Final Exam

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Blaming an innocent outgroup for one's misfortunes is called ___________. integrated threat intergroup frustration gratification scapegoating


Which of the following is true about the relationship between ethnicity and self-esteem? Asians who strongly identify with their culture have higher self-esteem than Asians who do not. African Americans have higher self-esteem than any other ethnic group, including Whites. Whites have higher self-esteem than any other ethnic group. People from collectivist cultures have higher self-esteem than people from individualist cultures.

African Americans have higher self-esteem than any other ethnic group, including Whites.

Which of the following is not included under the definition of a disability? mental illness mental retardation diabetes All are included under the definition of a disability.

All are included under the definition of a disability.

According to your text, stereotype suppression can be explained by control depletion. All three options motivation. cognitive factors, such as priming.

All three options

In general, disabilities that are seen as ________ are viewed more negatively. All three options are correct controllable vs. uncontrollable aesthetically unpleasant vs. having no effect on appearance causing the person with the disability to appear threatening vs. having no affect on behavior

All three options are correct

Which of the following is false about patronizing speech? Older adults use it when speaking with other older people. It is always beneficial to the older person. When used by family, older adults associate it with neglect. All three options are false.

All three options are false.

A culture's gender belief system consists of perceptions of people who violate gender-roles. gender stereotypes. All three options are true. beliefs about sexual orientation.

All three options are true.

People without disabilities often feel anxious when interacting with people with disabilities because they find visible disabilities to be unpleasant. they are reminded that they themselves could become disabled. All three options are true. they are not sure of how to act in that situation.

All three options are true.

Which of the following statements about children's explicit awareness of racial categories is true? Children do not become aware of racial categories until early adolescence. Children become aware of all racial categories at about age 4 or 5. Children become aware of racial categories before they become aware of gender categories. Awareness of the categories Black and White appears at an earlier age than awareness of other racial categories.

Awareness of the categories Black and White appears at an earlier age than awareness of other racial categories.

_________ of prejudice occurs when an individual is rewarded for behaving in a prejudiced manner. Vicarious learning Direct teaching Indirect teaching Imitation

Direct teaching

Which faculty member is most likely to receive negative teaching evaluations? a female with expressive characteristics a male English professor a female chemistry professor a male who gives traditional lectures

a female chemistry professor

________ relative deprivation is related to prejudice but _________ relative deprivation is unrelated to prejudice. Fraternal; egoistic Fraternal; group Egoistic; group Personal; egoistic

Fraternal; egoistic

Which of the following has been supported by research on attitudes toward bisexuals? People believe bisexuals are more likely to practice safe sex than heterosexuals. People believe bisexuals are more likely to be monogamous than gays and lesbians. Gay men and lesbians hold negative attitudes toward bisexuals. All have been supported

Gay men and lesbians hold negative attitudes toward bisexuals.

An individual who endorses the belief system of modern-symbolic prejudice is least likely to make which of the following statements? Government programs favoring Blacks and other minorities are still needed to overcome race-based discrimination. Racial prejudice is a thing of the past. Blacks get a larger share of the economic pie than they deserve. If Blacks worked as hard as Whites and other minority groups, they could raise their standard of living.

Government programs favoring Blacks and other minorities are still needed to overcome race-based discrimination.

__________ facilitates prejudice whereas ________ inhibits prejudice. Egalitarianism; intergroup anxiety Individualism; egalitarianism Egalitarianism; individualism Intergroup anxiety; individualism

Individualism; egalitarianism

What aspect of intergroup contact theory is part of a multiculturalist perspective on intergroup relations? It encourages people to have a common group identity. It promotes the development of stereotyping. All are aspects of that perspective. It equalizes the status between ingroups and outgroups.

It encourages people to have a common group identity.

Which of the following is not an explanation for why benevolent prejudice is harmful? It focuses on prejudice that members of stereotyped groups might accept as conventional wisdom. It makes it easy for stereotypes to move from descriptive to prescriptive. It leads to changes in the status quo. It allows people to stereotype others without feeling guilty.

It leads to changes in the status quo.

