Family Exam 4

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What is the "formula" for determining the 4 parenting styles? For what culture/area of the world is this "formula" most relevant?

+/- R and +/- D =

What is the National Domestic Violence Hotline phone number?

1 - 800 - 799 - 7233

What are 3 reasons why men are "silent victims" of abuse?

1. culture of shame 2. male code of silence 3. family code of honor

What are the sources of anger?

1. fear 2. hurt 3. frustration

What are the 6 signs that a marriage is in trouble and how is each described?

1. harsh start up; tension from start of convo 2. criticism; implies something is wrong w them 3. defensiveness; coming up with excuses 4. contempt; being annoyed with the other person 5. stonewalling; shutting down

According to Gottman, what are 5 types of marriages and how is each described?

1. hostile-detatched; makes petty verbal attacks to one another 2. hostile; criticize each other 3. conflict minimizers/avoiders; calm in conflict 4. validators; support and understanding 5. volatile; expressive

What two types of fertility assistance were mentioned?

1. in vitro fertilization 2. freezing eggs

What are three techniques that Gottman uses in his research?

1. observational & emotional coding systems 2. self-assessment 3. physiological responses

What are two of Gottman's general research conclusions about marriage?

1. predict the risk for divorce 2. couple interaction is 80% stable over time

What percent of women are killed by a former partner? What is needed to reduce this percentage?


Which child development theory focuses on understanding how the interaction between a child's personality, environment, and physiological tendencies shapes development? A. Bronfenbrenner's Bioecological Theory of Development B. Mead's Theory of the Social Self C. Piaget's Cognitive Development Theory D. Erikson's Psychosocial Theory of Development

Bronfenbrenner's Bioecological Theory of Development

Dr. Payne argues that people develop throughout their life by facing specific challenges at each life stage that allow their development. Which development theory is Dr. Payne most likely to embrace? A. Piaget's Cognitive Development Theory B. Mead's Theory of the Social Self C. Erikson's Psychosocial Theory of Development D. Bronfenbrenner's Bioecological Theory of Development

Erikson's Psychosocial Theory of Development

Which of the following is true regarding same-sex marriages? A. Same-sex marriages only occur among gay men B. Newly married same-sex couples tend to be younger than their different-sex counterparts C. Lesbians are more likely than gay men to marry D. Same-sex marriage has decreased in recent years

Lesbians are more likely than gay men to marry

The __________ has been credited with lowering the rate of homicide for abused women since 1994. A. Kaiser Permanente national health organization B. Violence Against Women Act C. Camp Hope organization D. Watchful Shepherd organization

Violence Against Women Act

What is internal locus of control? How does a child develop this and what is involved?

a child being able to control themselves; developed by boundaries and self-regulation from parents

Which of the following best describes a primary developmental milestone in Piaget's concrete operational stage? A. A child is able to use toys to represent other objects. B. A child is able to predict the effect of breaking a rule at school. C. A child is able to identify objects by touch while playing. D. A child is able to develop theories about justice and truth for a paper at school.

a child is able to predict the effect of breaking a rule at school

Which of the following is true regarding the role of power in marital relationships? A. A partner who imposes power is typically unable to control the communication patterns of the relationship. B. A partner who imposes power is typically the person most invested in the relationship. C. A partner who imposes power typically influences the decision-making process in the relationship. D. A partner who imposes power is typically the one that is lacking in financial security or having a special talent.

a partner who imposes power typically influences the decision-making process in the relationship

About what percentage of Americans are currently married? A. over 80 percent B. about 50 percent C. about 70 percent D. about 60 percent

about 50 percent

In a(n) __________ conflict resolution strategy, the conflict ends when one person agrees with or goes along with the other. A. withdrawal B. accommodation C. compromise D. standoff


__________ is taking a child into one's family through legal means and raising her or him as one's own. A. Adoption B. Circumcision C. Contraception D. Abortion


Which of the following statements best explains the position of advocates of transracial adoption? A. Advocates of transracial adoption maintain that transracial adopted children are harmed if their parents engage in racial socialization. B. Advocates of transracial adoption maintain that families should avoid multicultural neighborhoods. C. Advocates of transracial adoption maintain that biracial children must remain with their biological parents. D. Advocates of transracial adoption point out that children are more likely to remain in foster care if transracial adoption is not available.

advocates of transracial adoption point out that children are more likely to remain in foster care if transracial adoption is not available

What is the concern for germline editing?

affects all future generations with unknown effects

What is a teratogen? What 3 teratogens are discussed?

agents that disrupt the development of an embryo (alcohol, marijuana, etc..)

