Fcs 251 martin exam 2

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- part of a coenzyme used in energy metabolism - Deficiency: skin rash, hair loss, and neurological disturbances - Toxicity: none - Sources: widespread and synthesized in GI tract what vitamin is this?


- part of coenzyme in energy metabolism -Deficiency: inflammation of mouth, skin and eyelids, sensitivity to light and a sore throat - No toxicity - Sources: milk products, enriched, fortified, or whole milk grain products and liver what vitamin is this?

Panothenic acid

- part of enzyme used in energy metabolism - Deficiency: digestive and neurological disturbances - Toxicity: non - Sources: widespread what vitamin is this?


- precursor of tryptophan. Part of coenzyme used in energy metabolism - Deficiency: pellagra- diarrhea, dermatitis, and dementia - Toxicity: niacin flush, liver damage, impaired glucose tolerance - Sources: milk, eggs, meat, poultry, fish, wholegrain and enriched breads, and cereals, nuts, and all protein containing foods what vitamin is this?

100 micrograms of vit A and beta carotene

3 apricots =

Hypertension, low fetal growth and miscarriage

Affects of high doses of caffeine in pregnancy?

1 Longer

After age ____ growth rate slows. Bones grow ______ and muscles gain size and strength

After one, growth slows but body continues to change dramatically. At one - learn to stand and toddle. At two - walk confidently, run, jump and climb.

After one, growth _______ but body continues to change. At _______ - learn to stand and toddle. At _____ - walk confidently, run, jump and climb.

- are the physical malformations - short in stature or display subtle facial abnormalities.

Alcohol Related Birth Defects (ARBD)


Alcohol can impair absorption and increase excretion (diuretic) of this b vitamin.. some drugs negatively effect it as well

- cluster of mental problems - condition caused by prenatal alcohol exposure that is diagnosed when there is a confirmed history of substantial, regular maternal alcohol intake or heavy episodic drinking and behavioral, cognitive or central nervous system abnormalities known to be associated with alcohol exposure - Many perform poorly in school and in social interactions and suffer subtle brain damage - mood disorders, problematic behaviors, and aggression

Alcohol neurodevelopmental disorder (ANRD)

stop drinking as soon as they plan to become pregnant. There is no safe alcohol limit during pregnancy,

American academy or pediatrics state that women should...

Elevation Decrease Iron

An ______________ of transferrin and a _________________ in hemoglobin and hemocrit suggest a deficiency in _______

pica (iron deficiency)

Appetite for chalk ice starch and other non nutritious craziness- poorly understood

- NO - Do not limit fat and cholesterol for infants and children under two - 4-18 years old: 25-30% kcal from fat, <10% kcal from saturated fat, <300 mg/day cholesterol - Children 2 years old and over need to replace high-saturated fat foods with: - Low-saturated fat choices - More fruits and vegetables, nuts, vegetable oils, light canned tuna or salmon, low-fat milk

Are adult dietary recommendations appropriate for children? 4-18 years old ___-____% from fat, <____% from sat fat, <______ mg from cholesterol

- Food rarely causes nutrient imbalances or toxicities-so supplement are not necessary - Supplement users are more likely to have excessive intakes leading to harm - High doses that are believed to be therapeutic may be toxic - Many are contaminated with pharmacological drugs

Are there other arguments against taking supplements?

2 years 2 years old or less - above the 95th percentile is classified as overweight

BMI levels are not available for children younger than ____ years ___ years or less - above the ___ percentile is _______________

6582 micrograms of vit A and beta carotene

Beef liver 3 oz =

180 micrograms of vit A and beta carotene

Bok choy ½ cup =

- Vitamin D - 8-12

Breast milk provides all nutrients needed for infant with the exception of vitamin __. At birth an infant will nurse _____ times a day, on demand.

dont smoke

Can parents or caregivers do anything else to help children reduce their risks of CVD?

Yes, to some limited extent. Supplement labels required to give factual information such as: Quantity and percentage of daily value for each nutrient, May make nutrient claims according to specific criteria and Labels may make health claims based on significant scientific agreement

Can supplement labels help consumers make informed choices?

Glucose Energy

Carb recommendations in childhood is based on ______ use by brain and fiber recommendations correlate with ______ intakes

671 micrograms of vit A and beta carotene

Carrots ½ cup =

Folate deficiency

Causes anemia-smooth red tongue-mental confusion-elevated homocysteine

lack vitamin D

Children who drink soft drinks instead of fortified milk. And choose computer games instead of outdoor activities. Teens often lack _____________ __.

preschool years

Children with FAS or FASD problems go undiagnosed until ____________ years

mild dehydration (difficulty obtaining water or getting to bathroom may compound the prob)

Common cause of confusion due to lack of water?

Controlling potassium distribution is a high priority for the body because it affects many aspects of homeostasis, including a steady heart rate.

Controlling potassium distribution is a high priority for the body because it affects many aspects of __________, including a steady ______ _________.

Supplement use not supported by science; better to get via foods.

Do antioxidant supplements prevent cancer?

Yes, if a variety of foods are chosen.

Do foods really contain enough vitamins and minerals to supply all that most people need?

- First treat with diet - If diet ineffective: at 10 years old, drugs may be necessary

Do pediatricians ever prescribe drugs to lower blood cholesterol in children?

Yes, those with marginal deficiency: - specific nutrient deficiencies - Those with low energy intake - Vegetarians/vegans on all-plant diets - older adults with atrophic gastritis - Lactose intolerance - People in certain stages of life - Inadequate milk intake or lack of other sources of vitamin D - Diseases, infections, injuries, or surgeries - Medications that interfere with nutrient use

Do some people need supplements?

- Should not be painful in child is positioned correctly. - Letdown reflex forces milk to the front of the breast and propelling milk into infants' mouth when infant nurses

Does it hurt to have the infant sucking so hard on the breast?

- 330 - 170

During Lactation a woman should add an extra ______ kcal/day the first 6 months. then other ____ kcal/day is drawn from fat stores that accumulated during pregnancy

Eating foods containing vitamin C at the same meal with foods containing iron can double or triple absorption of iron - vitamin C enhances iron absorption

Eating foods containing vitamin C at the same meal with foods containing _______ can _____________ or __________ absorption of ________. vitamin C enhances absorption of ________

- threatens the fetus with irreversible brain damage, growth retardation, mental retardation, facial abnormalities, vision abnormalities and more health problems

Effects of alcohol on fetus

- The vitamin is liberated by stomach acid than the intrinsic factor attaches to the vitamin and the complex is absorbed into bloodstream

Explain absorption of B12 in the stomach from food

Long chain omega 3-6 fatty acids

Fetal Brain development and growth depends heavily on what fatty acids?

4-6 Iron, zinc, vit c

First foods introduced to baby can start between ______ months. which nutrients are needed earliest?


Folate can mask _____ deficiency, and cause nerve deterioration

Pork-whole grains

Foods rich in thiamin

150 micrograms of vit A and beta carotene

Fortified milk 1 cup =

- CVD involves atherosclerosis - artery wall become thick with plaque - Fatty streaks appear in arteries in the first decade of life - These fatty steaks may turn into fibrous plaque develop during adolescence - Plaques calcify and become raised lesions in early adulthood

How does CVD develop and when does development begin?

Body cells become insulin resistant

How does type 2 diabetes develop?

- by being oxidized itself, vitamin C regenerates already oxidized substances such as iron and copper to their original active from. - Protects water soluble vitamins from oxidation

How does vitamin C act as an antioxidant? what does it protect?

