EXSS 181- Exam 1

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-a relationship between the person and the environment that is appraised as taxing or exceeding the resources of the person and endangers his/her well-being -is a product of the dynamic and transactional relationship between the person and the environment

What are mastery attempts?

-an attempt to perform a skill

How does PSW impact self-esteem?

-body attractiveness is biggest predictor of physical self-worth

What is the iceberg profile?

-characterization of successful athletes-> reflects (+) mental health -above average vigor -below average tension, depression, anger, fatigue, and confusion

What is the difference between a coping and a mastery model? Is one better than the other (i.e., Weiss et al., 1998 study).

-coping -> peer w/ similar competence level -mastery -> peer who is expert at the skill -Moderate to large differences between control and modeling groups on skill, fear, and self-efficacy following the intervention -No differences between modeling groups** -Using peer models can enhance motor skill and psychological outcomes when teaching new, anxiety-producing activities

What are the 3 predictors of goal involvement (state) from Achievement Goal Theory? Which one might be the most easily influenced by a practitioner?

-goal orientation/disposition -concept of ability -motivational climate (most easily influenced)

catastrophe theory

-interaction of cognitive and somatic anxiety and the combined relationship on athletic performance. -high cognitive anxiety: As arousal increases, performance increases to a point (like inverted-U), but if it goes beyond an optimal level, performance drops off sharply as the athletes goes over the edge (catastrophe) -Returning to an optimal level after a catastrophe requires dramatically reducing anxiety below the normal optimal level and then working back up to optimal levels...

Hollander's model of personality

-internal psychological core (internal & constant) (ex. attitudes, values, interests, and beliefs about self) -typical responses (middle) (ex. shy, even-tempered, etc.) -role-related behavior (external & dynamic)

Why are traits a poor predictor of behavior on their own?

-no specific personality profile for an athlete -can't assume cause and effect

What are the importance of emotional states (e.g., enjoyment, anxiety, pride, shame) to this model?

-perceptions influence affective or emotional states (e.g., enjoyment, anxiety, pride, shame) that in turn influence motivation.

( inverted u) According to this theory, what is the optimal level of arousal for performing a task?

-performance is optimal at a moderate level of arousal and falls off if athletes are not aroused enough or too aroused (middle)

Define & differentiate all aspects of Fox & Corbin's (1989) model for the physical self.

-physical self-worth directly influences self-esteem -physical self-worth = sport competence, physical condition (fitness), body attractiveness and physical strength

Ebbeck & Weiss (1998)

-purpose: examine possible determinants of self-esteem for children in sport (perceived competence & affect/emotion) -participants: boys and girls enrolled in 1 of 2 summer sport programs -results: 1. affect mediator model ->perceived competence sig. influenced + affect and in turn self-esteem 2. perceived competence mediator -> only + affect sig. influenced per. competence and in turn self-esteem -link between self-esteem and competence

What are the common motivated/behavioral outcomes of task and ego involvement?

-task: Choose learning opportunities at risk of displaying mistakes High effort Persist in face of failure Continue to problem solve when encountering failure -ego: Avoid learning opportunities that have risk of displaying error Put in just enough effort to socially compare well; or to disguise poor ability Give up in face of failure Fewer problem-solving efforts in failure situations

task vs. ego achievement perspectives

-task: - define success relative to your own past performance -ego: -define success Relative to other people

Define modeling. What are the 3 types of modeling effects?

-the cognitive, affective, and behavioral changes that result from observing others 1.Skill/behavior acquisition acquire motor coordination information develop strategies to solve movement problem 2.Psychological responses Inhibition - observe injury - induce anxiety Disinhibition - gain confidence 3. Response facilitation (behaviors already learned) - cheerleaders

In what two key ways is anxiety described to affect performance?

1) Increased muscle tension and coordination difficulties 2) Attention and concentration changes Narrowing of attention Attending to inappropriate cues Performance worries and situation-irrelevant thoughts

5 Approaches to Personality

1) Psychodynamic Approach 2) Freud & unconscious 3) Trait Approach - Big Five 4) Situational Approach - social learning 5) Interactional Approach - B = f(P,E)

Individualized Zones of Optimal Functioning (IZOF)

1)The optimal level of arousal does not always occur at the midpoint... 2) One's optimal level of state anxiety rests not at a single point, but a bandwidth... -optimal level depends on person and activity

What are the 3 stages of children's competence motivation? Why are they important to the competence motivation model?

