FAM 253 Exam 3 (Ch. 11-14)

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Factoring in the FDA approval process, what is the estimated time it takes to develop a new contraceptive method?

10-14 years

Approximately how many women experience postpartum depression?


A 25-year old woman could be diagnosed with infertility after having regular unprotected sex and not conceiving after how many months?

12 months

What percentage of men under 59 years of age experience erectile disorder?


What percent of all diagnosed pregnancies end in miscarriage?

15% to 20%

What year was the birth control pill approved as a contraceptive method in the United States?


When were birth control pills approved for use in Japan?


A fetus that dies after ___ weeks of pregnancy is called a stillbirth. (If it dies beforehand, it is called a miscarriage.)


In which year did the Supreme Court overturn the Texas antisodomy law, which had made consensual sex between same-sex couples illegal?


In which year did President Obama rescind his support for the Defense of Marriage Act?


In which year did the Internal Revenue Service announce that breast pumps and other breast-feeding supplies were tax deductible?


When did same-sex marriage became legal in the United States?


About how long does an ovum live in the female reproductive tract?

24 hours

What percentage of premature births account for infant deaths worldwide?


An average-weight woman is advised to increase calorie intake by how many calories per day during her second trimester?

300 calories per day

What percent of babies are born on their due date?


How many weeks is a typical full-term pregnancy?

40 weeks

What percent of variance in sexual orientation does current evidence suggest that genes account for?


For how many months does the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend babies should be exclusively breast-fed?

6 months

Studies have found that _____ of transgender women experience a decrease in sexual desire after medical transition.


What is the closest range of common effectiveness rates for spermicides used alone?


To meet the criteria for an interest/arousal disorder a male must experience symptoms _____________ of the time for at least 6 months.


To meet the criteria for a desire/arousal disorder, a person needs to have experienced symptoms ______ of the time for at least _______.

75-100%;6 months

What percent of babies worldwide are born at home?


Semen normally contains:

98% fluid and 2% sperm

Which statement describes many Central and South American countries' views of same-sex sexual behavior?

A man is not considered gay if he takes an active, penetrating role with male sexual partners.

Which of the following is not a process that facilitates conception?

A mucus plug appears in the cervix to trap sperm.

What are the symptoms of erectile disorder?

A persistent inability to obtain or maintain an erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual performance

What is colostrum?

A thick, yellowish fluid, high in protein and antibodies, secreted from the nipples at the end of pregnancy and after delivery

Which of the following has not been linked to cigarette use during pregnancy?

Abnormal facial development

If a couple wants to prevent pregnancy and avoid STIs, what is the most reliable choice?


_____________ is the only 100% effective contraceptive method.


Increased contraceptive availability has lead experts to predict that by 2030, ______ will have some of the highest growth rates of contraceptive use in the world.


When is a woman considered infertile?

After one year of vaginal intercourse without the use of birth control

Based on research contained within your textbook, which of the following statements is true?

After sex confirmation surgery, trans women are more likely than transmit to experience problems with sexual desire

The United Church of Christ is known to have welcomed which of the following members?

All members regardless of sexual orientation: Heterosexual only Gay Transgender

What is a cause of female infertility?

All of the above: Ovulation disorders Blocked Fallopian tubes Endometriosis

Birth control pills are not advised for someone with what condition?

All of these are correct: Circulatory problems Heart disease Diabetes

Which of the following is a symptom of an ectopic pregnancy?

All of these are correct: Cramping Abdominal pain Vaginal bleeding

What diseases can affect an infant due to poor nutrition during the pregnancy?

All of these are correct: Diabetes Cardiovascular disease Hypertension

What is a common reason cited for a second-trimester abortion?

All of these are correct: Fetal deformities Marital difficulties Financial problems

What are factors associated with the increase in use of IUDs in the United States in recent years?

All of these are correct: Increased advertising for IUDs More health care providers trained in insertion and removal techniques Immigration from areas where IUDs are more popular

Which is a symptom of miscarriage?

All of these are correct: Lower back pain Cramps Vaginal bleeding

Sexual orientation is the result of which of the following influences?

All of these are correct: Physiological influences Interaction of genetics Social influences

What are the effects of an ectopic pregnancy?

All of these are correct: Rupture Infection or inflammation of the Fallopian tube Internal bleeding

Women and men with desire and arousal disorders experience ________________.

All of these are correct: a lack of sexual fantasies reduced sexual initiation decreased self-stimulation

What symptoms are associated with sexual interest/arousal disorders?

All of these are correct: absent or reduced sexual thoughts or fantasies reduced genital sensations during sexual activity absent or reduced pleasure during sexual activity

Sexual problems relating to partner and relationship factors include?

All of these are correct: avoidance inhibition partner's abuse

It is estimated that close to 4 million American women use IUDs for:

All of these are correct: contraception thyroid problems menstrual flow

Sexual orientation refers to the gender that a person is attracted to

All of these are correct: emotionally physically sexually

Aquatic exercise is the best choice for pregnant women because:

All of these are correct: it is non-weight bearing it decreases maternal discomfort it is low impact

Homophobia creates an attitude among people in which they feel they are permitted to:

All of these are correct: kill homosexuals assault homosexuals harass homosexuals

Which of the following methods are used to treat erectile disorder?

