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b. odor

Adrenarche contributes to the development of body ______, signaling the beginning of sexual maturation to others. Select one: a. activation b. odor c. maturation d. gonads

a. Loriann

Alice has high academic self-esteem, whereas Loriann has high physical appearance self-esteem. According to the textbook, who will probably have higher overall self-esteem? Select one: a. Loriann b. Alice c. Loriann and Alice will most likely have equally high self-esteem. d. There is not enough information to answer this question

d. All of these are true.

All of the following statements about structural and functional change involving the prefrontal cortex during adolescence are true except which one? Select one: a. Patterns of activation within the prefrontal cortex generally become more focused. b. Individuals are more likely to use multiple parts of the brain simultaneously and coordinate activity between prefrontal regions and other areas of the brain. c. The full structural maturation of the prefrontal cortex is not complete until the mid-20s. d. All of these are true.

b. abrupt and difficult

Anthropologists Ruth Benedict and Margaret Mead believe the transition from adolescence to adulthood is________ in an industrialized society. a. gradual and peaceful b. abrupt and difficult c. gradual and difficult d. abrupt and peaceful

a. more; than

In comparison with teenagers in previous times, teenagers in contemporary societies spend ________ time with their peers ________ with their parents. Select one: a. more; than b. less; than c. as much; as d. There is too much conflicting data on this issue to give a definitive answer.

c. as the number of cross-sex peers increases, the number of same-sex peers either stays the same or increases.

In contrast to Sullivan's claims about adolescent friendships, more current research has found: Select one: a. cross-sex intimacy replaces intimacy with same-sex peers. b. as the number of same-sex peers increases, the number of cross-sex peers decreases. c. as the number of cross-sex peers increases, the number of same-sex peers either stays the same or increases. d. although cross-sex interactions increase, there is little cross-sex intimacy.

d. girls have more problems than boys

Current research on the effects of remarriage indicates that: Select one: a. younger children have more problems than older children. b. boys and girls show equal distress. c. boys have more problems than girls. d. girls have more problems than boys

d. social learning

In the _______ theory of development, adolescents learn how to behave through reinforcement and punishment as well as by watching and imitating those around them. a. observational b. behaviorist c. humanistic d. social learning

b. social cognition.

Adolescents develop the ability to think about social issues, a concept more generally referred to as: Select one: a. socialization. b. social cognition. c. abstract reasoning. d. metacognition

c. isolate; liaison

A(an) _____ is an individual that has few or no links to others in the social network and a(an) _____ is an individual who interacts with two or more adolescents who are members of cliques, but who themselves are not part of a clique. Select one: a. liaison; isolate b. hopper; loner c. isolate; liaison d. isolate; mixer

d. all of the above

According to Vygotsky, adolescents learn best when: Select one: a. their lessons are within their zone of proximal development. b. a more experienced instructor is present. c. the instructor engages in scaffolding. d. All of these are correct.

c. Siblings go through the pubertal transition at different times.

According to behavioral geneticists, siblings are actually quite different from each other. Which of the following has not been used to explain this difference? Select one: a. Siblings only share a portion of their genes. b. Siblings may experience their family environment very differently. c. Siblings go through the pubertal transition at different times. d. Siblings may have very different experiences outside the family

c. Black; negatively; higher

According to the textbook, because _____ girls do not feel as _____ about their appearances as girls of other racial backgrounds, these individuals typically have _____ overall self-esteem. Select one: a. White; negatively; higher b. White; insecure; lower c. Black; negatively; higher d. Black; positively; lower

c. better in school, and are less likely to be involved in delinquent behavior.

Compared to minority adolescents with families that have been in the United States for a long-time, foreign-born ethnic minority adolescents tend to perform: Select one: a. better in school, but are more likely to be involved in delinquent behavior. b. worse in school, but are less likely to have emotional and behavioral problems. c. better in school, and are less likely to be involved in delinquent behavior. d. worse in school, and are more likely to have emotional and behavioral problems

a. recreational activity.

