Final Exam

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Put the following events of the cardiac cycle in order. These events take place after the ventricles have started filling.

1st: Atrial Depolarization 2nd: Ventricular pressure exceeds atrial pressure 3rd: the beginning of the ejection period 4th: start of the T wave 5th: dicrotic notch

if a free hydrogen ion enters the kidney from the renal artery and does not get filtered, but does end up in the urine, which is a possible pathway this hydrogen ion could have taken:

1st: afferent arteriole 2nd: glomerulus 3rd: efferent arteriole 4th: peritubular capillary 5th: proximal tubule 6th: Loop of Henle

In our digestion lab, which of the following is/are true about how protein digestion and the way we evaluated it?

B and D If protein digestion were occurring, we would expect a decrease in pH of the solution As peptide bonds in the protein are broken, it exposes carboxylic acid groups with dissociate from their H+

In our digestion lab, how were we able to tell if fat digestion was occurring?

B and D The pH of the tubes decreased as triglycerides are broken down into monoglycerides and free fatty acids The tubes with a lot of fat digestion had a very bad smell due to the presence of aldehydes

Which of the following digestive secretions can activate chymotrypsinogen and procarboxypeptidase into their active forms?

Trypsin HCl

Which of the following is/are NOT true about our fat digestion experiment and these tubes?

Tube 1 and 4 would have the biggest decreases in pH because they both have bile salts

Which of the following is/are NOT true about our fat digestion experiment and these tubes?

Tube 1 would have more fat digestion than tube 2 because it has bile salts

Which of the following is/are NOT true about our fat digestion experiment and these tubes?

Tube 1 would have no fat digestion because no enzyme is present

Which of the following tubes would have the least protein digestion?

Tube 2: 2 mL pepsin, 2 mL NaOH

Which of the following statements about these tubes is NOT true?

Tube 3 would have less maltose after incubation than tube 4 because it is not the optimal pH for amylase

In which of the following tubes would we expect to break the fewest peptide bonds?

Tube 3: 2 ml HCl, 2 ml water

In which of the following tubes would we expect to find the most amino acids?

Tube 3: 2 ml pepsin + 2 ml HCl

Which of the following tubes would have the biggest decrease in pH during our digestion experiment?

Tube 3: 2 ml pepsin, 2 ml HCl

Which of the following tubes would have the most protein digestion?

Tube 3: 2 ml pepsin, 2 ml HCl

Which of the following statements is true? (protein)

Tube 4 would have less protein digestion than tube 1 because the enzyme is not present

Which of the following statements about these tubes is true? (starch)

Tube 4 would have more maltose after incubation than tube 2 because the enzyme is present

In our digestion experiment, which of the following tubes would be expected to have the most bad odor?

Tube 4: 2 mL cream, 2 mL pancreatin, bile salts

In our digestion experiment, which of the following tubes would be expected to have the biggest decrease in pH?

Tube 4: 2 ml cream, 2 ml pancreatin, bile salts

In our digestion experiment, which of the following tubes would be expected to have the least triglycerides left after incubation?

Tube 4: 2 ml cream, 2 ml pancreatin, bile salts

Which of the following is NOT correct:

all of these answers ARE true: Aldosterone causes an increase in Na+ reabsorption in the distal and collecting tubules Aldosterone is released when BP decreases Aldosterone is secreted by the adrenal cortex Aldosterone will cause an increase in BP

Which of the following enzymes catalyzes the breakdown of starches?


Digestion requires breaking covalent bonds in dietary nutrients into absorbable units. Which of the following catalyze the breakdown of covalent bonds?

amylase lactase maltase sucrase carboxypeptidase pepsin chymotrypsin trypsin lipase

The cardiovascular response to aerobic exercise includes an increase in stroke volume. Which change in BP would be most suggestive of an increase in SV?

an increase in pulse pressure

Emphysema and chronic bronchitis:

are two pulmonary diseases categorized as COPD

Which of the following tubes would have the least starch left after incubation?