Evaluate the following claims about the reasons behind the prevalence of elder abuse. Which of them is most accurate? A. An adult child who is dependent on an elderly parent for finances might mistreat the parent to compensate for their own lack of power. B. Elderly individuals who are cared for by professionals are subjected to violence because of the lack of personal connection. C. Elder abuse is more likely when family members have a strong social network of kin, friends, and neighbors. D. Elderly individuals who live alone are at a major risk for elder abuse, due to isolation.

an adult child who is dependent on an elderly parent for finances might mistreat the parent to compensate for their own lack of power

What is a meta-analysis? What did Khaleque (2013) find in a meta-analysis of the impacts of responsiveness?

an analysis of many studies; children were better

Which of the following statements best describes changing attitudes toward marriage? A. An increasing number of people consider marriage to be economically necessary. B. An increasing number of people consider marriage to be obsolete. C. An increasing number of people consider marriage to be necessary for raising children. D. An increasing number of people consider marriage to be harmful.

an increasing number of people consider marriage to be obsolete.

What are repair attempts and why are they important?

any statement or action — silly or otherwise — that prevents negativity from escalating out of control.

Ray lives with punitive parents who are constantly demanding and expect him to obey all their commands. As a result, he hardly has any personal freedom at home. This is an example of which of the following parenting styles? A. uninvolved B. authoritative C. authoritarian D. permissive


__________ style describes a parenting style that is demanding, controlling, rigid, and punitive. A. Uninvolved B. Authoritarian C. Authoritative D. Permissive


Nancy is an adolescent girl, age 15. Her friends at school perceive her to be a disciplined and a well-mannered child. In addition, she excels in both academics and extracurricular activities. According to this scenario, the __________ parenting style is most likely to be followed by Nancy's parents. A. authoritarian B. permissive C. authoritative D. uninvolved


Which of the following is an example of how you might improve communication in a marriage? A. Ava always brings up past events to flesh out current arguments. B. Ava always says what she thinks, even if it is hurtful. C. Ava always points out her husband's flaws to help him improve. D. Ava always says thank you to her husband when he makes dinner.

ava always says thank you to her husband when he makes dinner

Maria, a housewife, is trapped in an unhappy marriage as a result of societal pressure. For the past 15 years, her husband has constantly abused her physically and emotionally. She feels incapable of leaving and continues to perform her "wifely duty." This scenario is an illustration of __________. A. captured syndrome B. Stockholm syndrome C. battered-woman syndrome D. date-rape syndrome

battered-woman syndrome

Which of the following statements best explains why many doctors oppose the practice of bed sharing? A. Bed sharing hampers parent-infant bonding. B. Bed sharing reduces the occurrence of nightmares among children. C. Bed sharing results in poor sleep patterns among teens. D. Bed sharing increases the risk of accidental death for infants.

bed sharing increases the risk of accidental death for infants

Young adults who live away from their parents' home for a while and then return are referred to as the __________. A. Silent Generation B. baby boomer group C. G.I. Generation D. boomerang generation

boomerang generation

Which of the following is a similarity between feminist theories and resource theory in explaining family abuse and violence? A. Both theories emphasize that men with the least amount of resources are at an increased risk for perpetrating domestic violence. B. Both theories postulate that abuse and domestic violence is a common phenomenon in matriarchal societies. C. Both theories postulate that men have a tendency to dominate and have more power compared to women. D. Both theories emphasize that abuse and domestic violence behaviors are learned through observation.

both theories postulate that men have a tendency to dominate and have more power compared to women