1. Autonomous Competence: (before age 4) children focus on mastering their environment through self-testing their abilities. At this stage, children rarely compare themselves with others... 2. Social Comparison: (begins at ~5 years old) Children focus on comparing their performance with others... 3. Integrated Stage: (no typical age) Involves both social comparison and autonomous achievement strategies. --understanding exists for when it's okay to compete and when more self-referenced standards are appropriate

What are the 3 psychological needs and how to influence more intrinsic/self-determined motivation?

1. Autonomy The need to perceive that one has choice and are in control of one's own behavior 2. Competence The need to feel effective at achieving desired outcomes 3. Relatedness The need to authentically connect with others and feel involved in the social context.

Identify and explain 3 ways of knowing. (advantages & disadvantages)

1. Common sense (Intuition, speculation) (+) easy, quick (-) not based on experience/data so greatest chance of being wrong 2. Practical Experience (Observations, case studies) (+) holistic, immediate, innovative (-) fails to explain mechanisms, susceptible to bias 3. Science (Systematic, controlled, empirical investigations of relationships among phenomena) (+) Reliable, "objective and unbiased" (-) reductionistic, slow to evolve, sometimes not practical

What are the 2 aspects from Cognitive Evaluation Theory that affect an individual's interpretation of a reward?

1. Controlling Aspect More controlling = undermine self-determination Affects autonomy perceptions 2. Informational Aspect More informational = enhance self-determination Affects competence perceptions

Describe and explain the 6 periods of sport psychology

1. Early Years (1895-1920) -early studies (ex. Norman Triplett) 2. Griffith Era (1921-1938) -development of labs and psychological testing 3. Preparation for the Future (1939-1965) -Franklin Henry establishes grad program 4. Establishment of Academic Branch (1966-1977) -1st NASPSPA conference 5. Multidisciplinary Research (1978-2000) -New research and establishment of specialty journals and conferences 6. Contemporary (2000-Present)

What are the two key assumptions of attribution theory (Weiner, 1979, 1985)?

1. Motivation is influenced by attributions 2. There are some commonly cited reasons for success and failure

What are the key components of the sport competition process?

1. Objective Competitive Situation -MUST be a criteria for comparison that is known by at least 1 other person who is in a position to evaluate the performance 2. Subjective Competitive Situation -Individual's perceptions, interpretations, and appraisals of the competitive situation -Situational factors and Individual differences 3. Response -approach/avoidance -Behavioral/Physiological/Psychological 4. Consequences -Performance, Attitudes & Health

components in the stress process model

1. Person-Environment Transaction 2. Cognitive Appraisal (Primary&Secondary) 3. Coping (problem or emotion-focused) 4. Stress/Emotion Outcome

You are a consultant for a Little League softball team in your hometown. One of the players comes to you and asks if you can help her with some anxiety she is feeling during games. Appropriate guidelines for applying your arousal and anxiety knowledge may include: A. develop her confidence to lower her arousal and anxiety B. recognize how personal and situational factors interact to influence her arousal and performance C. tailor coaching and instructional practices to her individual circumstances D. all of the above

D. all of the above

Your textbook refers to arousal as the A. direction of motivation at all times B. frequency of motivated behavior C. interaction of cognition and emotions D. intensity dimensions of motivation at a particular moment

D. intensity dimensions of motivation at a particular moment

Which of the following components is NOT required for cooperation? A. Positive interdependce B. Individual accountability C. Social skills training D. Self-referenced goals

D. self-referenced goals


Evaluation of how one feels about oneself in general -aka. general self-worth

As outlined in the textbook, which of the following are strategies for increasing intrinsic motivation? A. Give rewards contingent on performance B. Use both verbal and non-verbal praise C. Involve participants in decision making D. A and C E. B and C F. All of the above

F. All of the above

What are the 4 possible combinations of goal orientations?

