Final Exam Review

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During exercise at sea level, young, healthy untrained subjects generally maintain exercise arterial PO2 within -1 mm Hg of resting values. -10-12 mm Hg of resting values. -20-25 mm Hg of resting values. -30-40 mm Hg of resting values.

10-12 mm Hg of resting values

Under normal conditions at sea level, the partial pressure of oxygen in the alveoli region of the lung is -760 mmHg. -159 mmHg. -125 mmHg. -100 mmHg.

100 mmHg.

Endurance exercise training programs (e.g., 3 days/week @ 60% VO2max for 12 weeks) lasting typically result in a ______% improvement in VO2max. -1-5% improvement in VO2 max -5-10% improvement in VO2 max -10-15% improvement in VO2 max -15-20% improvement in VO2 max

15-20% improvement in VO2 max

Each pair of electrons passed through the electron transport chain from NADH to oxygen releases enough energy to form

2.5 ATP.

If muscle glycogen is the initial substrate, the net production ATP resulting during glycolysis is.

3 molecules

Four-to-ten weeks of anaerobic training (high intensity exercise lasting 10-30 seconds) can increase the peak anaerobic capacity by ______ across individuals. -3-25% -30-40% -50-60% -65-75%


Following a single bout of resistance exercise training, muscle protein synthesis can remain elevated above baseline for as much as ______ in both trained and untrained individuals. -8-15 hours -15-24 hours -24-30 hours -30-48 hours

30-48 hours

The total ATP tally from the aerobic breakdown of glucose is

32 ATP.

A subject performing a 10-MET activity would have an oxygen consumption of approximately

35 ml•kg-1•min-1.

In most subjects, stroke volume continues to increase during incremental exercise up to approximately -20% of VO2 max. -40% of VO2 max. -75% of VO2 max. -90% of VO2 max.

40% of VO2 max.

The average VO2 max value for the young (e.g., 21 years old) male sedentary population is approximately -22 ml/kg/min -35 ml/kg/min -45 ml/kg/min -63 ml/kg/min

45 ml/kg/min

Heritability (i.e., genetics) determines approximately _____% of VO2 max variability in sedentary adults. -25 -35 -50 -90


High responders to endurance exercise training (i.e., individuals that achieve large increases in VO2 max) can achieve up to______% improvement in VO2max following a prolonged and intense training program. -20 -35 -50 -100


A single bout of resistance exercise training increases muscle protein synthesis by as much as ______% above resting levels? -5-10 -20-50 -50-150 -200-300


Evaporation of one liter of sweat would result in the loss of ________ kcal of heat. -100 -500 -540 -580


The exercise intensity that promotes the highest amount of total fat oxidation is approximately

60% of VO2 max

Heat acclimatization occurs generally within -1 to 2 days. -less than 7 days. -7 to 14 days. -15 to 30 days.

7 to 14 days.

Three molecules of NADH are produced during one turn of the citric acid cycle. How many total ATP molecules can be produced from these three NADH molecules?

7.5 ATP

During exercise ____________ of energy produced is released as heat. -<10% -20-30% -50% -70-80%


Which of the following track running events would have the greatest risk of acid-base disturbance? -marathon -100 meter sprint -800 meter run -10,000 meter run

800 meter run

Which of the following exercise intensities would rely primarily on carbohydrate as a fuel source?

90% of VO2 max.

Which of the following is true of the pH of arterial blood? -The normal pH is 7.0. -A pH of 7.0 would be considered acidosis. -A pH of 7.0 would be considered alkalosis. -None of the above is true.

A pH of 7.0 would be considered acidosis.

Which of the following statements about pulmonary physiology is correct? -The PO2 of inspired air at sea level is approximately 159 mmHg. -The percentage of CO2 in the air is 0.0003. -The percentage of O2 in the air at sea level is the same as at high altitude. -All of the above answers are correct

All of the above answers are correct

Which of the following training adaptations occur in skeletal muscles following 4-10 weeks of anaerobic exercise training? -increased muscle buffer capacity -increased activities of myokinase and creatine phosphokinase -increased activities of key glycolytic enzymes -All of the above answers are correct

All of the above answers are correct

Cold acclimation results in which of the following physiological adaptations? -increased nonshivering thermogenesis. -improved ability to prevent large decreases in skin temperature during cold exposure. -improved ability to sleep in cold environments. -All of the above answers are correct.

All of the above answers are correct.

Heat production can be increased through -shivering. -non-shivering thermogenesis. -the action of thyroxine and catecholamines. -All of the above answers are correct.

All of the above answers are correct.

Which of the following statements are true about heat shock proteins? -Repeated bouts of exercise in warm or hot environments increase their synthesis in cells. -They stabilize and refold damaged cellular proteins. -They assist cells in tolerating heat stress. -All of the above answers are correct.

All of the above answers are correct.

Regulation of body core temperature is important because -cellular structures and metabolic pathways are affected by temperature. -low temperatures can promote abnormal cardiac function (e.g., arrhythmias). -high temperature can alter the structure and function of enzymes. -All of the above statements are correct.

All of the above statements are correct.

An acute bout of prolonged and/or high intensity exercise may have a temporary depressive effect on the immune system. This response may be due to -decreased blood levels of B-cells, T-cells, and natural killer cells. -decreases in killer cell activity. -decreases in nasal neutrophil phagocytosis. -All of the answers are correct

All of the answers are correct

Chronic, low grade inflammation has been linked to an increased risk of ________. -cancer. -diabetes. -heart disease. -All of the answers are correct

All of the answers are correct

A single bout of exercise can reduce the risk of infection by increasing blood levels of -antibodies. -natural killer cells. -neutrophils. -All of the answers are correct.

All of the answers are correct.

In healthy and untrained subjects, the alinear rise in minute ventilation observed during incremental exercise (i.e., ventilatory threshold) could be due to -a significant decline in arterial PO2. -an increase in arterial PCO2. -an increase in arterial pH. -a decrease in arterial pH.

-a decrease in arterial pH.

Which of the following factors could explain the rise in blood lactic acid at the lactate threshold?

-both A and B are correct -an increased rate of lactate production -a decreased rate of removal of lactic acid from the blood

An increase in blood levels of carbon dioxide results in a decrease in blood pH because an increase in PCO2 -decreases H+ ion levels in the plasma. -promotes an increase in lactic acid production in the muscle. -reacts with water to form carbonic acid, which dissociates to release H+. -none of the above answers are correct.

-reacts with water to form carbonic acid, which dissociates to release H+.

Which of the following factors are possible mechanisms to explain the lactate threshold?

-recruitment of fast-twitch muscle fibers -All of the above answers are correct -low muscle oxygen -reduced rate of lactate removal from the blood

VO2 max is determined by

-the ability of the muscle to take up and use oxygen to produce ATP. -the maximum ability of the cardiorespiratory system to deliver oxygen to the muscle. -both A and B are correct.

At rest, the O2 consumption of a 70-kg young adult is approximately

0.25 L/min. 3.5 ml/kg/min. all of the above answers are correct. 250 ml/min.

Muscle pH is generally -0.4-0.6 pH units lower than arterial pH. -0.4-0.6 pH units higher than arterial pH. -equal to blood pH. -None of the above answers are correct

0.4-0.6 pH units lower than arterial pH.

Calculate the power output when an individual performs 600 joules of work in 60 seconds.

10 watts

Which of the following statements about body temperature homeostasis is correct? -Body temperature is a balance between heat loss and heat gain. -Core temperature is constantly maintained at 34C. -Skin temperature is usually equal to core temperature. -None of the above statements are correct.

Body temperature is a balance between heat loss and heat gain.