_________ are sets of attitudes and beliefs that are used to justify one's dominant position in society. Authoritarian beliefs Self-enhancement myths Social justice tenets Legitimizing myths

Legitimizing myths

___________ focuses on changing the organizational culture. Valuing diversity Affirmative action Multicultural education Managing diversity

Managing diversity

________ sexist beliefs are negative whereas __________ sexist beliefs are positive. Benevolent; modern Neither option is correct Modern; traditional Traditional; modern

Neither option is correct

Which of the following is true about age-related stereotypes? a. Stereotypes of older adults are primarily positive. Neither option is true. c. Physical appearance is not part of the age-related stereotype. b. People have not developed subtypes of older adults.

Neither option is true.

Which of the following statements about prejudice against fat people is false? Overweight women are judged more harshly than overweight men. None is false. Anti-fat prejudice is an acceptable prejudice in the United States. How people feel about their own weight is related to their level of anti-fat prejudice.

None is false.

Which of the following statements about the treatment of overweight women is false? Employers are less likely to hire overweight women than average weight women. Salespeople in clothing stores spend less time with overweight women than with average weight women. None is false. Parents provide their overweight daughters with less financial support for college than their overweight sons.

None is false.

__________ theory proposes that people prefer social identities that achieve the best balance between feelings of being a unique individual and feelings of being accepted as a group member Optimal distinctiveness Self-categorization Social creativity Relative deprivation

Optimal distinctiveness

__________ discrimination occurs when the practices, rules, and policies of bodies such as corporations and governments have discriminatory outcomes. Organizational Institutional Cultural Covert


Which of the following is true about social identities? People want to see their group as distinct from and better than other groups. People usually have only one social identity. Some people develop social identities, some people do not. They must be based on groups that are small enough so that most members know each other.

People want to see their group as distinct from and better than other groups.

_________ justice reflects the extent to which rewards are distributed by a fair process. Distributive Procedural Social Equitable


__________ theory suggests that direct competition between groups is, in itself, sufficient to cause prejudice. Social identity Relative deprivation Realistic conflict Social categorization

Realistic conflict

___________ refers to behavior toward a stigmatized person that is more extreme than behavior toward a non-stigmatized but similar person. Response amplification Response bias Behavioral intensification Behavioral confirmation

Response amplification

____________ refers to the finding that members of non-stereotyped groups perform better when they are aware of the cultural expectation that members of stereotyped group will perform poorly. Self-enhancement Disidentification Attributional ambiguity Stereotype lift

Stereotype lift

__________ refers to the situation where minority group members realize they can be judged in terms of a negative stereotype and their fear of confirming that judgment affects their actual performance. Performance anxiety Attributional ambiguity Stereotype threat Stigma consciousness

Stereotype threat

__________ discrimination is often not noticed because the behaviors are seen as normal or natural. Covert Subtle Organizational Blatant


Which of the following statements is correct? Short men are more likely to be organ donors. The height advantage exists for men but not for women. Tall men have an advantage over short men and average height men. Short women have an advantage over tall women.

Tall men have an advantage over short men and average height men.

50.Which of the following is not a major component of Jim Crow racism? Using the power of government to pass laws that discriminate against minorities. Whites' absolute belief that they are inherently superior to other races. A firm belief in the rightness of keeping minorities in their place. The belief that some minorities are more acceptable than others and can be allowed rights and privileges similar to those of Whites.

The belief that some minorities are more acceptable than others and can be allowed rights and privileges similar to those of Whites.

Research has shown that tall people make more money than short people over the course of their careers. Which of the following statements about this phenomenon is correct? The effect is found for men but not for women. Neither statement is true. The effect is stronger for high status jobs than for low status jobs. The effect is real but small.

The effect is stronger for high status jobs than for low status jobs.

According to research on the Personal/Group Discrimination Discrepancy, why would people be motivated to assume that they are not being personally discriminated against? There are social costs to claiming discrimination that people want to avoid. They don't want to give the impression that they don't fit in. People who complain get positive attention, which most people dislike. They believe others are personally responsible for reporting the discrimination.

