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hand washing

the number 1 way to prevent the spread of infection

Null lymphocytes

Which of the following cells destroy antigens already coated with antibody?


Which of the following is a medical condition that is an example of a humoral immune response?


Which of the following is the single largest preventable cause of cancer?

rheumatoid factor

blood test to detect the presence of a substance present in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

How the tumor tends to grow and the cell type

A client diagnosed with cancer has the tumor staged and graded based on what?


(n.) resistance to disease; freedom from some charge or obligation the ability of an organism to resist a particular infection or toxin by the action of specific antibodies or sensitized white blood cells.

Decreased or absent bowel sounds

, evidenced only after listening for 2 minutes or longer, signify the absence of bowel motility, commonly associated with peritonitis, paralytic ileus, and/or prolonged mobility

Repression (defense mechanism)

- Involuntary blocking of unpleasant feelings and experiences from ones awareness. EX: An accident victim can remember nothing about the accident

sublimation (defense mechanism)

- Rechanneling of drives or impulses that are personally or socially unacceptable into activities that are constructive. EX: Mom of son killed by drunk driver, president of MADD. channeling socially unacceptable impulses into constructive, even admirable, behavior channeling threatening devices into acceptable outlets (e.g. working out) sublet-->outlet

nursing interventions to prevent falls

-Complete a risk assessment -Indicate risk for falling on the patient's door and in the chart -Keep the bed in a low position -Keep wheels of the bed and wheelchair locked-Leave call light within patient's reach -Instruct patient regarding use of the call light -Answer call lights promptly -Leave a night light on -Eliminate all physical hazards in the room-Provide nonskid footwear -Leave water, tissues, bedpan/urinal within patient's reach -Move bedside commode out of sight to discourage attempts at independent transfer -Document and report any changes in the patient's cognitive status to the health care team -Use alternative strategies when necessary instead of restraints -As a last resort, use the least restrictive according to facility policy -If restraint is applied, assess patient at the required intervals

how to treat/prevent UTI's

-Discuss with patient need to void at regular intervals. -Encourage patient to drink plenty of fluids, unless contraindicated. -Administer medications for enlarged prostate (benign prostate hypertrophy; BPH) and estrogen depletion as prescribed. -If patient wears absorbent product such as incontinence pad, instruct patient to change pad frequently and perform good perineal care. -Assess for UTIs (may be atypical in older adults). -Discuss the need for patient to void after sexual intercourse.

how to prevent/treat skin infections

-Encourage patient to drink plenty of fluids, unless contraindicated. -Help patient to perform good hygiene practices daily. -Apply lotion to skin as needed. -Assess frequently for any breaks in skin integrity, rashes, or changes in skin

Cathartics and laxatives

-are drugs that induce emptying of the intestinal tract. -promote evacuation of bowels

What is normal daily urinary output?

1.5 L after filtering 180 liters

Braden Scale for Predicting Pressure Sore Risk

19-23 not at risk 15-18 low risk 13-14 moderate risk 10-12 high risk Less than or equal to 9 very high risk


A 20-year-old client cut a hand while replacing a window. While reviewing the complete blood count (CBC) with differential, the nurse would expect which cell type to be elevated first in an attempt to prevent infection in the client's hand?

"Apply sunscreen even on overcast days."

A client comes to the physician's office for treatment of severe sunburn. The nurse takes this opportunity to discuss the importance of protecting the skin from the sun's damaging rays. Which instruction best prevents skin damage?

inflammation, autoimmunity, degeneration

3 district characteristics of the pathophysiology of rheumatic disease are

pulmonary infections UTI skin infections

3 main infection risks for the older adult

Albumin normal range


Hgb A1c


How they tend to grow and the cell type

A client diagnosed with cancer has his tumor staged and graded based on what factors?

It is an invasive carcinoma. It can develop from a keratosis. It is responsible for approximately 4,000 deaths per year. It requires follow-up examinations every 3 months for 1 year

A client has a squamous cell carcinoma removed from the right lower leg. After the surgery, the nurse reviews instructions for care of the pressure dressing and provides health information about the cancer. Which statements are correct regarding squamous cell carcinoma?

infection because the spleen removes bacteria from the blood.

A client has had a splenectomy after sustaining serious internal injuries in a motorcycle accident, including a ruptured spleen. Following removal of the spleen, the client will be susceptible to:

client history risk factors tumor markers

A client without symptoms receives a diagnosis of prostate cancer after a routine physical. What factors contributed to this diagnosis?

