ways and implemented the one that worked best for us. The change in processes decreased time to production by 20%, allowing us to double our output." In my marketing internship at a software company, the team spent several hours each month organizing budget sheets." While my role typically consisted of assisting the other marketers with copywriting and other creative tasks, I thought my experience handling budget sheets from a finance course I had completed might be of use." After getting approval from my supervisor to take this project on, I developed a more organized budget process that allowed each teammate to keep their own section organized on a weekly basis so we no longer had to rehaul the entire budget each month. After a quarter of using the new process, we reduced the time spent organizing budgets by 35%, allowing the team to focus on more important marketing projects."

What motivates you?

Making a true difference in the lives of my patients and their families motivates me to strive for excellence in everything I do. I look forward to seeing my patient's reactions when we get a positive outcome that will change their lives forever. That's why I became a nurse and why I'm pursuing a position in pediatrics. "I am motivated by success, as I know how rewarding it can be. I also know it doesn't come overnight and to have a good career in this industry I have to work hard every day and gradually improve my skills." The gratification of overcoming an obstacle is my greatest motivator.The feeling of accomplishment that comes with exceeding challenging goals is what drew me to a career in sales. I'm motivated by the fact that, when I leave work at the end of a shift, I know I've helped make a difference in the lives of my patients and their families. Seeing the smiles on their faces and watching them improve makes me look forward to work. That's why I became a nurse, and why I'm pursuing a position in pediatrics. "I enjoy coming up with creative ideas and finding new angles to challenging projects. I'm also motivated by other people and their reactions to what I have to say. It helps me develop my ideas and offer better solutions.

What was your best day at work?

My best day at work so far was probably the day after my first promotion. I was extremely excited when I got the news, but I was even more moved by my coworkers congratulating me the next day. Seeing the positive impact I was making in my position made me feel confident in my future success and proud to be part of a team."

What would your last employer/former coworkers say about you?

My coworkers would describe me as an organized, thoughtful person who works well under pressure. So much of what I enjoy about doing administrative work is creating a well-organized environment and anticipating the needs of my coworkers to make office life run as smoothly as possible. My colleagues regularly comment on my positive attitude and problem-solving abilities when we get a difficult client on the phone, and I never forget to organize surprises when someone in the office has a birthday." Proj mgmt = My team knows me best for being a team-oriented leader. One of my proudest moments was when one of my coworkers offered to write me a letter of recommendation because she admired my empathy and leadership during challenging projects. She said that she could tell I had a personal investment in each person's success and appreciated the way I asked for feedback and celebrated everyone's successes. My colleagues have told me that they value my reliability, punctuality and analytical mindset. I always work to manage my time effectively so that I can help others with last-minute projects and spend extra time reviewing my work for accuracy. I once collaborated with another accountant to handle one client's complex tax returns and used a meticulous schedule to ensure that we were meeting all of our goals. I regularly adjusted our strategy for dividing responsibilities based on each of our individual strengths."

Describe your ideal boss or supervisor.

My ideal boss is someone who allows employees to have freedom in daily operations, but is always available to answer questions and help when needed." Example answer: "While I'm flexible in working with many different personality types, I've found that the management style I thrive most under is both trusting and involved. While I don't like to feel micromanaged, I do very much enjoy quality one-on-one time on a regular basis to brainstorm ideas for the projects I'm working on and how I can do better in my role."

Tell me about a time when you handled a challenging situation.

My manager left town unexpectedly when we were in the middle of pitching large sponsors for an upcoming conference. I was tasked with putting together the slide decks for the presentations to secure these sponsors but all I had was a few notes left behind by my manager. Because he was unavailable, I called a meeting with members of our team and we generated a list of the biggest selling points that would be most impactful with potential sponsors. After creating the slide deck, I presented the presentation successfully and we got the sponsorship. I'm incredibly proud of the results we achieved when we worked together."

What's your personal definition of outstanding customer service?

My personal definition of outstanding customer service involves anticipating my client's every need and providing solutions to problems they don't even know about. I believe travel should be relaxing and fun. I want to remove any worries or doubts from the minds of my clients so they can enjoy their adventures." Example: *"I identify with your company's value of putting the customer first. I am a strong believer in great customer service. When I receive great customer service from a company I am much more likely to return. I would love to work for a company that promotes putting yourself in the shoes of a customer before making any decisions."

