EXSC 293; Final Exam SA

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CO2 and hydrogen

Besides oxygen, what are two other substances in circulation that can bind to hemoglobin?

Type I muscle fibers have small motor neuron & motor unit size

Characterize (big/small) for both the motor neuron size & motor unit size for motor neurons innervating Type I muscle fibers

Heart rate and sv increase moving to the right, but sv plateaus at 40-60% of VO2Max

During a prolonged exercise bout in which cardiovascular is apparent what changes (directional) are occurring with HR and SV over time?

Bicarbonate buffering hydrogen ions

During exercise above the lactate and ventilatory thresholds there is an increase in CO2 production from non-oxidative sources. What is the source CO2?

a. PCr depletion b. ATP depletion & H+ accumulation c. metabolic accumulation & glucose depletion

For each track & field event below what is the primary metabolic cause of fatigue? a. 100 meters b. 400 meters c. Marathon

The sympathetic

In a stressful situation which branch of the autonomic nervous system is activated?

Heat production

In direct calorimetry, what is measured to determine energy expenditure?

Mechanical feedback

In pulmonary & cardiovascular control, what is a feedback source of information for both?

Uracil, guanine, cytosine, adenine

What are the 4 bases that comprise mRNA?

Blood concentration & receptor binding

What are two primary determinants of a hormone's physiological effect on a cell?

Gravity and distance is lower on the pulmonary side

What are two reasons that account for the lower blood in the pulmonary circulation compared to the systemic circulation?

Vasodilation and an increase in heart rate.

What are two vascular changes (indicate where for each vascular change) that cause muscle blood flow to increase as one goes from rest to exercise?

Hydrogen competes with calcium for troponin & decreases pH

What are two ways in which an accumulation of hydrogen ions will cause muscle fatigue?

The ANS can stimulate or inhibit its effectors & SNS is for skeletal muscles whereas ANS is for cardiac & smooth muscle

What are two ways in which autonomic motor nerves differ from somatic motor nerves?

Fatty acids have a hydrocarbon chain; whereas glucose is CHO. Fatty acids are hydrophobic & glucose is not.

What are two ways in which molecules of fatty acid differ from a molecule of glucose?

NE is released and HR is increased as a result.

What changes occur with respect to parasympathetic that will increase HR from resting to maximum?

You produce less heat

What is one advantage of having good RE?

Fluid loss

What is one cause for exercise-induced reduction in plasma volume?

Type II fibers split ATP faster than Type I

What is one factor that accounts for faster shortening velocity (speed) in a Type IIx muscle fiber versus a Type I fiber?

Both produce ATP, glycolysis uses glucose

What is one similarity and one difference between glycolysis & the Krebs cycle?

They're both striated, cardiac muscle contains one type of muscle fiber and contraction is involuntary.

What is one way in which a cardiac muscle fiber is similar to skeletal muscle fiber? What is one difference?

Degradation - enzymatic inactivation or reuptake by cell

What is one way in which a neurotransmitter is removed from the synaptic space?

inhibits further muscle activation and activates the antagonist

What is one way in which the Golgi tendon organ inhibits activation of an agonist muscle?

A synergist muscle assists the agonist (primary mover)

What is the definition of a synergist muscle?

Norepinephrine, g-protein bound receptors

What is the neurotransmitter released from an adrenergic neuron? What are two receptor types this neurotransmitter will bind to?


What is the pH is the OH- concentration is 10^-7.12

One system involves the exchange of gases, while one involves pumping blood. Similarity: Both use oxygen to make the body work.

What's one similarity and one difference between respiratory control and cardiovascular control?


Which part of the neuron transmits information away from the cell body?

Type I fibers have the greatest endurance since they're oxidative

Why is a high-percentage of Type I fibers necessary for elite endurance performance?

Their BP dropped due to going from rest, where the veins hold the most blood to activity, combined with gravity. Inhaling deeply & sitting back down.

Your roommate upon hearing a strange noise while sleeping, jumps out of to investigate and suddenly feels light headed. Why did this happen, and what should your roommate do to alleviate the light headed feeling?

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