There are social costs to claiming discrimination that people want to avoid.

Which of the following people is likely to be charged the least for a new car? Black male White female White male Black female

White male

In the modern job search process, there has been an increase in gender-based discrimination but a decrease in race-based discrimination. women face more discrimination in hiring than in promotion. there is more gender discrimination than racial discrimination. White men are still more likely to be seen as suitable for traditionally male occupations.

White men are still more likely to be seen as suitable for traditionally male occupations.

Who was Jim Crow? a Black entertainer a White entertainer a confederate judge Donald Duck's first cousin

a White entertainer

Which of the following stigmas has the most negative consequences for the stigmatized person? a gay sexual orientation that is seen as a choice a scar that can be hidden by makeup a short-term illness HIV caused by a blood transfusion

a gay sexual orientation that is seen as a choice

Which of the following sources is least likely to teach indirectly about prejudice? a hate group pamphlet a children's book a school program a toy commercial

a hate group pamphlet

Who is most likely to score high on a measure of social dominance orientation? a feminist a poor person a minority group member a lawyer

a lawyer

Research shows that when the assigned task is stereotypically masculine, __________ is more likely to be chosen as leader. the dominant person, regardless of her or his gender a male neither option is true a traditional female

a male

Which of the following values are least likely to be rated as highly important by people who hold negative attitudes toward gays and lesbians? the production of male offspring family security stable relationships acceptance of non-traditional gender roles

acceptance of non-traditional gender roles

The double standard of aging is the idea that aging occurs at an earlier age for women than for men. aging occurs at an earlier age for men than for women. young women hold older women to a higher standard than they hold older men to. older men are viewed as asexual, but older women are not.

aging occurs at an earlier age for women than for men.

A key aspect of modern-symbolic prejudice is that it provides justification for the special favors Blacks receive. allows people to support intergroup equality in principle while still opposing specific social policies designed to promote that equality. allows people to be overtly racist in the right setting. provides justification for the belief that hard work alone is not sufficient to overcome race-based discrimination.

allows people to support intergroup equality in principle while still opposing specific social policies designed to promote that equality.

Elderspeak is the way older people speak to each other characterized by rapid speech and a low voice pitch. an extreme form of patronizing talk. an appropriate conversational style with older adults.

an extreme form of patronizing talk.

Which of the following cognitive abilities is associated more with men than with women? a. creative c. perceptive b. imaginative analytical


1.This type of education focuses on raising awareness of institutional racism. anti-bias multicultural assimilationist integrationist


Which of the following is least likely to be characteristic of people who are likely to join hate groups? are engaging in youthful rebellion have pro-White racial attitudes are female are searching for solutions to problems

are female

According to your text, it is problematic to ask a successful Black person to serve as a spokesperson for her or his race because doing so gives the impression that the person is successful due to her or his ability. encourages diversity decreases the likelihood that that person's actions will be scrutinized. assumes that all Blacks have similar views on an issue.

assumes that all Blacks have similar views on an issue.

Which characteristic of those with an authoritarian personality is thought to lead to prejudice against those who violate conventional norms? authoritarian aggression projectivity conventionalism their waistline

authoritarian aggression

Which of the following stigmas most clearly stems from perceived violation of North American aesthetics? mental illness homosexuality learning disabilities being overweight

being overweight

People who are characterized as everyday racists are comfortable interacting with minorities on an everyday basis. believe that the only correct values are White American values. often see themselves are justifiably prejudiced. believe American religions have too much influence in today's society.

believe that the only correct values are White American values.

Research shows that older children are most likely to dislike _______ with __________ characteristics. girls; masculine boys; masculine girls; feminine boys; feminine

boys; feminine

People are more likely to respect __________ and are more likely to like ___________. senior citizens; businessmen sexy women; senior citizens businessmen; housewives housewives; businessmen

businessmen; housewives

Research on attributional ambiguity suggests that when a Black worker receives negative feedback from a White supervisor, he or she will usually feel depressed. assume negative feedback was deserved, but that positive feedback was not. confront the supervisor. discount the feedback and assume it's due to bias.

discount the feedback and assume it's due to bias.

