Final Exam 12/04/19

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What is Formulaic Competence?

- Accounts for the often unanalyzed chunks of language that speakers use extensively in interacting with others - Includes routines such as "Nice to meet you; Same here" - Includes idioms such as "to pull one's leg" - Includes lexical frames such as "See you _____ (later/tomorrow/next week, etc.)"

Examples of Performance Assessments

- Assess performance; not achievement - Doing something with the language, not based off of memorization - Contextualized (interesting, meaningful contexts) - Creative, simulated real-world tasks - Communicative activity that reflects how language is used in the world outside of the classroom - Encourage divergent responses and creativity IPA's that address the 3 modes of communication

What is Discourse Competence?

- Central role - The way that words and phrases, are selected, sequenced, and arranged to express a message on a topic - Pronouns and connectors (conjunctions, adverbs) to express continuity of thought - Ability to organize thoughts coherently - To link one idea to express purpose/intent, managing old and new information, etc.

The Five C's: Communities

- Communicate and interact with cultural competence, to participate in multilingual communities at home and around the world - School and Global Communities (Using TL within and beyond the classroom to interact and collaborate in their community and the world) - Lifelong Learning (Learners set goals and reflect on their progress in using language for enjoyment, enrichment, and advancement)

The Five C's: Communication

- Communicate effectively in more than one language, to function in a variety of situations and for multiple purposes - Interpersonal - Interpretive - Presentational

The Five C's: Connections

- Connect with other disciplines and acquire information and diverse perspectives, to use the language to function in academic and career-related situations - Making Connections (Learners build, reinforce, and expand their knowledge of other disciplines in TL to develop critical thinking and to solve problems creatively) - Acquiring information and Diverse Perspectives (Learners access and evaluate information and diverse perspectives in TL and culture)

The Five C's: Comparisons

- Develop insight into the nature of language and culture, to interact with cultural competence - Language Comparisons (Comparing own and target language) (Using the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own) - Cultural Comparisons (Comparing own and target language) (Using the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own)

The Five C's: Cultures

- Interact with cultural competence and understanding - Relating Cultural Practices to Perspectives (using the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the relationship between the PRACTICES and PERSPECTIVES of the culture) - Relating Cultural Products to Perspectives (using the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the relationship between the PRODUCTS and PERSPECTIVES of the culture)

What are examples of differentiated instruction?

- Providing students with at least four options of how to complete a project - Option to work individually or in partners - Option to choose 2 bullet points out of many - Option to share or not share

What is Sociocultural Competence?

- Refers to pragmatic knowledge - How speakers express themselves within the social and cultural context of communication - Greeting friends informally using words, gestures, and body language - Factors are age, gender, status - Politeness

What is Grammatical Competence?

- The ability to make meaning when using four types of knowledge: 1) phonological—sound system; intonation/stress 2) lexical—words 3) morphological - parts of speech, how words are formed 4) syntactic—sentence structure, word order

Krashen's Acquisition Hypothesis

Acquisition (not learning) leads to spontaneous, unplanned communication Acquisition is defined as a subconscious "picking up" of rules (rules that are a part of the L1 acquisition process) Learning, by contrast, is a conscious focus on knowing and applying rules

Krashen's Affective Filter Hypothesis

Anxiety cause issues with learning Students must have a risk-free and comfortable environment to learn a second language Student needs and emotional states will affect input Emotional side of learning, lowering anxiety (low affective filter)

4. A teacher who favors a grammar-based approach to foreign language is likely to use: a) a lot of social interaction in the classroom b) information-gap and negotiation of meaning activities C) decontextualized mechanical practice d) a contextualized text or piece of realia to begin a lesson

C) decontextualized mechanical practice

What are the 5 C's?

Communication Cultures Connections Comparisons Communities

ZPD and Examples

Enriching reading or listening with scaffolding so students can complete task with your assistance Information Gap Activities Scaffolding; they produce the work with your aid Examples include: - Interaction with texts such as images - Reading the first paragraph together and then reading the rest alone before coming back for a group discussion - Having students figure questions out together

Krashen's Natural Order Hypothesis

Learners acquire grammatical structures in a predictable order (both children and adults) Sequential way of acquiring language Studies have shown that learners experience similar stages in development of linguistic structures despite their first languages

What is context?

