Final - World History Adv.

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The clergy belonged to which Estate?

1st Estate

________ a plot to industrialize Russia by having the government take control of Industry and agriculture and pushing quotas. If you did not make your quota you were punished.

5 year plan

Matthew Perry is best known for _____________

A commodore in the American navy. He forced Japan into opening its doors to trade, thus brining western influence to Japan while showing American might.

a hereditary leader complete control over the government and supreme authority is ______________.

Absolute Monarchy

.__________ was a tank commander for the Nazis nicknamed the " Desert Fox." Had success in North Africa before losing at the Battle of Al Elamein forcing him to flee by to Germany.

Adolf Eichman

.Who attempted to gain power with the Beer Hall Putsch?

Adolf Hitler

______________________ tutored Alexander the Great and helped develop the Scientific method.


Medieval fortress that was converted to a prison stormed by peasants for ammunition during the early ages of the French Revolution


._____ last ditch effort to counterattack the allies by Germany. It was the largest battle in western Europe. Germans were successful at first then ran out of gas.

Battle of the Bulge

Why did the League of Nations fail?

Because the United States did not join

This philosopher would have supported an end to the death penalty here in the United States.


. British general who in an attack at El Alamein was able to drive the Germans away from the Suez Canal. This is ___________________

Bernard Montomery

_____________ is a disease that engulfed Europe during the Middle Ages. It killed about one-third of the population and was carried by fleas. Because of this, the feudal system died out.

Black Plague

Middle class of France


Policy of the Roman Government to distract the masses.

Bread and Circus

The industrial Revolution began in ___________________.


Organization that controlled India for the first period of its colonial history.

British East India Company

An economic system in which private individuals or businesses own capital goods. The production of goods and services is based on supply and demand in the general market


________is a king of the Franks who conquered much of Europe and spread Christianity in the conquered regions


Japan instituted what policy to keep out foreign influence and ideas?

Closed Door Policy

a totalitarian system of government in which a single authoritarian party controls state-owned means of production


Adam Smith believed you did not need government rules for industry because the markets would sort out problems through


compulsory enlistment for state service, typically into the armed forces is ______________


This Byzantine ( Rome 2.0) leader would convert to Christianity and pass the Edict of Milan stating that Christians could no longer be persecuted by his government.


King Hammurabi of Babylon is known for the __________________.

Creation of the first law code.

A series of holy wars from 1096-1270 AD undertaken by European Christians to free the Holy Land from Muslim rule was ___________________


The EFFECTS of the Crusades are which of the following?

Cultural spread from Islamic ME to Europe, trade between Europe and ME, a Decline in Feudalism.

The ____________ between Athens, Sparta, and the other City states was meant to help prevent another Persian invasion but lead to Athens rise in power and influence and would cause further friction with Sparta.

Delian League

This document spread enlightenment Ideas to people all over the world. The document held a compilation of different Enlightenment philosophers ideas.

Diderot's Encyclopedia

What Roman Emperor decided that the best way to save the empire was to split it into 2 parts?


_______ is when a large number of citizens take part in the day to day affairs of government such as making laws.

Direct Democracy

What rank on the diagram was culturally powerful but actually held little day to day political power?


France's traditional national assembly with representatives of the three estates, or classes, in French society: the clergy, nobility, and commoners. The calling of the _________ in 1789 led to the French Revolution. This was the __________

Estates General

One of the Catholic Churches means of punishment was ______________ which means to be banished from the church, rejected by society, and would often lead to homelessness and exile.


____________ was the nickname by the Nazi's to the " Jewish question"

FInal Solution

system bringing manufacturing steps together in one place to increase efficiency. This is the _______

Factory System

________ is a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.


___________ is a system in which nobles are granted the use of lands that legally belong to their king, in exchange for their loyalty, military service, and protection of the people who live on the land


Land granted by a lord to a vassal in exchange for loyalty and service is a _____________________


Muhammad is the ________________

Founder and prophet of Islam

________ is an Allied Commander of the Third Army. Was instrumental in winning the Battle of the Bulge. Considered one of the best military commanders in American history.

George S. Patton

In the event of this not succeeding, we make Mexico a proposal of alliance on the following basis: make war together, make peace together, generous financial support and an understanding on our part that Mexico is to reconquer the lost territory in Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. The settlement in detail is left to you.- Zimmerman Telegram The Statement above led to which of the following?

