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According to Gunnar Myrdal, Americas dilemma was a conflict between

American values and American racial policies.

Which of the following statements is NOT true of the Asian-Americans experience during World War II

Executive order 9066 fully inter grated Asian-American into U.S. Army units serving overseas

How did Truman respond to Joseph Stalins blockade around Berlin

He ordered an airlift.

Why was it inevitable that the United States and the Soviet Union would eventually come into conflict after the war ended?

Historically, both nations had never shared long-term interests or values.

Which statement about the Pearl Harbor attack is true

It was a surprise attack by the Japanese

How did the league of United Latin American Citizens regard Mexican-Americans

Mexican-Americans we're white and deserved the same rights that other whites had

How did Los Angeles epitomize the new emphasis on the car in 1950s America?

People drove to and from work on a web of highways and shopped at malls only accessible by driving.

What event renewed the tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union in 1960?

The Soviets shot down a U.S. spy plane flying over their territory.

Which of the following assessments of the civil rights movement is most accurate?

The movement came as a great surprise and was predicted only by a few

What reason did the Hollywood Ten give for not cooperating with the HUAC hearings?

They felt the hearings were a violation of the First Amendment.

Why did American policymakers agree to spend billions of dollars on the economic recovery of Europe under the Marshall Plan?

They were afraid that otherwise, western European nations might fall under Soviet influence

Civil rights initiatives after 1948

Waned, given widespread American sentiment that any criticism of American society smacked of "disloyalty"

During the 1950s, mass consumption was promoted as

a Patriotic Act

The McCarran-Walter Act

authorized the deportation of communists, including naturalized citizens.

"Militant Liberty" was the code name for a national security agency that

encourage hollywood to produce anticommunist movies

The Good Neighbor Policy

showed Roosevelt intention to not interfere in Latin America

The Truman Doctrine assumed

the United States would provide aid to any anticommunist regime, even if it was not a democratic one.

The double-V campaign was

the effort to end discrimination against blacks while fighting fascism.

What taste of freedom did women enjoy in World War II?

the possibility of doing men's jobs and receiving men's wages

In the United States during World War II

unemployment declined and income taxes increased.

In Korematsu v. United States, the Supreme Court

upheld the legality of Japanese internment.

The "Iron Curtain"

was a term used in reference to the division between the capitalist West and communist East

During World War II, African Americans

witnessed the birth of the modern civil rights movement

After World War II, most working women

worked part-time to help support the family's lifestyle.

How did the role of the national government change during the war

It grew and created several federal agencied to regulate the war effort

Under the bracero program

Mexicans immigrated without the right of citizenship

Prior to the Montgomery Bus Boycott, what experience did Rosa Parks have with the civil rights movement?

She had been involved in civil rights protests since the 1930s.

Why were American diplomats particularly dismayed that the Soviets had installed a procommunist government in Poland in 1945

Stalin had promised Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt at Yalta that he would allow a democratic government in Poland.

What was one result of the Mendez v. Westminster decision?

The schools of Orange County were desegregated, which soon spread to the entire state

After World War II, the automobile

became central to suburban life

William Levitt, with the help of the GI bill, gave many Americans the opportunity to

became homeowners

During the 1950s, television

became the most common source of information.

Black internationalism during World War II

connected the plight of black Americans to that of people of color worldwide.

During the 1950s, American teenagers

grew in number, cultivating their own popular culture.

The "zoot suit" riots of 1943

highlighted the limits of racial tolerance during World War II

What did Allen Ginsberg's Howl (1955) protest?

materialism and conformism

Between 946 and 1960, the American gross national product

more than doubled, and wages increased

Between 1950 and 1970, suburbanization

strengthened racial divisions.

The four freedoms

were considered by President Roosevelt as "essential human freedoms"

Governor Orval Faubus responded to the court-ordered desegregation of Central High School:

with defiance, refusing to comply and allowing violence to break out.

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