Which of the following transporters in skeletal muscles are responsible for moving hydrogen ions across the sarcolemma? -sodium-hydrogen exchanger -monocarboxylate transporter -lactate transporter -Both "sodium-hydrogen exchanger" and "monocarboxylate transporter" are correct

Both "sodium-hydrogen exchanger" and "monocarboxylate transporter" are correct

Which of the following hormones is part of the General Adaptive Syndrome and is called the "stress" hormone? -epinephrine -renin -cortisol -insulin


The director of the Harvard Fatigue Laboratory was

D.b. Dill.

TRUE OR FALSEThe initial decrease in VO2 max with detraining occurs because skeletal muscle adaptations (a-vO2 difference) are lost.


A high percentage of body fat results in an increased ability to lose body heat during exercise. T/F


Age-related loss of skeletal muscle mass is called anemia. T/F


An increase in cardiac output during exercise will decrease arterial blood pressure when peripheral resistance remains constant. T/F


At any end-diastolic volume, stroke volume is increased by parasympathetic stimulation. T/F


Chronic exposure to high levels of a hormone results in "up regulation" of receptors. T/F


During muscle relaxation (following a muscle contraction), calcium is moved back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum via simple diffusion. T/F


Following endurance training, maximal cardiac output during exercise is increased due to an increase in the thickness of the left ventricular wall (i.e, ventricular muscle mass increases). T/F


Growth hormone secretion increases during exercise and decreases during sleep. T/F


High activity of the enzyme ATPase is found in both slow-twitch (type I) and fast-twitch (type IIx) fibers. T/F


Lactate accumulation during exercise is a major cause of the muscle soreness that occurs 24-48 hours after exercising.


One MET equals resting oxygen consumption, which is approximately 5.3 ml•kg-1•min-1.


Physical barriers provide the second line of defense against infection. T/F


Research indicates that several months of endurance training results in significant changes in both lung structure and pulmonary function. True False


The breakdown of glycogen into glucose is called gluconeogenesis.


The evaporation of 1,000 ml of sweat results in the loss of 1,000 kcal of heat. T/F


The greater the soreness a person feels after resistance training the greater the greater the gains in size and strength will be. T/F


The majority of evidence demonstrates that resistance training-induced muscle hypertrophy is the result of muscle fiber hyperplasia. True False


The principal buffer against acidosis during exercise is intracellular phosphate groups. True False


The pulmonary system does not limit VO2 max in elite endurance athletes that exhibit exercise-induced hypoxemia. T/F


The sympathetic postganglionic neurotransmitter is acetylcholine, and the parasympathetic postganglionic neurotransmitter is norepinephrine. T/F


Voluntary movements are planned and executed by the motor cortex without outside influence from other areas of the nervous system. T/F


When a drug is given to block the adrenergic receptors during exercise, muscle glycogen utilization is reduced. True False


Work equals power divided by time.


The relationship between oxygen uptake, cardiac output, and the arterial-venous oxygen difference is described mathematically by the -Hill equation. -Fenn equation. -Fick equation. -Frank-Starling law.

Fick equation.

The ability of a neuron to respond to a stimulus is termed -Irritability -Conductivity -Depolarization -Repolarization


Which of the extracellular buffers contributes the most to the cell's buffering capacity? -bicarbonate -hemoglobin -extracellular proteins -all of the above contribute equally


Carbon dioxide is transported in arterial blood principally as -carbaminohemoglobin. -dissolved CO2 in solution in the blood. -bicarbonate. -carbon monoxide.


The most important of the blood buffers is/are -bicarbonate. -blood proteins. -hemoglobin. -platelets.


The metabolic process of converting foodstuffs into a biological usable form of energy is called


Which of the following factors DO NOT contribute to "fine-tuning" of cardiovascular control during exercise? -muscle chemoreceptors -baroreceptors -muscle mechanoreceptors -blood vessels

blood vessels

Gas exchange in the lungs occurs -across approximately 300 million alveoli. -in the conducting zone. -in the respiratory zone. -both "across approximately 300 million alveoli" and "in the respiratory zone" are correct answers

both "across approximately 300 million alveoli" and "in the respiratory zone" are correct answers

In response to a decrease in body temperature, humans often exhibit ____________ upon response to cold. -peripheral vasodilation -peripheral vasoconstriction -shivering -both B and C are correct

both B and C are correct

The increase in cardiac output that occurs during exercise is due to both an increase in mean arterial pressure and -a decrease in vascular resistance. -a decrease in vascular resistance only. -an increase in mean arterial blood pressure only. -an increase in heart rate and a decrease in mean arterial blood pressure.

both an increase in mean arterial pressure and a decrease in vascular resistance.

The concentration of a hormone can be increased by -decreasing the rate at which it is metabolized and removed from the body. -increasing the number of receptors. -decreasing plasma volume. -both decreasing the rate at which it is metabolized and removed from the body and decreasing plasma.

both decreasing the rate at which it is metabolized and removed from the body and decreasing plasma.

In the PowerPoint presentation I discussed that in resistance training heavy loads have a greater impact on increasing muscle strength and lighter loads have a greater impact on increasing muscle endurance. Which loads have the greatest impact on muscle hypertrophy if the exercise is taken to volitional fatigue? -heavy -light -both heavy and light loads can have similar impacts on increasing muscle hypertrophy

both heavy and light loads can have similar impacts on increasing muscle hypertrophy

High circulating levels of cortisol has been reported to depress immune function in several ways including: -inhibit the function of cytokines. -suppress natural killer cell function. -depress the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. -both inhibit the function of cytokines and suppress natural killer cell function are correct

both inhibit the function of cytokines and suppress natural killer cell function are correct

Which of the following hormones is secreted from adipose tissue? -leptin -adiponectin -both leptin and adiponectin are correct -neither leptin or adiponectin are correct

both leptin and adiponectin are correct

Skeletal and cardiac muscle are similar in which of the following ways? -both muscles contain type I, IIa, and IIx fibers -both muscles are under voluntary control -both muscles contain fibers that are branched -both muscles are composed of striated fibers containing actin and myosin

both muscles are composed of striated fibers containing actin and myosin

The strategy of neutrophils to fight infection involves -their function as killer cells in antibody dependent immune response. -phagocytosis. -release of chemical involved in inflammation. -both phagocytosis and release of chemical involved in inflammation are correct

both phagocytosis and release of chemical involved in inflammation are correct

Disease-related muscle wasting is referred to as -cachexia. -proteolysis. -myobiogenesis. -sarcopenia


Which of the following hormones is secreted by the thyroid gland and plays a role in the regulation of plasma calcium levels? -thyroxine -triiodothyronine -calcitonin -parathyroid hormone


The formation of cross-bridges that initiates the contractile process in skeletal muscle is triggered by -calcium binding to myosin. -calcium binding to tropomyosin. -calcium binding to troponin. -ATP binding to the myosin cross-bridges.

calcium binding to troponin.

Stress proteins (i.e., heat shock proteins) are manufactured by cells in response to exercise and other stresses. Importantly, increasing the cellular levels of heat shock proteins

can repair damaged cellular proteins and restore homeostasis.

All gas exchange between the vascular system and tissues occurs in -venules. -capillaries. -arterioles. -veins.


Neurons can be divided into three basic components: -cell body, soma, and axon. -soma, dendrites, and Schwann cells. -cell body, dendrites, and axon. -afferent, efferent, and dendrites.

cell body, dendrites, and axon.

Exercise training can improve homeostatic control via

cellular adaptation.

Anatomically, the nervous system can be divided into two main parts: -afferent and efferent. -central nervous system and peripheral nervous system. -sensory and motor. -sympathetic and parasympathetic.

central nervous system and peripheral nervous system.

The area of the brain that aids in control of movement and may initiate fast ballistic movements is the -cerebrum. -motor cortex. -brain stem. -cerebellum.


The motor cortex is concerned with voluntary movement and is located within the -cerebellum. -cerebrum. -brain stem. -hypothalamus.


