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Ivan Pavlov received the Nobel Prize in 1904.


Karl Lashley was a psychophysiologist trained at Johns Hopkins University, where he came under the influence of John B. Watson. (p. 311, 25-30% down 2nd column).


Like Brentano's "act psychology" and like Gestalt psychology, psychoanalysis is fully consistent with the German model of an active mind (as contrasted with the passive mind of British empiricism), going back to the writings of Leibniz and Kant. (p. 291, 25%)


One of the central tenets of Watsonian behaviorism was that the processes of the human mind were inaccessible to scientific study, and were unnecessary to provide a complete account of behavior. (p. 311, 60% down 1st column).


Psychoanalysis has also had a huge impact upon Western culture in general, and in particular within diverse areas such as philosophy, art, and literature. (p. 290, 85%)


Psychoanalytic writings played a dominant role in 20th century psychiatry, assuming an almost exclusive position. This was generally true, both within psychiatry and also to some extent within clinical psychology, until about the 1960s when behavioral and cognitive research began to support competing alternative models. (p. 290, 80%)


Skinner did not object to studies of the nervous system, but felt they were unnecessary and would only support what one could already deduce from the experimental analysis of behavior. (p. 311, 75% down 1st column).


The "enriched environments research at U.C. Berkeley grew out of Rosenzweig remembering Hebb's experiment with his children "home schooling" lab rats (pp. 311-312).


The Germanic intellectual tradition of Leibniz and Kant clearly emphasized an active mind, in contrast to the passive mind of British empiricism that undergirded the emergence of mainstream academic psychology at the beginning of the twentieth century. (p. 272, 28%)


The psychoanalytic movement differs substantially from the other systems of psychology that are contemporaneous with it, in that it is most clearly aligned with the German tradition of the mind as an active, dynamic, and self-generating entity. (p. 271, 80% down the page)


The two major classes of inborn instincts identified by Freud that release mental energy are Eros, the life instincts, and Thanatos, the death instincts. (p. 279, 63%).


Freud viewed homosexual behavior as immature sexuality reflecting ___________________. (p. 281, 49%)

Unresolved Oedipal urges.

Held that all psychological processes could be explained by the "energy transformation" model, his brand of reflexology.

Vladimir Bekhterev

Sigmund Freud was the lead author on the first published work on psychoanalysis, Studies on Hysteria (p. 277, first line).


Watson taught Lashley the precise surgical techniques he would later use in his cortical localization studies. (p. 311, 40-60% down column 2).


Adult behaviors attributable to incidents or unsatisfied needs at the oral stage

-Optimism, Sarcasm, Cynicism

Which three famous physicists influenced Gestalt psychology either by their friendship with one of the three founding Gestaltists, or through indirect influence of their writings?

. Einstein, Planck, and Mach

Studies on Hysteria was the first published work of the psychoanalytic movement. Who authored it and in what year was it published? (p. 272, 40%)

. Josef Breuer and Sigmund Freud in 1885.

Of the three specific structures of personality in Freud's system, the _______is the executive, guided by the reality principle. (p. 279, 63%)

. The Ego

Of the three specific structures of personality in Freud's system, which he believed were essentially formed by age seven, the _______is the one that is guided by the pleasure principle seeking to gratify instinctual needs of the libido. (p. 278, 85%)

. The Id

Author of "Elements of a theory of problem solving," published in Psychological Review in 1958. This was a landmark paper of the cognitive revolution, one of the first to show a clear and thorough demonstration of artificial intelligence.

Alan Newell, J. C. Shaw, and Herbert Simon

A British mathematician and cryptographer whose 1936 paper on "computable number" provided a definition of computation that was used as a basis for developing digital computers twenty years later. (In the 2nd column of page 318.)

Alan Turing

Authored by a British mathematician and cryptographer, the paper "Computing machinery and intelligence" is one of the landmark seminal papers establishing the field of artificial intelligence. Published in 1950 in the venerable British journal Mind, just as digital computers were becoming a reality, it posed the question "Can machines think?" and proposed ways of testing that question.

