FAI-Aerodynamics of flight
(Refer to Figure 18.) What is the stall speed of an airplane in a 30 degree bank turn if the level stall speed is 100 knots?
108 knots.
(Refer to Figure 21.) Consider only aspect ratio (other factors remain constant). Which aircraft will generate greatest lift
(Refer to Figure 18.) What is the stall speed of an airplane under a load factor of 2 if the unaccelerated stall speed is 100 knots?
140 knots
(Refer to Figure 18.) What is the stall speed of an airplane under a load factor of 4 if the unaccelerated stall speed is 70 knots?
140 knots.
(Refer to Figure 19.) The lift/drag at 2° angle of attack is approximately the same as the lift/drag for
16.5° angle of attack.
Which is a split flap?
(Refer to Figure 23.) Which is a slotted flap?
(Refer to Figure 17.) What load factor would be created if positive 30 feet per second gusts were encountered at 130 knots?
(Refer to Figure 21.) Consider only aspect ratio (other factors remain constant). Which aircraft will generate greatest drag?
(Refer to Figure 23.) Which is a fowler flap?
An airplane has a normal stalling speed of 60 knots but is forced into an accelerated stall at twice that speed. What maximum load factor will result from this maneuver?
4 G's
(Refer to Figure 18.) What increase in load factor would take place if the angle of bank were increased from 60° to 80°?
4 G's.
(Refer to Figure 21.) Which aircraft has the highest aspect ratio?
If an airplane's gross weight is 3,250 pounds, what is the load acting on this airplane during a level 60° banked turn?
6,500 pounds.
At which angle of attack does the airplane travel the maximum horizontal distance per foot of altitude lost?
(Refer to Figure 18.) A 70 percent increase in stalling speed would imply a bank angle of
(Refer to Figure 18.) If, during a steady turn with a 50° bank, a load factor of 1.5 were imposed on an airplane which has an unaccelerated stall speed of 60 knots, at what speed would the airplane first stall?
75 knots.
(Refer to Figure 21.) Which aircraft has the lowest aspect ratio?
(Refer to Figure 21.) Of aircraft 1, 2, or 3, which has the lowest aspect ratio?
Which statement is true concerning the aerodynamic conditions which occur during a spin entry
After a full stall, the wing that drops continues in a stalled condition while the rising wing regains and continues to produce some lift, causing the rotation.
Which statement relates to Bernoulli's principle?
Air traveling faster over the curved upper surface of an airfoil causes lower pressure on the top surface.
(Refer to Figure 19.) Which statement is true regarding airplane flight at L/D(max)?
Any angle of attack other than that for L/D(max) increases total drag for a given airplane's lift.
What action is necessary to make an aircraft turn?
Change the direction of lift.
A sweptwing airplane with weak static directional stability and increased dihedral causes an increase in
Dutch roll tendency.
Which subsonic planform provides the best lift coefficient?
Elliptical wing.
Which action will result in a stall?
Exceeding the critical angle of attack.
Which type of flap is characterized by large increases in lift coefficient with minimum changes in drag?
Which type of flap creates the greatest change in pitching moment?
Which relationship is correct when comparing drag and airspeed?
Induced drag varies inversely as the square of the airspeed
An airplane is usually affected by ground effect at what height above the surface?
Less than half the airplane's wingspan above the surface.
Which type of flap creates the least change in pitching moment?
Which characteristic of a spin is not a characteristic of a steep spiral?
Stalled wing.
How can a pilot increase the rate of turn and decrease the radius at the same time?
Steepen the bank and decrease airspeed.
Which aircraft characteristics contribute to spiral instability?
Strong static directional stability and weak dihedral effect.
On which wing planform does the stall begin at the wingtip and progress inward toward the wing root
Sweepback wing.
Why does increasing speed also increase lift?
The increased impact of the relative wind on an airfoil's lower surface creates a greater amount of air being deflected downward.
Which statement is true relating to the factors which produce stalls?
The stalling angle of attack is independent of the speed of airflow over the wings.
Which statement is true regarding the forces acting on an airplane in a steady-state climb?
The sum of all upward forces is equal to the sum of all downward forces.
When rolling out of a steep-banked turn, what causes the lowered aileron to create more drag than when rolling into the turn?
The wing's angle of attack is greater as the rollout is started.
Which statement describes the relationship of the forces acting on an aircraft in a constant-power and constant-airspeed descent?
Thrust is equal to drag; lift is equal to weight.
When considering the forces acting upon an airplane in straight-and-level flight at constant airspeed, which statement is correct
Weight always acts vertically toward the center of the Earth.
A wing with a very high aspect ratio (in comparison with a low aspect ratio wing) will have
a low stall speed.
Changes in the center of pressure of a wing affect the aircraft's
aerodynamic balance and controllability.
The angle between the chord line of an airfoil and the relative wind is known as the angle of
(Refer to Figure 17.) A positive load factor of 4 at 140 knots would cause the airplane to
be subjected to structural damage.
The three axes of an aircraft intersect at the
center of gravity.
The point on an airfoil through which lift acts is the
center of pressure.