The transfer of heat from the body into molecules of cooler objects in contact with its surface is called -radiation. -conduction. -convection. -evaporation.


The term kinesthesia refers to -the study of movement. -a lack of sensation in the muscles and joints. -conscious recognition of the position of body parts with respect to each other. -the transmission of a nerve impulse along the axon.

conscious recognition of the position of body parts with respect to each other.

An increase in body core temperature results in -cutaneous vasoconstriction. -cutaneous vasodilation. -thyroxine release. -shivering.

cutaneous vasodilation.

Given the importance of maintaining plasma glucose levels constant during exercise, insulin secretion would be expected to ______________ during exercise. -increase -decrease -remain the same -decrease initially, followed by a rapid increase


Hypothermia is defined as a significant -decrease in skin temperature. -decrease in body core temperature. -increase in body core temperature. -decrease in skin blood flow.

decrease in body core temperature.

If the thyroid gland does not produce a sufficient amount of T3 or T4, the resting metabolic rate will -increase. -decrease. -remain the same.


Repeated sport-related traumatic brain injuries (i.e., concussions) are associated with a higher risk of developing_________. -dementia -renal failure -heart failure -All of the answers are correct


The most important muscle of inspiration is/are the -diaphragm -rectus abdominis.. -internal oblique. -external intercostals.


An acute bout of exercise performed in a hot environment -results in a depression of the acquired immune system. -does not have a negative impact on the function of key cells involved in immune function. -results in a depression of the innate immune system. -results in a hypertensive event

does not have a negative impact on the function of key cells involved in immune function.

Skeletal muscle fibers that contain moderate-to-high numbers of mitochondria could be classified as -type I fibers -type IIa fibers -either type I or type IIa -type IIx

either type I or type IIa

During exercise, blood glucose concentration is maintained fairly constant by all of the following factors EXCEPT ONE. -elevated mobilization of FFA from adipose tissue. -increased rate of gluconeogenesis. -blocking entry of glucose into cells. -elevated concentration of insulin.

elevated concentration of insulin.

Which of the following hormones may be related to changes in mood and pain perception during endurance exercise? -catecholamines -glucocorticoids -somatomedins -endorphins


The layer of connective tissue that surrounds the outside of skeletal muscle (i.e., just below the fascia) is called the -epimysium. -perimysium. -endomysium. -basement membrane.


Which of the following hormones are secreted by the adrenal medulla? -epinephrine -aldosterone -cortisol -angiotensin II


Neurotransmitters that cause depolarization of membranes are called -inhibitory transmitters. -receptors. -excitatory transmitters. -synaptic transmitters.

excitatory transmitters.

Endurance exercise facilitates a fast-to-slow fiber type shift in skeletal muscle. What type of shift occurs in the fiber type continuum from resistance training?


A hormone that is released from the pancreas at a higher rate during exercise to mobilize liver glucose and adipose tissue fatty acids is -glucagon. -somatostatin. -insulin. -none of the answers provided is correct.


Stored polysaccharides in muscle and other tissues in animals are called


Small changes in arterial PCO2 have a ______________ effect on ventilation compared to small changes in PO2. -greater -lesser -the same -none of the above answers are correct


In the standing position, blood flow to the base of the lung is ______________ blood flow to the apex. -less than -the same as -greater than -none of the above answers is correct.

greater than

Exercise trained individuals have a lower oxygen deficit; this may be due to

having a better developed aerobic bioenergetic capacity.

Direct calorimetry is a means of determining energy expenditure and involves the measurement of

heat production.

A respiratory quotient (RQ) of 0.95 during steady-state exercise is suggestive of a(n)

high rate of carbohydrate metabolism.

The central command theory of cardiovascular control proposes that initial signal to the cardiovascular control center comes from -the cerebellum. -the brainstem. -higher brain centers -feedback loops coming from muscle receptors.

higher brain centers

Humans and other animals that maintain a rather constant body temperature are called -cold-blooded animals -homeotherms -poiklotherms -None of the above answers are correct


Endocrine signaling involves the release of _________ into the bloodstream.


A single bout of resistance exercise training results in an increase in skeletal muscle protein synthesis. This exercise-induced increase in muscle protein synthesis can occur within _____ following the exercise session. -seconds -minutes -hours -days


Following an acute bout of endurance exercise training, the increase in mitochondrial biogenesis occurs within _____ following the completion of the exercise session. -seconds -minutes -hours -days


The body's thermostat is located in the -cerebellum. -brain stem. -hypothalamus. -thalamus.


Metabolic acidosis can result from the overproduction of ketoacids, which can occur -during exercise. -in uncontrolled diabetes. -as a result of high levels of glucose metabolism. -all of the above answers are correct.

in uncontrolled diabetes.

Several life-style factors can have a negative impact on immune function; these include -inadequate nutrition. -moderate daily exercise. -limiting sedentary time -all the answers are correct

inadequate nutrition.

Exercise should be avoided if cold symptoms -include a fever. -are above the neck. -include a runny nose or nasal congestion. -all of the answers are correct

include a fever.

Which of the following factors does NOT contribute to the endurance exercise training-induced increases in fat metabolism during exercise? -slower blood flow in muscle -increased fat storage in the liver -increased FFA transporters -increased beta oxidation enzymes

increased fat storage in the liver

Exercise in the heat is associated with accelerated fatigue due, in part, to -decreased muscle glycogen utilization. -increased free radical production in the active skeletal muscles. -decreased lactate production. -all of the above answers are correct.

increased free radical production in the active skeletal muscles.

Which of the following endurance training adaptations does NOT result in lower lactate production in the contracting muscles? -increased glycogen utilization -increased H4 form of LDH -increased mitochondrial uptake of pyruvate -decreased pyruvate formation

increased glycogen utilization

Which of the following physiological factors does NOT contribute to the endurance exercise training-induced increase in the maximal a-vO2 difference? -increased mitochondria volume in the muscle -increased capillaries in the muscle -increased hemoglobin in the blood -increased muscle blood flow

increased hemoglobin in the blood

Which of the following factors contributes to the endurance exercise training-induced improvement in VO2 max? -increased end diastolic volume -increased maximal stroke volume -increased maximal heart rate -none of the above answers are correct

increased maximal stroke volume

Which of the following endurance training adaptations assist in maintaining acid-base balance during exercise? -increased mitochondrial volume in skeletal muscle -increased M4 form of LDH -increased lactate production -increased pyruvate formation

increased mitochondrial volume in skeletal muscle

Studies reveal that exercise training improves muscle buffering capacity. Which of the following exercise-induced changes is NOT responsible for training-induced improvements in muscle buffering capacity? -increased levels of carnosine in muscle fibers -increased muscle levels of citrate synthase -increased content of hydrogen ion transporters -None of the above answers are correct

increased muscle levels of citrate synthase

Which of the following factors does NOT contribute to the endurance exercise training-induced improvement in stroke volume during exercise? -increased end-diastolic volume -increased peripheral resistance -increased cardiac contractility -decrease in total peripheral resistance

increased peripheral resistance

In order to maintain blood glucose homeostasis, which of the following events would likely occur in response to a significant rise in blood glucose?

increased uptake of glucose by cells

The arterial-venous oxygen difference -increases as a function of exercise intensity. -does not change during exercise. -decreases as the exercise intensity increases. -is highest during submaximal exercise.

increases as a function of exercise intensity.

Recent evidence suggests that the optimum speed of movement

increases as the power output increases.

Endurance training has been shown to reduce the oxygen deficit in subjects performing a submaximal exercise. This is due to -an increased maximal cardiac output. -increases in the number of mitochondria and capillaries. -an increased heart rate. -a greater anaerobic capacity.

increases in the number of mitochondria and capillaries.

