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124) All other things being equal, the wider or larger the span of control, the more an organization is. A) rigid B) cost efficient C) mechanistic D) ambitious


143) In comparison to large groups, small groups . A) have longer norming processes B) are faster at completing tasks C) are better at obtaining diverse input D) have shorter group tenure


102) Studying the external environment allows a manager to understand the and for the organization. A) opportunities; threats B) threats; weaknesses C) strengths; weaknesses D) strengths; opportunities


2) The roles involve collecting, receiving, and disseminating information, according to Mintzberg's managerial roles. A) informational B) decisional C) interpersonal D) technical


108) Which one of the following is an advantage of being a first mover? A) certainty over the direction of technology and market B) opportunity to begin building customer relationships C) low development costs D) no financial or strategic risks


134) Garth hosts his first regional sales meeting during which he meets individually with his employees and shows them a chart of their sales numbers for each month compared to their budgeted quota for the year to date. Additionally, Garth and each employee set mutually agreed- upon budget goals for the remaining six months of the fiscal year. Wade is utilizing the method of performance appraisal. A) BARS B) MBO C) multiperson comparison D) critical incident


37) Moreno's Pub Burgers has enjoyed its status as the Numero Uno hamburger restaurant in Pleasantville for the past ten years. Its only competitor is a national fast food chain preferred by children rather than adults. Which of the following, if true, would make Moreno's business environment more uncertain? A) Moreno's buys the lot next door to expand its parking. B) Because of the growth of Pleasantville's population, more hamburger chains build facilities in Pleasantville. C) The fast food chain closes. D) A new employer moves into the area, bringing hundreds of jobs and more families.


53) Ang Li has found it rather hard to move up in her managerial career at her workplace especially when compared to how fellow graduate from Tri- Valley, Adam Watson, has managed to become the regional manager of sales in the company. This suggests the presence of in Li's organization. A) stereotyping B) a glass ceiling C) goldbricking D) a self- serving bias


66) measures the strength of a person's convictions. A) Locus of control B) Ego strength C) Social desirability D) Moral development


27) If you were talking to Todd, an average person, and asked him what the term culture meant, he would reply that it is . A) the nature of products/services offered by the company B) a set of operational procedures for the company C) the shared values and practices of the firm D) the formal rules of an organization


57) The ways in which people in an organization are different from and similar to one another is known as . A) work culture B) organizational democracy C) workplace diversity D) business etiquette


104) Aston Marton sells very expensive, stylish, high- quality cars to very wealthy people. They follow a strategy. A) differentiation B) functional C) quality D) focus


114) Jackie has noticed that everyone is very concerned about the line of authority within the hospital. This implies that the employees at the hospital are worried about the . A) departmentalization B) span of control C) unity of command D) chain of command


118) One characteristic of the matrix structure is that it . A) eliminates the chain of command B) is well suited for a mechanistic structure C) does away with work specialization D) violates the principle of unity of command


13) When making a decision for a routine situation, which step in the decision making process can be skipped? A) implement the alternative B) evaluate decision effectiveness C) identify the problem D) develop alternatives


19) Depending on the weather and the amount of advertising, Kyle has developed six scenarios for his summer profits from his lawn care business. His business has failed to reach his expectations in the past, so he fears the worst. Kyle will likely choose the option that . A) maximizes the maximum possible payoff B) minimizes the maximum regret C) minimizes the minimum losses D) maximizes the minimum possible payoff


22) When problems are , managers must rely on in order to develop unique solutions. A) unstructured; programmed decision making B) structured; pure intuition C) structured; nonprogrammed decision making D) unstructured; nonprogrammed decision making


24) "We can't stop now. We've already invested $100,000 in the project." This speaker is acting on the . A) anchoring effect B) representation bias C) availability bias D) sunk costs error


6) Which one of the following is an example of an efficient manufacturing technique? A) increasing the amount of time to manufacture products B) meeting customers' rigorous demand C) increasing product reject rates D) reducing the amount of scrap created in the process of making a product


76) According to Kurt Lewin, increasing the driving forces is a means of . A) restraining B) changing C) refreezing D) unfreezing


77) Which one of the following techniques for reducing resistance to change assumes that much of the resistance lies in misinformation? A) participation B) facilitation and support C) negotiation D) education and communication


85) Changes in eating habits are a symptom of stress. A) financial B) psychological C) physical D) behavioral