What can you bring to the company?

My problem-solving abilities allow me to work extremely well under pressure, which I understand is a common occurrence in this role. In a previous position as the purchasing lead, I had to decide which supplies to order to stay within the budget, but I had a limited amount of time to make a decision. I quickly created a spreadsheet that helped me compare manufacturers' prices and was able to order the necessary supplies on time and within our budget. I used the spreadsheet throughout the rest of my time with the company to help them save over $500,000. I will bring the same interest and motivation for making an impact here at ABC Company."

Tell me about a mistake you've made. How did you handle it?

Situation: "I was working as an intern for an events company, and I was responsible for ordering the floral arrangements for a private event hosted by a high profile client. Unfortunately, I mixed up the information from another event, and the flowers were delivered to the wrong venue on the other side of town. Task: I took this very seriously and knew I needed to find a solution quickly as we were working on a tight deadline. Action: After considering a few different ways to resolve the issue. I admitted my mistake to my boss, informed them of my plan and why I thought it was the best course of action. I took an early lunch break, drove to the other venue, picked up the flowers and delivered them to the appropriate venue an hour before the event. Result: The client never knew about my mix-up, and my boss was very grateful."


Situation: "In my previous job as an account executive, one of my co-workers quit immediately after signing the biggest client our firm had ever taken on. Task: Although I was already managing a full load of accounts, I was assigned this new client as well. I knew the stakes were high and if we lost this deal, then we wouldn't hit our quarterly goal. Action: I first took some measures to destress. Then I carefully evaluated and restructured my task list to make sure I could manage all my duties. Because of this, I was able to make myself completely available to the client and I also sacrificed some evenings and weekends to take calls until the project was delivered. Result: The client was so impressed with my dedication, they immediately signed an annual contract that netted our company $5 million."

Why do you want to work here?