Which of the following statements is true regarding the costs of having children? A. Child-rearing costs decrease when children grow older B. Unemployed parents are eligible for medical benefits for themselves C. Child-rearing costs increase when children live in an urban area D. The costs pertaining to disabled children are covered by insurance benefits

child-rearing costs increase when children live in an urban area

Which of the following best describes the impact of abuse on children? A. Adolescents who experience maltreatment are not likely to suffer from eating disorders. B. Childhood experiences of abuse and neglect are linked with higher rates of IPV in adults. C. Childhood experiences of abuse and neglect are linked with less serious short-term problems. D. Being abused or neglected as a child decreases the likelihood of violent crimes.

childhood experiences of abuse and neglect are linked with higher rates of IPV in adults

According to the text, in which of the following nations is it common for a couple to have a "living apart together" marriage due to the need for rural men to move to urban centers for work? A. Norway B. Belgium C. China D. the United States


Which of the following strategies is typically used by partners who try to force their point of view on their spouses? A. validation B. coercion C. denial D. repression


Which of the following is the most common manifest reason for getting married? A. companionship B. social legitimacy C. economic security D. social pressure


Which of the following is the healthiest conflict resolution strategy for a couple with a difference in opinions? A. standoff B. accommodation C. compromise D. withdrawal


William and Sharon have a generally happy marriage but have separate friends and interests. Which of the following best describes their marriage type? A. validators B. conflict minimizers C. hostile-detached D. hostile

conflict minimizers

Which of the following statements best explains the effectiveness of corporal punishment as a parenting practice? A. Corporal punishment tends to lead to mental health problems, emotional distress, lower self-esteem, and relationship violence as children grow up. B. Corporal punishment is very effective in managing children's behavior over the long term. C. Corporal punishment increases temper tantrums among children in the short term. D. Corporal punishment is directly linked to high rates of achievement and better behavior as children grow up.

corporal punishment tends to lead to mental health problems, emotional distress, lower self-esteem, and relationship violence as children grow up

Which of these is the biggest change for couples in retirement according to the text? A. women entering employment B. couples experiencing physical decline C. women taking on large-scale projects D. men doing most of the housework

couples experiencing physical decline

According to Gottman, which of the following patterns best demonstrates the difference between lasting marriages and those that split up? A. Couples never have conflicts B. Couples accept negative behaviors from their partners without question C. Couples always say what is on their minds D. Couples have five positive interactions between partners for every negative one

couples have five positive interactions between partners for every negative one

What is a specific impact on children with Indifferent Permissive parents?

create at-risk teens

Which of the following statements is a perspective of the ecological systems theory? A. A decline in the number of resources increases the amount of stress and violence perpetrated by men. B. When a couple's violence is mutual, women are more likely than men to comply with a partner's commands. C. Cultural values that demean, debase, and devalue women and children promote and reinforce abusive behavior. D. When there is both physical and emotional abuse between adults in a household, children tend to model these behaviors.

cultural values that demean, debase, and devalue women and children promote and reinforce abusive behavior

Changing attitudes among husbands with traditional views about marriage has __________ the gender gap in housework among employed spouses. A. not impacted B. decreased C. increased D. closed


Which of the following increases the likelihood of an individual being subject to elder abuse? A. retiring with a lot of financial resources B. dependence on family members for shelter and care C. living in a nursing home D. paying for in-home nursing care

dependence on family members for shelter and care

Ever since Lisa lost her husband, she has been less interested in her daily activities. She rarely eats and has lost a significant amount of weight. She does not want to socialize with her friends and prefers to stay at home all day long without performing her household chores. In this case, Lisa is experiencing __________. A. depression B. mania C. anorexia D. bulimia


How is external locus of control developed? How does this work and how does it impact a child?

developed through physical or emotional punishment, fear

What is DAP?

developmentally appropriate practice

Sam and Laura rarely spend quality time together, have poor conflict resolutions skills, little in common, and are generally unhappy. According to Olson and Fowers, this is an example of a __________ marriage. A. harmonious B. devitalized C. vitalized D. covenant


Which of the following is a way to improve your communication style? A. Don't generalize. B. Use brutal honesty. C. Be defensive of your positon. D. Avoid listening to complaints from your partner.