A White manager must choose between a White and a Black job applicant. The two applicants have equal qualifications, but those qualifications are mixed: Both are high on some desirable characteristics but low on others. The theory of aversive racism would predict that the manager would use some random procedure to choose between the two applicants because they are equally qualified. choose the Black applicant out of concern that choosing the White applicant would make her appear to be prejudiced. choose the Black applicant because the manager's egalitarian values would lead her to perceive the Black applicant's positive characteristics as more positive than the White applicant's positive characteristics. choose the White applicant because she could rationalize her rejection of the Black applicant on the basis of the applicant's negative characteristics.

choose the White applicant because she could rationalize her rejection of the Black applicant on the basis of the applicant's negative characteristics.

The _________ perspective on intergroup relations holds that people should ignore racial and ethnic group membership in their dealings with other people. anti-bias assimilationist melting pot color-blind


The ________ focuses on inducing ingroup and outgroup members to recategorize themselves into a single group with one identity. personalization group unification salient categorization common ingroup identity

common ingroup identity

Children raised in a(n) _________ environment are most likely to develop a social dominance orientation. cooperative competitive conforming accepting


A major goal of affirmative action programs is improved intergroup relations. All three are goals diverse workforce. reduced prejudice.

diverse workforce.

Research shows that the vast majority of comic strip characters are White. Because of this, White children who regularly read the comics might conclude that Blacks are aggressive since comic book characters are often aggressive. be less prejudiced toward Blacks because they see no negative Black characters in the comics. conclude that Blacks and their culture are not valued. lead to an especially early awareness of race as a social category.

conclude that Blacks and their culture are not valued.

Which of the following is not a characteristic of people who are high in right-wing authoritarianism? doing and thinking what authority figures tell one to do and think adhering to traditional values and social norms being aggressive toward people and groups condemned by authority figures desiring that one's ingroup dominate and be superior to other groups

desiring that one's ingroup dominate and be superior to other groups

Nicole sees herself as non-prejudiced and feels guilty because she told a racist joke. In which of the following behaviors is Nicole most likely to engage in the future? donating money to the NAACP speaking out against affirmative action avoiding Black people telling sexist jokes

donating money to the NAACP

Individuals who agree with the statement, "Those who are unable to provide for their basic needs should be helped by others" hold which value? egalitarianism mortality salience individualism religious involvement


Which of the following is least likely to be a motivation for engaging in hate crime? normalization egalitarianism commitment to a bigoted ideology retaliation for a personal offense by an outgroup member


When choosing a playmate, José thinks only of his needs and wants. According to Piaget's theory of prejudice development, José is displaying centration. homosociality. egocentrism. process sequencing.


Aboud's theory of the development of prejudice in children holds that at the earliest stage of development, children's prejudice is based on an understanding of people's internal qualities. imitation of adult behavior. perceptions of the ways in which others are similar to and different from one's self. emotional responses to others and a focus on the self.

emotional responses to others and a focus on the self.

According to the theory of ambivalent prejudice, people reduce the conflict that results from holding contradictory beliefs by emphasizing one aspect of their attitudes over the other. accepting the psychological discomfort. responding negatively toward minority group members. taking themselves out of the situation.

emphasizing one aspect of their attitudes over the other.

Research has consistently found that politically conservative people oppose government policies, such as affirmative action, that are intended to increase equal opportunity. The principled conservatism interpretation of these findings is that conservatives oppose such programs because political conservatism is the same as authoritarianism and so reflects authoritarian principles. social dominance is a basic principle of political conservatism. all conservatives are basically racist. equality is a basic conservative principle and programs such as affirmative action create inequalities by favoring some groups over others.

equality is a basic conservative principle and programs such as affirmative action create inequalities by favoring some groups over others.

Jill is a manager in a company with predominantly male employees. Research on self-categorization suggests that, compared to the male employees, Jill will be not think about her gender. especially likely to think of herself in terms of her gender. likely to see her co-workers as very different from one another. unconcerned about her identity as a woman.

especially likely to think of herself in terms of her gender.