- Enhances absorption from GI tract - stimulates reabsorption from blood by kidneys - triggers mobilization from bones into blood

How does vitamin D regulate blood concentrations of bone minerals (one of the key roles vitamin d plays in bone growth)?

- 340 additional kcals 2nd trimester - 450 additional kcals 3rd trimester - Meet extra kcalories needs can be met through nutrient dense foods from the five foods groups (whole grain foods, legumes, dark green vegetables, citrus fruits, low fat milk and milk products and lean meats, fish poultry and eggs)

How many additional kcalories is needed for a pregnant woman a day in 2nd and 3rd trimester? how can these be met?

- Additional Carbohydrate 135-175g - Protein 25 g higher than non pregnant women (protein supplements are discouraged)

How much extra carbs and protein is needed daily for pregnant woman?

- Immediately

How soon after birth should mother being breastfeeding?

- shop at large super markets - usually cheaper prices - seek out special and coupons fro foods that you use often - purchase the right amount to prevent waste

How to Spend wisely on food for older adults?

- Less - the protein in breast milk places less stress on infants kidneys

Human milk contains ______ protein than cows milk. Why is this beneficial??

- eliminate the food for a few days to see if that is the cause.

If a particular food causes the infant discomfort than what should you do?

Breastfeeding does require some learning which is most successful in a supportive environment

If breastfeeding is a natural process, what do mothers need to learn?

An ample selection of nutritious foods at regular intervals, internal appetite regulation in healthy, normal weight children

In healthy, normal weight children what will guarantee that their food energy intakes will be right for each stage of growth?

300 mg 3 cups 600 mg

In the final weeks of pregnancy, more than ________ of calcium is transferred to fetus. Increase milk products to ______ a day or/and supplement with _____ calcium

- allergies - Current evidence does not support a major role for dietary restrictions during lactation to prevent/ delay food allergies.

Infants with family history of ___________ will benefit from breast feeding

Less - low energy intake, chronic blood loss from illnesses, medication, - reduced stomach acid and antiacid use can cause poor iron absorption

Iron deficiency anemia is ______ common in senior citizens than young adults. what are some causes of iron deficiency anemia in older adults

yes - Childhood hypertension if left untreated can accelerate the development of atherosclerosis - regular aerobic activity and weight loss or maintain weight can control their hypertension

Is hypertension a concern for children and adolescents? how can you control hypertension?

- 6 - 12 - Iron-fortified formula

It is recommended exclusive breastfeeding for the first ____ months and then breastfeeding w/complementary foods through atleast ____months. The only acceptable alternative to breast milk is ______.

Balloons, coins, pen tops, small balls or marbles, and other items of similar size

Keep these non-foods out of reach:

Obesity 110 130

LDL cholesterol rises with obesity. Below _____ is the acceptable range and anything over _____ is high

- Labels may claim that lack of a nutrient can cause a deficiency, but must include prevalence of that deficiency disease in the US - Labels may claim to diagnose, treat, cure, or relieve common complaints, but not specific diseases - Labels may make structure-function claims accompanied by an FDA disclaimer statement

Labels may make health claims based on significant scientific agreement:


Medical conditions and medications can complicate _______ status In aging adults

1. Hypertension 2. type 2 diabetes

Obesity in children is causing increased prevalence of?

One exception: for older adolescents, BMI at the 95th percentile is higher than 30, the adult obesity cut off.

One exception: for older adolescents, BMI at the ___th percentile is ______ than 30, the adult obesity cut off.

calcium and phosphorus absorption - blood

One of Vitamin D's roles in bone health is assisting in? which helps the maintenance of _________ concentrations of bone minerals.

- yes - As blood cholesterol increases, atherosclerotic lesions coverage increases - Blood concentrations change with age in children and adolescents

Parents do not need to worry about their children's blood cholesterol, do they?

1500 milligrams per day - Reduce sodium intakes by 1000 milligrams reduces blood pressure

People with hypertension or prehypertension is recommended to consume only ... reducing sodium intakes by ___________ milligrams can reduce...

200 mg 1-2 cup - More than 3 cups of coffee could increase the risk of hypertension and miscarriage. It could also interfere with fetal development

Pregnant women can safely consume less than______ a day of caffeine. more than 3 cups could increase the risk of

- Stop using soaps and lotions - natural secretions can lubricate nipple - Acquire nursing bras

Preparatory steps a mother should take when planning to breastfeed

Men-3.7 l (daily) Women-2.7 l (daily)

Recommended water adequate intakes

Yes, it can decrease the amount of blood lipids

Regular physical activity lowers risk for heart disease and hypertension in adults; does it do so in children as well? why?

- Vision - Hormone

Retinal is active in ______ and retinoic acid is ________

Disease Eating poorly Tooth loss or mouth pain Economic hardship Reduced social contact Multiple meds Involuntary weight loss/gain Needs assistance Elderly person over 80

Risk factors of malnutrition in aging adults (questions to ask to determine the risk)

Amino acids C Carnitine (transport fatty acids)

Some ________ vitamin ___ is involved with are used to make norepinephrine and thyroxine and also plays a role in the production of ______

472 micrograms

Spinach ½ cup =

Iron stores and transferrin levels diminish > transport of iron decreases > hemoglobin production declines

Stages of iron deficiency

- Folate, vitamin A, B6, C - Children

Supplements cause excessive uptakes in what nutrients the most? Toxic overdose of minerals and vitamins are more common in?

961 micrograms of vitamin A and beta carotene

Sweet potatoes ½ cup =

menstruation ceases, and absorption of iron increases up to threefold due to bloods irons absorbing and iron carrying protein transferrin

The body conserves iron especially well during pregnancy due to

- oligosaccharides

The carbohydrate component of breast milk also contains ____________________

- Lactose - easily digested and enhances calcium absorption

The carbohydrate in Breast milk is ______ which is ...

- placenta - priority

The fetuses iron supply is regulated by the __________, iron needs of fetus is _________ over the mother.

alpha-lactabulmin - is easily digested and absorbed

The protein in breast milk is _______-_______________________ which is efficiently ______________ and ________________

Digestive system Safety Health advantages

The usp symbol means a supplement contains the nutrient stated and That it will dissolve in the _______. It does NOT guarantee _____ or ______

Prolonged heating Ultra violet rays Oxygen

Thiamine can be destroyed by ________. Riboflavin can be destroyed by ________ Vitamin c is destroyed by ______.

- Initiate breastfeeding an hour after birth. Ask a healthcare professional to explain how to breastfeed and how to maintain lactation. Give no newborn foods or fluids other than breast milk unless medically initiated. Breastfeed on demand. Do no give artificially nipple/ pacifiers to breastfeeding infant. Find breast feeding support groups, websites, books to help trouble shoot breastfeeding problems.

Tips for Successful Breastfeeding

- Choose foods that contain heme iron (poultry, meat and seafood) which is most readily absorbed. - Choose foods such as iron-rich eggs, vegetables, legumes, and foods that enhance iron absorption vitamin C

To gain the necessary iron during pregnancy what kind of foods should you choose?

must make careful choices, but her body will also have to do its part by maximizing nutrient absorption and minimize losses

To meet high nutrient demand during pregnancy, a woman must...

- Gum, hard or gel type candies, hot dog slices, large raw apple slices, marshmallows, nuts, peanut butter, popcorn, chips, pretzel nuggets, raw carrots, raw celery, sausage sticks or slices, whole beans, whole cherries, whole grapes

To prevent choking do not give infants or young children these:

- vitamin E

Tocopherol/alpha tocopherol is another name for vitamin ___.

