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What is an anagram that describes Lavender Brown?

"Brand new lover."

What does Expecto Patronum mean in Latin?

"I await a guardian."

What does Hogwarts motto translate to?

"Never tickle a sleeping dragon."

What is the one word that Neville's mum say to him that actually made sense?

"Proud." After the Battle of Hogwarts, Neville went to St. Mungo's to tell his parents about everything, from restarting the DA to killing Nagini. After he finished telling his story, his mum looked at him and said "Proud."

How much older is Remus than Tonks?

13 years, a unlucky number.

How many staircases are there in Hogwarts?


How old were Dumbledore and Voldemort when they died?

150 and 71, respectively. Wizards generally live longer than muggles.

How old Sirius when he left his parents to live with James?


How old was Harry when he became an Auror?

17, right after he defeated Voldemort.

How many times is Harry's name mentioned throughout the entire series?

18,956 times.

How many total chapters are there in the entire series?

199 chapters. So very close to 200.

What year was PS published?


When was Hogwarts established?


Why did James hate Snape?

He figured that Snape always harbored deeper feelings for Lily.

What was Ron's patronus?

A terrier, which ironically have a reputation for chasing otters, Hermione's patronus.

How many Ford Anglias did it take to film the Whomping Willow scene in CoS?

A whopping 14. One, however, had been stolen.

About how many students attend Hogwarts annually?

About 1,000 students.

Was Neville meant to be in Gryffindor?

Actually, he never wanted to be in Gryffindor. He asked the Hat to put him in Hufflepuff, because he found the Gryffindor quality for bravery intimidating. The Hat, however, insisted in putting him in it.

Why was George never able to produce a patronus after Fred's death?

All his happy memories involved Fred.

What is Hermione's patronus?

An otter. It is Rowling's favorite animal. In DH, Hermione and Ron fall asleep holding hands. Otters are known for falling asleep while holding hands. They are also part of the weasel family.

Who did Cho Chang marry?

An unnamed Muggle.

Who did Rowling consider killing is OotP instead of Sirius?

Arthur Weasley. She decided not to make 7 children fatherless and instead kill Sirius.

Who is Draco Malfoy's wife?

Astoria Greengrass, his classmate Daphne Greengrass's younger sister.

What does yew, the wood in Voldemort's wand, represent?

Death and rebirth. *cough*GoF*cough*

Who was murdered to make each Horcrux?

Diary: Moaning Myrtle Ring: Tom Riddle Sr. Nagini: Bertha Jorkins Locket: Muggle tramp Diadem: Albanian pheasant Cup: Hepzibah Smith Harry: Lily and James

Who invented the method of communication through Patronuses?

Dumbledore. Only the members of the Order know how to do it.

What does Voldemort's name mean in French?

Fly from death, which is basically all Voldemort does.

Why does Hagrid enjoy taming monsters?

For him, it's overcoming something that could kill you.

Was Dean Thomas a muggleborn, half-blood, or pureblood?

Half-blood. His father was a wizard and was killed by Death Eaters.

Who did Hannah Abbot marry and what was her job?

Hannah married Neville and became the landlady for The Leaky Cauldron.

What are the first and last words Dobby says?

Harry Potter.

Who in the Trio has what wand core?

Harry has phoenix feather, Ron has unicorn hair, and Hermione has dragon heartstring. Together, they unite the Ollivander wand cores.

Why did Snape hate Harry?

Harry was a constant reminder to him that Lily loved another man, his worst enemy.

What does Hedwig's death represent?

Harry's loss of innocence and coming of age. Sad way to show it.

How did Fabius Watkins, Chaser for the Montrose Magpies, die?

He crashed into a helicopter.

How long was Harry able to speak Parseltongue?

He lost the ability to speak it after the piece of Voldemort's soul in him was destroyed, and was quite glad to.

What did Dumbledore really see in the Mirror of Erised?

He saw his family, whole and happy.

Why didn't Draco marry Pansy?

He secretly hated her.

What did Dudley see when he was attacked by dementors?

He sees himself for what he really is: a cowardly, selfish, spoiled rotten bully.