Refers to the degree to which meaning and situations from the world outside the classroom are present in an instructional approach, method, or classroom activity Engages learners in constructing meaning and in using L2 to communicate and acquire new information

What is the role of textbooks in the new paradigm?

Should be used as one of many tools (and as a secondary source) Must contain good examples of grammar being presented Unpredictable texts that do not let students guess/know what the other is going to say when it comes to interpersonal activities Provide contextual, visual, cultural, and interdisciplinary support, at the heart of meaningful, contextualized language instruction Aligned with the 5 C's

What is differentiated instruction?

Tailoring / adjusting curriculum and instruction to accommodate / meet the needs of individual students Addresses the variety of learning styles, interests, and abilities found within a classroom Considers diverse student factors when planning and delivering instruction - Such as learning styles, learning needs, backgrounds, and interests and goals Differentiating content, process, products, or the learning environment through the use of assessment and flexible grouping

What is contextualized language instruction?

Teaching skills / knowledge that deal with situations in the real world (reflects real-world use) Engaging in meaningful interaction Makes it more meaningful for the students, grabs their interest, keeps them engaged in the classroom and participating throughout the lesson - Real-life context (native/target country, ad for selling something in TL) - Connecting to other academic subjects/disciplines (business class, tech class, math for converting temperatures or currencies)

What is TPR? What is an example?

Teaching the body to react to certain words and attaching meaning to those words (a form of binding) Students imitate the teacher performing the commands; later, they perform the commands without the teacher's assistance Example: for teaching vocabulary for food, teacher shows plastic or real food items, presenting the items one at a time

What is "i" and "1" in i + 1?

The "i" refers to the current competence of the learner The "1" represents the next level of competence that is a little beyond where the learner is now

Which of Krashen's hypotheses is most important?

The Affective Filter Hypothesis

Krashen's Monitor Hypothesis

The conscious knowledge of correctness and rules of a language Encourages the internal "monitor" that checks, edits, and polishes language output Is used only when there is sufficient time and conscious knowledge to communicate correctly (knowing when rules are applied) Acquisition = the utterance initiator Learning = the monitor/editor (monitor plans, edits and corrects language acts when the ELL is not rushed)

41. What does the Critical Period Hypothesis argue about language learning? a) Between the age of two and the onset of puberty, humans are especially adept at languages. b) The critical age for phonetic and grammatical accuracy Is 15. c) Adults to not recognize word relationships as easily. d) Young adults can no longer acquire native-like phonology.

a) Between the age of two and the onset of puberty, humans are especially adept at languages.

17. Which is NOT part of the "Five C" goal areas outlined by the World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages? a) Circumlocution b) Comparisons c) Connections d) Communication

a) Circumlocution

57. Which of the following statements is true about the difference between learning styles and multiple intelligences? a) Intelligence deals with processing information, while a learning style is the approach learners use to learn. b) Multiple intelligences inform teachers on how to help students, but learning styles do not. c) A learning style deals with processing information, while intelligence is the approach learners use to learn. d) Learning styles inform teachers on how to help students, but multiple intelligences do not.

a) Intelligence deals with processing information, while a learning style is the approach learners use to learn.

37. How is Bloom's taxonomy useful to language teachers? a) It helps teachers move students to higher levels of thinking. b) It provides a blueprint for differentiated instruction. c) It provides common language to set and express language objectives. d) It helps teachers to differentiate between complexity and difficulty.

a) It helps teachers move students to higher levels of thinking.

54. The "Three P's" of the Cultures goal area exclude: a) Processes b) Perspectives c) Products d) Practices

a) Processes

64. Which of the following is NOT a reason that reading comprehension may be easier than listening comprehension? a) Reading does not require as much cognitive processing. b) You can reread and read ahead with a written text. c) Written texts usually have better organization. d) Topics may shift in natural, spoken conversations.

a) Reading does not require as much cognitive processing.

38. Which of the following objectives would be considered appropriate in the current paradigm? a) Students will describe the clothes they like to wear. b) Students will learn the future tense. c) Students will understand the Day of the Dead. d) Students will complete Chapter 3, Section 1.

a) Students will describe the clothes they like to wear.

69. Stories are great candidates for the PACE model for all of these reasons EXCEPT: a) They are easy to find and select. b) They include natural repetition of language forms. c) They match how humans perceive and process the world. d) They create meaning, context, relevance, and empathy.

a) They are easy to find and select.