1.5 ml starch, 1.5 ml saliva, incubated in 37 C water bath

Which of the following tubes would have the strongest reaction with Benedicts solution?

1.5 ml starch, 1.5 ml saliva, incubated in 37 C water bath

Which of the following is/are secreted by the exocrine glands of the pancreas?

chymotrypsinogen amylase procarboxypeptidase bicarbonate lipase trypsinogen

If we had our subject consume a solution rich in sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3-), Which of the following is/are related to how the body would work to maintain pH of the ECF?

increase urine pH decrease ventilation decrease HCO3- reabsorption decrease H+ secretion exhale less CO2

The cardiovascular response to the cold pressor test usually has two distinct phases in normotensive subjects (neither hyper- nor hypotensive). Which of the following would be the most important cause of the initial changes in TPR during the cold pressor test?

sympathetic nervous system-mediated vasoconstriction of arterioles throughout much of the systemic circulation

The cardiovascular response to the cold pressor test usually has two distinct phases in normotensive subjects (neither hyper- nor hypotensive). Which of the following would be related to changes in blood vessel caliber (and radius) during the cold pressor test?

sympathetic nervous system-would cause vasoconstriction of arterioles throughout much of the systemic circulation

Which of the following tubes would have the least carbohydrate digestion?

1.5 ml starch, 1.5 ml H2O, incubated in 37 C water bat

Which of the following tubes would have the the least maltose after incubation?

1.5 ml starch, 1.5 ml H2O, incubated in 37 C water bath

Which of the following tubes would have the weakest reaction with Benedict's solution?

1.5 ml starch, 1.5 ml H2O, incubated in 37 C water bath

Which of the following is/are enzymes secreted by the pancreas that catalyze the breakdown of proteins?

carboxypeptidase chymotrypsin trypsin

Which of the following enzymes catalyze the breakdown of peptide bonds?

carboxypeptidase trypsin chymotrypsin pepsin

Which of the following is/are digestive hormone(s) that promote gall bladder contraction?


Which of the following is/are enzymes that catalyze the breakdown of proteins in the small intestines?

chymotrypsin trypsin carboxypeptidase

Which of the following is a digestive hormone that promotes motility of the stomach?


Which of the following is a digestive hormone that promotes secretion of HCl and pepsinogen by the stomach?


Which of the following monosaccharides would be found in a molecule of lactose?

glucose galactose

Patients with an obstructive pulmonary disease would generally

have a lower FEV1/VC ratio

Which of the following do we get when we break down starches?


Which of the following is made up of two glucose molecules?


Which of the following inhibit gastric motility?

norepinephrine, secretin, and cholecystokinin

Which of the following is/are enzymes secreted by the stomach that catalyze the breakdown of proteins?


Alpha glucosidase inhibitors are used to treat diabetes and they act by inhibiting amylase, maltase, and sucrase. Which of the following would be expected with use of this medication?

reduced carbohydrate absorption in the intestines

Aging results in a reduced responsiveness to sympathetic stimulation of the heart. Which of the following aging-related changes in heart rate could be related to this?

reduced heart rate maximum (during exercise)

If you were to collect some saliva and then drop in a little dilute acetic acid or vinegar) and you were to observe a precipitate, what would the presence of this precipitate indicate?

that the saliva sample contained mucin

Which of the following enzymes is/are involved in catalyzing the breakdown of proteins?

trypsin carboxypeptidase chymotrypsin pepsin

Which of the following statements is NOT true about protein digestion in our experiment?

tube 1 would have more protein digestion than tube 4 because the enzyme is present

Which of the following statements about these tubes is NOT true?

tube 2 would have the least starch left after incubation because the enzyme is present, it is at the optimal pH, and it is at an optimal temperature

In our digestion experiment, considering only tubes 1, 2 and 3, which would be expected to have the greatest decrease in pH?

tube 2: 2ml cream, 2ml pancreatin

Which of the following tubes would have the the most starch left after incubation?