88) Organizational change is any alteration of . A) structure, management, or goals B) technology, goals, or management C) rules, procedures, or management D) people, structure, or technology


8) The human resources manager is meeting with the production manager to write job descriptions and to decide how to group jobs for a new production line. These two are engaged in . A) leading B) organizing C) controlling D) planning


94) Short- term plans are those covering or less. A) five years B) one year C) six months D) three years


62) The period of time from the 1960s to 1970s focused on . A) making employees more aware and sensitive to the needs and differences of others B) diversity and inclusion for business success, profitability, and growth C) complying with laws and regulations through affirmative action policies and programs D) assimilating minorities and women into the corporate setting


63) A is a formal statement of an organization's primary values and the ethical rules it expects its employees to follow. A) vision statement B) mission statement C) code of ethics D) values statement


67) When a firm advertises that it only uses recycled paper products, it is . A) meeting its social obligation B) following ISO 9000 standards C) being socially responsive D) meeting its social screening requirements


69) How can managers identify the ethically questionable applicants even before they become part of the workforce? A) by performing background checks B) by favoring candidates who come with a reference from existing employees C) by including integrity testing in the selection process D) by requiring letters of recommendation


71) If Google asks 25 members of its executive team to spend a full day during their annual team- building retreat building a house in Las Vegas with Habitat for Humanity, the executives would be engaging in employee . A) whistle- blowing efforts B) administering efforts C) volunteering efforts D) entrepreneuring efforts


9) From a business perspective, a company's ability to achieve its business goals and increase long- term shareholder value by integrating economic, environmental, and social opportunities into its business strategies is known as . A) accountability B) equitability C) sustainability D) universality


92) A standing plan is . A) a flexible plan that sets out general guidelines for company strategy B) a one- time plan specifically designed to meet the needs of a unique situation C) an ongoing plan that provides guidance for activities performed repeatedly D) a plan that stands in place of a preferred plan in case of the failure of the latter


97) involves defining the organization's goals, establishing strategies for achieving those goals, and developing plans to integrate and coordinate work activities. A) Logistics B) Execution C) Planning D) Operations


34) Which one of the following is a characteristic of an organization with a strong culture? A) Emphasis is laid on the future of the organization, rather than acquainting employees with company history or past heroes. B) Management strives to delink shared values from behaviors as much as possible. C) The core set of organizational values is zealously guarded by the management. D) Culture conveys consistent messages about what is important to the organization.


41) In 1984 Toyota and General Motors formed a company called NUMMI to build cars carrying both the General Motors and Toyota brands. NUMMI is an example of a(n) . A) global venture B) nonequity strategic alliance C) equity strategic alliance D) joint venture


42) A economy is one in which resources are primarily owned and controlled by the private sector. A) command B) planned C) democratic D) free market


58) refers to the social traits that are shared by a human population. A) Ancestry B) Race C) Nationality D) Ethnicity


64) Employees who raise ethical concerns or issues in an organization are known as . A) philanthropist B) entrepreneurs C) employee- volunteers D) whistle- blowers


1) Tom is responsible for project managers who supervise others who perform manual work. He reports to a vice president on another continent. Tom is a . A) middle manager B) first line manager C) top manager D) nonmanager


100) refers to gathering information about competitors that allows managers to anticipate competitors' actions rather than merely react to them. A) Competitor intelligence B) Value analysis C) Data aggregation D) Due diligence


103) Every fast food hamburger restaurant chain wants you to believe their product is the best because it is stored or prepared uniquely. Each of these is pursuing a . A) differentiation strategy B) quality strategy C) low cost leadership strategy D) focus strategy


109) When the price of beef skyrockets, consumers switch to pork and chicken. This demonstrates . A) the threat of substitutes B) the bargaining power of buyers C) the threat of new entrants D) the bargaining power of suppliers


110) Functional- level strategy directly supports the . A) competitive strategy B) corporate strategy C) concentration strategy D) operating strategy


112) takes place when a company combines with other companies in different, but associated, industries. A) Related diversification B) Vertical integration C) Horizontal integration D) Stabilized diversification


115) is the degree to which decision making takes place at upper levels of the organization. A) Centralization B) Formalization C) Departmentalization D) Decentralization


116) departmentalization is based on the product or customer flow through the organization. A) Process B) Product C) Customer D) Functional


117) Koko is offered a chance to help direct the efforts of some employees assigned to his work group. This is a chance for Koko to experience . A) authority B) leadership C) responsibility D) command


120) Which of the following is a strength of the simple structures? A) It is inexpensive to maintain. B) It remains appropriate even as the organization changes as it grows. C) Employees are grouped with others who have similar tasks. D) It focuses on results.