Sodas and low activity (low activity being the biggest)

Two biggest contributing factors to obesity in childhood is?

- fat soluble vitamin Retinal retinoic acid retinol

Vitamin A is a ____- ____________ vitamin that comes in what 3 chemical forms in the body?

- Iron - Vitamin A, E as well as polyunsaturated fatty acids

Vitamin C protects _______ from oxidation in the intestines which enhances ________ absorption. Also it helps protect other molecules such as the fat soluble vitamin ___ and ___ as well as ______________________ _______ ________

Ascorbic acid - found in citrus fruits specifically lemon juice

Vitamin C' anti-scurvy factor is? where is it found?


Vitamin D intakes recommendation increase with ________.

Calcium 15 ug (vitamin d needed)

Vitamin D is vital for _______ absorption and utilization. During pregnancy it is recommend to have _____ micrograms a day of vitamin D

Bacteria in the intestinal tract - food and nonfood sources

Vitamin K can be synthesized by ___________ in ______________ tract but is people cannot depend on this source alone. vitamin K can be obtained from ___________ and ________________ sources


Vitamin ______ has a role in metabolic activities, collagen formation, antioxidant, amino acid metabolism, role in stress and a possible antihistamine.

- Intrinsic factor - Stomach

Vitamin b12 requires ________ factor, made by the _______ for absorption

- inactive - Active

Vitamin precursors are ______ forms of vitamins in the body that are also called provitamins. They must be converted into _______ forms of vitamins to be useful.

Smaller no facilitators deficiency

Vitamins occur in _____ amounts than energy nutrients and yield ______ energy. They are _____ of body processes and can only cure a disease caused by a _______ of that vitamin

- For CVD, hypertension and type two diabetes genetics does not appear to play a determining role - Genetics play permissive role; potential is inherited and will develop if given a push by environmental factors - cigarette smoking, poor diet, sedentary (lazy) lifestyle - Rate of chronic illness in adulthood can be reduced by preventing/treating obesity in childhood.

What about genetics? Do some people inherit the tendency to become obese or develop diabetes or CVD regardless of the lifestyle habits they adopt? reduce the rate of chronic illnes by preventing / treating ___________ in childhood

- Sore nipples are often due to improper positioning. Infant should take in whole nipple and nurse on the less sore breast to let the other heal. - Engorgement - Overfilling of breasts with milk, breast become hard and full. Initiate let down or pump to relieve engorgement - Mastitis - Infection of a breast, can continue to breastfeed. Infant can help relieve pressure in the infected area. Infection is in between the mammary glands not in them so it is safe to breastfeed

What about problems associated with breastfeeding such as sore nipples or infection of the breast

- Fruits and vegetables - Citrus fruits are highest in vitamin C - Cantaloupe, strawberries, broccoli and brussels sprouts - Found only in organs from animals: chicken liver and kidneys - Potatoes

What are foods rich in vitamin c?

- fortified milk, carrot, sweet taters, spinach, beef liver, bok Choy, apricots

What are good sources of vitamin A and beta carotene in food? figure 8-3

Lead - low birth weight, damage fetal nervous system (calcium can reduce lead absorption Mercury - impair fetal growth, harms brain and nervous system (balance intake of certain fish-omega 3)

What are some environmental contaminants to avoid during pregnancy and their negative effects?

- vegetable oils and products made from them: salad dressings, margarine, shortenings - wheat germ oil - whole grains, fruit, veg, nuts, seeds. - fresh foods are the beast sources because vitamin E is readily destroyed in heat processing and oxidation

What are some foods rich in vitamin E? what are the best sources?

Eggs, liver, butter, some fish, fortified milk, margarine/ fortified margarine - breast milk is low in vitamin D

What are sources of vitamin D? what infant food is low in Vitamin D?

- Fruits and vegetables are 95% water and meats and cheeses are 50% water. Also, energy nutrients give up water during metabolism. - Any beverage provides water but those that provide fewer kcalories and contribute no to weight gain are favorable

What are sources of water?

Lack of available nutritious foods and snacks, sodas and eating away from home/peer influence - eat more fruits, veggies, grains, and calcium rich foods and drink fewer soft drinks

What are the factors involved in bad food choices and health habits in teenagers? eating with family teens ten to eat more

- A, D, E, K - they occur in Fats and oils - Same manner as lipids - they are stored in the liver and fatty tissues until needed

What are the fat soluble vitamins? How do they occur? How does the body absorb them? where are they stored after being absorbed?

1 year - 800 6 year - 1600 10 years - 2000

What are the k/cal daily intakes for 1, 6, and 10 year olds??

Carbohydrate, fatty acid, protein, and amino acid metabolism - Conversion of amino acids to other, nonessential amino acids. ie conversion of tryptophan to niacin - synthesis of hemoglobin and neurotransmitter - Assists in the release of stored glucose from glycogen which regulates blood glucose

What are the metabolic roles of vitamin B6?

D2-plant foods D3-animal foods, synthesized in skin

What are the two major forms of vitamin D?

thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, B6, B12 and folate

What are the types of B vitamins?

dark skin, breastfeeding without supplementation, lack of sunlight, and not using fortified milk

What are vitamin D deficiency contributing factors?

- Relaxation - Positioning - comfortable to where the infant can breathe freely during nursing - Rooting reflex - causes the infant to turn toward whichever cheek is touched

What does the new mother need to know in order to continue breastfeeding her infant successfully?

- Abundant in foods high in proteins: shellfish (oysters), meats, poultry, milk and milk products. legumes and whole grains are high in zinc if eaten in large quantities - for infants - breast milk and fortified formulas - two 3-ounce servings a day of animal protein foods - not recommended unless diagnosed with deficiency

What foods are rich in zinc? how much is recommended? what recommended for infants? Supplements are _________

Retinol Milk-eggs-liver

What form of vitamin A is a major for transport and storage of A, supports reproduction and can be converted to retinal or retinoic acid as needed? And what is a good source of it?

- Express milk (pumping) if must miss a feeding - Store expressed milk in bottles in refrigerator or freezer (longer shelf life if frozen)

What if the mother wants to skip one or two feedings daily—for example, because she works outside the home?

- Obesity is the most important risk factor - most children diagnosed with type 2 diabetes are obese. - Type 2 diabetes is closely linked to obesity and the number of obese people is high.

What is a risk factor type 2 diabetes?

Obesity later in life

What theory is there about malnutrition occurring during a critical period of fetal development?

- High doses of iron-organic, natural, with added substance, high potency or therapeutic dose, stuff not needed in human nutrition

What to avoid when buying supplements?

vitamin A

What vitamin has a role in gene expression, vision, cell differentiation, immunity reproduction and growth?


What vitamin has roles in synthesizing blood clotting and bone proteins ?


What vitamin was the first fat soluble to be recognized?

Improve persons food choices/eating patterns not begin supplements

When a healthcare provider finds a person diet inadequate the right corrective step taken first should be?

A single, balanced supplement with no added extras such as: - High doses of iron - "Organic" or "natural" preparations with added substances are no better and may cost more - "High potency" or "therapeutic dose" supplements - Substances not needed for human nutrition

When a person needs a vitamin-mineral supplement, what kind should be used?

- May be afraid to drink too much water due to incontinence due to loss of bladder control - Older people do not seem to feel as thirsty or notice mouth dryness

Why aging peeps don't drink as much?

