Family and consumer science

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extracted from animal fats


fat extracted from milk and churned into a solid

Where are Carbohydrates found

in grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes and sugar.

Lipids that are firm at room temperature are called

solid fats Examples: lard, butter, shortening, etc.

What is Metabolism:

the chemical process that takes place in the cells after the body absorbs nutrients.

What is digestion

the process of breaking down food into simple compounds the body can use.

What is Absorbtion

the process of taking in nutrients and making them part of the body

Define Nutrition

the study of how your body uses the nutrients.

Dehydration happens when

the water in your body drops below the level needed for normal body functions.

What happens if we eat more carbs than our bodies need for energy

they get stored as fat.

What is the main function of protein

to build and repair body tissues.

What is the main function of Carbohydrates

to provide energy. Carbohydrates can be broken down into three categories:

Why must you eat protein

to replace the wear and tear on the body tissues.

Too little fat does what?

too little fat makes way for vitamin deficiencies interfere with appetite control help the brain produce feel-good brain chemicals

what can too much cholesterol do?

too much cholesterol is linked to heart disease and obesity.

What is peristalsis

waves of muscle contractions that push food through the digestive tract.

If carbohydrates and fat are not available what will your body use

your body will use protein

What are nutrients

Nutrients are substances found in food that are essential for growth and energy.


butter substitute made with fat from plants


chemical process making liquid fat a solid fat (NOT GOOD!)

What are some signs of dehydration

-Increased thirst -Sluggishness -Dry mouth -Fainting -Swollen tongue -Inability to sweat -Weakness -Heart palpitations -Dizziness -Decreased urine output -Confusion -Dark urine

What are some common causes of dehydration

-Vomiting or diarrhea -Excessive urinating -Excessive sweating -Fever

What does essential mean

. Essential means that your body MUST have them.

how do CHOLESTEROL and FATTY ACIDS affect each other!

1. Saturated Fats Raise both HDL and LDL cholesterol levels in the blood 2. Polyunsaturated Fats LOWER both the LDL and HDL cholesterols in the blood 3. Monounsaturated fats Raise the HDL and Lower the LDL cholesterol in the blood.

What three categories can carbohydrates be broken down into

1. Simple Carbs (Sugars) 2. Complex Carbs (Starches) 3. Fiber

how many types of fatty acids are there

3 Types of Fatty Acids: Saturated Polyunsaturated Monounsaturated

how many calories per gram do Carbohydrates provide


How much seafood is recommended in place of meat and poultry

8 oz every week

How many complete proteins do essential amino acids contain

9 .

what are amino acids

Amino acids are the "building blocks" of protein.

Where do complete proteins come from

Animal food sources Soy foods like tofu, tempeh, soy nuts and edamame are a few plant sources that contain complete proteins.

How much water should we drink every day?

At least 8 cups a day (or 64 fl. oz.) or you weight divide in half. Water is the MOST important nutrient our body needs! If you're thirsty, you're already dehydrated!

What are the six basic essential nutrients

Carbohydrates Fats(lipids) Protein Vitamins Minerals Water

What are the functions of lipids

Carries Vitamins A, D, E, K Provides a reserve store of energy Promotes healthy skin Promotes normal cell growth Acts like a "cushion" to protect organs Acts like a heat regulator and insulator Adds flavor to food Satisfies hunger and helps you feel full longer

What are the functions of water

Carries water soluble vitamins Regulated body temperature through perspiration Carries waste products through and out of the body Prevents dehydration

Why is Cholesterol essential

Cholesterol is ESSENTIAL for many body processes. Cholesterol produces hormones and bile acids (which aid in digestion). Helps with the digestion of fat and production of Vitamin D.

What is fiber. (Give examples)

Complex carbohydrate that helps in the digestion process. Foods high in fiber include: fruits and vegetables (especially the skins or peels), whole grains, beans/legumes, bran cereals

What happens if we have too much water

Drinking too much water or sports drinks during a physical activity causes the condition known as exercise-associated hyponatremia (EAH), in which the kidneys become overwhelmed by the large quantity of liquid it's forced to process. The body's naturally occurring sodium can't keep up with the amount of water, leading to swelling in the cells and in severe cases, death.

Where is cholesterol found in

Eating meat, poultry and fish means you will consume "extra" or unneeded cholesterol. Foods high in cholesterol: Egg Yolks Liver/Organ Meats Some Shellfish


Exercise Replace solid fats with oils Choose lean cuts of meat Steam, boil or bake foods instead of cooking them in oil or fat Season vegetables with herbs and spices rather than with sauces, butter or margarine Try lemon juice or oil based salad dressing instead of cream based ones Switch to low-fat or fat-free milk Substitute low-fat yogurt in recipes that call for sour cream or mayonnaise Remove skin from poultry before cooking Replace egg yolks with egg whites


Fats that have begun to decompose (you can smell it)

Hydration Before, During and After Physical Fitness when to do what

For short duration (less than 60 min) water is a good choice to drink before, during and after exercise. For moderate to high intensity activities (more than 60 min.), sports drinks will help replace carbohydrate loss and electrolyte balance. Drink according to thirst during the day and include fluids with meals. Drink 8-20 oz. of water an hour before exercise. Continue drinking water during exercise, up to 16-24 oz. of fluid per hour (4-6 oz. every 15 min.).

Where is cholesterol found?

Found in animal tissues, but NEVER present in plants.


HDL cholesterol (HAPPY/HEALTHY!) HDL Cholesterol is "High Density Lipoprotein" This is the "good" kind of cholesterol. It moves excess cholesterol from the blood to the liver. 2. LDL Cholesterol ("L" for LOSER!!!) LDL cholesterol is low-density lipoprotein This is the "bad" kind of cholesterol. LDL cholesterol takes the cholesterol from the liver to the blood when it is needed. IT's BAD because too much LDL cholesterol in the bloodstream means BUILDUP in the arteries and increased chance of HEART ATTACK!

how can incomplete proteins become complementary protein.