Germany sending a telegram asking Mexico to invade the USA leading to USA involvement in ww1

Under John Locke's theory of natural rights our inalienable rights come from __________________


A polis is a _________________________

Greek City State

The machine for beheading people, used as a means of execution during the French Revolution


This leader from Carthage was a ruthless yet skilled General who surprise attacked Rome was his army and war elephants through the swiss alps.

Hannibal Barca

Who was able to come to power because of the decisions made about the Treaty of Versailles?


This philosopher called for a social contract in order to have a secure and organized society because humans are inherently selfish and bad.


The Mongol Empire was so effective at Military conquest because it perfected which of the following?

Horseback riding

The Guns, Germs, and Steel theory explained which of the following about Europe?

How geography, resources, and some luck enabled Europe to advance at a rate that other countries did not.

The Quran is the holy book of _________


_______________ is a city that Christianity, Judaism, and Islam consider holy.


________________ was a French Leader during the 100 years war. She lead the French army to a series of victories. She was charged by the English with heresy due to her " visions" and burned at the stake.

Joan of Arc

A synagogue is the place of worship in ______________.


Abraham is the founder of ___________________________.


The Torah is the holy book of __________


This leader was assassinated by the Roman Senate after he forced them to declare him Dictator for life.

Juluis Caesar

20. Read the passage below concerning King Leopold's Congo "Free State" to answer the question. What does this Say about The Belgian Kings management of the country? I was anxious to see to what extent the natives had "adopted the fostering care" of your Majesty's "benevolent enterprise" (?), and I was doomed to bitter disappointment. Instead of the natives of the Congo "adopting the fostering care" of your Majesty's Government, they everywhere complain that their land has been taken from them by force; that the Government is cruel and arbitrary, and declare that they neither love nor respect the Government and its flag. Your Majesty's Government has sequestered their land, burned their towns, stolen their property, enslaved their women and children, and committed other crimes too numerous to mention in detail. It is natural that they everywhere shrink from "the fostering care" your Majesty's Government so eagerly proffers them. GEORGE WASHINGTON WILLIAMS'S OPEN LETTER TO KING LEOPOLD ON THE CONGO 1890

King Leopold's managers through imperialism tortured, enslave, and brutalized the Congolese people

a doctrine opposing governmental interference in economic affairs beyond the minimum necessary for the maintenance of peace and property rights

Laissez faire

Viziers were officials who _________________.

Lead the various levels of the Egyptian government.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. ------ This quote from the Declaration of independence best matches the beliefs of __________________


fear of the nobility would provoke ____________ to build an elaborate Palace of Versailles to control them.

Lois XIV

Who was the king of France when the French Revolution began?

Louis XVI

The right to a speedy trial, no taxation without representation, and a trial by a jury of your peers came from the ___________________________

Magna Carta

. _________ was the name of the secret program that created the Atomic bomb.

Manhattan Project

Venetian merchant and traveler. His accounts of his travels to China offered Europeans a firsthand view of Asian lands and stimulated interest in Asian trade. This is ____________________________________________

Marco Polo

____________________ is the holiest city in Islam and the Prophet Muhammad


what class had the least respect and influence on Japanese society?


The region in the map below is the site of the first civilization and known as the "land between two rivers" or _________________


8. The building up ones armed forces is seen as a cause of WW1 and is referred to as _______________


Athens was a city state based on democratic ideas. Whereas Sparta was a city state based on __________


One of the things that christianity, Judaism, and Islam have in common is that they are ______________________


Overthrew French Directory in 1799 and became emperor of the French in 1804. Failed to defeat Great Britain and abdicated in 1814. Returned to power briefly in 1815 but was defeated and died in exile.


Egyptian civilization was centered around the fertile land near the _______________________

Nile river

People who travel from place to place looking for food are _______________.


. _______________ was an agreement between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union ( Russia) to not attack each other and to invade and divide control of Poland. Hitler would break this agreement with his invasion of Russia.

Non- Aggression pact.

____________ is a government ruled by a small group of people.


._________ was the code name of the Nazi invasion of Russia which was one of the largest land invasions in history.

Operation Barbarossa

._______ was the surprise attack on American naval forces in Hawaii that was supposed to knock the American Navy out of the war in the pacific.