60. Why is differentiated instruction recommended for middle school learners? a) To address the diversity found among learners from ages 10-15 b) Because there is a higher rate of physical and learning disability in this age group c) Because they are self-centered and do not work well in groups d) To help students make connections with other subject areas

a) To address the diversity found among learners from ages 10-15

1. A learner who starts off saying "I ate," switches to "I eated," and then returns to saying "I ate" is demonstrating: a) U-Shaped Behavior b) Boomerang Learning c) Binding d) Automaticity

a) U-Shaped Behavior

23. Authentic tests are performance-based tests with the addition of: a) a real context and audience b) a comprehensive analytic rubric c) at least one other content area d) a portfolio component

a) a real context and audience

34. Washback effects: a) can be positive or negative b) are caused by the teacher's overuse of the TL in class c) do not occur with performance-based assessment d) are synonymous with extrinsic motivation

a) can be positive or negative

29. In the current paradigm, assessment prioritizes ______ over ______: a) contextualized tasks; decontextualized tasks b) summative measures; formative measures c) the explicit mode; the implicit mode d) single measures; multiple measures

a) contextualized tasks; decontextualized tasks

82. A good information-gap activity provides students with the opportunity learn how to do all of these EXCEPT: a) create a product based on a specific genre b) ask for clarification c) request information d) negotiate when faced with misunderstandings

a) create a product based on a specific genre

20. Wong and VanPatten (2003) concluded that mechanical drills should be ___________ in foreign language teaching. a) discarded b) researched c) fine-tuned d) widespread

a) discarded

97. When speaking, students benefit most when the feedback they receive... a) focuses on comprehensibility, not just accuracy b) are recasts c) is frequent and explicit d) focuses on accuracy, not just comprehensibility

a) focuses on comprehensibility, not just accuracy

73. Which is NOT an appropriate extension activity following a PACE lesson? a) group summaries of text b) modernizations c) authentic writing projects d) dramatizations

a) group summaries of text

52. Students with physical, intellectual, or emotional impairments are part of a regular classroom in the practice called: a) inclusion b) differentiation c) special education d) accommodation

a) inclusion

16. The ACTFL proficiency framework considers four criteria: global task, context, accuracy, oral text type. Which is an example of the global task category? a) making requests b) placing a coffee order c) speaker uses common phrases d) speaker can be understood with repetition

a) making requests

33. The integration of modes of communication with meaningful content, maximum amounts of comprehensible TL input, and implementation of authentic texts are all features of: a) standards-based approach to FL instruction b) the backward design model c) CBI/CBLT d) Oller's Episode Hypothesis

a) standards-based approach to FL instruction

13. Vygotsky's Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) refers to: a) the distance between what learners can do with assistance today vs. on their own tomorrow b) the scaffolding necessary for learners to develop proficiency in a foreign language c) instructional delivery that reduces learners' frustration levels by assisting them d) encouraging learners to use innate knowledge to process comprehensible input

a) the distance between what learners can do with assistance today vs. on their own tomorrow

61. Authentic texts used for learners should be... a) unedited. b) simplified. c) non-literary. d) used in advanced levels only.

a) unedited.

28. In Mr. Kelly's German class, he often asks questions in the TL. When a student responds, he replies with something like "Good job" or "Not quite." According to the reading, Mr. Kelly could improve his teacher talk by: a. providing natural feedback in the TL rather than evaluating his students' responses b) offering an explanation of why the student's response was right or wrong c) allowing other students to comment on how the student responded d) asking assessing questions rather than assisting questions

a. providing natural feedback in the TL rather than evaluating his students' responses

68. Reflecting on aspects of the language that are relevant to the communication task is called... a)"focus on form" b) "focus on meaning" c) "dialogic inquiry" d) "discussion webbing"

b) "focus on meaning"

72. Which of the following statements about listening comprehension processing is TRUE? a) The main reason why listening comprehension is difficult is inattention. b) After listening just once, student responses tend to reflect their memory recall and not true comprehension. c) Listening comprehension skills usually reflect a learner's reading comprehension ability. d) Repeated listening interferes with developing comprehension skills.

b) After listening just once, student responses tend to reflect their memory recall and not true comprehension.