1.5 ml starch, 1.5 ml H2O, incubated in 37 C water bath

if a water molecule enters the kidney from the renal artery and gets filtered, but is NOT reabsorbed, put the following in order:

1st: Afferent arteriole 2nd: Glomerulus 3rd: Bowman's capsule 4th: Proximal tubule 5th: loop of Henle 6th: distal tubule

if a water molecule enters the kidney from the renal artery and gets filtered, and is reabsorbed in the part of the nephron where vasopressin influences water reabsorption, what is a possible sequence of steps this water molecule could have taken:

1st: afferent arteriole 2nd: glomerulus 3rd: Bowman's capsule 4th: Proximal tubule 5th: Distal tubule 6th: Peritubular capillaries

Changing from supine to standing causes a specific sequence of cardiovascular events. This question is related to the mechanism by which your cardiovascular system adjusts after the initial change in blood pressure. Please put the following events in order

1st: baroreceptors detect change in blood pressure 2nd: signals are sent to the medulla oblgongata 3rd: increase in sympathetic nervous system activity 4th: increase in heart rate and widespread vasoconstriction 5th: increase in cardiac output and total peripheral resistance 6th: increase in blood pressure

The ___________________________________________ is the amount of air left in the lungs after complete maximal expiration

Residual volume

During the cold pressor test, what causes the change in blood pressure after the initial phase. Please put the following events in order:

1st: baroreceptors detect elevated blood pressure 2nd: increase in parasympathetic nervous system activity 3rd: decrease in heart rate 4th: decrease in cardiac output 5th: decrease in blood pressure Not involved in this reflex: increase in sympathetic nervous system activity

One of our experiments involved having the subject consume a large quantity of plain water and observing changes in urine volume and urine concentration. Put together a sequence of events that likely explains these changes in urine volume and concentration after consuming plain water.

1st: decrease body fluid osmolarity 2nd: decrease secretion of vasopressin 3rd: less water reabsorption in kidneys 4th: increased water in urine 5th: increased urine volume and decreased urine concentration

One of our experiments involved having the subject consume a salty sack and little/no fluids and observing changes in urine volume and urine concentration. Put together a sequence of events that likely explains these changes in urine volume and concentration after consuming a salty sack and little/no fluids.

1st: increase NaCl concentration of ECF 2nd: decreased renin secretion 3rd: decreased aldosterone secretion 4th: decreased NaCl reabsorption by the kidneys 5th: increased concentration of solutes in the urine

Put the following events of the cardiac cycle in order. These events take place after the ventricles depolarize.

1st: opening of semilunar valves 2nd: Ventricular pressure begins to fall 3rd: small rise in aortic pressure due to elastic recoil of aorta and arteries 4th: S3 (if observed) 5th: SA Node depolarizes

During the diving reflex, what causes the changes in heart rate and blood pressure. Please put the following events in order:

1st: signals are sent to the medulla oblgongata 2nd: increase in sympathetic nervous system activity 3rd: widespread vasoconstriction 4th: increase in total peripheral resistance 5th: increase in blood pressure Not part of this response: increase in cardiac output

Put the following events of the cardiac cycle in order. These events take place after the AV valves close.

1st: start of the T wave 2nd: ventricular pressure falls below aortic pressure 3rd: AV valves open 4th: P wave occurs 5th: fourth heart sound (if observed)

Put the following events of the cardiac cycle in order. After the opening of the semilunar valves, what would be 5 of the next events in the cardiac cycle?

