Final Exam Study

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The Great Mutiny (also known as the Sepoy Mutiny or as the First War of Indian Independence) began in _________.


After a revolt by the Egyptian army, a British military force occupied the Ottoman province in ________.


The German torpedoing and sinking of the British liner Lusitania in ______ cost the lives of more than 100 Americans and brought the United States to the brink of joining the war in Europe.


Hitler implemented his planned "Final Solution" of European Jews beginning in January ________.


The Communist Party of China turned to its most colossal mass mobilization project yet, the Great Leap Forward, which began in ________.


South American countries suffered during the Great Depression due to a _______ decline in commodity exports.

50 percent

An estimated ________ Palestinians were driven out of their villages and homes after the first Arab-Israeli War ended in 1949.


A war of independence was declared by the _______ Front of National Liberation in 1954—and independence was finally achieved in 1962.


The navigator James Cook, during one of his many exploratory journeys in the Pacific, landed in 1770 on the east coast of ______ and claimed it for Great Britain.


In 1971 the country of _______________ split away from Pakistan.


Which colonial power could be found on every continent?


In 1900, Australia finally adopted a federal constitution and became the second fully autonomous British "dominion", after __________.


The world's first female prime minister took power in ________ in 1960.


Japan portrayed its imperial bid in the Pacific in the 1930s as the construction of a "Greater East Asia __________ Sphere."


Under the Dutch, Indonesia became a major exporter of all of the following except:


By the end of the Napoleonic Wars, the Mughal emperor's lands had been reduced to the region immediately surrounding _________ and Agra.


Mao Zedong was alarmed by the pronouncements of General _____________, the commander of the UN forces in Korea, about raiding Chinese supply bases on the North Korean border.

Douglas MacArthur

Between 1953 and 1961, nearly one-fifth of the ___________ population defected to West Germany.

East German

Some in the Non-Aligned Movement equated the Soviet position in ________ with colonialism and worried about China's emergent predominance in East Asia.

Eastern Europe

After United States and Spain made peace at the end of 1898, the US ignored the independent Philippine government led by _________.

Emilio Aguinaldo

The five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council are China, the United Kingdom, Russia, the United States, and ______.


Al-Hajj Umar led resistance against the _______ colonization of West Africa.


Following protracted negotiations over Vietnamese independence in early 1946 between Ho Chi Minh and the _________, a stalemate ensued.


As a result of the __________ in the United States, millions of veterans benefited from housing and educational opportunities.

GI Bill

In East Africa, ________ used forced labor for the growing of cotton, provoking the fierce but in the end brutally suppressed Maji Maji Rebellion of 1905-1907.


_____ gained territory in East Africa at the expense of the Omani sultan in the late nineteenth century.


"Lawrence of Arabia" helped the members of a prominent family, the ______ from Mecca, to assume leadership of the Arabs for a promised national kingdom in Syria and Palestine.


In its indictment of traditional societal and cultural norms, Allen Ginsberg's __________ and Other Poems (1956) represents the earliest expression of the "Beat" ethic.


The League of Nations rebuked ________ for its attack on Ethiopia in 1935-1936.


In the face of British opposition, the African nationalists in ______ formed the Mau Mau movement, and independence was finally granted in 1963.


As part of the collectivization of agriculture launched in the Soviet Union, 3-5% of the "wealthiest" farmers, called _________, were "liquidated"—selected for execution, removed to labor camps, or resettled on other land.


Members of the "Harlem Renaissance" among African American artists and intellectuals felt that to be of African descent:

Made one part of a larger and richer collective history extending beyond the history of slavery.

The naval victory at _______________ gave the United States the initiative in 1942.


Portugal used the Berlin conference to expand its coastal footholds in Guinea, Angola and ___________.


Some British agents of the East India Company took Indian wives, dressed as Indian princes, and wielded power as local magnates, or __________ (from an Urdu word meaning "deputy," "viceroy").


Estimates of those slaughtered in the brutal "Rape of _______" of 1937-1938 range between 200,000 and 300,000 people.


The United States supported a coup against _______ in November 1963 that put a military government in place in Vietnam.

Ngo Dinh Diem

The ________ Amendment to the US Federal Constitution, passed in 1920, gave American women the right to vote.


In 1939, the German army pioneered a new kind of warfare, a "Blitzkrieg" or "lightning war", in _______.


As a result of a secret deal between British prime minister Churchill and Soviet leader Stalin in May 1944, Greece became part of the British sphere, in return for:

Romania and Bulgaria being apportioned to the Soviet sphere at war's end.

As pictured above, the ____________ began the space and missile race.

Soviet Union

After coming to power in the fall of 1953, Nikita Khrushchev, removed many ______ from the Communist Bloc.


By 1949, Chiang K'ai-shek and most of his forces had fled to _______, and Mao's forces took Beijing.


In 1957, the "Hundred Flowers" campaign was:

Terminated when the criticisms offered by intellectuals led to suggestions of an opposition party.

What was the largest and wealthiest commercial company in the world during the seventeenth century?