70. The shortest step of the PACE model, where the teacher assists students in noticing a grammatical form, is called: a) Preparation b) Attention c) Co-construction d) Extension

b) Attention

80. You notice that your students don't remember the new words they encounter when reading, even though they seem to comprehend the texts well. Which of these strategies would be the LEAST helpful to them? a) Assisting them in attending to new language effectively— word families, contextual clues, dictionary use, etc. b) Choosing texts with contextual clues that make the new words perfectly obvious. c) Giving them opportunities to do focused work on the new vocabulary. d) Encouraging them to build their own vocabulary banks while interpreting a text.

b) Choosing texts with contextual clues that make the new words perfectly obvious.

8. Mr. Bennett has his Spanish IV students using the language both within and beyond the classroom to interact and collaborate in their community and the globalized world. Which of the "Five C's" is he incorporating in this class? a) Collaboration b) Communities c) Compassion d) Communication

b) Communities

39. Which of these steps in designing a performance assessment task comes FIRST? a) Generate an exemplary response (i.e., a sample). b) Create a meaningful task context. c) Identify the outcomes or objectives to be assessed. d) Identify evaluative criteria.

b) Create a meaningful task context.

96. What type of practice do students at the Advanced speaking level need as they work toward proficiency? a) Acquiring concrete vocabulary in context and using it in short conversations and oral presentations. b) Discussing topics concretely and abstractly, using logical arguments to support and defend an opinion. c) Engaging in spontaneous conversations on familiar topics where they must negotiate meaning. d) Speaking in cohesive paragraphs to narrate and describe the past, present, and future.

b) Discussing topics concretely and abstractly, using logical arguments to support and defend an opinion.

88. Dr. McAllen notes that his Spanish students can be creative with the L2 and can ask and answer simple questions in informal settings with familiar topics. They speak in discrete sentences and can be understood by those who are used to interacting with non-native speakers. Which ACTFL proficiency level best describes Dr. Allen's students? a) Novice b) Intermediate c) Advanced d) Superior

b) Intermediate

75. The Mode of Communication that is most concerned with the receptive abilities of listening, reading, and viewing is... a) Interpersonal. b) Interpretive. c) Presentational. d) Cultural.

b) Interpretive.

44. A teacher who views students as "people smart," "word smart," "music smart," etc., is applying what theoretical lens? a) Myers-Briggs b) Multiple Intelligences c) Inclusion d) Learning styles

b) Multiple Intelligences

10. Which teaching method has the learners respond to physical command and later move on to oral production and writing? a) audio-lingual b) TPR c) grammar-translation d) natural approach

b) TPR

66. In the Presentation phase of the PACE model... a) All learners listen passively to the teacher telling a story. b) The teacher uses visual cues and comprehension checks to assist learners. c) Learners have access to the written script of the story. d) Repetition of the grammatical form in question is more important than using it naturally and meaningfully.

b) The teacher uses visual cues and comprehension checks to assist learners.

55. True or false: Language learning strategies can be taught. a) False, because they are encoded in the brain during infancy. b) True, and teachers should guide students to learn and practice new strategies. c) False, and it is the role of the teacher to determine what strategies each student already has. d) True, and they should be because all strategies are useful for all people in all situations.

b) True, and teachers should guide students to learn and practice new strategies.

31. Oller's Episode Hypothesis can be applied in order to help us: a) design effective lesson plans b) choose texts that our learners will easily internalize c) give good feedback to our students in the TL d) integrate content into our FL lessons

b) choose texts that our learners will easily internalize

71. Which strategy WOULD NOT help reduce students' anxiety about listening? a) providing visuals b) delaying listening until students reach higher proficiency c) directly teaching listening strategies d) providing multiple opportunities to listen

b) delaying listening until students reach higher proficiency

22. An assessment that is similar to the IPA but involves co-construction of knowledge during the assessment is called: a) a CAT b) dynamic assessment c) LinguaFolio d) summative assessment

b) dynamic assessment Teachers and students as co-constructors of knowledge Co-construction occurs DURING the assessment (rather than after like in the IPA)

90. Ms. Charles uses an instructional approach where her students work in pairs or groups of 4-5 to help one another complete a given task. Each person has a responsibility, and the students depend on one another as they work . What is Ms. Charles' approach called? a) cooperative learning b) information gap c) collaborative dialogue d) instructional conversation

b) information gap

92. The biggest difference between the interpersonal and presentational modes is that... a) interpersonal communication is one-way and presentational is two-way. b) interpersonal allows for negotiation of meaning and presentational does not. c) interpersonal is scripted and presentational is spontaneous. d) interpersonal only involves speaking, whereas presentational can be either speaking or writing.

b) interpersonal allows for negotiation of meaning and presentational does not.

