FIN 281 Final

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Karlee invested​ $7,000 in XYZ​ no-load mutual fund with a NAV of​ $35. How many shares of XYZ does she​ own?

A. $245,000 B. 2,000 C. 200* D. 245,000 E.

Zadie was shoveling the snow off her driveway when she slipped on some ice and injured her back. She was not able to work for six​ months, but her insurance policy paid her​ 80% of her income during that time. She received this money because of ________________________

Her disability policy

Luciana recently purchased a​ house, so she added _____________________ to make sure the asset was included in the will.

a codicil to her will

Patrick just invested​ $10,000 in a mutual fund. When he received his investment​ statement, he discovered only​ $9,500 was actually invested and the other​ $500 was deducted for fees. Most​ likely, he had invested in ______________________________________ mutual fund.

a front-end load

Marcy was scheduled for a​ 9:00 AM interview and she knew the commute would take 25 minutes. She left her house precisely at​ 8:30 AM, but due to a local protest march traffic was slower than usual and she did not arrive until​ 9:15 AM. She still met with the employer and completed her interview but the employer did not seem happy with her and she did not get the job. She could have had a much better interview in this instance if she had

arrived early

Just as your career is something that you​ manage, your time in college or your​ "college career" is something you manage too. You begin with developing the right


Kaitlyn was applying for a job. After the hiring manager read her application and reviewed her​ résumé, she​ didn't feel like Kaitlyn introduced herself or explained why she was seeking this job. Most likely Kaitlyn forgot to include her

cover letter

​Kanye's uncle expressed his desire for his​ uncle's good​ friend, Sammy, to inherit his hunting cabin upon his death.​ Unfortunately, he died without a​ will, otherwise known as dying ____________________________ so everything went to the​ uncle's two children​ instead, according to the laws in his state.


Kristopher recently chose a retirement fund offered through his employer. The fund had a target date of 2045. Most​ likely, he chose a ___________________________

lifecycle fund

Priscilla was complaining to her friends at work about how much time she was spending trying to keep her house looking good in the springtime.​ Basically, her issues were about

non-financial costs.

Jerri is interested in a​ long-range, systematic, planned strategy to protect her​ assets, her​ family, and herself. In other​ words, Jerri is _______________________________

practicing risk management

Claudia is earning 8​% on ​investments, but they are in taxable accounts. Claudia​'s marginal tax bracket is only 24​%. What is Claudia​'s effective earnings after​taxes?

A. 6.64​% B. 8.00​% C. −16.00​% D. 6.08​%* E. 14.64​%

These funds invest in stocks that are expected to have higher−than−average growth and earnings.

A. Aggressive Growth Funds B. Growth Funds* C. Index Funds D. Equity Income Funds E. Balanced Growth and Income Funds

Investing with this type of investment allows you to take advantage of the large gains that are possible in the stock​ market, while managing your risk through diversification without having to be super wealthy.

A. Bonds B. Stocks C. Real Estate D. REIT E. Mutual Funds*

What is it called when a large percentage of investments are bought or sold in a quick period of​ time?

A. Buy and Hold Ratio B. High−Turnover ratio* C. Low−Turnover ratio D. Sell Ratio E. Formulation Ratio

Rafferty got confused between itemized deductions and expenses to determine adjusted gross income. Which of the items below did he incorrectly classify as an expense to determine adjusted gross​ income?

A. Cash donated.* B. IRA contributions. C. Health savings account expenses. D. Student loan interest. E. None of the items is classified as an expense to determine adjusted gross income.

ETFs vary significantly from mutual funds by way of​ trading, fees, and what​ else?

A. Decline Rate B. Growth Rate C. Size D. Expertise E. Tax Consequences*

By purchasing mutual​ funds, investors can earn market returns while minimizing their​ what?

A. Down Payment B. Pain C. Unnecessary Risk* D. Portfolio E. Cost

Unlike mutual funds or index​ funds, shares of this investment option are bought and sold in the stock market just like shares of company stock.

