Final Prep

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What possible effect can iodine toxicity have on pregnant women?

Can cause fetal death

A woman who is breastfeeding should limit what type of fish product to once a week?

Canned light tuna fish

Which of the available calcium supplements has the highest percentage of calcium?


Which of the following foods has the highest percentage of water?


Which of the following factors is suspected to have the greatest significance in the diagnosis of metabolic syndrome?

Central obesity

Which of these electrolytes is found in higher concentrations in the extracellular environment?

Chloride anion

What is the name of the condition where an accumulation of carbon dioxide produced by fossil fuels leads to destruction of forests?

Climate changes

Which of the following names should not be used interchangeably with complementary and alternative medicine?


Which of the following food items is most likely to cause a potential problem for infants?

Corn syrup added to cereal

Which one of the following statements is true regarding breastfeeding?

Crying is considered to be a late indicator that the infant is hungry.

Which of the following would be considered to be a potential risk factor for malnutrition in an elderly client?

Taking 3 or more over-the-counter medications on a daily basis.

Of all of the compounds listed below, only ________ is active in the human body as a source of vitamin E activity.


Individuals who are on a low-sodium diet should limit the use of:


The hypothalamus is responsible for controlling:


Neural tube defects are more likely to occur in pregnant women who:

are currently being treated for seizure disorders.

A person who is pregnant with suspected blood sugar problems should be evaluated with a glucose tolerance test:

as soon as possible.

A pregnant woman with PKU is told that she can't use Nutrasweet as an artificial sweetener. This is because Nutrasweet contains:


Which of the following disease processes is not related to the others listed?


A nonmilk food item given to an infant is called:


The recommended protein intake for a female endurance athlete is based on a protein level of:

between 1.2 and 1.6 g/kg/day.

What new component(s) have been added to infant formula based on their appearance in breast milk?

Arachidonic acid and docosahexaenoic acid

The dermatitis that is consistent with pellagra occurs:

bilaterally in a symmetrical pattern on areas that are exposed to the sun.

Which complication is not consistent with the progression of diabetes?


An older person who has a vitamin B12 deficiency is most likely to suffer from which of the following?

Atrophic gastritis

Circulating immunoglobulins are derived from:

B lymphocytes.

Microwaves should not be used as a preferred cooking method for foods that are high in vitamin:


Which of the following foods is the best source of vitamin B6?


Which of the following should not be used to meet daily fluid needs?


An athlete is preparing to run in a race that is going to last 2 hours. How much fluid should he consume during the planned activity?

Between 32 and 128 ounces of fluid

Triangular spots on the eye are known as:

Bitot's spots.

While unpacking your groceries you come upon a can that is dented and has slight bulging at the ends. What potential problem would you expect?


When purchasing a food item at the grocery store, you notice that the seal is broken. What action should you take next?

Bring it to the customer service desk so that it can be properly disposed of.

While at a picnic you are offered potato salad that looks wonderful although it has been placed outside on the picnic table area for several hours. What would be your best course of action?

Decline the offer and look for something else to eat.

A poisonous substance transmitted through food preparation is known as:

food intoxication.

A surgical intervention whereby a pouch is created that diverts the flow of nutrients through parts of the gastrointestinal tract is known as:

gastric bypass.

When considering water losses from the body, the smallest amount of fluid loss is expected from the:

gastrointestinal tract.

An infant who was born at 38 weeks and weighs 2500 grams would be considered to be at:

greater risk for health problems even though it is a term pregnancy.

An example of a food additive that would help to improve consistency is:

gum arabic.

Water that has a high calcium and magnesium content is termed:


A person who breastfeeds her child for 18 months and provides complementary foods:

has exceeded the recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Methods that can help to ease nausea associated with pregnancy include:

having small, frequent meals throughout the day.

The plan that helps to identify potential problems during the manufacturing, distribution and commercial use of food products is known as:

hazard analysis critical control points.

The iron overload syndrome that is due to a genetic disorder is called:


The name of the protein that is created to store excess iron that is well above the body's needed amount is:


Associated risk factors leading to the development of osteoporosis include:

history of seizure disorders with ongoing treatment.

Symptoms of pantothenic acid deficiency include:

hypoglycemia and muscle cramps.

Overhydration of fluids during a sporting activity without replacement of electrolytes can lead to:


The clinical deficiency state for vitamin A is called:

hypovitaminosis A.

