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Which of the following is the best example of institutional racism?

A. Airport security procedures that specify people who appear to be Middle Eastern should be scrutinized more closely than others

According to Barrie Thorne's research on gender in grade schools:

A. Boys play games that tend to be more physical whereas girls play games that tend to be more sedentary B. Teachers play a role in reinforcing divisions between boys and girls in the classroom C. Girls are viewed as more polluting than boys (when children touch one another) [D. All of the above]

Social Class differences exist in society because individuals with the highest aptitude and motivation fill the most important and therefor well compensated roles in society. This statement is most likely from which theoretical framework?

A. Functionalism

The statement, "unequal distribution of resources in society exist because more important social roles are held by society's most competent individuals" is representative of which theoretical paradigm?

A. Functionalist

Theories that help to explain the language customs and slang terms for snow in Alaska evaluates a ______________ level of theory.

A. Micro

Which of these statements regarding race is true?

A. Race is a socially constructed category.

In Marissa Cisneros' lecture on race, health, and food she noted that "food apartheid" is a better way to describe the racialized disparities in food access then "food deserts" because...

A. There is not a food shortage in communities of color, there is a shortage of healthy food in those communities B. The concept of food apartheid captures the systemic nature of food segregation patterned along racial lines C. We have enough food in the United States to feed the entire population, it just does not get to everyone equally [D. All of the above]

Durkheim, Marx, and Weber have which of the following in common?

A. They were all macro sociological theorists

In experiments, what is the goal of random assignment

A. To control for participant-level factors

Which of the following is a disadvantage of using surveys to gather data about human social processes?

A. What people say and what they do may be different.

Deva Pager's research suggests that the racialization of criminality in the U.S. has created an assumption that African American men are potential criminals - so much so that when conducting test research on results for job applicants with and without criminal records:

A. White applicants who reported having a felony conviction received call backs more frequently then African American applicants who reported NOT having a felony conviction

Cultural relativism is the idea that

A. a phenomena should be understood and judged only in relation to the cultural context in which it appears.

Researchers on the influence of television has found that

A. both boys and girls rate aggressive toys seen in commercials as desirable.

According to the _____ perspective, the positive contributions of the health care system are the prevention and treatment of disease.

A. functionalist

The theoretical framework that emphasizes how sexuality contributes to the stability of society is the _____.

A. functionalist perspective

The results of Solomon Asch's classic study of conformity were that

A. individuals are likely to conform to group pressure, even if the group is objectively incorrect.

When an individual is born with both male and female biological sex characteristics, Kessler referred to these individuals as _____.

A. intersexed

In practice, sexual harassment in the workplace

A. is an example of discrimination.

The state...

A. is made up of government, the police, the military, and the legal system.

The implications of Milgram's experiments on obedience to authority are that

A. it may be possible for any ordinary person to commit atrocities under the right conditions.

The historical process in any society by which a group comes to be defined as a race is called _____.

A. racial formation

Ann Swidler discussed culture as a ____________, which provided people with norms, mores, habits, etc. as they negotiate social situations.

A. toolkit

Which of the following statements is NOT a factor in the increase in racial disparities in U.S. incarceration rates between 1980-1991.

B. African American rates of criminal activity were increased during this time at a level three times higher than white rates of criminal activity.

Gail is arguing that women are inherently more emotional and men are more aggressive. She is using which of the following concepts?

B. Biological determinism

Use of prison labor in private industry deprives free laborers of jobs in a number of sectors because free laborers are economically uncompetitive compared to the prison counterpart. Which perspective best explains this?

B. Conflict

A group of people who purchase Barbie dolls, paint them in red to symbolize blood, and attach them to crosses as a means of protest against organized religion are most likely engaged in a:

B. Counterculture

According to the video Barbie Nation, Ruth Handler created Barbie dolls for the purpose of:

B. Introducing a doll with breasts in order to make the transition to puberty less stressful for girls.

Which of the following is true about the family as an agent of socialization?

B. Not all families socialize children in the same way or into the same expectations.

When it comes to attitudes in the U.S. toward gays and lesbians: a majority of people believe that homosexual relations between consenting adults should be legal.

B. a majority of people believe that homosexual relations between consenting adults should be legal.

According to _____ theory, sexual violence such as rape or sexual harassment is the result of power imbalances between men and women.

B. conflict

In which type of theory does the power elite model of state power have its origins?

B. conflict

According to Durkheim, public rituals, including punishment, are important because they

B. create a bond among the members of society.

The United States is one of the few industrialized nations that:

B. does not provide universal health care to its citizens.

The process of learning the expectations for behavior associated with each sex is called _____.

B. gender socialization

In the statement, "Diet determines one's life expectancy," diet is the _____ variable.

B. independent

According to attribution theory, when an out-group member's behavior is unclear

B. it will be interpreted in a negative manner by in-group members.

The study of formal social organizations and their role in structuring society represents an example of _____.

B. microanalysis

In the United States: most people live their entire lives as members of a social class very close to the one they were born into.

B. most people live their entire lives as members of a social class very close to the one they were born into.

Sociologists sometimes measure the intensity and consistency of a person's faith. This is termed _____.

B. religiosity

Mores are:

B. strict norms that control moral and ethical behavior.

A(n) _____ is something that stands for something else, or anything to which people give meaning.

B. symbol

Today the prison system is the third largest employer in the world. This is evidence of:...

B. the development of a prison industrial complex

Prior to industrialization,:

B. the household was the center for production and distribution of goods.

Using multiple indicators of a concept likely makes the measure more _____.