Alan Turing

This psychoanalytic theorist emphasized the social and creative aspects of human experience, with case studies of appropriate "individual lifestyles" that illustrate compensations for inferiority. (p. 284, 25% to 50%)

Alfred Adler (1870-1937)

Which of the following cognitive and memory researchers were associated with the Applied Psychology Research Unit (APU) at Cambridge University?

All of the above

Originator of a descriptive approach to behaviorism entitled the "experimental analysis of behavior." Introduced an effective and productive experimental method for studying and controlling animal behavior referred to as the "schedules of reinforcement" approach.

B.F. Skinnner

Intensely studied H. M., a patient with dramatic anterograde amnesia, and demonstrated clearly that declarative memory (facts, knowledge) was profoundly affected by the surgery, but procedural memory (skills and procedures) was intact. This one patient "helped us understand memory more than any other case study in the history of neuropsychology." (In the 1st column of page 316.)

Brenda Milner and colleagues

The Society for the Experimental Analysis of Behavior and Division 25 of the APA still carry on the work of this behavioral scientist's "operant conditioning" line of research. (pp. 360-366)

Burrhus Frederick Skinner

The father of "operant conditioning," which to this day is a valuable and practical method for the training of animals.

Burrhus Frederick Skinner

Psychoanalysis has played a major role within mainstream academic psychology, where it has received broad acceptance. (p. 290, 75%)


As psychology emerged as an independent discipline in the latter part of the nineteenth century under Wundt's tutelage, the British model of mental passivity served as the guiding force. (p. 272, 40%)

C. Perhaps true of psychology as a whole, and to some extent true of Wundt's physiologische psychologie, but certainly not true of Wundt's völkerpsychologie, where his guiding philosophy of "voluntarism," which is to say an active mind, is most apparent.

One of the most fascinating and complicated scholars of the 20th century, this theorist has applied psychoanalysis to the study of ancient myths and legends, and identified two sources of unconscious forces, the personal unconscious and the collective unconscious. Also, this theory deals with archetypes such as "the earth mother," "the old sage," "persona," "shadow," "anima," and "animus." (p. 285)

Carl Jung (1875-1961)

Cryptologist, engineer, and mathematician in the first half of the nineteenth century, who held the Chair of Mathematics at Cambridge, and whose work with calculating machines paved the way for the development a century later of electronic digital computers. (Page 319.)

Charles Babbage

Max Wertheimer did his undergraduate studies at _______ and at _______, and his PhD work at ________.

Charles University in Prague; Berlin; Würzburg.

Who is the author of the pivotal 1890 paper "On Gestalt Qualities" that proposed that form qualities have an immediacy in experience?

Christian von Ehrenfels

Author of the "hypothetico-deductive theory" of behavior, a somewhat mathematical approach to behaviorism that was the dominant theory in the "golden age" of learning theories, but now is of primarily historical interest.

Clark Hull

Author of what was to become the dominant behavioristic learning theory of the 1940s and 1950, the so-called "Hypothetico-Deductive" theory, which was a somewhat mathematical theory

Clark Hull

President of the APA in 1936. (See the 2017 powerpoint from the neobehaviorism chapter).

Clark Hull

M.I.T. graduate student who demonstrated that binary numbers (0 and 1) could be used not only for ordinary mathematical calculations but also for problems of symbolic logic. Later developed this into what became information theory, one of the most useful tools in the information processing approach to modeling cognition. (Middle of page 320.)

Claude Shannon

A strong believer in parsimony, who described even the most complex animal behavior in biological terms, in keeping with his well know "canon."

Cnwy Lloyd Morgan

Optimism, sarcasm, and cynicism are all adult behaviors attributable to incidents or unsatisfied needs at the anal stage (p. 280, 90%).


