fam 253 chapter 12

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19. What is a cause of female infertility?

all of the above

In which year did the Internal Revenue Service announce that breast pumps and other breast-feeding supplies were tax deductible?


55. About how long does an ovum live in the female reproductive tract?

24 hours

Approximately how many women experience postpartum depression?


36. A 25-year old woman could be diagnosed with infertility after having regular unprotected sex and not conceiving after how many months?

12 months

A fetus that dies after ___ weeks of pregnancy is called a stillbirth. (If it dies beforehand, it is called a miscarriage.)


What percentage of premature births account for infant deaths worldwide?


75. An average-weight woman is advised to increase calorie intake by how many calories per day during her second trimester?

300 calories per day

What percent of babies are born on their due date?


How many weeks is a typical full-term pregnancy?

40 weeks

52. For how many months does the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend babies should be exclusively breast-fed?

6 months

8. What percent of babies worldwide are born at home?


16. What is colostrum?

A thick, yellowish fluid, high in protein and antibodies, secreted from the nipples at the end of pregnancy and after delivery

Which of the following has not been linked to cigarette use during pregnancy?

Abnormal facial development

37. When is a woman considered infertile?

After one year of vaginal intercourse without the use of birth control

If Yasmin is 39 years old and has been actively trying to become pregnant, her health care provider would likely suggest infertility treatment and evaluation after how long?

After she and her partner had tried for 6 month

4. The role of the placenta is to:

All of these

48. What factor has been linked to preterm birth?

All of these

Which nutritional supplement are pregnant women often advised to take?

All of these

17. What are the effects of an ectopic pregnancy?

All of these are correct.

71. Which of the following are symptoms of postpartum psychosis?

All of these are correct.

What diseases can affect an infant due to poor nutrition during the pregnancy?

All of these are correct.

Which is a symptom of miscarriage?

All of these are correct.

Which of the following is a symptom of an ectopic pregnancy?

All of these are correct.

53. At what point of pregnancy does implantation in the uterus typically occur?

Approximately 5-8 days after fertilization

56. What is the procedure called when sperm are collected via masturbation and then deposited in the vagina, cervix, uterus, or Fallopian tubes?

Artificial insemination (AI)

72. When must a birth take place to be considered premature?

Before the 37th week of pregnancy

What is the hollow ball of embryonic cells that enters the uterus from the Fallopian tube and eventually implants?


23. What is the name for the intermittent, relatively painless contractions of the uterus after the third month of pregnancy?

Braxton-Hicks contractions

10. Which statement is most descriptive of problems during childbirth?

C-section is most often the delivery method of choice for fetuses in the breech position.

42. A blood test used during early pregnancy to determine neural tube defects is known as:


3. Which of the following happens during stage one of labor

Cervical effacement

44. Which term is used to refer to transmen who nurse their babies?


9. A progression of toxemia with similar but worsening conditions is known as:


35. Which of the following means "derived from two separate zygotes"?


58. What is the most common chromosomal abnormality resulting in birth defects?

Down syndrome

6. At what point during the pregnancy do many women report an increased sex drive?

During the second trimester

88. When will movement of a fetus likely be most frequent and strong?

During the seventh or eigth months of pregnancy

89. What is the leading cause of maternal mortality in the first trimester?

Ectopic pregnancy

54. What is the medical term for the developing human from the second through eighth weeks of pregnancy?


57. What is the organism that develops from the second to the eighth week of gestation called?


The major organ systems are formed, the circulatory and urinary systems are operating, and the fetus weighs about a half ounce. What stage of pregnancy is described?

End of the first trimester

38. The fetus is about 13 inches long and 1.75 pounds, resembles a human, and has developed reflexes such as sucking and swallowing. What stage of pregnancy is described?

End of the second trimester

11. What causes lower birth weights and premature birth in pregnant women?

Excessive weight

Which of the following is not a process that facilitates conception?

Female sexual desire peaks at ovulation until just before menstruation.

What disease is associated with high alcohol intake and affects the infant with irreversible physical and mental disabilities?

Fetal alcohol syndrome

How is the due date for a pregnancy typically calculated?

From the last day of the most recent period From the estimated date of ovulation

39. If a baby is born at 24 weeks, what are its chances for survival?

Greater than 50%

What is the name of the hormone that pregnancy tests detect to indicate pregnancy?

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG)

18. What is one of the reasons a mother who is Rh incompatible with her fetus is given the drug RhoGAM after delivery or after an amniocentesis, miscarriage, or abortion?

If she is not given the drug, it can be dangerous for future pregnancies and lead to fetal death.

Statistically speaking, during what time of the year are women most likely to get pregnant?

In the summer and late December

Which of the following is not a benefit of breast- feeding?

Increase in infant allergies

91. Regarding sexuality after childbirth, which of the following is true?

Most physicians advise heterosexual patients who had an uncomplicated delivery to wait 6 weeks postpartum before resuming intercourse.

Which term reflects the perspective that something is wrong with a woman if she doesn't give birth to and care for children?