1st: ventricles begin to eject blood 2nd: ventricles begin to repolarize 3rd: ventricular pressure falls below aortic pressure 4th: the semilunar valves close 5th: the AV valves open

Put the following events of the cardiac cycle in order:

1st: ventricles begin to eject blood 2nd: ventricles begin to repolarize 3rd: ventricular pressure falls below aortic pressure 4th: the semilunar valves close 5th: the AV valves open

Put the following events of ventricular diastole in order (Note: not some events are not presented here)

1st: ventricular muscle cells begin to repolarize 2nd: pressure in ventricles falls below pressure in the aorta 3rd: second heart sound occurs 4th: pressure in ventricles falls below pressure in the atria 5th: ventricles begin to fill passively 6th: active filling of ventricles

Put the following events of ventricular systole in order

1st: ventricular muscle cells depolarize 2nd: calcium enters cardiac muscle cell cytoplasm through dihydropyridine receptors 3rd: calcium enters cardiac muscle cell cytoplasm through ryanodine receptors 4th: pressure in ventricles becomes higher than pressure in the atria 5th: first heart sound occurs 6th: pressure in ventricles becomes higher than pressure in the aorta

Put the following events of the cardiac cycle in order:

1st: ventricular muscle cells depolarize 2nd: pressure in the ventricles begins to increase 3rd: the AV valves close 4th: pressure in the ventricles exceeds aortic pressure 5th: ventricles begin to eject blood

Put the following events of the cardiac cycle in order. These events take place after the ventricles depolarize.

1st: ventricular volume begins to decrease 2nd: Ventricular pressure begins to fall 3rd: ventricular volume stays constant (ventricle filled with end systoliv volume of blood) 4th: ventricular pressure falls below atrial pressure 5th: passive filling of ventricles begins

Put the following events of the cardiac cycle in order. These events take place after the ventricles depolarize.

1st: ventricular volume begins to decrease 2nd: semilunar valves close 3rd: period of isovolumetric ventricular relaxation 4th: AV valves open 5th: S3 (if observed)

Which part of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system directly causes an increase in blood pressure by increasing vasopressin secretion, increasing thirst and causing vasoconstriction?

Angiotensin II

The cardiovascular response to the cold pressor test usually has two distinct phases in normotensive subjects (neither hyper- nor hypotensive), but is a little different for those who have hypertension (or those destined to develop hypertension). Which of the following is true of the cardiovascular response to the cold pressor test in normotensive subjects?

BP initially goes up but then returns towards normal

Which of these is the equation for the bicarbonate buffering system?

CO2 + H2O H2CO3 H+ + HCO3-

At what time point on this figure would we expect to see the T wave start?

Midway between points W and X (wigger's diagram)

rank the following tubes in order of most carbohydrate digestion to least:

Most: lactase, milk, water Second most: Lactase, HCl, milk Least: sucrase, NaHCO3, milk

Match the appropriate part of this figure with the appropriate description (graph)

Movement of Glucose: Y axis Plasma Glucose Concentration: X axis Renal Threshold: Z Tubular maximum for reabsorption: W Glucose filtered: Solid Line Glucose reabsorbed: dashed line Amount of glucose in urine: dotted line

Which of the following pressures best represents the left ventricular pressure tracing?

N (wigger's diagram)

Match the receptors/stimuli with the most appropriate cardiovascular responses/reflexes

Nociceptors; Initial response to the cold pressor test Baroreceptors; Modified tilt test Peripheral chemoreceptors detecting an increase in CO2; Rebreathing Thermoreceptors; The diving reflex

Match the terms to their definitions:

Pneumonia: Inflammation of the lungs and fluid collection in the alveolar spaces Pleurisy: Inflammation of the pleural membranes Emphysema: Obstructive pulmonary disease caused by infectious agents; common in chronic smokers Asthma: Obstructive pulmonary disease caused by spasm or constriction of bronchioles in reaction to allergens Atelectasis: Partial or total collapse of a lung

Match the labels on the figure (nephron pic)

Proximal Tubule: L Efferent Arteriole: O Glomerulus: N Loop of Henle: Q Peritubular Capillaries: T Collecting Duct: M Afferent Arteriole: R

The diving reflex is observed in all vertebrates. This protective response helps us to stay alive while submerged. Which of the following is/are related to the diving reflex?