dont generalize

__________ is the most common form of elder abuse. A. Physical abuse B. Sexual abuse C. Financial abuse D. Emotional abuse

emotional abuse

When he turned 18, Julio wished to move out of his parents' home. His mother reluctantly agreed to let him leave but felt depressed and lonely after a few months. Additionally, she experienced a lessened sense of well-being. In this scenario, Julio's mother is experiencing the __________. A. empathy syndrome B. flying-the-coop syndrome C. boomerang syndrome D. empty-nest syndrome

empty-nest syndrome

Tyrone and Ivana recently got married after dating for a period of three years. Within a month into their marriage, Ivana observes that Tyrone still spends a lot of his weekends at his parents' house instead of with her. Tyrone's strong loyalty to his parents, even after marriage, shows that Tyrone has failed to __________. A. establish boundaries in his marriage B. negotiate the changes in his marital roles C. identify with his role as a husband D. treat Ivana as a spouse

establish boundaries in his marriage

What behaviors are observed in parents with a high level of demandingness?

expectations, monitoring, boundaries

Which of the following is likely to be a predictor of IPV from childhood to old age? A. family violence while growing up B. woman's education is lower than that of the man C. cognitive dissonance D. postpartum depression

family violence while growing up

About 72 percent of women cite __________ as a major reason for staying in an abusive relationship. A. fear B. loyalty C. hopelessness D. neglect


What are the statistics on fertility? What risk increases?

fertility decreases for women beyond age 27 and also for men over the age of 35, couples who both are over age 35, fertility is reduced by 30%, higher risk of Down Syndrome

Carrie has been dependent on alcohol for the past ten years and continues to consume it even when she is pregnant. She gives birth to a baby boy who suffers from a range of mental and physical impairments. According to this information, it can be inferred that Carrie's son suffers from __________. A. alcohol abuse disorder B. alcohol-related neurological disease C. alcohol dependence syndrome D. fetal alcohol spectrum disorder

fetal alcohol spectrum disorder

Annie cares for her elderly mother at home. Due to financial stress and marital conflicts, she frequently takes money from her mother's retirement account for her own expenses. This scenario is an example of __________. A. psychological abuse B. negligence C. financial abuse D. physical abuse

financial abuse

Evan is a new father who is excited about being a dad but doesn't help very much with his infant because his wife, Anne, is very critical of how he cares for the baby. This is an example of __________. A. gatekeeping B. PPD C. traditional gender roles D. role conflict


George Herbert Mead argues that children eventually come to understand the role of the __________ by establishing their sense of self. A. guilt B. operational stage C. generalized other D. intimacy

generalized other

What is CRISPR/Cas9 (not the words, but what it does).

genetic editing

About __________ of female victims of intimate partner violence don't receive the medical, advocacy, and legal services they need. A. half B. a quarter C. two-thirds D. a third


Which of the following is most likely to contribute to role strain among mothers in the U.S.? A. feeling increased authority over children B. having high standards for parenting C. lack of parental responsibility for children's behavior D. having realistic role expectations

having high standards for parenting

Which of these is an example of a parenting practice that decreases the likelihood of obesity in children? A. requiring children to clear their plates B. keeping children from playing outside C. helping children eat more fruit and vegetables D. allowing children to skip breakfast

helping children eat more fruit and vegetables

Which of the following statements best describes the current state of child care patterns and characteristics in the U.S.? A. Fathers in middle-income families are likely to take care of their preschool-age children themselves. B. When mothers are employed, neighbors are an important source of child care for the majority of children younger than age 5. C. The costs of day care centers are equal for infants and young children living in metropolitan and rural areas. D. High-income families are likely to use child care arrangements such as day care centers.

high-income families are likely to use child care arrangements such as day care centers

Which of the following statements best describes family structure and behavior in high-socioeconomic status families? A. High-income families do not expect their children to attain educational benefits. B. High-income families foster positive attitudes toward school. C. Early adult responsibility among teens is common in high-income families. D. Adolescent-formed families are common among high-income families.

high-income families foster positive attitudes toward school

Which of the following is true regarding the prevalence and characteristics of child maltreatment? A. Homicide is considered to be the leading cause of death among infants. B. The most common form of abuse toward children is physical abuse. C. The first two months of a child's life usually carry the least risk of death. D. Child maltreatment rates in the U.S. began to decline in 2012 and have been falling since then.