All of these are correct: psychological treatments pharmacological treatments hormonal treatments

Which of the following are symptoms of postpartum psychosis?

All of these are correct: Depression Hallucinations Delusions

Which of the following describes hate crimes?

All of these are true: Hate crimes include crimes motivated by hatred of religion, sex, race, and sexual orientation. According to the APA, hate crimes against people who identify as LGBT are the most socially acceptable crimes. Hate crimes are known as "message crimes."

What factor has been linked to preterm birth?

All of these: Artificial sweeteners Teen pregnancy Smoking during pregnancy

What medical procedure can be used for sex selection of an embryo?

All of these: Microsorting Genetic embryo testing Amniocentesis

Using cryopreservation techniques, people can choose to collect, freeze, and store ________ for later pregnancy attempts.

All of these: sperm ovum embryos

The role of the placenta is to:

All of these: supply nutrients to the developing fetus. aid in respiratory and excretory functions of the fetus. secrete hormones necessary for the continuation of the pregnancy.

Which nutritional supplement are pregnant women often advised to take?

All of these: Folic acid Vitamin B6 Iron

Which of the following are physical treatments for delayed ejaculation?

All of these: changing prescription medications, discontinuing the use of nonprescription drugs or alcohol, or sex therapy

What type of people are less supportive of equality of sexes and less permissive sexually?

All of these: older, less educated, conservative religious ideologies, and traditional views

At what point of pregnancy does implantation in the uterus typically occur?

Approximately 5-8 days after fertilization

What is the procedure called when sperm are collected via masturbation and then deposited in the vagina, cervix, uterus, or Fallopian tubes?

Artificial insemination (AI)

Which of the following is an example of heterosexism, most likely based on lack of awareness as opposed to stemming from homophobia?

Asking a little girl if she is going to marry a prince when she grows up

When must a birth take place to be considered premature?

Before the 37th week of pregnancy

Which theory would contend that homosexual orientation is the result of various reinforcements and punishments?

Behaviorist theory

How did Kinsey define sexual orientation?

Best understood as a continuum of behavior

At which age does first awareness of sexual orientation typically occur?

Between the ages of 8 and 9

Evidence from studies of biological differences in sexual orientation is most likely to lead to what conclusion?

Biology probably interacts with social influences in predicting sexual orientation.

Which of the following people are one of the most vulnerable groups, with an increased risk of physical and emotional health issues, shorter life experiences, and poverty rates of 21%?

Black Lesbians

What is the hollow ball of embryonic cells that enters the uterus from the Fallopian tube and eventually implants?


What is the name for the intermittent, relatively painless contractions of the uterus after the third month of pregnancy?

Braxton-Hicks contractions

If you wanted to live in a Latin American country with more openness to same-sex relationships and with the longest history of legalization of same-sex behavior, where would you live?


How did many scientists, during the 1930s and 1940s, try to explain homosexual orientation?

By exploring physical differences between male and female gay and straight people

Which statement is most descriptive of problems during childbirth?

C-section is most often the delivery method of choice for fetuses in the breech position.

Which contraceptive device is similar to a diaphragm, but smaller?

Cervical cap

Which of the following happens during stage one of labor?

Cervical effacement

Which term is used to refer to transmen who nurse their babies?


Which of the following is true about children raised by same-sex parents?

Children of same-sex parents have been found to be equally well socially, emotionally, and cognitively compared to children of heterosexual parents.

Which of the following religions have traditionally strongly opposed homosexual behavior?

Christianity and Judaism

What should be used to protect against an STI?


What statement is an accurate description of condoms?

Condoms have been used since the beginning of recorded history.

What has been found related to cross-cultural factors and abortion statistics?

Countries that have more liberal laws have higher rate of abortion.

Biological theories claim that differing sexual orientations are due to differences in physiology. These differences can be due to all of the following except:


Which contraceptive device consisting of a latex dome on a flexible spring rim is used with spermicidal cream or jelly?


Which of the following means "derived from two separate zygotes"?


Who would be most likely to hold a negative view of homosexuals?

Doug, 40 year old male college graduate who is not married, Catholic, and holds traditional attitudes about gender roles

What is the most common chromosomal abnormality resulting in birth defects?

Down syndrome

At what point during the pregnancy do many women report an increased sex drive?

During the second trimester

When will movement of a fetus likely be most frequent and strong?

During the second trimester

What is the leading cause of maternal mortality in the first trimester?

Ectopic pregnancy

Which of the following emergency contraceptive methods does not use hormones?


What is the medical term for the developing human from the second through eighth weeks of pregnancy?


The major organ systems are formed, the circulatory and urinary systems are operating, and the fetus weighs about a half ounce. What stage of pregnancy is described?

End of the first trimester

Which is the largest LGBTQ rights group, which started a fundraising campaign to aid the victims and families who were killed in the Pulse Nightclub shooting in 2016?