The parasympathetic nervous system slows heart rate Slowing the heart rate reduces the rate of oxygen use by the heart and thus helps to preserve limited oxygen supplies while submerged There is a widespread vasoconstriction throughout most of the body - this reduces oxygen use by much of the body and preserves oxygen for the tissues that need it the most The sympathetic nervous system causes widespread vasoconstriction throughout much of the body

All of the following correctly describe the diuretic effect of laying supine EXCEPT?

This causes increased Na+ reabsorption at the level of the kidneys

Many adults experience constipation. This means that they might absent-mindedly perform a Valsalva maneuver in the bathroom. What concerns would you have about this if you were working with a patient with several cardiovascular disease risk factors?

Three of these answers: Some phases of the Valsalva maneuver increase HR, which would increase the heart's oxygen demand, and increase the risk of cardiac ischemia The high thoracic cavity pressure would make it harder to return blood to the heart, so the subject's heart would eject less blood, and might reduce blood flow to the brain Their blood pressures would increase, which would increase the heart's oxygen demand, and increase the risk of cardiac ischemia

Which of the following statements is true? (protein tubes)

Tube 3 would have more protein digestion than tube 4 because the enzyme is present and it is near the optimal pH for that enzyme to work

In which of the following tubes would the most peptide bonds be broken?

Tube 3: 2 mL pepsin + 2 mL HCl

Why is it important to take into consideration potential orthostatic hypotension especially regarding a patient that has been on bedrest for several days?

Two of the above

Which would you expect in our experiment with the very salty solution?

Two of these are true Decreased Urine Output This is due to increased vasopressin secretion

The ___________________________________________ is the most amount of air that can be moved in a single breath; from maximal inspiration to maximal expiration

Vital capacity

How were the BP changes similar/different with isometric versus dynamic exercise?

With dynamic exercise, there is more local vasodilation in active muscles

Which of the following is a part of the normal response to face immersion (diving reflex)?

a decrease in HR

Which of the following would likely cause the cardiovascular changes we observed with a mild breath hold (like we did in lab - not a long breath hold, not straining, not preceeded by a deep inspiration, just a calm brief cessation of breathing)?

a decrease in activity of the respiratory pump

Which of the following is/are NOT true about vasopressin?

a decrease in body fluid osmolarity would stimulate vasopressin secretion

The pulmonary response to constant intensity exercise includes all of the following EXCEPT:

a very slow and gradual rise in ventilation after the start of exercise

Which of the following is NOT normally found in saliva?

all of these ARE normally found in saliva: amylase, NaHCO3, Mucin, Lysozyme

When we change from a supine, or a seated, to a standing position we observe specific cardiovascular adjustments with an initial phase and then a second phase where we adjust back towards normal. Which of the following mechanisms best explains what happens during the secondary response to bring blood pressure back towards normal after standing up?

baroreceptors detect ↓MAP → medulla oblgongata → activation of sympathetic nerves → ↑ HR → ↑ Q → ↑MAP

The cardiovascular response to the cold pressor test usually has two distinct phases in normotensive subjects (neither hyper- nor hypotensive). Which of the following sequences best describes the secondary (2nd phase) cardiovascular response to the cold pressor tes in a hypertensive subject?

baroreceptors fail to detect increase in pressure → no signal to medulla oblongatta → no change in autonomic activity → MAP fails to move back towards normal

he sympathetic nervous system's effects on the heart are achieved through binding of sympathetic neurotransmitters with ________.

beta-1-adrenergic receptors

Filling of the ventricles would take place during what part of this figure?

between points Y and V (wigger's diagram)

In lab we measured several periods of the cardiac cycle. To measure the period of isovolumetric ventricular contraction we would measure from where to where? (select one from answer and one to answer)

from S1 to the beginning of the increase in aortic flow

In lab we measured several periods of the cardiac cycle. To measure atrial systole we would measure from where to where?

from the beginning of the P wave to S1

In heart transplant patients all autonomic nerves to the hear have been cut. How would this likely effect the cardiovascular response to exericise?

