Final Exam KSU Max Lu
highlights from "China Rich & Famous"
China aims to be an economic super power everything that is shipped out china is shipped through shanghai no separation between rich and poor -capitalist rich (booming) -dirt poor -government houses poor wherever they please as they demolish old buildings and urbanize. -hotels have no vacancy consistently, and "chairman rooms" go for $11,500 per night. -in past 15 years, the size of the city has increased six fold, and the population has doubled to 20 million -Shanghai is, and aims to continue to be, the most advanced city in the world.
The complexity of characterizing/understanding China
China is a complex country, it defies simplistic characteristics • A country of great contrast - Ancient and modern - Chinese and Western - Rich and poor - Urban and rural - Coastal and interior Country undergoing rapid changes - Economically, socially, culturally, if not politically
Major Religions of India
Composition % of total population Hindus - 79.80% Muslims - 14.23% Christians - 2.30% Sikhs - 1.72% Buddhist - 0.70% Jains - 0.37% Others (including Bahá'ís, Jews, and Parsis) - 0.89%
Exceptions to Islam's dominance in North Africa and Southwest Asia
Crusades defied the dominance, holy war waged by christians against islamic expansionists in an attempt to reclaim land taken by previous islamic endeavors.
The names and locations of the three major rivers in South Asia
Ganges, the Indus, and the Brahmaputra Rivers.
Major sports, Largest Film industry, arranged marriage, dowry
Soccer (Indian Football) and Cricket Bollywood -ranks first in terms of annual film output Arranged marriages have been part of the Indian culture since the fourth century. Dowry: property or money brought by a bride to her husband on their marriage. - many deaths of females due to failure to meet expected dowry's
The areas occupied by Israel
Stretches west of Jordan river to mediterranean sea,
Major dynasties of ancient china
• Xia ca. 1994-1776 BCE. • Shang 1766-1122 BCE. • Qin (Ch'in) 221-207 BCE. • Han 207 BCE. - A.D. 220 • Tang A.D. 618-907 • Yuan (Mongols) 1279-1368 • Ming 1368-1644 • Qing (Manchus) 1644-1911 • Republic (Taiwan) 1912 - present • People's Republic 1949-present Dynastic changes stemming from - Peasant rebellions - Invasion by foreigners e.g., Mongols, Manchu
"I bow to the God within you" "The Spirit within me salutes the Spirit in you"
What is China's birth control policy? What are some issues associated with it?
"One couple, one child" Skewed Sex Ratio - surfeit of boys
Major mountains
-Everest 29035 ft -K2 28250 -Muztagata 24757 -Hantengri 22940
Chinas population and annual growth rate
1.34 billion and continues to grow about 7 million annually
How do China's size and population rank in the world?
1st in population with 1.37 billion 3rd/4th in area with 3.7 million square miles
How many ethnic groups are in China?
56 ethnic groups the Han people are the majority with 92% of the total
The approximate shares of East Asia's land and population in the world
8.8% of the world's land area 24% of the population
Mongolia's size, geographic location, and status as a buffer state
A vast, sparsley populated nation A buffer state between China and Russia 3 million inhabitants Roughly the size of Alaska or western Europe The 2nd largest landlocked country and 18th largest in the world
Japanese pop culture terms
Anime - Cartoons Manga - Comics Karate/judo/aikido/Sumo - Martial arts
What is meant by the regions "crossroad location"
At the junction of Europe, Asia and Africa • Crossroad = conflicts
The 6 political entities in East Asia
China Japan N. Korea S. Korea Mongolia Taiwan
the major characteristics of the Chinese culture
Emphasis on harmony/balance emphasis on moderation respect for elders worship of lineage & ancestors Value education
Major features of Hinduism
Hinduism is considered to be the oldest religion to still be practiced on a mass scale (including Judaism) It spawned a series of other faiths (Buddhism, Sikhism) which are categorized together as "Dharmic" religions. It was the first religion to address the concept of eternity - that time, space, etc. are endless. It argues that soul cannot die, that all life is equal, all religions are equal. There are 4 goals in Hinduism: the first is material well being, the second is pleasure (sexual and otherwise), the third is the fulfillment of responsibilities and the last is self actualization: the merger of an individual soul with the divine.
The major physical regions in India, where is India's major desert area?
