FINAL AV LAW - Quizzes Combined

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In order to provide sanction immunity to an airman, the NASA ASRS form must be filed within ______________ of an FAR violation.

10 days

Under FAR 61.15, a motor vehicle action must be reported within ____.

60 Days

Which of the following business entities must pay tax on its own income (separately from its owners)?

A "C" Corporation

Which of the following is considered an "administrative disposition"?

A warning notice

Alfa manufactures widgets and sells them to its wholesaler, Foxtrot. Foxtrot sells the widgets to distributor Tango, who sells them to the public. One of the widgets sold by Tango is defective and injures a customer. Who may be held liable for the customer's injuries

Alfa, Foxtrot, and Tango

What legal trouble may result when an employer treats its workers as independent contractors when they are actually employees?

All of the Above

The FAA issues certificates for

All of the above

A passenger's ticket shows the following planned itenerary: Chicago, Illinois to Anchorage, Alaska, with a planned layover in Vancouver, Canada. This passenger is...

An international passenger

In order to avoid a default, a defendant must respond to a lawsuit by filing a


Which of the following are considered to be "sovereigns"?

Both A and B

A _________ should have a title search made _______ the sale

Buyer, Before

How is lien against an aircraft typically perfected?

By recording the lien with the FAA

An insurance policy is a...


An employer has more right to control and direct the work of an


Employers must withhold taxes from the paychecks of


Which agency is responsible for issuing "Type Certificates" for aircraft designs?


Which agency is responsible for operating the Air Traffic Control system in the U.S.?


Which agency keeps records which show who owns a particular aircraft?


"Minimizing the Risk" is a principle that requires an insurance company to insure all pilots who apply for coverage.


A business organized as a sole proprietorship must pay taxes on its income, separately from the taxes paid by its owner


A corporation must have more than one stockholder.


A sole proprietorship is a relatively low-risk form of business organization.


A speeding ticket is a "motor vehicle action" as defined in FAR 61.15.


All driver's license suspensions are "motor vehicle actions" as defined in FAR 61.15.


An insurance broker sells insurance from one company only.


Appeals of FAA certificate actions are made directly to the U.S. Supreme Court.


If one person owns 100 % of the shares of a corporation, the corporation must be dissolved.


NTSB recommendations are binding, and must be followed by the FAA.


Whenever a corporation has made a profit, it is legally obligated to pay dividends to its shareholders.


Air traffic controllers on duty are engaged in a "discretionary function" for the FTCA purposes


Aircraft accident reporting is voluntary, and is not required by government regulations.


All aircraft accidents must be reported to the FAA.


All traffic accidents must be reported to the FAA as motor vehicle actions under FAR 61.15


An airman has the right to a jury trial in the appeal of an FAA certificate action.


An incident is the same thing as an accident.


FAA certificate actions cannot be appealed.


For the purposes of FTCA, discretionary functions are those that involve merely carrying out a policy.


If a U.S. federal employee, while performing his/her duties, negligently causes injury to another person, both the government and the government employee will be held liable.


If a warranty is not spelled out in writing in the sales contract, it does not exist.


Military personnel are prohibited from suing the federal government under any circumstances


One of the elements of negligence is "intent to harm."


The FTCA completely does away with the federal government's sovereign immunity.


The Montreal Convention applies to domestic passengers only.


The NASA ASRS form provides immunity from certificate actions in case of accidents


The NTSB maintains radio aids to navigation, such as VOR and ILS transmitters.


The purpose of punitive damages is to punish the plaintiff for filing a frivolous lawsuit.


There can only be one lien against an aircraft at any one time.


Under FAR 61.15, the FAA may revoke a pilot's certificate for the first reported motor vehicle action


Victor is working on an airplane in the hangar. While hoisting the engine, his arm is pinched, causing him a serious injury. This must be reported as an aircraft accident.


Written reports must be filed for all incidents.


In a limited partnership, the financial risk to a general partner is __________ the risk to a limited partner.

Greater than

If your own aircraft is damaged in an accident, your insurance claim would be under your

Hull coverage

The _____ sets standards and makes recommendations that can be used as guidance by its member countries.


John, Paul, George, and Ringo own an aircraft. Their ownership is "joint." If Ringo dies, what happens to his interest in the aircraft?

It is extinguished. John, Paul, and George become joint owners

Peter, Paul, and Mary own an aircraft. Their ownership is "in common." If Paul dies, what happens to his interest in the airplane?