According to social identity theory, when a group member's self-esteem is threatened, he or she will be likely to exhibit biases against the ingroup. derogate the ingroup. over-reward outgroup members. exhibit biases against outgroups.

exhibit biases against outgroups.

Of the groups listed, ________ appear to experience the highest level of job discrimination. people under age 40 heterosexual women heterosexual men fat people

fat people

According to your text, people who feel relatively gratified versus relatively deprived, may express prejudice because they respond to the demands of people in authority. they fear things are unlikely to change. they would rather be in a different ingroup. feeling superior to outgroup members justifies their success.

feeling superior to outgroup members justifies their success.

Which of the following is not a pattern of thought characteristic of those with an authoritarian personality? projectivity conventionalism flexibility authoritarian submission


Which of the following is not one of the threats addressed by integrated threat theory? intergroup anxiety perceptions of symbolic threat perceptions of realistic threat frustration-aggression


Which of the following terms is recommended by those who support "people first" language? elderly gay or lesbian blind person senile

gay or lesbian

The term ___________ refers to the finding that men in traditionally female occupations are promoted faster than women in those occupations. gender elevator sticky floor glass escalator shattered ceiling

glass escalator

The two components of social dominance orientation are group-based dominance and opposition to equality. submission to authority and group-based aggression. social conventionalism and group-based dominance. closed-mindedness and social projectivity.

group-based dominance and opposition to equality.

Which of the following has been shown to be related to lower prejudice toward an outgroup? having a friend who has a friendship with an outgroup member working in a climate that promotes prejudicial norms participating in the same individual sport as an outgroup member interacting with a lower status outgroup

having a friend who has a friendship with an outgroup member

Research on sex differences in attitudes toward homosexuality shows that heterosexual men are more likely to reject gay men than lesbians. All options are true. both heterosexual men and homosexual women reject granting gays and lesbians' civil rights. heterosexual men, more so than heterosexual women, are likely to accept gays.

heterosexual men are more likely to reject gay men than lesbians.

Research shows that ________ hold particularly negative attitudes toward ________. heterosexual women; lesbians heterosexual men; gay men lesbians; gay men homosexual men; heterosexual men

heterosexual men; gay men

People are more likely to discriminate when they are ___________ on prejudice and believe ___________. high; their perspective is unique high; others hold similar views low; their perspective is unique low; others hold similar views

high; others hold similar views

33.Mohammad is least likely to develop an authoritarian personality if he feels insecure in his environment when his parents are absent. his parents use punitive child-rearing practices. his parents emphasize the importance of personal freedom. he has a conforming personality.

his parents emphasize the importance of personal freedom.

People with which gender-role attitude are most likely to dislike nontraditional women? hostile sexist ambivalence toward men benevolent sexist modern sexist

hostile sexist

According to terror management theory, challenges to one's cultural beliefs increases the outgroup homogeneity effect. leads to depression. decreases mortality salience. increases prejudice.

increases prejudice.

According to developmental intergroup theory, one factor that influences children's development of rules for categorizing people is observation of society's use of categories. This is similar to the process of ________ proposed by social learning theory. direct teaching punitive childrearing practices indirect teaching competitive worldview

indirect teaching

Connie is a strong believer in the Protestant work ethic. Which value is most closely related to this belief? acceptance egalitarianism religious involvement individualism


Research on children's racial attitudes shows that ingroup favoritism develops at about the same age as outgroup prejudice. outgroup prejudice emerges before ingroup prejudice. ingroup favoritism emerges before outgroup prejudice. outgroup prejudice is stronger than ingroup favoritism.

ingroup favoritism emerges before outgroup prejudice.

Categorizing oneself and others into an ingroup and an outgroup often leads to cognitive confusion low self-esteem. intergroup cooperation. intergroup competition.

intergroup competition.