India is divided into seven physiographic regions. They are 1. The northern mountains including the Himalayas, which includes the Kuen Lun and the Karakoram ranges and the northeast mountain ranges. 2.Indo-Gangetic plains - large floodplains of the Indus and the Ganga-Brahmaputra river systems. 3.Thar Desert - forms a significant portion of western India. Spread over four states in India— Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, and Gujarat it covers an area of 208,110 km² (80,350 mile²). Most of the Thar Desert is situated in Rajasthan, covering 61% of its geographic area. Most of the desert is rocky, with a small part of the extreme west of the desert being sandy. 4.Central Highlands and Deccan Plateau 5.East Coast 6.West Coast 7.Bordering seas and islands
Where did Islam originate?
Islam originated in Mecca and Medina at the start of the 7th century
The major issues in the Israel-Palestinian conflict
Israel has many conflicts with its surrounding neighbors and is working on peace agreements. The conflict Israel has to deal with is religion. Israel and its Islamic neighbors are constantly at a conflict. Israel's future depends on a satisfactory settlement with its Palestinian minority, as well as normalized relations with moderate and secular Arab states. 1. Borders - defining each country's territory 2. Jerusalem - deep seeded hatred/fight for the religion which claims god-given right to holy land 3. refugees - Palestinian refugees stuck in political limbo, not allowed right of return to Israel for purpose of keeping Israel a predominately jewish nation 4. Security - Israel being a nation roughly the size of new jersey having confrontation with much larger neighboring Arab states
Major Languages of India
Language families Aryan and Dravidian Hindi and English- official languages No National language 22 official languages > 600 dialects 1635 mother tongues *Hindi is dominant language with 27.6 percent of the population speak it
The role of agriculture in India's economy/workforce, major crops grown
Neoliberalism: deregulation to spur business activity •Privatization of state-managed economies •Lowering of international trade tariffs •Reduction of gov't subsidies •Cutting corporate taxes •Agriculture provides most jobs •Dependent on varying physical geography •Unproductive -Low yields -Access to fertilizer/pesticides -Inefficient land ownership Major crops: 1. Rice 2. Millet 3. Wheat
The comparison between North and South Korea
North Korea South Korea • Area (sq. miles) 46,541 38,324 • Population (mil.) 23.5 48.9 • GNP (billions) $ 21.3 $ 508.3 • GNP Per Capita $ 920 $ 17,300 • Life Expectancy 68 (M)/73 (F) 74 (M)/81 (F) • Agriculture: Restrictive Good - (as % of GNP) 25 % 8 % - (% work force) 36 % 21 %
East-west contrast in Chinese population
Population distribution very uneven East West • Land 60% 40% • Climate Arid/Semi Arid Humid • Pop. About 6% 94% Many minorities Han Majority Sparsely populated Densely populated • Cities Some Most • Agri. Limited/Oasis Most
Why the "Middle East" is referred to as that
Reflects a Western (European) bias "Near East" - Turkey "Middle East" - Egypt, Arabia, Iraq "Far East" - China, Japan
What are the two branches of Islam, how do they differ and where are they distributed?
Split after the death of Muhammad • Sunnis - About 95% of the world's Muslims - Followed Muhammad's father-in-law, Abu Bakr • Shiites (Shi'a) - About 3 % of Muslims - Claim their leaders act in accordance with true Islamic authority, descended through Muhammad's cousin and son-in-law, Imam Ali, and through Ali's son, Hussein - Shiite: from Arabic Shi'at Ali ("follower of Ali") - Mainly in Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Pakistan - Ali's tomb is in Najaf, Iraq
The status of Taiwan and its relationship with mainland China
Taiwan left china in the late 40's to become an independent subject of china did so for the purpose of leaving communist government to seek democratic freedom Mainland china is the peoples republic of china and Taiwan is the Republic of china mainland china does not acknowledge taiwan as an independent part of china, one big china, not two separate chinas
Brief history of India
The Indus valley civilization saw its genesis in the holy land now known as India around 2500 BC. The people inhabiting the Indus River valley were thought to be Dravidians, whose descendants later migrated to the south of India. The deterioration of this civilization that developed a culture based on commerce and sustained by agricultural trade can be attributed to ecological changes. From the late 18th century to the mid-19th century, large areas of India were annexed by the British East India Company of British Empire. During the first half of the 20th century, a nationwide struggle for independence was launched with the leading party involved being the Indian National Congress which was later joined by other organizations. The subcontinent gained independence from the United Kingdom in 1947, after the British provinces were partitioned into the dominions of India and Pakistan and the princely states all acceded to one of the new states.