A. ETFs* B. Options C. Puts D. Real Estate E. Bonds

Sylvie is trying to complete her financial plan by including information about her taxes. To do​ so, she needs to​ know:

A. How much she will owe next year. B. How to minimize what she owes. C. How much she owes. D. How to avoid penalties. E. All the answers are correct.*

Freya is trying to determine her taxable estate. Which of the following items should she use to calculate her taxable​ estate?

A. Insurance. B. Real estate. C. Property that passes to her surviving spouse. D. Mortgage and other debts. E. All the answers are correct.*

Businesses buy things for one reason​ only:

A. because they like them. B. because they are marketed well. C. because they are emotional. D. to make a profit.* E. None of the answers are correct.

Irina made​ a(n) _____________​ will, but​ unfortunately, these types of wills are rarely accepted as​ valid, and her state rejected it.

A. holographic* B. social media C. ethical D. living E. None of the answers are correct.

Isaiah was looking for internship opportunities. He found one that was available during the fall semester in the career field of his​ choice, but it did not pay and it was not at the company he wanted to work​ for, so he turned down the offer.​ Isaiah:

A. made the wrong choice—it was in his field.* B. made the wrong choice—you should only take unpaid internships. C. made the right choice—it was unpaid. D. made the right choice—it was not at the company he wanted to work for. E. None of the answers are correct.

Mandi and her spouse make a combined taxable income of $397,533. Based just on looking at the table​below, Mandi is able to determine that​ her:

A. marginal tax rate is 22​%. B. tax bracket is​ 37%. C. average tax rate is 32​%. D. marginal tax rate is 32​%.* E. average tax rate is 22​%.

Jean wants to invest in a diversified​ portfolio, does not have a lot of money to​ invest, but wants to be able to trade on the stock market. Her best option is​ likely:

A. money market funds B. ​no-load mutual funds. C. index mutual funds. D. ​exchange-traded funds.* E. lifecycle funds.

One key to successful​ ________ fund investing is to keep an eye on the fees being charged.

A. mortgage B. insurance C. mutual* D. asset E. annuity

José is working on his social media profile page and attending some open events in his local community with several business leaders.​ José is​ ________________ to improve his job prospects.

A. networking* B. stalking C. failing D. snooping E. None of the answers are correct.

Michael asks an investment adviser about investing outside of retirement. His adviser says he must first understand there are disadvantages to investing outside​ retirement, such​ as:

A. paying more money in fees. B. paying taxes on earnings. C. not maximizing the company match for investments. D. missing out on tax deferral. E. All the answers are correct.*

Kiera wants to help prepare her aging​ parents' estate. She should do all the following​ except:

A. set up a durable power of attorney. B. determine what assets her parents have. C. establish a healthcare proxy. D. develop a living will. E. All the steps should be completed. *

The real reason most people attend college is​ to:

A. spend money on tuition. B. get a better job.* C. meet lots of people. D. spend time​ "finding themselves". E. None of the answers are correct.

Your career is a lifetime journey of making good use of​ your:

A. time in college. B. skills. C. experience. D. knowledge. E. All the answers are correct.*

Hector wanted to purchase a​ house, so he correctly hired​ a(n) _________ to check the​ plumbing, wiring, and so forth to make sure there were no issues.

A. title agent B. broker C. lender D. inspector* E. appraiser

Lindsey's investments are earning​ 7.5% per year on average. Her brokerage firm charges a​ 1.5% commission annually on her portfolio. At what approximate rate is her wealth really growing each​ year?

A. ​7.5% B. ​6.0%* C. ​7.0% D. ​9.0% E. ​1.5%

The key to proper homeownership is to make sure homeownership fits into your overall​ __________________.

A. leverage B. mortgage C. lease agreement D. financial plan * E. None of the answers are correct.

Hannah is trying to improve herself to boost her career. She has volunteered as part of her​ organization's fundraiser to be the one to present a unique fund raising idea to the local community and to announce each of the donors at the main event. On which element of​ self-improvement is she most​ focused?


The two main types of investments that are already diversified are mutual funds and what other type of​ investment?