The benefits of cardiorespiratory conditioning include:

improved circulation.

Research studies that examine breastfeeding suggest that:

infants who are breastfed up to six months of age are less likely to become overweight later in life.

Oxidative stress is associated with:

inflammatory disease processes.

An example of a unsustainable method of agriculture is:

injecting animals with antibiotics to prevent disease in livestock.

The difference between integrative therapy and conventional medicine is:

integrative medicine includes alternative therapies incorporated into the traditional medical model.

Vitamin E can be used to treat:

intermittent claudication.

In the majority of the cases, the development of a goiter is associated with:

iodine deficiency.

Over consumption of beta-carotene in food products:

is associated with the skin turning yellow.

Kwashiorkor is distinguished from marasmus in that:

it is associated with a loss of appetite.

Conversion of the active metabolite of vitamin D occurs in the:


In order to minimize the possibility of folic acid deficiency for people who are taking methotrexate, a physician might prescribe:


Vascular plaque formation in the body occurs as a result of:

lipid deposits.

The precursor form of vitamin D is made in the:


Comparing life expectancy with longevity, the following is true:

longevity is not infinite.

The DASH diet can best be described as:

low in sodium and high in calcium, potassium and magnesium.

A neutral situation in terms of a risk-benefit relationship can be best described as a(n):

low-risk decision with little perceived benefit.

Several indications of food access problems but with little or no change in associated food intake can be classified as:

marginal food security.

Which of the following statements is true with respect to major minerals as compared with minor minerals? Major minerals are:

measured in milligrams or grams whereas minor minerals are measured in milligrams or micrograms.

Iron-deficiency anemia can be characterized as:

microcytic and hypochromic.

The type of phytochemical that is present in cherries is called:


An individual who exercises frequently has little or no muscle pain. This indicates that the person has:

muscle endurance.

Vitamin E is found to be helpful in treating the effects of:

muscular dystrophy.

The compound that represents iron storage in muscles is known as:


The antioxidant function of vitamin C in relation to oxidative stress can best be described by stating that it:

neutralizes free radicals from cigarette smoke and polluted air.

The only water-soluble vitamins that have Tolerable Upper Intake Levels established are:

niacin, vitamin B6, folate, choline and vitamin C.

Flushing of the skin can be associated with the ingestion of:


When comparing infant formula to breast milk:

nutrient composition is similar in that fat is the predominant ingredient.

The anemias generally associated with B vitamins can also be characterized as:


A person who has rheumatoid arthritis may find that increasing amounts of ________ in the diet may help to improve symptoms.

omega-3 fatty acids

In order to maintain homeostasis, solute particles attempt to move across the semi-permeable membrane toward the more concentrated area. This process is known as:


Methods used to control the effects of Wilson's disease include:


Another name for vitamin K is:


A person who eats ice on a consistent basis is demonstrating a form of:


The hormones responsible for assisting with lactation are produced in the:

pituitary gland.

An infant born after the 42nd week of pregnancy is considered to be:

post term.

Cations located inside the cell membrane include:

potassium and magnesium.

A person who uses a salt substitute excessively may be at risk to develop a(n):

potassium excess.

The fluid within the cell membrane has high concentrations of:


Elevations in blood pressure before the 20th week of pregnancy are consistent with:

preexisting hypertension.

Complications of smoking during pregnancy include:

prolonged final stage of labor.

The antioxidant function of vitamin E leads to:

protecting LDL levels.

Current recommendations to make sure that infants meet their vitamin D requirement include:

provide a supplement to infants who are breastfed without complementary food sources.

A person who has clinical gout should avoid eating foods that are high in:


The importance of cooling down after exercise is that it helps to:

reduce muscle cramping.

A person who is taking tetracycline with milk may be at risk to have:

reduced calcium absorption.

In order to minimize loss of vitamins during food preparation one might:

refrigerate fresh fruits and vegetables.

With respect to maternal blood flow, placental veins function to:

remove fetal wastes.

Toxicity symptoms identified with molybdenum include:

reproductive problems.

If a person experiences an acid-base disturbance, the first response typically seen is that the:

respiratory rate will increase.

The alcohol form of vitamin A is also known as:


An example of a sustainable method of agriculture is:

rotation of crops.

The first example of a clinical research trial used on human beings led to the discovery of:


A difference between preeclampsia and eclampsia of pregnancy is:

seizure activity occurs in eclampsia.

