Family Violence Chapters for Test 3

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How does relationship commitment relate to a battered woman's decision to stay with her abuser?

Like other women battered women often believe they should stay "no matter what."

Contrary to what might be expected, Umberson et al. (1998) found that:

MFIPV does not enhance perpetrators' sense of control.

Which was NOT stated as a relationship between IPV and depression?

MFIPV shows little causal relationship to women's depression

Which statement is TRUE?

Men in the Duluth program need to unlearn socially/culturally reinforced violent behavior directed toward women.

Dutton (1994) considers the feminist approach to batterer treatment to be:

More of a political statement than a psychological treatment

A newer innovation for combating elder abuse is the establishment of:

Multidisciplinary community teams

Forcing women to give birth in a cowshed often occurs in:


Which of the following is NOT information needed to classify violent men?

Number of previous relationships

Which of the following is a legal right that battered women have already achieved?

Obtaining a new social security number

Scholars are increasingly distinguishing IPV from other forms of interpersonal violence:

On the basis of fear of the perpetrator

Which statement about IPV treatment is TRUE?

Operationalizing the concept of cultural competence into specific guidelines is still evolving.

Of many vulnerable groups, which group of women is at greatest risk for assault?

Poor women

Economic support is important because it helps the female IPV victim:

Progress towards self-sufficiency

Which was NOT a contributor to abuse of pregnant Latin women?

Religious dogma

In European countries:

Research has been more influential as a response to IPV than theorizing.

Several researchers think that learned helplessness is not so much a personality/coping style as it is a:

Sad reflection of reality

Which of the following represents a real improvement in police responses to MFIPV victims?

Specialized IPV police units

Studies on substance abuse treatment have generally shown that:

Spouse abusers have alcohol- and drug-related problems.

____________ generated from negative life events contributes to FMIPV.


General observations of prevalence of IPV among racial/ethnic groups show:

That ethnic groups vary significantly within their own group.

Behaviors such as praising the abuser, denying the abuse, and self-blame are most typical of:

The Hostage syndrome

Dependency theory emphasizes:

The elder's dependency on the abuser

Research reveals that psychological abuse is:

The most common form of partner abuse

The National Domestic Violence Hotline showed that:

The second most pressing problem facing IPV victims is the combination of a large gap in legal resources and inadequate responses on the part of the criminal justice system.

Based on the Klein et al. study, reporters of elderly women abuse in Rhode Island were most likely to be:

The victim

Some evidence suggests that the ultimate motivator for a victim's leaving is:

The victim's recognition of the detrimental effects of abuse on her children.

Batterers most often explain their violence by blaming:

Their female partner

A major problem with couples/family systems therapy for MFIPV is that:

Therapists fail to pre-assess its appropriateness

According to cultural anthropologists, Boas and Herskovits:

There can never be universal standards for judging other cultures.

A basic reason that some victims are able to accept violence is that:

They continue to hope that the violence will stop

Based on interview data with American Indian women:

They endorsed the idea of responding to being hit by hitting back.

Which characteristic LEAST accurately describes women who fail to seek help?

They fear losing their children

Which statement is TRUE of specialized IPV prosecution units?

They show higher conviction rates

Which statement is TRUE about Haitian immigrants?

Wife abuse is considered normal

Which is NOT considered one of the generally-named types of social support?


Which type of abuse was most often received, investigated, and substantiated by APS?


Counselors of battered women should avoid:

"sobriety first" models dealing with battery

It is possible that the strange behavior of hostages, such as blaming themselves for their "captivity" and being isolated reflects:

A struggle for survival

Health care providers:

Are the professional group that battered women disclose their abuse to most frequently.

Which is FALSE about the case history of Ari and Bernadette?

Ari called the paramedics when he saw he hurt Bernadette.

A frequently overlooked element for improving community services is to:

Ask battered women to help guide policy

Empirical studies of male socialization show that:

Attitude scales seem unable to detect some differences between MFIPV and non-MFIPV men.