A. Corporate Bonds B. ETFs* C. Real Estate D. Stocks E. Bonds

Carol was not intimidated when it came time to start her​ investing, because she approached investing​ as:

A. any other purchase.* B. a complex set of calculations. C. something that can wait until later. D. a regular savings account. E. All the answers are correct.

Sylvester's goal is to build wealth. He​ should:

A. invest his money. B. assume some risk. C. pay himself first. D. make his investments a priority. E. All the answers are correct.*

Ophilia really wants to be proactive and manage her career. She realizes it is called a career ladder and not a career elevator. To learn more about managing her​ career, she​ should:

A. attend seminars on the topic. B. read books on the topic. C. seek out experts on the topic. D. visit websites on the topic. E. All the answers are correct.*

Miles thought he understood the additional costs associated with owning a​ home, but after moving out of his apartment into his first​ home, he totally forgot to budget​ for:

A. utilities. B. insurance. C. food and groceries. D. yard maintenance.* E. furnace filters.

Lamar is investing for retirement outside of his employer. His investment does not provide immediate tax​ benefits, but all of his earnings are​ tax-free and he will not pay taxes when he withdraws his money at​ retirement, if he abides by the rules. Lamar is investing in​ a:

A. defined benefit plan. B. Roth IRA.* C. Traditional IRA. D. ​401(k) plan. E. None of the answers are correct.

Augustine's apartment was burglarized. In​ addition, the burglars ruined much of the furniture. Augustine estimated that all of his losses​ (clothes, furniture, and​ television) cost him​ $9,000, but the insurance company only legally had to pay him​ $3,000. The insurance company only owes him​ $3,000 because:

A. his coverage was for replacement cost. B. he forgot to make his last two insurance payments. C. his policy was for market value coverage.* D. he did not have a rider on his policy to cover damage. It only covered theft. E. All the answers are correct.

Raya is a single taxpayer with ​$55,229 in taxable income. According to the following​ table, how much tax is Raya required to​ pay?

A. ​$3,636 B. ​$11,065 C. ​$4,454 D. ​$8,090* E. None of the answers is correct.

Marlee was using itemized deductions on her tax return. She was informed by the IRS that she made a mistake. Which​ item(s) did she incorrectly classify as​ (an) itemized​ deduction(s)?

A. Charitable contributions. B. Child tax credit.* C. Personal property taxes. D. Real estate taxes. E. All the items are classified as itemized deductions.

Jaiden was walking through the​ airport, and heading to her first flight ever. She was very​ nervous, but noticed they were selling flight insurance for​ $50, which would provide​ $10,000 of coverage. She immediately bought the policy. Which​ rule(s) of buying insurance did she​ break?

A. Insure only for the big stuff. B. Shop around. C. Choose the right agent. D. Buy the broadest coverage possible. E. All the answers are correct.*

These funds are designed to mimic risk−based investment strategies over the lifetime an​ investor, in the earlier years following a more aggressive investment​ strategy, and gradually becoming more conservative as the investor approaches retirement.

A. Mutual Fund B. Lifecycle Funds* C. Asset Allocation Funds D. Specialty Funds E. Money Market Funds

This is the term for the combined total operating fees and management fees of a mutual fund.

A. Mutual Fund Fees B. Index Fund Fees C. Portfolio Transaction Fees D. Combined Portfolio Fees E. Management Expense Ratio​ (MER)*

Shauna is married with two children. She wants to protect herself and her family from financial loss. Which of the following is likely to cause financial​ loss?

A. Property loss B. Illness C. ​Disability, Illness, Property Loss and Legal liability* D. Disability E. Legal liability

What is the term for a load mutual fund where the investor only pays commission when purchasing the mutual​ fund, but not upon selling or redeeming the​ fund?

A. Sales Charge Funds B. Commission Funds C. Front−End Load Funds* D. Pay Based Funds E. No−Load Funds

Laurie has been investing for her retirement for the past five years. She just heard a report that the markets were down​ 25%. She just smiled and felt good about the money that was coming out of her next paycheck that would be invested in the same markets that just went down. Why was she happy if the markets were​ down?

