Final Exam, History of Psych Final: Freud Psychoanalysis

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An example of Freud's notion of projection might be

"I like him fine, but for some reason he hates me."

Conflict Resolution

A boy or girl will identify with his father or mother and Freud suggested that this is conflict resolution from the Phallic Stage.


Reality principle - largely conscious "executive" part of the personality.

Freud's free association technique evolved from

Breuer's cathartic method.

Freud believed that the superego develops from the


According to Freud's theory, anxiety

instigates repression.

behavioral consistency

is the concept of personality

Freud called an expression of both the sexual and aggressive instinct


From Freudian perspective, psychological maturity might be characterized by

minimal repression and maximal consciousness.

According to Freud, the ego's dependency on the superego results in

moral anxiety.

"Freudian slips" are a product of

preconscious and unconscious forces.

Freud's psychoanalysis rests on which two cornerstones?

sex and aggression

Seeing deficiencies in others that one unconsciously feels within oneself is an example of which Freudian defense mechanism?


The most basic Freudian defense mechanism is


Oedipus complex

According to Freud; feelings of jealousy and hatred for the rival father. Little boy unconsciously wants to kill the father and marry the mother. Boys experience at Phallic Stage.

Psychosexual Stages

Freud's structural model of childhood development: oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital stages.

Freud gave several reasons why he abandoned his seduction theory. Which of the following was NOT a reason?

He realized that his highly suggestive therapeutic tactics had elicited false memories of seduction

Passive Dependence

Orally fixated adults often display this behavior.

Freud was a ____________ by professional training.


Anal Stage

Pleasure focuses on bowel and bladder elimination and coping with demands of control.


Pleasure zone is the genitals; coping with incestuous sexual feelings.

Defense Mechanisms

Protect an individual from anxiety.

Free Association

Reporting whatever thoughts come to mind even if they are trivial or embarrassing.

Which statement is correct, according to Freud?

Repression reduces anxiety.

Like Freud, Jung was

a physician.

A compulsively neat person who is also stubborn and miserly is what Freud called an

anal character

According to Freud, the genital period

begins at puberty.

Freud's lifelong optimism and self- confidence may have stemmed from

being his mother's favorite child.

In Freudian theory, dreams are seen as

being prophetic in nature.

Freud held that ideas in the preconscious originate from

both the conscious and the unconscious.

Personality involves a dynamic interaction between....

conscious and unconscious mental processes

Freud held that the pain of anxiety is most likely to result in

defensive behavior

Madison is frequently betrayed by his domineering employer. Madison is too timid to confront his employer, but he takes out his frustration by mistreating his dog, children, and wife. According to Freud, this is an example of


According to Freud, which of these regions of the mind is in contact with the external world?


The use of Freudian defense mechanisms requires an

expenditure of psychic energy.

Freud claimed that during the Oedipal period, a boy

feels sexual love only toward his mother.

Asking a patient to verbalize thoughts, no matter how absurd, irrelevant, or embarrassing, is the Freudian technique of

free association.

Freud called areas of the body especially capable of producing sexual pleasure

genital organs.

Freud's enduring popularity is most likely due to his

gifts as a writer and his emphasis on sex and aggression.

Jung, like Freud, assumed that the mind, or psyche,

has conscious and unconscious aspects.

Freud claimed that pleasure-seeking people with no thought of what is reasonable or proper are dominated by the


According to Freud, normally, in post-Oedipal identification with his father, a boy

identifies with his father's morals and ideals.

Freud believed that unconscious ideas

influence behavior even when one is unaware of them.

According to Freud, dreams have meaning on two levels, The more important level concerns the

latent content.

The apprehension one feels while in the presence of a teacher is what Freud called ______ anxiety.


Freud's notion of phylogenetic endowment refers to

our ancestor's experiences that we inherit and that form part of our unconscious.

The classical Freudian anal character possesses all of the following traits EXCEPT for?


Freud believed that a little girl's Oedipal wish for a baby is a substitute for the


When carried to extremes, which Freudian defense mechanism can become paranoid behavior?


