FCS 331 - Test 1

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Dietary Guideline #3 - Limit Calories from Added Sugars and Saturated Fats and Reduce Sodium Intake: •**Added sugars less than ____% of total daily kcals •**Saturated fat less than ____% of total daily kcals •**Sodium less than ________mg

10, 10, 2300

Protein = ____-____% of total kcal ***


Fat = ____-____% of total kcal ***


***What happens to chyme when it is in the large intestine?

All I found was that it basically just passes through and nothing is really absorbed because in the large intestine the mucosa has no villi

***What percentage of a person's intake of grains should be whole grains?

At least half of recommended amounts of grains foods should be whole grains

***Why is peer review a critical step in the scientific method?

Because peers are investigators who were not part of the study but are experts involved in related research. These peers are not selected by the researchers who submit their papers for publication. Editors of scientific journals choose the experts, and the researchers are usually not aware of the peers' identities. Plus, it helps avoid research bias.

***Provide at least three examples an energy-dense food.

Broccoli, leafy greens, fat-free milk, oranges, lean meats, and whole-grain cereals

***______-control study - individuals with a health condition are matched to persons with similar characteristics who do not have the condition.


_______ dietitians may work as members of medical teams that include: •physicians •nurses •physical therapists They help: •evaluate the health status of a patient •determine their dietary deficiencies and needs •plan dietary treatments and therapies


_____________ study is an epidemiological study in which researchers collect and analyze various kinds of information about a large group of people over time.


***Distinguish between the RDA and the %DV for a nutrient.

Compared to the RDAs, the DVs are a more simplified and practical set of nutrient standards. The adult DV for a nutrient is based on a standard diet that supplies 2000 kcal/day. Not all nutrients have DVs.

__________ essential nutrients are normally not essential but become essential under certain conditions such as Metabolic disorders and Serious illness.


Foods and the nutrients they contain are not cure-alls. ______ is only one aspect that influences a person's health. Functional foods are manufactured to boost nutrient intake or help manage specific health problems.


______ is a person's usual pattern of food choices.


***The Recommended _________ Allowances (RDAs) are standards for recommended daily intakes of several nutrients.


________ ___________ ________ (DRIs) are a set of energy and nutrient intake standards that can be used as references when making dietary recommendations. DRIs help health professionals: •evaluate nutritional adequacy of diets •plan nutritious diets

Dietary Reference Intake

***__________ is the addition of specific amounts of iron and the B vitamins thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, and folic acid to specific refined grain products.


***_________________ studies cannot establish causation. -Specific practice that is responsible to an effect. -An outcome could be a coincidence. -Researchers summarize the findings and seek to publish articles in scientific journals. -Must first undergo peer review. -A critical analysis conducted by a group of peers.


_____________ - the study of the occurrence, distribution, and causes of health problems in populations. -used by nutrition scientists to learn about the influence on diet on health. Epidemiologists use: •physical examinations to obtain health data •surveys to collect information Collecting nutrition-related information, epidemiologists and dietitians often rely on physical examinations to people to obtain health data.


-The body can use raw materials from food to synthesize other nutrients. -____________ nutrients must be supplied by food.


***Describe how food marketing influences food choices.

Food manufacturers often develop food packaging intended to attract buyers, and the layout of most major supermarkets is designed to encourage consumers to purchase foods—in many instances, pricier items. Attractive displays at the ends of aisles, the positioning of products on shelves, and even the flooring material are intentionally designed to stimulate the senses, direct shoppers to more profitable items, and increase sales. Food marketing efforts also include media advertising, which relies heavily on the visual sense to attract people to try food products, regardless of their nutritional value. Such factors often make it difficult for nutrition educators to help their clients make wiser, healthier food choices.

*What is the placebo effect?

If a patient believes a medical treatment will improve his or her health, the patient is more likely to report positive results for the therapy. In intervention studies involving humans, subjects may report positive or negative reactions to a treatment even though they received the placebo. Such thinking is called the placebo effect. Even though a placebo contains inert ingredients, it may produce beneficial physiological and psychological changes, particularly in conditions that involve pain or depression. Because subjects in the control group believe they are receiving a real treatment, their faith in the "treatment" can stimulate the release of chemicals in the brain that alter pain perception, reducing their discomfort. Therefore, when people report that a treatment was beneficial, they may not have been imagining the positive response, even when they were taking a placebo.