Equality Florida

All of the following are true related to erectile dysfunction and pharmacological treatments, except:

Erectile dysfunction drugs work by causing an erection without needing any additional sexual stimulation.

Which statement about Essure is untrue?

Essure is considered a reversible method of female sterilization

What is the term for the idea that all standards of correct behavior are determined by one's own cultural background?


A reusable silicone barrier vaginal contraceptive that contains a one-way valve is called a _____.


Which reusable silicone barrier vaginal contraceptive comes in three sizes?


What is the most commonly used contraceptive method in the world?

Female sterilization

Which method involves identifying a woman's fertile period and either abstaining from vaginal intercourse or using another contraceptive method during this time?

Fertility awareness-based methods

Physiological research related to sexual orientation has focused the most on which of the following characteristics?

Finger length pattern

Which state in the United States still had laws against same-sex couples until 2010?


What statement best describes the Church's stance on same-sex relationships through the first 1,000 years of Christianity?

For the first 1,000 years of Christianity, the Church was fairly indifferent toward same-sex relationships.

How is the due date for a pregnancy typically calculated?

From the first day of the last period

What has been found related to birth order and sexual orientation?

Gay men have more older brothers than heterosexual men.

Who is likely to have a shorter labor?

Gina, 20 years old, black

What condition may put a woman at risk for developing a negative psychological reaction following an abortion?

Having a difficult time making the decision

What is sequential bisexuality?

Having sex exclusively with one gender followed by sex exclusively with the other

What is contemporaneous bisexuality?

Having sexual partners of both sexes during the same time period

Before his breakup with his previous partner, Brad was able to maintain an erection and ejaculate during sex. He now has a new partner and has not been able to maintain an erection during sex. What is a more likely cause for his problem?

He may be experiencing performance fears with his new partner or comparing their encounters to his previous partner.

Ahmad recently experienced a heart attack. What recommendation did his doctor likely give him related to sexual activity?

He should be able to return to his normal level of sexual activity as soon as he feels up to it.

What is one of the most common physiological symptoms following an abortion performed within the first trimester?

Heavy bleeding

What is the term used to describe the assumption that everyone has heterosexual attraction and will eventually form a long-term relationship with a member of the other sex?


What is the basic premise of reparative therapy?

Homosexual orientation is an illness to be cured.

What is the name of the hormone that pregnancy tests detect to indicate pregnancy?

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG)

In cultures that do not value female sexual desire, what would be the most common treatment approach for hypoactive female sexual desire disorder?

Hypoactive sexual desire likely would not be viewed as a sexual problem that requires treatment.

Which of the following is not a barrier method?


What is one of the reasons a mother who is Rh incompatible with her fetus is given the drug RhoGAM after delivery or after an amniocentesis, miscarriage, or abortion?

If she is not given the drug, it can be dangerous for future pregnancies and lead to fetal death

What is the name of the device placed just under the skin in the arm that uses time-released hormones to prevent pregnancy for up to 3 years?


The following statement is descriptive of the contraceptive sponge:

In order to have maximum effectiveness, the sponge should be left in for 6 hours after intercourse.

Which best describes the changes that have occurred in the coming-out process over the past several decades?

In the 1970s, many waited until adulthood to come out; in the 1980s and 1990s, people began coming out in their teens; and by 2007, they began coming out as early as middle school.

Statistically speaking, during what time of the year are women most likely to get pregnant?

In the summer and late December

Which of the following is not a benefit of breast- feeding?

Increase in infant allergies

Why are Black women less likely to stop bleeding after using IUDs?

Increased risk of uterine fibroids

Although sexual orientation is a perceptually ambiguous category, what do people often use to determine whether a person is gay or lesbian?

Indirect cues such as gait and speech

Which of the following was not a method of contraception used by ancient Egyptians?

Ingesting natural hormones found in yam roots to prevent ovulation

What is an advantage of Depo-Provera?

It does not interfere with spontaneity

What has recent research found related to the use of Viagra for female sexual arousal and desire disorders?

It has been found to provide little benefit in the treatment of female arousal and desire problems.

All of the following statements related to alcoholism and sexuality are true except:

It increases testosterone levels which lead to hypermasculinization.

Which of the following best describes the male sterilization procedure?

It involves lower rates of complications than female sterilization.

Which of the following is true regarding Vasalgel?

It is a gel polymer that is injected into the vas deferens, does not require surgery, and is reversible

What statement is an accurate description of the female condom?

It is composed of two rings joined by a sheath

What is a benefit of the withdrawal method?

It is free and does not require any devices or chemicals.

Which of the following statements associated with delayed ejaculation is not true?

It is one of the most common disorders

What is the benefit of the abstinence method?

It provides protection from STIs.

How does the EROS device work to treat sexual arousal and desire disorders?

It stimulates the clitoris to orgasm.

All of the following statements are true regarding GyneFix except:

It was recently FDA approved for use in the US

Which researcher(s) reported that 52% of identical twin brothers of gay men were also gay compared to 22% of fraternal twins?

J.M. Bailey and Pillard

What is a method of avoiding pregnancies based on the postpartum infertility that many women experience when they are breast-feeding?