High task, low ego High task, high ego Low task, low ego Low task, high ego

Identify IV and DV: Do 8 year old gymnasts learn new vaults faster if they are exposed to mastery versus coping models?

IV: model to learn the skill DV: time it takes to learn new vaults

Explain the difference between internal psychological core, typical responses, and role-related behavior in Hollander's model of personality.

Internal Psychological Core= basic level, values, interests, motives, etc. Typical Responses = ways we learn to adjust to the environment, how we usually respond to world around us Role-related Behavior = most changeable aspect of personality, different situations elicit different behaviors

What are attributions? How do they relate to success/failure?

Interpretations or explanations individuals give for success or failure i.e., Why you think you were successful or unsuccessful

self-serving bias

Making attributions that help you increase or maintain your self-esteem and confidence For success: internal and stable For failure: external and unstable

What are the 2 types of motivational climate? What individuals in the achievement environment may influence these goals?

Mastery climate: emphasis on learning, effort, individual improvement, and cooperation tend to evoke task involvement Performance (competitive) climate: Emphasis on competition, winning, and social comparison tend to evoke ego involvement -promoted by significant others (coaches, parents, etc.)

Multidimensional Theory According to this theory, what is the optimal level of each type of anxiety for performance? graph?

Multidimensional Theory states that somatic and cognitive anxiety influence performance differentially little evidence in the research to support this theory... Cognitive Anxiety has a negative linear relationship with performance Somatic Anxiety has an inverted-U relationship with performance


One's perception or description of them self...

What kind of feedback did Horn (1995) suggest was necessary for the most positive psychological outcomes?


Be able to describe how individual factors in this model influence competence motivation?

Perceived competence Perceived control Perceived value affect


Performing a behavior because it is part of your sense of self


Performing a behavior to avoid guilt and anxiety External regulation sources are internalized and behaviors are reinforced via internal pressures.


Performing an activity for its own sake 1. To gain knowledge or learn 2. To accomplish something, master the task 3. To experience pleasure, fun, excitement

extrinsic motivation

Performing an activity to receive a reward or avoid a punishment


Performing the behavior to achieve some valued, extrinsic outcome

positive approach vs. negative approach

Positive approach -Strengthens desired behavior by motivating participants to perform or exhibit them, and by reinforcing the behaviors when they occur -Focuses on correct performance -Praise, encouragement, and instruction are key elements Negative/aversive approach: -Attempts to eliminate undesirable behaviors through punishment and criticism -Focuses on performance errors or negative behaviors -Fear of failure is a key problem

What are the 3 characteristics of attributions?

1. Stability (stable vs. unstable) 2. Causality (internal vs. external) 3. locus of control (in one's control vs. not)

As a coach, what can you deal to prevent and/or help your athletes or exercisers manage performance anxiety?

1. Tailor coaching strategies to individuals 2.Develop performers' confidence 3. For athletes: train yourself to cope with stress and manage psychological arousal.

4 concepts about the self

1. The self is multidimensional 2. The self is hierarchical... 3. The self is influenced by others... 4. The information you use to inform your self-perceptions is developmentally influenced...

What are the 2 conceptions of ability and what outcomes might they influence?

1. Undifferentiated concept of ability an inability or a choice not to differentiate between ability and effort. i.e., working hard = ability. (task-oriented) 2. Differentiated concept of ability a person is able to, and chooses to, differentiate between ability and effort (ego/outcome)

Describe and explain the 4 primary ways to measure degrees of learning.

1. Verbal production 2.Recognition 3. Comprehension test 4. Actual performance

Name the 4 key components to the modeling process, and identify 1 way you could enhance each.

1. attention -Eliminate distraction -Explain the importance of the skill -Focus on the key points(3 or 4) -Start with the big picture -Consider age of participant 2. retention -Mental practice helps -Summarize key points and repeat aloud -Clear and concise instruction (KISS) -Immediate practice 3. motor reproduction -Check lead-up skills -Difficult skills - break into parts -Provide plenty of demonstrations and practice 4. motivation -Provide some rationale/connection -Minimize barriers to doing the skill (e.g., fear)

What are the 4 steps involved in the scientific method?