Exercise-induced asthma could impair pulmonary gas exchange by -reducing blood flow to the lung. -lowering the drive to breath. -causing bronchodilation. -increasing airway resistance.

increasing airway resistance.

Sodium bicarbonate has been ingested by athletes in an attempt to improve performance by -increasing blood buffering capacity. -decreasing muscle lactate production. -stimulating pulmonary ventilation to increase oxygen transport. -increasing plasma volume.

increasing blood buffering capacity.

During exercise, epinephrine and norepinephrine stimulate liver glycogenolysis indirectly by -increasing glucagon secretion from the pancreas. -increasing insulin secretion from the pancreas. -increasing the uptake of FFA by muscle. -lowering plasma cortisol concentration.

increasing glucagon secretion from the pancreas.

One of the proposed mechanisms to explain the positive impact of postactivation potential on muscle performance is that low intensity muscle contractions results in phosphorylation of myosin light chains (i.e., proteins located at the base of the myosin cross-bridge). This increased phosphorylation can increase muscle force production by -increasing the muscle's sensitivity to calcium. -increasing the calcium release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. -promoting increased ATP availability in the muscle. -none of the answers are correct

increasing the muscle's sensitivity to calcium.

During a bout of high intensity exercise (i.e., 10 minutes at 80%VO2 max), the plasma concentration of hormones that stimulate fatty acid mobilization from adipose tissue increase significantly. The plasma-free fatty acid concentration, however, actually decreases. Why does this occur? -Fatty acid supply is depleted. -Hormones are ineffective in maximal work. -Lactic acid interferes with fatty acid mobilization. -High insulin levels secreted during maximal exercise interfere with fatty acid mobilization.

Lactic acid interferes with fatty acid mobilization.

Which of the following statements about multiple sclerosis (MS) are Not True? -MS results in damage to neurons within the basal ganglia. -MS results in destruction of the myelin sheaths of axons in the central nervous system. -MS results in general fatigue and muscle weakness. -At present, no known cure exists for MS.

MS results in damage to neurons within the basal ganglia.

Which of the following statements are Not True about muscle chemoreceptors? -Muscle chemoreceptors respond to changes in the concentration of carbon dioxide around the muscle. -Muscle chemoreceptors respond to changes in the concentration of hydrogen ions around the muscle. -Muscle chemoreceptors respond to changes in partial pressure of oxygen within the muscle fibers. -Muscle chemoreceptors respond to changes in the concentration of potassium around the muscle.

Muscle chemoreceptors respond to changes in partial pressure of oxygen within the muscle fibers.

The two most important hydrogen (electron) carriers in bioenergetic chemical reactions are

NAD and FAD.

Which of the following statements about neurons are Not True? -The resting membrane potential is generally in the range of -40mv to -75mv. -Maintaining resting membrane potential requires the use of energy from ATP. -Neurons repolarize by opening chloride channels on the membrane -An action potential can occur when the neuron's sodium gates open.

Neurons repolarize by opening chloride channels on the membrane

Studies reveal that exercise training improves muscle buffering capacity. Which of the following exercise-induced changes is NOT responsible for training-induced improvements in muscle buffering capacity? -increased levels of carnosine in muscle fibers -increased muscle levels of citrate synthase -increased content of hydrogen ion transporters -None of the above answers are correct

None of the above answers are correct

The peak power generated by any skeletal muscle increases with increasing velocities of movement up to a movement speed of 200-300 degrees per second. Which of the following factors can explain this observation? -ATPase activity decreases as a function of the speed of muscle shortening. -Myosin cross-bridges develop velocity-related fatigue. -muscle ATP levels are depleted at shortening velocities above 300 degrees per second. -None of the answers are correct

None of the answers are correct

The central chemoreceptors that influence the control of breathing respond to changes in the -H+ of mixed venous blood. -PCO2 and H+ of cerebral spinal fluid. -PO2, pH, and PCO2 of arterial blood. -PCO2 and H+ of mixed venous blood.

PCO2 and H+ of cerebral spinal fluid.

An increase in alveolar ventilation (at rest) resulting in hyperventilation will reduce arterial ______and increase______. -PCO2, pH -O2, pH -pH, PCO2 -None of the above questions are correct

PCO2, pH

By definition, an endergonic reaction is

a chemical reaction that requires energy to be added to the reactants before the reaction will take place.

Energy to run a maximal 400-meter race (i.e., 50 to 60 seconds) comes from

a combination of aerobic/anaerobic metabolism, with most of the ATP coming from anaerobic sources.

The mobilization of free fatty acids from adipose tissue and glucose from liver glycogen would be stimulated by -an increase in insulin and an increase in glucagon. -a decrease in insulin and an increase in glucagon. -an increase in insulin and a decrease in glucagon. -a decrease in insulin and a decrease in glucagon.

a decrease in insulin and an increase in glucagon.

During steady-state exercise, an RQ of 0.73 would indicate

a high level of fat metabolism.

At a low PO2, myoglobin has _______________ affinity for O2 than hemoglobin. -a higher -a lower -the same -none of the above answers are correct

a higher

A runner who exhibits poor running economy would require

a higher VO2 at any given running speed compared to an economical runner.

A highly successful endurance athlete would likely have ________________ compared to a sedentary person. -a higher percentage of type IIB fibers -a higher percentage of type I fibers -a higher percentage of type IIx fibers -an equal percentage of type I and type IIx fibers

a higher percentage of type I fibers

An increase in blood temperature and a decrease in blood pH would result in _____________ in the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve. -a rightward shift -a leftward shift -no change in -none of the above answers are correct

a rightward shift

Studies reveal that ventilation drifts upward during constant-load submaximal exercise performed in a hot and humid environment. This is likely due to -a lower arterial PO2. -a higher arterial PCO2. -a significant increase in blood temperature. -all of the above answers are correct.

a significant increase in blood temperature.

Physiologists use the term steady state to denote

a steady and unchanging level of a physiological variable.

During 60 minutes of constant-load submaximal exercise, the body temperature reaches a plateau after 35-45 minutes. This is an example of

a steady state.

The term cell signaling refers to

a system of communication between cells.

The neurotransmitter used in the parasympathetic nervous system is -acetylcholine. -norepinephrine. -serotonin. -dopamine.


The two principal contractile proteins found in skeletal muscle are -actin and troponin. -actin and myosin. -troponin and tropomyosin. -myosin and tropomyosin.

actin and myosin.

Activation of rectus abdominis muscles would result in -active inspiration. -passive inspiration. -active expiration. -passive expiration.

active expiration.

The energy to perform long-term exercise (i.e., >30 minutes) comes primarily from

aerobic metabolism.

Nerve fibers that carry impulses toward the central nervous system are called -efferent. -dendrites. -afferent. -synapses.


Insulin secretion would be highest -during prolonged exercise. -as exercise intensity increases. -after a meal high in carbohydrates. -It would be equally high after all of the answers provided.

after a meal high in carbohydrates.

Hyperventilation at rest can result in ___________ due to ____________. -metabolic acidosis; increased blood levels of lactic acid -respiratory acidosis; increasing blood levels of carbon dioxide -alkalosis; decreased blood levels of carbon dioxide -None of the above answers are correct

alkalosis; decreased blood levels of carbon dioxide

According to Fick's law of diffusion, the rate of diffusion of a gas across a tissue is directly proportional to the -tissue area. -diffusion coefficient of the gas. -difference in partial pressure of the gas on the two sides of the tissue. -all of the above answers are correct

all of the above answers are correct

At high environmental temperatures, which of the following variables impact the amount of heat loss by evaporation? -convective currents. -ambient temperature and relative humidity. -amount of exposed skin. -all of the above answers are correct.

all of the above answers are correct.