B. valid

According to Jean Kilbourne the video Killing Me Softly III, if we define eating disorders as any form of disordered relationship to eating and food, ____________ women in the United States can be considered to have an eating disorder

C. 4 out of every 5

After World War II, as the housing market was growing and the middle class was accessing home ownership at unprecedented levels, a wide spread practice developed in the real estate market whereby realtors would sell a home in a white neighborhood to an economically qualified African American family; then the realtor would go to white neighbors and threaten them with falling housing values to get them to undersell their homes—which they would then sell at higher rates to other African American families. This process (now illegal) was called:

C. Blockbusting

An American Flag is an example of:

C. Both material and non-material culture

The landmark Supreme Court case that established that "separate but equal" was unconstitutional was _____.

C. Brown v. Board of Education

Which of the following is FALSE in regard to socialization and conformity?

C. Conformity to social expectations eliminates individual choice.

Which of the following is an example of a primary group?

C. Family

In the U.S., one's SAT score may be used as a "proxy" measure of one's social class. What does this mean?

C. Family income is strongly correlated with scores on the SAT exam.

What is the sociological term for the hierarchical distribution of social and economic resources according to gender?

C. Gender stratification

The racial group that lost the most wealth between 2005-2009, most prominently as a result of the housing market crash, was:

C. Hispanics

How do sociologists know if the sample they are using is representative?

C. If the sample has the same mix of people, in the same proportions, as the population being studied

Which of these statements can be said of all sociological research?

C. It always has a plan for the collection of data.

Marx's perspective of society argued that

C. Profit is produced through the exploitation of the working class.

According to the text, which of the following is true about a person's sexuality?

C. Social influences are an important part of every person's sexual identity.

Research suggesting that individuals respond to pressure in small group settings is likely based on a _____________ theory framework

C. Symbolic interaction

_____is concerned with how people define and negotiate family relationships.

C. Symbolic interaction theory

In what way does symbolic interaction theory differ from conflict theory and functionalism?

C. Symbolic interactionism does not examine society in terms of its abstract institutions, and conflict and functionalist theory do.

The Bakers are part of the upper class in the US. Which of the following is likely be the reason for their wealth?

C. They are a family who have held wealth for generations.

Which of the following social thinkers is associated with the concept of the sociological imagination?

C. Wright Mills

The privatization of the military refers to the fact that...

C. an increasing number of the military's functions are being carried out by for-profit, private corporations.

Holding the belief that one does not notice racial differences, and that discussing race only perpetuates racism, would be considered ______.

C. color-blind racism

In the United States, interracial marriage is:

C. increasing, but infrequent.

Labeling theorists mention that once a person is labeled deviant:

C. it will be difficult for him or her to reestablish a non-deviant identity

Research on contemporary discrimination in housing has found that

C. members of minority groups are frequently turned down for housing in situations in which a White person is not.

Moral proscriptions for behavior established by religions:

C. often come to be viewed as right and inviolable.

The statement that there is "strength in weak ties" refers to the fact that:

C. one doesn't have to know a lot of people in a network in order for it to be useful.

A _____ is a large collection of people, groups, or categories that a researcher studies and about which generalizations are made.

C. population

Regardless of the city one is in, a hamburger purchased at McDonalds is always very much the same. This is due to what Ritzer called _____.

C. predictability

Symbolic interaction theory holds that illness is partly (although obviously not totally),

C. socially constructed.

Postindustrial societies are organized around _____.

C. the provision of services

In Giddens' concept of structuration:

C. the recursive process between social agents and social structures gets mediated by culture and socialization

According to Arlie Hoschild's ethnographic research, even when husbands and wives are both employed outside of the home, the bulk of the domestic responsibilities fall on women. The sociological term for this is ______

C. the second shift

Organization ritualism refers to the:

C. way that rules in an organization are followed even if they do not serve the purpose they were originally meant to.

According to lecture, the annual cost of housing one prisoner in a state prison facility per year ranges between:

D. $14,000-60,000

The median white household has wealth worth $113,149, whereas the median African American family has ___________ wealth.

D. $6,325

Robert Merton suggested that human behavior has _____.

D. Manifest functions and latent functions

_____ are the expected behavior associated with a given status in society.

D. Roles

Which of the following best represents feminist theories of the state?

D. The state reflects men's interests, and is run primarily by men.

According to the guest lecture of experimentor Emily Knox, A study is not a "true experiment" unless it has ________.

D. control condition

With regard to gender, Functionalists have been criticized for

D. interpreting gender as a fixed role in society.

Sociology is a(n) _____ discipline, meaning conclusions are based on systematic observations.

D. rigorous

Which of the following is an example of non-material culture?

D. table manners

Functionalism emphasizes all of the following except

D. the role of coercion and power.

White youth tend to sell drugs at rates lower then black youths.


All sociological research follows the model of hypothesis testing.


Genetic variation explains differences in athletic performance and connects to racial differences as illustrated by concentrations of particular racial groups (for example African Americans) in particular sports (for example basketball).


Most of the family heirs featured in the film Born Rich required their children to work in low level positions in the family businesses before they were able to inherit family money.


Race is socially and historically constructed, and therefor it has no real social meaning.


Sociological research is only valid if social scientists are completely impartial and objective.


The film Cast Away illustrates that people do not need social interaction or relationships to be mentally healthy.


The racial disparities in U.S. jails and prisons are explained by racial differences in criminal involvement.


Felony voter disenfranchisement altered the outcome of the 2000 presidential election; without felon disenfranchisement the Democratic candidate (Gore) would likely have won the presidency.


Gender norms and the boundaries of gender socialization are frequently enforced through the deployment of homophobia.


Latin@s in the United States are 50% more likely to die of diabetes or liver disease then whites.


Members of higher socioeconomic classes are the least likely to be victimized by crime.


The proliferation of genetically transmitted illnesses like sickle cell disease is better explained by geography then race.


This sociology class is an example of a group according to the sociological definition.


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