Carlotta suffers from severe anxiety which she controls by medication and chooses not to talk about to others. Carlotta's stigma __________. is concealable is not concealable is perilous to others is purely aesthetic

is concealable

Which of the following is not a workplace intervention aimed at diversity issues? affirmative action managing diversity valuing diversity jigsaw technique

jigsaw technique

Which of the following types of intergroup attitude has received the least attention by researchers? aversive prejudice ambivalent prejudice lack of prejudice old-fashioned prejudice

lack of prejudice

Compared to White children's racial attitudes, racial attitudes of other ethnic groups are less consistent. less likely to ever be negative. acquired at an earlier age. more likely to indicate ingroup favoritism.

less consistent.

Research on promotions shows that women are more likely to be promoted than men, but only in female-dominated professions. likely to be promoted faster than men, but only if they are more qualified. less likely to be promoted than men with similar qualifications. more likely to be seen as "promotion material" by their supervisors than men.

less likely to be promoted than men with similar qualifications.

According to social identity theory, group members with _______ self-esteem will most likely respond to a threat to their group identity by engaging in __________ against the outgroup. high, no bias high; bias low; no bias low; bias

low; bias

The majority of reported hate crimes victims are members of non-Christian religions. members of ethnic minority groups. persons with a disability. gays or lesbians.

members of ethnic minority groups.

Which of the following disabilities is most stigmatized? blindness deafness epilepsy mental illness

mental illness

What is not likely to determine which groups are stigmatized by the dominant group? moral credentials of the outgroup cultural norms characteristics of the stigmatized group historical events

moral credentials of the outgroup

The factors that are likely to be associated with committing hate crimes include all but which of the following? ingroup defense. trill seeking. moral credentials. being male.

moral credentials.

Those individuals who have a stigma that is perceived to be uncontrollable are _________ than individuals who have a stigma that is perceived to be controllable. better able to conceal their stigma considered to be less dangerous more likely to be viewed with pity more likely to elicit angry reactions

more likely to be viewed with pity

Which of the following would be considered a legitimizing myth in social dominance theory? a liberal political ideology negative stereotypes of outgroups a pattern of thinking that emphasizes the ways in which people are similar rather than the ways in which people differ a quest religious orientation

negative stereotypes of outgroups

The stereotypes, prejudice, and preferential treatment given to physically attractive people are collectively called neither option is true. the beauty advantage. anti-ugly bias. the women-are-nice phenomenon.

neither option is true.

Women are more likely to be promoted than men in traditionally male jobs. traditionally female jobs. neither option is true. the military.

neither option is true.

The student In the Washington Post article intended to live as a Black man for ____________, but actually ended his efforts after_____________. one month; two months two months; one month one semester; two semesters one semester; two days

one semester; two days

In School District X, two rival high schools were combined due to budget constraints. As a consultant to the school, you are asked to recommend ways to promote unity between these former rivals. Which of the following would be most likely to succeed? encourage students to wear their former school colors for the first year finding ways to increase short term contact between the former rivals organize a street fair for charity that requires the cooperation of students from both schools to succeed label one group the "home" group and have them take primary responsibility for the leadership positions

organize a street fair for charity that requires the cooperation of students from both schools to succeed

People perceive members of the outgroup as more similar to each other than they actually are while seeing members of the ingroup as distinct individuals. This process is called optimal distinctiveness. outgroup homogeneity effect. self-categorization effect. social creativity.

outgroup homogeneity effect.

The sexual orientation hypothesis proposes that people learn their sexual orientation from their environment. a person's sexual orientation can be changed. people are more likely to believe feminine men are gay than that masculine women are lesbian. a homosexual orientation is inborn.

people are more likely to believe feminine men are gay than that masculine women are lesbian.

According to the stereotype fit hypothesis, women are less likely to be hired as managers because those who are hired often fail in that job. people believe managers have traits associated with men rather than women. women have a bias against hiring other women. people have no clear stereotype of a "successful manager."

people believe managers have traits associated with men rather than women.

Feelings of relative deprivation stem from social comparison with people doing worse than themselves. strong parental socialization. people's belief that the outgroup holds very different values than the ingroup. people expecting more success than they achieve.

people expecting more success than they achieve.