In a healthy individual resting at sea level, which of following characteristics of arterial blood are correct? -PO2 of approximately 100 mmHg. -oxyhemoglobin saturation of 97-98%. -oxygen content of 20 ml O2 / 100 ml blood. -all of the above answers are correct.

all of the above answers are correct.

The enhanced capacity of the trained muscle to use fatty acids as a fuel results in -increased uptake of fatty acids. -decreased utilization of muscle glycogen. -sparing of blood glucose. -all of the above answers are correct.

all of the above answers are correct.

Which of the following statements about myoglobin are true? -myoglobin binds oxygen. -myoglobin shuttles oxygen from the cell membrane to the mitochondria. -myoglobin exists in relatively large quantities in slow-twitch muscle fibers. -all of the above answers are correct.

all of the above answers are correct.

A popular belief among many athletes and coaches is that exercise-induced muscle cramps in a single muscle (e.g., gastrocnemius) results from dehydration and blood electrolyte imbalance. Which of the following observations DO NOT support this position? -Dehydration and electrolyte imbalance affects the entire body. -Exercise-induced muscle cramps can occur without any change in blood electrolyte concentrations. -Static stretching of the cramping muscle often relieves the cramp. -all of the answers are correct

all of the answers are correct

In acute inflammation, vasodilation results in -edema. -increased blood flow to the damaged tissue. -swelling. -all of the answers are correct.

all of the answers are correct

Satellite cells -contribute to muscle growth by dividing and contributing nuclei to existing muscle fibers. -reside above the sarcolemma. -are undifferentiated cells that play a key role in muscle growth and repair. -all of the answers are correct

all of the answers are correct

Energy to run a 40-yard dash comes

almost exclusively from the ATP-CP system.

The volume of gas that reaches the gas-exchange zone of the lung is termed -anatomical dead space. -minute ventilation. -alveolar ventilation. -tidal volume.

alveolar ventilation

The term describing the cessation of the menstrual cycle resulting from lower estrogen levels in some female athletes is -dysmenorrhea. -eumenorrhea. -amenorrhea. -menarche.


The decrease in plasma volume and the increase in the osmolality of the plasma during prolonged exercise results in _________________ in ---antidiuretic hormone. -an increase -a decrease -no change

an increase

A decline in arterial PO2 to 70 mm Hg or below would likely result in -a decrease in alveolar ventilation. -an increase in alveolar ventilation. -no change in alveolar ventilation. -a prolonged breath hold.

an increase in alveolar ventilation.

In order to meet the increased oxygen demands of muscle during exercise, two major adjustments in blood flow must be made: -an increase in heart rate and diastolic blood pressure. -an increase in blood flow to both the gut and brain. -an increase in cardiac output and a redistribution of blood flow from inactive tissues to skeletal muscles. -an increase in muscle blood flow and an increase in blood flow to the liver.

an increase in cardiac output and a redistribution of blood flow from inactive tissues to skeletal muscles.

Which of the following is NOT a mechanism for increasing venous return during exercise? -an increase in stroke volume -venoconstriction -skeletal muscle contractions -rhythmic pattern of breathing provides a mechanical pump to increase venous return

an increase in stroke volume

The primary adaptations that occur during heat acclimatization are -a decreased plasma volume, earlier onset of sweating, and higher sweat rate. -an increased plasma volume and lower sweat rate. -an increased plasma volume, earlier onset of sweating, and a higher sweat rate. -a decreased plasma volume, earlier onset of sweating, and a lower sweat rate.

an increased plasma volume, earlier onset of sweating, and a higher sweat rate.

In general, the higher the intensity of the activity, the greater the contribution of

anaerobic energy production.

Immunoglobulins are also called -antigens. -antibodies. -viruses. -cytokines.


The respiratory system works in the regulation of acid-base balance by lowering -arterial PO2. -arterial PCO2. -blood levels of HCO3. -None of the above answers are correct

arterial PCO2.

Electrical impulses are conducted between heart muscle cells by -intercalated discs. -intermediate junctions. -active transport of sodium between cells. -Purkinje fibers.

intercalated discs.

The first line of defense in protecting against pH change during exercise is -sodium bicarbonate levels in the blood. -hemoglobin levels in the blood. -intracellular buffers. -plasma bicarbonate.

intracellular buffers.

Most of the O2 contained in the blood -exists in solution as a dissolved gas. -is bound to hemoglobin as oxyhemoglobin. -is in the form of carboxyhemoglobin. -is in the form of deoxyhemoglobin.

is bound to hemoglobin as oxyhemoglobin.

During exercise, the time spent in diastole and systole -remains unchanged. -is decreased equally. -is decreased, with the greatest decrease occurring in diastole. -is increased.

is decreased, with the greatest decrease occurring in diastole.

During exercise of about 40% VO2 max, the concentration of plasma cortisol -is lower than at rest. -is higher than at rest. -remains the same as at rest. -none of the answers provided is correct.

is lower than at rest.

The term ventilation refers to the -cooling of the airways by respiration. -random movement of molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of lower concentration. -mechanical process of moving air in and out of the lungs. -oxygenation of blood as it travels through the lungs.

mechanical process of moving air in and out of the lungs

The cardiovascular control center is located in the -medulla oblongata. -carotid sinus. -cerebrum. -atria of the heart.

medulla oblongata.

The respiratory control center is located in the -medulla oblongata. -cerebrum. -carotid bodies. -cerebellum.

medulla oblongata.

Following an acute bout of endurance exercise training, the rise in the activity of calcinurin, calmodulin kinase, and AMP kinases occurs within _____ following the exercise session. -seconds -minutes -hours -days


Aerobic production of ATP occurs in the

mitochondria in a process called oxidative phosphorylation.

Endurance exercise training results in an increased turnover of mitochondria in skeletal muscle. The process of removing old and damaged mitochondria is called______. -mitophagy -mitochondrial biogenesis -mitochondrial proteostasis -none of the above answers are correct


Acids are defined as -molecules that release hydroxyl ions (OH-). -molecules that release hydrogen ions (H+). -molecules that combine with hydrogen ions. -substances that raise the bicarbonate ion concentration of the solution.

molecules that release hydrogen ions (H+).

Removal of lactic acid following a bout of intense exercise is

more rapid if the subject performs light exercise (~30% VO2 max), compared to rest.

A "movement plan" is first developed by the _________________ before being sent to spinal centers for modification -medulla oblongata -cerebellum -motor cortex -sensory cortex

motor cortex

The motor neuron and all the muscle fibers it innervates is called a ______. -motor junction. -motor unit. -motor end plate. -motor nerve.

motor unit.

An increase in PCO2 in the blood results in the formation of bicarbonate in the red blood cell. Because bicarbonate carries a negative charge (anion), the removal of negatively charged molecule from the red blood cell is required to prevent an electrochemical imbalance across the cell membrane. This problem is avoided by -movement of sodium molecules out of the red blood cell. -movement of chloride molecules out of the red blood cell. -movement of chloride molecules into the red blood cell.

movement of chloride molecules into the red blood cell.

The primary fuel source during high-intensity (85% VO2 max) exercise is

muscle glycogen.

Elevated blood levels of lactate dehydrogenase may assist in the diagnosis of which medical condition?

myocardial infarction

Rate limiting enzymes are often located

near the beginning of a metabolic pathway.

Most control systems of the body operate via

negative feedback.

During the first 10 weeks of a resistance training program, the initial increase in muscular strength are due primarily to -neural adaptations. -muscle fiber hypertrophy. -muscle fiber hyperplasia. -Both "muscle fiber hypertrophy" and "muscle fiber hyperplasia" are correct

neural adaptations.

The connecting point between a motor neuron and muscle cell is called the -end-plate potential. -motor unit. -sarcolemma. -neuromuscular junction.

neuromuscular junction.

Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain why concurrent endurance and resistance (strength) training impedes strength development compared to strength training alone. Which of the following mechanisms have NOT been proposed to explain why concurrent training impedes strength development? -neural factors -overtraining -Depressed muscle protein synthesis -none of above are correct

none of above are correct

Acidosis can occur due to -a decrease in the H+ concentration. -a loss of acids from the blood. -an accumulation of bases in the blood. -none of the above.

none of the above.

The most common technique used to measure oxygen consumption in an exercise physiology laboratory is

open-circuit spirometry.

In negative feedback, the response of the system is

opposite to that of the stimulus.

The carotid bodies are chemoreceptors that are sensitive to changes in arterial_______. -H+ and K+ concentrations. -pH, PCO2, and PO2. -pH and K+ concentrations. -PO2 only.

pH, PCO2, and PO2.

A chemical messenger is released from one cell and stimulates nearby cells is an example of

paracrine signaling.

Which of the following is a training principle? -sets -reps -periodization -frequency


Macrophages can contribute to innate immunity in several important ways. These include -phagocytosis, production of platelets, and -creation of cytokines. -phagocytosis, production of antibodies, and creation of cytokines. -phagocytosis, production of natural killer cells, and creation of cytokines. -phagocytosis and production of cytokines.

phagocytosis and production of cytokines.

It is well known that resistance exercise training promotes an increase in muscle protein synthesis by activating the mechanistic target of rapamyosin (mTOR) which results in increased protein synthesis. Recent evidence suggests that two signaling molecules interact to directly activate mTOR. These molecules are: -IGF-1 and Akt -IGF-1 and phosphatidic acid -IGF-1 and Ras homologue enriched brain (Rheb) -phosphatidic acid and Ras homologue enriched brain (Rheb)

phosphatidic acid and Ras homologue enriched brain (Rheb)

The rate limiting enzyme in glycolysis is


The primary fuel source during prolonged (i.e., 40-60 minutes), light-intensity (25% VO2 max) exercise is

plasma FFA.

Exercise efficiency is greater in subjects who

possess a higher percentage of slow muscle fibers.

In the adaptive immune system, the primary role of B cells is to -produce antibodies. -secrete cytokines to enhance the immune response. -act as phagocytes. -attack cancer cells.

produce antibodies.

Plasma concentrations of growth hormone are elevated following bouts of short-duration, high intensity exercise. The primary effect of an increase in plasma concentrations of growth hormone is to -promote the increase in protein synthesis. -promote long bone growth. -decrease the mobilization of FFA and increase tissue use of blood glucose. delay the aging process

promote the increase in protein synthesis.

The difference between systolic and diastolic blood pressure is called the -pulse pressure. -mean arterial blood pressure. -brachial pressure. -double product.

pulse pressure.

Which of the following could be a mechanism of heat gain in a hot and sunny environment? -radiation -conduction -evaporation -radio waves


The principal means of heat loss at rest in a cool indoor environment (20C/low humidity) is via -radiation. -conduction. -evaporation. -convection.


According to the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation, the pH of a weak acid solution is determined by -ratio of the concentration of the acid in solution to the concentration of the base -ratio of the concentration of the base in solution to the concentration of the acid -the dissociation constant of bicarbonate -All of the above answers are correct

ratio of the concentration of the base in solution to the concentration of the acid

Coupled reactions are defined as

reactions that are linked together, with the liberation of free energy in one reaction being used to drive the second reaction

The general components of a biological control system are the

receptor, control center, and effector.

The term immunity -relates to the fact that cell membranes protect against germs entering the cell. -refers to all of the mechanisms used in the body to protect against foreign agents. -describes the ability of physical barriers to protect against injury to the skin. -All of the answers are correct

refers to all of the mechanisms used in the body to protect against foreign agents.

Which of the following plays an important role in acid-base balance during exercise? -respiratory system -kidneys -increased production of bicarbonate in white blood cells -None of the above answers are correct

respiratory system

One MET is defined as a metabolic equivalent and is equal to

resting VO2.

Compared to exercise in a cool environment, prolonged exercise in the heat -decreases the production of free radicals in the working muscles. -increases muscle blood flow. -decreases muscle lactate production. -results in a more rapid onset of muscular fatigue.

results in a more rapid onset of muscular fatigue.

An excitatory neurotransmitter -results in graded depolarization of the -dentrites and cell body. -promotes inhibitory postsynaptic potentials. -promotes potassium entry into the neuron. -promotes hyperpolarization of the membrane

results in graded depolarization of the dentrites and cell body.

The oxygen debt is generally higher following heavy exercise when compared with light exercise because heavy exercise

results in greater body heat gained, greater CP depleted, higher blood levels of epinephrine and norepinephrine, and greater depletion of blood and muscle oxygen stores.

The lactate threshold is defined as the work rate or oxygen uptake at which there is a systematic

rise in blood levels of lactic acid.

The slow rise in oxygen consumption over time during submaximal, prolonged exercise in a hot environment is likely due to

rising body temperature.

The cell membrane around a muscle fiber is called the -soma. -plasma membrane. -mucous membrane. -sarcolemma.


Calcium is stored in muscle within the -Golgi organs. -H zone. -sarcoplasmic reticulum. -sarcolemma.

sarcoplasmic reticulum.

When adenylate cyclase is activated by a hormone, the concentration of cyclic AMP increases in the cell even though the hormone does not enter the cell. This is an example of the __________________ mechanism of hormone action. -altering membrane transport -altering activity of DNA -second messenger -allosteric inhibition

second messenger

Backflow of blood from the arteries into the ventricles is prevented by the -semilunar valves. -bicuspid valve. -atrioventricular valves. -coronary valves.

semilunar valves.

In a healthy heart, the time spent in systole is generally -longer than diastole. -equal to diastole. -shorter than diastole. -three times longer than diastole.

shorter than diastole.

The normal pacemaker of the heart is the -atrioventricular node. -sinoatrial node. -A-V node. -S-V node.

sinoatrial node.

Fast-twitch fibers (i.e., type IIx) contain a relatively -large number of mitochondria and low ATPase activity. -small number of mitochondria and low ATPase activity. -small number of mitochondria and high ATPase activity. -moderate numbers of mitochondria and low ATPase activity

small number of mitochondria and high ATPase activity.

Endurance training results in increased mitochondrial and capillary density in muscle but has no effect on muscle glycolytic capacity. This is an example of what training principle? -overload -specificity -reversibility -none of the above


Higher brain centers are responsible for developing a general pattern of movement; the specific details of this movement are refined via a process known as ______. -reciprocal inhibition. -spinal tuning. -motor programming. -motor unit refinement.

spinal tuning.

Cross-sectional studies demonstrate that the physiological variable responsible for the large variation in VO2 max across the normal population is maximal -heart rate. -stroke volume. -arteriovenous O2 difference. -systolic blood pressure.

stroke volume.

In a pulmonary function test, a FEV1/FVC ratio of 0.60 is -considered normal. -higher than normal. -suggestive of airway obstruction. -associated with a high VO2 max.

suggestive of airway obstruction.

The autonomic nervous system can be divided into two functional and anatomical divisions called -sympathetic and unsympathetic. -sympathetic and parasympathetic. -afferent and efferent. -parasympathetic and somatic

sympathetic and parasympathetic.

In order to standardize terms for the measurement of energy, power, work, etc., scientists have developed a common system of terminology called

system international units (SI)

The summing of many excitatory post-synaptic potentials (EPSPs) from a single pre-synaptic neuron over a short time period is called -spatial summation. -temporal summation. -irritability. -hyperpolarization.

temporal summation

The Golgi tendon organs monitor -tension produced by muscular contraction. -the length of muscle. -the concentration of sodium ions in the sarcoplasm. -the position of joints during movement.

tension produced by muscular contraction

The measurement of oxygen consumption during exercise can provide an estimate of metabolic rate. The rationale behind the use of oxygen consumption to estimate metabolic rate is:

that a direct relationship exists between oxygen consumed and the amount of heat produced in the body.