- Public advertising of infant formula - Medical community's failure to encourage it

Why aren't more mothers breastfeeding their infants?

- Many believe supplements provide energy or make them stronger - Insecure about nutrient content of foods - Belief that extra vitamins and minerals help to cope with stress - Belief that supplements enhance athletic performance - Desire to prevent, treat, or cure diseases or symptoms

Why do so many people take supplements?

Nutrient imbalances and toxicity

Why shouldn't people take supplements?

8-12 ounces 6 ounces

___ -____ ounces fo seafood weekly. but no more than ___ ounces of white tuna to be consumed weekly

- 32% - 85th - 95th or BMI > 30 - 99th

____% of children are overweight between 2 - 19 years overweight > ____ percentile obese at the ____ percentile or BMI of > ____ severe obesity ___ percentile is the third cutoff point

- Lipids - Linolenic/linoleic acid - arachidonic acid and DHA

_____ are the main form of energy in breast Milk. Essential fatty acids _________________ and_________________ acid\ it also contains are in abundance in breast milk as well as their _____________ acid and _____


______ vitamins are components of coenzymes

Folate Dna Nerve

_______ activates b12, helps synthesize _______ for new cell growth and protects _________cells

- DHA Accumulation in the brain is greatest during fetal development and early infancy.

_______ fatty acid is the most abundant in the brain and retina of the eye

beta-carotene - could cause certain types of cancers - there are no recommendations set by DRI

_______-_____________ is an antioxidant that helps fight oxidative damage and diseases in relation to Vitamin A. Diet low in this could cause what? what is the DRI recommendation?

Albumin - Serum zinc concentrations decline in condition that lower plasma albumin concentrations ex: pregnancy and malnutrition

__________ is the transport vehicle of Zinc what occurs in pregnancy or malnutrition?

Vitamin D

___________ is Also known as Calciferol. it is a ___ _____________ vitamin.

zinc - Zinc is needed to produce the active from of vitamin A

_____________ is needed for many processes around the body. it is need to produce the active form of what ?

- alcohol - diuretic - increases bodily excretion of fluids (contributes to dehydration)

_______________ should NOT be used to meet water requirements which acts as a __________

Coenzymes Energy yielding multiply Molecular conversions

________________ are Small molecules that work with enzymes to promote their activities. They help the body use _______ _____________ nutrients, help cells multiply as well as assist enzymes in performing ____________ _____________

- High nutrient diet leave little room for excess fat, but essential fatty acids are required as well. - - The brain contains substantial amount of lipid material and depends on omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, for its growth, function and structure.

a high nutrient diet leaves little room for excess ________. What kinds do you need during pregnancy?

- choose nutrient dense foods from the five foods groups. If the mother chooses less nutritious options, she will come up short on nutrients. - She should choose whole grain foods, legumes, dark green vegetables, citrus fruits, low fat milk and milk products and lean meats, fish poultry and eggs

a mother during pregnancy should choose foods..

vitamin K

a single does of vitamin __ is given to babies after birth

sets nutrition standards for childcare programs.

academy of nutrition and dietetics (AND)

successful lactation - poor nutrition will cause lactation to falter or fail and quantity of milk will be poor

adequate nutrition promotes ... what are the effects of poor nutrition on lactation?

decreases bone turnover and protects against fractures

adequate vitamin K decreases and protects what?

Dietary Guidelines for Americans

all meals served at school must follow the...

chronic diseases

although blood potassium may remain normal on a poor potassium diet, _________ _______________ are more likely to occur

bone diseases

an adequate intake of calcium can prevent what in later life?

any of the fat soluble vitamins

any condition that interferes with fat absorption can cause a deficiency in...

- fluctuates internal appetite regulation in normal weight children

appetite diminishes after one year and than ___________. energy and intake is controlled by what?


as pregnancy continues nutrient needs ________________

peak bone mass development and skeletal muscle mass increases

bone growth from 12 - 30 years

bone loss exceeds new bone formation

bone growth from 30-40 years

bones are actively growing, by modifying their shape, length and width - they are gaining more than they lose

bone growth from birth - 20 years

- school performance and student health - have higher nutrient intakes than those who do not eat school lunch

breakfast impacts ... children who eat school lunches have ...

- vitamin D - supplements

breast milk is low in ___________ ___ so __________________ is recommended for exclusively breastfed infants

- Osteoporosis - women

calcium intake through out life can prevent ____________________. calcium deficiency is more likely seen in ___________

they have differences in growth, physical health and psychological development. - genetic and environmental influences

children who are obese have differences in what? obesity is caused by ...

chronic inflammation of the stomach accompanied by diminished size and functioning of the mucosa and glands

define atrophic gastritis

- infants' consumption of human milk with no supplementation of any type expect for vitamins, minerals and medications

define exclusive feeding

hemoglobin - contains iron, which helps RBCs carry oxygen and CO2 around the body - myoglobin- is in muscle cells contain iron. Holds oxygen for muscles

define hemoglobin and myoglobin

- blood iron deficiency characterized by small, pale RBCs - severe depletion of iron stores that results in a low hemoglobin concentration symptoms: weakness, pallor, headaches, reduced work production, inability to concentrate , impaired cognitive functions and reduced cold tolerance

define iron deficiency anemia. what are the symptoms?

- Major minerals - are needed in larger amounts - Trace minerals - are not needed as much as major minerals - Calcium and phosphorus are the most prevalent minerals, they are the chief minerals of bones.

define major minerals and trace minerals.

- the denser the bone in childhood, the better prepared the body will be to support teen growth and be able to withstand the inevitable bone lose later in life

during growth spurts how does the body deal with calcium?

gains - fetal and maternal well-being depend on it - Pregnancy weight gains are associated with fewer surgical births (cesarean), greater number of healthy birth rates, and more. - The weight pregnant women gain is mostly lean tissue: placenta, uterus, blood, milk producing glands, and the fetus itself and The fat gain is needed later for lactation.

during pregnancy it is crucial that the mom _________ weight why? The weight pregnant women gain is mostly ________ tissue such as

Energy needs decrease after 19, they decline in parallel to needs. Therefore, their food intakes must also decline.

energy need decline after the age of ____, in parallel to __________. So food intakes must ________________.

- Energy needs decline with age 5% a decade. Due to reduction of physical activity and basal metabolic rate declines 1-2% - because lean body mass and thyroid hormones diminish

energy needs decline __% with each decade. why? why does BMR decrease?

growth, gender, body composition and physical activity - boys energy needs are higher - grow faster and develop more lean body mass a hyper active boy at 15 may need 3500 kcals - girls grow earlier - energy needs peak sooner and decline earlier and inactive girl at 15 whose growth has slowed may need less than 1800 kcalories

energy needs vary depending on... examples.

- iron - hemoglobin

every living cell contains _______. most of it in the body is a part of ____________

- Proteins in intestinal cells captures iron and holds it in reserve for the release into the body as needed. - Another protein transfers the iron to Transferrin, an iron carrier in the blood. Carries iron to tissues. When more iron is needed the more of these proteins are produced.

explain how iron is absorbed into the body?

- During nerve impulse potassium and sodium trade places briefly across the cell membrane. than the cell quickly pumps them back into place

explain how potassium induces nerve impulses.