The discrimination-affection paradox reflects the findings that women are liked better than men, but people treat women and men similarly. people hold equally positive attitudes toward women and men, but discriminate more against women. people hold more positive attitudes toward the social group "men" than the social group "women," but men are more likely to be discriminated against than are women. people hold more positive attitudes toward the social group "women" than toward the social group "men," but women are more likely to be discriminated against than are men.

people hold more positive attitudes toward the social group "women" than toward the social group "men," but women are more likely to be discriminated against than are men.

Relative deprivation theory addresses people's absolute level of deprivation. people's level of deprivation compared to what they had in the past. how deprived one thinks his/her relatives are. people's level of deprivation compared to people who are worse off than them.

people's level of deprivation compared to what they had in the past.

Compared to White people's attitudes toward African Americans, Black people's attitudes toward Whites are more likely to be based on political beliefs, such as liberalism-conservatism. personal experiences with White people. beliefs about Whites as an abstract group. portrayals of White people in popular media.

personal experiences with White people.

Research on personal stereotypes shows that personal stereotypes are stereotypes that one has about her/his personal group. people are more likely to discriminate against individuals who deviate from their personal stereotypes. personal stereotypes overlap with social stereotypes. they are the positive and negative feeling one has about outgroups.

personal stereotypes overlap with social stereotypes.

The __________ model proposes that intergroup contact reduces prejudice by leading people to see outgroup members as individuals. salient categorization personalization assimilation common ingroup identity


Research on children's intergroup behavior shows that younger children are more likely to exhibit an own-race bias in their behavior than are older children. positive cross-race interactions are more common at school than outside of school. it is generally consistent with their attitudes, regardless of the method by which those attitudes are measured. intergroup behavior is more positive between girls than boys .

positive cross-race interactions are more common at school than outside of school.

When an individual's self-esteem has been threatened, prejudice is likely to increase. the effect on prejudice will depend on the source of the threat. both individual and group self-esteem are bolstered. prejudice is likely to decrease.

prejudice is likely to increase.

The type of religious orientation that appears to be least associated with prejudice is fundamentalism extrinsic. intrinsic. quest.


Infants show implicit awareness of some social categories. Which of the following is not one of those categories? race age physical attractiveness gender


Hate group members are most likely to scapegoat which of the following groups? poor people the Christian Right White men racial minorities

racial minorities

Which of the following is not a factor underlying modern-symbolic prejudice? mild to moderate anti-Black emotions belief in non-traditional values rejection of equality of opportunity as a basic principle little personal knowledge of Black people

rejection of equality of opportunity as a basic principle

People without disabilities tend to both report positive attitudes toward people with disabilities (PWD) and behave positively toward them. both report negative attitudes toward PWD and behave negatively toward them. report positive attitudes toward PWD but behave negatively toward them. report negative attitudes toward PWD but behave positively toward them.

report positive attitudes toward PWD but behave negatively toward them.

People with modern-symbolic prejudice oppose affirmative action programs because they believe such programs favor Blacks over other minorities. are illegal in most states. are a remedy for past racism. result in inequality of opportunity.

result in inequality of opportunity.

Homosociality reflects children's tendency to prefer interactions with same race children same-sex children same age children other-sex children

same-sex children

One explanation why desegregation has not uniformly improved integroup relations is that too many students of color are not fluent in English. schools are integrated, but not desegregated. schools are officially desegregated, but internally remain segregated. schools in many large cities are too diverse.

schools are officially desegregated, but internally remain segregated.

Which of the following is an example of interpersonal discrimination? seating a White person before a Black person who arrived first passing a law that forbids employers from offering benefits to same sex domestic partners putting lower quality products in stores located in low income neighborhoods choosing art that depicts only White people for a museum

seating a White person before a Black person who arrived first

Hate crimes have psychological effects not only on the victim, but also on members of the victim's social group. This phenomenon is called hate crime generalization. defensive victimization. spill over. secondary victimization.

secondary victimization.