homicide is considered to be the leading cause of death among infants

Which of the following statements best describes patterns of sexual abuse by siblings? A. In most cases of sibling incest, older brothers molest younger siblings. B. Most children immediately report to their parents about a sibling's sexual abuse. C. Sexual abuse by a sibling is common between older sisters and younger brothers. D. Sexual abuse by a sibling is usually an isolated incident.

in most cases of sibling incest, older brothers molest younger siblings

The number of multigenerational households in the U.S. has __________ in the last 40 years. A. increased B. decreased dramatically C. decreased slightly D. stayed the same


What is the difference between interests and positions?

interests are needs, positions are wants

Which of the following statements is true regarding the characteristics of abusive and violent households? A. Women are more likely than men to murder their spouse or ex-spouse. B. Intimate partner violence cuts across all social classes. C. Instances of intimate partner violence usually begin at a later phase of adult life. D. Men are less likely than women to experience multiple forms of violence.

intimate partner violence cuts across all social classes

In __________, the primary perpetrator is a male who uses multiple forms of abuse and escalates control to dominate his partner. A. heterosexist discrimination B. intimate terrorism C. homicide D. familycide

intimate terrorism

Which of the following is characteristic of "scapegoating" as a form of communication breakdown between spouses? A. It involves one spouse trying to dishonestly place the blame on the other spouse B. It involves both spouses deciding to not continue an argument and leaving it unresolved C. It involves one spouse giving the wrongdoer the silent treatment D. It involves one spouse validating the opinions of the other spouse

it involves one spouse trying to dishonestly place the blame on the other spouse

Which of the following is true of marital rape in the United States? A. It is considered a crime in most but not all states. B. It is typically considered to be a more heinous crime than stranger rape. C. It is the most common type of rape in the United States. D. It is also known as date rape.

it is the most common type of rape in the United States

Which of the following is true of the significance of using a wedding ceremony? A. It marks the end of childhood and the acceptance of adult responsibilities even in the case of young couples B. It is used to provide authenticity to the engagement ceremony C. It legalizes the couple's ability to adopt children D. It is used to justify the bridal shower

it marks the end of childhood and the acceptance of adult responsibilities even in the case of young couples

Siblicide refers to the act of __________. A. killing one's brother or sister B. sexual abuse of one's brother or sister C. destruction of a sibling's personal possessions D. torturing or killing a sibling's pet

killing one's brother or sister

Why do Latino children ages 3 to 5 struggle with reading compared to other racial groups? A. Latino parents consider education less important than other groups. B. Latino parents have high rates of divorce and single parents compared to other groups. C. Latino parents may not have English language skills to allow them to read to children. D. Latino parents believe reading and education to be solely the responsibility of teachers.

latino parents may not have English language skills to allow them to read to children

What behaviors are observed in parents with a high level of responsiveness?

love, warmth, acceptance, support, nurture

Which of the following statements most accurately reflects current research about marital quality? A. Marital quality impacts well-being more than well-being impacts marital quality B. Marital quality and health are unrelated C. Poor marital quality leads to lower rates of stress among women D. Men's health is more impacted by poor marital quality than women's

marital quality impacts well-being more than well-being impacts marital quality

Which of the following statements demonstrates the selection effect phenomenon? A. Married people are healthier than their unmarried counterparts because they work at resolving problems and disagreements B. Married people are healthier than their unmarried counterparts because they are flexible and have a compromising attitude C. Married people are healthier than their unmarried counterparts because they are attracted to individuals with desirable traits D. Married people are healthier than their unmarried counterparts because they receive adequate emotional support

married people are healthier than their unmarried counterparts because they are attracted to individuals with desirable traits

Which of the following statements best demonstrates the protection effect? A. Healthy people are attracted to others who are like themselves. B. Married people are more likely than singles to quit smoking and less likely to drink heavily. C. Healthy people tend to depend on marriage to make them happy. D. Married people are less likely to reflect healthy behavior exhibited by their spouses.

married people are more likely than singles to quit smoking and less likely to drink heavily

How is delayed parenting also a disadvantage for men?

men over age 45, there is a 14% greater risk of a baby born prematurely

In comparison with other reasons for conflict, fights over __________ last longer and are more likely to lead to depressive behavior and physical aggression. A. housework B. sex C. money D. children