- provide more folic acid, iron and calcium than regular supplements. Usually recommended by physicians. - nutrient supplements specifically designed to provide the nutrients needed during pregnancy especially folate, iron and calcium

explain prenatal supplements

a spectrum of physical, cognitive and behavioral disabilities caused by prenatal alcohol exposure

fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD)

- cluster of symptoms seen in the infant whose mother consumed an excessive amount of alcohol during pregnancy. Causes brain damage, growth retardation, mental retardation and facial abnormalities. - FAS can occur with as few as two drinks a day.

fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)

- Fish oil supplements are not recommended because it contain toxins

fish oil supplements are _____ recommended

medications and medical conditions

folate status in older adults is most likely to be compromised due to...

- spicy foods like onions or garlic may alter the flavor of breast milk which can annoy some infants. - foods during lactation Influence infant's later food preferences

foods affect on lactation? foods during lactation can influence what?


for the second 6 months an additional ____ kcal/day is recommended

- daily iron supplements are recommended - women who are pregnant and have iron deficiency anemia increase the risk of low birth weight or preterm infants

for women who enter pregnancy with low iron stores what is recommended? women who are pregnant and have iron deficiency anemia increase the risk of...

1c = 1000 kcals 1c = 1200 kcals 1 1/2 c = 1400 kcals 1 1/2 c = 1600 kcals 1 1/2 c = 1800 kcals

fruits 1c = _________kcals 1c = ________kcals 1 1/2 c = ___________kcals 1 1/2 c = _________kcals 1 1/2 c = ___________kcals

3oz = 1000 kcal 4oz = 1200 kcal 5oz = 1400 kcal 5oz = 1600 kcal 6oz = 1800 kcal

grains 3oz = _______ kcal 4oz = ________kcal 5oz = ________kcal 5oz = ________kcal 6oz = ________kcal

a healthy immune system and prevent loss of muscle tissue, bone tissue and other lean body mass

greater percentage of kcals from protein will result in ?

healthy practices help people live longer and have fewer disabilities at a later age.

healthy practices can help people ________ _____________ and have fewer ________________ at a later age

- body losses iron in digestive tract, nail and hair trimmings and shed skin (only in small amounts). - Bleeding causes a large loss in iron (child bearing years)

how can the body lose iron?

- Good nutrition with ample protein and regular physical activity, especially resistance training, can help maintain muscle mass and strength

how can you minimize the changes in body composition related to aging?

- Reduce sodium intake and increased potassium intake will reduce risk of hypertension

how can you reduce hypertension caused by sodium?

- they do not yield energy - they are vital to life

how do vitamins differ from energy yielding nutrients?

Calcium salts form crystals on a matrix of the protein collagen. As the crystals become denser, they give strength and rigidity to maturing bones. - Bones are not inert like rocks because bones continuously gain and lose minerals as an ongoing process of remodeling.

how does calcium work on bones? bones are not like _________ ________ why

- Fluoride replaces the hydroxy portion of hydroxyapatite forming fluorapatite. - During development fluorapatite enlarges crystals in teeth and bones. Making teeth more resistant to decay

how does fluoride aid in mineralization of bones and teeth? and prevent dental caries?

- zinc in held in the intestinal cells, and only the amount needed is released in bloodstream. Zinc status influences the percentage of zinc absorbed form the diet, if more is needed more is absorbed.

how does the body's handing of zinc differ from that of iron?

- nutrient intakes alone are not able to support rapid growth instead the body draws on nutrient store which were accumulated earlier

how is nutrient maintained during growth spurts?

- 10 - 15% of dietary iron is absorbed. The need increases during pregnancy.

how much of dietary iron is absorbed? and the need increases during ___________

- lead - Dietary calcium can help defend against lead toxicity by reducing it absorption - mercury - pregnant women to avoid shark, swordfish, king mackerel, and tilefish (golden snapper or golden bass) avoid fish oil supplements

how to avoid lead contaminates?mercury?

- If milk causes stomach discomfort, then replace it with lactose-modified milk or other calcium rich foods

how to prevent calcium deficiency in older adults?

- overeating, inactivity, and smoking. - Which can lead to cardiovascular disease in early adulthood.

hypertension is the result of... and can lead to ...

- vitamin D - older people drink little to no milk (fortified milk). Also, most like is assisted living facilities or group homes in which they can get little sun exposure. Aging reduce the skins ability to make vitamin D and the kidneys ability to convert it to an active form

in aging adults vitamin ___ deficiency is most common. why?

- doubles - calcium is stored in mothers bones store the minerals. - A high intake of calcium during pregnancy prevents the breakdown of mother's bone mass for calcium for fetal bone growth.

in pregnancy intestinal absorption of calcium ____________. Where is calcium stored? a high intake of calcium prevents the _____________ of mothers bones for calcium for fetal bone growth

bones produce an abnormal protein that cannot effectively bind to the minerals that normally form bones.

inadequate vitamin K causes...


intake varies from meal to meal but total energy intakes are ____________ in normal weight children

- children and pregnant women - women in their childbearing years - people who are overweight - infants males

iron deficiency animea is most common in...

early onset preeclampsia - condition characterized by hypertension and protein in the urine during pregnancy

large weight gain in pregnancy can lead to...

arachidonic acid and DHA.

linolenic acid and lineoleic can be used to make what?

purchasing, storing and preparing food - most foods spoil before use because large packages are intended for families - Small homes can mean little place for food storage. Limited income makes purchasing food more difficult

many older adults live alone and face challenges such as... older adults usually struggle with preparing meals due to...

- nutrients - weight gain

many teens skip meals and miss important ____________ that are not made up later. skipping breakfast can lead to ...

permenat/ irreversible

mental impairments cause by prenatal exposure to alcohol is ______________

2c = 1000 kcals 2 1/2 c = 1200 kcals 2 1/2 c = 1400 kcals 3 c = 1600 kcals 3 c = 1800 kcals

milk 2c = _________kcals 2 1/2 c = ________kcals 2 1/2 c = ___________kcals 3 c = _________kcals 3 c = ___________kcals

2 months

most severe impacts can occur in the first _______ months

quantity not the quality - the quality of milk is retained at the expense of maternal stores - most common in calcium - the amount of calcium in breast milk remains but maternal bones lose some of their density if calcium intakes are inadequate

nutritional depravation of mother reduces the... it is most common in calcium. explain what could happen

- Dehydration mainly because total body water decreases with age. Mild stresses like fever can cause severe dehydration. - dehydration is related to UTI, pneumonia, pressure ulcers, confusion and disorientation

older adults are at higher risk for ___________________. Why? and what illnesses is it related to?

from infection by inhibiting the binding of pathogens to the infant's intestinal cells.

oligoscharraides in breast milk protect the infant from ...

- increase risk of cancers, atherosclerosis and other degenerative disease

over consumption of fat in aging adults could cause...

- age-related blindness, Alzheimer's, arthritis, cataracts, diabetes and kidney disease

oxidative damage can result is the development of diseases such as...(6)

- Physical activity increases energy expenditure, with good nutrition, enhances bone density and supports many bodily functions.

physical activity increases ______________ _____________________ and with good nutrition can enhance ______________ ___________ and support many bodily functions

Those who exercise require more energy intake so they can afford to eat more food and more nutrients and maintain weight. -YES to prevent muscle loss and speed up heart rate and breathing rate.

physically active older adults will require more ___________. So they can afford to eat more ____________ and nutrients to maintain weight should physical activity be a daily routine? why

- potassium is a positively charged ions inside the cells - Plays a role in maintaining fluid, electrolyte balance and cell integrity

potassium is a _______________ charged _____ inside cells. what are the roles of potassium?

heart failure and sudden death

potassium loss caused by fasting, eating disorder, severe diarrhea, or sever malnutrition causes ...


potassium remains intact until foods are _______________.

