Final Exam

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All of the following statements were made at a company retreat. Which of the statements provides a compelling reason to employ diversity principles?

"With the globalization of business, diversity is a big help because the customers are from all over the world."

For business communications, it is important to follow the rules of grammar and capitalization and avoid abbreviations. This practice describes ______.

A netiquette rule

Never send anything that will reflect badly on you or anyone else is ______.

A netiquette rule

______ refers to the team finalizing its work and disbands.


In the ______ style of conflict resolution, the person is low on their own concerns and the concerns of others. This approach reflects an inability to deal with conflict, and the person withdraws from the conflict situation.


People who have internalized more than one cultural profile are called ______.


______ describes people who have internalized more than one cultural profile. These people are comfortable operating in two different cultures, and they have been found to have more cross-cultural adaptive skills compared to those individuals who are comfortable with only one culture.


Beneficial social support during a stress episode is called the ______ effect.


There are several strategies that are suggested to overcome resistance change in an organization. Which of the following is a strategy to reduce resistance to organizational change?

Building support and commitment reduces resistance because employees have the support through counseling or sabbaticals to ease the strain.

Stress can be performance-enhancing or disruptive. The experience of challenging or rewarding job experiences relates differently to outcomes than stress from associated with hindering or constraining job experiences. Stress that is experienced from challenging or rewarding job experiences is referred to as ______.

Challenge-related stress or eustress

Resistance to ______ is one of the most common sources of work stress.

Change Efforts

Lewin's three-step model includes the following steps: unfreezing, ______, and freezing.


______ represents movement toward a new desired state in the Lewin model of organizational change


The medium that transmits a message, like a speech or a video, is an example of a(n) ______.


Organizational ______ focuses on perceptions, and organizational ______ focus(es) on the underlying assumptions and values.

Climate; Culture

When _______ is strong, the group is motivated to perform, and it is better able to coordinate activities for success there is a sense of we-ness since team members tend to use we rather than try to describe the team and its activities


Leaders can build consensus among diverse followers by relating to ______.

Common values

The ______ style of conflict resolution may be the only possible approach when both parties have equivalent influence in the organization (e.g., two equally powerful vice presidents competing for resources).


______ is a conflict resolution style that is ideal for mutually exclusive goals, equally powerful parties, when consensuses cannot be reached, integrating or dominating styles are not successful, and temporary solutions to a complex problem are needed.


Calling in a neutral third party to attempt to resolve a conflict is known as ______.


A perception that one group will negatively affect something we care about will create ______.


The majority of CEOs report a need for more training in which area?

Conflict management

A method of decision making that discusses ideas and defers a final decision until everyone can say they have been heard and will support the final decision is called _____.


______ defines the values and subsystems that are the basis of a strong culture.


______ is how much influence one person has on the turn-taking process of speaking.

Conversational Engagement

Social disorganization and openness to change are associated with ______.

Cultural looseness

The psychological process of adaptation to another culture is called ______.

Cultural retooling

A group of people's ways of doing things is defined as ______.


Feeling incompetent from not being able to cope with a new environment and wanting to avoid interactions with persons of a host culture describes, according to anthropologists, is ______.

Culture Shock

Internet use during work for personal reasons is called ______.


Team members that demonstrate high relationship conflict and interpersonal tensions are more likely to conflict intensely and will be associated with performance ______.


_______ Refers to a role that challenges team assumptions and decisions throughout the decision making process.

Devil's advocate

According to the Chapter 13 in Scandura's text, leaders can embrace _______ for a competitive advantage.


Through research, it has been shown that effective team leaders credit ______ For being a key reason 14 creative outputs that directly impact organizational success.


____ in teams Can increase flexibility, connectivity and innovation, and problem-solving.


______ is described as where employee shared perceptions of the policies, practices, and procedures that implicitly and explicitly communicate the extent to which fostering and maintaining diversity and eliminating discrimination is a priority in the organization.

Diversity Climate

A ______ conflict resolution style is ideal for trivial issues, speedy decisions, an or an unpopular course of action.


In organizations, communications often flow ______.


The lack of visual cues may lead to difficulty interpreting the meaning of ______ communication. Miscommunications of emotion occur more than face-to-face communications, and this affects the relationships and the information conveyed. These miscommunications affect both satisfaction and performance.


The primary mode for workplace communication is ______.


When communicating with a prospective employer or to other workers in the work environment, it is sound advice to demonstrate good manners in ______ communications.


The variation in the person's tone, stress, and rhythm is ______.


Treating customers nicely is an example of a(n) ______.

Enacted Values

The process of organizational socialization follows the following steps: anticipatory socialization, ______, and metamorphosis.