What was Quirrell's job before he became the DADA professor?

He taught Muggle Studies.

Why was Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington (aka Nearly Headless Nick) executes?

He tried to fix a witch named Lady Grieve's teeth and accidentally turned them into tusks.

What was Godric Gryffindor's Animagus?

He was a giant squid.

What house was Filch in?

He was in Slytherin and supported them in Quidditch matches.

How come Sirius never got married?

He was too busy being a rebel.

Wht job did Ron take before becoming an Auror?

He worked with George in Weasley's Wizard Wheezes.

Who contributed to most of the Hogwarts' recipes?

Helga Hufflepuff

Who is the character Rowling says she is most like?

Hermione. She says they are both intelligent and afraid of failure.

What is Voldemort's boggart?

His corpse, as his worst fear is death.

Why didn't Voldemort just become a ghost?

His soul was too maimed and he instead became on of the flayed looking things Harry saw in King's Cross.

What house was Tonks in?


Who invented Floo powder?

Ignatia Wildsmith in the 13th century.

What is in the Love Chamber in the Department of Mysteries?

It is a fountain spouting the largest amount of Amortentia in the world, the strongest love potion.

What is a Kneazle?

It is a type of wizarding cat that is known for being highly intelligent and very loyal to their owners.

What does the Hufflepuff dormitory look like?

It is accessed through a barrel by tapping it to the correct rhythm of Helga Hufflepuff. It is partly underground, so the window view is of grass. The dorm are found in tunnels shaped like badger burrows and have doors in the shape of barrels.

What is the book "Who Am I?" about?

It is by Gilderoy Lockhart, talking about who he thinks he is and how he tries to remember. He never did recover.

What is Dumbledore's boggart?

It is his sister Ariana's corpse.

Why does Harry's scar hurt?

It is the piece of Voldemort's soul trying to come out of it to rejoin it's master.

What is a Hatstall?

It is when the Hat takes more than 5 minutes to decide which house a student should be in. It is very rare and takes place once every 50 years.

What does a boggart take shape for Dobby and the Weasley twins?

It takes shape as Lord Voldemort.

Who was the first witch to fly across the Atlantic Ocean on broomstick and when did she do it?

It was Jocunda Sykes, in 1935, three years after Amelia Earhart did it on plane.

What does the word "Quidditch" stand for?

It was for the names of the balls. Qui for Quaffle, dd for the Bludgers, and itch for Snitch.

Why was Hermione's middle name changed from Jane to Jean?

It was to avoid having the same name as Umbridge.

What happened to the Resurrection Stone?

It was trampled into the ground by the centaurs' hooves as they ran to Hogwarts' aid in the battle.

How many Horcruxes did Harry personally destroy himself?

Just one, the diary.

Who became Minister of Magic after the second wizarding war and what did he do to Azkaban?

Kingsley Shacklebolt became Minister and removed dementors from Azkaban. He also offered anybody of age that fought in the Battle of Hogwarts a job as an Auror.

Crookshanks is half cat and half what?


Who named her twins Lorcan and Lysander?

Luna Lovegood.

What is Lily Potter's middle name? (Harry's daughter, not his mom)

Luna, after Luna Lovegood.

What does the Ministry of Magic code spell on a phone?

Magic, naturally.

Who did Fudge succeed as Minister of Magic?

Millicent Bagnold

Name the Maurauders and their real names.

Moony (Remus Lupin) Wormtail (Peter Pettigrew) Padfoot (Sirius Black) and Prongs ( James Potter)

Which character in GoF is name after an actual Harry Potter fan who died of leukemia?

Natalie Macdonald. She is sorted into Gryffindor.

Why did Snape hate Neville?.

Neville could've been the one Voldemort went after, so Lily would still be alive.

Did Harry ever teach DADA at Hogwarts?

No, but he did come around occasionally to teach a lesson.

When were Fred and George born?

On April Fools day.

What caused a riot to break out in a Quidditch match between Puddlemere United and the Holyhead Harpies?

One of the Harpies' chaser, Wilda Griffiths, disappeared after her first move.