It survives and passes to Paul's heirs

John owns an airplane. John enters into a lease agreement with Ringo, under which Ringo obtains possession of John's airplane. John is the


If your aircraft damages someone else's property, your insurance claim would be under your

Liability coverage

Which of the following is NOT an exception to the FTCA

Ministerial function exception

Which agency administers the Aviation Safety Reporting Program?


Juliet has an airplane that she uses for pleasure flying. She has an insurance policy covering that use. If she begins flying the airplane on business trips, will she be covered?


What document does the FAA use to notify the public about a proposed new rule?


The __________ has the power to reverse an FAA decision revoking a pilot / mechanic certificate


Which agency is primarily responsible for investigating and determining the "probable cause" of airliner crashes?


A "third party" to an insurance contract is _______________________.

Neither A nor B

The following events take place: 1) Banker lends money to Seller and takes a security interest in Seller's airplane. 2) Banker DOES NOT RECORD his security interest 3) Seller sells the airplane to Buyer (who is not aware of Banker's security interest). 4) Seller defaults on the loan from the banker. After these events, will banker be able to possess the airplane from the buyer?


In a civil lawsuit, who has the "burden of proof"?


Romeo has an aviation-related business which is open to the public. Charlie slips and falls while visiting Romeo's business. What kind of insurance coverage would protect Romeo from having to pay for Charlie' injuries?

Premises liability

What kind of insurance coverage protects a business from liability involving the sale of aircraft parts, fuel, and supplies?

Products liability

"Spreading the Risk" is an insurance principle that allows policy holders to be protected from expensive losses in exchange for a relatively small payment.


A "waiver of subrogation" included in an insurance policy will protect third parties from being sued by the insurance company.


A business owner may be held responsible for the negligence of his/her employees.


A civil penalty is a monetary fine.


A corporation is a relatively low-risk form of business organization.


A corporation is considered to be a "citizen" of a particular state.


A corporation is permitted to own property in its own name.


A limited partnership must have at least one general partner.


A product can be considered defective if was provided to the consumer with inadequate warnings or inadequate instructions.


A statute of limitations may relieve the defendant from liability if the plaintiff waits too long before filing a lawsuit


An insurance company's efforts to "minimize the risk" may result in the company refusing to insure certain operators.


If an insurance policy is stated to be "excess," it will not pay on a claim until after the primary insurance policy has paid.


In most cases, Worker's Compensation is the exclusive remedy for job-related injuries and illnesses


In most cases, Worker's Compensation laws do not permit employees to sue employers for job-related injuries and illnesses.


Making false statements on FAA application forms can result in criminal prosecution.


Many insurance policies require that claims be reported within a certain time period.


Negligence per se can be used to establish a defendant's liability when a rule or law has been violated by the defendant.


Some, but not all, aircraft incidents require immediate notification to the NTS


The DHS includes many government agencies, including the TSA


The FAA has the right to re-examine anyone who holds an FAA airman certificate.


The ICAO is part of the United Nations.


The NTSB investigates aviation, railway, and shipping accidents.


The NTSB maintains a database of certificate action appeal decisions.


The purpose of an exculpatory contract is to relieve a person from liability for negligence.


Under FAR 61.15, the FAA may revoke a pilot's certificate for failure to report one motor vehicle action.


Which agency is responsible for airport security?


Which agency maintains the "no-fly list" and the "selectee list"?


Who has the burden of proof at an NTSB ALJ certificate action appeal hearing?


Who is responsible for paying the "deductible"?

The insured person

Who is the "finder of fact" in a jury trial?

The jury

18. The FAA's "compliance philosophy" is intended to provide less-severe alternatives than certificate actions for dealing with rule violations.


A driver's license revocation because of driving under the influence of alcohol counts as a "motor vehicle action" under FAR 61.15.


A sale and lease-back agreement is used as a way to help finance an aircraft purchase.


After any aircraft accident, , the operator is required to give immediate notification to the NTSB


For the purposes of FTCA, discretionary functions are those that involve setting government policy.


If a large aircraft operated under Part 91 is leased, a copy of the lease must be carried on board.


If a pilot or mechanic certificate is suspended, it will be automatically reinstated at the end of a suspension period


If a warranty is breached, the breacher may be sued for damages.


If an aircraft owner owes federal income tax, and the IRS files a tax lien against the owner, the aircraft could be seized and sold to pay off the taxes.


If an international treaty (such as Warsaw or Montreal) applies to a case, the treeaty will supersede any state laws that might otherwise apply


If the ALJ makes a decision that the FAA does not agree with, the FAA may appeal to the full NTSB


If the ALJ makes a decision that the airman does not agree with, the airman may appeal to the full NTSB.