91. Teachers can help improve their students' Willingness to Communicate (WTC) by... a) asking close-ended questions b) lengthening wait time for learner responses c) allowing students to work individually to build confidence d) providing feedback on accuracy rather than content

b) lengthening wait time for learner responses

25. CBI/CBLT promotes the integration of FL learning with: a) community outreach b) other content areas c) study abroad programs d) Bloom's Taxonomy

b) other content areas

18. Which best practice for language instruction is described? For a unit project on Swiss culture, students have options for creating different products, such as replicas of tourist sites, creative album covers, restaurant menus, etc.. a) supportive environment b) personalized instruction c) contextualized instruction d) engaging environment

b) personalized instruction ** key word: having OPTIONS

56. Which age group is at the peak of being open to different "others"? a) preschoolers (ages 2-4) b) primary (ages 5-7) c) intermediate (ages 8-10) d) transcesents (ages 11-13)

b) primary (ages 5-7)

47. An administrator comes to you to ask whether she should advocate for a sequential or exploratory language program in the local middle school. Based on what you learned in your college FL acquisition course, you tell her that: a) exploratory programs achieve many learning goals just as well as, if not better than, sequential programs b) sequential programs achieve many learning goals just as well as, if not better than, exploratory programs c) she should forget about it because middle school students are not ready to learn a second language d) sequential and exploratory programs are essentially two words for the same thing

b) sequential programs achieve many learning goals just as well as, if not better than, exploratory programs

48. Auditory texts, oral examinations, reading services, and preferred seating are specific accommodations for: a) students with learning disabilities b) visually-impaired learners c) at-risk students d) heritage language learners

b) visually-impaired learners

5. According to the reading, which of the following is NOT true about foreign language textbooks? a) Historically, foreign language textbooks have been at the center of the foreign language curriculum. b) Textbooks are slow to incorporate best practices because teachers are slow to embrace best practices. c) "Covering" a textbook is key to learning because it exposes learners to a wide variety of language material. d) Textbook activities labeled as "contextualized" may really be mechanical drills disguised as meaningful interaction.

c) "Covering" a textbook is key to learning because it exposes learners to a wide variety of language material.

78. Which step of the PACE model lends itself well to making use of the Comparison standard? a) Preparation b) Attention c) Co-construction d) Extension

c) Co-construction

51. Jensen (2000) would DISAGREE WITH the following statement about classroom management: a) Prevention solves 95% of problems. b) Students are looking for ways to push boundaries and need to know that you are the authority. c) Disruptions are a normal part of living and should be accepted In positive and productive ways. d) Discipline problems are simply feedback to you that can be handled by redirecting the activity or its pace

c) Disruptions are a normal part of living and should be accepted In positive and productive ways.

59. What level of cultural expertise can we expect of middle-school language learners? a) Identify common products and practices of the target culture b) Examine the influence of historical context on the formation of local, national, and global narratives c) Explain images and symbols of the target culture, identify the social impact of products d) Analyze relationships between perspectives and products, evaluate their influence on other societies

c) Explain images and symbols of the target culture, identify the social impact of products a is elementary school b is college d is high school

58. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about teaching styles? a) Teachers should assess their teaching style and how it interacts with their students. b) Students whose learning processes resemble the teacher's are more likely to achieve good grades. c) Flexibility is an undesirable trait in teaching and leads to lower student outcomes. d) Teachers may need to change their teaching behavior to meet student needs.

c) Flexibility is an undesirable trait in teaching and leads to lower student outcomes.

3. According to Celce-Murcia (2007), a learner who has acquired "Hi, how are you?" as an unanalyzed chunk of language is demonstrating what kind of communicative competence? a) Sociocultural b) Discourse c) Formulaic d) Strategic

c) Formulaic

81. A colleague notices that your students are pretty successful writers in L2 and wants to pick your brain. Which of the following would you NOT recommend? a) Providing plenty of practice in and outside of class. b) Discussing the writing process with students. c) Having students brainstorm ideas in L1 before writing in L2. d) Taking the time to carefully design writing tasks.

c) Having students brainstorm ideas in L1 before writing in L2.