How is conflict described in this presentation? What is included?

negative interaction patterns including not listening or responding to your partner

__________ refers to the failure to provide for a child's basic physical, emotional, medical, or educational needs. A. Exploiting B. Spurning C. Neglect D. Isolation


Which of the following describes the most common response by parents to sibling abuse? A. Parents generally do not take sibling abuse seriously. B. Parents end sibling abuse by treating their children differently. C. Parents generally report sibling abuse to the police. D. Parents generally get mental health care for the abusive sibling.

parents generally do not take sibling abuse seriously

One of the widespread myths about infants is that __________. A. parents who pick up crying babies will spoil them B. special talents surface at a later stage of child development C. intelligence can't be determined when babies are very young D. parental conflicts have a major impact on child development

parents who pick up crying babies will spoil them

Kate is age 8. Her father pushes and shakes her when she misbehaves and frequently hits her as well. However, he does not often leave marks. This scenario is an example of __________. A. physical abuse B. spanking C. exploiting D. behavior modification

physical abuse

Authoritarian parents tend to use? What is their goal? What do they expect? What are some negative impacts on the children of authoritarian parents?

physical punishment; goal is obedience; not good

Molly is a 13-year-old girl who belongs to a low-SES family. She lives with her alcoholic father who beats her almost every day and sexually abuses her mother in her midst. According to this scenario, it can be inferred that Molly is experiencing __________. A. polyvictimization B. intimidation C. corruption D. abandonment


__________ refers to a serious illness that can occur up to a year after childbirth. A. Postpartum depression B. Chlamydia C. Bipolar disorder D. Post-traumatic stress disorder

postpartum depression

Maria, a wealthy businesswoman, was engaged to Ryan. Before the marriage, Maria's parents insisted that Ryan should sign an agreement that would absolve Maria from parting with her wealth to Ryan in case of a divorce. Such an agreement is known as a(n) __________. A. voidance agreement B. prenuptial agreement C. exclusionary clause D. due-process clause

prenuptial agreement

High rates of relationship satisfaction during the transition to parenthood can be preserved by __________. A. avoiding extended family B. using traditional division of labor in parenting C. reducing stress and increasing fairness D. ignoring feelings of depression and anxiety

reducing stress and increasing fairness

Which of these is the most effective form of discipline to help children develop into responsible adults? A. yelling at a misbehaving toddler B. lecturing a misbehaving toddler C. removing a misbehaving toddler from a play area D. spanking or hitting a misbehaving toddler

removing a misbehaving toddler from a play area

Authoritative parents are able to balance? What are the impacts on children for those whose parents are authoritative?

respect, needs, demands; good things

Evaluate the following statements regarding the high rates of heroin use in the United States. Which of the following best explains this trend? A. Rigid restrictions imposed on pain killers are associated with an increase in heroin usage. B. Rising unemployment rates have led to an increase in heroin usage. C. The growth of illegitimate Internet pharmacies has led to a surge in heroin usage. D. The legalized use of heroin as a form of medication has led to a surge in heroin usage.

rigid restrictions imposed on pain killers are associated with an increase in heroin usage

Analyze the following claims about sexuality and family violence. Which of the following statements best reflects current patterns? A. Intimate partner violence is lower for bisexual women than other groups. B. Gay men have higher rates of intimate partner violence than do heterosexual women. C. Masculine-presenting women experience less childhood violence than feminine-presenting women. D. Same-sex couples are less likely than opposite-sex couples to hit their children.

same-sex couples are less likely than opposite-sex couples to hit their children

Roy and Nancy decide to adopt a child from a couple and approach their attorney for this purpose. Most of the communication between the couples is through the attorney. According to this information, which of the following types of adoption is being implemented by Roy and Nancy? A. international adoption B. open adoption C. semi-open adoption D. closed adoption

semi-open adoption

A benefit of having a child is a __________. A. sense of satisfaction B. sense of closure C. sense of independence D. high level of self-actualization

sense of satisfaction

Which of the following statements best explains the patterns regarding boomerang children in recent decades? A. The stigma of young adults returning to their parental home has increased at present. B. There has been a decline in the trend of young adults returning to their parental home. C. There is a negative correlation between the transition to independence and education level. D. Several macro-level factors contribute to a delay in transition to independence for young adults.