The company's mission to help college grads pay off their student loan debt resonates with me. I've been in student loan debt myself and would love the opportunity to work with a company that's making a difference. Finding a company with a positive work environment and values that align with my own has remained a priority throughout my job search and this company ranks at the top of the list." Example answer: "I've been working for several years on gaining skills in your industry. I feel I have the knowledge, skills and qualifications you're looking for, along with a unique perspective coming from a different industry. I am passionate about working in the environmental protection space, and it is time for me to make a change. I feel your company is the perfect place for me to do that." Example answer: "I noticed that the parts of my previous positions I enjoyed the most were those that aligned with what's listed in your job description, like creative writing and building relationships with stakeholders. While I am grateful for my time at my current company, I feel that it's time to move into a role more tailored to my talents where I can continue to grow as a PR professional." I've done some research on the industry and on this company. You really stand out as innovators; for example, you were the first major franchise to offer a completely vegetarian menu. My long-term goal is to be a kitchen manager at a solid company. What I find so interesting about this one is that you're not afraid to try out fresh, new ideas, and at the same time, you have a long-term formula that really works. I also understand that the company has established career paths, which appeals to me, because I intend to stay with one organization for the next several years." When I began looking for a new position, I purposefully sought out companies that are committed to integrity, philanthropy and innovation, and your company ranks at the top of the list. Your company has always been forward-focused and used technology to help improve the customer experience, and I'm looking for an opportunity where I can put my passion for great UX to work." I want to work for this organization because of its excellent track record in providing quality services and loyalty to both customers and employees. I think your high standards can push me to be better and your promotion policies can help me have a long and successful career here." While I highly valued my time at my previous company, there are no longer opportunities for growth that align with my career goals. This position fits perfectly with my skill set and how I'm looking to grow in my career. I'm also looking for a position at a company like yours that supports underserved communities, which is a personal passion of mine. Can you tell me more about how the company creates growth opportunities for people who work here?" I'm looking for a new job to advance my career. I worked at my current company for the past three years, during which I gained valuable experiences and learned new skills. While I enjoy working there, I am ready for more extensive leadership responsibilities. That's why I was eager to apply for your team leader position. With my background in information technology and experience leading my current team, I know I am a good fit for this opportunity." Example 1 "I've been working in the travel industry for more than five years. I've expanded my experience in customer service, and I'm ready to apply that expertise with a global company that is committed to its employees and is consistently ranked one of the city's best places to work. I love working with people, and I am particularly excited that this role will allow me to use my bilingual skills to speak to customers all over the world. My ultimate objective is to rise to a leadership position in customer service, and I know having the opportunity to grow my experience and improve upon my skills will help bring me closer to achieving that goal." Example 2 "While your company has been around for several decades, you've never wavered from your mission to give people a comfortable and memorable travel experience. The company has always been forward-focused and used technology to help improve customer experience. Your app is ranked as one of the top travel apps, and you've won some of the most prestigious awards in the industry year after year. When I began looking for a new position, I purposefully sought out companies that are committed to integrity, philanthropy and innovation, and your company ranks at the top of the list." Example 3 "I've been a loyal user of your product for many years. I'm consistently impressed by the cutting edge technology and great user experience it provides. A few months back I had an issue and called into customer support. The representative I spoke with was helpful, personable and sharp. I remember thinking at that time that your company must be a good one to work for. When I saw the opening for the Product Manager position I decided to research your company values and culture further, all of which supported my intuition that this is a place I'd love to work. I would love to grow my career at a company that is passionate about user experience and innovation." Example 4 "I'm impressed by your company's commitment to the growth and development of its employees. One of my friends works in your marketing department and she has praised this company for its excellent treatment of employees for years. I'm looking for a company that empowers and challenges its employees to be the best professionals they can. In my research, I've found that you invest in on-going education of your employees through education reimbursement, onsite training and mentorship programs. In addition, you have a great reputation for leadership in the industry. This is a company at which I would be honored to grow my career." Example answer: "From the job description, I understand that you are looking for a bookkeeper to provide support to the department's financial activities primarily related to Accounts Payable and Procurement. I also understand that you require HIPAA compliance training, for which I am certified. It sounds like many of the daily tasks include processing vendor creation, journals, check requests, wire transfers and invoice for payments. Can you tell me more about why this position is open and what needs the team needs?" Example answer: "I'm looking for opportunities to start my career as a project coordinator. Working as an executive assistant has given me abundant experience in managing and organizing schedules, so I'm ready to take the next step in my career. I feel especially qualified for this particular position because I've worked in the retail industry in my last two administrative roles. I'm more than ready to start my project coordination career and would be excited for it to be with your company."

What Are You Most Proud of?" (Office administrator

The proudest moment of my career is when I led a company-wide training session to teach everyone how to use our new project management platform. Prior to this training session, I wasn't a fan of public speaking. As I prepared my presentation, I also worked to be a better, more confident public speaker. When the training session finally came, I used my relaxation techniques and speaking skills to deliver an informative training session. After the meeting, my manager gave me immense praise. She was incredibly proud of how straightforward and informative my presentation was. In fact, she said this was the easiest onboarding process she had ever seen at the company. Now, I am eager to talk in front of large crowds."

Tell me about your ability to work under pressure/deadlines.

Throughout my career, I have done some of my best work under pressure. I find that routine makes us complacent, and I am always looking for challenges that push me to give my best and to quickly come up with working solutions. One time I was supposed to deliver a project to a client in five days. A colleague who was working with another client had the same deadline, but he had to take a leave of absence due to personal reasons. I was forced to take up both projects at the same time, but I did not let the stress affect me. Instead, I came up with a very detailed time management plan and found new ways to boost efficiency that enabled me to deliver both projects on time." I always communicate with my team lead about expected due dates for my assignments first. Then I create my own deadline based on my assigned due dates. Typically, I like to give myself at least a day or two in advance, that way I can complete my work and still have time to review everything thoroughly before turning it in."

Do you have any questions?

What do you love most about working for this company? What would success look like in this role? What are some of the challenges people typically face in this position?" How important is it that you hire someone with XYZ qualities? Do you have any hesitations about hiring me? Can you tell me what my everyday tasks would be and who would I be reporting to?" What does a typical day look like for a person in this position? How has this role grown or adapted to suit the needs of the organization? What kind of growth does the company expect to see within the next five years? Do you have any concerns about my experience or skill set? Thank you for explaining the role to me in such depth. When might I hear back from you regarding next steps in the process? How can someone succeed in this role? How would you manage the performance of the employee working in this role? Can you provide of few examples of challenges an employee encounters in this position? What is the best way to collaborate to achieve success? How do you expect to be working with this employee? What do you like best about working for this organization?

