FINA 365 Chapter 10 True/False

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Junk bonds are bonds that are rated less than investment grade by bond-rating agencies.


One of the problems with estimating expected default rates is that the analysis is based on historic data.


Recessionary phases in the business cycle typically cause greater hardship on companies that borrow large amounts.


During the decade of the 1990s the asset quality of U.S. banks continued to improve.


Unsecured debt is considered to be senior to secured debt.


Usury ceilings are maximum rates imposed by federal legislation that FIs can charge on consumer and mortgage debt.


A borrower's reputation is an example of a market-specific factor in the credit decision.


A major advantage of discriminant models is the stability of the coefficient weights over time.


Because of compensating balances and fees used to increase return on a loan, the credit risk premium is not the fundamental factor driving the promised return once the base rate on the loan has been set.


Because they are secured by homes, residential mortgages have demonstrated very little credit risk for FIs.


Commercial paper typically is secured by specific assets of the borrower.


Credit risk applies only to bond investment and loan portfolios of FIs and banks.


Default by a large corporation is seldom a problem for FIs since these corporations have many different sources of borrowed funds.


Generally, at the retail level, an FI controls credit risks solely by using a range of interest rates or prices and not by credit rationing.


In terms of rating agencies such as S&P, investment grade companies are those whose bond ratings are grade B or above.


LIBOR, the London Interbank Offered Rate, is the rate for short-term interbank dollar loans in the domestic money-center bank market.


Long-term loans are more likely to be made under a loan commitment agreement than short-term loans.


RAROC is a measure of a firm's cost of debt.


Residential mortgages are the smallest component of bank real estate loan portfolios.


Since their introduction, the proportion of ARMs to fixed-rate residential mortgages has remained very stable over interest rate cycles.


The mortality rate is the past default experience of all loans, regardless of quality.


The payoff function of a loan to a debt holder is similar to writing a call option on the value of the borrower's assets with the face value of the debt as the exercise price.


The primary difficulty in arranging a syndicated loan is having all of the various lending and borrowing parties reach agreement on terms, rates, and collateral.


There is a positive relationship between the interest rate charged on a retail loan and the expected return on the loan.


Credit scoring models are advantageous because of their ability to sort borrowers into different default risk classes.


A loan commitment is an agreement involving the amount of loan available and the amount of time during which the loan can be initiated.


A major problem in estimating RAROC is the measurement of loan risk.


A secured loan has a claim to specific assets of the borrower in the case of default.


Adjustable rate mortgages have interest rates that adjust periodically according to the movement in some index.


Adjusting interest rates, fees, and other terms upward for increasing amounts of default risk is a way to attempt to realize the expected return on the loan.


At some point, further increases in interest rates on specific loans may decrease expected loan returns because of increased probability of default by the borrower.


Because a compensating balance is the proportion of a loan that must be kept on deposit at the lending institution, the actual return to the lender on the usable portion of these loans is higher.


Commercial loans have been decreasing in importance in bank loan portfolios.


Commercial paper has become an acceptable substitute source for bank loans formany large corporations.


Commercial real estate mortgages have been the fastest growing component of real estate loans.


Covenants are restrictions in loan and bond agreements that encourage or forbid certain actions by the borrower.


Credit rationing is a form of managing credit risk.


Discriminant models often ignore hard-to-quantify factors in the credit decision.


Relationship pricing involves pricing for specific services which depend, in part, on the amount or number of services that are used by the customer.


Sustained credit quality problems can drain an FI's capital and net worth.


The amount of leverage of a borrower and the probability of default are positively related, but only after some minimum level of debt.


The amount of security or collateral on a loan and the interest rate or risk premium on a loan normally are negatively related.


The condition of no arbitrage profits implies that profits cannot be made without taking some risk.


The cumulative default probability of a borrower in a given time period is one minus the product of the marginal default probabilities for all time periods up to that time period.


The exact interest rate to be charged on a fixed-rate loan is agreed upon by all parties at the time the commitment is negotiated.


The marginal mortality rate is the probability of a bond or loan defaulting in any given year after it is issued.


The probability that a borrower would default in any specific time period is a marginal default probability.


The risk premium, or spread, between corporate bonds and Treasury securities tends to increase as the time to maturity increases.


The traditional duration equation can be used to measure the capital at risk on the loan.


Willingness to post collateral may be a signal of more rather than less credit risk on the part of the borrower


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