11. Anna is taking Chinese so that she can make a lot of money working in International Law. What type of motivation do her goals fall under? a) Integrative b) Classroom-Specific c) Instrumental d) Personal

c) Instrumental Instrumental is learning a language to get a better job or to fulfill an academic requirement Integrative is learning a language to fit in with people who speak the language natively

63. A colleague is describing a recent reading comprehension activity he did with his German II class. He states that he gave them some background cultural information about what they would be reading, asked them if they had ever had a similar experience, and let them brainstorm any vocabulary they thought they might see in the text. Then he had them look at the text and find some specific information—the who/what/where/when of the story. Finally, he gave them a project where they had to design a page of a graphic novel depicting one of the ports of the story. You think his lesson sounds great, but you do notice that he missed a key phase of the interactive model. Which one? a) Comprehension Phase b) Creativity Phase c) Interpretation/Discussion Phase d) Preparation Phase

c) Interpretation/Discussion Phase

95. Which description aligns with the ACTFL proficiency for writing at the INTERMEDIATE level? a) Learners narrate and describe in major time frames. b) Learners communicate in a series of loosely connected sentences on a topic of personal interest. c) Learners express themselves effectively on practical, social, and professional topics. d) Learners produce lists and notes, communicate basic info.

c) Learners express themselves effectively on practical, social, and professional topics. ???

98. Which of the following statements about the writing process is TRUE? a) It involves a linear trajectory from planning to drafting to revising. b) Translation in the context of the writing process means to converting L1 into L2. c) Successful writers in L1 can be expected to be successful in L2. d) Experienced writers make more surface changes and fewer meaning changes in their revisions.

c) Successful writers in L1 can be expected to be successful in L2.

85. All of the following are characteristics of successful writers EXCEPT: a) They spend time planning for writing. b) They use external and internal resources. c) They use revisions primarily to correct form errors. d) They utilize a non-linear approach to writing.

c) They use revisions primarily to correct form errors.

50. Which lesson plan part is appropriate for differentiation? a) Standards/TEKS b) essential questions c) activities d) basic understandings

c) activities

79. When is the best time for learners to attend to a grammatical form? a) before they encounter it and get confused b) in the Presentation phase of PACE c) after comprehension of a text has been achieved d) when doing individual homework assignments

c) after comprehension of a text has been achieved

32. Which type of rubric breaks down the characteristics of an assignment into parts? a) holistic b) task-specific c) analytic d) norm-referenced

c) analytic

26. Gathering information about and measuring a learner's level of knowledge or skills is called a) grading b) evaluation c) assessment d) testing

c) assessment

14. The ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines (2012): a) focus on language outcomes and assessment. b) provide a detailed curriculum for educators to follow. c) describe proficiency in the "big four" areas of speaking, listening, reading, and writing. d) divide speakers into four levels: Novice, Intermediate, Advanced, and Superior.

c) describe proficiency in the "big four" areas of speaking, listening, reading, and writing.

35. Which assessment type would this fall under: "Quiz over past participles"? a) natural-situational b) direct c) discrete-point d) integrative-global

c) discrete-point

40. Which of these terms is the most broad in scope? a) lesson plan b) objective c) framework d) unit plan

c) framework

53. The Frankenstein Approach, the 4-F Approach, the Tour Guide Approach, and the "By-the-Way" Approach are all _________ approaches to teaching culture: a) intercultural b) ethno-relative c) information-acquisition d) recommended

c) information-acquisition

99. What type of rubric would include partial scores for content, organization, vocabulary, mechanics, and language use? a) analytic b) primary trait c) multiple trait c) holistic

c) multiple trait ???

89. Learning logs, journals, and pen pals are activities that help promote: a) interpersonal writing b) cooperative learning c) presentational writing d) WTC

c) presentational writing (think logs for portfolios; assessment = presentation)