1.Develop the problem 2.Formulate hypotheses 3.Gather Data 4.Analyze and interpret results

What are the 2 assumptions of Achievement Goal Theory?

1.People are motivated to achieve competence. 2. Motivation is influenced by the personal meaning one assigns to success and failure

3 key assumptions of competence motivation model?

1.Perceptions of control (over whether one can learn and perform skills) work along with self-worth and competence evaluations to influence motivation. 2. Perceptions of control , competence, self-esteem do not influence motivation directly. 3. Rather, these perceptions influence affective or emotional states (e.g., enjoyment, anxiety, pride, shame) that in turn influence motivation.

What are the individual ABCs of sport & exercise psychology?

A = affect (feeling states) B = behavior (actions) C = cognition (thoughts)

physical self-worth (PSW)

A general evaluation about the physical aspects of oneself

learned helplessness

A psychological state where people have learned that failure is inevitable and out of their control Tend to attribute failure to uncontrollable, stable causes -> stop trying

A youth soccer coach wants to improve cooperation among his team as he feels some kids possess great athletic skills while some need to learn the basics of the game. Which is not a way to implement cooperation among his team to address this concern? A. Allow the kids to play the same position each game B. Maximize participation C. Do not keep score in games D. Give positive feedback

A. Allow the kids to play the game position each game

You are a U-15 soccer coach who wants to help a few of your players increase their motivation for soccer. Which of the following is NOT one of the five guidelines for professional practice on motivation which could guide your efforts? A. Always keep the environment the same to enhance motivation. B. Consider both situations and traits in motivating people. C. Use behavior modification to change undesirable participant motives. D. Understand people's motives for involvement.

A. Always keep the environment the same to enhance motivation

In considering the research findings on scholarships by Amorose, Horn, and Miller (1994, 2000), what combination of coaching behaviors would most likely decrease a scholarship athlete's intrinsic motivation? A. Coach emphasizes controlling aspect of scholarship, displays autocratic behavior B. Coach emphasizes informational aspect of scholarship, displays democratic behaviors C. Coach emphasizes controlling aspect of scholarship, displays democratic behavior D. Coach emphasizes informational aspect of scholarship, displays autocratic behavior

A. Coach emphasizes controlling aspect of scholarship, displays autocratic behavior

____________ feedback provides information about specific behaviors, levels of proficiency that should be achieved, and the current level of proficiency. A. Instructional B. General C. Specific D. Motivational

A. Instructional

A low trait-anxious athlete (compared to a high trait-anxious athlete) would perceive competition as A. less threatening and less anxiety producing B. less threatening and more anxiety producing C. more threatening and more anxiety producing D. more threatening and less anxiety producing

A. less threatening and less anxiety producing

A -defintion -research question ex.

Affect: (state specific) -Positive affect - optimal states of energy, concentration & pleasurable engagement -Negative affect - sense of distress or unpleasant engagement Emotion - affect & behavior congruent with, directed at particular stimulus Mood - diffuse and global expressions of emotion/affect How do anxiety or anger influence performance?

The final stage of the sport competition process according to Martens, the Consequences stage, involves three longer-term effects/outcomes. These include: A. Attitudes, attributions, health B. Performance, attitudes, health C. Performance, attributions, emotions D. Consequences, outcomes, performance

B. Performance, attitudes, health

Competition is best described as: A. A performance being evaluated and rewarded in terms of the collective achievements of a group working together to reach a goal B. Rewards being given to people on the basis of how their performance compares with other performances C. Opponents seeing each other as rivals, striving against each other to win D. Focusing on interpersonal comparison and winning

B. Rewards being given to people on the basis of how their performance compares with other performances

Johnny is a quarterback on his high school football team. His coach has been helping him to improve his passing form by rewarding small daily improvements as he approaches the correct behavior. This is best exemplified by _____. A. Punishment B. Shaping C. General Reinforcement D. Feedback

B. Shaping

Hanin's individualized zones of optimal functioning (IZOF) model suggests that A. individual performance is best for all when arousal is high B. each individual has a specific optimal bandwidth of arousal where performance is optimized C. individual performance is best for all when arousal is moderate D. none of the above