Entry and assimilation

Organizational culture is made up of artifacts and creations, values, and a set of assumptions. _______ describes values that are stated.

Espoused Values

Change efforts may start with just one or two people who begin to convince other people that change is needed. An initial core of believers is assembled that have power in terms of their roles, reputations, and skills. This coalition for change needs to have three to five people. In Kotter's model for organizational change, this step describes ______.

Establishing a guiding coalition

______ refers to enlarging the pool of resources so that a negotiation can end in a "win-win" agreement where each party feels they got the best possible outcome.

Expanding pie

Nonverbal communication includes ______.

Facial expressions, tone of voice and gestures.

______ is described as being when a leader intervenes to resolve a conflict.


When only a limited amount of goods are divided and the goal is to get the largest share, this refers to ______.

Fixed pie

Denison utilizes the organizational values of adaptability, involvement, mission, and consistency along with a focus on internal and external organizational factors surrounding the organizations core beliefs and assumptions to predict organizational ______ and ______.

Flexibility; stability

An analyzing the forces for and against change refers to ______.

Force field analysis

The function of ____ refers to team members experiencing stress due to uncertainty of not knowing the other team members and understanding their role on the team.


When executives defer to other employees in e-mail communication, as in the case of Enron, the result is ______.


______ Occurs most often and highly cohesive groups and when the group is confident concerning their course of action early in the process. The Challenger space shuttle disaster case has been interpreted to having resulted from this type of decision making.

Groupthink decision making

Research has found that more information is conveyed in e-mail than other communication mediums. People pay less attention to social cues that suppress information, and they were more uninhibited in e-mails. Because of this inhibition, ______ may be more likely to occur when compared to face-to-face interactions.


Being able to adjust to other people's cultural practices defines ______.


Cultures that rely on situational clues for meaning are said to be ______.


Japan is an example of which type of culture?`


There are two general types of stress: challenge-related stress and ______.

Hinderance-related stress

Excessive or undesirable constraints that interfere with workers' ability to achieve goals, creating negative stress is ______.

Hinderence-related stress or negative stress

The text states that a useful way to think about culture is the analogy of a(n) _______, which highlights the observable and unobservable aspects of culture.


______ is low intensity deviant behavior with ambiguous intent to harm the target, in violation of workplace norms for mutual respect.


According to Hofstede, which of these has a low score on cultural value?


Which of these is not a source of organizational conflict?

Inherent conflict

______ is described as the generation, acceptance, and implementation of new ideas, processes, products, or services.


External and internal communications have now become fused into one function in most organizations, representing ______.

Integrated communications

______ is a(n) organizational value that builds human capability, ownership, and responsibility.


A prolonged response to chronic stressors on the job is called ______.

Job burnout

Jargon and acronyms that can be confusing to new workers are examples of the ______ that organizations may have and that may be unique to the organization.


_______ is effective when a team member gives their team many responsibilities, asks their team for advice when making decisions, is not too controlling, allows the team to set its goals, stays out of the way when the team works on its performance issues, tells the team to expect a lot from itself, and trusts the team.

Leaderhsip climate

______ is when a conflict has become so complex that a more formalized dispute resolution method is needed such as a third-party neutral person is called in to resolve the conflict.


When new employees become comfortable with the organization, their bosses, and their work group, they have internalized the organizational culture. They also understand their job and the rules, procedures, and norms associated with the organization. This phase is the ______.

Metamorphosis phase

born between 1981 and 1999 and look for flexibility and choice. Xers


Defining the meaningful, long-term direction for an organization is referred to as (the) ______.


Distributive and integrative are the two general types of ______.


Communication barriers that affect how a message is interpreted are called ______.


A sigh, grunt, or rolling of the eyes is an example of ______.

Non-verbal communication

____ Is a team process where members of the team form a cohesive unit and close relationships among team members.


______ is a person who hears grievances on an informal basis and attempts to resolve them.


The ______ is the process of welcoming and orienting new organizational members to facilitate their adjustment to the organization, its culture, and its practices. The organization may assign a mentor during this phase to help learn the norms of the organization.

Onboarding phase

______ is defined as the shared perceptions of the way things are around here. This construct is concerned with representing employee's shared perceptions of values in a static way. This construct can be altered by management interventions. This construct is a situation that employees are in and not a construct that has evolved.

Organizational Climate

Aggressiveness, people orientation, outcome orientation, innovation and risk taking, and outcome orientation are examples of characteristics of ______.

Organizational Culture

______ is the pattern of basic assumptions, that a given group has invented, discovered, or developed in learning to cope with its problems of external adaptation and internal integration, and that have worked well enough to be considered valid.

