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FIRST, I will define what a fad diet is.


Interactive element: Now be honest here, raise your hand if you've ever posted something on social media, only to go back and delete it because you noticed something about your appearance that made youself-consciouss.


Interactive element: Now, I want you all to pretend that you have a big exam approaching next week- most of you probably don't even have to pretend...Do you start studying now, like you know you should, or do you wait until the very last minute because it seems easier to learn everything in one night?


Internal preview: in order to achieve this sustainable weight loss, I will share some universal nutritional and lifestyle tips provided by certified professionals across the board.


Internal preview: the reality is that most of us would take the "easy way out" and procrastinate studying until the night before hoping that it's enough. And sure, you may pass the test with a good grade, but there's no way you'll retain all that information you forced yourself to learn last minute. This is a perfect example of a quick fix to a long-term problem. Which is exactly what a fad diet is....


Internal summary: although these steps may seem difficult for someone who is impatiently trying to lose weight, it's vital to remember that there is no such thing as a quick fix when it comes to improving your health.


Internal summary: how far are you willing to go for vanity?


Internal summary: although fad diets may be tempting, their extremely restrictive nature causes never-ending mental health problems and also hugely prompts risks to an individual's physical well-being.




Main point 1: Fad diets are diets that promote quick results with seemingly little effort.


Main point 3: for decades, dietary experts have confirmed that 1-2 pounds of fat loss per week are considered sustainable weight loss.


Memorable closing statement (Attention Closer): remember, the easy way out usually leads back in.


PREVIEW: Because I have experience with fad dieting firsthand, I am here to inform you about what fad diets are and how to spot them, the dangers of fad diets, and how to avoid them altogether.


Reinforce Thesis: Fad diets are controversial and for good reason. However, they are ultimately unhealthy, unsustainable, and completely unethical in achieving weight loss goals.


Review: Overall, we have discussed what fad diets are and how to identify them, the dangers of fad diets, and how to avoid them in order to create a healthier lifestyle.


Sub-sub point 1: because so many Americans have such a strong desire to lose weight, it makes them vulnerable to the numerous fad diets that are popping up constantly in the media. Often, these diets are backed with no scientific evidence at all.


Sub-sub point 1: One way to do this is by eating regular and balanced meals that are fillingand nutrient-densee. Instead of trying to eat less, registered dietitian and author Didi de Zwarte says people should focus on eating foods containing essential nutrients that fuel the body rather than deteriorating it.


Sub-sub point 1: for starters, due to the rapid weight loss produced by fad diets, dieters are unlikely to maintain their weight loss long-term . In fact, according to a study done by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, only 20% of overweight individuals were able to achieve long-term weight loss success.


Sub-sub point 1: However, Functional registered dietitian, Michelle Shapiro, believes in a dieting approach that is compassionate, loving, and accepting of the individual's weaknesses.


Sub-sub point 1: Once an individual realizes there is no finish line to weight loss or getting in shape, they will start to see their life transform in profound ways.


Sub-sub point 1: one example is the cabbage soup diet or the grapefruit diet which are both known as mono diets, where the individual consumes one food for an extended amount of time.


Sub-sub point 1: the first distinction is that fad diets often promise a magic remedy to lose weight without having to change your lifestyle in any way whatsoever. This can include lotions, diet pills, special supplements, or clothing like sweat suits which all tend to be highly expensive.


Sub-sub point 1: the main impact of fad diets on mental health is... - low self-esteem - body-dissatisfaction ----- which most of the time leads to some form of disordered eating.


Sub-sub point 1: this elevated amount of insecurity amongst people all over the world makes us vulnerable to the strategic marketing ploys and weight loss scams that are fad diets.


Sub-sub point 2: also, it's recommended for individuals who are trying to lose weight, that they should increase water intake due to its ability to " suppress your appetite, boost your metabolism, and make exercise easier and more efficient".


Sub-sub point 2: Another physical danger related to fad diets is that they can easily cause individuals to become nutrient deficient, thus leading to common issues like severe hair loss, chronic fatigue and tiredness, and bone and muscle pain.


Sub-sub point 2: the mental drawbacks of fad dieting especially affect the youth.. in fact.... According to the National Eating disorder association, "14- and 15-year olds who engaged in extreme dieting were 18 times more likely to eventually develop an eating disorder than non-dieters"


Sub-sub point 2: - language surrounding nutrition on social media can sound scientific - builds confidence in the viewer - but we don't see the sponsorships and brand deals behind the posts - that encourage us to buy expensive products in fact, the language surrounding nutrition on social media platforms can sound very scientific, fostering confidence in the viewer, however, what we don't see are the brand deals and sponsorships behind these posts that are often encouraging us to neglect our health and purchase expensive alternatives to "fix" our natural imperfections.