2nd round ?

What is a typical day like for the person in this position? How do you measure job performance for this role? Thinking back to the person who did this job best, what made their work exceptional? What is the biggest challenge facing the person in this position? How would you describe the management style for this department? What do you love about the company culture here? What are the next steps after this interview? Do you have any uncertainties about me or my background that I can help address? What do you feel is the most important quality for the person who fills this position? What kinds of professionals are most successful at this company and why? Do my salary expectations align with yours for this role? Can you tell me about the culture on this team? Can you tell me about my potential manager's approach to leadership? What skill gaps exist on my potential team and how can I help to fill them? Which individuals and teams would I collaborate with most in this role? Can you tell me about the challenges the person in this role will face? Can you tell me about how this role contributes to the company's overall success? Can you tell me about what kinds of goals or OKRs exist for this role? What does success look like in this role in the next 30, 60 and 90 days? Can you tell me about how you track success for individuals? Can you tell me about how performance reviews work? Can you tell me about what professional development opportunities exist in this role? What does the career growth trajectory look like in this role?


What is your background? What is your role here? Why did you join the company? What do you like about it? What are the skills and attributes most needed to get ahead in the company? What is your "ideal candidate" for this job? What has been the growth pattern of the company over the past five years? What is a typical day like? What are your expectations of the position?

What makes you unique?

What makes me unique is my ability to meet and exceed deadlines. In my previous role, my manager consistently praised me for completing my projects efficiently with a high level of quality. This allowed me to take on additional responsibilities and eventually led to a promotion."

above and beyond 2 (Mid-level sales manager

When I was a sales manager at my last company, I had a meeting with a potential client who wasn't convinced that they wanted to purchase our services. My job was to help a sales representative to close the deal. I thought about the facts I knew about the prospective client to see if there was any way to make a lasting impression on him. I remembered that he was a baseball fan and his favorite snack at the games was roasted peanuts. I bought a bag of peanuts and placed them in a gift bag the colors of his favorite baseball team with our company logo to give to him in our next meeting. I was able to close the deal, and my supervisors commended me for going above and beyond for that client."

Tell me about a time when you made a mistake. What did you do to correct it?

When I was working at a printing company, I misquoted the fees for a particular job. I realized the mistake, I went directly to my manager and explained what happened. He said he appreciated my honesty and suggested that we waive the setup fee for the job as an apology to the customer. I spoke to the customer directly and explained what happened and that the quoted price was actually higher than my original estimate, but that we would be happy to waive the setup fee. The customer understood and appreciated the effort to make the situation right. After that happened, I printed our price sheet to have it quickly at hand and implemented a new process for quoting estimates, one in which I double-check the final estimate before sending it."

How do you balance work and personal life?

When I'm at work, I keep my focus on my current responsibilities and make sure my to-do list is my main priority. When I am away from work, I give my full focus to my family and my hobbies. I find that giving this focus to what I am currently involved in allows me to enjoy my life fully while staying productive at work." Example: A healthy work-life balance is important to me. I believe it's normal to put in extra hours to finish tasks that are time-sensitive from time to time, however, I believe it's also important to have time outside of work to relax and refresh so I can continue to be as productive as possible while at work."* If I'm working on an assignment that I know will take some time to complete, I communicate with my manager as soon as possible to let them know. If I feel like my workload is getting unmanageable, I speak with my team lead to discuss which tasks I can move to the bottom of my priority list. This helps keep me from getting overwhelmed, and I can reevaluate my expectations about my deadlines." "I am comfortable with helping out in difficult situations once in a while, but I have some family commitments and I usually prefer to maintain a healthy work-life balance."

What did you like least about your last position?