The assumption of coverture as applied to immigrants meant that:

Battered immigrant women could not independently pursue visas.

Caretaker abuse is evoked by elder dependency in which of the following situations?

Caregivers of elder Alzheimer's patients experience high levels of stress.

In order to leave, IPV victims generally need to:

Change their belief systems

Medical professionals in Islamic countries:

Collude in a conspiracy of silence about violence against women.

Which of the following is NOT a prevention strategy for IPV?

Community classes

Elders can best protect themselves from some types of abuse by:

Completing documents such as durable power of attorney

Which was NOT mentioned as needed for helping disabled persons?

Educating cognitively impaired elders about their rights.

In regard to shelter services, which statement was made in the text?

Elder battered women might profit more by accessing elder care facilities.

Which is NOT a theory of elder abuse?

Emotional trauma

Which statement is FALSE regarding the statutory requirements that police should fulfill in addition to making an arrest?

Ensure victims have somewhere safe to stay for the night

One study revealed that:

Exposure to wartime atrocities was significantly correlated with IPV levels.

Which of the following is NOT helpful behavior of social service agency staff?

Faking concern

Which is one very likely reason that an elder victim may be reluctant to report being abused?

He/She does not recognize that a behavior is abusive

Three studies in the text did NOT mention which of the following as a characteristic discriminating between severely violent and less violent men?

Health problems

The most immediate feeling experienced by crime victims is:


A victim's decision to remain with her abuser appears to be very strongly associated with:

Her feelings of relationship satisfaction

Some elders cannot rely on adult children to care for them in old age. Which group be is most likely to have this problem?

Homosexual elders

Which statement is TRUE about health care providers?

Hospital ERs must identify battered women according to accreditation rules.

Which is NOT a stress-eliciting trait identified on the Masculine Gender-Role Stress test?

Inability to nurture

Which verbal/communication problem was NOT mentioned in the text as typical of batterers?

Inadequate vocabulary

A police "swat" team (FAST) established to combat financial exploitation of the elderly:

Is a multidisciplinary team including professionals like bank officers and retired probate judges.

Among IPV victims who suffer depression, which of the following is NOT a symptom?

Issues with control

Which statement is FALSE about social support?

It eliminates feelings of anger and grief generated by IPV.

Which statement is True?

It is OK for MFIPV men to be angry sometimes because it is normal.

Compared with abuse of children, abuse of elders is more difficult to detect because:

It is more hidden than abuse of children

Harsh treatment in childhood may:

Lead to development of antisocial personality orientation.

A study of leaving a violent homosexual or heterosexual partner found that:

Lesbians stayed because of a feeling of connectedness to their community.

Immigrant women who are especially at risk are:

Mail-order brides

In a study of Latino men incarcerated for MFIPV, the men said:

Raising community awareness about battering would be helpful.

Prosecution of elder abuse and fraud is:

Rarely successful

The most common type of jealousy experienced by homosexuals is:

Reactive jealousy

Batterers are probably unlikely to cope with their own abusive behaviors through the psychological defense mechanism of:


Research on attachment suggests that MFIPV men, compared with non-MFIPV men are likely to:

Suffer from preoccupied, fearful, or disorganized attachment.

Which statement is TRUE of batterers' treatment and involvement by the court?

The court must remain involved to ensure treatment compliance.

Intermittent rewards coupled with sporadic violence seem to be the foundation of:

Traumatic bonding

In the Rhode Island survey of abused elder women, it was found that ____ had been revictimized.


In the Martin et al. (2008) study, how many programs had no policies covering alcohol/drug problems?


In Belknap et al.'s 1999 study, what percentage of IPV court cases was dismissed?


Major male characters in the middle outnumber major female characters ___% vs. ___%.

73, 27

An American Association of University Women study revealed that as early as one year post graduation, women graduates earn ____ as much as men do.


Which statement is TRUE of African American FMIPV victims?

Abuse-instigated anger is the primary motive for FMIPV.

Which is TRUE of stress, dependency, and elder abuse?

Abused elders are more dependent on their abusers than nonabused elders.