The rivers associated with the ancient civilizations in this region (middle east)
The Nile in Egypt Tigris and Euphrates run through Irag and define the Mesopotamia region
The size of the Korea's peninsular, and how it is divided
The size of 'Idaho' • Combined population: 72.4 million area of 84,865 square miles - Divided along the 38th parallel by Allied Powers > WWII (1945)
In which dynasties was China unified, ruled by the Mongols/Manchus, and the largest in territory?
Unified - Qin dynasty Ruled by mongols - Yuan dynasty ruled by manchus - Qing dynasty Largest territory - Tang Dynasty
Major Ethnic minorites
Zhuang 16 Million Manchu 10 Million Hui (Muslim) 9 Million
The Green Revolution
a period when agriculture in India increased its yields due to improved agronomic technology. It allowed developing countries, like India, to overcome chronic food defects. -started in India in the early 1960s -higher-yielding varieties of wheat -led to the increase in production needed to make the country self-sufficient in food grains
What is monsoon, and what are the prevailing directions of wind in the summer and winter?
a seasonal change in the direction of the prevailing, or strongest, winds of a region. Monsoons cause wet and dry seasons throughout much of the tropics. Summer: associated with heavy rainfall. It usually happens between April and September. As winter ends, warm, moist air from the southwest Indian Ocean blows toward countries like India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and Myanmar. The summer monsoon brings a humid climate and torrential rainfall to these areas. Blows north Winter: lasts from October to April, is less well-known than its rainy summer equivalent. The dry winter monsoon blows from the northeast. These winds start in the air above Mongolia and northwestern China.
The Caste System
categorized in 4 main castes, with the basic make up of a man of Purusha. •Brahmin (head) - educated & priests •Kshatriyas (arms) - warriors & kings •Vaishays (thighs)- merchants & landowners •Sudras (feet) - peasants & laborers •Untouchables - technically do not belong to any caste- collect garbage and clean up human waste
Three Gorges Dam
completed in 2009 $25 billion project displaced 1.3 million people located on the yangtze
Physiographic features of different parts of China: major mountains, deserts, plains
west: -Plateaus -Deserts/barren rocks (Gobi) -snow capped Peaks -origins of major rivers Middle: -Hills -Basins East: -Fluvial plains -Deltas -Small mountains and hills
Japan's 4 major islands, and two major island groups
• 4 major islands: Hokkaido 83,000 km2 Honshu ("mainland) 231,000 Shikoku (smallest) 19,000 Kyushu 42,000 • 2 Island groups Kuril(e) Ryukyu
The three monotheistic religions originated from this region
• Birthplace of 3 great monotheistic religions Judaism, Christianity, Islam
Oil reserves in the mideast
• Contains about 60% of the world's petroleum reserves • Particularly in the Persian Gulf states and emirates, and Libya and Algeria •Saudi Arabia, Iran and Iraq have the world's 2nd, 4th and 5th largest largest oil reserves • Saudi Arabia produces about 11% of the world's oil • Iran produces about 5%, and Iraq 4% • "Black gold" has transformed the Arab world
Physical characteristics of Middle East
• Desert - water is scarce • Oil • Religion - crossroads location • Conflict - sacred places / contested meanings • Trade - long history of being the "middle man" • Occupancy - long history of human habitation but also outside influence
The two ancient civilizations in North Africa and Southwest Asia: key contributions
• Early Civilizations - Nile River valley (Egypt) - Mesopotamia (Iraq): Tigris, Euphrates Location of where earliest cities first arose • Birthplace of 3 great monotheistic religions Judaism, Christianity, Islam • Domestications of many plants and animals: wheat, barley, apples oxen, sheep, goats, etc
The economic characteristics of Mongolia
• Economy is focused on herding and animal products -Livestock herding accounts for up to 40% of all employment -Has about 46 million head of livestock
Five pillars of islam
• Profession of faith "There is but one God, and Muhammad is his apostle" • 5 prayers a day Before sunrise, at noon, halfway b/w noon and sunset, after sunset, after dark • Giving of alms Voluntary, based on financial surplus, not income • Fasting in the month of Ramadan No food or water from dawn to sunset Eid al-Fitr: Big celebration at the end of Ramadan • Making of hajj Pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in one's life time if able 1. Repeated expression of the basic creed 2. Daily prayer 3. Month of daytime fasting 4. Almsgiving 5. Pilgrimage to Mecca.
Population distribution in south Asia
•Uneven distribution •70% rural, in half a million villages physiologic density "too many mouths to be fed" "Realm is overpopulated"