Vascular Dementia (VaD)

A form of dementia characterized by sporadic, and progressive, loss of intellectual functioning caused by repeated infarcts, or temporary obstructions of blood vessels, which prevent sufficient blood from reaching the brain. (Also called multi-infarct dementia.)

cellular immunity.

Also called cell-mediated immunity. This process results in the production of T cells and natural killer, NK, cells that directly attach to foreign cells. This immune response fights invasion by viruses, bacteria, fungi, and cancer.

How do medication influence nutrient requirements?

Act as nutrient antagonists, Alter the enzyme systems that metabolize nutrients, Alter nutrient degradation

Infectious agent reservoir portal of exit means of transmission portal of entry susceptible host

Components of the Infection Cycle


Cancer has many characteristics. What is one of the most discouraging characteristics of cancer?


Cell division occurs in mitosis

S phase

DNA synthesis occurs during the


Defense mechanism: A person attempts to overcome a perceived weakness by emphasizing a more desirable trait or overachieving in a more comfortable area.


Defense mechanism: A person attributes thoughts or impulses to someone else.

reaction formation

Defense mechanism: A person develops conscious attitudes and behavior patterns that are opposite to what he or she would really like to do


Defense mechanism: A person refuses to acknowledge the presence of a condition that is disturbing.


Defense mechanism: A person subconsciously protects him- or herself from the memories of a horrific or painful event by allowing the mind to forget the incident.


Defense mechanism: A person substitutes a socially acceptable goal for one whose normal channel of expression is blocked.


Defense mechanism: A person transfers (displaces) an emotional reaction from one object or person to another object or person.


Defense mechanism: A person tries to give a logical or socially acceptable explanation for questionable behavior ("behavior justification")


Defense mechanism: A person uses an act or communication to negate a previous act or communication.


Defense mechanism: person incorporates qualities or values of another person into his or her own ego structure. This mechanism is important in the formation of conscience during childhood


Defense mechanism: person returns to an earlier method of behaving.


Diagnosis of skin cancer is confirmed by which of the following diagnostic tests?

occult blood

blood that is hidden in a stool specimen or cannot be seen on gross examination (can be detected with screening tests)

social determinants of health

Healthy people defines it is the conditions in the environments in which people are born, live, learn, work, play, worship, and age that affect a wide range of health, functioning, and quality of life outcomes and risks

less than 6

Hgb A1c normal:

excess in one leads to deficiency of another

How do nutrient supplements influence nutrient requirements?

increased fatigue, promote relaxation

How does physical activity effect sleep health?

nicotine has stimulating effect

How does smoking effect sleep health?

the state boards of Nursing Nurse practice acts Scope of practice

How is nursing practice regulated?

What are some key safety behaviors during the implementation phase of medication administration

Identify the patient using double identifiers, Keep patient in high fowler's position as appropriate for oral meds, Ensure asepsis, Check for allergies


In the immune response cycle, lymphocytes interfere with disease by picking up specific antigens from organisms to alter their function during which stage of an immune response?

G1 phase

In which phase of the cell cycle does RNA and protein synthesis occur?

B lymphocytes mature in

bone marrow

What are the components of the infection cycle?

Infectious agent, reservoir, portal of exit, means of transmission, portal of entry susceptible host.

ISBARQ stands for:

Introduction Situation Background Assessment Recommendation Question and answer

Hyperkalemia medications

KCL, heparin, ace inhibitors, NSAIDs, & potassium sparing diuretics.

Natural Ways to Reduce Uric Acid in the Body

Limit purine-rich foods. Avoid sugar. Avoid alcohol. Lose weight. Balance insulin. Add fiber. Reduce stress. Check medications and supplements.

examples of autoimmune disorders

Lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, MS, psoriasis

Droplet precautions .

Methods of infection control that must be used for patients known or suspected to be infected with pathogens transmitted by large particle droplets expelled during coughing, sneezing, talking, or laughing.

Pressure injury interventions:

Mobility, hydration, clean linen, tissue load management, debridement, pain assessment

Alzheimer's dementia

Most common cause of degenerative dementia, often seen in elderly (>65) that presents with an insidious onset. ● Physical: frontal lobe release, atrophy and enlarged ventricles, hyperactive DTRs and Babinski signs. ● Genetics: Mutation of 1, 14, 21 and e4 apolipoprotein gene in chromosome 19. ● Histology: Beta amyloid plaques, neurofibrillary tangles and Tau proteins.