When people think of themselves as members of an ingroup and think of others as members of an outgroup, they tend to see members of the ingroup as being very similar to one another while seeing members of the outgroup as individuals. see negative behavior performed by an ingroup member as being caused by situational factors but see the same behaviors performed by an outgroup member as being caused by internal factors (such as personality/character). discriminate in favor of outgroup members. see positive behavior performed by an ingroup member as being caused by situational factors but see the same behaviors performed by an outgroup member as being caused by internal factors (such as personality/character).

see negative behavior performed by an ingroup member as being caused by situational factors but see the same behaviors performed by an outgroup member as being caused by internal factors (such as personality/character).

People who endorse hostile sexist beliefs like women but not men. all three options are true believe women need protection and nurturance. see women in non-traditional roles as a threat to male power.

see women in non-traditional roles as a threat to male power.

Which of the following traits is not commonly associated with women? self-confident emotional warm kind


The process of __________ in self-esteem is looking down on others to make one feel better about oneself. self-enhancement ontergroup anxiety ingroup protection self-protection


Researcher X is assessing anti-Black prejudice. For which type of measure is he least likely to find prejudicial responses? self-report physiological measures behavioral measures bogus pipeline


Which of the following is not a component of multicultural education? using teaching strategies that accommodate different learning styles separating cultural issues from the standard curriculum creating a school culture that promotes equality helping students develop positive attitudes toward outgroups

separating cultural issues from the standard curriculum

Research on the attribution-value model shows that people are least likely to be prejudiced toward gays when they believe that all gay people are alike. anyone who really wants to can change her or his sexual orientation. sexual orientation is largely due to factors not under a person's control. people who are gay are also lazy.

sexual orientation is largely due to factors not under a person's control.

What determines the direction of response amplification? emotion the way your head is turned situational cues whether the target is a member of a stigmatized group

situational cues

Which of the following is not an example of patronizing speech? speaking quickly using a bossy tone baby talk high voice pitch

speaking quickly

The _________ refers to the problem that women's traditional occupations do not offer avenues for advancement. neither refers to the problem sticky floor glass elevator down escalator

sticky floor

Research on physical attractiveness shows that people prefer ________ faces distinctive female childlike symmetrical


Which of the following has not been suggested as a source of anti-fat prejudice? the belief that overweight is an uncontrollable characteristic All have been a source of anti-fat prejudice the belief that overweight people lack will power anti-fat prejudice is rooted in culturally accepted values

the belief that overweight is an uncontrollable characteristic

Hate group members are most likely to come from which social group? the middle class the poor the uneducated people in their 30s or older

the middle class

Which of the factors are likely to make a workplace less heterosexist? All are likely clear policy statements that exclude gays location in a state where gay rights legislation has not yet been passed the presence of gay supervisors

the presence of gay supervisors

What happens when a member of a privileged group associates with a member of a stigmatized group? the privileged group member can receive a courtesy stigma the status of the privileged group member is raised the status of the stigmatized group member is raised the stigmatized group member can receive a courtesy stigma

the privileged group member can receive a courtesy stigma

What happens when a member of a privileged group associates with a member of a stigmatized group? the status of the privileged group member is raised nothing, there is no impact the status of the stigmatized group member is raised the privileged group member is also stigmatized

the privileged group member is also stigmatized

Individuals who are a statistical minority within a particular setting are called __________. tokens markers privileged disidentified


Individuals agreeing with statements such as "The intellectual leadership of a community should largely be in the hands of men" probably hold ___________ gender role attitudes. modern ambivalent traditional hostile


According to the theory of aversive prejudice, other things being equal, a White person would be most uncomfortable interacting with a Black university president. panther. college student. high school basketball star.

university president.

Which of the following is a way for women to improve their chances of being a successful leader? choose a less masculine occupation work for a traditional male manager use a leadership style that blends instrumental and expressive characteristics use a more autocratic leadership style

use a leadership style that blends instrumental and expressive characteristics

Which of the following is not associated with the experience of racism? weight loss substance abuse headaches insomnia

weight loss

Research on children's category awareness shows that they first accurately differentiate between Whites and all other ethnic groups. Blacks and Whites. women and men. older people and younger people.

women and men.

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