Lactational amenorrhea method

Which national organization is committed to the civil rights of lesbians, gays, and bisexuals?


Which statement about machismo is NOT true?

Lation men who are gay often struggle with cultural expectations about gender norms

Who proposed the New View of Women's Sexual Problems?

Leonore Tiefer

What sterilization procedure involves tying or binding the Fallopian tubes or vas deferens?


A blood test used during early pregnancy to determine neural tube defects is known as:


According to some physiologists, what "type" of finger pattern has a longer ring finger than index finger?

Male-type finger pattern

What statement is descriptive of men's reactions to abortion?

Men often do not discuss the pregnancy with anyone other than their partner.

What can be used to prevent pregnancy and protect against sexually transmitted infections?


Regarding sexuality after childbirth, which of the following is true?

Most physicians advise heterosexual patients who had an uncomplicated delivery to wait 6 weeks postpartum before resuming intercourse.

Which of the following is a collection of thick mucus in the cervix that prevents bacteria from entering the uterus?

Mucus plug

Who would likely be most at risk for physical and emotional health issues?

Neesha, a Black lesbian female

All of the following are true statements concerning progestin-only birth control methods except:

Nexplanon is an injectable

What statement regarding oral sex during pregnancy is true?

Oral sex is fine, although air should never be blown into the vagina of a pregnant woman.

Where and when did the deadliest incident of violence occur against lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people, killing 49 and wounding 53 people?

Orlando Club, Washington D.C. 2014

Which of the following is not a hormonal method of birth control?


If a woman wanted a longer term contraception that was reversible and contained no hormones, what would be her best choice?

ParaGard IUD

Which IUD device contains copper and also does not contain hormones?

ParaGard IUD

Which of the following is not a symptom of postpartum depression?


Which of the following terms refers to the probability of contraceptive failure when used without error?

Perfect use rate

Why are intrauterine devices (IUDs) placed in the uterus?

Prevent pregnancy

Which of the following statements regarding spinal cord injuries and sexuality is true?

Prosthesis implantation in men with spinal cord injuries has shown high satisfaction and low complication rates.

What can be concluded about reparative therapy?

Reparative therapy may do more harm than good.

The drug given to mothers whose Rh is incompatible with the fetus is called:


Which method involves calculating the period of ovulation and avoiding sexual intercourse around this time?

Rhythm method

Which statement about same-sex relationships in prison is not true?

Same-sex relationships in prison are generally casual, with partners often being exchanged for others

Who was the first to envision oral contraceptives?


What may decrease in pregnant women during the third trimester?

Sexual interest

Who believed that infants are "polymorphous perverse"?

Sigmund Freud

Who tried to combat the psychoanalytic view that homosexuality was an illness?

Sigmund Freud

What is the term for the practice of engaging in same- sex sexual behaviors while being excluded from heterosexual encounters (such as in prison) with the plan to return to heterosexual relationships?

Situational homosexuality

_______________ occurs because of lack of heterosexual partners.

Situational homosexuality

What statement regarding sex during pregnancy is true?

Some cultures believe semen is essential throughout pregnancy for proper fetal development.

Which contraceptive method causes permanent infertility?


Ryan and Javier are a gay couple who would like to have a baby with a biological connection to them. Which method is their doctor likely to recommend?

Surrogate parenting

What is a common sign of early pregnancy?

Tender breasts

How does female sterilization work to prevent pregnancies?

The Fallopian tubes are blocked so that ovum and sperm cannot meet.

How does the gamete intra-Fallopian tube transfer (GIFT) procedure differ from in vitro fertilization (IVF)?

The GIFT procedure implants the ova and sperm into the woman's body prior to fertilization, whereas with IVF they are transferred to the body after fertilization

Which act was passed in 1997, requiring college campuses to report all hate crimes?

The Hate Crime Right to Know Act

How does the amount of hormone released through the NuvaRing compare to other hormonal contraceptive methods?

The NuvaRing releases lower levels of hormones compared to other hormonal methods

What greatly influenced the harsh attitude toward same-sex behaviors in the early American colonies?

The Puritanical origins of the early settlers

What is the first organ system to function in the embryo?

The circulatory system

In addition to incorporating seven dimensions of sexual orientation into his model of sexual orientation, what else does Klein include as an important factor?

The concept of time—past, present, and ideal

What is the Harvey Milk School?

The first public school for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning youth

Which statement best corresponds to data in your text related to fertility rates?

The largest increase in birth rates was among women aged 30-44 years.

What have recent studies about sexual orientation and behavior not shown?

The number of Americans who have been identified as LGBT has remained fairly static since 2012

Extended cycle birth control pills, such as Seasonale or Lybrel, are designed to reduce which of the following?

The number of menstrual cycles experienced in a given year

Related to the role of prenatal hormones and development of sexual orientation, which statement gives the best description?

The overall evidence for the effect of prenatal hormones on both male and female sexual orientation development is weak.

What characterizes the "identity synthesis" stage of Cass's proposed stages of lesbian and gay identity formation?