Which of the following was not one of the unique strengths of psychoanalysis in comparison with other schools of psychology. (pp. 272-273)

D. It is based upon a rigorous program of systematic empirical testing.

Student of Karl Lashley, mentor of Brenda Milner, and major figure in 20th century physiological psychology, and author of the 1949 book The Organization of Behavior.

D. O. Hebb

The American Psychologist 1960 publication of this person's APA presidential address, entitled "The American revolution," is one of the foundational papers of the cognitive revolution.

D. O. Hebb (1904-1985)

This seminal 1955 Psychological Review paper, "Drive and the C.N.S. (Conceptual Nervous System)," authored by one of the great "physiologizers" of the 20th century, marks the beginning of what will later become one of the most vigorous areas of 21st century research, the field of cognitive neuroscience.

D. O. Hebb (1904-1985)

Another member of the Cambridge APU who, in the 1950s pioneered an "information processing" approach to attention and memory with his "filter theory" of attention. (In the 1st column of page 318.)

Donald Broadbent

This 1958 Psychological Review paper, entitled "A mechanical model for human attention and immediate memory," authored by the director of the Applied Psychology Research Unit (APRU) at Cambridge University, proposes a simple "filter model" of human attention.

Donald Broadbent (1926-1993

Author of the 1932 book, Purposive Behavior in Animals and Men (pp. 357-359).

Edward C. Tolman

His mother was a Quaker, and thus a pacifist, and he also was a pacifist, authoring the book Drives Toward War (1942). (p. 359)

Edward C. Tolman

President of the APA in 1937. (See the 2017 powerpoint from the neobehaviorism chapter)

Edward C. Tolman

This behaviorist saw the behavior of men and animals to be purposive rather than mechanical, and also demonstrated the existence of "cognitive maps" and "latent learning" in rats. Also brought "logical positivism" and "operational definitions" into American psychology as a result of several years working with the "Vienna Circle" in Austria.

Edward C. Tolman

Author of the "Law of Effect" in 1898. He demonstrated that animals do not necessarily use insight in escaping "puzzle boxes," but rather tend to use trial and error responses.

Edward Thorndike

Existential assumptions. This psychoanalytic theorist took an existentialist perspective in dealing with the loneliness and helplessness of persons in the modern world, where the methods of escape (analogous to defense mechanisms) are not satisfactory. Saw human existential freedom to find meaning in life as the key to fulfilling personal needs. (pp. 289-290)

Erich Fromm (1900-1980)

The noted physicist _________, who discovered the speed of sound, and several important visual phenomena, played a major role in laying the conceptual foundation for Gestalt psychology with the publication of his 1886 book The Analysis of Sensations, where he discusses space-forms and time-forms (such as a melody).

Ernst Mach

"Equipotentiality" is Lashley's principle that the efficiency of performance of a complex function is affected in direct proportion to the degree of brain injury (pp. 311-312).


"The ego is pure libido, or psychic energy of an irrational nature and sexual character, which instinctually determines unconscious processes" (p. 278, 78%).


Although he was committed to the study of the neural basis of learning and behavior, Lashley remained devoted to the S-R approach and the neural reality of the reflex arc throughout his career. (p. 311, 50-90% down 2nd column).


Due to Sigmund Freud's dominance within the movement, psychoanalysis has a tight and systematic, perhaps even a rigid, methodology. (p. 290, 55%)


An early member of the Applied Psychology Research Unit (APU) at Cambridge University in the 1930s who did in-depth naturalistic studies of persons recalling details from a Native American folktale, the "War of the Ghosts." (In the 1st column of page 317.)

Frederick Bartlett

Author of the well-known 1956 Psychological Review paper "The magical number seven, plus or minus two," one of the most cited papers in psychology, deals with the topic of limits in the capacity of working memory.

George A. Miller

Credited with bringing information theory into psychology, together with Jerome Bruner established the Harvard Center for Cognitive Studies. (On page 323, the 1st column; and page 325, the 1st column.)