The Dutch United East India Company

Why was Khrushchev able to crush the Hungarian revolution without much opposition from the West?

The US, Britain and France were preoccupied with the Suez Crisis.

During the rapid process of Hitler's consolidation of power in Germany, which of the following events took place first?

The fire in the Reichstag

Which of the following was not one of Woodrow Wilson's war aims?

The guilt of the Central Powers

Early pioneers of Zionism, like ________, advocated the creation of a Jewish homeland in Palestine.

Theodor Herzl

E. D. Morel was able to publicize the mistreatment and exploitation of African slave labor on Belgian rubber plantations in Congo through a newspaper called the_____________.

West African Mail

Lenin's New Economic Policy (NEP) for the Soviet Union was:

a mixture of private and state investment in factories and small-scale food marketing by peasants.

Mao's land reforms between 1950 and 1955 took as many as 2 million lives and resulted in:

a rise in agricultural productivity.

The Eisenhower administration in the US ended the Korean War in 1953 with:

an armistice only, and no official peace treaty.

Some Europeans claimed that, according to the dictates of their "_______ mission", they had a duty to extend the benefits of European civilization to "backward" peoples.


Australia, although a colony, was a ___________ region that sought its wealth through export-led growth.


A crucial step in the fall of Juan Perón's regime was:

excess spending which led to chronic deficits and foreign debt.

Between 1945 and 1962, populist leaders in Latin America sought support

from the people.

Khrushchev alarmed Western leaders by announcing that:

he would support anticolonial nationalist independence movements around the globe, even if they were not communists.

The availability of a treatment for _________ allowed Christian missionaries to travel to the interiors of Africa.


Showing the continued strength of commodity exports, only about ____ of the workforce was in the industrial sector by the 1960s.


The increased British and French presence in India was aided by:

regional leaders' desire to use the sepoy armies of European companies in their struggles.

In March 1930, Mohandas Gandhi protested a British tax on Indian ______ by embarking on a famous 24-day march.


The Soviet Politburo reacted to the uprising in East Germany in 1953 by:

suppressing the revolt quickly and comprehensively.

One of the most significant reasons for the continued stagnation of the British economy after World War I was:

that nearly half of its budget in the interwar period went to paying off debt from the war.

As a result of its loss of Mexico in the early 1800s, Spain began turning to its colony in ________ for agricultural and natural resource exploitation.

the Philippines

Under the premiership of General Tojo Hideki, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor (Hawaii), _______, and Dutch and British territories on December 7-8, 1941.

the Philippines

The creation of NATO was most directly triggered by:

the Soviets' detonation of a nuclear device in 1949, four years earlier than anticipated.

As a result of the launch of Sputnik in 1957,

the United States accelerated its own missile and space program.

Under Kemal Atatürk, the Turkish parliament introduced all of the following measures to Turkey except:

the removal of Anatolian farmers into urban factories and schools.

In World War I, both sides were forced into _______________warfare in northeastern France and Belgium.


Shortly into her tenure as Ceylon's prime minister, Sirimavo Bandaranaike faced resistance to:

her Sinhalese-only language policy, from the Tamil minority.

As shown in the map, Latin America became more urbanized after World War II. Many of the people who migrated to urban centers participated in the _________.

informal sector

As a way to coerce African labor to produce rubber in the _________ Congo, mercenaries used mutilation, random killing, village burning, starvation, and hostage taking.


As Iraq was divided by majority Shiites and minority Sunnis, the ___________ inaugurated a policy of divide and rule in their Middle Eastern mandates, while dangling the prospect of eventual independence in front of them.


The original founders of the Non-Aligned Movement of Nations included all of the following except:


According to its cultivation system in Indonesia, the Dutch forced native farmers either to grow government crops on 20 percent of their land or work for _____ days per year on Dutch plantations.


A In response to the creation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the Soviet Union formed the ______ Pact in 1955.


Adherents to Benito Mussolini's "Fascist" movement, dressed in ______ shirts and organized in paramilitary units, roamed the streets, and violently broke up meetings of communists.


_______ forces dispatched a squadron that occupied the sparsely inhabited Mekong River delta in 1858-1862, annexing it as a protectorate.


Kwame Nkrumah appeared to be a sound choice for leading a constitutional, independent regime in _________ in 1957.


___ was a cultural movement that, associated with French-language writers like Léopold Senghor, fostered pride in African history, culture, and "blackness".


After suffering setbacks in Ethiopia, Italy invaded the __________ province of Tripolitania.


David Livingstone's ultimate goals were not only to __________ but also to "civilize" Africans by broadcasting the blessings of Christianity and commerce.

end trafficking in slaves

Once Saad Zaghlul and his Wafd party assumed control of Egypt in 1924, they:

were uninterested in industrial development, leaving Egypt entirely dependent on agricultural production and exports.

All of the following were characteristic of the Soviet economy in the Stalinist and post-Stalinist periods except:

women entered the workplace in equal numbers to men, as all were considered "comrades".

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