***Trace the pathway of food from the mouth to the anus, including key organs and their functions.

Look at figure 4.20 - it is page 96 in the textbook online

***List four recommendations for healthy eating according to MyPlate

Make half your grains whole grains. Eat your food but eat less. Focus on fruits. Vary your protein routine. Make better beverage choices. Add more vegetables to your day.

***_____________ are nutrients that body needs in very small amounts (measured in mg and mcg) ***Examples: •Vitamins •Minerals


________ can be stored in the body, specifically the in the liver, body fat, and bones.


___________ are the life-sustaining substances found in food and are necessary for growth, maintenance, and repair of the body's cells


_________ is the scientific study of nutrients and how the body uses them.


***Explain why a person who uses the title "nutritionist" may not be a reliable source of nutrition information.

Nutritionists don't have the same educational backgrounds and professional certifications as registered dietitians

***________ refers to compounds that contain carbon. Examples: •Carbohydrates •Lipids •Proteins •Vitamins


________________ are substances in plants that are not nutrients but may have healthful benefits. •_______= plant •Examples: •caffeine •beta-carotene •nicotine (not beneficial)

Phytochemicals, phyto

It may not be practical to conduct research on humans in laboratory settings, so scientists enroll "free-living" subjects. Human subjects are randomly divided into treatment and control groups.•Helps ensure groups have similar variables Only the treatment group is given the treatment. _______ is given to members of the control group (Fake treatment)


***______________ cohort study - a group of initially healthy people are followed over a time period and any disease that eventually develop are recorded.


***List at least three nutrition-related objectives of Healthy People 2020

Reduce the proportion of adults who are obese. Increase the contribution of fruits to the diets of the population aged 2 years and older. Increase the contribution of whole grains to the diets of the population aged 2 years and older. Reduce consumption of calories from solid fats and added sugars.

**A group of low-income older adults avoids fruits and vegetables for economic reasons. You observe that many of these people have bleeding gums. State a hypothesis about the cause of bleeding gums in this group of older adults.


_______ are the physical changes associated with a disease state that are observable or measurable.


________ are subjective complaints of ill health that are difficult to observe or measure.


***Where is bile synthesized and stored?

Synthesized in liver, stored in gallbladder

***Explain how the structure of villi increases the surface area available for absorption of nutrients.

The mucosa of the small intestine is highly folded and covered by tiny, fingerlike projections called villi (vill'-eye). The villi and folds provide a healthy mucosa with a surface area of about 200 square meters, the size of a regulation, singles tennis court. This enormous surface area enables the small intestine to absorb nutrients very efficiently.

***Describe the differences between Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.

Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a type of IBD that causes ulcers to form in the mucosa of the colon and rectum. Crohn's disease is a type of IBD; the body's immune system cells attack normal intestinal cells, damaging parts of the intestines.

___________ include fresh, cooked, canned, frozen, and dried/dehydrated vegetables and 100% vegetable juice. They are usually low in fat and rich sources of: •potassium •vitamin A and C •folate •______ •phytochemicals

Vegetables, fiber

***Describe the digestive processes that occur in the stomach.

When stimulated by the presence of food, the stomach's muscular walls respond by producing waves of peristalsis. The churning movements mix food with gastric juice, and as a result, some protein and fat in the chyme break down. Although the stomach absorbs very few nutrients from chyme, a few drugs, including some aspirin and alcohol, can pass through the organ's walls and enter the bloodstream. HCl is a strong acid that contributes to the low pH of gastric juice. The enzymatic digestion of starch that began in the mouth stops in the stomach. The chemical digestion of proteins begins in the stomach.

_______ grains are intact, ground, cracked, or flaked seeds of cereal grains.


***What is a hydrolytic enzyme?

an enzyme that requires water

***List at least seven foods that are rich sources of phytochemicals

apples, chocolate, blueberries, grapes, oranges, lemons, veggies like kale and broccoli

***A ________ is the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 g (1 mL) of water 1oC. •Small unit of measurement •Food energy is reported in 1000-calorie units


•A bomb _________ is a device used to measure the calorie content of foods and beverages.


***Discuss how dietitians work with other health care professionals in clinical settings.

can work as members of medical teams that include other health professionals, such as physicians, nurses, and physical therapists, in hospitals or clinics

***Which nutrients provide energy?

carbohydrates, fats, and proteins

Medical nutrition therapies are nutritionally modified diets for people with ______ health conditions. Can be planned by registered dietitians (RD) or registered dietitian nutritionists (RDN) Many factors are considered: •current health status •occupation •food likes and dislikes •budget •support systems •ability to access and prepare food


***______ is a semiliquid mass that forms when food mixes with gastric juice that occurs on the lower stomach


Nutrition is a dynamic science. Researchers continue to explore the relationships between diet and health. Nutrition information is _____________ changing.