several macro-level factors contribute to a delay in transition to independence for young adults

Why is the Marissa Alexander case important to consider? Was she ever freed?

she defended herself against abuse, yes she was freed

Which of the following statements is typically true regarding marital success? A. Similar beliefs, attitudes, values, and social backgrounds are critical factors in a successful marriage. B. Identity bargaining tends to decrease marital success and increase hostility among couples. C. Couples who marry after a whirlwind courtship are more likely to lead successful married lives. D. Couples who attempt to change each other are likely to lead successful married lives.

similar beliefs, attitudes, values, and social backgrounds are critical factors in a successful marriage

Jude and Nancy have been married for 10 years. Though Jude is extremely aggressive and beats Nancy every day when he returns home, she prefers to stay with him since she is financially dependent on him. The reason behind Nancy being the victim of domestic violence can be best illustrated by __________ theory. A. social learning B. social exchange C. family systems D. ecological systems

social exchange

According to __________ theory, continuous exposure to abuse and violence during childhood can increase the likelihood that a person will be both an assailant and a victim in adulthood. A. social learning B. resource C. social exchange D. feminist

social learning

Diana, age 32, is an advertising executive. She is ambitious and prefers to lead an independent life. However, her widowed mother tells her about the negative effects of being single and thereby compels her into marriage. According to this scenario, which of the following is a latent reason for Diana's decision to marry? A. rebellion B. companionship C. social pressure D. economic security

social pressure

Which of the following statements best explains why couples sometimes see a decline in marital satisfaction after their first child joins the family? A. Children are always a strain on finances B. Socializing children takes enormous time and patience C. It can minimize existing problems in the relationship D. Fathers seek to increase their time spent on housework

socializing children takes enormous time and patience

In communication, what is clarity?

speaking in a clear manner so your partner understands what you're saying

__________ is an example of emotional abuse toward children. A. Spurning B. Corrupting C. Incest D. Neglect


When Eva tries to discuss her husband's lack of help around the house with him, he responds by saying "Uh-huh" but not paying attention to her concerns. This is an example of __________, a problematic communication practice. A. counterproposals B. coercion C. scapegoating D. stonewalling


Which of the following is a macro approach to the prevention of family violence? A. strengthening civil legal protections B. cognitive behavioral therapy C. programs that help teens learn how to form healthy intimate relationships D. home visitation programs

strengthening civil legal protections

Jennifer recently got married to Adrian after a seven-year dating period and intends to have a child with him after three years. According to this information, Jennifer is __________. A. involuntarily childless B. temporarily childless C. voluntarily childless D. child free

temporarily childless

Cyberbullying includes __________. A. negative facial or physical gestures B. pinching, pushing, and damaging property C. hitting, kicking, and tripping D. the infliction of intentional and repeated harm using computers and other electronic devices

the infliction of intentional and repeated harm using computers and other electronic devices

Which of the following best describes current patterns regarding the sexual abuse of children? A. The majority of children who are sexually abused are victimized by family or people they know. B. Incest is considered a social norm across various racial groups. C. The majority of children's experiences of sexual abuse are from strangers. D. The minimum age at which a child experiences incest is age 13.

the majority of children who are sexually abused are victimized by family or people they know

Which of these is a difference between same-sex and opposite-sex families with regard to children? A. The quality of parent-child relationships is generally higher in same-sex than in opposite-sex families. B. The quality of parent-child relationships is generally higher in opposite-sex than in same-sex families. C. Same-sex parents tend to stigmatize non-gender conforming children more than opposite-sex parents do. D. Parents in same-sex families spend less child-focused time with their kids than do parents in opposite-sex families.

the quality of parent-child relationships is generally higher in same-sex than in opposite-sex families