Individuals who respond to dietary sodium by increasing and decreasing their blood pressure are described as having salt:


Dissociation reactions help to maintain acid-base balance by:

separating compounds into acid and base components.

The last stage of xerophthalmia is:

softening of the cornea that leads to irreversible blindness.

Dietary antioxidants help to minimize tissue damage by:

stimulating enzyme repair activity.

The process whereby resources are maintained at a constant rate without an increase in degradation products can be classified as:


Overconsumption of vitamin A during pregnancy can cause:

teratogenic effects.

A person who has difficulty with swallowing during meals should be given a diet:

that includes thickened liquids.

The bioavailability of a vitamin is not influenced by:

the cost of the food product.

Free radical damage can lead to:

the development of disease.

The use of "power beverages" to improve performance is based on the fact that:

the intake of these beverages will boost the psyche leading to improved performance.

A common misconception with respect to vitamin D deficiency is that:

the presence of rickets can only occur with vitamin D deficiency.

Alcoholics are at an increased risk to have a(n):

thiamin deficiency.

Historical research led to the discovery of vitamin deficiency states associated with:

thiamin, niacin and vitamin B12

Eating large amounts of radishes or cauliflower can lead to problems with the:

thyroid gland.

Weight gain within the first year of life for an infant can be categorized as:


Physical inspection reveals the presence of a dowager's hump. This is consistent with a diagnosis of:

type II osteoporosis.

A person being treated for clinical depression with an MAO inhibitor should refrain from eating foods that are high in:


An action that would help to prevent possible cross-contamination is to:

use separate cutting boards for different types of foods.

Angiotensin acts in the body as a(n):


In order to raise serum calcium levels you might expect:

vitamin D and parathyroid hormone action in the kidneys.

A person who is prescribed warfarin must be careful to monitor their daily dietary intake of:

vitamin K.

A difference between vitamins and macronutrients is:

vitamins assist in enzyme reactions whereas certain macronutrients may themselves be considered as enzymes.

A pregnant woman who is experiencing heartburn after each meal should be encouraged to:

wait two hours after eating before exercising.

A difference found between sports anemia and iron-deficiency anemia is that:

blood cells do not diminish in number in sports anemia.

Even though the primary action of vitamin K is associated with blood clotting, new research suggests that vitamin K is also important in:

bone health.

The reason for adding DHA and arachidonic acid to formulas is because research has shown they are located in the:

brain and eyes.

In order to reduce economic costs of shopping while still maintaining overall nutrient quality of food selections, you would consider:

buying store brands.

Vitamin D deficiency often occurs in conjunction with ________ deficiency.


Symptoms associated with scurvy:

can be resolved with adequate amounts of vitamin C.

A possible effect of capsaicin in the body would be to:

cause changes in blood clotting.

Medical treatments that include the manipulation of the spine in order to promote and restore optimal functioning are known as:


When going food shopping you notice that a freezer door that contains frozen food products is slightly open. Upon further inspection, you notice that the packaged food products appear to be damp. The best action to take would be to:

close the door firmly and notify a worker that there might be a problem with the temperature of the unit.

The percentage of the population aged 21 living in the United States during the year 2000 represents:

close to 14%.

In general terms, foods that have the highest vitamin A activity can also be described as being:


Athletes who seek to maximize glycogen synthesis may include foods that are:

considered to have a high glycemic effect.

In order to avoid the effect known as "hitting the wall," one might:

consume sports drinks at intervals if the physical activity lasts more than 45 minutes.

Common food sources of Vibrio include:

contaminated water.

An easy way to prevent possible food contamination when preparing meats is to:

cook meat to an internal temperature of 160 degrees F.

A person who eats a large proportion of charcoal-broiled meats may be at risk for developing alterations in medication excretion rates if they are taking:


Symptoms associated with riboflavin deficiency include:

cracks at the corners of the mouth.

For a person who participates in a 100-yard dash event, the preferred fuel source would be ATP derived from:

creatine phosphate.

Special proteins that are secreted from phagocytes in the body are called:


The release of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) occurs in response to:

decreased extracellular volume.

An individual who has atrophic gastritis would most likely have:

decreased intrinsic factor.

Manganese absorption can be increased by:

decreasing the amount of iron in the diet.

Macrosomic infants are more likely to be:

delivered by cesarean section.

A common side effect seen in people who use carnitine supplements is:


The first point of unsaturation of a fatty acid is identified by the presence of a:

double bond.