***A _______ group allows scientists to compare results between two study groups. This helps determine whether treatment had any effect


**A _______ group in a controlled study is a group that does not receive a treatment.


***Adequate Intake (AIs) are dietary recommendations that assume a population's average daily nutrient intakes are adequate because no __________ __________ are present. •Diets of healthy people are recorded •Average intake of the nutrient is estimated

deficiency diseases

***A ________ ______ ________ is a food guide that translates the DRIs and evidence-based information concerning the effects of certain foods and food components on health into dietary recommendations.

dietary guidance system

***List at least four foods that are generally considered sources of empty calories Hint - Empty-Calories are... •Sugary foods •Solid fats - Fats that are fairly hard at room temperature and considered "unhealthy fats" •Alcohols

donuts, pizza, candy, chips

Nutrients are sources of ________ needed by the body to carry out its activities. __________ are substances that cannot be separated into simpler substances by ordinary or physical means.

elements , Elements

***List one physiological role of each nutrient: Carbs - provides _______ Lipids - insulation Water - regulates _____ temp Vitamins - regulates growth Proteins - builds new tissues Minerals - helps build bones and _____

energy, body, teeth

** Choose foods that provide more potassium, dietary _______, calcium, and vitamin ___ ("_______ of public health concern") **

fiber, D, nutrients

Most foods are sources of biological _______. People need to consume energy in foods and beverages to survive.


Carbohydrate and protein are the primary macronutrients in _______.


***The Estimated Energy Requirement (EER) is the average daily energy intake that meets the needs of a _____ person who is maintaining their weight. EER takes into account: •physical activity level •height •weight •sex •life stage


***List the main sections of the large intestine from the ileocecal sphincter to the anus.

ileocecal sphincter cecum ascending colon transverse colon descending colon sigmoid colon rectum anus

For optimal health, nutrients need to be consumed to maintain optimal storage levels. If storage is low, nutrient needs ________.


Simply having information about nutrients and their importance to good health may not be enough for people to change _______ food-related behaviors.


***Discuss the effects of eating a high-fiber meal on stomach emptying.

it delays it

***A ____________ (or Calorie)is the heat energy needed to raise the temperature of 1000g (1 L) of water 1oC.


Daily Values are a set of nutrient intake standards developed for ________ purposes. • Based on RDAs & 2000 kcal/day diet Established for: • Total fat • Total cholesterol • Fiber • Some vitamins and minerals


-Men and women have similar amounts of vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrates. -Women have _____ water and protein and ______ fat. •50 to 70% of total weight is _____.

less, more, water

***What normally keeps stomach contents from reentering the esophagus?

lower esophageal sphincter (LES)

Most foods do not contain toxic levels of vitamins and minerals. Many supplements are available in amounts that could easily reach the toxic level. A _____________ is an amount of a vitamin or mineral that is very high, generally at least 10 times the recommended amount of the nutrient.


***What kinds of dairy products should Americans consume?

milk, yogurt, cheese, or fortified soy dairy substitutes (i.e., "soy milk").

Consumers are responsible for questioning and researching the accuracy of nutrition information. The FDA can regulate nutrition-and health-related claims on product labels. They cannot prevent the spread of health and nutrition __________________ published in books or pamphlets or presented in television or radio programs.


***Where does most nutrient digestion and absorption occur?

most digestion occurs in the duodenum and upper part of the jejunum

-It is recommended to choose a variety of foods from each food group. -The ______ content of foods within each group varies widely.


The _______________ dose of a nutrient is the amount of a nutrient that is within the range of safe intake and enables the body to function optimally.


Most Americans do not ____________ the recommended amounts of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish, and low-fat dairy products. We tend to purchase more than the recommended amounts of red meats, candies, cheese, sugary beverages, and refined grain products


***Phil estimates that his average intake of sodium is 6025 mg/day. Explain how his intake of sodium compares to the recommendations of the Dietary Guidelines.

recommended to have less than 2300 mg of sodium

***What steps would you take to become an RD/RDN? A _________ dietitian or registered dietitian _________ is a college-trained health care professional who has extensive knowledge of foods, nutrition, and dietetics. They must complete a rigorous, post-graduate internship (1200 hours) and then pass a national credentialing exam

registered, nutritionist

***Explain why results of similar studies involving human subjects may provide different findings.

results analysed differently, studies may differ in design, and a different set of subjects can alter results

***The wall of the _________ is the thickest and strongest of the GI tract. It has 3 muscles


***Digestion starts where?

the mouth

***What is a sphincter?

the thickened regions of circular muscle that control the flow of contents at various points in the GI tract. •Contracted •Passageway closed •Flow is restricted Essential for normal digestion and absorption.