heart rate would recover more slowly after exercise; hormonal mechanisms are slower to resolve than neural mechanisms. it would take longer to increase heart rate because we would only be able to use endocrine control

Which of the following is/are NOT true about the bicarbonate buffering system?

in the systemic tissues, where pCO2 is higher, the reaction favors the production of CO2 and H2O

Which of the following is/are true about the period of isovolumetric ventricular contraction?

it begins when the first heart sound occurs the pressure in the ventricle is increasing the AV valves are closed the volume of blood in the ventricle is constant the semilunar valves are closed

Which of the following is NOT true about sympathetic nervous system effects on the cardiovascular system?

it dilates blood vessels in active muscles

When we are at rest and relaxed, parasympathetic tone tends to increase, how would this influence blood pressure?

it would decrease heart rate

In lab we performed modified tilt tests. These are a simple way to test a patient's ability to maintain blood pressure when changing position. What do we call it when a subject fails to be able to adequately maintain blood pressure when standing up from a supine, or seated, position?

orthostatic hypotension

Which of the following digestive hormone(s) promote secretions from the exocrine pancreas?

secretin and cholecystokinin

When we change from a supine, or a seated, to a standing position we observe specific cardiovascular adjustments with an initial phase and then a second phase where we adjust back towards normal. Which of the following mechanisms best explains what happens during the initial cardiovascular response to standing up?

stand up → gravity pulls blood to lower extremities → ↓ VR → ↓EDV → ↓SV→ ↓Q→ ↓MAP

Which of the following is a benefit of the change in MAP during the diving reflex (such as in our face immersion experiment)?

the increase in MAP is due to widespread vasoconstriction, which reduces oxygen use by much of the body, and preserves it for tissues that need it the most

Glucose is a valuable nutrient that is transported in our circulation. Which of the following is/are true about the kidneys and glucose?

the main reason why glucose is not normally found in the urine of healthy subjects is that they have enough glucose transporters to reabsorb all of the glucose that gets filtered.

At what time point on this figure would S1 occur?

At time point V (wigger's diagram)

The extracellular fluid is typically equivalent to approximately a ____% NaCl solution.


Which of the following is/are absorbable units for dietary proteins?

Amino acids

The period of isovolumetric ventricular contraction would occur during what part of this figure?

Between points V and W (wigger's diagram)

Put the following events of the cardiac cycle in order. These events take place after the ventricles have started filling.

1st: Ventricles begin to contract 2nd: Start of the period of isovolumetric contraction 3rd: opening of semilunar valves 4th: ventricular ejection period 5th: ventricles finish repolarizing

In which of the following tubes would we expect to observe the least protein digestion?

2 ml pepsinogen, NaOH, egg white

In which of the following tubes would we expect to observe the most protein digestion?

2ml pepsinogen, 2ml HCl, egg white

put the following tubes in order of most protein digestion to least protein digestion:

Most: pepsin, HCl, egg white Second most: Pepsin, H2O, egg white Third most: Pepsin, NaOH, egg white Least: H2O, HCl, egg white

Regarding carbohydrate digestion, put the following tubes in order of most positive Lugol's test to least positive lugol's test:

Most: water, starch, 37degree water bath Second most: saliva, HCL, starch, 37degree water bath Least: saliva, starch, 37degree water bath

rank the following tubes in order of largest decrease in pH to smallest decrease in pH:

Biggest: pancreatin, bile salts, cream Second biggest: pancreatin, cream Third biggest: water, bile salts, cream

Which of the following digestive secretions is/are secreted when the gallbladder contracts?

Bile Salts

________________________ helps to lubricate the food before being swallowed. You can test for its presence using vinegar/acetic acid


Which of the following monosaccharides would be found in a molecule of sucrose?

Fructose Glucose

Which of the following is/are digestive secretions that are secreted by the stomach?

HCl pepsinogen

Which of the following statements is true? (protein)

Tube 3 would have a bigger decrease in pH than tube 4 because the enzyme is present and it is near the optimal pH for that enzyme to work

Which of the following statements is true?