The second stage in Lenore Walker's "Cycle of Violence" theory is called the:

Acute (battering) phase

Laws usually mandate the reporting of elder abuse to:

Adult Protective Services (APS)

Which group of perpetrators committed the most victimization?

Adult children

In regard to North American IPV:

Alcohol is a robust factor in IPV among indigenous groups in Greenland.

Some researchers have suggested that shame in adult batterers is linked with:

Anxious attachment during childhood

The characteristics of disabled victims and their abusers are:

Are relatively extensive at this time

Almost without exception, surveys have found that MFIPV men:

Are substantially more depressed than non-MFIPV men

Feminists criticize the view that violent maritally violent men have some form of psychopathology on the ground that:

Attributions of mental illness serve as an abuse excuse for batterers.

Many mental health professionals, medical personnel, and police tend to believe that:

Battered women are indirectly responsible for the IPV violence.

Which statement about batterers' harassment in terms of employment is FALSE?

Batterers will lock their victim in a room so she cannot leave.

Substantiated IPV rates have found that:

Black IPV rates are significantly higher than White rates.

Medical professionals need training to avoid which of the following?

Blaming the victim

Which of the following forms of abuse is NOT directed more at disabled persons than against nondisabled persons?


Which was NOT one of the top three unmet needs of rural and urban MFIPV victims?

Child care

D. Dutton et al. (1995) associated parent-to-child shaming and guilt inducement with:

Chronic adult anger, trauma, and IPV

Which of the following is NOT a variable that academicians should take into account to understand female violence?

Criminal record

After elder abuse was "discovered" in the United States, some other countries:

Denied that it existed in any degree

Of the following, which symptom is probably the most common among IPV victims:


Maritally violent men find it difficult to:

Develop intimate relationships based on mutuality.

The Anasseril and Holcomb (1985) study showed that men charged with either domestic or nondomestic homicide differed from nonviolent men in terms of having:

Disturbed childhoods

Empowerment strategies for battered women are broadly and precisely defined as:

Gaining power and taking action

Which is NOT a myth/negative attitude about homosexuals in the text?

Gays seek group recognition at any price.

In an examination of typology research to date, Dixon and Browne (2003) found support for the:

Holtzworth-Munroe et al. 3-subtype classification.

When women's economic contribution to the family is about equal to men's:

Imbalance theory may explain the reduced level of VAW.

What has research shown about practices among immigrants and ethnic/racial groups' victims of violence?

Immigrants batterers are more likely to complete treatment programs than non-immigrants.

Courts particularly need to:

Implement good monitoring practices over elders' guardians.

Which of the following are most likely to be biological components of male violence?

Male hormones and neurotransmitters

Intimate homicides in Ghana reveal that:

Male-to-female rates are 5 times more frequent than female-to-male rates.

Adler (1999) proposed that protective orders should be _____________ after an arrest for probable cause.


In regard to legal issues

Mandatory reporters should be required to report elder abuse.

In Hong Kong:

Reports of victimization are low because of family privacy beliefs.

Boney-McCoy et al.'s (1999) meta-analysis of low self-esteem scores:

Revealed an association between low self-esteem and MFIPV.

Laws regarding mothers who do not leave husbands who abuse children:

Seem to make a nonabusive mother liable for the offending father's abuse.

Cummings (1990) suggests that, along with other types of competency training, shelters should offer IPV victims:

Self defense training

New laws applicable to immigrant women allow:

Undocumented abused women to obtain a green card.

According to situations mentioned in the text, dissatisfied women survivors:

Were more likely than satisfied survivors to be sexually abused.

The stress theory of elder abuse posits that elders:

Who are most likely to be abused are those who create high levels of stress for caregivers.

Rural areas are those:

With fewer than 2500 residents

Research suggests that because of female enculturation:

Women approve of bias against women as much as men do.

The "one size fits all" approach may be _________ in reducing IPV.


Which relationship factor is LEAST likely to be a true antecedent of MFIPV?

sex-role orientation

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