Final Exam- Bio Lab

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null hypothesis

Basically the opposite of your hypothesis, stating that the effect you hypothesize does not exist

what are sister taxa on a phylogenetic tree?

two organisms with the most recent common ancestor

sister taxa

two taxa that are each other's closest relatives

Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium

condition that occurs when the frequency of alleles in a particular gene pool remain constant over time

measurement includes

counting, length, volume, mass, color, characteristic, color, characteristics of sound and so on


most frequently occurring score


Cell division that produces reproductive cells in sexually reproducing organisms

bilateral symmetry

Having a body that can be divided equally into left and right halves. the typical body plan of most animals w a head and central nervous system

B. consumption

Herbivory and predation are both examples of which type of ecological interaction? A. mutualism B. consumption C. competition D. commensalism

natural selection

a non-random evolutionary force. operates through the association of a phenotype with reproductive success. If the phenotype of heritable then evolution will occur


"Laying" of eggs by insects by placing them in or on a plant, the soil, or other part of the environment using the female reproductive organ, an ovipositor.

Gene Determination

-process through development - the cell decides what type it will be

descriptive statistics

a number used to describe a property of a population

reject the null hypothesis ( 5%--> 100%)

- If p-value < 0.05 - not significantly different - "null is true"

gene differentiation

- Regulatory genes are expressed eventually turn on other genes that control the structure and function of the cell pre -differentiation occurs after determination

fail to reject the null hypothesis (0% --> 5%)

- if p-value > 0.05 - significantly different - "hypothesis is true"


-Refers to accidents during DNA duplication -result is that the parent passes on the offspring a different allele from one occurring in the parent


-an estimate of the equation fitting a line through the points -estimates the slope of the line and the intercept


A branching point on a cladogram.

A. determined only

A cell in an embryo that still resembles the original cells of that embryo but will eventually form the spinal cord is ___. A. determined only B. differentiated only C. determined and differentiated D. neither determined nor differentiated

C. determined and differentiated

A cell in the nervous system of a late stage fetus is ___. A. determined only B. differentiated only C. determined and differentiated D. neither determined nor differentiated

A. populations

A community is a group of __________________ of different species that all occur in the same area. A. populations B. ecosystems C. offspring D. genomes

Objective Observation

A factual or measurable event such as a pulse rate or body sign

regulatory gene

A gene that codes for a protein, such as a repressor, that controls the transcription of another gene or group of genes.

D. natural selection

A large sample of flies from the population in question 2 is moved to a new habitat. There are no flies existing there. There is a lot more fermenting fruit (and thus alcohol) in this environment compared to the original environment. Over 10 generations, the frequency of the fast allele increases from 0.3 to 0.6. What evolutionary force is responsible for this result? A. mutation B. migration C. genetic drift D. natural selection

A. it is very close to the 'true' value

A measurement that is highly accurate has which of the following characteristics? A. it is very close to the 'true' value B. it is highly repeatable C. it is biologically meaningful D. both A and B

B. it is highly repeatable

A measurement that is highly precise has which of the following characteristics? A. it is very close to the 'true' value B. it is highly repeatable C. it is biologically meaningful D. both A and B

systematic error example

A problem with the scales mechanics used, however you did everything correctly.

C. hypothesis

A scientist wants to test the idea that temperature affects the rate at which crickets 'sing' (technically called stridulation). She places crickets in different temperatures and records the singing rate. The proposal that the singing rate depends on temperature is the ___. A. independent variable B. dependent variable C. hypothesis D. most accurate measurement

b. Dependent variable

A scientist wants to test the idea that temperature affects the rate at which crickets 'sing' (technically called stridulation). She places crickets in different temperatures and records the singing rate. The singing rate is the ___. A. independent variable B. dependent variable C. hypothesis D. most accurate measurement

A. independent variable

A scientist wants to test the idea that temperature affects the rate at which crickets 'sing' (technically called stridulation). She places crickets in different temperatures and records the singing rate. The temperature to which crickets are exposed is the ___. A. independent variable B. dependent variable C. hypothesis D. most accurate measurement

C. bottom-up control

A scientists adds fertilizer to the soil in a grassland and measures a change in the insects feeding on the plants. This change is an example of which of the following? A. mutualism B. competition C. bottom-up control D. top-down control E. an energy pyramid

A. predation

A species interaction in which on species benefits and another species does worse than it would if it was alone is known as ___. A. predation B. mutualism C. photosynthesis D. production

Chi-square test

A statistical method of testing for an association between two categorical variables. Specifically, it tests for the equality of two frequencies or proportions.