***Explain why most dietary guides include eggs, nuts, and seeds with meats, fish, and poultry products.

they are protein foods

***A ___________ group in a controlled study is a group that receives a treatment.


A ________ is a factor that can change and influence a study's outcome. (Many variables influence the outcome of a study & Influence of variables needs to be controlled)


Dietary guidelines recommended choosing ______ grains over _________ grains

whole, refined

Health experts are concerned with Americans' eating habits. Poor dietary practices are associated with: •obesity •type ____ diabetes To live longer, we must improve the nutritional quality of our diets.


***An Estimated Average Requirement (EAR) is the amount of a nutrient that should meet the needs of ____% of healthy people who are in a particular life-stage/sex group. •To establish an EAR, the FNB identifies a physiological marker. •Substance in the body that reflects proper functioning •Can be measured


-Several of the leading causes of death in the US are diet-related ***Heart disease and cancer make up about ______% of all deaths & Both are related to nutrition (heart disease is #1 leading cause)


______ diseases are long-term conditions that usually take many years to develop and have complex causes. Ex: •Heart disease •Diabetes •Cancer


***What are potential long-term consequences of frequent untreated constipation?

Diverticulosis/diverticulitis and hemorrhoids

***List the three primary sections of the small intestine, and indicate their functions.

Duodenum Jejunum Ileum

__________-__________choices that include high amounts of added sugars and/or solid fats should be limited. Discuss the importance of variety, moderation, and balance in terms of a person's diet. ***Provide at least three examples of an empty-calorie food. Examples include: • Cakes, cookies, pastries, donuts • Sugar-sweetened drinks • Cheese and pizza • Ice cream • Sausage, bacon, hot dogs, and "ribs"


***List at least three foods that are generally classified as grain products. Hint - Grains include products made from: •wheat •rice •oats

Examples: Bread, Pasta, Cereal

***List at least four foods that are generally classified as dairy foods Hint - Dairy foods include milk and products made from milk that retain their calcium content. These foods are excellent sources of: •protein •phosphorus •riboflavin •vitamin A and D (if fortified)

Examples: yogurt, milk, ice cream, cheese

The _______ regulates information and claims on food labels. Nearly all food and beverages in grocery stores must have food labels. • Product's name • Manufacturer's name and address • Amount of product in package • **List of ingredients in descending order by weight**


The Nutrition _______ Panel displays nutrition information about a food's nutrient contents that is displayed in a specific format on the food's package.


***__________ is the addition of nutrients to any food. (wasn't there before) •Calcium to orange juice •Vitamin A and D to milk •Vitamins and minerals to ready-to-eat cereals


__________ nutrients do not contain carbon. Examples: Minerals & Water


______________ is a state of health that occurs when the body is improperly nourished. Examples: •Overnutrition •Undernutrition •Nutritionally inadequate diets may be selected because of: -lack of knowledge -low or fixed income -eating disorders -alcohol or drug addiction -medical problems


_______ include canola, corn, and olive oils, and other fats that are liquid at room temperature. Often are good sources or vitamin ____ and essential _____ acids.

Oils, E, fatty

_________ ______ products can be a good source of vitamins and minerals if enriched or fortified.

Refined grain

***_______________ cohort study - researchers collect information about a group's past exposures and identify current health outcomes.


***Describe how the Exchange System differs from MyPlate.

The Exchange System is a useful tool for estimating the energy, protein, carbohydrate, and fat contents of foods. Because the Exchange System makes it relatively easy to plan nutritious, calorie-reduced meals and snacks, it is also useful for people who are trying to manage their weight. The Exchange System categorizes foods into three broad groups: carbohydrates, meat and meat substitutes, and fats. The foods within each group have similar macronutrient composition, regardless of whether the food is from a plant or animal. Thus, the Exchange System classifies foods in a different way than does MyPlate. Within each of the three major food groups, the Exchange System provides exchange lists of specific types of foods. The amount of a food specified in an exchange list provides about the same amount of macronutrients and calories as each of the other specified amounts of foods in that list. MyPlate includes a variety of food, nutrition, and physical activity resources for consumers that are based on the recommendations of the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. MyPlate focuses on five different food groups: fruits, vegetables, protein foods, grains, and dairy.