A ventilation-perfusion (V/Q) ratio of 0.64 would indicate -an ideal V/Q ratio for optimal gas exchange. -that blood flow is higher than ventilation in this region of the lung. -that ventilation is higher than blood flow in this region of the lung. -none of the above answers are correct

that blood flow is higher than ventilation in this region of the lung.

After the first few minutes of constant-load, submaximal exercise, VO2 reaches steady state, indicating that

the ATP demand is being met aerobically.

The first bioenergetic pathway to become active in skeletal muscle at the onset of exercise is

the ATP-CP system.

The energy cost of horizontal running can be estimated accurately because

the VO2 increases linearly with running speed.

Which of the following has been shown to cause muscle fatigue? -the accumulation H+ -the accumulation of ATP -the accumulation of calcium -the accumulation of oxygen

the accumulation H+

The acquired immune system is often referred to as -the innate immune system. -the evolving immune system. -the adaptive immune system. -None of the answers are correct

the adaptive immune system.

The process of beta-oxidation involves

the breakdown of a fatty acid to acetyl-CoA.

The primary source of heat production during exercise is -the heart. -the gastrointestinal tract. -through the action of thyroxine and catecholamines. -the contracting skeletal muscles.

the contracting skeletal muscles.

The most important variable that determines resistance to blood flow is -the viscosity of blood. -the length of the blood vessel. -the diameter of the vessel. -blood pressure.

the diameter of the vessel.

Immunosenescence is a decreased immune function in -children. -athletes. -sedentary adults. -the elderly.

the elderly.

Compared to NADH, FADH produces less ATP because

the electrons from FADH are donated later in the electron transport chain than those by NADH

The conversion of pyruvate to lactate requires

the enzyme lactate dehydrogenase & NADH + H+. (both)

Which of the following is true of the heart rate change during exercise? -the increase in HR is due only to withdrawal of PNS influence. -the increase in HR is due only to increasing SNS influence. -the increase in HR is due to both a PNS withdrawal followed by increasing SNS influence. -the increase in HR is due to the decrease in blood viscosity

the increase in HR is due to both a PNS withdrawal followed by increasing SNS influence.

Postactivation potentiation is defined as -the increase in muscle force production that occurs following consumption of a high carbohydrate meal. -the increase in muscle force production that occurs following a bout of non-fatiguing, submaximal contractions. -the increase in muscle force production that occurs following a bout of fatiguing, maximal contractions. -none of the answers are correct

the increase in muscle force production that occurs following a bout of non-fatiguing, submaximal contractions.

The term homeostasis is defined as

the maintenance of a constant internal environment.

The increase in VO2 max that occurs following 32 months of endurance exercise training results from an increase in both maximal cardiac output and maximal a-vO2 difference. Relatively short durations of endurance exercise training (e.g., 1-4 months) increases VO2 max primarily by increasing -the maximal a-vO2 difference. -the maximal cardiac output. -the maximal heart rate. -both "maximal cardiac output" and "the maximal heart rate" are correct

the maximal cardiac output.

Which type of muscle fiber has been shown to be the most efficient? -type I. -type IIa. -type IIx. -type I and type IIx have equal efficiency.

type I.

The specific tension (i.e., force production per cross sectional area of the fiber) differs between fiber types. Which of the following answers is correct in regard to specific force production? -type I is greater than type IIa and IIx -type IIx is greater than type I and IIa -type IIx is greater than type I -type IIa is greater than type IIx

type IIx is greater than type I

The amount of force exerted during muscular contraction is dependent on the -type of motor units recruited ONLY. -type of motor units recruited, the initial length of the muscle, and the nature of the neural stimulation. -length of the muscle fibers ONLY. -nature of the neural stimulation ONLY.

type of motor units recruited, the initial length of the muscle, and the nature of the neural stimulation.

While hormones circulate to all tissues, some affect only a few tissues. This is due to the -plasma concentration of the hormone. -training state of the subject. -type of receptor at the tissue. -concentration of the hormone.

type of receptor at the tissue.

A local increase in the nitric oxide concentration around arterioles would result in -vasoconstriction. -no change in vessel diameter. -vasodilation. -decreased blood flow in affected tissue


A local increase in the nitric oxide concentration around arterioles would result in -vasoconstriction. -no change in vessel diameter. -vasodilation. -decreased blood flow in affected tissue


The ______________________ is an organ located in the inner ear and is responsible for maintaining general equilibrium. -pacinian corpuscle -Golgi tendon organ -vestibular apparatus -cerebellum

vestibular apparatus

Which of the following is a training variable? -volume -overload -specificity -reversibility


Power is defined as

work divided by the amount of time required to perform the work

The breakdown of ATP in muscle is accomplished via the enzyme -lactate dehydrogenase. -succinate dehydrogenase. -ATPase. -phosphofructokinase.


Growth hormone -is released from the anterior pituitary. -spares plasma glucose during exercise. -increases gluconeogenesis in the liver. -All answers are correct

All answers are correct

Which of the following events occurs during exercise at work rates above 60-80% VO2 max? -a decrease in plasma bicarbonate concentration -an increase in blood lactic acid concentration -a decrease in blood pH -All of the above answers are correct

All of the above answers are correct

Which of the following statements about a buffer is correct? -a buffer resists pH change -a buffer removes hydrogen ions from solution -buffers often consist of a weak acid and its conjugate base -All of the above answers are correct

All of the above answers are correct

Abundant evidence indicates that rigorous exercise training can result in a conversion of muscle fiber type. True False


According to Dalton's law, the total pressure of a gas mixture is equal to the sum of pressures of each gas in the mixture. T/F


An increase in the hydrogen ion concentration in contracting skeletal muscle can impair performance by hydrogen ions competing with calcium ions for binding sites on troponin. T/F


At any level of oxygen consumption, heart rate and blood pressure are lower during leg work when compared with arm work. T/F


At the onset of exercise, the initial drive to increase heart rate comes from higher brain centers. T/F


Dehydration that results in a loss of 1-2% of body weight is sufficient to impair exercise performance. T/F


During exercise in a hot and humid environment, heat loss via evaporation is decreased compared to exercise in a cool and low humidity environment. T/F


During exercise, a right shift in the oxyhemoglobin disassociation curve insures that more oxygen is unloaded from hemoglobin to the working muscle compared to rest. T/F


During exercise, body temperature is regulated by making adjustments in the amount of heat that is lost. T/F


During low intensity exercise, slow motor units are primarily recruited to do the work. T/F


Even though the concentration of insulin decreases during exercise, the muscle can still take up large quantities of plasma glucose. This is due, in part, to the recruitment of more glucose transporters. T/F


Exercise trained individuals usually produce less lactate than untrained individuals during the transition from rest to steady-state exercise.


Exercising during a cold is not recommended if your cold symptoms get worse with physical activity. T/F


Failure of a biological control system can result in disease. T/F


Following endurance training, afterload decreases during maximal exercise because there is a decrease in sympathetic vasoconstrictor activity in the arterioles of the exercising muscles. T/F


Free radicals are molecules that contain an unpaired electron in their outer orbital.


Glucagon secretion increases during exercise, which decreases liver glycogen stores in order to maintain blood glucose concentration. T/F


In a "two-legged" maximal cycle ergometer test, if each leg were to vasodilate to the extent experienced in a one-legged VO2max test, mean arterial blood pressure would fall below normal levels. T/F


In contrast to power athletes, endurance athletes typically possess a high percentage of slow fibers and a low percentage of fast fibers. T/F


In general, during exercise in a thermoneutral environment, the increase in core temperature is directly related to the exercise intensity. T/F


Individuals with a high percentage of body fat have an advantage over lean individuals in tolerance to cold. T/F


Lactate is formed and accumulates in the muscle when the rate of glycolytic production of NADH exceeds the rate at which these products are shuttled into the mitochondria.