D. A and C

A succulent plant is grown in a low light situation so that it is very tall. pale, and has few leaves compared to its siblings grown in full sun. Is this an evolutionary change or not, and why? A. not evolution because no genetic changes B. evolution because phenotypic change C. not evolution because phenotypic change D. A and C


A=B; The difference that exists is not random, due to the variables we are testing for

genetic drift

An evolutionary force that occurs because of random changes in allele frequency over time

C. it has a pupal stage

An insect that is holometabolous is distinguished by which of the following? A. it can fly B. it has six legs C. it has a pupal stage D. young are called nymphs

Subjective Observation

An observation is based on how an individual perceives reality, rather than reality itself. Therefore, this observation could change wildly based on the person making the observation.

blending inheritance

An outdated, disrupted theory that the phenotype of an offspring was a uniform blend of the parent's phenotypes.


Any chromosome that is not a sex chromosome

What does the law of segregation state? A. in an organism, each locus has two alleles B. only one allele per locus is present in each gamete C. only one trait can be inherited per locus D. A and B

B. only one allele per locus is present in each gamete


a particular version of a gene. for example, In Drosophila, there are scarlet and wild type alleles at the scarlet locus

cell fate

Describes what a particular cell at a given stage of development will normally give rise to.

random error

Error that causes measurements to deviate randomly from the "true" value

second generation


B. 5

If a sample of 36 measurements has a variance of 25, what is the standard deviation? A. 6 B. 5 C. 25/36 D. 5/6

D. 5/6

If a sample of 36 measurements has a variance of 25, what is the standard error? A. 6 B. 5 C. 25/36 D. 5/6

C. the probability that the two populations have the same mean is less than 4%

If you do a t-test and you get p<0.04, what does the value mean? A. the two means you are comparing are different B. the populations you are comparing have different means C. the probability that the two populations have the same mean is less than 4% D. none of the above are true

D. insects tend to be more specialized in the plants they eat

Insect herbivores differ from mammalian herbivores in which of the following ways? A. insects never harm the plants they eat B. insects only eat plants that are distasteful to humans C. each insect species eats many different plant species D. insects tend to be more specialized in the plants they eat


Juvenile stage of many insects and other organisms. must under metamorphosis to become adults

bottom-up control

Limitation of the abundance of a population by nutrient supply or by the availability of food.

B. primary consumers

Organisms that feed upon plants are known as ___. A. producers B. primary consumers C. secondary consumers D. ovipositors

parental generation

P generation

convergent evolution

Process by which unrelated organisms independently evolve similarities when adapting to similar environments


Refers to movement of alleles between populations


a statistical measure that tells us how measured data vary from average value of the set of data


a taxon that diverged prior to the taxa that are the focus of the study; helps to root the tree


The ability to regrow a missing part of the body.

C. Bb only

The allele for white hair in mice is autosomal recessive (b), while the allele for black hair is autosomal dominant (B). A white, female mouse mates with a black, male mouse. If the offspring are half black and half white, what are the possible genotypes for the black, male mouse? A. Bb or bb B. BB only C. Bb only D. bb only

D. bb only

The allele for white hair in mice is autosomal recessive (b), while the allele for black hair is autosomal dominant (B). A white, female mouse mates with a black, male mouse. What are the possible genotypes for the white, female mouse? A. Bb or bb B. BB only C. Bb only D. bb only

daughter cells

The cells that are produced as a result of mitosis. These cells are identical to each other, and also to the original parent cell.

B. control of gene expression

The control of transcription of DNA and translocation of mRNA is most accurately described as ___. A. control of cell fate B. control of gene expression C. control of differentiation D. control of determination

degrees of freedom

The number of individual scores that can vary without changing the sample mean. Statistically written as 'N-1' where N represents the number of subjects.

dependent variable

The outcome factor; the variable that may change in response to manipulations of the independent variable. (the y)

D. regeneration

The production of a new structure, following the removal of an existing structure, in an adult animal is known as ___. A. cell fate B. determination C. differentiation D. regeneration

community ecology

The study of how interactions between species affect community structure and organization

population ecology

The study of populations in relation to the environment, including environmental influences on population density and distribution, age structure, and variations in population size.