Sub-sub point 2: However, the reason people fall victim to fad diets is that they promote miracle cures and quick fixes to weight loss with minimal effort.


Sub-sub point 2: She encourages people to ditch dieting and look internally at what causes them anxiety to help create a shame-free, individualized, and balanced eating plan.


Sub-sub point 2: another characteristic of fad diets is that they often have rigid rules and ban a specific food or food group such as dairy products, carbohydrates, or a staple food like wheat. The keto diet is the perfect example of this, as it requires an individual to consume less than 50 grams of carbs per day.


Sub-sub point 2: another common fad diet is the Master Cleanse which involves avoiding solid food altogether and replacing it with a "detoxifying" beverage made up of cayenne pepper, lemon juice, and maple syrup.


Sub-sub point 2: there is no hidden secret to weight loss. Science has backed evidence suggesting that the true key to sustainable weight loss is balance and one may accomplish that by setting achievable goals, listening to their body by respecting its hunger and fullness cues, incorporating daily exercise, and eating in moderation.


Sub-sub point 3: disordered eating is a severe and life-threatening mental illness that can cause a numerous physical problems throughout the entire body.


Sub-sub point 3: what is so terrific about Shapiro's advice, is that it recognizes that every human mind and body is different and that there is no quick fix to anything!!!! To achieve weight loss goals and create a zestful life, we must find support in relieving anxiety surrounding body image and focus on optimizing our health for longevity.


Sub-sub point 3: and lastly, a third way to spot a fad diet, is if it is more focussed on one's appearance rather than their actual health long term.


Sub-sub point 3: - influencers promoting fad diets are poorly qualified - perpetuates misconceptions about fad dieting in today's culture. also, many of the influencers encouraging these fad diets are poorly qualified to provide nutritional guidance which perpetuates the many misconceptions about fad dieting in our society.


Sub-sub point 3: lastly, the American Institute for Cancer Research suggests that heavily processed foods typically include unhealthy levels of added sugar, sodium, and fat which can lead to serious health issues like obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes. SO in other words, avoid highly processed foods at all costs!!


Subpoint A: unfortunately, we've reached a point in history where we are looking at ourselves more than ever before. With the rise of social media, we all have a public image that is being viewed by others on a daily basis making us increasingly insecure.


Subpoint A: According to findings from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 17% of adults over the age of 20 in the United States were on a special diet between 2015-2018, which were mostly weight loss and low calorie focussed.


Subpoint A: The first step of sustainable weight loss is to adopt a health mindset rather than an appearance mindset. For the most part, obsession over one's appearance leads to high levels of anxiety and discouragement which ultimately traps the individual in a cycle of unhealthy dieting.


Subpoint B: DUE TO the overwhelming amount of nutrition advice circulating through the media, it can be quite difficult for an individual who is trying to lose weight to know the difference between a legitimate diet trend and a fad.... But according to the Better Health channel, "it's easy to spot a fad diet.


Subpoint B: Another step to sustainable weight loss that is approved by many experts is creating a balanced and healthy eating regime that is not utterly restrictive and still allows you to experience the joy of food.


Subpoint B: social media is one of the many influences of fad dieting that can cause serious mental health problems for individuals who don't know any better but to take the nutrition advice they see online.


Subpoint C: My last point regarding healthy weight loss is to simply focus on a lifestyle rather than a quick fix.


Subpoint C: along with the harmful mental impacts of disordered eating, fad dieting can provoke a whole other series of dangers related to the physical body.


Subpoint C: because dieting is so prevalent in today's culture there are many popular fad diets being promoted by magazines, influencers, and even friends.


Transition: although it is completely normal to care about your appearance, there often comes a point when caring turns into obsession, which is when things can get dangerous.


Transition: so in order to put an end to the cycle of yo-yo dieting and endless health dangers, it's important to discuss the ways in which you can protect yourself from the deception of fad diets.


Transition: which is again, why fad dieting is so detrimental to the mental and physical health of people all over the world.


Sub-sub point 3: additionally, fad diets are huge contributors to heightened mortality rates due to heart disease and intense calorie restriction.


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