One of the principal means by which the kidneys regulate acid-base balance is by increasing or decreasing the bicarbonate concentration of the blood.


One reason the stroke volume increases during exercise is that skeletal muscle vasodilation decreases afterload. T/F


Pre-cooling the body before performing prolonged exercise in a hot and humid environment has been shown to significantly improve performance. T/F


Reducing the number of motor units required to perform an exercise task may reduce the heart rate and ventilation required to perform the task. T/F


Research indicates that anyone can increase his or her VO2max with training, yet a genetic predisposition is required to have a VO2max comparable to that of an elite endurance athlete. T/F


The bicarbonate buffer system is involved in both intracellular buffering and blood buffering of hydrogen ions. T/F


The central command theory of cardiovascular control states that the initial signal to the cardiovascular system at the beginning of exercise comes from higher brain centers. T/F


The increased risk of infection that occurs with living and exercising at high altitudes may arise from a combination of stresses including sleep disorders and low arterial oxygen levels. T/F


The term ergometry refers to the measurement of work output.


Training in a cool environment while wearing warm clothing (e.g., sweats) promotes heat acclimatization. T/F


Which of the following is true about VO2 during exercise?

VO2 increases linearly with work rate.

The simplest and most rapid method of producing ATP during exercise is through

ATP-CP system.

The immediate source of energy for muscular contraction is


In theory, concurrent resistance and endurance exercise training can impair muscle protein synthesis following a bout of resistance exercise. The proposed mechanism to explain this inhibition is_____________________________________. -AMP kinase activation of TSC2 -AMP kinase activation of mTOR -AMP kinase activation of PGC-1α -p38 activation of TSC2

AMP kinase activation of TSC2

The force velocity curve describes the relationship between speed of muscle shortening (i.e., velocity of movement) and muscle force production. Which of the following statements are true about the influence of muscle fiber type on the force velocity curve? -At any given velocity of movement, the peak power generated is greater in a muscle that contains a high percentage of fast fibers (i.e., type IIx) compared with a muscle that contains a high percentage of slow fibers (i.e., type I). -At any given velocity of movement, the peak power generated is lower in a muscle that contains a high percentage of fast fibers (i.e., type IIx) compared with a muscle that contains a high percentage of slow fibers (i.e., type I). -At low movement speeds, the peak power generated is greater in a muscle that contains a high percentage of slow fibers (i.e., type I) compared with a muscle that contains a high percentage of fast fibers (i.e., type IIx). -At high movement speeds, the peak power generated is greater in a muscle that contains a high percentage of slow fibers (i.e., type I) compared with a muscle that contains a high percentage of fast fibers (i.e., type IIx).

At any given velocity of movement, the peak power generated is greater in a muscle that contains a high percentage of fast fibers (i.e., type IIx) compared with a muscle that contains a high percentage of slow fibers (i.e., type I).

The Danish scientist that received the Nobel Prize for his research on the function of capillaries was

August Krogh

The __________ represents ventricular repolarization during a recording of the electrical activity (i.e., ECG) of the heart. -P wave -QRS complex -T wave -R wave

T wave

Which of the following hormones is believed to exert a "permissive" effect on the mobilization of glucose from the liver and FFA from adipose tissue? -epinephrine -T3 and T4 -insulin -glucagon

T3 and T4

Which of the following events occurs first during a voluntary muscle contraction? -The T-tubules depolarize, causing calcium to be released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. -Calcium is resequestered (taken up) into the sarcoplasmic reticulum. -Tropomyosin moves, exposing the actin active sites. -The innervating alpha-motor neuron reaches an action potential.

The innervating alpha-motor neuron reaches an action potential.

A healthy immune system requires the teamwork of two layers of immune protection that include innate immunity and the acquired immune system. T/F


A lack of the enzyme carbonic anhydrase would affect the ability of the body to both buffer the blood and to transport CO2. T/F


A "J" shaped model exists to explain the relationship between varying amounts of exercise and the risk of upper respiratory tract infections. This curve suggests that the risk of infection ___________. -is lowest in sedentary individuals. -is lowest in individuals that engage in regular bouts of moderate exercise (i.e., moderate in both volume and intensity of exercise). -is lowest in individuals that engage in regular bouts of high intensity and long duration exercise. -does not differ between sedentary and exercise trained individuals.

is lowest in individuals that engage in regular bouts of moderate exercise (i.e., moderate in both volume and intensity of exercise).

A muscular contraction that results in a movement of body parts is called a(n) -isometric contraction. -static contraction. -isotonic or dynamic contraction. -muscle twitch.

isotonic or dynamic contraction.

Which of the following physiological events is an example of positive feedback?

labor contractions during childbirth

The most common and strongest acid produced in skeletal muscle during heavy exercise is ________________ acid. -phosphoric -lactic -acetoacetic -citric


The term oxygen deficit refers to the

lag in oxygen consumption at the beginning of exercise.

The relationship between cardiac output and metabolic rate is -linear. -curvilinear. -exponential. -there is no relationship between cardiac output and metabolic rate.


Sympatholysis refers to -local inhibition of the parasympathetic nervous system. -local inhibition of sympathetic-induced vasoconstriction. -increased sympathetic nervous system activity during exercise. -destruction of white blood cells

local inhibition of sympathetic-induced vasoconstriction.

Autoregulation of blood flow to contracting muscles during exercise is due to -the withdrawal of sympathetic impulses to arteries. -an increase in parasympathetic outflow to arterioles. -locally produced factors such as nitric oxide, prostaglandins, and adenosine. -an increase in sympathetic impulses to arterioles.

locally produced factors such as nitric oxide, prostaglandins, and adenosine.

The higher the relative humidity, the __________ vapor pressure gradient between the skin and the environment. -higher -lower -No relationship exists between relative humidity and vapor pressure. -None of the above answers are correct


Enzymes are catalysts that increase the rate of reactions by

lowering the energy of activation.

After a 15-week program of endurance exercise training, which of the following cardiovascular variables does NOT decrease after 14 days of detraining? -maximal heart rate -VO2 max -maximal cardiac output -maximal stroke volume

maximal heart rate

Work is defined as

the product of force times distance.

The amount of gas moved per breath is called -tidal volume. -minute ventilation.d. minute volume. -vital capacity -minute volume

tidal volume.

Which of the following is NOT an important function of the pulmonary system? -to cool the airways. -to provide an interface for gas exchange between the external environment and the body. -regulation of acid base balance during exercise. -None of the above answers are correct

to cool the airways.

The heart rate and ventilatory responses to a fixed submaximal work rate are lower (i.e., lower heart rate and lower minute ventilation) following an endurance training program. This training-induced adaptation is primarily due to changes in the -central nervous system. -spinal cord. -trained skeletal muscles. -AV node

trained skeletal muscles.

The formation of mRNA in the cell is called


The factor that "turns on" genes to promote the production of mRNA is called a

transcriptional activator

Fats that are stored in muscle and adipose tissue and play an important role as an energy substrate are


In resting skeletal muscle fibers, Ras homologue enriched brain (Rheb) activation of mTOR is inhibited by ______. -phosphatidic acid -tuberous sclerosis complex 2 (TSC2) -IGF-1 -none of the above answers are correct

tuberous sclerosis complex 2 (TSC2)

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History, Tech and Society Test #1

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Chapter 10 Basics of Word Processing

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International Business - Exam 2: Given Questions

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4.2 The Distinction Between Interest Rates and Returns

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WGU - C233 - Employment Law (September 2017)

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