A. She really​ doesn't understand how the markets work. B. She thinks of a down market as if her investments went on sale.* C. She must think she is investing in a different market. D. Her friends invested more than​ her, so they lost more money than she did. E. None of the answers are correct.

Ira and his sister are caring for their aged mother. Before their mother moved in with​ Ira's sister, their mother signed a power of attorney that took effect as soon as she signed the document. This is known as what kind of power of​ attorney?

A. Springing power of attorney. B. Letter of last instruction power of attorney. C. Durable power of attorney.* D. Health care power of attorney. E. Probate power of attorney.

Yvette wanted to buy a home because she was looking forward to paying down her mortgage while the property price​ (hopefully) increased. She was focused on which of the following traits of home​ ownership?

A. Stability of ownership. B. Equity.* C. Pride of ownership. D. Tax savings. E. None of the answers are correct.

________ is an action that you can take while in college to be better prepared for getting hired and being successful in your career.

A. Taking the right classes B. Joining student organizations C. Completing an internship D. Signing up for interviews E. All the answers are correct.*

Floyd believes he was not treated fairly by the​ IRS, and the IRS has not responded by the date promised. He should contact the government organization ​ _____________ for resolution.

A. Tax Counseling for the Elderly​ (TCE) B. Audit Defense Enterprise​ (ADE) C. Taxpayer Advocate Service​ (TAS)* D. Volunteer Income Tax Assistance​ (VITA) E. All the answers are correct.

Kelsey has tried to contact the IRS multiple times about a tax​ issue, but it has not responded. The tax issue is causing financial difficulty for her. She could contact the​ ________, provided by the IRS.

A. Taxpayer Consumer Bureau B. Taxpayer Advocate Service* C. IRS Complaint Department D. Taxpayer Appeals Service E. None of the answers is correct.

Gracie has determined that she would ultimately like to be a vice president of a​ bank, even though she knows she will not start out at that level. In​ fact, it may take her several years to reach that goal—and she may even have to get a​ master's degree in the meantime. Which of the career​ 'W's is she focused​ on?

A. What do you want to​ do? B. Where do you see yourself in five​ years?* C. Where do you want to​ work? D. Who do you want to work​ for? E. None of the answers are correct.

Elijah is trying to decide on a career.​ Ultimately, he knows that his family is all on the East Coast and the most important thing for him is that he stays near his family no matter what career he chooses. Elijah has identified which career​ 'W' as the most​ important?

A. What do you want to​ do? B. Where do you want to be five years after​ graduation? C. Where do you want to​ work?* D. Who do you want to work​ for? E. All the answers are correct.

Selena was shopping for car insurance and wanted to get the best rate. Her​ friend, George, gave her some great​ advice, except he managed to get one of the tips wrong. Which tip was​ wrong?

A. combine multiple types of insurance coverage from the same company. B. avoid group​ plans, since they have less coverage for higher prices.* C. purchase from an independent agent. D. let your insurance company know if you have an alarm system or any of the​ vehicle-tracking services. E. All of the tips are correct.

Lora is investing in her retirement plan at work. When she asked her Human Resources department about how much she will make during her​ retirement, they explained that since she is investing in a​ ___________ plan, it will really depend on the returns from the funds she​ chose, based on those offered through the plan.

A. defined contribution* B. ​non-retirement C. ​self-directed retirement D. defined benefit E. None of the answers are correct.

Lucretia is tired of renting and wants to own a home. Her first step should be​ to:

A. determine her home ownership needs. B. consult her net worth statement.* C. evaluate various properties. D. obtain her financing. E. None of the answers are correct.

Tabatha forgot to​ _________, which is the very first step of the investment process. This caused her to commit to some investments that she really could not handle.