- iron

pregnant women can meet most of the nutrient requirements from food except for ________

- cigarette smoking, medicinal drugs or herbal substances, drug abuse, environmental contaminates, food-borne illnesses, large doses of supplements, restrictive dieting, use sugar substitutes in moderation, caffeine in moderation, and avoid alcohol

pregnant women should avoid practices such as?

30 milligrams

pregnant women with low hemoglobin and hemocrit levels must take ____ milligram iron supplement

- beneficial to women who have poor diets (do not eat enough) and those who are high-risk - women carrying twins or more, cigarette smokers, and alcohol or drug abusers.

prenatal supplements are most beneficial to women who have __________ diets and are __________ risk pregnancies. what is classified as a high risk pregnancy?

reduce risks of preterm birth, low infant birth weights and birth defects - fetal harm from tobacco, alcohol and drugs (teratogens).

prenatal supplements can reduces the risk of... but they cannot prevent fetal harm from...


producing milk cost the mother _____ kcalories per day

2oz = 1000 kcal 3oz = 1200 kcal 4oz = 1400 kcal 5oz = 1600 kcal 5oz = 1800 kcal

protein foods 2oz = _______ kcal 3oz = ________kcal 4oz = ________kcal 5oz = ________kcal 5oz = ________kcal

.- Recommendations are set low enough to prevent high blood pressure but high enough to meet adequate intake

recommendation of sodium are set low why?


recommendations of vitamin E are based off of _______ ______________ aka the golden standard of vitamin E

- Limit sugar sweetened beverages - soft drinks and fruit flavor punches - Eat the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables everyday - Eat age appropriate portions of foods - Eat foods low in energy density such as those high in fiber and or water and modest in fat - Eat a nutritious breakfast everyday - Eat a diet rich in calcium and fiber - A balanced diet in recommended proportions of carbohydrates, fat, and protein - Eat with family as much as possible - Limit the frequency of restaurant meals - Limit TV or other screen time to no more than two hour per day and do not have TV and computers in sleeping areas - Encourage at least 60 min of physical activity each day

recommended healthy habits for children 2 -18 by the AMA

- Single birth - 25-35 lbs. - Twin birth - 37-54 lbs.

recommended weight gain for normal individual (18.5-24.9 BM)

- Single birth - 11-20 lbs. - Twin birth - 25-42 lbs.

recommended weight gain for obese (>30 BMI)

- Single birth - 15-25 lbs. - Twin birth - 31-50 lbs.

recommended weight gain for overweight (25-29.9 BMI)

- Single birth - 28-40 lbs. - Twin birth - 37-54 lbs.

recommended weight gain for underweight people (< 18.5 BMI)

mobility and longevity - Regular physical activity tones and strengthen muscles, helping to improve confidence, reducing the risk of falling and injuries

regular physical activity is an indicator of..

- loss of muscle mass. Causes the loss of mobility and balance, increasing chance of falling. Loss of muscle mass plays a role in diminishing health.


- one serving of fluid milk (fat free of low fat milk) - one serving of fruit or vegetables (no more than half of the servings may be 100% full-strength juice) - one/two servings whole grains or one serving of whole grains and one serving of meat or meat alternatives

school breakfast must include

- 1/3 - energy, protein, vitamin C, A, iron and calcium. - they also must include the numbers of servings form each food groups

school lunches are required to provide at least ________ of the recommended.... what else must they include?

- Severe energy restrictions hinder milk production and can compromise mother's health

severe energy restrictions will ______ milk production and can ________________ mothers health

acid-base balance and is essential to muscle contraction and nerve transmission

sodium maintains...

- Lean tender meats, poultry, fish, boiled eggs, fat free milk products, legumes - Underweight and malnourished adults need to take in more energy dense proteins: eggs scrambled in butter, mayo, tuna salad, wheat toast, hearty soups, and milkshakes. Nutrient fortified supplements between meals can boost energy and nutrient needs

sources of protein to maintain healthy weight? what should people consume if they are malnourished or underweight?

Teen girls need to pay attention to being physically active and selecting foods of high nutrient density so it can meet their nutrient needs without exceeding energy needs.

teen girls must pay attention to being ____________ _______ and choosing __________ _____________ _________ foods to meet nutrient needs without exceeding energy needs

51-71 years old, 71 and older - nutrient need vary between the two - as people grow older differences in nutrient needs become more profound.

the DRI created two categories to categorize energy and nutrient need of older adults which are? why are they separate categories and not one?

- gatekeeper - the key person who controls other people's access to foods and has a large impact on their nutrition - environment - Teen can also act as gatekeeper when parents are not available to purchase groceries, choosing fast or prepared foods

the adults is the ______________ which controls the type and availability of food in the teens ________________ Teens can also take on this role how?


the rate at and the extent to which a nutrient is absorbed and used

The way children eat influences their nutritional health during childhood, teen years and for the rest of their lives

the way children eat influences their nutritional health during ____________ and ...

have higher intakes of vitamin A, D, calcium, iron, and zinc. - Breakfast high in fiber and protein reduces hunger throughout the day.

those who eat breakfast have higher intakes of ... breakfast that are high in what and reduces what?

- Too much fluoride can cause tooth damage causing fluorosis. Symptoms: small white specks on teeth, enamel becomes pitted and permanently stained. - Fluorosis occurs during tooth development and cannot be reversed.

too much fluoride could cause? what are the symptoms?

high blood pressure (hypertension) - high intakes of sodium is related to high rates of hypertension, heart disease and stroke

too much sodium can contribute to...

1c = 1000 kcals 1 1/2 c = 1200 kcals 1 1/2 c = 1400 kcals 2 c = 1600 kcals 2 1/2 c = 1800 kcals

vegetables 1c = _________kcals 1 1/2 c = ________kcals 1 1/2 c = ___________kcals 2 c = _________kcals 2 1/2 c = ___________kcals


vitamin A precursor made by plants and stored in human fat tissue and orange pigment is?


vitamin B6 can convert tryptophan to __________ which the cells lack

- oxidized - so store cut produce and juices in airtight containers

vitamin C in foods is easily _______________ how can you prevent that?

- muscle and bone

vitamin D in necessary for older people so they can improve _______________ and _________________ strength.

liver and kidneys

vitamin D must be activated by the ___________ ad _______________ to become fully functional

- because it protects substances from oxidation by itself being oxidized - prevents the oxidation of polyunsaturated acids and other fatty acid (ex. vitamin A) - important antioxidant affects in lungs - protects the lungs from air pollutants which are strong oxidants - offer protection form heart disease by protection low-density lipoproteins and reducing inflammation

vitamin E acts as an antioxidant how? what does it prevent the oxidant of? how is it important in the lungs? and how does it protect the body from heart disease?

vitamin B12 - cell division

vitamin ___ assists folate in ____ _______________. Their roles intertwine.

- Duration should be determined by the infant - Start on alternate breasts in order to ensure each breast is emptied regularly - Feed infant on demand not on a rigid schedule - As milk supply becomes well established and the infant's capacity has increased the intervals between feedings will become longer.

w long should the infant be allowed to nurse at each feeding? As milk supply becomes well _______________ and the infant's capacity has ___________________ the intervals between feedings will become ___________.

- there are no affects on breast milk - Volume of breast milk depends on how much the infant demands not on how much water/fluids the mom drinks - Drink about 13 cups a day to prevent dehydration

water affects on breast milk? what is the recommendations of water?

