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Many workers left rural farms for dangerous urban factories and labor organizations and reform groups form to lobby for better working conditions



Effective leaders understand the difference between judgements and opinions, which explain the likelihood to respond to settled?

Display psychological predisposition towards political involvement

Political engagement is when people

Political knowledge

Political theories desire that most Americans have


Retired lawmakers never become lobbyists because of the strict laws that limited ability to do so


The falloff in the number of American active in traditional types of voluntary associations has made political mobilization _ difficult


The interest group strategy that includes face-to-face meetings with legislators hosting legislative receptions and events and making telephone calls is

Free rider

The person who enjoys the benefit of a good without doing the work of paying the dues is known as

That elite have more access of forming interest groups when compared to non-elites

The primary criticism of interest group activism is

Crawford versus Moreland County election board

Which United States Supreme Court case upheld India's stringent voter Id requirement

Campaign financing, grassroots mobilization, and lobbying

Which of the following are influential tactics interest groups use

The wealthy

Which of the following are more likely to take part in a wide range of political activities, from talking with others about political issues and candidates to voting in elections

Choices are based on individual assessment of cost and benefits

Which of the following best defines the rational actor theory

Checkbook democracy

Which of the following is identified by scholars where little is required of citizens beyond there cash political campaigns

The economy

Which of the following was the most important political issue among these aged 18 and 24 and 2012

political ideology

a cohesive set of beliefs that form a general philosophy about the roll of the government


all major media outlets have their own __ where they post breaking new stories

increased fraud

although some people believe it is insignificant, which of the following may result if IDs were not required for voting

what do an individuals ideas stem from?

an individuals philosophy about the nature of society and the roll of the government

Interest group

an organization that seeks to influence government decisions making is referred to as an


compared to western european democracies, voter turnout in the U.S. is

public opinion

democracy is said to rest on what


females are more likely than men to


form slowly over time with the infusion of information and thought

probing of candidates personal lives increased

how has media coverage of candidates personal lives changed over the years

the vast middle of the economic and ideological spectrum

in america, around which group do the two parties primarily structure their messages

committing to objective journalism

in the early decades of the twentieth century the press changed direction by what


journalists who work for large newspapers and television networks are more likely to identify with which ideology


more likely to support helping the poor


more likely to support the death penalty

anti discrimination and social welfare

most puerto ricans and mexican americans as well as african american support what


our ____ shapes our political values and ideology from childhood and has a strong impact on our political perspective

tend not to be actively involved in their communities

people who lack political knowledge


political philosophy expressing support for greater economic equality for traditional social values


political philosophy that supports individual liberty in both social and economic areas of life

personal or community benefits and perceived costs

rationalizing the act of voting may be based on which of the following considerations

provide greater opportunities to learn necessary civic skills

religious institutions that open leadership positions to a large number of members often


research indicates that men are _ likely to contact political leaders and attend rallies for candidates

order steps of probability sampling

review census in your own town, structure sample that reflects the proportion of the population, conduct a toll that measures opinion about the various candidates


sometimes reflect momentary feelings based on little reflection


studies indicate that _ levels of education are associated with high levels of political activism


television stations serve as objective media which are aimed at all types of viewers

gender gap

the measurable difference in the way women and men's politcal attitudes and opinions vary

opposition research

the practice of searching for weaknesses in a candidates background in order to exploit the information is known as which of the following?


the process by which a variety of sources alert citizens to opportunities to participate and encourage them to become politically involved is known as political

political socialization

the process by which an individual develops political values and opinions

political participation

the process by which citizens engage in the civic and political life of their communities

political participation

the process by which citizens engage in the civic and political life of their communities is called

straw polls

the process by which sampled opinions from lists of experts, journalists, or subscribers to particular newspapers or consumer services is know as what

voter turnout

the proportion of eligible adult citizens who actually vote in a given election is known as

enhancing civic skills through education

theoretically, which of the following is the simplest voting reform to achieve among citizens?