122) Large organizations tend to have more than smaller organizations. A) specialization B) autonomy C) span of control D) decentralization


123) At the Saturn plant in Smyrna, Georgia, groups of employees decided how their work would be done, by whom, and with what resources. These groups were given authority to decide who became members and to release any member who did not meet performance standards. Saturn had instituted a(n) structure. A) team B) virtual C) boundaryless D) project


125) The method of performance appraisal allows the evaluator to rate employees on an incremental scale. A) graphic rating scale B) multiperson comparison C) management by objective D) behaviorally anchored rating scale


126) The process by which managers ensure that they have the right number and kinds of capable people in the right places and at the right times is known as . A) human resource planning B) performance planning C) human capital management D) performance management


127) Recruitment is the process of . A) locating, identifying, and attracting capable applicants B) moving employees laterally to reduce intra- organizational supply- demand imbalances C) screening job applicants to determine who is the best D) selecting candidates to fill open positions


129) A written statement that explains the job content, environment, and conditions of employment is called a . A) job description B) job specification C) job preview D) job manual


131) is an Internet- based learning where employees participate in multimedia simulations or other interactive modules. A) E- learning B) Mobile learning C) Videoconferencing D) Podcasts


139) Which one of the following is considered to be the last stage of group development for permanent work groups? A) performing B) adjourning C) storming D) norming


140) Her instincts told her the group was heading in a very wrong direction but Natalie didn't want to cause a scene by disagreeing, especially when she was apparently the only one with reservations. Natalie has succumbed to . A) groupthink B) social loafing C) groupshift D) group norms


141) Which one of the following refers to independent formal groups whose members, in addition to their regular jobs, take on traditional managerial responsibilities, such as hiring, planning and scheduling, and evaluating performance? A) self- managed teams B) cross- functional teams C) command groups D) task groups


144) Peggy is a party animal, loud, friendly, bluntly outspoken. Al is quiet, tactful, and clearly disapproving of Peggy's lifestyle. It's no wonder the two do not work well together. This is a type of conflict. A) relationship B) task C) process D) interpersonal


145) Group cohesiveness is most likely to produce strong increases in productivity when . A) the group's goals align with the organization's goals B) it reduces social loafing in the group C) group members respect and uphold the group norms D) cohesiveness reduces internal strife


16) is a situation in which a decision maker cannot make reasonable probability estimates. A) Uncertainty B) Necessity C) Certainty D) Risk


20) Gilda has an idea that would streamline operations, reduce costs, and increase profits. Her idea requires the cooperation of several departments, some of which have demonstrated a resistance to change. By considering the context in which the changes must happen and the people in her organization, Gilda is using . A) evidence- based management B) intuition C) bounded rationality D) positive employee relations


21) Bryan must select a new supplier for lighting fixtures for his company's mobile homes. He has decided quality is more important than price but price is more important than lead times. Bryan will use these priorities to . A) allocate weights to the criteria B) analyze alternatives C) develop alternatives D) set his decision criteria


23) When managers make decisions that are rational but limited by their ability to process the information, they are following the concept of . A) bounded rationality B) intuitive decision making C) escalation of commitment D) cognitive decision making


25) Managers are assumed to use if they make logical and consistent choices to maximize value. A) rational decision making B) evidence- based management C) intuitive decision making D) bounded rationality


32) Which of the following, if true, represents a demographic change that will affect decisions future managers make? A) The percentage of Hispanics in the candidate pool will increase. B) The unemployment rate is likely to continue to fall. C) More job candidates are likely to have tattoos and body piercings. D) More jobs will be performed by robots.


44) Which of the following is a multinational corporation that tailors marketing strategies to the host country's unique characteristics? A) multidomestic corporation B) transnational organization C) borderless organization D) global company


47) Which of the following is a feature of a multidomestic corporation? A) has a decentralized management B) reflects an ethnocentric attitude C) all decisions are made in the home country D) eliminates artificial geographic borders


49) Samanex Corporation maintains production facilities in 13 different countries on three continents. Each facility is managed by a native of the country where it is located. This practice is indicative of a(n) attitude. A) polycentric B) ethnocentric C) geocentric D) multicentric


52) Which one of the following is an example of workplace discrimination in the form of exclusion? A) Many women in finance claim they are assigned to marginal job roles or are given light workloads that don't lead to promotion. B) Older workers may be targeted for layoffs because they are highly paid and have lucrative benefits. C) Female lawyers note that male attorneys frequently cut them off or do not adequately address their comments. D) African American employees at some companies have found racist graffiti in their work areas.