Osteoarthritis (OA)

Noninflammatory degenerative joint disease occurring chiefly in older persons, characterized by degeneration of the articular (joint) cartilage, enlargement or overgrowth of bone at the margins and changes in the synovial membrane. It is accompanied by pain and stiffness, particularly after prolonged activity.

repositioning, clean linens/change linens/ no wrinkles assess and cleanse skin nutrition

Nursing interventions to prevent wounds and pressure injuries to promote wound healing?

protein, Vit B, Ca

Older adults nutritional needs:

Steps to being a healing presence:

Open yourself, intend to be one, prepare a space, honor pt, offer what you have, receive gifts, live a life of wholeness and balance

There are four phases during the Valsalva maneuver.

Phase one is the onset of straining with increased intrathoracic pressure. The heart rate does not change but blood pressure rises. ... The heart rate increases and blood pressure drops.


Platelet normal:

What are common complications of uncontrolled diabetes?

Poor circulation (neuropathy), poor wound healing, DKA, fatigue

increase calorie intake. Protein, iron, folic acid, calcium and iodine

Pregnant/lactating women nutritional needs:

G1 phase.

RNA and protein synthesis occur in the

Cold therapy

Reduces muscle spasms Use for trauma, dental pain, spasms, chronic pain

heat therapy

Reduces muscle tension Used with infections, surgical wounds, arthritis, joint and muscle pain, dysmenorrhea, chronic pain

hypo or hyper kalemia

Renal failure, hyperaldosteronism

older age, female, gender, and obesity.

Risk factors for osteoarthritis and its progression include


S (Skin flushed) A (agitation) L (low grade fever ) T (thirst)

What are the 6 QSEN competencies?

Safety Patient-centered care Informatics Teamwork and Collaboration Evidence Based Practice Quality improvement

general adaptation syndrome (GAS)

Selye's concept of the body's adaptive response to stress in three phases—alarm, resistance, exhaustion. Seyle's concept that the body responds to stress with alarm, resistance and exhaustion a three-stage physiological response that appears regardless of the stressor that is encountered

cellular immunity

T lymphocytes are primarily responsible for

passive acquired immunity..

Temporary immunity transmitted from a source outside the body that has developed immunity through previous disease or immunization.


The ABCD method offers one way to assess skin lesions for possible skin cancer. What does the A stand for?

Help prevent cervical cancer

The health care provider recommends that parents have their daughter vaccinated with HPV vaccine. What is this vaccine for?

Kaposi sarcoma

The nurse assesses the client and observes reddish-purple to dark blue macules, plaques, and nodules. The nurse recognizes that these manifestations are associated with which condition?

Diameter exceeding 6 mm

The nurse is assessing a client's skin when the client points out a mole. The nurse brings the mole to the physician's attention when which characteristic is noted?

Egg white omelet with spinach and mushrooms Steamed broccoli and carrots Turkey breast on whole wheat bread

The nurse is providing an educational presentation on dietary recommendations for reducing the risk of cancer. Which of the following food selections would demonstrate a good understanding of the information provided in the presentation?


The nurse prepares a patient with a benign skin lesion for surgical excision, intralesional corticosteroid therapy, and radiation. Which of the following is most likely the lesion described?

Dietary substances Environmental factors Viruses Chemical agents Defective genes Medically prescribed intervention

The root cause of cancer is damage to cellular deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). Such damage results from multiple factors. Which of the following is a carcinogen?

alarm, resistance, exhaustion

The three stages in the general adaptation syndrome

airborne, droplet, contact

Three types of transmission based precautions (levels of isolation)


Total lymphocyte count normal:

polyuria, increase urination polydipsia, increased thirst polyphagia, increased appetite

What are the 3 P's of high blood sugar?

Source,(encoder) Message, Channel, Receiver (decoder)

What are the 4 parts of the process of communication?

right patient right drug right dose right route right time right reason

What are the 6 rights of medication administration?

What are the effects of insufficient sleep?

What are the effects of insufficient sleep?

risk assessment mobility nutrition moisture and incontinence appearance pain

What are wound and pressure injury assessment criteria?

amber urine, look, high temp between 101-103, thirst

What data would lead you to impaired oral mucosa problem identification?

40-80 ml/hour

What is normal hourly average of urine production?

Programs T lymphocytes to become regulator or effector T cells

What is the function of the thymus gland?

1,500-3,500 ML average of 2,600 ml daily

What is the range of fluid intake and loss? Average?

frequent oral care, encourage liquids

What nursing interventions would you perform for a patient with impaired oral mucosa related to fluid volume deficit?