D. community ecology

The study of species diversity and the role of interactions among species in influencing diversity is known as ___. A. ecosystem ecology B. population ecology C. behavioral ecology D. community ecology

C. homologous

The use of DNA sequences to estimate phylogenies is based on the idea that DNA sequences in different taxa can be ___. A. convergent B. parsimonious C. homologous D. interesting

B. mean

The value (sum of all measurements/total number of measurements) for a sample is known as the ___. A. median B. mean C. mode D. variance

A. 4.8

The variance for a sample with values 2,2,2,6,6, and 6 is ___. A. 4.8 B. 2 C. 5 D. 2.5

A. Mutation

Two flies that are both homozygous for the fast allele of alcohol dehydrogenase are mated (neither has mated previously). They have many homozygous fast offspring and one offspring that is a heterozygote. What evolutionary force is responsible for this result? A. mutation B. migration C. genetic drift D. natural selection

C. an allele is a particular version of a gene

What is the difference between an allele and a gene (locus)? A. they are exactly the same B. allele applies to genes on the sex chromosomes C. an allele is a particular version of a gene D. an allele is always dominant

C. counts

What type of data is analyzed using a chi-squared ( χ2 ) test? A. continuously varying measurements B. mean values for different groups C. counts D. all of the above

C. regulatory genes

What types of genes are typically activated during determination? A. genes coding for enzymes B. genes coding for structural proteins C. regulatory genes D. no genes

C. genetic drift

Which evolutionary force is most powerful in small populations? A. mutation B. migration C. genetic drift D. natural selection

B. slow gradual change in traits over time

Which of the following is NOT the cause of problems when using morphological characteristics to construct a phylogeny? A. rapid evolution during adaptive radiation B. slow gradual change in traits over time C. convergence D. lack of shared characteristics among taxa

B. High trophic level organisms are usually uncommon

Which of the following is true because of the fact that only about 10% of food is used to make more biomass? A. High trophic level organisms are usually very common B. High trophic level organisms are usually uncommon C. middle trophic level organisms are usually uncommon D. middle trophic level organisms are usually very common

D. food webs can show that species can occur at multiple trophic levels

Why is a food web a more accurate representation of a community than a food chain? A. most organisms are specialists and have only one food source B. food webs incorporate competition and mutualism unlike food chains C. food chains don't tell you at what trophic level each species occurs D. food webs can show that species can occur at multiple trophic levels

B. to ensure the individuals are homozygous

Why is it important to use individuals from pure breeding lines to start crosses? A. to remove any effects of linked genes B. to ensure the individuals are homozygous C. to ensure the individuals are heterozygous D. to test the dominance relationship between the alleles

D. parsimony maps the evolution of each base in the sequence so there are a huge number of characters

Why is the combination of DNA data and parsimony so powerful? A. parsimony does not apply to DNA sequences, so it is not powerful B. most DNA data is non-coding and cannot be used except in parsimony analyses C. DNA has only 4 possible character states D. parsimony maps the evolution of each base in the sequence so there are a huge number of characters

D. 0.42

You are studying the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase in a population of Drosophila. The allele frequency of the fast allele is 0.3 and the allele frequency of the slow allele is 0.7. Assuming the population is in Hardy Weinberg equilibrium, what is the expected frequency of heterozygotes in the population? A. 0.21 B. 0.09 C. 0.49 D. 0.42

B. autosomal dihybrid cross

You have guinea pigs from two pure breeding lines. One line has black fur and red eyes and the other line has white fur and blue eyes. When you cross them, all the F1 guinea pigs have black fur and blue eyes. When you cross the F1s to one another, you get a total of 50 F2 offspring. There are 31 with black fur and red eyes, 15 with white fur and blue eyes, 2 with white fur and red eyes, and 2 with black fur and blue eyes. There are approximately equal numbers of males and females in each phenotypic category. Based on what you know, what kind of cross is being done here? A. autosomal monohybrid cross B. autosomal dihybrid cross C. sex-linked monohybrid cross D. sex-linked dihybrid cross

C. 9.375

You have guinea pigs from two pure breeding lines. One line has black fur and red eyes and the other line has white fur and blue eyes. When you cross them, all the F1 guinea pigs have black fur and blue eyes. When you cross the F1s to one another, you get a total of 50 F2 offspring. There are 31 with black fur and red eyes, 15 with white fur and blue eyes, 2 with white fur and red eyes, and 2 with black fur and blue eyes. There are approximately equal numbers of males and females in each phenotypic category. If you were to do a χ2 test on the data, what would the expected value be for the individuals with white fur and blue eyes? A. 15 B. 12.5 C. 9.375 D. 3.125

