Final Exam (Psych)

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Which is an example of a somatoform disorder?


The 3 subtypes of schizophrenia are the _________, __________, and __________ types, each distinguished by a particular combination of systems.

paranoid, catatonic, disorganized

Fight or Flight

response is a rapidly occurring chain of internal physical reactions that prepare people either to fight or take flight from an immediate threat.

. Which of the following is not an example of physical indirect effects of stress?

severe aggression

Personality disorders are grouped into _____ clusters.


DSM-V-TR is a book that describes more than _____ specific psychological disorders


How many key features define anorexia nervosa?


PTSD is an example of an

Anxiety Disorder

Conflict can be described in two terms: ___________________ and ________________________.

Approach and aviod

attempts to create an unpleasant conditioned response to a harmful stimulus, such as cigarette smoking or alcohol consumption.

Aversive Conditioning

psychoanalysis involves and intense, long-term relationship between the patient and psychoanalysis.



a negative emotional state occurring in response to events that are perceived as taxing or exceeding a person's resources or ability to cope.

Someone who is coping that is trying to directly change or manage a threatening or harmful stressor is exhibiting

Emotion-focused coping Social support Escape-avoidance strategies Problem-focused coping

What are stressors?

Events or situations that are perceived as harmful, threatening, or challenging

.The diagnostic criteria for specific psychological disorders are described in the DSM-V-TR.


According to the biopsychosocial model, physical well-being is primarily determined genetic factors.


All mental health professionals are convinced that dissociative identity disorder is a genuine psychological disorder.


Anorexia nervosa and Bulimia are two types of personality disorders.


Any event or situation that forced you to adjust your lifestyle would cause stress


Biomedical Therapy uses psychological techniques designed to encourage the understanding of problems and modify troubling feelings, behaviors, or relationships.


Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by excessive weight loss, an irrational fear of gaining weight, and distorted body self-perception


F Schizophrenia often occurs in individuals with family history of mental disorders.


In the media characters such as The Joker with mental illness are stereotyped as being evil and prone to violence, which is supported by psychological research.


Lymphocytes are a body system that produces specialized white blood cells that protect the body from viruses, bacteria, and tumor cells.


Men are more likely to provide social support


There are 7 different types of Schizophrenia.


Transference is the patient's conscious or unconscious attempts to block the process of revealing repressed memories and conflicts.


Transference occurs when the patient unconsciously responds to the therapist as though the therapist was a significant person in the patient's life.


Type B behavioral and emotional style is characterized by a sense of time urgency, hostility, and competitiveness.


Which of the following was not listed on the Daily Hassles scale?

Fighting within any relationship

syndrome is Selye's term for the three-stage progression of physical changes that occur when an organism is exposed to intense and prolonged stress. The stages being alarm, resistance, and exhaustion.

General Adoption

is a false or distorted perception that seems vividly real to the person experiencing it.


This therapy emphasizes human potential, self-awareness, and freedom of choice


used a 3D virtual reality program that creates realistic sensations of seeing and feeling large spiders?

Hunter Hoffman

is the patient's conscious or unconscious attempts to block the process of revealing repressed memories and conflicts.


Which is NOT a negative symptom of schizophrenia


The _________ __________ represents the application of operant condition to modify the behavior of groups of people who live in a hospital or institution.

token economy

The fear of the number 13 is called


A treatment to allow evil spirits to leave the body is called


The fight-or-flight response was first described by American physiologist

Walter B. Cannon

Richard Lazarus developed the cognitive appraisal model of stress.

What are some secretions of catecholamines?

. According to Rogers, client's _________ and __________ when their self-concept becomes healthier as a result of these therapeutic conditions


Complications from anorexia can include osteoporosis, loss of reproductive function, chronic fatigue, and physical weakness.


F 1 out of 4 people will experience a mental disorder at some point in their life.


In typical DID, the primary personality is unaware of the existence of the alters, but the alters may have knowledge of each other's existence.


More than twice as many women as men experience PTSD after exposure to trauma.


One of the most serious psychological disorders is schizophrenia.


Schizophrenia usually occurs in the ages of 25-45.


Social factors such as a crime and racism can produce chronic stress.


Stress is defined as a negative emotional state that exceeds one ability to cope


Studies have shown that people with bipolar disorder who smoke had worse symptoms and longer stays at hospitals compared to non-smokers?