73) A is an individual or organization who seeks out opportunities to improve society by using practical, innovative, and sustainable approaches. A) social entrepreneur B) whistle- blower C) philanthropist D) sustainability contractor


89) Which one of the following is true of the impact of formal planning on organizational performance? A) Formal planning is associated with positive financial results. B) Organizations that formally plan invariably outperform those that don't plan. C) Companies can start seeing the impact of formal planning on performance about a year after starting the planning process. D) The amount of planning done is more important to high performance than the quality of planning and implementation.


149) Employees were paid and evaluated based on quantity of output so it expected the continuous improvement team to meet during the two daily 15- minute breaks. The only space available for these meetings was the noisy breakroom. Then management wondered why the group was not producing results. The most likely reason is A) a poor strategy for managing quality B) external conditions imposed on the group C) a lack of resources within the group D) a lack of group cohesiveness


15) James has calculated the possible profits from three different scenarios for the expansion of his restaurant, each for a different amount of advertising and promotion. He has chosen to implement the scenario that offers the greatest profit. James has decided to . A) minimax B) maximax C) maximin D) minimin


150) An organization brings together members from various departments such as marketing, accounting, human resources, and finance to form a team. This is an example of a team. A) functional B) cross- functional C) self- managed D) problem- solving


26) Martha is concerned with the degree to which managers focus on results rather than the techniques and processes used to achieve those results. In other words, Martha is concerned that the company will emphasize over other dimensions of the organizational culture. A) attention to detail B) outcome orientation C) aggressiveness D) stability


29) Suppose the government of Abolonia imposed a national sales tax on its citizens that reduced their disposable income. Which component of the external environment would this affect? A) demographic B) economic C) global D) cultural


3) Donald's ability to complete activities efficiently and effectively with and through other people is known as . A) entrepreneurship B) management C) delegation D) leadership


43) Theodore and James decide to enter into an agreement with a firm in Europe allowing them to use the rights to their software, brand name, and software specifications in return for a lump sum payment. The firm is a service organization that plans to use the software to assist its customers. Their agreement is a(n) . A) licensing agreement B) franchise agreement C) import agreement D) export agreement


45) A corporation drops its organizational structure based on countries and reorganizes into industry groups. This is an example of the company becoming a(n) . A) global company B) borderless organization C) ethnocentric company D) polycentric organization


56) Which one of the following statements is true of employing disabled employees? A) Workers with disabilities lack job skills and experience necessary to perform as well as their abled counterparts. B) A person with a disability for whom workplace accommodations have been provided has the same obligations and rights as far as job performance. C) Hiring people with disabilities leads to higher employment costs and lower profit margins. D) Employees with disabilities are exempt from potential disciplinary action, and there are high costs associated with accommodating disabled employees.


59) A good mentor will . A) groom the protégé for higher- level positions with the firm B) provide constructive criticism to the protégé C) introduce the protégé to influential managers within the firm D) promote the protégé for assignments outside the protégé's regular duties


78) Organizations need change because . A) employees get bored with the status quo B) external and internal factors create the forces for change C) the environment is stable D) the future is unpredictable


79) Which of the following is an example of a cultural variable that fosters innovation? A) low specialization B) low external controls C) high job security D) abundant resources


81) creates expectations that may be hard to reconcile or satisfy. A) Role ambiguity B) Role conflict C) Role demand D) Role overload


83) Which one of the following techniques for reducing resistance to change includes employee counseling, therapy, new skills training, or a short paid leave of absence. A) manipulation and co- optation B) facilitation and support C) coercion D) negotiation


86) When the Pinto cars made by Ford were increasingly involved in fatal rear- crash accidents, Ford officials made a decision to discontinue that model. Their decision was a(n) change. A) proactive B) reactive C) retroactive D) inactive


90) In , goals set by top managers flow down through the organization and become subgoals for each organizational area. A) traditional planning B) traditional goal setting C) management by observation D) management by objectives


93) A manager's analysis of the external environment can be improved by , which involves screening information to detect emerging trends. A) critical path analysis B) environmental scanning C) social screening D) environmental activism