African Americans and their political leanings

they are more liberal on domestic issues than whites

free riders

those who enjoy the benefits from an activity without paying the costs of participation are known as

use networks of friends to persuade others to participate and help socialize people through community events

through indirect mobilization, political and community leaders do which of the following?

purpose for public opinion polls?

to peer beneath the surface of our political opinions

to support a candidates position and a political groups goals

what are monetary contributions received by any political cause used for

helping students locate polling places, holding voter registration drives, education students about absentee ballots

what are some methods that colleges may employ to encourage voting

conservatism and liberalism

what are the dominant ideologies in america

having their voices heard, and psychological rewards

what are the potential benefits of committing to time intensive political activities

dominance of political participation by the wealthy, fewer opportunities to develop civic skills, and little citizen input

what are the potential problems of checkbook democracy

it has influenced how they communicate and receive information about politics

what describes how the internet has transformed the way young americans gather their information

health care, food, and housing

what do citizens who depend on government assistance programs refer to when they communicate with leaders

access to resources and desire to be politically engaged

what does political involvement necessitate?

educated and elite

what groups are considered when leaders make public policy

television advertising

what is now a key staple of every modern presidential campaign

consumer activism

what is the practice of making political or social statements with one's buying power

direct mobilization

what is the process of door to door canvassing, direct mail solicitation, circulation of petitions, requests for money, and letter writing campaigns called

it does not allow any access to any media outlet

what is the supreme courts attitude on media coverage

student government opportunites and civic education

what may increase knowledge and interest in politics amongst young adults

woodrow wilson

what president conducted regular press conferences until the press started asking throbbing questions

negative media coverage, increaded partisanship, and political scandals

what reasons justified a crisis of confidence in the american government after 1966

fairness doctrine

what refers to the former law that inquired broadcasters to present contrasting views on important public issues

The FCC fined the station for indecent broadcasts

what resulted from the 2002 2003 telecast of the Billboard music awards which aired the celebrities use of the f word

it has made it more difficult for the campaign or administration to manage the news about their own political organization

what resulted from the expansion of blogging on political organizations

reactions led to a more professional press in the twentieth century

what resulted from the practice of yellow journalism

it encouraged greater concentration of media ownership

what rules were announced in june 2003 by the fcc

scheduling and timing of elections

what secondary factors affect voter turnout?

it is very difficult to pay much attention to them because of their massive numbers

what statement accurately depicts media coverage of members of congress

during early childhood

when does political socialization begin during one's lifetime

serving on a school board and donating to a campaign

which of the following activities afford an individual multiple opportunities to have his or her messages heard by decision makers

writing a letter to ones congressman

which of the following acts of political participation requires more sophisticated skills?

retrospective voting

which of the following best exemplifies the norm in how people vote?


which of the following continues to be the most used medium for campaign news

political information

which of the following dimensions may apply to voter who obtains knowledge on political issues in a campaign

increase in young voters, increase in female votes, interest in the obama candidacy

which of the following factors contributed to increase in voter turnout among black voters in the 2008 election?

minorities, non church goers, and unmarried woman

which of the following groups are among the strongest supporters of the Democratic party?

nonresidents, felons, and minors

which of the following groups are not permitted to vote?

young people with college experience

which of the following groups has a higher rate of voter turnout

charity walk to raise money for AIDS research

which of the following is an example of civic engagement?

Radio enhanced the relationship between politicians and their constituents as it allowed listeners to hear the voices of their elected leaders

which of the following is the best result of the radio revolution

voting in an election

which of the following messages can be delivered only once because its variability is low?

holding open discussion and encouraging debate

which of the following methods can teachers use to enhance the likelihood of student participation in politics?

writing letters to political leaders and volunteering in a political campaign

which of the following political participation activities requires citizens to spend a comparatively large amount of resources?

money and time

which of the following resources are the biggest constraints on political participation?

voter fatigue

which of the following results from frequency in elections such as primary, general, and referenda elections

rational actor theory

which of the following terms recognizes that our choices are based on our individual assessment of costs and benefits?

voter registration requirements

which voting restriction increases the burden on citizens who move frequently?

he wanted to know what they thought about presidential actions

why did george washington correspond with a friend in virginia whom he relied on to mingle with ordinary people

to support a candidates position

why do people contribute money to a presidential campaign

they provided opportunities to learn organizing skills that can be useful in the political realm

why may churches serces as important training grounds for leaning civic skills?

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