The greatest protection offered against the development of tooth disease in the form of fluoride supplementation is found in:

drinking water.

Maternal alcohol consumption during lactation may cause the infant to:

eat less due to altered taste sensation.

The effect of muscle conditioning on fat metabolism is that:

efficient oxygen use can burn fat longer.

Trending results in the United States population between 1950 and 2000 suggest that the:

elderly population has increased by approximately 1 1/2 times.

Folic acid is activated by:

enzyme action in the intestines.

The term used to describe the condition where the food needs of livestock exceed the capacity of the rangelands is ________.

extensive overgrazing

A person who is considered to be at borderline risk for cardiac disease would have a:

fasting triglyceride level over 150 but less than 200.

According to classic research testing, the type of diet that is the least effective in improving an athlete's endurance performance is a:

fat and protein diet.

Benefits of fitness include having:

fewer colds.

Individuals who take antacids and aspirin frequently may be at risk to develop a ________ deficiency.

folic acid

Methotrexate treatment can lead to a deficiency of:

folic acid.

Which of the following nutrients does not function as an antioxidant?


Organic foods that have met USDA standards can use a seal on the label that states:

"USDA organic."

What is the reported cost of caring for teen pregnancies per year?

$1 billion

The amount of calcium recommended for young athletes is:

1,300 mg per day.

Sports nutrition experts recommend that athletes consume ________ of the energy in their diets from fat.

20 to 30%

What proportion of the United States' energy sources is used by the food industry?


Evidence has shown that as little as ________ milligrams of iron ingestion has caused deaths in young children.


A woman who reports that she had an infant born with a neural tube defect should plan to take an increased dose of folate up to ________ times larger in order to prevent another occurrence.


The phase of peak bone mass occurs between the ages of:

12 and 30.

One alcoholic drink is equivalent to:

12 ounces of beer.

Women in their reproductive years require ________ milligrams of iron per day.


According to 2005 data, the lowest figure attributable to AIDS-related deaths in the United States is:


The estimated average intake of vitamin C from both diet and supplements is noted at:

187 milligrams.

Which of the following women requires the highest amount of iodine?

21-year-old woman who is breastfeeding.

A female child who 12 months old is meeting the expected growth milestones for the 90th percentile. You would expect her weight to be around:

25 pounds.

A pregnant woman who weighed 115 pounds pre-pregnancy and is 5'4" tall is recommended to gain ________ during the course of the pregnancy.

25 to 35 pounds

What percentage of children worldwide may be at risk to become underweight by the age of 5?


Which of the following BMI measurements would be indicative of potential health risks for an adult who is over the age of 65?


The iron RDA during pregnancy is:

27 mg/day.

With respect to the components of weight gain during pregnancy the placenta and amniotic fluid represent:

3 1/2 pounds.

If you are taking a vitamin supplement, the USP suggests that it should completely disintegrate within:

30 to 45 minutes.

What percentage of the world's population has iron-deficiency anemia?


The Adequate Intake fiber recommendation for a male child who is 12 years of age is:

31 grams per day.

What proportion of the world's total crops is supported by fertilizer use?


As research shows a direct correlation between folic acid deficiency and the incidence of neural tube defects, dietary recommendations for folic acid include taking:

400 micrograms of folic acid on a daily basis if you are of childbearing age one month before and throughout the first trimester.

If a person loses 1/2 liter of sweat during an exercise activity, this would translate into a rise in body temperature of up to ________ degrees.


Which value represents the percentage of fat in breast milk?


In order to start reversing effects of smoking leading to the development of osteoporosis, one must stop smoking for at least:

6 weeks.

An individual complains of difficulty concentrating and a headache after being outside all day long at the beach. How much body weight do you suspect that he has lost?


A supplemental dose of 2 milligrams of vitamin B6 would be equivalent to:

6600 cups of rice.

The average life expectancy for a white male living in the United States is ________ years.


Health care costs in the United States related to physical inactivity account for ________ billion dollars per year.


How much of a reduction in systolic blood pressure would be expected in a person who follows the DASH eating plan consistently?

8 - 14 mm Hg

When performing an assessment of risk for cardiac disease you obtain a total score of 11 for a male client. What percentage of risk would this score indicate?


According to the USDA, ________% of children between the ages of two and nine years of age have diet patterns that need improvement.


What is the projected world population total for the year 2040?

9 billion

Beverage recommendations for adult females 65 years of age are based on:

9 cups a day.

