Final 4

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The process by which neurotransmitters are reabsorbed into the neuron after it fires is called A. depolarization B. lateral inhibition C. long-term potentiation D. reuptake E. synaptic transmission


Getting a headache from not having a morning coffee after substantial daily coffee consumption for several months is most likely due to A. tolerance B. withdrawal C. consolidation D. dependence E. accommodation


Which of the following studies is from an evolutionary perspective? A. A study to see if people who had a more congruent view of their real self and their ideal self were happier B. A study to see if women were more attracted to men who liked children than men who did not like children C. A study examining whether children wanted to marry their opposite-sex parent when they grew up D. A study looking at how biological, psychological, and social factors affect development E. A study looking at how quickly a variable-ratio schedule of reinforcement leads to extinction resistant behaviors

A study to see if women were more attracted to men who liked children than men who did not like children

Brain damage that leaves a person capable of understanding speech but with an impaired ability to produce speech most likely indicates injury to which of the following? A. The basal ganglia B. Wernicke's area C. The substantia nigra D. Broca's area E. The inferior colliculi

Broca's area

Even though it was nearly dark outside, Kaci could still tell that the basketball she was playing with was orange. Which of the following concepts is best illustrated in this example? A. Shape constancy B. Color constancy C. Perceptual adaptation D. Interposition E. Absolute threshold

Color constancy

Which of the following scenarios is most likely to result in impairment of the kinesthetic sense? A. Severing of the corpus callosum B. Destruction of part of the hypothalamus C. Removal of a portion of the olfactory bulb D. Damage to the cerebellum E. A tumor in the somatosensory cortex

Damage to cerebellum

Which of the following is an example of shape constancy? A. Even though the angle from which she viewed the table had changed, Elise still perceived the table as rectangular. B. Mariann still saw an apple as red even when the light in the room got darker. C. Allison's hair was still perceived as bright pink even when the sky became overcast. D. Sarah did not notice the sound of the air conditioner until it suddenly shut off. E. Marcia is able to catch the basketball because of binocular cues.

Even though the angle from which she viewed the table had changed, Elise still perceived the table as rectangular

Which of the following theories most accurately explains pitch perception? I. Opponent process II. Frequency III. Place A. lonly B. llIl only C. 1 and II only D. Il and III only E. I, lI, and III

Frequency and Place

Which of the following individuals best demonstrates the concept of social loafing? A. Aaron, who runs faster when running with a friend because he feels more motivated B. Sara, who enjoys listening to music by herself because she finds it relaxing C. Michael, who barely works on his group science project because he knows someone else will do the work D. Stacy, who does all the social planning for her friends because she is good at it E. Gary, who chooses not to go to a party because he has to study for midterm exams

Michale, who barely works on his group science project because he knows someone else will do the work

Which of the following is required for a psychological experiment? A. More than one independent variable B. Sophisticated equipment C. Highly generalizable results D. Precise operational definitions E. A longitudinal design

Precise operational definition

Which of the following is required for a psychological experiment? A. More than one independent variable B. Sophisticated equipment C. Highly generalizable results D. Precise operational definitions E. longitudinal design

Precise operational definition

For most people, which of the following is an activity based in the right hemisphere of the brain? A. Muscular control of the right hand B. Simple spatial reasoning C. Arithmetic reasoning D. Language comprehension E. Speech

Simple spatial reasoning

Which of the following studies has had the most profound impact on ethical issues in psychological research? A. Stanley Milgram's study of obedience B. Solomon Asch's study of conformity C. Daryl Bern's study of self-perception D. William McGuire's study of self-concept E. Leon Festinger's study of cognitive dissonance

Stanley Milgram Study of Obedience

Which part of the brain receives messages from the hair-like receptors that are involved in the vestibular sense? A. Frontal lobes B. Cerebellum C. Medulla D. Hypothalamus E. Amygdala


Which of the following scenarios is most likely to result in impairment of the kinesthetic sense? A. Severing of the corpus callosum B. Destruction of part of the hypothalamus C. Removal of a portion of the olfactory bulb D. Damage to the cerebellum E. A tumor in the somatosensory cortex

damage to the cerebellum

Lucid dreaming occurs when people A. do not experience REM sleep B. experience night terrors C. eat large meals immediately before going to Sleep D. have dreams in which they are aware that they are dreaming E. hallucinate

have dreams in which they are aware that they are dreaming

The most important reason to use operational definitions in psychological research is it A. helps everyone involved with the research understand and collect data in the same manner. B. assures that the data will be approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB). C. allows the researchers to turn a single-blind study into a double-blind study. D. makes sure that the data is collected in an ethical manner. E. allows the researchers to infer causation.

helps everyone involved with the research inn and collect data the same manner

Which of the following sets of concepts is central to social learning theory? A. Observation, imitation, and modeling B. Fixed interval, variable interval, and fixed ratio C. Generalization, spontaneous recovery, and discrimination D. Acquisition, extinction, and counter-conditioning E. Higher-order learning, negative reinforcement, and variable ratio

observation imitation and modeling

Even though it was nearly dark outside, Kaci could still tell that the basketball she was playing with was orange. Which of the following concepts is best illustrated in this example? A. Shape constancy B. Color constancy C. Perceptual adaptation D. Interposition E. Absolute threshold

perceptual constancy

Which of the following is the correct path a neural impulse will follow through the different layers of the retina? Ganglion cells, bipolar cells, rods and cones, optic nerve Bipolar cells, ganglion cells, rods and cones, optic nerve Optic nerve, ganglion cells, bipolar cells, rods and cones Rods and cones, ganglion cells, bipolar cells, optic nerve Rods and cones, bipolar cells, ganglion cells, optic nerve

rods and cones, bipolar cells, ganglion cells, optic nerve

Domingo has just hit Play to begin listening to a new song he bought. Based on the structure of the ear, what will the sound waves contact first after moving through Domingo's auditory canal? A. The cochlea B. The auditory nerve C. The anvil D. The stirrup E. The eardrum

the eardrum

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