96) If top management set a goal that each store in the company should have sales equal to or greater than $100 per square foot per day, this would be an example of . A) a directional plan B) a financial goal C) a strategic goal D) a strategic plan


98) When uncertainty is high, plans should be and . A) directional; standing B) specific; flexible C) short- term; directional D) general; informal


99) Which one of the following reflects the way goals are used in an MBO program? A) Goals are used to broadly set the direction subject to encourage interpretation by individual managers. B) Apart from being used to ensure that employees are doing what they are supposed to be doing, goals are used as a motivating tool for employees. C) Goals are used to compare organizational performance year over year. D) Goals are used to prepare financial budgets for each unit.


10) If Fiona accomplishes her projects with high- quality results, but takes more time than other managers in the process, as a manager she is . A) project oriented, but not effective B) efficient, but ineffective C) effective, but inefficient D) a leader, but not a top manager


107) should be sold off or liquidated as they have low market share and low growth potential. A) Stars B) Question marks C) Dogs D) Cash cows


111) Carol's Ceramics sells items it buys from ceramic factories. If Carol's were to purchase one of these factories, it would be engaging in integration. A) horizontal B) concentrated C) backward vertical D) forward vertical


128) as a source of recruitment is limited to entry- level positions. A) The Internet B) Employee referrals C) College recruiting D) Professional recruiting organizations


133) Kelly was hired as a customer care executive by a telecommunications provider during a period when they were extremely short- staffed. Her employers soon realized that she was impatient, easily irritated, and lacked motivation. They even began to receive complaints about her behavior from angry customers. In hiring Kelly, her employers were guilty of a(n) . A) reject error B) omission error C) accept error D) admission error


137) If human resource planning shows a surplus of employees, management can reduce the organization's workforce through . A) increased workweeks B) reduced job sharing C) decruitment D) recruitment


14) One of the workers in Henry's department submitted his two weeks' notice so Henry needs to hire a replacement. The HR department issued a set of instructions Henry must follow to initiate the search for candidates. In other words, there is a Henry must follow. A) program B) practice C) procedure D) policy


142) Which of the following is an example of a formal group? A) people who assemble in the company library to read B) a group of employees who meet after work to play basketball C) a functional department in an organization D) a group of employees attending a colleague's wedding


28) Calvin's goals for the coming year include specific targets for increasing market share and quantity of units shipped. If he succeeds, he will be handsomely rewarded. If he fails, he is likely to be replaced. Judging from this, it would appear that Calvin's employer subscribes to the . A) impotent view of management B) omniscient view of management C) omnipotent view of management D) symbolic view of management


35) Which of the following are the two dimensions of environmental uncertainty? A) degree of change and degree of volume B) degree of impact and degree of timing C) degree of change and degree of complexity D) degree of complexity and degree of impact


12) Which one of the following represents one of the challenges of management? A) helping others find meaning and fulfillment in their work B) influencing organizational outcomes C) creating an environment in which organizational members can do their best work D) having to deal with a variety of personalities


136) Which of the following is true of high- performance work practices? A) It is easier to implement in organizations with centralized structures. B) In spite of its many benefits, research indicates that there is no direct link between high- performance work practices and a firm's market value. C) It involves well- structured job responsibilities as opposed to flexible assignments. D) It encourages extensive employee involvement and greater employee control on decision making.


138) A low- to- moderate level of task conflict consistently has a positive effect on group performance. What is the reason for this? A) It helps the organization identify employee skills gaps. B) It helps groups members identify their individual strengths and weaknesses. C) It helps groups to alter the nature of the work according to the individual needs of team members. D) It stimulates discussion of ideas that help groups be more innovative.


17) Sales of the high- end units have declined. The owners want Arnold, the CEO, to increase revenues to previous levels. His first action should be . A) to immediately begin production on the lowest cost model B) to compare costs for three new models under development C) to identify previous sales levels D) to determine why sales are off


18) Carla has identified several possible sources for Himalayan salt to make her bath salts. Now she is comparing their prices, quality, and delivery times. At what step is she in the decision- making process? A) develop alternatives B) select an alternative C) implement the alternative D) analyze alternatives


30) Which of the following environments is characterized by the highest level of environmental uncertainty? A) a dynamic and simple environment B) a stable and complex environment C) a stable and simple environment D) a dynamic and complex environment