B. each individual has a specific optimal bandwidth of arousal where performance is optimized

In terms of motivational approaches, the "trait-centered view" focused on ___________ whereas the "situation-centered view" takes primary focus on __________. The most widely accepted approach, though, is the __________ view, which incorporates the previous two approaches. A. the environment/situation, individual characteristics, mixed B. individual characteristics, the environment/situation, interactional C. biological characteristics, life changes, interactional D. individual characteristics, the environment/situation, mixed

B. individual characteristics the environment/situation, interactional

According to Achievement Goal Theory, individuals can adopt certain outcome goal orientations. The orientation towards skill development or improvement is labeled as ______. A. mastery/outcome B. task/mastery C. task/ego D. ego/outcome

B. task/mastery

What does B=f(P,E) mean?

Behavior is a function of both the Person and his/her Environment -Dynamic ->Precise prediction difficult -Need to understand BOTH person and context

B -defintion -research question ex.

Behavior: Things athlete or exercisers do: Effort/motivation Skill/performance Aggression Sportsmanship Communication Why are some people so committed to a PA/training routine and others not?

You recently began coaching an elementary-school basketball team, whose members are learning the game for the first time. You seek to promote your player's enjoyment of their overall sport experience. What would NOT be an appropriate guideline to follow when giving positive reinforcement to your novice young players? A. Give them continuous and immediate reinforcement B. Reward their successful approximations through shaping C. Reward only the outcomes of players' attempts D. Provide specific feedback about players' performances

C. Reward only the outcomes of the players' attempts

Attribution theory focuses on A. how individuals explain their personal attributes B. how groups explain their personality attributes C. how individuals explain their success and failure D. how individuals explain their personal biases

C. how individuals explain their success and failure

________ is a personality disposition defined by the degree to which people become anxious when others observe their physiques. A. trait anxiety B. state anxiety C. social physique anxiety D. multidimensional anxiety theory E. debilitative anxiety

C. social physique anxiety

In a general psychological sense, motivation can be defined as A. the intensity of one's effort B. the direction of one's effort C. the direction and intensity of one's effort D. the direction and emotion associated with one's effort

C. the direction and intensity of one's effort

C -defintion -research question ex.

Cognition: Self or other-referenced thoughts: Informational Motivational Concentration/focus Affect-related Other-related Why do some athletes choke under pressure? Why do some athletes have negative thoughts during performance?

What is the difference between cognitive and somatic anxiety?

Cognitive anxiety: mental component e.g., worrying, distraction, situation-irrelevant thoughts Somatic anxiety: physiological component e.g., changes in heart rate, sweaty palms, muscle tension

What are common signs of state anxiety?

Cold, clammy hands Need to urinate frequently Profuse sweating Negative self-talk Dazed look in the eyes Feeling ill / headache Cotton mouth Difficulty sleeping Constantly better performance in non-competitive situations

competition vs. cooperation

Competition A social process that occurs when rewards are given to people on the basis of how their performances compare with the performances of others doing the same task or participating on the same event Cooperation A social process through which performance is evaluated and rewarded in terms of the collective achievements of a group of people working together to reach a particular goal

competitive vs. cooperative learning environments

Cooperative learning: 1. Positive interdependence 2. Face-to-face interaction 3. Individual accountability 4. Social skills training 5. Opportunities for group evaluation

Hollander's model of personality

Core= basic level, values, interests, motives, etc. Typical = ways we learn to adjust to the environment, how we usually respond to world around us Role-related = most changeable aspect of personality, different situations elicit different behaviors

Name the big 5 traits (of the Trait Approach)

(OCEAN) 1.Openness to Experience (original --> routine) 2.Conscientiousness (constrained --> careless) 3. Extraversion/Introversion (enthusiatic --> introverted) 4. Agreeableness (amicable --> skeptical) 5. Neuroticism (Emotionality) (nervousness --> emotionally stable)

Describe the trait approach to personality

- imply that traits (those relatively stable attributes of a person) are: 1. Consistent: we expect behavior (thoughts/emotions) to be similar from one situation to the next 2. Generalizable: we expect people to behave similarly across contexts

(drive theory) According to this theory, what is the optimal level of arousal for performing a well-learned task? A novel task?