Organizational Culture

______ is a collection of social psychology methods employed to improve organizational effectiveness and employee well-being.

Organizational Development

______ is the process an organization utilizes to ensure that new members acquire necessary attitudes, behaviors, knowledge, and skills to become productive organizational members.

Organizational socialization

______ is a dispute resolution panel that hears the concerns and attempts to resolve the issue.

Peer Review

Having empathy is a critical skill for resolving conflict and effective negotiation. A person needs to be able to see the situation from the other party's point of view. This ability is called ______.

Perspective Taking

Leadership implications of ______, where you see things from another person's point of view, is essential for both conflict resolution and negotiation.

Perspective taking

Three issues arise from the time that new workers are offered the job to when they actually start work. The types of messages a new employee receives during this phase consists of the work that will be done, how will they be seen by existing organizational members, and they engage in impression management. This phase is known as the ______.

Preentry phase

Organizational change forces have influenced companies to be ______. Firms are actively attempting to make alterations to the work place and its practices prior to market forces.


During the storming phase of team development, ______ is used to describe the team performance as it establishes productive norms, then reach a point where they can be considered a potential team.

Pseudo team

________ describes the process where teams have an initial meeting in which the group's goals are discussed, and following the meeting, the team does not do much work until about halfway to the deadline. This midpoint transition occurs regardless of the total time allowed for the project.

Punctuated equilibrium

A swift, dramatic transformation of an entire system is called a ______ change.


When an organization makes changes in its practices after some threat or opportunity has already occurred, it is referred to as ______.


A ________ develops as the potential team moves through the storming phase to become committed to a common purpose performance goals and approaches for which they hold themselves mutually accountable.

Real team

Formalized employee involvement and a participative climate ______.

Reduce organizational silence

In the Lewin three-step model of organizational change, ______ refers to reinforcing and restructuring the change.


When an expatriate has completed an international assignment and returns home, the transition is referred to as ______.


______ include(s) universalism (understanding, appreciation, tolerance, and protection for the welfare of all people and for nature) and benevolence (preservation and enhancement of the welfare of people with whom one is in frequent personal contact).


In organizational change, change takes time, and change efforts sometimes lose momentum as frustrations set in with employees. In Kotter's model of organizational change, leaders must plan and execute celebrations of ______ proof to employees that their efforts are working.

Short-term wins

_______ is described as a reduction in motivation and effort when individuals work collectively compared with when they work coactively.

Social loafing

Groupthink is a decision-making error found among teams that can be prevented utilizing the _____.

Step-ladder technique

_______ is a technique in decision-making that may be an effective way to combat the challenge of dominating participants on the team.

Stepladder decision making

Organizations can increase flexibility without losing their strong overall culture by encouraging ______.


______ is a type of conflict that is characterized by differences between parties concerning which advertising campaign would best promote a new product. These types of conflicts can result in better decisions because each side has to defend their position.

Substantive conflict

______ is defined as differences among group members in overt, biological characteristics that are typically reflected in physical features.

Surface-level diveristy

______ is (are) the most commonly employed organizational development techniques. These techniques are questionnaires that employees complete. The data that is collected from employees regarding their attitudes toward work, and during this process, their confidentiality is assured. The data is then analyzed and reported back to the organization as group averages.

Survey Feedback

______ is sharing knowledge through access and exposure to images, diagrams, or objects that represent or illustrate a culture value or an idea.


Team leaders should clarify the team purpose and set up ground rules for the team through a ______.

Team charter

_____ reflects three broad categories: performance, behavior, and attitude.

Team effectiveness

______ Are informal and interpersonal rules that team members are expected to follow.

Team norms

_________ Indicates that there can be a performance decrease as a team goes through the storming phase or team development. During the storming phase and team development, team performance declines for a period of time as conflicts emerge regarding goals and contributions of team members.

Team performance curve

An informal network that transmits information within an organization is ______.

The grapevine

Using brief evaluations of communication to predict behavior is called ______.


Pennington points out a list of things to look for in an organization culture that limits results. Which of the following are part of this list?

Undermining the success of other people

The unwritten rules, beliefs, and expectations of a culture are considered ______.


Research has demonstrated that prior studies that had predicted poor outcomes when groups were diverse should be interpreted with caution because when deep-level diversity is considered, diversity may actually contribute positively to work group functioning and effectiveness. The ______ and ______of organizational members matter more than surface characteristics.

Values; attitudes

______ is copying of others' behaviors such as body movements, facial expressions, or speech.

Vocal mirroring

______ is (are) a method(s) for generating new ideas using employee participation and empowerment. This tool was pioneered at General Electric, and it provides a method for workers to get new ideas in front of top management without having to go through hierarchical chains of command.


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