31) The day before Disney World in Florida was to open, the sod around one of the resort hotels had not been laid. CEO Michael Eisner took off his suit coat and tie, rolled up his sleeves, and began laying sod. He instructed his managers to do likewise but many objected, saying they did not know how to lay sod. "It's not hard, boys," said Eisner. "The green side goes up." This is an example of a that reinforces culture. A) ritual B) tradition C) artifact D) story


33) Bill's organization expects 50% of profits to be generated by products that did not exist five years ago. What is the nature of the programs that the organization's managers are likely to follow? A) expansionary B) short- term C) risky D) innovative


4) When Joe checks the amount of output that the employees have completed and the number of units that have been rejected, he is performing which of the following management functions? A) monitoring B) evaluating C) leading D) controlling


48) The hero is always a loner, riding off into the sunset. Employers expect key employees to make critical decisions alone; rewards are given to individuals, not to teams. This describes a culture that is . A) low in in- group collectivism B) high in assertiveness C) high in institutional collectivism D) low in institutional collectivism


50) Alfredo believes that the CEO is no better than the janitor of the organization and neither should receive preferential treatment. Using the GLOBE model, what can we infer about Alfredo's culture? A) Alfredo's culture is high in assertiveness. B) Alfredo's culture is high in power distance. C) Alfredo's culture is low in low in humane orientation. D) Alfredo's culture is low in power distance.


51) Trends observed in the shifting world population indicate that the average age of the world population in increasing. Also, the world's population aged over 80 is expected to more than double by the year 2040. Which of the following is a likely implication of such population trends? A) decreasing demands on social entitlement programs B) increasing global savings rates C) decreasing preference for white- collar occupations D) dwindling labor supply


54) Which of the following examples would be considered appropriate stereotyping? A) assuming red- haired people have rather nasty tempers B) bracketing working mothers as not being committed fully to their jobs C) assuming women to be particularly bad drivers D) asking someone from accounting to help with a budgeting problem


55) is a term that describes a tendency or preference toward a particular perspective or ideology. A) Prejudice B) Reasoning C) Impartiality D) Bias


61) is the biological heritage (including physical characteristics such as one's skin color and associated traits) that people use to identify themselves. A) Ethnicity B) Nationality C) Culture D) Race


65) is the degree to which people believe they control their own fate. A) Social responsibility B) Social obligation C) Ego strength D) Locus of control


68) represent basic convictions about what is right and wrong. A) Beliefs B) Dogmas C) Principles D) Values


7) Which one of the following represents one reward of being a manager? A) motivating workers in chaotic situations B) performing duties that are more clerical than managerial C) operating with limited resources D) receiving recognition in the organization


70) Under what approach do organizations exhibit little environmental sensitivity, and simply obey laws, rules and regulations? A) stakeholder approach B) activist approach C) market approach D) legal approach


72) Norman is a stickler for following the rules because he is sure he will be caught and punished if he doesn't. What is Norman's level of moral development? A) principled B) post- conventional C) conventional D) preconventional


74) Which one of the following is true concerning the impact of organizational culture on ethical behavior? A) An organization with low conflict tolerance encourages ethical behavior. B) An organizational culture that is high in control encourages unethical behavior. C) An organizational culture that is high in conflict tolerance encourages unethical behavior. D) An organization with strong culture can encourage either ethical or unethical behavior.


75) According to the argument on social responsibility, businesses should be socially responsible because responsible actions are the right thing to do. A) public image B) greater good C) better environment D) ethical obligation


82) In the metaphor, change is normal and expected and managing it is a continual process. A) water over the dam B) calm waters C) smooth water D) white- water rapids


91) Goals are different from plans because . A) goals identify specific steps that the organization needs to achieve, and plans identify the overall mission of the organization B) goals are important only for small companies, and plans are important only for large companies C) goals describe financial objectives, and plans describe objectives related to social responsibility D) goals are desired outcomes, and plans describe how those outcomes will be accomplished


95) An organization's goals are official statements of what an organization says, and what it wants its stakeholders to believe its goals are. A) implicit B) real C) authentic D) stated


101) Which of the following is a competitive force under Porter's five forces model? A) vertical integration B) threat of new entrants C) past rivalry with competitors D) bargaining power of distributors


105) is the ability to anticipate, envision, maintain flexibility, think strategically, and work with others in the organization to initiate changes that will create a viable and valuable future for the organization. A) Strategic competence B) Strategic leadership C) Strategic flexibility D) Strategic management