First check: When looking at the MAR at the pixus Second check: When selecting the medication to be administered Third check: Patient's bedside prior to administration

When are the 6 rights of medication administration performed?

Oregon, Montana, Washington, and Vermont

Where is assisted suicide legal?

"You can't prevent cancer, but you can have your blood analyzed for tumor markers to see what your risk level is."

While doing a health history, a client tells you that her mother, her grandmother, and her sister died of breast cancer. The client wants to know what she can do to keep from getting cancer. What would be your best response?

passive acquired immunity

a form of immunity where the fetus receives antibodies made by the mother through breast milk


a hallmark of rheumatologic diseases is autoimmunity, where the body mistakenly recognizes its own tissue as a foreign pathogen called

30 min for best cleansing results

a patient should be instructed to retain the oil-retention enema for at least

durable power of attorney for health care.

a signed and dated legal document that appoints someone to make the medical decisions for a person in the event he or she becomes unable to do so

Infant nutritional needs:

breast feeding, iron fortified foods, formula

Hypokalemia S/S

leg cramp, Fatigue, Anorexia, N/V, Muscle weakness, Decreased GI motility, Dysrhythmias, Paresthesia, Flat T waves on ECG


the first cells to arrive at the site in the body where inflammation occurs


acute temporary state of confusion, usually with a specific cause such as drug interaction, dehydration or sleep deprivation

acceptance, management, understanding of death

advocated for improved care for the dying have stated that what should become fully integrated concepts in mainstream health care

standards of care

allow nurses to carry out professional roles, serving as protection for the nurse, the patient, and the institution where health care is provided

Tumors are staged and graded

based upon how they tend to grow and the cell type before a client is treated for cancer.

3-4 weeks

chronic diarrhea typically lasts for more than

paralytic ileus

complete absence of peristaltic movement that may follow abdominal surgery or complete bowel obstruction


contractions of the circular and longitudinal muscles of the intestine known as

6 months or less

eligibility for hospice care includes a life expectancy of


deficient sodium in the blood

ANA's Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice

defines activities that are specific and unique to nursing


difficulty breathing is an uncomfortable awareness of breathing that is common in patients approaching the end of life

paralytic or postoperative ileus

direct manipulation of the bowel during abdominal surgery inhibits peristalsis, causing a condition termed

peristalsis occurs

every 3-12 minutes, moving waste products along the length of the intestine continuously

Hypernatremia causes

excess water loss or overall excess of sodium through:-fluid deprivation, lack of fluid consumption, diarrhea, hyperventilation, burns.

Hospice, long-term care

for Americans over the age of 65 the most common place for death remains

Valsalva maneuver

forceful exhalation against a closed glottis, which increases intrathoracic pressure and thus interferes with venous blood return to the heart forcible exhalation against a closed glottis, resulting in increased intrathoracic pressure forceful exhalation against a closed glottis, which increases intrathoracic pressure and thus interferes with venous blood return to the heart

Vascular Dementia

form of dementia caused by a stroke or other restriction of the flow of blood to the brain disease caused by numerous small cerebral vascular accidents a type of age-related dementia caused by multiple small strokes

fruits and vegetables

fruits and vegetables

Adolescents nutritional needs:

fruits, vegetables, whole grains, dairy. Proteins, calcium, iron, calories.

droplet precautions PPE

gloves, gown, mask


in psychoanalytic theory, the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts, feelings, and memories keeping distressing thoughts and feelings buried in the unconscious Defense mechanism by which anxiety-provoking thoughts and feelings are forced to the unconscious.


include chemical agents, environmental factors, dietary substances, viruses, defective genes, and medically prescribed interventions.


increased temp, weakness, disorientation, dilusions, hypotension, tachycardia. give hypotonic solution.

Hyperactive bowel sounds

indicate increased bowel motility, commonly caused by diarrhea, gastroenteritis, or early/partial bowel obstruction.


inflammation of the peritoneum (membrane lining the abdominal cavity and surrounding the organs within it)

subjective data

information perceived only by the affected person (nausea, pain) (symptoms)

objective data

information perceptible to the senses; may be verified by another person (signs)

administer Anti-infectives, antibiotic, antipyretic, and provide Cool packs, oral fluids, simple carbs

intervention for hyperthermia

T lymphocytes

involved in cellular immunity.