- the relationship between anxiety and performance is direct and linear -Performance of dominant response (i.e., good for expert, poor for novice)

Coleman Griffith

-"Father of Modern Sport Psychology" -1st research lab -25 research articles -Studied Red Grange ( a football player) at Illinois; Worked w/ Notre Dame and Chicago Cubs (baseball)

Norman Triplett

-"Father of social psych" -Studied social facilitation of bikers

Ryan & Deci (2000)

-3 innate needs -social contexts that create conflict between these needs -> alienation and psychopathology

primary vs. secondary cognitive appraisal

-An evaluation of whether the encounter has significance for the person's well-being -primary: What is at STAKE? Is it relevant to my values, goals, beliefs, and self? -secondary: What can be DONE? Can I manage, prevent, or adapt to the encounter?

reversal theory

-Arousal effects performance based on interpretation -Your interpretation of this feeling could effect your performance.

(multidimensional theory) According to this theory, what is the optimal level of each type of anxiety for performance?

-Cognitive Anxiety -> always (-) linear relationship w/ performance -Somatic Anxiety-> inverted-U relationship w/ performance


-Constantly changing cognitive and behavioral efforts used to manage specific external and/or internal demands that are appraised as taxing or exceeding the resources of the person -problem or emotion focused

Which game structure category does the sport of basketball most likely fit into? A. Competitive means-competitive ends B. Individual means-individual ends C. Cooperative means-individual ends D. Cooperative means-competitive ends

D. Cooperative means-competitive ends

What are some ways practitioners may promote more intrinsic forms of motivation in their athletes or exercisers?

-Create an environment that meets people's needs for: Autonomy, Competence & Relatedness -Provide choice within specific limits & rules -Provide a rationale for tasks & limits -Acknowledge the other person's feelings and perspectives (athletes & coaches) -Provide non-controlling competence feedback -Avoid controlling behaviors -Avoid criticism & controlling statements -Avoid tangible rewards for interesting tasks -Prevent ego-involvement in athletes

Horn (1995) results

-More frequent positive reinforcement associated with lower perceptions of competence and success expectations -More frequent criticism associated with higher competence perceptions and expectations -Positive reinforcement needs to be contingent -Criticism usually followed by technical instruction

issues in production of observed behaviors

-Outcome vs. process -Recall vs. recognition -Learning vs. performance

What does the interactionist approach to personality suggest about how personality develops?

-Person factors (e.g., traits) and situation factors interact to determine behavior -B = f(P,E) -Combination of trait and situation theories -Concept of STATE vs. TRAIT characteristics

How can SDT be used to inform coaching/teaching practice to enhance self-determined motivation for athletes/exercisers?

-Use small rewards as symbols of achievement, not to coerce or control -Provide participants some choice -Help all participants feel included in the group

What were the primary take-home points from the Martinent et al. (2013 study)?

Purpose: Identify affective profiles of athletes both before and during competition - examine differences between these profiles on coping and goal attainment. Participants: 306 French athletes, multiple sports, Ages 15-39 (average age = 22) Measures: (self-report 2 hrs. before & after) -Affective states (intensity & directionality) -Coping strategies (task, distraction, disengagement) -Sport goal attainment Results: 1. High positive affect facilitators (n = 88, 81) 2. Facilitators (n = 75, 25) 3. Low affect debilitators (n = 83, 127) 4. High negative affect debilitators (n = 60, 73) -Some consistency in profiles across time points.

3 roles of sport psychologists RTC

Research, teaching, consulting -research- plan, design, implement and evaluate research. Theoretical and applied research and intervention. -teaching- university courses. All levels. Community and sports organizations. -consulting- help individuals and teams improve performance, manage demands, and enhance well-being. Educational, counseling, clinical.

Explain the findings of the Ryan (1977, 1980) scholarship studies?

Scholarship < Non- Scholarship on IM (football) Scholarship > Non- Scholarship on IM (women wrestling)


See no link between actions and outcomes

What do the stability, causality, and control attributions mean in terms of psychological outcomes?

