EXP 3604: Quizzes 5- 8

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People who suffer from alcohol abuse may suffer from ________ brought on by Korsakoff's syndrome, and be unable to form new long-term memories.


Your text's discussion of false memories leads to the conclusion that false memories

arise from the same constructive processes that produce true memories.

Mantyla's "banana / yellow, bunches, edible" experiment demonstrates that, for best memory performance, retrieval cues should be created

by the person whose memory will be tested

explicit memory is to: as implicit memory is to:

aware; unaware

Information remains in sensory memory for

seconds or a fraction of a second

the predominant type of coding in LTM is


For most adults over age 40, the reminiscence bump describes enhanced memory for:

adolescence and young adulthood

Extrapolating from the cultural life script hypothesis, which of the following events would be easiest to recall?

Graduating from college at age 22

The retroactive interference hypothesis states that the misinformation effect occurs because

MPI obstructs or distorts memories formed during the original experiencing of an event.

According to the levels of processing theory, which of the following tasks will produce the best long-term memory for a set of words?

Making a connection between each word and something you've previously learned

Your book discusses the memory functioning of patient H.M. who underwent brain surgery to relieve severe epileptic seizures. H.M.'s case has been extremely informative to psychologists by demonstrating that

STM can operate normally while LTM is impaired

The misinformation effect occurs when a person's memory for an event is modified by misleading information presented

after the event

In which of the following examples of two different brain-injured patients (Tom and Tim) is a double dissociation demonstrated?

Tom has a good semantic memory and poor episodic memory, while Tim has a good episodic memory but a poor semantic memory

The word-length effect shows that it is more difficult to remember

a list of long words than a list of short words.

Bartlett's experiment in which English participants were asked to recall the "War of the Ghosts" story that was taken from the French Indian culture illustrated the

constructive nature of memory

acquiring information and transforming it into LTM is


People often report an annoying memory failure when they walk from one end of the house to the other for something and then forgetting what they went to retrieve when they reach their destination. As soon as they return to the first room, they are reminded of what they wanted in the first place. This common experience best illustrates the principle of

encoding specificity

A lesson to be learned from the research on flashbulb memories is that:

extreme vividness of a memory does not mean it is accurate

Your text's discussion of eyewitness testimony illustrates that this type of memory is frequently influenced by all of the following EXCEPT

failing to elaboratively rehearse these kinds of events due to fear

In Slameka and Graf's (1978) study, some participants read word pairs, while other participants had to fill in the blank letters of the second word in a pair with a word related to the first word. The latter group performed better on a later memory task, illustrating the

generation effect

The primary effect of chunking is to

increase the efficiency of short-term memory.

K.C., who was injured in a motorcycle accident, remembers facts like the difference between a strike and a spare in bowling, but he is unaware of experiencing things like hearing about the circumstances of his brother's death, which occurred two years before the accident. His memory behavior suggests

intact semantic memory but defective episodic memory

According to Tulving, one of the defining properties of the experience of episodic memory is that

it involves mental time travel

the primary effect (from the serial position curve experiment) is associated with

long term memory

The emphasis of the concept of working memory is on how information is


Which task should be easier: keeping a sentence like "John went to the store to buy some oranges" in your mind AND

pointing to the word "yes" for each word that is a noun and "no" for each word that is not a noun?

Physiological studies indicate that damage to the area of the brain known as the _____ can disrupt behaviors that depend on working memory.

prefrontal cortex

Lucille is teaching Kendra how to play racquetball. She teaches her how to hold the racquet, where to stand, and how to make effective shots. These learned skills that Lucille has acquired are an example of ________ memory.


according to the multiple trace hypothesis, the hippocampus is involved in the retrieval of

remote; episodic memories

elaborative rehearsal of a word will LEAST likely be accomplished by

repeating it over and over

Lamar has just gotten a new job and is attending a company party where he will meet his colleagues for the first time. His boss escorts him around to small groups to introduce him. At the first group, Lamar meets four people and is told only their first names. The same thing happens with a second group and a third group. At the fourth group, Lamar is told their names and that one of the women in the group is the company accountant. A little while later, Lamar realizes that while remembers the names of the people in the fourth group, he can no longer recall the names of anyone he met earlier in the party. Lamar's experience demonstrates

retroactive interference.

The three structural components of the modal model of memory are

sensory memory, short-term memory, long-term memory

A person with a reduced digit span would most likely have a problem with ________ memory.


When presenting lineups to eyewitnesses, it has been found that a(n) ____ lineup is much more likely to result in an innocent person being falsely identified.


The experiment for which people were asked to make fame judgments for both famous and non-famous names (and for which Sebastian Weissdorf was one of the names to be remembered) illustrated the effect of _____ on memory.

source misattributions

____ consolidation involves the gradual reorganization of circuits within brain regions and takes place on a fairly long time scale, lasting weeks, months, or even years.


One function of ____ is to pull information out of long-term memory.

the central executive

Jeannie loves to dance, having taken ballet for many years. She is now learning salsa dancing. Although the movements are very different from the dances she is familiar with, she has found a successful memory strategy of linking the new dance information to her previous experiences as a dancer and to her own affection for dance. This strategy suggests reliance on

the self reference effect

memory enhancement due to repetition priming is a result of

the test stimulus being the same or resembling the priming stimulus

Memory performance is enhanced if the type of task at encoding matches the type of task at retrieval. This is called

transfer appropriate processing

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