The person realizes that sexual orientation is a central part of personality.

What does the term "ampulla" refer to?

The place in the female reproductive tract where fertilization typically occurs

A pregnant woman begins to feel fetal movement and has more energy and less morning sickness. What stage of pregnancy is she in?

The second trimester

Which of the following is true related to surgical treatment options and erectile disorders?

There are two main types of implants, including semirigid rods that provide a permanent state of erection and inflatable devices that become firm when pumped

What is one of the reasons the number of ectopic pregnancies has been increasing in the United States?

There has been an increase in pelvic inflammatory disease caused by chlamydia infections.

What is one of the potential reasons discussed in your textbook for why lesbian women tend to earn more money than heterosexual women?

They are less likely to leave the workforce to raise children.

What is a benefit of natural family planning methods?

They help couples predict fertility

What is one criticism of the current theories that attempt to explain sexual orientation?

They ignore bisexual identity.

What is the primary way that combination birth control pills work to prevent pregnancy?

They prevent ovulation and thicken cervical mucus.

What is an explanation for food aversions that commonly develop during pregnancy?

They protect the fetus from food-borne illness and harmful bacteria.

What sterilization procedure involves burning or searing the Fallopian tubes or vas deferens for permanent sterilization?

Tubal sterilization

If you wanted to find a religious denomination that is the most accepting of homosexuality, you would most likely become a member of which congregation?

United Church of Christ

What should users of the contraceptive patch be aware of?

Users are at higher risk for blood clots.

What is the leading cause of breakage in male condoms?

Using condoms after the expiration date

Where are intrauterine devices (IUDs) placed in a woman's body?


What is not true about vasectomies?

Vasectomies are one of the least expensive contraceptive methods.

___________ blocks the flow of sperm through the vas deferens.


Abortion has been practiced throughout history. In fact, Aristotle viewed abortion as a backup to contraception. When did he believe life begins?

When crucial organs were formed

If you were using the natural family planning method, when would you be likely to abstain from sexual intercourse or use an alternative contraceptive method?

When the cervical mucus is thin and stretchy

Related to the birth process, what does engagement refer to?

When the fetus moves into a "head-down" position in the uterus

After a vasectomy, a man:

Will continue to produce viable sperm, but they will have nowhere to go.

Which group of women may experience lower effectiveness rates with hormonal methods of birth control?

Women who are significantly overweight

Using information based on what we know about rates of morning sickness across cultures, what statement is most likely accurate?

Women who are vegan or vegetarians are less likely to experience morning sickness.

Statistically speaking, who is more likely to have an abortion in the United States?

a 23 year old

What are the contents of combination birth control pills?

a and b: synthetic estrogen and progestin

What are common treatments for early ejaculation?

a form of antidepressants (SSRIs) and the stop-start techniques

According to your textbook, if a sexual problem is classified as an acquired sexual dysfunction, it is more likely to have what type of cause?

a psychological factor

Vince is showing disinhibition in which he sometimes masturbates in public, makes lewd comments, and makes inappropriate sexual advances. Vince is likely recovering from what condition?

a stroke

If Yasmin is 39 years old and has been actively trying to become pregnant, her health care provider would likely suggest infertility treatment and evaluation after how long?

after she and her partner had tried for over 1 year

Although it is easier to reach orgasm through masturbation, many heterosexual women report increased pleasure with vaginal intercourse over masturbation because:

all of these

Contraceptive use around the world is related to:

all of these: knowledge of contraception religious teachings gender roles in the culture

Low family acceptance during the coming-out process is related to increased risk of:

all of these: suicide use of illegal drugs unprotected sexual activity

According to your textbook, homophobia is:

all of these: an anxiety about being in the presence of homosexuals. hatred and violence toward homosexuals. a fear of homosexuals and homosexuality.

What is a problem often faced by unmarried parents who are gay or lesbian?

all of these: nonbiological parent may not be able to get benefits for his or her child, couples may have trouble gaining joint custody of a child, nonbiological parent may not be granted parental leave

All the following factors are controlled by the ejaculatory process except:


The term for being primarily emotionally, physically, sexually, and/or romantically attracted to some men, males, and/or masculinity is ________________.


Congenital absence of most of the brain and spinal chord is known as:


What type of medication has been shown to be related to delayed or absent orgasm in some women?


What is the name for a substance that increases, or is believed to increase, a person's sexual desire?


Decreased sexual desire and interest is common in women and men as they age and some turn to ___________ for help.


All of the following statements regarding exercise during pregnancy are true except:

aquatic exercise is not recommended for pregnant women

A person who experiences little or no sexual attraction to others and/or a lack of interest in sexual relationships/behavior is _____________________.


Which of the following treatment methods (used for female orgasmic disorders and male erectile disorders) involves imagining an activity that caused anxiety and then implementing a relaxation technique to decrease the anxiety?


Which of the following treatments has been found to be helpful in cases in which there is a great deal of sexual anxiety?


A type of oral contraceptive that contains two different doses of hormones in the active pills is called a ______.

biphasic pill

Irrational fear, negativity, or prejudice against bisexuals and bisexuality is known as ________________.