The capability of an aircraft to respond to a pilot's inputs, especially with regard to flightpath and attitude, is
At a constant velocity in airflow, a high aspect ratio wing will have (in comparison with a low aspect ratio wing)
decreased drag, especially at a high angle of attack.
Adverse yaw during a turn entry is caused by
decreased induced drag on the lowered wing and increased induced drag on the raised wing.
As the angle of bank is increased, the vertical component of lift
decreases and the sink rate increases.
The use of a slot in the leading edge of the wing enables an airplane to land at a slower speed because it
delays the stall to a higher angle of attack.
The critical angle of attack at which a given aircraft stalls is dependent on the
design of the wing.
The angle of attack of a wing directly controls the
distribution of positive and negative pressure acting on the wing.
If an aircraft has negative dynamic and positive static stability, this will result in
divergent oscillations
During a steady climb, the rate of climb depends on
excess power.
During a steady climb, the angle of climb depends on
excess thrust.
An airplane leaving ground effect will
experience a decrease in stability and a noseup change in moments
An airplane would have a tendency to nose up and have an inherent tendency to enter a stalled condition when the center of pressure is
forward of the center of gravity.
(Refer to Figure 20.) At the airspeed represented by point A, in steady flight, the aircraft will
have its maximum lift/drag ratio.
As airspeed decreases in level flight, total drag of an aircraft becomes greater than the total drag produced at the maximum lift/drag speed because of the
increase in induced drag.
As airspeed increases in level flight, total drag of an aircraft becomes greater than the total drag produced at the maximum lift/drag speed because of the
increase in parasite drag.
The purpose of aircraft wing dihedral angle is to
increase lateral stability.
If the same angle of attack is maintained in ground effect as when out of ground effect, lift will
increase, and induced drag will decrease.
Maximum gliding distance of an aircraft is obtained when
induced drag and parasite drag are equal.
That portion of the aircraft's total drag created by the production of lift is called
induced drag, and is greatly affected by changes in airspeed.
It is possible to fly an aircraft just clear of the ground at a slightly slower airspeed than that required to sustain level flight at higher altitudes. This is the result of
interference of the ground surface with the airflow patterns about the aircraft in flight.
If the airspeed increases and decreases during longitudinal phugoid oscillations, the aircraft
is maintaining a nearly constant angle of attack.
Action of the elevators moves the plane on its
lateral axis.
During flight with zero angle of attack, the pressure along the upper surface of a wing would be
less than atmospheric pressure.
If an increase in power tends to make the nose of an airplane rise, this is the result of the
line of thrust being below the center of gravity
Aileron deflection moves the airplane about its
longitudinal axis
The quality of an aircraft that permits it to be operated easily and to withstand the stresses imposed on it is
(Refer to Figure 17.) The airspeed indicated by point C is
maneuvering speed
If severe turbulence is encountered, the aircraft's airspeed should be reduced to
maneuvering speed.
(Refer to Figure 20.) At an airspeed represented by point B, in steady flight, the pilot can expect to obtain the aircraft's
maximum glide range in still air
(Refer to Figure 17.) The airspeed indicated by point D is
maximum structural cruising speed.
A line drawn from the leading edge to the trailing edge of an airfoil and equidistant at all points from the upper and lower contours is called the
mean camber line.
If the aircraft's nose initially tends to move farther from its original position after the elevator control is pressed forward and released, the aircraft displays
negative static stability.
The initial tendency of an aircraft to develop forces that further remove the aircraft from its original position, when disturbed from a condition of steady flight, is known as
negative static stability.
If the aircraft's nose remains in the new position after the elevator control is pressed forward and released, the aircraft displays
neutral static stability.
(Refer to Figure 17.) The airspeed indicated by point E is
never-exceed speed
(Refer to figure 17.) The airspeed indicated by point A is
normal stall speed.
An aircraft wing is designed to produce lift resulting from
positive air pressure below the wing's surface and negative air pressure above the wing's surface.
The most desirable type of stability for an aircraft to possess is
positive dynamic stability.
(Refer to Figure 17.) The horizontal dashed line from point C to point E represents the
positive limit load factor.
If the aircraft's nose initially tends to return to its original position after the elevator control is pressed forward and released, the aircraft displays
positive static stability.
The resistance, or skin friction, due to the viscosity of the air as it passes along the surface of a wing is called
profile drag.
Lift produced by an airfoil is the net force developed perpendicular to the
relative wind.
As altitude increases, the indicated airspeed at which a given airplane stalls in a particular configuration will
remain the same as at low altitude.
The angle of attack at which an airplane stalls
remains constant regardless of gross weight.
The tendency of an aircraft to develop forces which restore it to its original condition, when disturbed from a condition of steady flight, is known as
If the pilot applies right rudder to a stable airplane, the
tail deflects left and the nose moves right.
The angle between the chord line of the wing and the longitudinal axis of the aircraft is known as
the angle of incidence.
The force which imparts a change in the velocity of a mass is called
A rectangular wing, as compared to other wing planforms, has a tendency to stall first at the
wing root providing adequate stall warning.
Aspect ratio of a wing is defined as the ratio of the
wingspan to the mean chord.