Dating among adolescents today is largely a: Select one: a. recreational activity. b. part of the courtship process. c. part of mating selection. d. meaningless activity.

a. the Adult Attachment Interview

Dr. Diamond conducts an interview with a patient in order to assess the history of the patient's attachment relationships. What method would Dr. Diamond use? Select one: a. the Adult Attachment Interview b. the Q-sort c. the Longitudinal Attachment Measure d. the Adolescent Security Scale

d. All of these.

During periods of economic downturns such as the Depression, when jobs were scarce, adolescents are looked at as being ______. Select one: a. immature b. unstable c. incompetent d. All of these.

c. developing intimacy.

For middle adolescents, the least important aspect of dating is: Select one: a. establishing autonomy from parents. b. furthering the development of gender identity. c. developing intimacy. d. establishing and maintaining status in one's peer group.

b. spends more time with a new friend she has made.

Fourteen-year-old Fatimah, who has relatively low self-esteem and is relatively high in rejection sensitivity, is most likely to be upset with her best friend if the friend: Select one: a. criticizes Fatimah's clothes. b. spends more time with a new friend she has made. c. cannot come shopping with Fatimah because she has to babysit her sister. d. disagrees with Fatimah about the boys each girl is dating.

b. delayed phase preference.

Given a choice, Mike would prefer to stay up until 1:00 a.m. and sleep until 10:00 a.m. This pattern is called the: Select one: a. secular trend. b. delayed phase preference. c. longitudinal design. d. adolescent growth spurt.

b. selective attention

Jesse is in the seventh grade at a school that has open classrooms with multiple teachers instructing their classes in one large area. Which of the following cognitive processes will help Jesse focus on his teacher? Select one: a. working memory b. selective attention c. long-term memory d. divided attention

c. not likely.

Jim and Stacey are the parents of two preteen girls. Throughout the girls' childhood, the family has enjoyed fairly harmonious relationships. The likelihood that they will experience serious problems as the girls go through adolescence is: Select one: a. highly likely. b. average. c. not likely. d. not easily predicted.

a. authoritative

Joshua's parents set rules for him, but he feels that when a rule seems unfair, he can discuss it with his parents and, even if they don't agree to change the rule, they at least listen to his opinions. Joshua's parents fit best into which of the following parenting styles? Select one: a. authoritative b. authoritarian c. indulgent d. indifferent

a. self-conception.

Maria describes herself as an only child, as a person who likes art and music, who is shy, and who likes to read. Maria's description fits best with the idea of: Select one: a. self-conception. b. self-esteem. c. self-attribution. d. self-control.

d. scaffolding.

Mary is having trouble understanding how to do a math problem. Her teacher asks her just the right question and Mary understands the problem. Vygotsky would refer to the structuring process used by the teacher to guide Mary's thinking as: Select one: a. laddering. b. enabling. c. pillaring. d. scaffolding.

c. Nadia is more likely to be popular with the boys.

Nadia is an early-maturing girl. Compared to her late-maturing peers, which of the following statements is most likely to be true for Nadia? Select one: a. Nadia is less likely to suffer from social anxiety. b. Nadia is less likely to be popular with girls. c. Nadia is more likely to be popular with the boys. d. Nadia is less likely to be the victim of rumors and gossip

d. positive attitudes about other ethnic groups.

Research has shown that ethnic socialization that results in having positive attitudes about one's ethnic group is associated with: Select one: a. having negative attitudes about other ethnic groups. b. faster identity development among adolescents. c. problematic interracial relations. d. positive attitudes about other ethnic groups.

c. not changed the fact that adolescents continue to need the love, support, and guidance of adults who care about them.