***Explain why an herbal tea made from echinacea is a dietary supplement according to the Dietary Supplement and Health Education Act of 1994.

because it contains an herb and American adults, really like nonmineral dietary supplements such as fish oil, glucosamine, echinacea, and flaxseed oil and pills because results of scientific research indicate that some dietary supplements, such as vitamins and certain herbs, have beneficial effects on health. Results of other studies, however, provide evidence that many popular dietary supplements are not helpful and may even be harmful.

***Explain why vomiting for 24 hours and longer can be serious enough to require medical attention.


***Explain why white flour is often enriched, and identify the nutrients that have been added to it.

so it can have iron and the B vitamins thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, and folic acid

______ include fresh, dried, frozen, sauced, and canned fruits, and 100% fruit juices. They are low in fat and good sources of: •potassium •vitamin C •___________ •fiber (if whole or cut-up) •___________

Fruits, folate, phytochemicals

What are the major food groups?

•Grains •Dairy •Fruits •Vegetables •Protein

**What are the six classes of nutrients?**

•carbohydrates •lipids •proteins •vitamins •minerals •water

***Discuss disorders of taste and smell, including their causes. ____________ is the complete inability to detect odors caused by obstruction of the nasal passageways, brain tumors, dental disease, and irritation of the inner lining of the nose due to the common cold or nasal allergies. _____________ is the diminished ability to taste. _____________ is the total loss of taste. Most taste disorders are temporary and develop as a result of upper respiratory or middle ear infections; radiation treatment; medications such as antibiotics or antihistamines; head injury; or poor dental health. Loss of taste can also be a sign of degenerative nerve diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease.

Anosmia, Hypogeusia, Ageusia

***Calculate ranges of caloric intakes for macronutrients by using the AMDRs for a healthy 22-year-old adult who consumes 2500 kcal/day.

Carbs: can have 1125 to 1625 kcal a day (2500 x .45 = 1,125 & 2500 x .65 = 1625) Fat: can have 500 to 875 kcal a day Protein: can have 250 to 875 kcal a day

***_______ meet the needs of nearly all healthy individuals (_____%) in a particular group.

RDAs, 97.5%

_______ factors are personal characteristics that increase a person's chances of developing a chronic disease. Examples- •Genetic background •Family history •Unsafe environmental conditions •Psychological factors •Advanced age •Unhealthy lifestyle


***Give examples of how organic food production methods differ from conventional food production methods.

A food product cannot be labeled "organic" unless its production meets strict national standards. "100% Organic" (may use USDA seal) = 100% organic ingredients, including processing aids "Organic" (may use USDA seal) = Contains at least 95% organic ingredients, Remaining 5% of ingredients are on USDA's list of allowed ingredients. "Made with organic ingredients" = Contains 70 to 95% organic ingredients No pesticides

***Explain why choking can occur while eating. What should you do to save a choking person's life?

A small piece of food can enter the trachea instead of the esophagus, the material irritates the airways and the body responds with vigorous coughing to expel it. If a larger piece of food enters the trachea, it can block the windpipe, preventing air from entering the lungs. Heimlich maneuver

_____________ = 45-65% of total kcal ***


***Describe how supermarket shoppers can use food rating systems to make purchase decisions.

Consumers can find specific nutrition-related information about many packaged foods simply by reading the products' labels. The FDA requires food manufacturers to use a special format, the Nutrition Facts panel, to display information about the energy and nutrient contents of products. The Nutrition Facts panel indicates the amount of a serving size, in household units as well as grams, and the number of servings in the entire container. Serving sizes must be consistent among similar foods; for example, all brands of ice cream must use the same serving size (½ cup) in the Nutrition Facts panel to describe the product's nutritional content.

Nutrient _________ is.... Choose a variety of nutrient-dense foods across and within all food groups • Include a variety of nutrient-dense vegetables • At least half of recommended fruit intake should be from whole fruits • At least half of grains from whole grains • Choose a variety of protein foods (include dried beans and peas)


***Explain what normally happens to a piece of food that enters the mouth.

Digestion starts in the mouth (oral cavity). Teeth chew (masticate) food. Mastication is a physical activity that prepares solid foods for swallowing and chemical digestion. Such mechanical activity makes the food easier to swallow and increases its surface area, which enables enzymes to have greater access to nutrients. The tongue helps direct the mashed-up food to the back of the mouth and into the pharynx ("throat"), where it can be swallowed.

___________ is a routine way of living. Examples- •Dietary practices •Exercise habits A person's lifestyle may increase their chances of developing a _______ disease.