106) When a totally new product, such as Blu- Ray years ago, is introduced, it would be considered a according to the BCG matrix. A) dog B) question mark C) cash cow D) star


11) The universality of management means that . A) all managers in all organizations perform the same quantity of managerial functions B) all managers in all organizations perform the four management functions C) all managers in all organizations perform managerial functions in similar ways D) any manager can work in any organization and perform any management function


113) In highly organizations, there are explicit job descriptions, numerous organizational rules, and clearly defined procedures covering work processes. A) departmentalized B) formalized C) specialized D) decentralized


119) A is an organizational design that groups similar or related occupational specialties together. A) matrix structure B) functional structure C) simple structure D) divisional structure


121) In the beginning, all employees at Bob's Welding performed whatever task was needed. Now the employees have gravitated to specific sets of tasks. Some use only stick welders; some weld only on aluminum. We can infer that as his business has grown, it has become more . A) organic B) specialized C) centralized D) formal


130) An assessment that defines jobs and the behaviors necessary to perform them is known as a . A) job specification B) job analysis C) job description D) job preview


132) John is a candidate for an automotive mechanic's position. He is asked to deconstruct and reconstruct part of an engine motor to demonstrate his skill. This is an example of a(n) . A) aptitude test B) performance- simulation test C) psychometric test D) intelligence test


135) A states the minimum qualifications that a person must possess to successfully perform a given job. A) job description B) job specification C) job preview D) job analysis


146) Individuals have the tendency to expend less effort when working collectively than when working individually. Which one of the following concepts relates most closely to this behavior? A) nonconformity B) social loafing C) role conflict D) role ambiguity


147) Asch's experiment, which used lines of varying lengths to test group behavior, has shown the existence of . A) role conflicts B) workplace conformity C) group norms D) social loafing


148) The acceptable standards or expectations that are shared by a group's members are referred to as . A) morals B) norms C) criteria D) affiliations


36) Which one of the following statements highlights the shared aspect of culture? A) Organizational culture is concerned with how members perceive the culture and describe it, not with whether they like it. B) The original source of the culture of an organization reflects the vision of the organization's founders. C) Even though individuals may have different backgrounds or work at different organizational levels, they tend to describe the organization's culture in similar terms. D) Organizational culture is not something that can be physically touched or seen, but employees perceive it on the basis of what they experience within the organization.


38) Harley Davidson makes motorcycles but in its retail stores it also sells clothing, motorcycle accessories, jewelry, and many related products carrying the Harley trademarks made by other companies. Harley Davidson is engaging in . A) global sourcing B) franchising C) licensing D) exporting


39) Bill Sanderson, a manager in a manufacturing firm in New York has a tendency to view the world only through his U.S.- based perspective. What can be deduced about his attitude? A) He has a polycentric attitude. B) He has a geocentric attitude. C) He has a parochialistic attitude. D) He has an elitist attitude.


40) Unlike the United States, the change from one regime to another in foreign countries can be less than peaceful. Differences in the environment can lead to uncertainty and risk for global managers. A) demographic B) economic C) political/legal D) cultural


46) Melanie had been buying raw materials locally but she is being underpriced by her competitors. She thinks there might be lower- cost materials elsewhere. What advice would you give Melanie? A) She should engage in franchising. B) She should develop strategic alliances with foreign companies. C) She should engage in global sourcing. D) She should engage in licensing.


5) Terry has recently been promoted from shift manager to department manager. As a result, . A) his conceptual skills are going to take the priority B) the importance of his interpersonal skills is reduced C) the importance of his technical skills is reduced D) his empirical skills are going to be most important


60) Executives at Macromix have initiated a diversity skills training program to educate employees about the importance of diversity at the workplace. Which one of the following should be the first step to be implemented in the program? A) training employees on how to work effectively in a diverse work environment B) increasing employees' sensitivity and openness to those who are different from them C) making employees aware of the assumptions and biases they may have D) teaching people specific skills on how to communicate effectively with their fellow employees


80) In organizations, people who act as catalysts and assume the responsibility for managing the change process are called . A) change champions B) change masters C) change agents D) change generators


84) When supermarkets and other retailers use scanners that provide instant inventory information, they are adopting changes. A) efficiency B) structural C) technological D) people


87) Which one of the following is a strategy for managing cultural change? A) Allow subcultures to flourish. B) Keep the same stories and rituals. C) Redesign socialization processes to align with the new values. D) Support employees who remain devoted to the old values.


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