All of the following are true of bisexual sexual orientation and identity except:

bisexual individuals are more accepted than lesbian women in both heterosexual and LGBT communities.

Combined hormone methods have been found to be _______ to most women.

both safe and effective

According to research, maternal exercise may improve _____________ in unborn children.

brain and memory function

Slight blood loss from the uterus that may occur when a woman is taking birth control pills is known as ___________.

breakthrough bleeding

During early pregnancy, one problem that pregnant women face is:

cardiovascular challenges.

A medication abortion works by:

causing a breakdown in the uterine lining and uterine contractions that expel the fetus.

All of the following are ways that emergency contraception works to prevent pregnancy except:

causing a fertilized egg to be reabsorbed into the body.

What is a plastic or rubber cover for the cervix that provides a contraceptive barrier to sperm?

cervical cap

A contraceptive method that involves withdrawal of the penis from the vagina before ejaculation is known as:

coitus interruptus.

In the first few days of breast-feeding, the breast releases a fluid called:

colostrum fluid.

An oral contraceptive that contains synthetic estrogen and progesterone is called a_____.

combination birth control pill

The DSM-5 includes a group of criteria to explore various issues to determine how best to treat a sexual dysfunction. All of the following are used to assess a dysfunction, except:

contraceptive factors

The ParaGard IUD is placed in the uterus and causes an increase in ________________, which impairs sperm function and prevents fertilization.

copper ions and enzymes

A prenatal test that removes the fetal blood from the umbilical chord to detect fetal abnormalities is known as:

cord blood sampling.

According to your textbook, what is a practice used in South Africa to punish lesbian women?

corrective rape

Which theories suggest that homosexuality develops in response to a person's upbringing and personal history?

developmental theories

What was a major criticism of how the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) classified sexual dysfunctions, which ultimately led to changes within the DSM-5?

diagnoses were dependent upon where in the sexual response cycle the symptoms occurred

Females who are exposed to ___________ in the womb are more likely to identify as bisexual or lesbian.


According to your textbook, what sexual problem may be one of the first signs of diabetes in men?

difficulty in getting an erection

What is a graduated series of metal rods used in the treatment of vaginismus?


Differences in levels of sexual desire between both members of a couple is known as

discrepancy in desire

What is genital pain associated with sexual behavior?


Julio visited a sex therapist because for as long as he can remember he has ejaculated just moments after becoming aroused. What diagnosis would a sex therapist most likely make for Julio's complaints?

early ejaculation

Masters and Johnson originally suggested that early ejaculation is associated with:

early sexual experiences that were rushed for fear of being caught

A progression of toxemia with similar but worsening conditions is known as:


The estimated rates of the number of women who do not become pregnant each year using each method of contraception is the _______.

effectiveness rate

What is the organism that develops from the second to the eighth week of gestation called?


The fetus is about 13 inches long and 1.75 pounds, resembles a human, and has developed reflexes such as sucking and swallowing. What stage of pregnancy is described?

end of the second trimester

If a male is using the nocturnal penile tumescence test, one could suspect that he is most likely being assessed for:

erectile disorder

In men, what disorder is classified as a sexual arousal disorder?

erectile disorder

Which sexuality-based disorder for males currently has more treatment options than any other sexual dysfunction?

erectile disorder

Which of the following is a common problem in male patients who have cardiovascular problems?

erectile dysfunction

According to research, frequent porn use and masturbation in young men can interfere with:

erectile functioning during partner sex

Before legalization of abortion, how did pregnant women try to dislodge the fertilized ovum?

exercising excessively

What disease is associated with high alcohol intake and affects the infant with irreversible physical and mental disabilities?

fetal alcohol syndrome

When two ova are released and both are fertilized by a sperm, what type of twins result?

fraternal twins

Which movement has been successful in changing some of the assumptions heterosexuals have about homosexuality and homosexuals?

gay rights movement

Which of the following is a category of sexual dysfunction that involves persistent or recurrent difficulties with penetrative sex, which causes substantial distress?

genito-pelvic pain and penetration disorder

If a baby is born at 24 weeks, what are its chances for survival?

greater than 50%

Being primarily emotionally, physically, sexually, and/or romantically attracted to some women, females, and/or femininity is called __________________.


If you are lesbian or gay in American society, fear of intimacy is expressed through which of the following?


Biphobia is also known as ________________.


People who identified as bisexual often first identified as ________________.


A recent study found that lesbian and bisexual women had ________ overall testosterone and progesterone levels than heterosexual women.


Experts found that desire and arousal problems are _____________ in women.

highly interrelated

Which of the following is true according to biological theories?

homosexuals are physically differ- ent from heterosexuals

Which of the following terms refers to having an excessive amount of estrogen in the blood?


Kiana sought sex therapy due to her low or absent interest in sexual activity. Which of the following would be the most appropriate diagnosis for Kiana?

hypoactive sexual desire

Which of the following is abnormal suppression of sexual desire and behavior, usually referring to behavior caused by some disturbance of the brain?