While I enjoyed my time learning and growing in my last job, there was a lack of opportunity in the way I wanted to progress in my career. I deeply enjoy being challenged and getting better at what I do, which I understand is a top priority for managers at your organization. That's why I'm excited to continue having conversations about this opportunity Example 1: Opportunities for growth "The entry-level position in marketing at The Content Lab aligned with the degree I graduated with, and I'm deeply thankful for receiving an offer for this opportunity. However, I believe this role didn't offer enough opportunities to challenge and expand my current skill set. While I'm grateful for what I've learned in my time there, it's time for me to work at a company that provides the opportunities for personal and professional growth that's commensurate with the position." Example 2: Management techniques "In my time with The Content Lab, I gained exposure to various management techniques for working in a large and team-oriented environment. As influential as that experience has been for my career, I'm looking forward to being a part of a smaller company, where I can take more ownership of tasks that affect the organization's long-term strategic goals." Example 3: Schedule flexibility "The Content Lab had a casual and friendly work environment, and I loved collaborating with my coworkers at all levels of the organization. Overall, I think that working in a remote position allows me to have more flexibility with my schedule, which is lacking being in an in-office role. I believe that working a flexible schedule leads to me improving my output with this company while increasing my time management skills." Example 1: Desire to grow your skills "While I liked working at my previous company, there were instances where tasks that I was assigned didn't give me the chance to expand my skillset and experience. I realized that my full potential wasn't being reached and that I was needed to focus on personal and professional growth. I'm interested in this role because your company offers professional development seminars, and I'm very eager to participate in the effective communication course being offered next quarter." Example 2: Wanting more autonomy "I worked with the communications director at my previous position to execute the company's public relations strategy for a client. There were circumstances where I felt that the work and effort allocated for the tasks completed to finish the strategy weren't realized. While there was a benefit to having more autonomy over a client's campaign and my workload, it was time for me to apply for a director's position as I was ready to take on my next career opportunity." Example 3: Looking for a professional challenge "During my last role, there wasn't much room to grow my career in addition to my skills. After spending two years with the organization, there were multiple occasions where I wanted to work on different tasks and take more ownership when it comes to the company's performance. Yet, it did not seem possible based on the size of my department. I'm excited to be interviewing for an opportunity where the potential for new professional challenges is higher." Example 4: Interested in flexibility "I like the work that I was assigned and the trust the employer gave me with those tasks. Even though there was a lack of flexibility in my schedule, I still enjoyed the experiences I had at this job. Considering that you offer the chance to work remotely and overtime hours as needed, it's aligned with the company culture I am pursuing at this time."

Are you interviewing with other companies?

While I feel this role is the better fit for what I'm looking for, I am in discussions with three other employers."

The end

i'm INTERESTED IN COMING TO WORK THERE I can do the job you want done because I did it before and did it well. I can do what you want done and I want the job!"

Tell Me About a Time You Failed"

task errors- My current job involves processing claims for our client. In this instance, I unknowingly made an error regarding the client's information, and as a result, the company received major pushback from the client. This put a lot of stress on my team in particular, as it is our responsibility to remain accurate and thorough. The error was alarming, and our team suffered because of it. I was determined to not make a mistake like this again, so I spoke with my manager about work strategies I can implement to prevent an error like this occurring again. Since then, I have not made task errors like this, and am able to keep track of my work in a more efficient way." procrastination - When I first started the position, I would find myself falling behind on work due to procrastination. This affected my work, as I was not meeting production standards, making things harder for my team overall. After speaking with my manager, I realized that my procrastination was a symptom of my lack of confidence in my abilities in my role. Upon discovering this, my manager and I decided it would be best if I shadowed other team members to watch how they work and ask questions. I have now been at the company for two years, no longer procrastinate, and regularly review training materials to remain current about my job functions." Mgmt - I manage a team of 10 people in our department. It is my job to inform the team of system updates via meetings and emails. In one instance, I sent an email about a system update, but forgot to include a key detail. Because of this, the team was confused, and the department endured several hours of back-and-forth conversation through email and instant message. Because of this, our harmony and workflow were disrupted. As leader of this team, I called an emergency meeting to clarify the changes made. I also apologized to my team for the error, ensured any errors made due to mine would not be counted against them and promised to update everyone accurately moving forward. I also let the team know that if they have any other questions or concerns, they can observe my open door policy and express their thoughts with me in person."

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