New technologies and social innovations have: Select one: a. transformed family life, and as a result, parents don't really make a difference. b. not transformed family life; however, these technologies have caused parental influence to be overshadowed by the peer group. c. not changed the fact that adolescents continue to need the love, support, and guidance of adults who care about them. d. given teens a new way to rebel against their parents' moral preferences.

a. more; less

Over the course of adolescence, relationships among siblings become more egalitarian but _______ distant and _______ emotionally intense. Select one: a. more; less b. less; more c. more; more d. less; les

c. puberty

Ozzie in a 14-year-old teen who has grown taller and has now begun to have enough facial hair to start shaving. This is a sign that Ozzie has reached ______. a. maturation b. social functions c. puberty d. adulthood

c. having strong positive feelings about one's own ethnic heritage and about mainstream culture

Positive mental health is associated with: Select one: a. having strong positive feelings about one's own ethnic heritage and feeling separate from the mainstream culture. b. separating from one's own ethnic heritage but having strong positive feelings about mainstream culture. c. having strong positive feelings about one's own ethnic heritage and about mainstream culture. d. separating from both one's own ethnic heritage and mainstream culture.

a. More than half of the adolescents in any given school are members of cliques.

Research studying adolescent friendship networks over a 1-year period has found all of the following, except which one? Select one: a. More than half of the adolescents in any given school are members of cliques. b. Girls are more likely than boys to be members of cliques. c. Boys are more likely than girls to be considered "isolates." d. Adolescents' positions in their schools' social network are relatively stable over time.

d. self-regulation.

Researchers have identified all of the following factors as critical components of the development of identity during adolescence, except: Select one: a. self-esteem. b. sense of identity. c. self-conception. d. self-regulation.

c. early adolescence.

Self-disclosure and loyalty become important dimensions of friendship in: Select one: a. childhood. b. preadolescence. c. early adolescence. d. middle adolescence.

c. higher

Self-esteem is _____ among students who are identified with peer groups that have relatively high status in their school. Select one: a. lower b. the same c. higher d. Self-esteem varies from person to person.

d. All of these.

Some of the most important areas affecting adolescent development are outside the adolescent's home, including____ a. extracurricular activities b. the Internet c. jobs and leisure time d. All of these.

b. emerging

Some researchers have described a new phase of life, developing in the early 20s, that is called ________adulthood. Select one: a. developing b. emerging c. expressive d. premature

d. activities.

Studies show that adolescent mood swings are most closely related to changes in: Select one: a. hormone levels. b. family relationships. c. nutrition. d. activities.

a. become involved in illegal activities.

Suzanne and Greg are the first members of their class to begin the pubertal transition. Based on what you know about early-maturing adolescents, Suzanne and Greg are more likely to: Select one: a. become involved in illegal activities. b. do better in school. c. be ostracized by their classmates. d. get along with their parents.

c. identity

Sydney keeps asking herself, "Who am I?" and "What kind of life will I have?" The questions tell her parents she is trying to find a sense of _______ in her development. Select one: a. achievement b. autonomy c. identity d. intimacy

b. deductive

Tam is good at drawing conclusions from given information. Thus, Tam is good at _________ reasoning. Select one: a. hypothetical b. deductive c. abstract d. relative

b. 13-14

The average age of an American adolescent to begin dating is ______ years. Select one: a. 12-13 b. 13-14 c. 14-15 d. 15-16

d. All of these are correct.

The following is often a trademark of persistent bullies: Select one: a. more troubled family relationships. b. more troubled peer relationships. c. greater difficulty controlling aggression. d. All of these are correct.

a. contexts

The four main _______ that 13-year-old Cody spends time with are his family, peers, work, and school. Select one: a. contexts b. communities c. categories d. commitments

a. gender intensification

The idea that pressure to behave in sex-appropriate ways temporarily increases during middle adolescence, especially for girls, is called the _______ hypothesis. Select one: a. gender intensification b. self-image stability c. sex-role stereotyping d. androgyny

a. aggression and poor emotion regulation or lack of social skills.