Tube 3 would have more protein digestion than tube 4 because the enzyme is present and it is near the optimal pH for that enzyme to work

Which of the following digestive secretions neutralizes acid rich chyme in the duodenum?


Which of the following digestive secretions is/are secreted by the liver?

bile salts

Which of the following digestive secretions can activate trypsinogen to its active form?

enterokinase (enteropeptidase) trypsin

Which of the following is/are absorbable units for dietary fats?

free fatty acids monoglycerides

You put a red blood cell on a microscope slide, and you put a drop of 2.7% NaCl solution on the drop of blood. The temperature in the room and the fluids is 19 degrees Celsius. Which of the following is/are true about this scenario?

we would expect to see the cells crenate water would be expected to be leaving the cell

Energy is required to absorb which of the following in the small intestine?

Amino acids Glucose Galactose

Which of the following is/are NOT true about the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System?

Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) converts angiotensinogen to angiotensin I

Match the following hormones:

ANP: decreases Na+ reabsorption in the kidneys Aldosterone: secreted by the adrenal cortex Vasopressin: increases water reabsorption in the kidneys BNP: released from the ventricles when blood volume increases Renin: released from the kidney when ECF NaCl concentration decreases

If observed, we would expect to hear S3 where relative to these points?

After time point Y (wigger's diagram)

Which of the following may have bilirubin in their urine?

All answers except 1 cirrhosis and hepatitis do, anemia does not

Which of the following is not a mechanism that allows the SNS to increase BP?

All of these ARE mechanisms that the SNS can use to increase BP: Venoconstriction Vasoconstriction Increased Contractility Increased HR

When we change from a supine, or a seated, to a standing position we observe specific cardiovascular adjustments with an initial phase and then a second phase where we adjust back towards normal. Which of the following are symptoms might be observed in subjects who are not able to adequately maintain blood pressure when we stand up?

All of these answers Syncope Racing Heart Rate Feeling Lightheaded

If vasopressin secretion increased in our body, we would expect urine volume to ______ and urine specific gravity to ________.

Decrease, Increase

Match the following urine analysis findings with the appropriate disorder or disease process.

Diabetes: Glucose Renal Diseases: Albumin/Protein Osteoporosis: Phosphates Liver disease: Bilirubin Urinary Tract Infection: Leukocytes

Which are NOT true regarding intra-alveolar (IA), transmural (TM), and intrapleural (IP) pressures in the lungs during inspiration:

During inspiration, contraction of the diaphragm causes an increase in IP pressure

Which of the following is/are correct?

During the ejection period, the left ventricular volume is decreasing

In lab we measured several periods of the cardiac cycle. To measure ventricular diastole we would measure from where to where? (select one from answer and one to answer)

From S2 To the peak of the QRS complex

In lab we measured several periods of the cardiac cycle. To measure ventricular systole we would measure from where to where?

From the peak of the QRS complex To S2

Which of the following is/are absorbable carbohydrates in the small intestine?

Fructose Glucose Galactose

The cardiovascular response to isometric exercise (like handgrip exercise) includes which of the following?

HR increases due to both an increase in sympathetic nervous system activity and a decrease in parasympathetic activity to the heart Diastolic blood pressure increases Systolic blood pressure increases Mean arterial pressure increases

In lab we performed modified tilt tests. These are a simple way to test a patient's ability to maintain blood pressure when changing position (orthostasis). Which of the following would suggest that your patient is "tilt positive"?

HR increasing from 64 to 86 bpm

Which of the following is/are NOT true regarding fluid volumes in the body?

ISF is 20% of ECF

Not all of the air entering the lungs each minute participates in gas exchange; which of the following is/are NOT true?

If your goal was to increase gas exchange, it would be more effective to increase respiratory rate than to increase tidal volume

Which of the following events occur when the pressure in the atria is higher than the pressure in the ventricles?

filling of the ventricles

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