Infertility refers to __________. A. the prevention of pregnancy by behavioral means B. the repeated inability to conceive a baby after trying for at least a year C. the expulsion of an embryo or fetus from the uterus D. a pregnancy that is mistimed

the repeated inability to conceive a baby after trying for at least a year

Marriage rates have been falling since the 1980s in the United States. Which of the following is a reason for this phenomenon? A. the increase in the ideology of familism in American culture B. the social acceptability of cohabitation and nonmarital births C. the lack of change in gender roles among the different communities of the United States D. the decrease in the number of women valuing college degrees

the social acceptability of cohabitation and nonmarital births

Which of the following statements best describes the process of identity bargaining? A. The second step is that people should identify themselves with their respective marital roles B. The initial process of identity bargaining typically occurs as the couple approaches midlife crisis in marriage C. The first step in this process is that people should negotiate the changes in their marital roles D. The transition from being single to married requires a transformation of attitudes and behaviors

the transition from being single to married requires a transformation of attitudes and behaviors

Which of the following statements best describes how middle-socioeconomic status (SES) families differ from low-SES families? A. They are more likely to suffer from depression than low-SES families. B. They are less likely to spend time reading with their children than low-SES families. C. They are more likely to curtail spending on their children's education compared to low-SES families. D. Their manner of speech is likely to enhance their children's vocabulary and self-expression.

their manner of speech is likely to enhance their children's vocabulary and self-expression

Ali and Juan are a recently married couple who just discovered that Ali is pregnant. Neither Ali nor Juan planned on becoming a parent any time soon. Which of the following is most likely to be an issue in their situation? A. They will not experience any additional distress or nervousness than if it was planned. B. They will likely have less prenatal care than with a planned pregnancy. C. They will be poor parents because they won't love their child. D. Their child will most likely have birth defects.

they will likely have less prenatal care than with a planned pregnancy

Jacob's father—as he had often done while Jacob was in high school—went to Jacob's college professor and demanded that the C he'd been given on a recent paper be increased. What outcome is most likely associated with this kind of parenting behavior? A. This behavior will increase Jacob's ability to develop decision-making skills. B. This behavior will increase Jacob's risk of engaging in unhealthy behavior. C. This behavior will decrease Jacob's feelings of autonomy and competence. D. This behavior will motivate Jacob to become competent, ambitious, and self-reliant.

this behavior will decrease Jacob's feelings of autonomy and competence

__________ is the leading cause of preventable disease, disability, and death in the United States. A. Alcohol abuse B. Drug abuse C. Obesity D. Tobacco use

tobacco use

__________ is a form of effective communication whereby a person shows respect for another person who has a different opinion or point of view. A. Nagging B. Coercion C. Validation D. Scapegoating


It is difficult for scholars to identify predictors of family violence; however, some patterns do exist. Which of the following is most likely to be a predictor of family violence throughout the life course? A. high family income B. cognitive dissonance C. violent behavior during the teen years D. postpartum depression

violent behavior during the teen years

At what stage do married couples report they are least happy? A. when adult children move in with them B. when they have teens in the home C. when their children move out D. when they have young children

when they have teens in the home

As conflict resolutions, standoffs differ from withdrawals in that __________. A. standoffs result in both parties finding a middle ground to resolve a dispute B. standoffs only occur with the interference of a third party C. withdrawals always end in a draw between the spouses D. withdrawals do not provide any resolution at all

withdrawals do not provide any resolution at all

Which of the following is true regarding the prevalence of intimate partner violence in the United States? A. Men are more likely to experience a greater amount of psychological distress than women. B. Women are more likely to experience a greater number of physical injuries than men. C. The instances of intimate partner violence in the United States have declined for women only. D. Women are more likely to use weapons in order to defend themselves during instances of partner violence.

women are more likely to experience a greater number of physical injuries than men

Which of the following is an accurate statement concerning Americans' self-reports of marital happiness? A. People who marry in their teens tend to be happier than people who marry after age 20. B. Women report being less happily married than men. C. Marital happiness increases when couples experience poverty, job loss, and financial problems. D. Both marital stability and marital satisfaction tend to be higher for those without a college education.

women report being less happily married than men

Which of the following statements is true regarding women who are child free? A. Women with a college education and careers are less likely than their male counterparts to be child free. B. Women with a college education and careers are more likely than their male counterparts to be child free. C. They experience infertility or other biological problems. D. They are likely to plan on having children in the future.

women with a college education and careers are more likely than their male counterparts to be child free

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