The main reason that reactive aggression is associated with unpopularity and greater problems with peers is that reactive aggression is characterized by a combination of: Select one: a. aggression and poor emotion regulation or lack of social skills. b. bad karma and well-developed social skills. c. delinquent behaviors and extreme shyness in social situations. d. being female and plotting an aggressive response in advance. Feedback

d. friendships transform being self-conscious to being more activity oriented.

The textbook states all of the following to explain why the development of intimacy is especially important in adolescence, except: Select one: a. truly intimate relationships do not emerge until adolescence b. the nature of the adolescent's social world changes, with increasing importance of both same sex and other-sex peers. c. growth of social cognition reflects more sophisticated conceptions of social relationships. d. friendships transform being self-conscious to being more activity oriented.

a. the quality of the parent-child relationships at home

The textbook states that _________ is the most critical influence on adolescents' adjustment. Select one: a. the quality of the parent-child relationships at home b. attending a good school c. financial security d. living in a safe neighborhood

a. behaviorists

The theorists that emphasize the processes of reinforcement and punishment as the main influence on adolescent behavior are called _______. Select one: a. behaviorists b. humanists c. biologists d. psychologists

c. It is unwise to generalize about the nature of peer influence; peers can exert both positive and negative influences.

What generalization can you make about the nature of peer influence in adolescence? Select one: a. Girls are more susceptible to the influences of their peers than boys. b. Peers are more likely to encourage adolescents to behave in ways that adults disapprove than to encourage each other to engage in activities that adults approve, such as school. c. It is unwise to generalize about the nature of peer influence; peers can exert both positive and negative influences. d. The majority of peers encourage each other to value academic achievement

d. All of these are correct

What is it about adolescent thinking that makes them better problem solvers than children? Select one: a. improvements in memory b. improvements in attention c. improvements in processing speed d. All of these are correct

a. Intimacy is an important concern only in adolescence.

What statement about intimacy is false? Select one: a. Intimacy is an important concern only in adolescence. b. One of the central issues in the study of intimacy during adolescence is the onset of dating. c. Intimacy is characterized by a willingness to disclose private and occasionally sensitive topics and a sharing of common interests. d. Intimacy can take the form of close friendships between people of both sexes.

d. when the girl knows the facts about the physical changes her body will undergo

Which of the following conditions is most likely to produce the most favorable and easiest adjustment to menarche? Select one: a. when the girl's mother prepares her by describing the unpleasant aspects of menarche b. when the girl reaches menarche early c. when menarche occurs before the girl has been told about the physical changes that will occur d. when the girl knows the facts about the physical changes her body will undergo

b. regular ovulation

Which of the following female sex characteristics is usually the last to develop? Select one: a. menarche b. regular ovulation c. development of the nipples of the breasts d. growth of pubic hair

c. The adverse consequences of divorce for adolescents are directly linked to living in a single-parent household.

Which of the following is not a finding of social scientists regarding the effects of divorce on adolescents? Select one: a. The quality of an adolescent's relationship with important adults in the adolescent's life is more important than the number of parents in the home. b. It is the process of going through a divorce, not the change in family structure, that most affects the adolescent's mental health. c. The adverse consequences of divorce for adolescents are directly linked to living in a single-parent household. d. Some of the differences in the effects of divorce on adolescents are a result of genetic differences among individual adolescents.

d. increased imagination

Which of the following is not one of the five chief changes in cognition during adolescence? Select one: a. multidimensional thought b. metacognition c. abstract reasoning d. increased imagination

d. Gender Intensification

Which of the following is not one of the personality dimensions of the Five-Factor Model? Select one: a. Neuroticism b. Openness to Experience c. Agreeableness d. Gender Intensification

c. gender of the adolescent

Which of the following is not one of the three major factors that influence the transformation in family relationships that takes places during early adolescence? Select one: a. puberty b. changes in the balance of power c. gender of the adolescent d. violations of expectations

a. Recent studies of Mexican-American families have found that stress and conflict are higher in Latino families in which adolescents are relatively more acculturated than parents.