Alzheimer's Dementia

irreversible and progresses from deficits in memory and thinking skills to an eventually disability to perform basic self-care. Nearly ½ of 85 yr olds have it, tangles plaques in the brain

The consistency of the ileostomy output

liquid to pasty, depending on one's diet, medications and other factors. Because the output is constant, the pouch will need to be emptied 5-8 times a day.

physiologic homeostasis- local adaptation syndrome

local adaptation syndrome and general adaptation syndrome are considered:

Local adaptation syndrome

localized response of the body to stress. It involves only a specific body part (such as a tissue or organ) instead of the whole body. The stress precipitating the LAS may be traumatic or pathologic

The spleen

located to the left of the stomach, in the upper left of the abdomen. It plays an important role in the immune system.


mental disorder marked by confusion an acutely disturbed state of mind that occurs in fever, intoxication, and other disorders and is characterized by restlessness, illusions, and incoherence of thought and speech. mental disorder marked by confusion; uncontrolled excitement; ADJ. delirious

DNA synthesis is complete, and the

mitotic spindle forms in the G2 phase.

How does alcohol influence nutrient requirements?

need for Vit B to metabolize storage catabolism absorption excretion

Lupus treatment

no cure; treatments focus on improving quality of life through controlling symptoms and minimizing flare-ups; begins with lifestyle modifications, including sun protection and diet; further disease management includes medications, such as anti-inflammatories and steroids


noninflammatory degenerative disorder of the joints, which is the most common form of joint disease, is routinely referred to as a degenerative joint disease

culturally aware and sensitive

nurses should be both ----- and ------ in their approaches to communication with patients and families about death

Assessment Diagnosis Planning Implementation Evaluation

nursing process

Rationalization (defense mechanism)

offering self-justifying explanations in place of the real, more threatening unconscious reasons for one's actions

what are the steps to be a healing presence

open yourself intend to be a healing presence prepare a space for healing to occur honor the one in your care offer what you have to give receive the gifts that come self care

what causes gout

overproduction of uric acid

psychological spiritual social problems control of pain physical symptoms

palliative care is an approach to care for the seriously ill with emphasis on management of


patient and family awareness of what is the key factor in acceptance of and planning for death

butterfly shaped rash

patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) are likely to manifest what shape of a rash across the bridge of the nose and cheeks

Undoing: Defense Mechanism

performing often ritualistic activity in order to relieve anxiety about unconscious drives (e.g. washing hands after murder; noisy teen cleans room without being asked) (undo the murder by washing hands) - Symbolically negating or canceling out an experience that one finds intolerable. EX: Joe is nervous about his new job and yells at his wife. On his way home he stops and buys her flowers. atoning for or trying to magically dispel unacceptable desires or acts

most common S/S of pinworm infection

perianal itching because adult pinworms migrate to the anal area during the night to deposit eggs

Neutrophils are

polymorphonuclear leukocytes [PMNs]) are the first cells to arrive at the site where inflammation occurs. Eosinophils and basophils, other types of granulocytes, increase in number during allergic reactions and stress responses.

Airborne precautions PPE

private room neg pressure mask & respirator N95 for TB private room, neg pressure with 6-12 air exchanges/hr mask & respirator N95 for TB

How do dietary habits effect sleep health?

protein snacks before bed and carbs promote sleep


refers to the body's specific protective responses to an invading foreign agent or organism

passive acquired immunity.

results when a person receives protective substances produced by another human or animal

older age, female gender, and obesity

risk factors for osteoarthritis and it's progression include


swelling of cells and then: confusion, hypotension, edema, muscle cramps, weakness, dry skin

Alkylating agents

synthetic chemicals containing alkyl groups that attack DNA, causing strand breaks

Alkylating agents and purine analogues

the 2nd line of pharmacologic therapy for people with systemic lupus erythematous because of their effect on ever all immune function

ABCD method for assessing skin lesions

the A stands for "asymmetry," the B for "border irregularity," the C for "color variation," and the D for "diameter."

decreases, lowering

the Valsalva maneuver may be contraindicated in people with cardiovascular problems because it ----- blood flow to the atria and ventricles, temporarily ----- cardiac output

ethical issues

the application of technology to prolong life raises numerous

phagocytic, humoral or antibody, cellular

the body, when invaded by bacteria, viruses, or other pathogens, has 3 types of immune processes

delirium tremens (DTs)

the dramatic physical and psychological effects of alcohol withdrawal

In the United States

there are assisted dying laws restricted to terminally ill adults in Oregon, Montana, Washington, Vermont, Maine (eff. 1 January 2020), New Jersey, Hawaii, California, Colorado and Washington D.C. The laws require that the patient's attending physician certify mental competence.