George A. Miller

Wrote the 1962 American Psychologist paper, "Some psychological studies of grammar," which was intended to introduce grammatical theory and linguistic principles to psychologists.

George A. Miller (1920-2012)

With whom did the term "comparative psychology" originate?

George J. Romanes

Young friend of Charles Darwin. Darwin entrusted him with his notes related to the psychology of animals. This work using Darwin's notes led to his 1882 book Animal Intelligence, in which he presented a clearly anthropomorphic account of animal behavior.

George J. Romanes


Guided by the Pleasure principle

Like Adler, this psychoanalytic theorist focused on the social potential of psychoanalytic theory. He (or she) published only one book, Conceptions of Modern Psychiatry (1947), but kept extensive notebooks containing detailed observations that were widely accepted because of their applicability to clinical settings.

Harry Stack Sullivan (1892-1949)

Author of the 1855 text, Principles of Psychology. He is well-known for putting forth the idea of "social Darwinism," which he referred to as "synthetic philosophy," published four years before Darwin published his theory in Origin of the Species (1859).

Herbert Spencer

The originator of "classical conditioning," awarded the Nobel Prize for his work on digestion and salivary reflexes in dogs.

Ivan Pavlov

Author of the 1876 book Reflexes of the Brain, and author of the "three-component model of the reflex" (excitation, psychological stage, motor reaction).

Ivan Sechenov

Noteworthy German zoologist and advocate of the mechanistic view of behavior. He is well-known for his theory of "tropisms."

Jacques Loeb

Which of the following persons was not one of the three animal behavior scientists awarded the Nobel Prize in 1973?

Jacquez Loeb

Swiss psychologist whose work on the developmental aspects of cognition, or "genetic epistemology" as he calls it, kept cognitive research going through the behaviorist era.

Jean Piaget

The originator of behaviorism in America, president of the APA in 1915, at 37 years of age, and author of Psychology from the Standpoint of a Behaviorist, one of the most popular psychology books of all time.

John B. Watson

Author of the 1869 book, Principles of Psychology, in which he argues that the human mind is a part of the natural world. He was also president of the University of Wisconsin.

John Bascom

This 1990 paper in Scientific American, entitled "Is the brain's mind a computer program?" was a philosopher's intended refutation of the logic of the "Turing test."

John Searle

Mathematician from Hungary, heavily engaged in wartime defense project including the atomic bomb, who solved the problem of the intensive effort needed to wire programs for electronic computing, by his idea of "stored programs" in the computer's memory. (On page 321, middle of the 1st column.)

John von Neumann

An American historian, physician, and naturalist who maintained that animal learning does not involve rational thought.

Joseph LeConte

This psychoanalytic theorist recognized the value of Freud's description of the defense mechanisms, but denied the strict compartmentalization of mind into id, ego, and superego, and focused more on social causes of neurosis rather than sexual. This theorist argued, for example, that rather than women envying male anatomy, as Freud maintains, they resist the unfairness of the male domination of Western society. This theory posits three modes of human social activity that are protective and defensive: "moving toward," "moving against," and "moving away." (pp. 287-288)

Karen Horney

Author of the 1951 paper, "The Problem of Serial Order in Behavior," one of the most influential papers of the cognitive revolution. (On pages 311 and 312.

Karl Lashley

Perhaps the greatest neuropsychologist of the 20th century. D. O. Hebb was his student at Harvard. He is famous for his principles of "equipotentiality" and "mass action," that if certain parts of the brain are damaged, other parts might take on the role of the damaged regions.

Karl S. Lashley

This neuropsychologist was inspired by behavioristic principles early in his career and spent his life trying to understand the brain mechanisms of behavior, carefully quantifying behavior before and after ablation of selected locations in animal brains.

Karl S. Lashley

Established an interdisciplinary team at U.C. Berkeley for the study of enriched environments and their impact upon the brain. (Sidebar 13.1 on pages 313 and 314.)