A person who has a zinc deficiency may also show signs and symptoms associated with vitamin ________ deficiency.


When comparing prevalence rates of diabetes among adults in the United States in 2004, which of the following statements is accurate?

A majority of states had a rate greater than 6%.

Which of the following statements is true with respect to nutrient needs of the older adult?

A moderate fat intake should be maintained.

Which of the following is not a protective factor that appears breast milk?


Out of the ten leading causes of death in the United States, which is directly related to alcohol consumption?


How would you best describe the concept of complementary food sources when you are breastfeeding?

Additional food sources can be entered into the diet when the infant is between four and six months.

Which gland or organ in the body contains the most vitamin C content

Adrenal glands

Which of the following statements is accurate?

Adult literacy rates have risen.

Which of the following countries has the smallest ecological footprint?


Based on 2003 data from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the largest portion of undernourished population in the world is located in:


Out of all the risk factors for cardiac disease, which has the most significance with respect to differences exhibited between males and females in terms of cholesterol levels?


Which individual is at most risk for developing vitamin D deficiency?

An African American who lives in Maine.

Which of the following is at least risk to develop a foodborne illness?

An adult who washes his hands prior to food preparation.

What is the difference between food allergy and food intolerance?

An antigen reaction occurs if there is a food allergy.

How do an infant's heart and respiratory rate patterns compare to those of an adult?

An infant's are normally increased.

What would be considered to be one of the early signs of iron deficiency?


What is the predominant carbohydrate found in both breast milk and infant formula?


Which of the following names cannot be used interchangeably with metabolic syndrome?


Which represents the most ecologically responsible diet?

Diets that include locally-grown foods

As the majority of infant formula now requires mixing with water prior to feeding, which method should be used in order to minimize the possibly of contamination?

Do not use the first water out of the tap from the kitchen sink.

What are the similarities between warm up and cool down activities?


Which two vitamin deficiency states could be responsible for bleeding disorders occurring in infants?

E and K

What is the name of the government agency that is responsible for establishing water quality standards?


By the time the pregnancy has reached a gestational age of 8 weeks, which organ system has still not passed its critical period of development?


Which factor helps to promote cardiac health?


Which of the following individuals is most likely to develop type II osteoporosis?

Elderly male

Which of the following findings would be expected in individuals who have cardiac disease?

Elevated C-reactive protein levels

How does the body respond when there is an insufficient amount of zinc in the body?

Enteropancreatic circulation attempts to restore levels.

What are included in the requirements of members of the American Dietetic Association?

Evaluate the effectiveness of programs aimed at improving nutritional status.

What is an example of a non-modifiable risk factor for cardiac disease?

Family history of cardiac disease

Which of the following statements best describes how fat is affected during physical activity?

Fat metabolism is increased as glucose is released more slowly from the liver in response to repeated training adaptations.

Which of the following does the world population rely on as its major food supply source?

Five types of cereals

Which of the following supplements are suggested for infants who are in the range of 6 months to 1 year of age?

Fluoride, vitamin D and iron

Which B vitamin is necessary for the conversion of vitamin B12 to an active coenzyme form?


Which of the following is false with respect to iron overload?

Food fortification does not cause a problem for individuals who have a genetic iron disorder.

Which of the following foods would enhance the absorption of calcium in the body?

Fortified milk

Which statement is false concerning the findings of the Feeding Infants and Toddlers Study (FITS)?

Fruit and vegetable intake for toddlers is adequate.

Which of the following prenatal weight gain patterns based on prepregnancy weight should be followed for a woman who is overweight?

Gain 2/3 pound a week after the first trimester.

Which herbal therapy may help to decrease lipid levels?


As women are delaying becoming pregnant past the age of 40, what recommendations are made to ensure a healthy pregnancy?

Genetic screening.

Which of the following factors is not related to the development of diverticulosis?


Which herbal therapy claims to boost immunity?


Which of the following terms cannot be used interchangeably for the concept "carbohydrate loading"?

Glycogen conservation

Which of the following is considered to be a voluntary food label?

Graded by the USA

Which of the following statements best illustrates the difference between toxicity and hazard?

Hazards can occur as a consequence of normal usage.

Which of the following clotting disorders has no relationship to vitamin K?


Which of the following represents a virus that is capable of producing a foodborne infection?

Hepatitis A

Which lipid pattern would help to lessen the potential effects of atherosclerosis?

