Final Exam

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Put the following events in the order they occur during translation: I. mRNA binds to small ribosomal subunit II. Initiator tRNA, carrying the amino acid MET, binds to the start codon on the mRNA III. a tRNA binds in the A site in the large ribosome subunit IV. Large ribosomal subunit binds to complex

1, 2, 4, 3

A unicellular eukaryote undergoes multiple rounds of glycolysis that results in the production of 72 molecules of pyruvate. How many total molecules of ATP will the investment payoff phase yield?*


A particular eukaryotic protein is 651 amino acids long (including the start and stop codons). Which of the following could be the maximum number of nucleotides in the coding sequence of the mature mRNA that codes for the amino acids in this protein?


Oxidative phosphorylation is the final part of cellular respiration. List the following steps of oxidative phosphorylation in sequential order (first to last according to what is provided). I. H + ions flow down a gradient to generate ATP. II. Electrons are transferred from the CAC into the ETC. III. Electrons are transferred to O 2, causing it to split and take up H+ ions, which forms water. IV. H + ions are pumped across the mitochondrial membrane to establish an electrochemical gradient.

2, 4, 3, 1

Arrange the different levels of chromatin packaging of DNA in order of least to most compaction of DNA. I. Nucleosome coiled/looped domains II. Metaphase chromosome III. DNA double helix IV. Nucleosome V. Histone

3, 5, 4, 1, 2

The fluid inside a thylakoid of a chloroplast has 1000 times more H+ ions than the fluid in the stroma of the chloroplast. If the stroma fluid is pH 7.5, what is the pH of the thylakoid fluid?*


Cytosine makes up 42% of the nucleotides in a sample of DNA from an organism. Approximately what percentage of the nucleotides in this sample will be guanine?


Oxidative phosphorylation accounts for approximately what percentage of the ATP formed by the entire processes of glucose metabolism (cellular respiration)?


Based on your understanding of biological macromolecules, the number of unique monomers that are common to living organisms is closest to which number?


Accessory pigments within chloroplasts are responsible for A. absorbing photons of different wavelengths of light and passing that energy to the reaction centers (P680 or P700). B. recycling ADP back into ATP. C. pumping H + ions across the thylakoid membrane to the thylakoid space. D. driving the spitting of water molecules in PS II. E. adding carbon dioxide to a five-carbon sugar.


Which of the following DNA mutations is most likely to be the most problematic? **Yes, they can ALL be problematic, which among the following would most likely cause the biggest issues**? A. a single base-pair deletion B. a codon deletion C. a substitution in the last base (3rd position) of a codon D. the addition of UGA towards the end of the sequence E. an addition of nine nucleotides


Which of the following does NOT occur during the Calvin cycle? A. Oxygen is released. B. RuBisCo catalyzes the reactions that begin the conversion of CO 2 into sugars. C. Several ATP are consumed and converted into ADP. D. NADPH is oxidized and 3-PGA is reduced. E. RuBP is regenerated (meaning more CO 2 can be fixed).


Which of the following statements bests describes entropy at the molecular level? A. An unassembled puzzle has more entropy than a completed puzzle. B. Entropy of a gaseous state is less than the entropy of a liquid state. C. A clean room has more entropy than a messy room. D. Entropy decreases when a substance is broken down into parts. E. Entropy increases as temperature decreases.


Imagine that you've isolated a yeast mutant that contains histones resistant to methylation. What trait/characteristic would you predict for this mutant? A. The mutant will not be able to use methionine for translation. B. The mutant will show increased levels of gene expression. C. The mutant will grow very slowly. D. The mutant will show decreased levels of gene expression. E. The mutant will not be able to reproduce.


Telomere shortening puts a limit on the number of times a cell can divide. Research has shown that telomerase can extend the life span of cultured human cells. How might adding telomerase affect cellular aging? A. Telomerase shortens telomeres, which delays cellular aging. B. Telomerase greatly reduces telomere shortening and slows aging. C. Telomerase would shorten the life span of the chromosome. D. Telomerase will speed up the rate of cell proliferation. E. Telomerase would have no effect on cellular aging.


Which of the following comparisons between the prokaryotic domains is CORRECT? A. Archaea are only found in extreme environments (only domain of life with extremophiles). B. Archaea have no known species that are human pathogens, bacteria have several. C. Archaea have membrane-enclosed organelles but bacteria do not. D. Archaea have linear chromosomes, bacteria have circular ones. E. Archaea can be multicellular, bacteria are only unicellular.