Krech, Rosenzweig, and Bennett

Which of the Gestalt psychologists is author of the 1935 book Principles of Gestalt Psychology?

Kurt Koffka

The "Zeigarnik effect," that is, the demonstration that tension dissipates after the completion of a mental task, was named for Bluma Zeigarnik, who discovered the phenomenon in collaboration with her mentor, ___________.

Kurt Lewin

Which of the Gestaltists is well-known for drawing the distinction between the Aristotelian and the Galilean (that is, similar to Galileo) thought modes?

Kurt Lewin

Early ethnographer of Native American culture and passionate student of animal behavior. Presented a surprisingly compelling case for the believability of anthropomorphic accounts of animal behavior.

Lewis Henry Morgan

Who was the author of "Morgan's canon," that animal activity must never be interpreted in terms of higher psychological processes when lower will suffice.

Lloyd Morgan

Used conditioning to treat fears in infants, such as little 3-year-old Peter, who was afraid of white rabbits. This is one of the earliest examples of what is now called "desensitization therapy." (pp. 356-357)

Mary Cover Jones

Kurt Lewin could be considered to be one of the four founding fathers of Gestalt psychology, albeit one with a divergent focus from the other three into applied topics such as conflict resolution, social psychology, personality, and motivation. Three of the four of them received their PhD degrees from Carl Stumpf at Berlin. Which one did not receive his PhD from Carl Stumpf?

Max Wertheimer

Authored the influential 1960 book Plans and the Structure of Behavior, that brought ideas from computer science, information theory, and cybernetics to bear on an information processing model of cognition.

Miller, Galanter, and Pribram

M.I.T. linguist who had a profound impact on the new cognitive psychology with his 1957 book Syntactic Structures and his 1959 review of Skinner's book Verbal Behavior which formed a basis of a devastating critique of behaviorist theory in general. (On page 327, the second column, and page 328.)

Noam Chomsky

This linguist's review of Skinner's 1957 book Verbal Behavior, that appeared in the journal Language in 1959, was one of the main papers that precipitated the decline of behaviorism and the rise of the new cognitive psychology in the 1960s and 1970s.

Noam Chomsky (1928-

From whom did the person named in the preceding question receive his PhD?

Oswald Külpe

A student of Karl Lashley, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1981 for his "split-brain" work. (In the 2nd column of page 316.)

Roger Sperry

This highly-cited 1966 Science paper, "High-speed scanning in human memory," introduced a robust finding with respect to the effects of memory load on reaction time in a memory-search task: 35 milliseconds for each additional digit held in memory.

Saul Sternberg

This psychoanalytic theorist expanded his (or her) theory in later years to a psychodynamic theory that accounted for personality growth as dependent upon tension reduction.

Sigmund Freud (1856-1939)

What research tradition in the area of brain, behavior, and cognition led to the U.S. Federal Government's "Head Start" program that has been in effect since 1965? (p. 314)

The "enriched environment" research at U.C. Berkeley

What was Sigmund Freud's first major published work? (p. 272, 40%)

The Interpretation of Dreams

"Freud talked about neat, overly clean, and compulsive adults as not having successfully resolved their anal needs" (pp. 280-281)


According to Hebb, behavioral patterns are composed through the connection of particular sets of cells called "cell assemblies"


As a clinically-based development, rather than an academic "school", psychoanalysis has unique strengths and weaknesses. It does provide a pragmatic and useful approach to clinical problems, but it also gives the impression of an ad hoc movement that developed in response to particular therapeutic questions rather than as a coherent and unified theoretical system. (p. 290, 35%)


Contemporary psychoanalysis is severely fragmented: in a very real sense, there are as many psychoanalytic theories as there are psychoanalysts.


Which of the Gestalt psychologists did research with chimpanzees on the Island of Tenerife during World War I (while perhaps also spying for Germany)

Wolfgang Köhler

Which of the Gestalt psychologists was president of the APA in 1958?

Wolfgang Köhler


guided by the reality principle

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