60% - The body fluids brings each cell the ingredients it requires and carry away the end products of life-sustaining reactions - die

water is ____% of the bodys weight what is the major function of bodily fluid? without water cells quickly____

foods a person eats, the environmental temperature, humidity, activity level and other factors.

water needs vary depending on....

- less - supplements

water soluble vitamins are _________ likely to reach toxic levels than fat soluble vitamins. however _______________ of water soluble vitamins could cause toxicity.

The quality nor the quantity is affected by moderate weight loss. Being physically active to improve weight loss is compatible with breast feeding and infant growth. - you lose too much weight too quickly, you could cause an energy deficit and will inhibit lactation.

weight loss effect on lactation? too much weight loss too quickly could cause?

- cure many different aliments specifically vitamin deficiency - the only disease the vitamin will cure is the one caused by a deficiency of that vitamin

what are dietary supplements? what is protective against cancers and heart disease (vitamin rich foods or supplements)?

- weight less, have more flexibility, more endurance, better balance and fewer disabilities, better health and live longer. - Increases blood flow to brain preserving metal ability, alleviating depression and supports independence.

what are some benefits of physical activity in older years? physical activity increases blood flow to the brain which does what?

- Inadequate intake due to iron-poor food choices or a sheer lack of food - High fat and sugar intakes are associated with low iron intakes - Blood loss is the primary non-nutritional cause especially in poor regions of the world where parasitic infections of the GI tract may lead to blood loss

what are some causes of iron deficiency?

- Dietary recommendations daily consumption of low fat or fat free milk products - in adolescence an intake of 1300 milligrams is recommended - 1 cup of milk = 300 milligrams of calcium 3 cups a day

what are some dietary recommendations for calcium?

- depress the appetite and have a blunt sense of taste - which lead to low food intakes and worsening of zinc status. Can also increase the likelihood of infectious diseases like pneumonia - Medications can impair zinc absorption and enhance its excretion causing further deficiency

what are some effects of zinc deficiency? how does deficiency occur in older people?

- Carries nutrients and waste products - Maintain structure of large molecules such as protein and glycogen - Participates in metabolic reactions - Serves as a solvent for minerals, vitamins, amino acids, glucose and many other small molecules so that they can participate in metabolic reactions - Maintains blood volume - Aids in regulation of normal body temperature as the evaporation of sweat from the skin removes excess heat from the body - Acts as a lubricant and cushion around joints and inside the eyes, spinal cord, and amniotic sac, surrounding the fetus in the womb

what are some functions of water?

- Found most abundantly found in milk and milk products - Food sources: fortified foods and some vegetables (binders inhibit absorption in some plant foods) - Cheese cottage cheese, fortified foods, beet greens, bok choy, broccoli, kale, mustard greens, rutabaga, turnips, collard greens and dark green leafy vegetables

what are some sources of calcium

- Fluorinated water, toothpaste, fish and tea - Drinking water, process soft drinks fruit juice made with fluorinates water, fluorinated toothpaste, oral rinses

what are some sources of fluoride?

- Potassium in abundant in all living cells, both plant and animal - Richest sources of potassium are found in fresh foods of all kinds - fruits and vegetables

what are some sources of potassium?

- 51 + need 2.4 micrograms per day. Fortified foods and supplements can help achieve this amount per day

what are teh vitamin B12 recommendations for older adults?

- greater availability for fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fat free and low-fat milk. Decreased levels of sodium, saturated fats, trans fats, meet nutrient needs within specific kcaloric rages based on age/grade groups for schoolchildren.

what are the USDA and Nutrition Service changes made to the school lunches?

aerobic - improve cardiorespiratory endurance, blood pressure, and blood lipid concentrations moderate endurance - improve sleep resistance training - improves posture and mobility. Resistance training helps elderly with daily tasks while supporting independence

what are the benefits or aerobic activities?moderate endurance? resistance training?

Constipation increases w/low fiber intakes and changes in GI tract, medications, lack of water and exercise compound problem

what are the causes of constipation in older adults?

sodium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, sulfate, and chloride

what are the major minerals

51-71 years old need 15 micrograms per day. 71 and above require 20 micrograms per day. - Supplement may be needed to meet the recommendations

what are the recommendations fo vitamin D for 51-71 year olds? 71 and older?

- Normal adult - 0.8 g/kg body weight - May be slightly higher in older adults1-1.2 g/kg body weight - especially those with sarcopenia to help limit age-related muscle loss

what are the recommended protein needs for older adults? what condition could cause and higher need for protein ____-_____ g/kg ?

- the infants nutrient needs - the infants physical readiness to handle different forms of food - need to detect and control allergic reactions

what are the three considerations that govern the addition of foods to an infants diet?

chromium, copper, fluoride, iodine, iron, manganese, selenium, and zinc

what are the trace minerals?

- Calcium and phosphorus are the most prevalent Major minerals, they are the chief minerals of bones.

what are the two most prevalent major minerals? what is their purpose

- B C vitamins - easily absorbed into bloodstream - the vitamins get excreted if blood concentration becomes too high High

what are the water soluble vitamins? where are they easily absorbed into? what happens in blood concentrations become too high?

potent, essential, noncaloric and organic nutrients are needed from foods in trace amounts to preform specific functions. - no

what are vitamins? do they contribute energy?

- weight loss - physical activity, limit alcohol, added sugars, solid fats

what can you do to improve you quality of life?

Transportation problems, limited cooking facilities and chewing problems limit intake of fruits and veggies in elderly - constipation

what could limit the intake of fiber in aging adults? low fiber intake, low fluid intake and constipation medications, __________________ in unavoidable.

- Promotes the activation of over 300 different enzymes which perform tasks in the eyes, liver, kidneys, muscles, skin, bones and male reproductive organs - Works with enzymes to make genetic material: manufacture heme, digests food, metabolize macronutrients, liberate vitamin A form storage in liver, and dispose of damaging free radicals.

what does zinc promote?

high-process foods, fast foods low-unprocessed foods like fresh produce

what foods are usually high in sodium? low?

- vibrant in oranges or green, murky green pigments contain beta carotene - Carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkins, cantaloupe, apricots, dark green veggies - Recommendation to eat dark green or deep orange vegetables and fruits at least every other day

what foods can beta carotene be found in?

- Honey and corn syrup could cause botulism - Canned veg bc they are high sodium - Sweets of any kind are empty calories which contributes to obesity - Foods or small non foods must be kept out of reach that could choke infant

what foods should be omitted from a infants diet?

- a diet that emphasizes potassium rich foods and vegetables and fat free or low-fat milk products i.e. whole grains, nuts, poultry and fish. - Reduce intakes of read and processed meats, sweets and sugar containing beverages. - integrate regular physical activity to lower blood pressure

what is DASH (dietary approaches to stop hypertension)?

- lipoprotein which carries cholesterol to tissues, keeps it out of blood - oxidation of LDL (would cause a reduction of LDL) encourages development of atherosclerosis

what is LDL? the oxidation of LDL could promote ...

- anemia of the B12 caused by the deficiency of the intrinsic factor

what is Pernicious anemia?

- compound that protects other compounds from attack by oxygen by itself reacting with oxygen - oxidization can damage cell structures and impair cell functions

what is an antioxidant? Oxygen triggers the formation of _______ ___________ that can start chain reactions in in cell membranes.

- it is a plant based precursor to vitamin A. it is the inactive form of vitamin A

what is beta carotene?

age in years from date of birth. people can add years and enhance their quality of life

what is chronological age?