Incomplete proteins can be combined to create a complementary protein. (Grains combined with any nut, seed or legume.) Plant foods do not, as a rule, have complete proteins, but by eating combinations of plant foods, called "complementary proteins," you can obtain a complete protein. Here is a list of proteins that when eaten together become complete: Grains... with Dairy Nuts/Seeds... with Dairy Nuts/Seeds... with Legumes Dairy... with Nuts/Seeds and Legumes Legumes... with Nuts Legumes... with Grains Legumes... with Seeds Legumes... with Dairy

Where do Incomplete proteins come from Give Examples of incomplete proteins

Incomplete proteins come from plant food sources. Examples of incomplete proteins could be: Grains Beans Nuts/Seeds Rice Wheat

Do incomplete proteins contain all the essential amino acids?

Incomplete proteins do NOT contain all of the essential amino acids.

High lipid/fat diets are linked to:

Increased Cholesterol Heart Disease Obesity Cardiovascular Related Problems

What is cholesterol

It's the fat-like substance in our blood.

how much protein do we need.

Males and females ages 13 to 18 years old should aim for about five to six ounces of protein per day, which measures out to be roughly 46 grams per day for teen girls and 52 grams per day for teen boys. A one ounce serving or protein is equivalent to one ounce of meat, a tablespoon of peanut butter or one egg. children ages 9 and older consume 10 to 30 percent of their daily calories from protein.

Where are Monounsaturated fats found?

Monounsaturated Fats are Semi solid or liquid at room temperature. Found in: Canola, olive, and peanut oils, Avocado and olives, Almonds, cashews, pecans, and peanuts, Sesame seeds, Vegetable oil.


Most concentrated source of food energy

Where are polyunsaturated fats found

Polyunsaturated Fats are semi-liquid at room temperature. Found in veggies, fish, Corn oil, Cottonseed oil, Safflower oil , Soybean oil, Sunflower oil, Walnuts, Pumpkin or sunflower seeds, Soft (tub) margarine, Mayonnaise, Salad dressings

What can too little protein do

Protein Deficiency -Leads to Kwashiorkor in children happens mostly in impoverished countries where there is a lack of protein rich foods. -In adults it can lead to anemia, Marasmus-the Greek word for "dying away" and infections. - Lead to stunted growth.

What are proteins

Proteins provide 4 calories per gram. , . Is this a good thing? You must eat protein daily It is recommended that we choose 8 oz. of seafood products in the place of some meat and poultry every week.

how many calories per gram do fats provide

Provide 9 calories per gram

Where do Saturated fats usually come from

Saturated Fats that usually come from ANIMAL sources, solid at room temperature. Sources: cheese, milk, meat, palm oil, coconut oil.

how much fat do we need?

Teenagers should consume between 25 and 35 percent of their total daily calories from fat. For a 2,000-calorie diet -- the recommended amount for moderately active teenage girls -- 25 to 35 percent of daily calories would equal approximately 55 to 75 grams of fat per day. Moderately active teenage boys need 2,600 calories per day, on average, making their daily fat requirement between 70 and 100 grams.

How many carbs do we need (example)

Teens who consume 45 to 65 percent of their calories from carbs will meet their needs. For example, a teen girl who eats 2,000 calories per day requires 225 to 325 grams of carbs (carbs provide 4 calories per gram), and a teen boy consuming 2,600 calories a day needs about 293 to 423 grams of carbohydrates daily.

What happens if we don't have enough water

The lack of water in our bodies can cause decreased blood pressure, electrolyte imbalances, cardiac arrhythmias and other damages. Remember that water is life.

What are the six steps of digestion

The six steps of digestion are: 1. ingestion 2. mechanical digestion 3. chemical digestion 4. absorption 5. movement 6. excretion

how may essential amino acids are there.

There are 9 essential amino acids.

What are simple sugars (give examples)

These are broken down and digested very quickly. Examples include: table sugar, fruit, fruit juice, sugary drinks, milk

What are complex Carbs (give examples)

These take longer to digest and provide sustained energy. Examples include: whole grains, beans/legumes, brown rice, pasta

What can too much protein do?

Too much -elevated blood sugar, weight gain, kidney stress.

Where do we get most of our carbs

We get most of our carbs from the grains group. Almost all of our carbohydrates come from plant food sources.

Other sources of water

We should keep in mind that we can substitute part of this amount with fruit and vegetable juices or we can just eat foods that are excellent sources of water. Among them are vegetables, fruit, meat, fish, eggs, soups, ice cream and many others. Fruits and vegetables have the highest water content. For example, watermelon is 92 percent water, grapefruit and strawberries are around 90 percent, celery and radishes contain 95 percent water, cucumbers contain 96 percent, spinach and peppers - 92.

Can you get enough protein if you do not eat meat?

Whether you eat meat or not, you can get enough protein from your diet.

Vegetable Shortenings

a blend of oils HYDROGENATED to become a solid

what is a nutrient the chemical process that takes place in the cells after the body absorbs nutrients.

a chemical substance in food that helps maintain the body.

Define Fortified foods

a food to which nutrients are added in amounts greater than what would naturally occur in the food.

Define Malnutrition

a lack of the right proportions of nutrients over an extended period. A person who is malnourished may be underweight or overweight.

Vegetable Oils

oils extracted from plant sources

What are lipids that are liquid at room temperature called

oils. Examples: vegetable oil, canola oil, olive oil, etc.

What are dietary supplements

purified nutrients that are manufactured or extracted from natural sources.

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