A. do her research B. make sure the purchase aligned with her needs C. compare quality and price D. determine what she could afford E. check her budget*

Larry wanted to be fully prepared before attending the career fair at his college. He tried to summarize who he​ was, what he was seeking in a​ job, and how he could contribute in a quick​ 30-second introduction. In other​ words, he was practicing​ his:

A. elevator speech.* B. interview. C. profile. D. cover letter. E. None of the answers are correct.

Cary wants to ensure his heirs have enough cash to pay all state and federal taxes on his​ $10 million estate upon his death. He did a good job with all the​ strategies, except:

A. establishing a life insurance policy specifically for estate taxes. B. transferring most of his assets to his​ children's names when he set up his will.* C. establishing a cash reserve fund as part of the inheritance to pay the taxes. D. designating assets to sell to pay the taxes. E. All the answers are good strategies.

Zayn and his girlfriend are planning to rent an apartment together. They plan to get married sometime in the next couple of years. They would like to start a fund together to pay for their​ wedding, their​ honeymoon, and even a down payment on a house. One thing highly​ recommended, in this particular​ situation, is for them to create and sign​ a:

A. ethical will. B. prenuptial agreement. C. nuncupative will. D. cohabitation agreement.* E. None of the answers is correct.

You are not​ ________ and neither is anyone​ else, so you can use this to your advantage.

A. exceptional B. unique C. intelligent D. special* E. None of the answers are correct.

Tavis was listening to a man who claimed to be a tax guru. The guru convinced him to claim deductions for which he was not legally eligible. As the IRS reviews his returns and discovers he owes more than​ $20,000 in​ taxes, the IRS​ may:

A. garnish his wages. B. take him to court for fraud. C. seize his assets. D. audit his tax return. E. All the answers are correct.*

Bobbie wanted to invest​ conservatively, but her friend Wilbur insisted that she invest aggressively​ instead, so she listened. When the markets dropped by​ 2% the next​ month, Bobbie panicked and moved all her money into the bank instead. The problem was that Wilbur did not consider​ Bobbie's ____________ when making his recommendation.

A. gender B. risk tolerance* C. tipping point D. monthly income E. None of the answers are correct.

Cathal received a phone call on his mobile phone. The caller said they were from​ Citibank, which suspected fraudulent use of his credit card and needed to verify his information right away so he would not be responsible for the charges. Cathal​ should:

A. hang up and ignore the call. B. hang up and call the number on the back of his card to verify that Citibank called him about fraudulent use of his credit card.* C. ask the caller for a phone number to call back and then verify his information. D. only give his security​ word, but not his credit card​ number, to the caller. E. verify his information immediately.

Albert wants to start investing outside of retirement. A good reason to do so​ is:

A. he wants to be able to pay for his​ 2-year-old child's eventual college education.* B. he wants to avoid taxes as much as possible. C. he wants to take full advantage of his company match. D. he wants a place to keep his car insurance​ money, which he only has to pay every six months. E. None of the answers are correct.

Bradley received an email from a person in another country claiming that his name was randomly selected to win an international lottery of​ $1,000,000. To claim the​ prize, all he had to do was confirm his information and pay a small​ $500 processing fee to cover international transfer fees. He wisely deleted the email because he understood​ that:

A. if the prize money comes from another​ country, he should leave it alone. B. it sounded too good to be​ true, so it probably was. C. if he has to pay any amount of money to claim a​ prize, he​ didn't really win. D. since he did not initiate the​ contact, he should not agree to pay anything. E. All the answers are correct.*

A good​ ________________ lets you evaluate where you are in your college career and identify opportunities that will give you the skills and experiences a potential employer finds attractive.

A. internship B. diploma C. college career plan* D. choice of major E. None of the answers are correct.

Orville is interested in setting money aside that he will not need for at least ten years. He correctly chose to​ _________ his money by purchasing shares of company stock.

A. invest* B. store C. preserve D. save E. None of the answers are correct.

Byron was comparing prices on his medical insurance when he noticed two policies that looked the​ same, but one cost significantly less. He asked his insurance​ agent, who explained that the second policy was cheaper due​ to__________. This meant Byron would have to pay more out of pocket before the insurance coverage even kicked in.