9. Negotiation of meaning: a) always occurs between a native and non-native speaker b) occurs regularly between a teacher and student c) requires that both speakers have equal rights in asking for clarification d) is reserved for advanced learners

c) requires that both speakers have equal rights in asking for clarification

27. Which of the following warmups would qualify as an "anticipatory set"in a lesson about clothing? a) students create sentences describing what a classmate is wearing b) students complete a brief worksheet to review colors and genders of clothing c) students watch a clothing store commercial featuring a happy teen shopper d) students complete a vocab list they will use throughout the chapter

c) students watch a clothing store commercial featuring a happy teen shopper

2. All of the following represent ways to provide comprehensible input to learners EXCEPT: a) organizing vocabulary in meaningful groups b) using gestures and objects while learners listen c) supplying vocabulary lists in the L1 and L2 d) choosing textbooks that present vocabulary visually

c) supplying vocabulary lists in the L1 and L2

94. The purposes of _______ are descriptive, narrative, demonstrative, explanatory, and transformative. a) the interpretive mode b) the PACE model c) the presentational mode d) the interpersonal mode

c) the presentational mode

87. All of the following are mediational strategies students use in group work EXCEPT: a) gambits b) talk about talk c) use of English d) talk about task

c) use of English

100. What would constitute the best configuration of a small group, according to Slavin (1986)? a) male, low proficiency, white male, low proficiency, minority male, average proficiency, minority female, high proficiency, minority b) male, low proficiency, minority female, average proficiency, white female, high proficiency, white female, high proficiency, minority c) male, average proficiency, minority female, average proficiency, white female, high proficiency, white female, high proficiency, minority d) male, low proficiency, white male, average proficiency, minority female, average proficiency, white female, high proficiency, white

d) male, low proficiency, white male, average proficiency, minority female, average proficiency, white female, high proficiency, white

49. Mr. Chen, a French teacher, team-teaches with Ms. Graham, a science teacher to introduce and explore weather phenomena with their group of 4th-graders. Which Standard area is Mr. Chen addressing? a) Communication b) Communities c) Comparisons d) Connections

d) Connections

86. An approach to teaching presentational writing based on analysis of the audience, purpose, features, and creation of different types of authentic texts is called: a) Interactive Model b) Task Environment c) Thematic Mapping d) Genre-Based

d) Genre-Based

12. Selinker (1974) defined the developing "language of the learner" as: a) Metalinguistic knowledge b) Performance c) i + 1 d) Interlanguage

d) Interlanguage Note: interlanguages are systematic and dynamic, "continually evolving as learners receive more input and revise their hypotheses about the second language"

36. Which best describes a norm-reference test? a) Learners show whether or not they are able to perform a task. b) Test determines what the learners are able to do at this point. No further opportunities to improve performance. c) Test helps form learners' skills. Improvement possible within the instructional setting. d) Learners are measured against other learners in a large population.

d) Learners are measured against other learners in a large population.

74. Which of the following statements about factors affecting comprehension and interpretation is TRUE? a) A text that learners find interesting may seem ideal, but that interest will actually interfere with comprehension. b) Explicit grammatical knowledge plays a more significant role in interpretation than vocabulary. c) Learners cannot be taught reading and listening strategies if they don't bring them from their L1 literacy. d) Longer texts may actually be easier for students because they are more cohesive and provide more context.

d) Longer texts may actually be easier for students because they are more cohesive and provide more context.

65. Emily wants to start using videos more effectively in her Spanish classes. What would you NOT recommend to her? a) Choose videos that feature definite storylines and clearly drawn main characters. b) Begin with silent viewing, then have students verify whether their visual comprehension matches what they hear. c) Use the captions in the L2, especially with more advanced students. d) Look for videos that are made for language learners rather than for native speakers.

d) Look for videos that are made for language learners rather than for native speakers.

76. What are schemata? a) Assistance provided to learners so they can accomplish a task a bit beyond their reach b) Asking for information that can be derived directly from the text c) Looking for meaning using contextual clues and background information d) Mental connections we use to align new information with previous knowledge

d) Mental connections we use to align new information with previous knowledge

42. A local ISD wants to implement FLES. Which of these would you NOT recommend including in their program? a) Cooperative learning b) Thematic unit plans that incorporate culture c) TPR to introduce vocabulary d) Practicing written language before oral language

d) Practicing written language before oral language

43. A strategy to incorporate global issues that organizes instruction around a challenging question or problem that is of interest to the learners and their community is called: a) Intercultural Communicative Competence (ICC) b) Total Physical Response (TPR) c) Language Experience Approach (LEA) d) Project-based Learning (PBL)

d) Project-based Learning (PBL)

19. Which textbook is best aligned with the 5 Cs? a) All readings are written by textbook authors and feature fictional but relatable characters b) For each chapter, target culture is presented in separate culture notes c) Textbook includes alphabetically ordered vocab lists for every chapter d) Textbook often features connections with other academic subjects such as math or visual arts

d) Textbook often features connections with other academic subjects such as math or visual arts

62. Which of the following statements about top-down and bottom-up processing is TRUE? a) Listeners/Readers tend to use exclusively bottom-up or top-down processing to arrive at meaning. b) In top-down processing, understanding is derived from analyzing language parts. c) Bottom-up processing often involves the reader/listener making good guesses at meaning. d) Top-down strategies are more immediately useful, while bottom-up strategies are good when facing difficulties.

d) Top-down strategies are more immediately useful, while bottom-up strategies are good when facing difficulties.