Low platelets indicate:

thrombocytopenia, risk for bleeding

T lymphocytes mature in

thymus gland

contact precautions

use these for patients who are infected or colonized by a multidrug -resistant organism -Private room -PPE for interactions that involve contact with the patient and potentially contaminated areas -Change gloves after contact with infective material-Remove PPE before leaving the room -Wash hands with antimicrobial or waterless antiseptic agent

Airborne precautions

use these for patients who have infections that spread through the air such as TB, varicella (chicken pox) and rubeola (measles) -Place patient in a negative air pressure room -Wear a respirator when entering the room

Droplet precautions

use these for patients with an infection that is spread by large -particle droplets such as rubella, mumps, diphtheria, and adenovirus infection in infants and young children-Private room -PPE for interactions that involve contact with the patient and potentially contaminated areas -Patient wears a surgical mask for transportation

airborne precautions

used for patients known or suspected to be infected with pathogens transmitted by airborne droplet nuclei

airborne precautions protective measures

-Place patient in a private room that has monitored negative air pressure -Keep door closed and patient in room. -Wear a respirator when entering room of patient with known or suspected tuberculosis. -Transport patient out of room only when necessary and place a surgical mask on the patient if possible. -Consult CDC guidelines for additional prevention strategies for tuberculosis

droplet precaution protective measure

-Use a private room, if available. Door may remain open. -Wear PPE upon entry into the room for all interactions that may involve contact with the patient and potentially contaminated areas in the patient's environment. -Transport patient out of room only when necessary and place a surgical mask on the patient if possible. -Keep visitors 3 ft from the infected person.

Autoimmune disorders include connective tissue (collagen) disorders.

A client is diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. When teaching the client and family about rheumatoid arthritis, the nurse should provide which information?

Squamous cell carcinoma

A nurse is assessing a client and finds a malignant lesion on the client's face. The nurse suspects this is what type of skin cancer?

Small, waxy nodule with pearly borders

A nurse is conducting a detailed skin assessment on an 80-year-old client. Which finding requires further investigation?

durable power of attorney for health care

A type of advance directive executed by a competent adult that appoints another individual to make medical treatment decisions on his or her behalf in the event that the person making the appointment loses decision-making capacity.

Lymphoid tissues

The nursing students are learning about the immune system in their anatomy and physiology class. What would these students learn is a component of the immune system?

Exposure to UV radiation

Which is the primary preventable cause of skin cancer?

Naturally acquired active immunity

Which type of immunity becomes active as a result of infection by a specific microorganism?


allows liquid fecal content from the ileum of the small intestine to be eliminated through stoma

palliative care

an approach designed to improve the quality of life of patients with a life-threatening illness with little or no prospect of a cure. This is achieved through the prevention and relief of suffering and the treatment of pain.

palliative care,

an approach to care for the seriously ill with emphasis on management of psychological, spiritual, and social problems; control of pain and other physical symptoms is known as

White blood cells (leukocytes)

are produced in the bone marrow. They are not produced in the plasma, thymus gland, or the lymphatic tissue.

most states

assisted suicide is expressly prohibited by ANA, and by statutory and common law in which states in USA

-Place patient in sitting position to eat and drink. -Encourage patient to drink plenty of fluids, unless contraindicated. -Encourage patient to cough and deep breathe or use incentive spirometer. -Recommend pneumococcal vaccination as recommended and influenza vaccination annually.

how to prevent/treat pulmonary infections

B lymphocytes

involved in the humoral immune response.

durable power of attorney for health care/

is an advance directive that authorizes another person to make medical decisions when the person is no longer able to do so

intrathoracic pressure, blood pressure, hear rate

the Valsalva maneuver may be contraindicated in people with cardiovascular problems because it increases

synovial tissue

the autoimmune reaction that causes rheumatoid arthritis originates in the

"Breastfeeding is beneficial because

the dominant antibody IgA in breast milk acts by functioning as an antigen receptor in the mucosal membranes."

pain control or pain management

the major goal when carrying for a patient with rheumatic disease is


the most common form of inflammatory arthritis


the most definitive indicator of rheumatoid arthritis is the rheumatoid factor which is present in how many percent of all diagnosed patients?

age genetics physiologic factors health habits life style environment

what are risk factors for illness or injury

conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work, and age

what are the social determinants of health

the nursing process

what guides every nurses action?

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