A. longer waiting periods B. lower deductibles C. higher deductibles* D. no deductibles E. higher risks to the insurance company

Rory really wants to become a​ go-to person in his office. As​ such, he will most likely​ avoid:

A. looking for professional development opportunities. B. asking his boss if he can attend a conference as a presenter. C. asking his boss if he can attend​ industry-related trade shows. D. asking his boss if he should use one of his vacation days to not waste company time since his project is slow.* E. All the answers are correct.

Dion just purchased a new television. The cashier at BigMart asked if he wanted​ a(n) ____________ for​ $99 to give him three more years of coverage on his TV. He politely declined.

A. policy rider B. universal life policy C. extended warranty* D. beneficiary E. None of the answers is correct.

Nate is nearing the end of his last semester and was fortunate enough to get called in for an interview. Nate felt he had a great interview and learned a lot about the company. For​ example, he​ didn't realize that the company was not just​ local, but had offices in 25 different states and in 3 other countries. He learned so much at the interview that he​ didn't even have any questions at the end. When he found out he​ didn't get the​ job, it was probably because he did​ not:

A. prepare an elevator speech. B. arrive early. C. show confidence. D. practice his interview. E. research the company.*

Ruben and his wife want to create a will that leaves everything to the surviving spouse upon the first​ spouse's death, but each would like the ability to change the will after the first person​ dies, in case the​ survivor's situation​ changes, such as a remarriage. Their best type of will to suit their needs would be​ a:

A. reciprocal will.* B. nuncupative will. C. simple will. D. joint will. E. None of the answers is correct.

Lillia really wants to own a home and is trying to choose the best mortgage for her situation. She knows that she will live in her house for at least seven years. Interest rates are currently very low and are expected to rise in the next few years. Her best option is​ likely:

A. renting since she may only be in the house for seven years. B. a​ non-conforming loan with PMI. C. a​ fixed-rate mortgage.* D. an​ adjustable-rate mortgage that she can refinance into a​ fixed-rate in the next few years. E. an​ adjustable-rate mortgage.

Jonathan and his wife purchased a home together and established ownership as tenancy by the entirety. A few years​ later, they got a divorce. Because of the​ divorce, their tenancy by the​ entirety:

A. reverts codicils into a prenuptial agreement. B. remains tenancy in entirety. C. reverts to tenancy in common.* D. reverts to a​ transfer-on-death account. E. reverts to joint tenancy.

Blanche is trying to decide if she should invest outside of retirement. Her​ friend, Cecilia, asks her why she wants to invest. Cecilia says she certainly picked a good reason. Most​ likely, Blanche's reason​ was:

A. she hates taking risk and prefers to play it as safe as possible. B. she hates paying taxes and wants to minimize them as much as possible. C. she wants to establish a small emergency fund. D. she wants to build up a fund to purchase a car within the next two years. E. None of the answers are correct.*

Adaline is single and has two dogs. She never made a​ will, but really wants her brother to take care of her dogs when she dies. It is important for her to​ ___________ her​ wishes; otherwise, they may not happen.

A. tax B. eradicate C. hide D. communicate* E. None of the answers is correct.

Otto tried to invest based on the five investments​ concepts, but his returns were too low because he chose one of the following​ concepts, which was​ incorrect:

A. the risk and return relationship. B. fees do not matter.* C. the impact of inflation. D. simple investment options are best. E. start investing early.

Cristine was visiting her parents in her home town and stopped by the local store where she used to buy her favorite candy. She remembered paying​ $1 for her​ candy, but now the same candy costs​ $1.45. What she experienced is​ called:

A. the tipping point. B. inflation.* C. diversification. D. the​ risk/return relationship. E. None of the answers are correct.