Which of the following is NOT true about the citric acid cycle? A. it uses both enzymes and coenzymes B. it occurs in the mitochondria so every living organism can do it C. the main goal is to gather electrons for the eletron chain transport D. it requires O 2 but doesn't directly consume it E. it requires acetyl CoA as an input


Which of the following is an example of kinetic rather than potential energy? A. Holding a pulled back sling shot before firing it B. The transfer of heat from your skin to evaporating water molecules C. The energy in a gravitational field D. The energy stored in glucose molecules in strawberries E. Standing on top of a mountain you just climbed


Which of the following statements about the Na/K pump is INCORRECT? A. It is a pump for active transport of two K + into the cell and three Na + out of the cell. B. It is a pump for passive transport of two K + into the cell and three Na + out of the cell. C. It opens/closes (changes shape) when a phosphate group is added to or removed from it . D. It is a Na +/K + ATP pump. E. It is a pump that has many functions (i.e. resting potential, signaling pathways, etc.).


Why can certain types of viruses promote cancer, especially in humans? A. The viruses insert their proteins into the host's genome and can cause significant mutations, some leading to certain types of cancer. B. The viruses insert their DNA/RNA into the host's genome and can cause significant mutations, some leading to certain types of cancer. C. The virus can mutate an oncogene into a proto-oncogene. D. The medicine used to treat the virus is what causes most cancers. E. The body overcompensates for damaged organs and mass produces cells.


Select the CORRECT match of transport process and description. A. osmosis -- movement of any type of substance along its concentration gradient B. phagocytosis -- expels undigested food particles out of the cell C. facilitated diffusion -- movement down concentration gradient through a specific transport protein D. active transport -- moves substances from the hypertonic side to the hypotonic side of a cell E. exocytosis -- creates vesicles to transport bulk amounts of liquids into the cell


This magnificent beauty is Rafflesia, The Corpse Flower. Which of the following is NOT true about this plant? A. It has the largest known flowers among all plants (some over 6 feet in diameter). B. It is a parasitic plant that uses grape vine as its host. C. Because of its size, it is the most efficient plant in terms of photosynthetic output. D. It completely lacks a chloroplast genome (cpDNA) and all genes associated with cholorphyll and/or photosynthesis. E. It smells like rotting flesh and attracts blow flies, its pollinator, that way.


We discussed a phenomenon called the Warburg Effect and its implications for glucose metabolism. Which of the following statements is false? A. Some cells, even in the presence of oxygen, will still undergo anaerobic respiration. B. Some cells, including certain cancer cells, prefer this process. C. Oxidative phosphorylation is a much faster process than anaerobic respiration. D. Anaerobic respiration is a much faster process than oxidative phosphorylation. E. Aerobic respiration produces much more ATP than anaerobic respiration.


Which of the following is an actual result from Frederick Griffith's experiments? A. No matter the strain of bacteria injected the mice died from pneumonia. B. Mice infected with a pathogenic strain of bacteria can spread the infection to other mice. C. Mixing a heat-killed pathogenic strain of bacteria with a living nonpathogenic strain can convert some of the living cells into the pathogenic form. D. Infecting mice with nonpathogenic strains of bacteria makes them resistant to pathogenic strains. E. Mixing a heat-killed nonpathogenic strain of bacteria with a living pathogenic strain makes the pathogenic strain nonpathogenic.


Which of the following is most likely to have a small protein called ubiquitin attached to it? A. A newly transcribed mRNA sequence before it leaves the nucleus. B. DNA that has just been wrapped around histones to form a nucleosome. C. A protein that has completed its job and now is no longer needed. D. A mature mRNA that just got into the cytoplasm after leaving the nucleus. E. The small ribosomal subunit that attached itself to the mature mRNA.


Which of the following is true about the human genome? A. It's made up of 46 pairs of chromosomes. B. It consists of a singular, long DNA molecule connected at the ends to form a circle. C. Only about 2% of our genome is considered protein-coding (does/makes something for us). D. It is the most complex, therefore the largest, among all known species. E. All of the above are true.