Motherhood mandate

13. Which of the following is a collection of thick mucus in the cervix that prevents bacteria from entering the uterus?

Mucus plug

40. During pregnancy, a woman's blood volume increases and thus iron is diluted. What are women advised to take in order to counteract this dilution?

Prenatal vitamins

50. What statement regarding oral sex during pregnancy is true?

Oral sex is fine, although air should never be blown into the vagina of a pregnant woman.

Which is not a symptom of postpartum depression


49. What happens during the final stage of labor?

Placenta expulsion

68. The drug given to mothers whose Rh is incompatible with the fetus is called:


5. What statement regarding sex during pregnancy is true?

Some cultures believe semen is essential throughout pregnancy for proper fetal development.

Ryan and Javier are a gay couple who would like to have a baby with a biological connection to them. Which method is their doctor likely to recommend?

Surrogate parenting

What is a common sign of early pregnancy?

Tender breasts

How does the gamete intra-Fallopian tube transfer (GIFT) procedure differ from in vitro fertilization (IVF)?

The GIFT procedure implants the ova and sperm into the woman's body prior to fertilization whereas with IVF the are transferred to the body after fertilization

What is the first organ system to function in the embryo?

The circulatory system

43. Which statement best corresponds to data in your text related to fertility rates?

The largest increase in birth rates was among women aged 30-44 years.

90. What does the term "ampulla" refer to?

The place in the female reproductive tract where fertilization typically occurs

70. A pregnant woman begins to feel fetal movement and has more energy and less morning sickness. What stage of pregnancy is she in?

The second trimester

20. What is one of the reasons the number of ectopic pregnancies has been increasing in the United States?

There has been an increase in pelvic inflammatory disease caused by chlamydia infection

46. Using information based on what we know about rates of morning sickness across cultures, what statement is most likely accurate?

Women who are vegan or vegetarians are less likely to experience morning sickness.

When two ova are released and both are fertilized by a sperm, what type of twins result?

a. Fraternal twins

Before legalization of abortion, how did pregnant women try to dislodge the fertilized ovum?

a. Herbal emmenagogues b. Herbal abortifacients c. Taking vitamin C pills d. Exercising excessively

86. What may decrease in pregnant women during the third trimester?

a. Interest in foods that they previously craved b. Sexual interest c. Interest in exercise d. Interest in alcohol

73. Who is likely to have a shorter labor?

a. Kazuko, 25 years old, Asian b. Janice, 36 years old, White c. Marisol, 26 years old, Hispanic d. Gina, 20 years old, Black

21. What medical procedure can be used for sex selection of an embryo?

a. Microsorting

87. During early pregnancy, one problem that pregnant women face is:

a. cardiovascular challenges. b. thyroid disease. c. eating disorders. d. uterine fibroids.

47. A condition of hypertension during pregnancy is known as:

a. preeclampsia. b. toxemia. c. eclampsia. d. None of these are correct.

2. Current research found a connection between _______ and an increased risk of having a child with an autism spectrum disorder.

a. use of some antidepressants b. father's age at time of conception c. Both of these d. Neither of these

41. All of the following statements regarding exercise during pregnancy are true except:

aquatic exercise is not recommended for pregnant women.

74. What percent of all diagnosed pregnancies end in miscarriage?

b. 5% to 10%?

What is an explanation for food aversions that commonly develop during pregnancy?

b. They protect the fetus from food-borne illness and harmful bacteria. c. It happens more often in women who are carrying twins.

25. Congenital absence of most of the brain and spinal chord is known as:

b. anencephaly.

14. A congenital defect of the vertebral column in which the halves of the neural arch of a vertebra fail to fuse in the midline is known as:

b. spina bifida.

22. According to research, maternal exercise may improve _____________ in unborn children.

brain and memory function

In the first few days of breast-feeding, the breast releases a fluid called:

colostrum fluid.

A prenatal test that removes the fetal blood from the umbilical chord to detect fetal abnormalities is known as:

cord blood sampling.

15. Aquatic exercise is the best choice for pregnant women because:

d. All of these are correct.

Morning sickness is most likely caused by:

increased estrogen and progesterone.

Light exercise during pregnancy results in all of the following except:

intra-abdominal pressure.

34. The idea that motherhood should be a central aspect of being a woman and that something is wrong with a woman who does not have children is known as the___________.

motherhood mandate

51. Using cryopreservation techniques, people can choose to collect, freeze, and store ________ for later pregnancy attempts.


Fetuses who are forced to adapt to a limited supply of nutrients may permanently "reprogram" their ________________.

physiology and metabolism

7. When a couple is experiencing fertility issues, most often the problems can be traced back to:

problems associated with just one of the partners.

45. All of the following statements about labor induction are true except:

some women choose to have labor induction for nonmedical reasons, such as avoiding birth on a holiday or to accommodate work schedules.

24. Related to the birth process, what does engagement refer to?

when a fetus moves into a head-down position in the uterus

12. All of the following are potential causes of miscarriage except:


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