Which movie was the least successful?

PoA. It made $90 million more than the most successful Twilight movie.

Who was the first magical person to appear in the series?

Professor Mcgonagall.

What were Hermione, Draco, and Neville's original last names?

Puckle, Spungen, and Sidebottom, respectively.

What is the meaning of Remus Lupin's name?

Remus was one of the two babies in Roman mythology who were raised by a wolf. The wolf's name was Lupa, which meant wolf in Latin, hence Lupin. The letters in his name can be rearranged to spell Primus Lune, or full moon.

Who did Luna marry?

Rolf Scamander, the grandson of Newt Scamander, the author of Fantastic Magical Beasts and Where to Find Them.

Who in the trio (Ron, Hermione, and Harry) never had their original name changed?


What was the third scent in the Amortentia that Hermione smelled in HBP?

Ron's hair

Who bewitched the Hogwarts staircases to move?

Rowena Ravenclaw

Who decided Hogwart's name and location?

Rowena Ravenclaw. She dreamed that a warty hog led her to a loch in Scotland.

What job did Ginny take after she retired from the Holyhead Harpies?

She became the senior correspondent for the Daily prophet.

Would Lily love ever love Snape?

She might have been attached to him romantically if he hadn't been so into the Dark Arts.

What position did Mcgonagall play on the Gryffindor quidditch team.

She played Chaser, as did James Potter.

What memory does Ginny recall when the dementors come near?

She remembers when she was possesed by Voldemort.

Why is Bill and Fleur's daughter named Victoire?

She was born on May 2, the anniversary of Harry's victory over Voldemort.

What happened to Umbridge after the second Wizarding War?

She was tried and sent to Azkaban for her acts against Muggleborns.

What was Hermione's first job at the Ministry?

She worked at the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. There she helped promote the rights of house elves, among other things.

How long was the Mirror of Erised kept in the Room of Requirement?

Since 1891.

What is the first and last house mentioned in the series?


What house was Merlin, one of the most famous wizards if all time, in?

Slytherin. Not entirely bad now, eh?

Which professional Quidditch team did Ginny play seeker for?

The Holyhead Harpies. She later retired to raise a family with Harry.

What was the original name for the Death Eaters?

The Knights of Walpurgis.

What did Harry's son James steal from his desk?

The Maurauder's Map

Why couldn't Harry see the thestrals in his third and fourth year when he had already seen his mum die?

The death had to mean something while experiencing it. Harry was a baby at the time, so he had no idea what was going on.

How many and where are the wizarding schools in the world?

There are five schools. One in Scotland, one in Bulgaria, one in France, one in the USA, and one in Brazil.

How does Hogwarts keep track of all the magical children?

There is a magical tracking quill that writes down the name of every magical child born.

What is the core of the Elder Wand?

Thestral hair.

How do muggleborns have magical powers?

They are descended from Squibs who married muggles.

How do dementors breed?

They don't. They appear in dark, dank places, like fungus.

What happened to the Death Eaters' tattoos when Voldemort died?

They eventually faded to the point where they looked like scars.

How did the Dursleys explain Dudley's tail to the hospital?

They said it was a wart that had gotten out of control.

Why is Flitwick so small?

Though he is 100% human, he has a little bit of goblin blood in him.

Why did Limbo appear to be King's Cross for Harry?

To him, it was the physical representation of crossing between two worlds: Wizarding and Muggle.

What's Harry's favorite dessert?

Treacle tart

Name all the children of the Weasley children.

Victoire, Louis, and Dominque (Bill and Fleur) Lucy and Molly (Percy and Audrey) Fred and Roxanne (George and Angelina) Hugo and Rose (Ron and Hermione) James, Albus, and Lily (Ginny and Harry)

When was the only time Fred and George saw each other as old men?

When they put their names in the Goblet of Fire using an Aging Potion.

How did Harry arrive and leave the Dursley's?

With Sirius's motorbike. Arthur Weasley later fixed it and gave it to him.

What are the effects of being conceived under a Love Potion?

You will not be able to love (Voldemort).

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