In a fractional ownership plan, each aircraft owner is entitled to use any of the aircraft within the fleet managed by the fractional ownership company.


In a fractional ownership plan, each participating fractional owner agree, in advance, to allow his/her aircraft to be used by the other participating aircraft owners.


In an emergency certificate action, appeals are decided more quickly than in a normal certificate action.


In order to win its case at a certificate action appeal hearing, the FAA must prove that the airmen committed the violation


Legal aircraft title is transferred by means of a "bill of sale"


Mike is taxiing his airplane toward the runway for the purpose of flight. The aircraft strikes a barricade, causing substantial damage to the aircraft. This must be reported as an accident


NASA uses different ASRS forms for pilots than it does for mechanics.


One of NASA's functions is to fund aviation research.


One of the elements of negligence is "breach of duty."


Regulations are sometimes issued without waiting for a public comment period.


Some leases contain an "automatic" renewal clause.


The "Sovereign Immunity" doctrine holds that a soverign government may not be sued without its consent.


The FAA sometimes grants exemptions to its regulations.


The FAA usually provides for public comment before issuing a new rule or a rule change.


The FTCA allows lawsuits against the U.S. government, but only in limited circumstances.


The Montreal Convention applies to international passengers only.


The Montreal Convention is a more recent treaty than the Warsaw Convention.


The Montreal Convention limits the amount that air carriers must pay to passengers whose flights have been delayed


The penalties under FAR 61.15 apply only to persons holding (or applying for) certificates issued under part 61.


When an airline is engaged in "common carriage," it has a duty to exercise the highest degree of care


Written reports for incidents are required only if requested by the NTSB


Written reports must be filed for all aircraft accidents.


An employer may be held legally responsible for the action of an employee. This is the doctrine of

Vicarious liability

The following events take place: 1) Banker lends money to Seller and takes a security interest in Seller's airplane. 2) Banker RECORDS his security interest 3) Seller sells the airplane to Buyer (who is not aware of Banker's security interest). 4) Seller defaults on the loan from the banker. After these events, will banker be able to possess the airplane from the buyer?


Victor owns a 10-year-old general aviation airplane. He is injured in an accident involving the airplane, and he believes the airplane is a defectively manufactured product. Will GARA allow Victor to sue the aircraft's manufacturer with a strict liability claim?


If adequate records of corporate decisions and actions are not kept by a corporation,

a court may rule the corporation to be a "sham"

A passenger's ticket shows the following planned itinerary: A direct flight from Chicago, Illinois to Anchorage, Alaska. This passenger...

a domestic passenger

What is res ipsa loquitur?

a way to establish tort liability when specific facts cannot be proven

Hangarkeeper's liability insurance covers

aircraft owned by people other than the policy holder


allows an insurance company to sue someone that the insured could have sued.

Buyer ad Seller make a contract for the sale of an aircraft. Buyer pays Seller the purchase price for an aircraft. Seller then refuses to sign a bill of sale transferring the aircraft to the buyer. Buyer can be said to have

an interest in the aircraft

What is a tort?

civil wrong

Strict liability is commonly applied in lawsuits for

defective products

In a typical corporation, the board of directors is

elected by the shareholders

Which of the following are three major categories of torts?

intentional torts, negligence, and strict liability


is a failure to behave reasonably.

Under federal law, what happens if an aircraft title transfer is not recorded?

it is given no priority

In a civil lawsuit involving claims for personal injury, the NTSB's probable cause finding _______________

may not be admitted as evidence

Which of the following is NOT classified as an "intentional tort"?


The FAA is

part of the U.S. Department of Transportation

Who is required to report motor vehicle actions?

persons holding pilot certificates

What is the standard of proof at an NTSB ALJ certificate action appeal hearing?

proven by a preponderance of the evidence

When a jury wishes to punish a defendant for particularly bad behavior, it may award the plaintiff

punitive damages

When a "corporate veil" is "pierced,"

shareholders' personal assets are placed at risk

The General Aviation Revitalization Act of 1994 is a(n)

statute of response

Aircraft title documents are recorded in the Aircraft Registry maintained by

the FAA

If an insured person fails to report a loss within the time period required by the insurance policy,

the insurance company may refuse to cover the loss

An insurance adjuster sent by an insurance company typically represents ________ interests.

the insurance company's

Under FAR 61.15, the FAA may revoke a pilot's certificate if the pilot has two unrelated motor vehicle actions within ________ years.


In order for the government to be liable under FTCA, a government employee must have been acting

within the scope of his/her employment

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