6. All of the following foster flexibility and change within the interlanguage system of the learner EXCEPT: a) language play b) private speech c) mental rehearsal d) a high affective filter

d) a high affective filter (when the filter is high, students experience stress, feel anxious, and self-conscious)

46. All of the following are difficulties faced by students with learning disabilities except: a) poor memory b) impulsive behavior c) language processing issues d) accepting other cultures

d) accepting other cultures

93. The goal of feedback and instruction should be L2 pronunciation that is: a) native-like b) unaccented c) identical to the teacher's d) comprehensible

d) comprehensible

77. Which of these is associated with the modern, contextualized approach to grammar instruction? a) "grammar point of the day" b) memorization of decontextualized rules and exceptions c) deductive approach d) emphasis on meaning before form

d) emphasis on meaning before form

84. According to research by Way, Joiner, and Seaman (2000), which writing prompt would elicit writing samples with the best overall quality, fluency, syntactic complexity, and accuracy? a) an explanation of the task b) no prompt — allow them to write whatever they want c) an explanation of the task plus a vocabulary list d) explanation of the task plus a sample

d) explanation of the task plus a sample

30. Ms. Gordon works hard to apply brain-based learning concepts in her French classroom. She would most likely: a) create lessons in 45-minute components due to the limits of working memory b) teach new material in the middle part of a lesson due to the primacy-recency effect c) avoid humor to keep learners focused on the current task since they have limited contact time in the classroom d) facilitate strategies that help her students chunk related information together

d) facilitate strategies that help her students chunk related information together

45. According to research, younger language learners... a) have higher scores on standardized tests, but read later than non-language learners b) have trouble seeing relationships within word families c) reach higher levels of proficiency than older language learners d) have a faster rate of acquisition than older language learners

d) have a faster rate of acquisition than older language learners

15. How might you contextualize a lesson on weather? a) have students write out complete sentences about weather images in textbook b) have students play a memory game matching weather pictures with weather vocab c) have students complete a fill-in-the-blank with weather vocab d) have students watch a current forecast in a target language country and compare with local weather

d) have students watch a current forecast in a target language country and compare with local weather

24. CATs are useful for: a) co-constructing knowledge during an assessment b) deciding which students can advance to the next level c) constructing effective rubrics d) improving instruction by eliciting student feedback

d) improving instruction by eliciting student feedback

21. A unique feature of IPAs is their cyclical nature. Which of these options list the phases of an IPA? a) implicit, explicit, performance, evaluation b) modeling, OPI, practice, SOPI c) modeling, practicing, performing, feedback d) input, interaction, production, assessment

d) input, interaction, production, assessment

67. Which definition best describes the process of inference? a) understanding the factual information b) concluding, explaining, giving opinions c) applying information in a new context d) reasoning a step beyond the text

d) reasoning a step beyond the text

83. A well-designed Instructional Conversation should include all the following characteristics EXCEPT: a) students having the opportunity for multiple turns in the conversation b) prohibiting short answers to yes/no questions c) the teacher functioning as a facilitator/guide d) students communicating directly with other students

d) students communicating directly with other students

7. How is "context" defined in Second Language Acquisition? a) instruction is sufficiently scaffolded b) learners acquire new information across the curriculum c) learners are engaged in negotiation of meaning d) the classroom incorporates situations from the outside world

d) the classroom incorporates situations from the outside world

What is Krashen's Input Hypothesis?

i + 1 Acquisition occurs only when learners receive an ideal quantity of comprehensible input The input must be understandable (using background knowledge, context, and cues) and interesting, only barely above their current level of competence and not grammatically sequenced The "i" refers to the current competence of the learner The "1" represents the next level of competence that is a little beyond where the learner is now

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