An eye cell and a liver cell differ because A. they have different numbers of genes B. they use a different genetic code C. they have different sets of genes D. they have differential gene expression patterns E. All of the above


Covid-19 is a novel strain belonging to a large group of coronaviruses. Their effective route of entry into host cells is attributed to "spike" proteins that have a very unique morphology to them. These coated proteins on the surface of the virus bind to the host cell plasma membrane and admit the virus. This type of cell entry mechanisms is called what? A. pinocytosis B. exocytosis C. active transport D. receptor-mediated endocytosis E. facilitated transport (or facilitated diffusion)


If you discovered a new organism and noticed that it uses anaerobic respiration and, among other things, produces CO 2 as a byproduct, what assumption could you make? A. This organism is most likely a yeast doing oxidative phosphorylation. B. This organism is most likely a yeast doing lactic acid fermentation. C. This organism is most likely NOT producing ethanol. D. This organism is most likely a yeast doing alcohol fermentation. E. This organism is most likely a bacteria that requires O 2.


The Hershey and Chase experiments using the T2 bacteriophage and E. coli provided very strong evidence that: A. DNA replication is semi-conservative. B. Genetic traits can be transformed between different bacterial strains. C. Proteins are the hereditary material used by viruses. D. Nucleic acids are the hereditary material used by viruses. E. DNA is composed of four different nitrogenous bases.


The genetic code is essentially the same for all organisms. From this, one can logically assume which of the following statements to be true? A. The code cannot function with any mistakes. B. Different organisms have different types of amino acids. C. The same codons in different organisms translate into different amino acids. D. A gene from one organism can be introduced in and expressed by another organism. E. Each domain of life each use their own stop codon, which is why there are 3 different stop codons.


Which of the following statements correctly describes the normal (preferred) tonicity conditions for typical plant and animal cells? A. Animal cell is in a hypertonic solution, plant cell is in a hypotonic solution B. Animal cell is in a hypertonic solution, plant cell is in an isotonic solution C. Animal cell is in an isotonic solution, plant cell is in a hypertonic solution D. Animal cell is in an isotonic solution, plant cell is in a hypotonic solution E. Animal cell is in a hypotonic solution, plant cell is in an isotonic solution


You cut an apple in half and apply lemon juice to one half and leave the other half alone (no treatment). You leave it out on a counter at room temperature (72F or 22C) for 2 hours. The left side turned brown while the right side stayed normal. Explain your observations. A. You applied lemon juice to the left side, thus increasing the pH enough to denature the enzymes that cause fruit browning. B. You applied lemon juice to the left side, thus dropping the pH enough to denature the enzymes that cause fruit browning. C. You applied lemon juice to the right side, thus increasing the pH enough to denature the enzymes that cause fruit browning. D. You applied lemon juice to the right side, thus dropping the pH enough to denature the enzymes that cause fruit browning. E. The lemon juice had no effect on what happened to either side of the apple.


A mutation occurs that affects the process of DNA replication. After the DNA is replicated, each new molecule consists of a "normal" strand paired with several discontinuous fragments of DNA that are a few hundred base pairs long. The mutation is most likely in a gene encoding which of the following components of DNA replication:

DNA ligase

A biologist is studying a cell that has enzymes, linear chromosomes (linear genome), a plasma membrane, ribosomes, and mitochondria. Given only this information, this cell could be: A. a bacteria cell or a plant cell. B. a plant cell but neither a bacteria cell nor an animal cell. C. an animal cell but not a plant cell. D. a bacteria cell but not a plant cell. E. a plant cell or an animal cell but not a bacteria cell.


Nearly every organism functions on a 24 hour cycle. What does this circadian clock control/do? A. Determine when certain medicines should be taken to heighten their affect B. Regulate a variety of pathways (i.e. hormone production and cell regeneration) C. Affect sleep patterns D. Affect feeding patterns E. All of the above


Pick the metabolic process that is exergonic. A. going from glucose to glycogen B. going from amino acids to a polypeptide C. going from CO 2 to glucose D. going from a polypeptide to a protein E. going from a polypeptide to amino acids


The genetic code is redundant. What is meant by this statement? A. A single codon can translate the addition of more than one amino acid. B. The genetic code is the same sequence when read forward or backward. C. The genetic code is different for different domains of organisms. (i.e. Bacteria vs Eukaryotes) D. Members of the same species (i.e. all humans) have identical genomes. E. More than one codon translates the addition of the same amino acid.


