Famous Volcanoes

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Mt. Nevado Del Ruiz

Columbia mostly steam erupted, but caused mudslide that buried 23,000 people (estimate), 2nd deadliest in 20th century.

Mauna Loa

Hawaii killed 0 people, largest volcano on earth by area, 30 wide x 60 miles long, sheild volcano, world's most active volcano.

Mt. Eyjafjallajokull

Iceland airports werepacked with stranded people, costed airports $1 billion dollars in grounded flights.

Mt. Surtsey

Iceland shield volcano, formed new island, erosion is causing the island to diminish in size.

Mt. Krakatoa

Indonesia eruption power 13,000 times the power of an atomic bomb, explosion heard 3,000 miles away

Mt. Pelee

Martinique worst volcanic eruption in the 20th century because it killed 30,000 people; destroyed St. Pierre.

Mt. Paricutain

Mexico cinder cone, part of the ring of fire,7 wonders of the world, scientists could observe the creation of it.

Mt. Pintatubo

Philippines 2nd largest eruption of the 20th century, ash covered for 22 miles, cooled global temperatures for 2 years

Mt. Vesuvius

Rome (Italy) destroyed Herculaneum and Pompeii active, buried Pompeii.

Mt. Thera

Santeranni explosive force 4 to 5 times the amount of Krakatoa, caused problems across the mediterranean sea.

Mt. Tambora

Sumaria most powerful eruption in history.

Mt. St. Helens

Washington covered 3 states in ash, called "Black rain". May18th, 1980 an earthquake caused a sideways eruption, whole north side destroyed, stones and rocks flew at 300mph.

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