B. 9:3:3:1

You have guinea pigs from two pure breeding lines. One line has black fur and red eyes and the other line has white fur and blue eyes. When you cross them, all the F1 guinea pigs have black fur and blue eyes. When you cross the F1s to one another, you get a total of 50 F2 offspring. There are 31 with black fur and red eyes, 15 with white fur and blue eyes, 2 with white fur and red eyes, and 2 with black fur and blue eyes. There are approximately equal numbers of males and females in each phenotypic category. What is the expected phenotypic ratio in the F2 assuming independent assortment? A. 3:1 B. 9:3:3:1 C. 1:1:1:1 D. 1:1

C. black, blue

You have guinea pigs from two pure breeding lines. One line has black fur and red eyes and the other line has white fur and blue eyes. When you cross them, all the F1 guinea pigs have black fur and blue eyes. When you cross the F1s to one another, you get a total of 50 F2 offspring. There are 31 with black fur and red eyes, 15 with white fur and blue eyes, 2 with white fur and red eyes, and 2 with black fur and blue eyes. There are approximately equal numbers of males and females in each phenotypic category. Which alleles are dominant? A. black, red B. black, white C. black, blue D. white, blue


a change in a proportion that is not isometric resulting in a change of proportion and shape with changing size.

standard deviation

a computed measure of how much scores vary around the mean score


a haploid reproductive cell (sperm or egg)


a locus occurring on either the X or Y chromosome

Darwin's Theory of Evolution

all species of organisms arise and develop through the natural selection of small, inherited variations that increase the individual's ability to compete, survive, and reproduce.



Testable Question

can be answered by designing and conducting an experiment


cell division in which the nucleus divides into nuclei containing the same number of chromosomes


change in allele frequencies in a population over time


characteristics of an organism

homologous chromosomes (homologs)

chromosomes with the same loci but not necessarily the same alleles


diagram depicting the evolutionary history or "family tree" of a group of organisms


difference between two means

ecosystem ecology

emphasizes energy flow and chemical cycling among the various biotic and abiotic components

Systematic error

error that causes measurements to deviate from the "true" value in a consistent pattern

Gregor Mendel

father of modern genetics


having 2 of each homolog, chromosomes occurring in pairs, having 2 copies of each locus


having a single copy of an allele instead of two


having one set of chromosomes, one of each homolog, only one copy of each locus.


having two copies of the same allele at a locus


having two different alleles at a locus


how close a measurement is to the true value


insects with a juvenile stage (nymph) that is similar in form and ecology to the adult


insects with a larval stage (different body from adults) that undergo metamorphosis to become adults

physiological ecology

investigates how organisms are physiologically adapted to their environment


named group of organisms, such as a phylum, genus, or species

inferential statistics

numerical data that allow one to generalize- to infer from sample data the probability of something being true of a population


occurs at the topmost end of the branch on a phylogenetic tree. they are labeled by the taxa of the population represented by that branch


physical location of a gene on a chromosome


probability that the null is true

allele frequency

proportion of one allele, compared with all the alleles for that trait, in the gene pool


small, mostly freshwater flatworms in the phylum Platyhelminthes. they are structurally simple bilaterally symmetrical animals with great regenerative abilities

standard error

standard deviation divided by the square root of the sample size

behavioral ecology

studies how behavior contributes to the differential survival and reproduction of organisms


test of the tightness of the association between the two variables. it does not make any assumption abt the cause and effect


the ability to differentiate into all cell types of the body


the ancestral population on a phylogenetic tree from which all other species originate


the concept that the size of variable X results in some effect on the size of variable Y


the evolution of two or more species that is due to mutual influence, often in a way that makes the relationship more mutually beneficial


the exactness of a measurement


the middle score in a distribution; half the scores are above it and half are below it


the puncturing of a plant by an ovipositor to place eggs in the plant tissue


the reorganization of the body between larval and adult stages of an organism


the set of genes carried by an organism

Random error example

user error; measuring incorrectly

independent variable

variable that is manipulated (the x)

A. a node

what are the arrows on a phylogenic tree pointing to? A. a node B. a terminal taxon C. the root of the tree D. a branch

top-down control

when the abundance of trophic groups is determined by the existence of predators at the top of the food web

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