The event that eventually led to Freud's achievement of fame was his

publication of "The Interpretation of Dreams".

A mother who has deep-seated hostility toward her only child but who shows overprotection and hyper-concern for the physical well being of her child illustrates which Freudian defense mechanism?

reaction formation

Amy, an 18-month-old child, resorts to taking her baby sister's bottle even though she has previously been weaned. This behavior illustrates which Freudian defense mechanism?


Adler's notion of moving backward is similar to Freud's notion of


Freud believed that parapraxes, or "Freudian slips,"

revealed unconscious intent.

Freud saw himself primarily as a


According to Freud, a teenager preoccupied with self and personal appearance is exhibiting

secondary narcissism.

Freud abandoned his ________ theory in 1987, the year after his father died.


Freud abandoned his ______ theory in 1897, the year after his father died.


The paintings and sculpture of Michelangelo best exemplify Freud's concept of


The transformation of instinctual drives into socially productive forces such as art, science, and religion is what Freud called


Freud said that in girls, the castration complex

takes the form of penis envy.

Freud's concept of phylogenetic endowment is similar to Jung's idea of

the collective unconscious.

After successful psychoanalytic treatment

the ego is expanded with previously repressed material.

Freud held that the secondary process functions through

the ego.

Freud's oral-sadistic stage is characterized by

the emergence of teeth.

Erogenous Zones according to Freud

the id's pleasure-seeking energies that focus on distinct pleasure-sensitive areas of the body.

Which issue became part of a bitter debate between Melanie Klein and Anna Freud during the 1920s and 1930s?

the idea of childhood psychoanalysis

Freud contended that the object of the sexual instinct is

the person or thing that is capable of bringing about sexual pleasure.

Gender Identity

the sense of being male or female

In Freud's aim-inhibited love, that which is inhibited is

the sexual aspect of the instinct.

According to Freud, a boy who feels strong hostility toward his father and sexual love for his mother is experiencing

the simple male Oedipus complex.

After the female Oedipus complex is resolved, Freud claimed that it is replaced by

the superego.

The unconscious is

the thoughts, wishes, feelings, and memories, of which we are largely unaware.

The id is primarily involved in which of the following activities, according to Freud?

thumb-sucking behavior

The principle source of frustration during Freud's anal phase is

toilet training.

The goal of psychoanalytic therapy is to

transform unconscious material into consciousness.

Psychodynamic Theories

view personality with a focus on the unconscious and the importance of child-hood experiences. Conscious and unconscious mental processes.

Jung disagreed with Freud's belief that dreams

were wish fulfillments.

Oral Stage

Pleasure centers on the mouth.

Sigmund Freud

Created psychoanalysis: the psychosexual personality theory and therapeutic practices/ psychoanalysis. He was criticized because his theories underestimates the importance of biological contributions to personality development.


Dormant sexual feelings; concentration is on education


Focus is again on the pleasure zones. Maturation of sexual interest.


Forgotten memories that we can easily recall.


Immediate gratification and pleasure principle


Moral principle - The process of identification is most directly responsible for strengthening the superego.


Sigmund Freud's theory of personality that attributes thoughts and actions to unconscious motives and actions to unconscious motives and conflict. Also a therapeutic technique used in treating psychological disorders-believed the patient's free associations, and the therapist interpretations of them, released previously repressed feelings, allowing patient to gain self-insight.


Sigmund Freud. A reservoir of mostly unacceptable thoughts, wishes, feelings, and memories. Information process of which we are unaware of.


Stuck in one of the psychosexual stages, according to Freud.

Which of the following distinguishes sublimation from the other Freudian defense mechanisms?

Sublimation is constructive to society.

Electra complex

The girl has feelings of jealousy, etc. the same as the Oedipus complex. Girls experience at the Phallic Stage.

Freud's Psychoanalytic Theory

Would most likely predict that boys raised without a father figure will have difficulty developing a strongly masculine gender identity.

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