Lifestyle, chronic

***Identify the key components of saliva. Salivary glands are structures that produce saliva and secrete the fluid in the oral cavity. Saliva is the watery fluid that contains mucus and a few enzymes. ________________ - Enzyme in saliva that can destroy some bacteria that are in food or the mouth Salivary ________ - Enzyme in saliva that begins starch digestion Lingual __________ - Enzyme secreted in saliva that begins fat digestion

Lysozyme, Amylase, Lipase

*Acceptable __________ Distribution Ranges (AMDRs) - ranges of carbohydrate, fat, and protein intakes that provide adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals, and may reduce the risk of diet-related chronic diseases.


***______________ are nutrients that the body needs in large amounts (measured in grams) ***Examples: •Carbohydrates •Fats •Proteins


***Explain the difference between mechanical and chemical digestion. _______________ digestion refers to the physical treatments that food undergoes while it is in the intestinal tract. _______________ digestion refers to the breakdown of large molecules in food into smaller components, primarily be the action of enzymes.

Mechanical , Chemical

***Explain the difference between a probiotic and prebiotic, and give an example of each.

Probiotics are live microorganisms that promote good health for their human hosts. Example: Yogurt Prebiotics are food components that benefit bacteria in the large intestine use for fuel. Example: fruits like berries, veggies like kale, and whole grains like soybeans

_____-_____ foods include: •beef •pork •fish •liver •poultry •beans •eggs •nuts and seeds These foods are also rich sources of iron, zinc, and B vitamins.


***Explain how the stomach protects itself from digestion. What condition might occur if this protection fails?

The stomach's mucous cells produce a thick layer of mucus that protects the stomach from being damaged by its acid and digestive enzymes. If the layer of mucus breaks down, HCl and gastric enzymes can make contact with the stomach wall, destroying the tissue. Such destruction can cause one or more sores (gastric or peptic ulcers) to form.

***Describe the importance and applications of ULs A ___________ Upper ______ Level (UL) is the highest average amount of a nutrient that is unlikely to harm most people when the amount is consumed daily. •Toxicity risk _______ when amounts greater than UL are regularly consumed •Not likely met with natural sources •Easily reached or exceeded with supplements

Tolerable, Intake, increases

***Identify potential health effects of untreated, frequent GERD.

Untreated GERD irritates the lining of the esophagus and contributes to the development of esophageal ulcers, which can damage blood vessels in the walls of the esophagus, causing bleeding. This loss of blood can become deadly. People who suffer from GERD also have a higher risk of esophageal cancer.

Most foods are mixtures of nutrients. •_____ is the major nutrient in most foods •All foods have some nutritional value but some are healthier than others •Nutrient-dense food supplies more vitamins and minerals in relation to total calories. ***Provide at least three examples of a nutrient-dense food:

Water Nutrient-dense foods: •Broccoli •Leafy greens •Fat-free milk •Oranges •Lean meats •Whole-grain cereals

A ___________ ________ is a state of health characterized by certain abnormal physiological changes that occur when the body lacks a nutrient.

deficiency, disease

***Discuss the importance of variety, moderation, and balance in terms of a person's diet. Variety, moderation, and balance can help ensure a diet's nutritional adequacy. Variety - refers to a _____ that contains foods from each food group Moderation - refers to eating ______________ amounts of each food. Balance - refers to a level of calorie intake that enables a person to maintain a _________ weight.

diet, reasonable, healthy

***Human experimental studies are usually ________-blind. •Neither the investigators nor the subjects are aware of the subjects' group assignment. •This helps to avoid the placebo effect.


Energy density refers to the amount of _______ a food provides per given weight of the food. Energy-dense food has a kcal-to-weight ratio of 4.0 or higher. Fat supplies the most energy per gram. Water supplies no energy for the body.


***To be considered an ________ nutrient: •a deficiency disease results if the nutrient is missing •when added back to the diet, abnormal physiological changes are corrected •there is an explanation why the abnormalities occurred when the substance was missing


A dietary supplement is a product that contains a vitamin, mineral, herb or other plant product, an amino acid, or a dietary substance that supplements the diet by ____________ total intake.


Numerous factors influence an individual's _______ needs, such as: •Lifestyle •Age •Sex •General health status •Use of medications


***A _________ ________ is the smallest amount of a nutrient that maintains a defined level of nutritional health.

nutrient requirement

Most nutrition research involving humans is _______________.