The most common biomedical therapy is Anti psychotic Medications.


To be diagnosed with depression, a person must display most of the symptoms for ______ or longer.


What is fear of work or responsibility? ________________________________


alone produces distinct physiological changes in the brain-changes that are associated with a reduction in symptoms.


On average, the person who completes psychotherapy treatment is better off than abut ____ % of those in an untreated control group.

**(Slide 27)

A medication that helps control bipolar disorder is ___.


Group therapy betters individual psychotherapy because:

A. Inexpensive, time-saving experience with others. B. Instead of basing someone's self-perception relating to others, therapists use interactional conversations as a guidance that may show someone's personality and behavior patterns. C. Support and encouragement promoted by group members may emphasize togetherness within the person and understand that his or her problems are not unique. D. Group members are defined as role models who successfully overcoming difficulties someone else deals with and provide insight on solving common problems helpfully and importantly. E. Encourage practicing new behaviors within safe, supportive places

Aerophobia is:

B. Fear of wind

mood disorder involving chronic, low-grade feelings of depression that produce subjective discomfort but do not seriously impair the ability to function.

B. dysthymic disorder

uses medications, electroconvulsive therapy, and other medical treatments.

Biomedical Therapy

is an unhealthy condition caused by chronic, prolonged work stress that is characterized by exhaustion, cynicism, and a sense of failure or inadequacy.


_____________ _______________________ is where the patient spontaneously reports all her thoughts, mental images, and feelings while lying on a couch.

Client Centered Therapy

Richard Lazarus developed the ________________________________of stress, a model of stress that emphasizes the role of an individual's evaluation of events and situations.

Cognitive Appraisal Model

Which is a treatment that focuses on changing unhealthy thinking patterns?

Cognitive Therapy

is defined as behavioral and cognitive responses used to deal with stressors; involves our efforts to change circumstances.


An event that happens every day that upsets and annoys people is a:

Daily hassle

. What are the top two social readjustment life change events?

Death of a spouse/ Divorce

is a falsely held belief that persists in spite of compelling contradictory evidence.


This category of drug is used to calm peoples jittery feelings, relaxes the muscles, and promotes sleep usually taking effects in an hour.


This is an interdisciplinary field that studies the interconnections among psychological processes, and the nervous, endocrine and immune system functions.


What cultural icon suffers from bipolar disorder?

Kurt Cobain

. Which of these is a source of stress?

Life events and change Social and culture Conflict

Who is widely regarded as the first behavior therapist?

Mary Cover Jones

Is a commonly seen negative symptom that consists of marked deficits or decreases in behavioral or emotional function is called

Negative symptoms of schizophrenia

Systematic desensitizing is

Pairs relaxation techniques with mental images Based on principle of counter conditioning is used primarily with phobia patients

Sweating, shortness of breath, feeling tingling, chest discomfort or pain, feeling dizzy, light headed, unsteady or faint are all symptoms of a

Panic Attack

__________ __________ are characterized by inflexible maladaptive patterns of thoughts, emotions, behavior, and interpersonal functioning.

Personality disorders

Personal distress, Impairs the ability to function in the one or more important area of life or both are called

Psychological Disorders

_______________________is the scientific study of the origins, symptoms and development of psychological disorders.


uses psychological techniques that encourage understanding of problems and modifies troubling feelings, behaviors, and relationships.


. Mood disorder in which episodes of depression typically occur during fall and winter and subside during spring and summer is called ___.

Seasonal Affective Disorder

is a type of psychotherapy that is based on psychoanalytic theory but differs in that it is typically time-limited, has specific goals, and involves an active role for the therapist.

Short-term dynamic therapy

An anxiety disorder involving the extreme and irrational fear of being embarrassed, judged, or scrutinized by others in social situations.

Social anxiety disorder

What to expect in psychotherapy

Strengthens your commitment to change Don't confuse catharsis or insight with change don't expect your therapist to make decisions for you

Which is not an example of a daily hassle?

Too many things to do

Murtin Seligmah

is an American psychologist who conducted research on explanatory style and the role it plays in stress, health, and illness.

What are some secretions of catecholamines?

pupils dilate digestion is inhibited increase in heart rate, blood pressure, respiration

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