Which of the following is not one of Vivienne Cass's proposed six stages of lesbian and gay identity formation?

identity loss

According to the six-stage model of gay and lesbian identity formation, what is the last stage in which the individual becomes fully comfortable with his or her sexual orientation and considers all aspects of his or her personality?

identity synthesis

If the doctor uses a test that indicates if a man is having nighttime erections, what is he likely checking for?

if the man's ED is more likely to have a physiological vs. a psychological cause

Which is not included in masturbation training for orgasmic problems?


All of the following statements about same-sex sexual relations and Asian countries are true except:

in India, which is a patriarchal country, lesbian women are generally more accepted than gay men.

Morning sickness is most likely caused by:

increased estrogen and progesterone.

Victims of violence against LGB people often experience all of the following except:


Light exercise during pregnancy results in all of the following except:

intra-abdominal pressure.

In which method is the penis gently stretched and medication introduced to increase blood flow to the penis?

intracavernous injections

Which statement about Kinsey's model of sexual orientation is not true?

it considers the past, present, and ideal when classifying sexual orientation identity

Girls who behave in typically male ways are more likely to grow up _________________.


Jermaine has decided to seek treatment because he has never been able to ejaculate through masturbation, even as a young boy. He thought the problem may be due to lack of a partner, but now he has a partner and is still not able to ejaculate. Which of the following bestdescribes Jermaine's reason for seeking treatment?

lifelong sexual dysfunction

According to research, users of the Kyleena and Skyla IUDs may experience _____________.

light periods

All of the following are true of psychoanalytic theory and sexual orientation except:

males who were abandoned by their mother were more likely to be gay.

Criteria for sexual interest/arousal disorder includes all of the following, except:

marked delay in, or absence of, orgasm

Which of the following statements about orgasm disorders in women is false?

masturbation exercises for women begin with the woman using a vibrator

A chemical that works by inhibiting sperm function, is effective against HIV and other STIs, and not harmful to the vaginal or cervical cells is called ______.


All of the following statements are true related to the progestin-only pill except:

minipills contain higher hormone levels than the combination birth control pills.

A type of oral contraceptive that contains one level of hormones in all the active pills is called a ______.

monophonic pill

The idea that motherhood should be a central aspect of being a woman and that something is wrong with a woman who does not have children is known as the___________.

motherhood mandate

Which term reflects the perspective that something is wrong with a woman if she doesn't give birth to and care for children?

motherhood mandate

What chronic illness may affect sexual functioning by making men and women hypersensitive to touch?

multiple sclerosis

Within the animal kingdom, what statement is best supported by evidence?

non-human animals rarely engage in same-sex behaviors

Which statement below is true regarding lesbian, gay, and bisexual seniors?

nursing home staff have been found to be intolerant or condemning toward residents with homosexual or bisexual orientation

What is the first thing that most sex therapists do when beginning treatment of most sexual dysfunctions?

obtain a medical history

Which type of homosexuals have been found to have decreased levels of self-esteem, increased levels of shame, and experience internalized homophobia?

older gay man

What is surgical removal of the ovaries?


A preparation of synthetic female hormones that blocks ovulation is called ____________.

oral contraceptive

In the Sambian culture, males practice sequential homosexuality primarily through what sexual activity?

oral sex

Which disorder is classified as an absence of orgasm after a normal phase of sexual excitement?

orgasmic disorder

Combined hormone methods use a blend of hormones to suppress ovulation and thicken the cervical mucus to prevent sperm from joining the ______.


A bisexual person is erotically attracted to members of either sex. Such a person may also be referred to as being:


A person who experiences emotional, physical, sexual, and/or romantic attraction for members of all gender identities/expressions is called ____________________.


Fetuses who are forced to adapt to a limited supply of nutrients may permanently "reprogram" their ________________.

physiology and metabolism

Which pills are sugar pills and do not contain any hormones?

placebo pills

What happens during the final stage of labor?

placenta expulsion

What is vaginal discharge that occurs after sexual intercourse?

postcoital drip

Which of the following is not included on the Kinsey continuum?

predominantly homosexual, LIFESTYLE heterosexual

A condition of hypertension during pregnancy is known as:


During pregnancy, a woman's blood volume increases and thus iron is diluted. What are women advised to take in order to counteract this dilution?

prenatal vitamins

When a couple is experiencing fertility issues, most often the problems can be traced back to:

problems associated with just one of the partners.

Erectile disorders in younger men are more likely to be _______ based, whereas erectile dysfunctions in older men are more likely to be _______ based.

psychologically, physically

Which of the following is a muscle that surrounds and supports the vagina?


Which of the following statements regarding a first- trimester vacuum aspiration abortion is false?

recovery typically requires a 1 day hospital stay

What causes lower birth weights and premature birth in pregnant women?

reduced blood flow to the uterus

What is the term called when sexual desire builds when a person engages in sexual activity?

responsive sexual desire

Which disorder is used to describe low sexual desire in women and is not listed in DSM-5?

responsive sexual desire

A condition in which the male ejaculate is released into the bladder instead of being ejaculated outside the body through the urethra is known as _______.

retrograde ejaculation

Bill reported to his doctor that whenever he has an orgasm, there is little or no ejaculate. What is a possible diagnosis the doctor should evaluate for Bill's complaints?

retrograde ejaculation

Physicians can perform ___________________ to improve erectile functioning.