Previously, nutrition facts were based on intuition, common sense, tradition, or anecdotes.Personal reports concerning a treatment's effectiveness Today, nutrition is based on ___________ research.


***What types of periodicals would contain peer-reviewed articles?

scientific journals such as the Journal of Nutrition, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, New England Journal of Medicine, Journal of the American Medical Association, Nutrition Reviews, and Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

***List five different taste sensations that human taste buds detect.

sour, sweet, savory (umami), salty, bitter

Food is the best source of nutrients. Food is- •Economical •Reliable •A substance containing phytochemicals •It can be difficult to plan and eat nutritious foods daily. In these cases, it can be advisable to take a _________that contains a variety of vitamins.


In _____ describes experiments on cells or other components derived from living organisms.


In ______ describes experiments using whole living organisms.


***Define empty-calorie foods and provide two examples based on MyPlate guidelines. An empty-calorie food supplies excessive calories from ____________ types of fat, added sugar, and/or alcohol. Not all energy-dense foods are empty-calorie foods. Examples include: •candy •snack chips •alcoholic or sugar-sweetened drinks


***List the primary and accessory components of the GI tract.

Look at Figure 4.1 - it is page 80 in the online textbook

***Summarize the roles intestinal bacteria play in human health.

-Bacteria can metabolize undigested food and synthesize certain fats that can be used for energy by the cells of the colon, which may improve the host's blood lipid levels and immune function -Bacteria in the colon can also make the vitamins K, folate, B-6, B-12, and biotin for us to absorb -intestinal bacteria produce gases that are expelled

***What dietary recommendations would you provide to a person experiencing irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)?

-elimination diets that focus on determining which foods are most likely to contribute to IBS symptoms. Foods often eliminated include dairy products, legumes, and certain vegetables, especially cabbage and broccoli. Some fruits, particularly grapes, raisins, cherries, and cantaloupe, may also need to be avoided.

***Describe peristalsis. Explain how peristalsis in the esophagus transfers a bolus of food from the throat to the stomach.

-the waves of muscular contractions that help move material through most of the digestive tract. -the involuntary response to swallowing

*********************************** 1 g of carbohydrates has ___ kcal 1 g of protein has _____ kcal 1 g of fat has _____ kcal 1 g of alcohol has ____ kcal **********************************

4, 4, 9, 7

***What is the typical composition of feces?

Approximately 30% of the dry weight of feces is bacteria that are normal residents of the large intestine but are scraped off its mucosa as the food residue moves through the lumen. Feces also contain undigested fiber from plant foods, a small amount of water and fat, some protein, mucus, and mucosal cells that had been shed from the walls of the intestinal tract.

***List the categories of information included on the Nutrition Facts panel (as of 2015).

As of 2015, the FDA requires food manufacturers to provide information about the food's total fat, saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol, sodium, total carbohydrate, fiber, sugars, protein, vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, and iron contents in the Nutrition Facts panel. Additionally, the panel must display the total amount of energy and energy from fat, indicated as numbers of calories, in a serving.

The body uses nutrients for: •energy •growth and development •regulation of processes •______ use nutrients to carry out metabolic activities. •__________ is the total of all chemical processes that occur in living cells.

Cells, Metabolism

The 2015-2020 _______ _______ for Americans incorporates scientific knowledge about the influence that dietary choices can have on health. •Recommends eating and physical activity practices for healthy people over 2 years of age ***•___________ every 5 years by USDHHS and USDA •Used to develop and guide food and nutrition policies and educational materials

Dietary Guidelines, Revised

***Provide two examples of dietary modifications that a person can make to meet the recommendations of the Dietary Guidelines.

Don't eat white bread, eat whole wheat Instead of a soft drink, have water or 100% fruit juice or milk

The ______________ System is a tool for estimating the energy, protein, carbohydrate, and fat contents of foods. Categorizes foods into three categories: -Carbohydrates -Meat and meat substitutes -Fats •Each group has similar __________________ compositions **One serving of carbohydrate (CHO) food provides _______ grams of carbohydrate**

Exchange, macronutrient, 15

***Identify the three major gut hormones, including the tissues from which they are released, the factors causing their release, and their key actions. _______- Hormone secreted by G cells that stimulates stomach motility and gastric gland secretions __________ - Hormone secreted by the duodenum and first part of the jejunum that stimulates the pancreas and liver to release a bicarbonate-rich solution into the small intestine ________________ - Hormone secreted by the mucosa of the small intestine that stimulates the gallbladder to contract and the pancreas to release pancreatic juice into the small intestine

Gastrin, Secretin, Cholecystokinin

***What factors contribute to the development of peptic ulcers?

Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori), a type of bacteria that can live in parts of the stomach, was responsible for the development of most stomach ulcers Other factors: smoking cigarettes, heavy consumption of alcohol, and regular use of NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen.