Which of the following research findings best describes the phenomenon known as generational dissonance? Select one: a. Recent studies of Mexican-American families have found that stress and conflict are higher in Latino families in which adolescents are relatively more acculturated than parents. b. One recent study of Black families found that teenagers rated their mother's behavior far more negatively than did either the mother or the researcher. c. Several researchers have demonstrated that family relationships change during puberty, with bickering between adolescents and their parents increasing and closeness between adolescents and their parents diminishing. d. Research suggests that the distancing that takes place between parents and teenagers in early and middle adolescence is temporary.

a. Cliques are typically more emotionally salient for adolescents involved in antisocial behavior.

Which of the following statements about cliques is false? Select one: a. Cliques are typically more emotionally salient for adolescents involved in antisocial behavior. b. Cliques are typically composed of adolescents from the same socioeconomic background. c. Cliques are typically composed of friends with similar interests and attitudes. d. Cliques rarely have members who differ in age.

d. Only half of all reciprocated best friendships that exist at the beginning of the school year exist at the end.

Which of the following statements about friendship stability is true? Select one: a. Opposite-sex friendships tend to be more stable than same-sex friendships. b. Girls' friendships tend to be more stable than boys' friendships. c. Well-adjusted adolescents tend to have friendships that don't last very long. d. Only half of all reciprocated best friendships that exist at the beginning of the school year exist at the end.

a. The body begins to produce several hormones that have not been present in the body up until this time.

Which of the following statements about the production of hormones at puberty is false? Select one: a. The body begins to produce several hormones that have not been present in the body up until this time. b. There is an increase in the production of certain hormones. c. Boys' bodies produce more androgens and girls' bodies produce more estrogens. d. The feedback loop regulating the endocrine system's set point for each hormone becomes increasingly important.

d. Early adolescent girls are more likely to say negative things about themselves than same-aged boys.

Which of the following statements regarding sex differences in self-perceptions is accurate? Select one: a. Early adolescent girls' self-esteem is higher than same-age boys. b. Early adolescent girls have lower self-consciousness than same-age boys. c. Early adolescent boys have a shakier self-image than same-age girls. d. Early adolescent girls are more likely to say negative things about themselves than same-aged boys.

b. Excessive thinness can delay onset of puberty.

Which of the following statements suggests that rising levels of the protein leptin is an important signal that tells the body it is ready for puberty? Select one: a. Production of pubic hair relates to increased sex drive. b. Excessive thinness can delay onset of puberty. c. Poorer adolescents tend to go through puberty earlier than non-poor adolescents. d. Excessive exercise promotes early physical development.

c. Biological

Which perspective identifies adolescence beginning with the onset of puberty and ends with being capable of sexual reproduction? a. Social b. Legal c. Biological d. Cognitive

c. an aggressive-withdrawn child

Who is at the greatest risk of developing psychological problems as a result of peer rejection? Select one: a. an aggressive child b. a withdrawn child c. an aggressive-withdrawn child d. a reclusive child

d. Frank, who appraises his reading comprehension before starting the next chapter

Who of the following is probably an adolescent (and not a child)? Select one: a. Maryann, who believes that people have complete control over their thoughts b. Matthew, who believes that it is very possible to go for a long period of time without thinking about anything c. Tamara, whose thinking is bound to observable events d. Frank, who appraises his reading comprehension before starting the next chapter

a. Cognitive-developmental; information-processing

___________ theorists believe that changes in cognitive abilities appearing during adolescence are qualitative, whereas __________ theorists believe they are quantitative. Select one: a. Cognitive-developmental; information-processing b. Cognitive-developmental; behavioral decision c. Information-processing; cognitive-developmental d. Information-processing; behavioral decision

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