Stability: -stable -> greater expectations of outcome happening again -unstable->lower expectation Causality: -internal ->greater pride/shame -external ->lower pride/shame Control: -in one's control -> greater motivation -out of one's control -> less motivation

What is the TARGET acronym and how might it be used to influence motivational climate?

Task Authority Recognition Grouping Evaluation Timing

sport & exercise psychology definition

The scientific study of human behavior in sport and exercise, and the practical application of that knowledge


Thoughts and feelings about the self...

What is the difference between state and trait anxiety?

Trait Anxiety: The tendency to become anxious in stressful situations(dispositional) ~ An acquired behavioral tendency that is part of one's personality State Anxiety: The actual apprehension and tension felt at a given time (in the moment)... ~ A changing mood state

What are the two major types of questions in the field?

Understand the effects of: 1. Psychological factors on sport/physical activity behavior and performance 2. Participating in sport/physical activity on psychological development, health, and well-being

positive reinforcement

adding something to increase the likelihood of a behavior that precedes it

Be able to describe the motivational continuum and each type of motivation on it.

amotivation-extrinsic(external,introjected,identified, integrated)-intrinsic -becomes self-determined at identified

Define and differentiate arousal and anxiety. Be able to differentiate these terms from stress (next lecture) as well.

arousal-> "A general state of activation from deep sleep to extreme excitement..." - an "intensity" dimension of motivation at a particular moment -Neither + nor (-) -Includes physiological, cognitive, and behavioral dimensions anxiety->"A (-) emotional state characterized by nervousness, worry, apprehension and increased physiological activation..."

Stacey is an adolescent tennis player who is always concerned with comparing her ability to her prior performance and setting new personal bests. Based on this description, Stacey endorses a high: a. outcome/ego goal orientation b. task/mastery goal orientation c. attributional goal orientation d. achievement goal orientation

b. task/mastery orientation

In Hollander's model of personality, the most easily changed part of a personality structure is its: a. internal responses b. psychological core c. role-related behavior d. belief system e. typical responses

c. role-related behavior


decreases the likelihood of a behavior that precedes it


disposition to strive for satisfaction when making comparisons w/ some standard of excellence in the presence of evaluative others

Be able to draw and explain the hierarchical model of the self.

general self-concept -academic, social, emotional, physical branches -history, english, peers, friends, sad, angry, ability, appearance, etc.

feedback (3 functions)

informational motivational reinforcement

Define and explain the differences between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation?

intrinsic: Behaviors demonstrated voluntarily, in the absence of constraints imposed by others Performing an activity for its own sake extrinsic:Behaviors displayed for the purpose of achieving some end and not for its own sake

Inverted-U Hypothesis graph? According to this theory, what is the optimal level of arousal for performing a task?

performance is optimal at a moderate level of arousal and falls off if athletes are not aroused enough or too aroused...

Why are traits a poor predictor of behavior on their own?

predispositions do not mean an individuals will act on them in every situation... sport may be a context in which traits are suppressed or exaggerated. Don't take into account the environment.

problems w/ using personality testing in athletics

problems: -Using clinical tests that focus on abnormality to study average population -Not sufficient evidence of reliability and validity -Social desirability and some psychological skills can be learned -Does not account for non-psychological factors which affect sport performance -Not recommended to use personality tests to make decisions about sport participation (e.g., making the team)

negative reinforcement

removing something to increase the likelihood of a behavior that precedes it

What is a theory?

set of interrelated facts that present a systematic view of a phenomenon in order to describe, explain, and predict its future occurrences

Social Learning theory

situation approach-> suggests people learn behaviors for certain situations via observational learning/modeling


situation approach-> suggests people learn behaviors for specific situations via rewards and punishments

What is personality?

that pattern of characteristic thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that distinguishes one person from another and that persists over time and situations"

Drive Theory Graph? According to this theory, what is the optimal level of arousal for performing a well-learned task? A novel task?

the belief that behavior is motivated by drives that arise from biological needs that demand satisfaction

What is the definition of motivation?

the direction and intensity of effort Direction - approach/avoid or attraction Intensity - how much effort, persistence

whats poppin


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