***Explain the differences between a survey and an intervention study.

Surveys question people about their personal and family medical histories, diets, environmental exposures, health practices, and attitudes. Surveys often rely on people remembering details about their past lifestyle practices, which can be inaccurate or incomplete. Intervention Studies incorporate the basic steps of the scientific method and researchers usually randomly divide a large group of people into treatment (intervention) and control groups.

***Identify two biological or physiological factors that influence food choices. ***Give an example of a cognitive or psychological factor that could affect food choices. Biological and physiological factors-Age, Ability to perceive external sensory information (Taste, Smell, Texture of food), Internal sensations of hunger and thirst Effects of _______- Infants and young children, Rely on caregivers, Teenagers, More control, Young adults, Broaden food choices, Older adults, May have limited food choices due to health issues, Chronic conditions or pregnancy also play a role in eating habits Sensory information - Taste, Texture, Odor, Appearance _________ factors - Past experiences, Cultural practices, Religious teachings Psychological factors - Stress level, Pregnancy, Depression, Anxiety, Irritability ___________ factors- Income, Location of home, Availability of food, Relationships, Marketing

aging, Cognitive, Environment

***Explain why an herbal tea made from echinacea is a dietary supplement according to the Dietary Supplement and Health Education Act of 1994.

because it contains an herb and American adults really like nonmineral dietary supplements such as fish oil, glucosamine, echinacea, and flaxseed oil and pills because results of scientific research indicate that some dietary supplements, such as vitamins and certain herbs, have beneficial effects on health. Results of other studies, however, provide evidence that many popular dietary supplements are not helpful and may even be harmful.

The Dietary Supplement and Health Education Act of 1994 allows manufacturers to classify nutrient supplements and herbal products as "_______" Supplement do not undergo rigorous testing before being marketed The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not strictly regulate dietary supplements. If a supplement presents risk of harm, FDA alerts consumers and seeks to recall product.


***What is the difference between a health claim and a structure/function claim? What is a nutrient content claim? Give an example of each type of claim. The FDA permits food manufacturers to include ______ claims on food labels. The FDA, however, limits the kinds of claims that manufacturers can use. Manufacturers cannot claim that the food can be used in the "... diagnosis, cure, mitigation, or treatment of disease." An allowable example - "Diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol may reduce the risk of heart disease." The FDA would not permit a claim such as "Eating Fluffy Brand Margarine each day prevents heart disease" to appear on the product's label. A ___________________ claim describes the role a nutrient or dietary supplement plays in maintaining a structure, such as bone, or promoting a normal bodily function, such as digestion. Example: "calcium builds strong bones" or "fiber maintains bowel regularity". These statements cannot claim that a nutrient or dietary supplement can be used to prevent or treat a disease. The FDA permits labels to include claims about levels of nutrients in processed foods. Nutrient content claims can use terms such as free, high, or low to describe how much of a nutrient is in the product. Additionally, nutrient content claims can use terms such as ____ or reduced to compare amounts of nutrients in a product to those in a similar product.

health, structure/function, more

*Discussion Question* Be wary of websites that: •are authored or sponsored by one person •promote or sell products for profit (.com) Health care professionals refer to _____-_________ literature when searching for nutrition-related information. Look for red flags: •Promises of quick and easy remedies •Claims that sound too good to be true •Scare tactics •Attacks on convectional scientists and nutrition experts •Testimonials and anecdotes •Personal endorsement of a product •Promotes benefits while overlooking ____ •Vague, meaningless, or scientific-sounding terms •_______ sources •Pseudoscience •Presentation of information masquerading as factual or scientific •Disclaimers To evaluate various sources of nutrition information, a person can ask: •What motivates (why) the authors, promoters, or sponsors that provide the information? •Who is the source? •What is the source?

peer-reviewed, risks, Vague

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services issued Healthy People 2020 in 2011. It includes national health promotion and disease ____________ objectives to be met by 2020. Several nutrition-related objectives are included. Its major focus is to prevent obesity and chronic health problems.


Researchers determine whether their hypothesis is supported by analyzing data and look for correlations, or relationships, between variables. Correlations can be: ***•positive - The relationship that occurs between two variables increase or decrease in the _____ direction. ***•negative - The relationship that occurs when one variable increases and the other one decreases.


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