If a friend confides in you that she is experiencing sexual functioning problems, according to your textbook, which of the following recommendations would be the best advice that you can provide to her?

seek a counselor or therapist who has received training from the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT).

If the primary focus of treatment is to reduce the anxiety associated with erectile disorder, what treatment method would be most likely used?

sensate focus

When people's behavior and beliefs about their sexual orientation are in conflict, social scientists usually define them by their:

sexual behaviors

Nearly 20% of the estimated single-bias hate crimes reported to the FBI in 2014 were due to the victim's _____________.

sexual orientation

All of the following statements about labor induction are true except:

since the early 2000s, rates if labor induction have gradually been on the decline

A sexual dysfunction that has always existed is known as?

situational sexual dysfunction

A sexual dysfunction that occurs only in specific situations is known as?

situational sexual dysfunction

Ben enters sex therapy and shares with his therapist that he is having difficulty maintaining an erection, but only during oral sex. When he is masturbating or having vaginal intercourse, he maintains his erection with no problems. How would his therapist likely classify this problem?

situational sexual dysfunction

Ever since giving birth to her second child, Jing is no longer able to orgasm during intercourse. She is able to orgasm during masturbation and she used to be able to orgasm through intercourse. How would her problem likely be classified?

situational sexual dysfunction and acquired

Being primarily emotionally, physically, sexually, and/or romantically attracted to some genderqueer, transgender, and non-binary people is called ___________________.


Ignorance and anxiety due to a lack of sex education is the sexual problem caused by _________.

sociocultural factors

Chemical methods of contraception, including creams, gels, foams, suppositories, and films, that work to reduce the survival of sperm in the vagina are called ______.


A congenital defect of the vertebral column in which the halves of the neural arch of a vertebra fail to fuse in the midline is known as:

spina bifida.

In which of the following is the ejaculatory reflex reconditioned using a firm grasp on the penis?

squeeze technique

The actual day that the first pill is taken in a pack of oral contraceptives is called the ________.

start day

In which of the following is the ejaculatory reflex reconditioned using intermittent pressure on the glans of the penis?

stop-start technique

All of the following are true about lesbians except:

studies have found that lesbians who feel supported and accepted have higher levels of self-esteem and well-being

What is a mastectomy?

surgical removal of a breast

A contraceptive method that involves monitoring both cervical mucus and basal body temperature to determine ovulation is known as:

symptothermal method.

What has been found to be the most effective treatment for female orgasmic disorder?

teaching a woman how to masturbate to orgasm

What is the largest and best-known magazine dedicated to gay and lesbian issues?

the advocate

What best describes the current conclusion of much of the gender-role nonconformity research?

the findings are primarily correlational in nature

If a couple is experiencing a discrepancy in desire, who would be more likely to be identified as having a sexual problem?

the partner with the lower level of sexual desire

In the United States, White women are more likely to use _______, whereas Black and Hispanic women are more likely to use _______.

the pill, injectables or hormonal methods

According to your textbook, the reason that aphrodisiacs can be effective is because:

the user believes they will work

What statement regarding cervical barrier methods is false?

they affect hormone levels and inhibit ovulation

All of the following statements are true about the use of male condoms except:

they enhance the sexual sensation for both the male and female

What is the difference between a total hysterectomy and a radical hysterectomy?

total hysterectomy involves removal of the uterus and cervix, radical hysterectomy involves removal of the uterus, cervix, ovaries and surrounding tissue

A type of oral contraceptive that contains three different doses of hormones in the active pills is called a ________.

triphasic pill

What term defines the probability of contraceptive failure for less than perfect use of the method?

typical use rate

Current research found a connection between _______ and an increased risk of having a child with an autism spectrum disorder.

use of some antidepressants

Which method involves inserting a flaccid penis into a cylinder and using a pumping action to draw blood to the penis?

vacuum constriction

Spermicidal contraceptive film that is placed in the vagina is known as:

vaginal contraceptive film.

Danielle experiences involuntary contractions of the muscle that surrounds the entrance to the vagina. This happens when her partner is trying to penetrate her with his penis or using his fingers for stimulation, when she masturbates or uses a tampon, and during pelvic exams at the doctor's office. What is a likely diagnosis for Danielle?


Which of the following are involuntary spasms of the muscles around the vagina in response to attempts at penetration?


Which of the following causes pain and burning in the vaginal vestibule and often occurs during sexual intercourse, tampon insertion, gynecological examinations, bicycle riding, and wearing tight pants?

vulvar vestibulitis

Which of the following is safe to use as a lubricant with latex condoms?


Effectiveness rates from 73% to 96% are for which of the following methods?

withdrawal method

What characteristic has been found to put a woman at higher risk for experiencing sexual pain disorders?

women who have experienced sexual abuse or rape

All of the following are potential causes of miscarriage except:


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