Primary role in health in the prevention of dental caries also important in the mineralization of bones and teeth.

what is fluorides primary role?

- produced by the liver is central to the regulation of iron emerging. - Maintains blood iron within the normal range by limiting absorption from intestine and release from storage.

what is hepcidin produced by and what is its function?

- softening of bones. Poor mineralization of bone results in the painful bone disease

what is osteomalacia?

when bone mineral withdrawals exceeds deposit causing brittle bones

what is osteoporosis?

Failure to synthesize vitamin D or obtain enough from food sets stage for loss of calcium from bones can result in fractures due to brittle bones. - Taking supplements in older ages decrease this condition.

what is osteoporosis? how can you prevent it in older ages?

age estimated from body health and probable life expectancy - Healthy plant based eating patterns (Mediterranean diet), maintain healthy body weight, regular physical activity, no smoking or alcohol (use sparingly), adequate sleep, sense of purpose, relieve stress, Belong to a loving community of family and friends

what is psychological age? what factors influences psychological age?

- Recommendations 25 grams of fiber (14 per 1000 kcalories).

what is recommendation for fiber in aging adults?

Vitamin D and calcium

what is required for developing fetal bones and teeth?

- bones fail to calcify normally causing growth retardation and skeletal abnormalities - *Bowed legs,* legs bend outward and weight bearing activities such as walking begin. and *beaded ribs* result from poorly formed attachments of the bones to cartilage

what is rickets? what are some symptoms?

- Principal electrolyte in the extracellular fluid and primary regulator of the extracellular fluid volume - thirst prompts a person to drink water until the proper sodium to water ratio is corrected

what is sodiums function in fluid regulation? when blood sodium concentration increases ...

- Eat nutrient dese foods, do not restrict weight gain, and consume an ample amount of foods and fluids throughout lactation - An inadequate diet does not support stamina, patience, and self-confidence that nursing an infant demands

what is suggested for lactation? an inadequate diet does not support what?

- The US government funds programs to provide nutritious, high-quality meals for children at schools. - meals are free or at reduced cost to children from low income families.

what is the School Breakfast Program and the National School Lunch Program? how are these beneficial to children of low income families?

- 10 milligrams per day

what is the UL of fluoride?

- Adult UL - 2300 mg/day - equivalent to about one teaspoon of salt - Average intake >3400 mg/day - diets rarely lack sodium

what is the average intake and the UL of sodium?

- Vitamin D - role in calcium absorption and utilization. - deficiency: interferes with normal calcium metabolism and could cause rickets in infant. - Sources - prenatal supplements, sunlight and fortified milk

what is the function, deficiency and sources of vitamin D?

- to protect protein from being used as an energy source - whole grain breads, cereal, rice, and pastas - Lots fibers to ward off constipation - fruits and vegetables supply fiber and phytochemical to ward off chronic diseases

what is the importance of carbohydrates and fiber in older ages? what are some sources of both?

- Life expectancy is 79 in the US. Life expectancy depends on a person's individual health related behaviors and genes

what is the life expectancy? define it.

Nutrition and physical activity help them prepare for these new accomplish by adding to the mass and density of bone and muscle tissues. - Thereafter their bones continue to grow longer, and muscles gain size strength. Unevenly and slowly until adolescence

what is the necessity of physical activity and nutrition?

to provide needed nutrients that are no longer supplied adequately by breast milk or formula alone

what is the purpose of introducing foods?

Males - 13 cups of beverages. Females - 9 cups a day

what is the recommendation of water fro aging people?

- begin walking for 10 mins and gradually increase the distance to 30 to 60 min walks at least five times a week.

what is the recommendations for starting a exercise routine?

- Moderate amounts (enough for flavor and provide essential FA an nutrients) - not too restrictive can lead to being underweight and nutrient deficiencies (greater risks than being overweight)

what is the recommended fat intake in aging adults?

- structure- vitamins are individual units, are not linked together. - function- do not yield energy when metabolized, but some do assists enzymes that participate in the release of energy from carbohydrates, fats and proteins. - dietary intakes- the amounts of vitamins people ingest daily form foods and the amounts they require are measured in micrograms or milligrams

what is the structure, function and dietary intakes of nutrients

vitamins B6, B12, A and D. - Vitamin supplementation can help normalize concentration in breast milk and may be beneficial

what nutrients are most likely to decline in breast milk? how can you normalize these vitamins in breast milk?

- Atrophic gastric causes the loss of the ability to produce enough stomach acid and intrinsic factor to absorb the vitamin B12. - So B12 must be supplied by injection to bypass the defective absorption system

what prevents B12 absorption? how is this resolved?

- Rice, pastas, dry powdered milk and dried legumes can be purchased in bulk and stored for months. - half a dozen eggs - Buy foods that require preparation not ready-to-serve - Frozen vegetables keep them fresh. Fruits and vegetables can be purchased individually - Breads and cereals must be purchased in larger quantities excess stored in freezer - Meat can be separated into individual servings, marked with date and contents

what should an older person buy or do to prevent waste?

- prevent excessive weigh gain and weight loss is not recommended during pregnancy (wait until after)

what should you prevent during pregnancy concerning your weight?

- vitamin D and calcium, fluoride, magnesium and phosphorus which are in great demand during pregnancy

what vitamin and minerals are involved in building bones?

Vitamin D

what vitamin can be synthesized in the body from sunlight?

vitamin K

what vitamin plays a role in blood clotting/ coagulation. And participates in the synthesis of several bone proteins?

- freezer and pantry space

when storing food what should be taken into consideration?

retinoic acid

which form of Vitamin A acts as a hormone, regulating cell differentiation, growth and embryonic development?

vegans and their children because a few fortified plant sources exists - consume margarine, soy-milk and fortified cereals

who may have low vitamin D intakes? why? what could they consume?

- people with serious medical conditions that may inhibit the addition of activity - As well as sedentary males > 40 and sedentary females >50 who want to start in a vigorous program.

who should check in with a physician before beginning an exercise routine?

- carbohydrate is necessary to fuel the fetal brain and spare protein needed for fetal growth. - Fiber in carbohydrate whole grains, vegetables and fruits can help alleviate constipation

why are carbohydrate needs increased during pregnancy? what what can be found with in carbohydrates?

People start out with different genetic predispositions and ways of handling nutrients which become magnified with years of their dietary habits - Chronic diseases and medications have an effect on nutrients which increases with age

why do peoples nutrient needs very with age? ____________ _______________ and ________________ have an effect on nutrients which increases with age

- Pregnancy requires more iron to support the added blood volume, growth of the fetus and blood loss of birth - Blood loss in menstruation during childbearing years causes a major loss of iron - Infants gain little iron from their high milk diets, and they need extra iron to support rapid body growth and brain development. - Rapid growth of males during adolescence requires more iron

why is anemia more common is pregnant women? women in childbearing years? infants? males?

1. Many older adults lose the ability to produce enough stomach acid to create the protein bound for of vitamin B12. 2. Malabsorption of B12 is due to atrophic gastritis - Deficiency can cause poor cognition (memory and mental functioning), anemia and other devastating neurological effects.

why is deficiency in B12 common in older adults? and what are the effects of deficiency?

- iron is vital to the processes by which cells generate energy. Iron is needed to make new cells, amino acids, hormones, and neurotransmitters

why is iron vital?

healthy lifestyle habits - emphasizes plant-based foods and do physical activity - nutrition can improve the quality of life in later years

you can slow the aging process by?

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