​Edward's income places him in the category of​ "upper class,"​ which, as a​ group, pays more than​ 80% of all individual income taxes in the United States.​ "Upper class" means his earnings must put him at least in​ the:

A. top​ 1% of all taxpayers. B. top​ 10% of all taxpayers. C. top​ 5% of all taxpayers. D. top​ 25% of all taxpayers. E. All the answers are correct.*

Mitchell wants to open a retirement account with his local bank. He wants to invest in an account that grows​ tax-free and lets him contribute​ pre-tax income to the account. Mitchell should invest in​ a:

A. traditional IRA.* B. ​401(k) plan. C. defined benefit plan. D. Roth IRA. E. None of the answers are correct.

Samantha just started her new job. She met a​ co-worker who has been there for several years and was higher up in the company. The​ co-worker offered to explain to Samantha how the company​ worked, what skills she needed to move up in the company and the types of accomplishments that the company rewarded.​ Basically, the​ co-worker was:

A. trying to ignore her. B. giving her an unfair advantage. C. being a mentor.* D. supervising her. E. None of the answers are correct.

Andrea is getting ready to purchase a new sofa for his apartment. The total cost for the​ sofa, including delivery and sales​ tax, is $1,462. How much does he have to earn at his job to be able to afford the​ sofa, assuming he is in a 12​% marginal tax​ bracket?

A. ​$1,462 B. ​$1,443 C. ​$12,183 D. ​$1,661* E. ​$

Rubin recently purchased a new car insurance policy. The policy was classified as​ 200/400/150 coverage. If she were to get in an​ accident, how much property damage would be​ covered?

A. ​$400,000 B. ​$750,000 C. ​$150,000* D. ​$200,000 E. ​$600,000

What percentage of the time does the market index perform better than a professionally managed mutual​ fund?

A. ​0% B. ​14% C. ​52% D. ​75%* E. ​100%

Therese was concerned about the risks that she would be facing as an adult. She told her​ friend, Cheryl, that the​ __________ risk she would face included illness or disability and the​ ________ risk she would face included losing money in the stock market.

A. ​accidental; pure B. ​speculative; pure C. ​pure; speculative* D. ​pure; accidental E. None of the answers is correct.

Jennie does not like paying any more in fees or commissions than she has​ to, and she would rather research her investments than trust someone else to do it for her. Her best option for investing outside of retirement would be to​ use:

A. ​self-directed investing.* B. a local credit union. C. a local bank. D. a national bank. E. a​ full-service broker.

Gloria's employer has told her that if she works for them for 20​ years, she will be guaranteed a retirement plan that pays her​ 75% of her average salary for her highest 5 years of pay. In other​ words, Gloria's is in a​ ______________ plan.

A. ​self-directed retirement B. ​non-retirement C. defined contribution D. defined benefit* E. None of the answers are correct.

Which of the following is not an advantage of renting a place to live?

A. Hedge against inflation. * B. Mobility. C. Low maintenance. D. Low initial cost. E. All the answers are advantages of renting.

​__________ represent many different lenders and provide you with the convenience of a​ one-stop shop for mortgages.

A. Mortgage brokers * B. Bank lenders C. Peace brokers D. Bank affiliates E. None of the answers are correct.

​_______ mortgages are designed to assist​ low-income, first-time homebuyers who would otherwise qualify but do not have enough cash for a​ 20% down payment.

A. PMI B. USDA C. FHA * D. ABC E. None of the answers are correct.

Private mortgage insurance​ (PMI) is​ required:

A. for all mortgages that are​ non-conventional. B. for homes in flood zones only. C. for mortgages that are more than​ 80% of the home value. * D. for every home purchase. E. PMI cannot be required since it is private.

A​ seller's market is generally one​ where:

A. houses have been on the market for less than six months. * B. new homes are being built with more square footage but fewer amenities. C. home prices are rising at the same rate as inflation. D. houses have been on the market for longer than six months. E. All the answers are correct.

Priscilla started her new job about 6 months ago. The project she is working on is slowing down so she decided to ask around in other departments to see if anyone needed her help. She ended up collaborating on two other projects to use up her free time. Priscilla is not only showing initiative at work but also being

a team player

Drayden is getting married in three months. His mother would prefer that he and his​ fiancé put together a _____________________________________ since he stands to inherit a lot of money from his family one​ day, and she​ doesn't want his wife to get any of the inheritance if they get divorced.

prenuptial agreement

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