High HDL, low LDL and low triglycerides

Which type of diet increases the likelihood for the development of oxidative stress damage?

High saturated fat

Which activity pattern would help to improve muscle strength?

High-resistance activity with a low number of repetitions.

Which of the following statements best describes dose levels and effects of nutrients?

Higher doses can result in harm once the optimal effect is seen.

Which description best describes the energy value of breast milk based on macronutrient content?

Higher proportion of fat followed by carbohydrates with a small portion of protein.

Why is there a gender difference in the way men and women react to stress?


Which of the following information is true with respect to food labels for organic products?

If a food has at least 70% organic ingredients it can list up to three of the ingredients on the front panel.

Under which of the following conditions would amenorrhea be considered to be abnormal?

In a non-pregnant female of childbearing age

Which of the following factors is not related to the development of osteoporosis?

Increased consumption of salty foods

Which of the following is not expected to occur as a result of a rise in global temperature?

Increased growth

How do the kidneys respond when a person drinks an excessive amount of fluid in a 24-hour period and has normal renal function?

Increased output of a dilute urine.

The rate of an infant's growth reflects which pattern?

Infants require 100 kcalories per kilogram of body weight per day.

Which possible nutrient deficiency might be suspected in a child who has swollen glands in the neck area on a consistent basis with no identified infectious process?


Which food product was developed in order to prevent iodine deficiency in the United States?

Iodized table salt

Which possible nutrient deficiency might be suspected in a child who has spoon-shaped nails that are brittle?


Which of the following statements is true with regard to using beer to improve athletic performance?

It acts as a diuretic and causes increased fluid loss.

The first injection given to a newborn in the delivery room is vitamin:


The mineral deficiency disease associated with cardiomyopathy in the provinces of China is known as:

Keshan disease.

What kind of weight pattern is identified with a higher risk of cardiac disease?

Large waist

Which mineral, when taken into the body, competes with iron, calcium and zinc by displacing them from receptor sites but is unable to perform any of their specific functions?


Which food product contains cyanogens?

Lima beans

A pregnant woman eats a great deal of fish prior to becoming pregnant and is now concerned as to the possible effects on the fetus during the pregnancy. What dietary suggestions could you make with regard to fish consumption?

Limit tuna fish intake to 6 ounces per week of white albacore tuna.

Which of the following dietary measures with respect to taking medication would be the most effective?

Limiting the amount of fiber in the diet when taking tricyclic antidepressants.

During intense exercise activities, which organ helps to convert lactate back into glucose?


Which organ plays a critical role in the regulation of iron levels in the body?


Which activity pattern would help to improve muscle endurance?

Low-resistance activity with many repetitions.

Which substance helps to enhance the absorption of iron found in nonheme food sources?

MFP factor

Which of the following is not considered to be an incidental food additive?


How does malnutrition affect pregnancy?

Malnourished women who have had problem pregnancies are at an increased risk for stillbirths during subsequent pregnancies.

What is the name of the study that the FDA performs to estimate the dietary intakes of pesticide resides by age and gender groups across the life cycle?

Market Basket Survey

With respect to the increasing population trend, every 40 days of population growth could be translated to be the size of:

New York City.

Which of the following dietary patterns requires the greatest amount of fuel for energy production?

Meat eater

Which of the following foods requires the most energy in terms of production?


Which of the following medications does not cause an undesired weight gain?

Megestrol acetate

Which amino acid depends on both vitamin B12 and folic acid for regeneration?


Which finding is most accurate with respect to recommended intakes of an infant and an adult compared on the basis of body weight?

Niacin recommendations for both the infant and adult are similar.

Which of the following food additives provides color to hot dogs and cured meat products?


Which of the following statements is false in respect to fat-soluble vitamins?

No toxic effect can occur since they are typically excreted in the urine.

Which type of iron food source is found most abundantly in the diet but has lower absorption rate


Which of the following foodborne illnesses has the shortest onset?

Norwalk virus

What potential nutritional problem can occur when a person has dental health issues that can affect their dietary choices?

Nutrient deficiencies may occur if food groups are deleted as they may be difficult to eat.

Which of the following could contribute to the development of sarcopenia?


Which of the following foods can be stored for up to 1 week in the refrigerator?

Opened packages of hot dogs

Which of the following cancers may be associated with high lactose intake from milk products?


How many people are estimated to receive benefits from the Women, Infants and Children special supplemental program?