The genome size of E.coli is approximately 5x10^6 basepairs (bp) and can be replicated in 30 minutes. The human genome size is 3x10^9 bp, about 600 times larger, and therefore should take 300 hours (~13 days) to replicate based on the bacterial rate of replication. However, the entire human genome is replicated within few hours because_________. A. eukaryotic DNA is uncoiled faster and so is more easily accessible to the replication machinary B. the enzymes in human replication are faster C. DNA replication is less complex in eukaryotes D. the anitparallel orientation of the DNA in eukaryotes speeds up replication considerably E. eukaryotic chromosomes contains multiple origins of replication


We know that viruses require a host cell to survive. The virus will insert its nucleic acid into its host to replicate. However, the host cell can only take so much before it explodes (lyses). We have a virus with a genome 10,000 bp in length that replicates every 20 minutes, and a host cell with a viral load max of 500,000 bp. How long after infection will the host cell explode? A. ~24 hours B. ~20 mins C. ~60.5 hours D. ~2.25 hours E. Correct amount of time not listed


When aspirated spinach leaf disks are placed in a beaker of sodium bicarbonate and left in different colors of light, some disks float faster & more abundantly than others dependent on what color of light, if any, they were in. Which of the following is an accurate statement regarding this experiment? A. Regardless of wavelength, the leaves that floated to the top did so because of the the release of CO2 during the process of photosynthesis. B. Regardless of wavelength, the leaves that floated to the top did so because of the the release of CO2 during the process of respiration. C. Regardless of wavelength, the leaves that floated to the top did so because of the the release of O2 during the process of respiration. D. Regardless of wavelength, the leaves would eventually float to the top. Or, wavelength has no affect on the rate of photosynthesis. E. Regardless of wavelength, the leaves that floated to the top did so because of the the release of O2 during the process of photosynthesis.


Which of the following represents a frameshift mutation for the sequence: the fat cat ate ham? A. the ham ate fat cat B. the cat ate ham C. the fat cat ate sam D. the fat fat cat ate ham E. the fat cca tat eha m


Why is the one gene-one enzyme hypothesis is not entirely accurate? A. Some genes encode proteins that are not enzymes. B. Some genes encode a piece of a protein, not the entire protein. C. Some genes encode functional RNA molecules, not polypeptides. D. A and B only E. A, B, and C


Scientists discovered an unusual liquid substance oozing out of a rain forest plant. After preliminary testing, the substance was determined to have a pH of 11. How many H + and OH - ions does it have?

OH = 10^-3, H = 10^-11

In ___________, an X-ray beam passes through a substance and produces a pattern that can be interpreted to give information about the 3D shape. _____________ saw a photo produced by __________ that indicated the helical shape of DNA and that it consisted of two strands.

X-ray crystallography; Watson & Crick; Franklin

What differentiates a hypothesis from a theory?

a theory is something that has been formed as an attempt to explain things that have already been proven

Before cyanobacteria became abundant on earth, it is highly unlikely that any other prokaryotes were ___.


Most of the organic material in plants is what? (OR...What are plants made out of?)


What organisms perform anaerobic respiration?

all organisms

developing a successful vaccine for the corona virus is an example of an ___ science.


In Theodor Engelmann's experiment, algae was observed to perform photosynthesis most effectively in the ___ and ___ portions of the spectrum, therefore bacterial growth is ___ at those wavelengths as well.

blue; red; optimal

what do proteins, lipids, nucleic acids, and carbohydrates all have in common?

carbon atoms

Monosaccharides are simple sugars that all have one of two versions of functional groups found in carbohydrates. Which is depicted in this fructose molecule: C=O

carbonyl (ketone)

which feature of mitochondria and chloroplasts support their endosymbiotic origins?

circular genome structure

In taxonomic heirarchy, two organisms could be in the same ___ but different ___.

class; orders

A very easy "magic" trick is to carefully position a paperclip on water so that it "floats" on top the surface of the liquid. This trick is possible because of the ___ of ___ molecules at the ___.

cohesiveness; water; surface

what is the best definition of evolution?

decent with modification

what kind of reaction is depicted: Glucose + Glucose (lose H2O) ---> Maltose

dehydration synthesis

what is the best definition for natural selection?

differential reproductive success

Hydrocarbons (do/do not) dissolve in water.

do not

list the 8 hierarchical orders of life in order from most complex to least complex

ecosystem, community, population, organ, tissue, cell, molecule, atom

The fact that a substrate must fit structurally and bind chemically to the active site of any certain enzyme explains why any certain ___ can act on only one very specific ___.

enzyme; substrate

the entire collection of DNA is an organism's ___.


Fermentation relies on which, if any, of the stages of cellular respiration?