Over 7 million

Biotin plays a critical factor in the metabolic pathway of which compound?


What action can help to reduce the likelihood of hazardous effects from solanine?

Peel the skin off potatoes prior to cooking.

Which physical fitness activity would help to promote strength?


Which of the following symptoms, if experienced, would alert you to stop your exercise activity pattern?

Pressure in the jaw

Which of these compounds can act as a buffer in the body to maintain acid-base balance?


Which method would not be helpful in preventing morbidity from diarrhea disease?

Providing yogurt

Which B vitamin coenzyme plays a role in the synthesis of heme, nuclei acids and lecithin?

Pyridoxal phopshate

Which feeding skill behavior should be evident for an infant who is 9 months of age?

Reaches and grabs for food.

Which of the following behaviors during food preparation in the home would help to promote food safety?

Refrigerate leftovers within two hours of eating.

In which section of a research article would you find a discussion of available information related to the topic being discussed?

Review of literature

Which of the following behaviors would help to reduce environmental pollution when cleaning up the kitchen?

Run the dishwasher only when you have a full load.

Which of the following methods is an example of a sustainable, energy-saving agricultural technique?

Selection of crops that require less irrigation.

Which of the following behaviors would help to reduce environmental pollution in the kitchen?

Set your water heater on a timer.

Which of the following behaviors would not help to improve one's overall health based on physiological age?

Skipping breakfast.

Which of the following is not considered to be a key bone nutrient?


An outbreak of pellagra was once thought a result of an infectious disease process in the United States. In which section of the United States did this outbreak occur?

Southern states

An HIV-positive client who is taking a protease inhibitor and iron replacement therapy should especially avoid taking herbal supplements of:

St. John's wort.

Which one of the following has the shortest onset of symptoms?

Staphylococcal toxin

Which of the following does not cause traveler's diarrhea?


Which exercise pattern would help to safely improve endurance in the older adult?

Start the process slowly and build up gradually to a minimum of 30 minutes of daily activity.

Which nutrient is not considered to be essential for red blood cell production during pregnancy?


A female child who is 18 months old weighs 40 pounds. How would you characterize this finding in terms of growth chart measurements?

The child has passed the growth chart range for this age but is at risk for potential health problems.

Which of the following statements is true concerning the chemical compounds that have vitamin A activity?

The pathway from retinal to retinoic acid is irreversible.

Which of the following is true concerning energy and nutrient needs during pregnancy?

The protein RDA is increased by an additional 25 grams per day.

A person doesn't look their age upon physical inspection. What does this mean?

Their physiological age does not reflect their chronological age.

Which of the following drugs is not affected by the action of grapefruit juice?


Which food choice would help to increase the amount of iron absorbed in a cheese sandwich?

Tomato slice

Which of the following foods is high in saponins?


Which of these findings is consistent with the second stage of iron deficiency?

Transferrin increases

Which factor contributes to the cost of buying globally?

Transport of food items to maintain a consistent intake of products throughout the year.

When trying to promote flexibility with respect to a physical activity, how would you adjust the frequency?

Try to increase the activity to once a day if tolerated

Which of the following mechanisms may avoid the weakening of a society's agriculture balance?

Use of diverse crops

Which method is the best way to prevent cyclosporiasis?

Use treated, boiled or bottled water and peel fresh produce.

Which of the following activities listed on the physical activity pyramid should be included as part of one's daily routine?

Using stairs when possible

Of the following items, which could cause the most damage to the esophagus if ingested?


According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, which type of milk can be given to children during the second year of life?

Whole milk

How is zinc primarily transported throughout the body?

With the help of albumin

Which mineral is necessary for the synthesis of retinol binding protein?


Which mineral plays a role in insulin release and thyroid hormone function?


Which mineral deficiencies can be associated with growth and development problems?

Zinc and iodine

Retinal changes as a result of light being absorbed lead to:

a change in configuration to a trans-retinal form.

A person who is being treated for tuberculosis is at risk to develop:

a deficiency of vitamin B6.

Components of metabolic syndrome include:

a female waist size of 38 inches.

A program that provides groceries to individuals who then prepare the food and eat at home is called ________.

a food pantry

With each beat of the heart a smaller amount of oxygenated blood is ejected from the heart to the body tissues. This indicates:

a reduced stroke volume.

A higher food security value would indicate that:

access to foods is not a potential problem.

In response to low serum sodium levels, the adrenal glands secrete:


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