What does a deficiency of Iodine (I) cause in humans?


this question we will 100% see again: what do we need to remember about the squirrel that has the greatest relative biological fitness?

had 8 babies which all survived after she died protecting them from an owl

Folding in a protein is damaged or destroyed by:

heating it past its optimal temp

stated in the Cell Theory: cells contain ___ information in the form of ___.

heredity; DNA

The dissociation of macromolecules requires a series of ______________ reactions that ruptures chemical bonds between monomers.


In its natural, freshwater environment, Paramecium constantly gains water from its environment and must use a special organelle called a contractile vacuole to pump water from its cytoplasm. This gain of water occurs because the cytoplasm of the Paramecium is _______ when compared to its surroundings.


In liver cells, the inner mitochondrial membranes (cristae) are about five times the area of the outer mitochondrial membranes. This folding ___ the surface area for ___.

increases; oxidative phosphorylation

multicellularity (is/is not) a required function that all living organisms must accomplish.

is not

to store genetic information (is/is not) a function of a lipid.

is not

What is unique about the radioactive isotope 235U and how many neutrons does it have? (U has 92 protons)*

it is unstable and has 143 neutrons (235 - 92)

inductive reasoning

many observation have led us to infer a certain conclusion (i.e. the sun rising every morning)

___ and ___ are not considered part of the cell's endomembrane system.

mitochondria; chloroplasts

Electronegativity is the attraction of a particular atom for electrons in a covalent bond. In this case, more electrons = ___ electronegativity.


Alfred Wallace is best known for suggesting ___ as a mechanism for ___.

natural selection; evolution.

do functional groups usually cause polymers to breakdown into monomers?


if given the appropriate enantiomer, can pregnant women now safely take the drug thalidomide?


How much work is expended during diffusion?


When functioning properly, living organisms are ___.

open systems

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) is a cofactor central to metabolism. NAD exists in two forms: NAD+, a(n) __________ form and NADH, a(n) __________ form.

oxidized; reduced

which component of the bilayer would be most involved in enzymatic activity or structural attachments?

peripheral proteins (green oval)

Which organelle is responsible for cell-to-cell communication and only found in plant cells (to the exclusion of animal cells)?


When a monomer goes through dehydration synthesis, the products are ___.


Histone acetylation ___________ transcription; while histone methylation _____________ transcription.

promotes; reduces

what is the correct macromolecule to the monomer, amino acid?


___ and ___ molecules require the least amount of help to pass through a cell's phospholipid bilayer.

small; nonpolar

One way to ease a sore throat is to mix warm water and salt together and use it to gargle (wash it around the back of your throat but not swallow). In this example, the salt-water is the __________ and the salt is the ___________?

solution; solute

The Calvin cycle of photosynthesis occurs in the ___ and results in the production of ___ (___).

stroma; carbs (sugars)

What is the function of the polysaccharides cellulose and chitin in the cell?

structural support

What is the primary benefit of storing energy in the form of sugar rather than ATP?

sugar is much more stable than ATP

Which level of protein structure is the overall 3-D shape of a polypeptide?


a valid scientific hypothesis must be ___ and ___.

testable; falsifiable

When Kendrick Lamar said "...I got loyalty, got royalty inside my DNA" which theory of biology was he referring to?

the gene theory

Suppose you wanted to test the effect of different fertilizers on the growth of potato plants. What is the independent variable?

the type of fertilizer used

What role do cofactors play, specifically coezymes, in enzymatic reactions?

they temporarily bind to an enzyme to change its shape or configuration to assist a reaction

During photosynthesis, the light reactions take place in _____ and produce ________ .

thylakoid (B); ATP and NADPH

With regard to the central dogma of biology, prokaryotes, in contrast to eukaryotes, are capable of simultaneous ___ and ___.

transcription; translation

a ___ is just those pieces (2%) that code for something.


BRCA genes in humans encode proteins that inhibit abnormal cell division and function to maintain "normal" cell growth. Mutation(s) in these genes can result in the formation of non-functional proteins, which are not able to inhibit abnormal cell growth (among other issues), resulting in a significantly increased risk of breast cancer. Normal, wild-type (wt) BRCA genes are examples of:

tumor suppressor genes

2nd Law of Thermodynamics: energy conversion results in some energy becoming ___ for work.


in Darwin's "Origin of Species", what caused the origin of life on earth (was/was not) a topic that was addressed.

was not

During photosystem II (PSII), oxygen is released as a waste product. What is the source of this oxygen?


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