Pearl Harbor

The policy of adopting western ideas, culture, and technology was called westernization and was supported by _________________.

Peter the Great

What was Operation Sealion?

Planned German invasion of Great Britain

_____________ is the belief in many Gods.


According to Karl Marx, control of the means of Production would eventually be seized by the


One of the benefits of Genghis Khans control over his empire was ____________________

Protection of the Silk Road

A Jewish religious teacher is a __________________.


Self-proclaimed holy man who claimed to heal the sick and have prophecy. He had much influence over Tsarina Alexandra and she often went to him for advise on political issues. This was which of the following people?


The period (1793-94) during the French Revolution when thousands were executed for "disloyalty"

Reign of Terror

2. The Romans established a _____________ which is similar to our government here in the United States because we the people elect our leaders to go make decisions for us.


something being ___________ means that it concerns worldly matters rather than spiritual ones


A system that allows each branch of government to limit the powers of the other branches in order to prevent abuse of power was _______________________.( Adopted from the ideas of Montesquieu)

Separation of Powers

Tokugawa Leyasu depicted below, rose to the rank of __________ after uniting all of Japan as a warlord.

Shogun : A general who ruled Japan in the emperor's name

________________ developed a method of learning through reason, logic, and asking questions. He was executed by Athens on the charge of corrupting the youth.


_______ was a program ordered by the Spanish monarchy to investigate and eliminate heresy in the kingdom.

Spanish Inquisition

19. The Peloponnesian war resulted in ___________

Sparta defeating Athens leading to Athens decline

The Apostle Paul is best Known for ___________________.

Spreading the Christian religion throughout the Roman Empire

. ________ is a city in Russia, site of a Red Army victory over the Germany army in 1942-1943. The Battle of Stalingrad was the turning point in the war between Germany and the Soviet Union. Today Volgograd.


________ massive siege of the city that bears the dictator of Russia's name during ww2. Also the Volga River runs through it making it a huge supply depot for the Russian's. The Nazi's defeat would mark a turning point in the war in the east.


A pledge made by members of the third estate vowing to continue to meet until they had drawn up a new constitution

Tennis Court Oath

13We have the civil war in Russia, but not in Germany. Our agitation is going further, but we are not agitating with words but with the revolution. And that remains. Stalin is wrong when he says that we do not need to sign. We must sign these conditions. If you do not do this, then you will sign the death warrant of the Soviet power in three weeks. These conditions do not infringe upon the Soviet power. I do not waver in the slightest. I do not put the ultimatum in order to withdraw it again. I want no revolutionary phrase. The German revolution has not yet matured. That requires months. The conditions must be accepted. If a new ultimatum then comes, we shall have a new situation." -(Lenin, on the Brest- Litovsk treaty. Sämtliche Werke, Vol. XXII, p. 297.) The statement above refers to which of the following?

The Russian decision to sign Brest- Litovsk ending their involvement in ww1

Urbanization is ______________________.

The act of people moving from the country to the city

The Wansee Conference focused primarily on what goal?

The final solution to the Jewish Question

The assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand is seen as which of the following?

The spark that began ww1

The Pharaoh in Egypt being a God King is an example of Egypt having what type of government?


Wrote the Declaration of Independence and inspired by John Locke.

Thomas Jefferson

.What was meant to be the purpose of the League of Nations?

To prevent future wars from taking place

17. A conflict in which the participating countries devote all their resources to the war effort is ______________

Total War

16. World one was mainly fought by opposing sides on the western front through the use of ________________

Trench Warfare

Leader of the Bolshevik (later Communist) Party. He lived in exile in Switzerland until 1917, then returned to Russia to lead the Bolsheviks to victory during the Russian Revolution and the civil war that followed. This was which of the following people?

Vladimir Lenin

French philosopher. He believed that freedom of speech was the best weapon against bad government. He also spoke out against the corruption of the French government, and the intolerance of the Catholic Church.


a war based on wearing down the other side with constant attacks and heavy losses is a ____________

War of attrition

The site of Napoleon's final defeat by British and Prussian armies in 1815, which ended his last bid for power.


Most of the earliest factories were located near major


Karl Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto and Adam Smith wrote ______________________

Wealth Of Nations

This philosopher denied male supremacy and advocated for equal education for women.


Whose idea was the 14 points?

Woodrow Wilson

_______ meeting between Stalin, Churchill, and FDR to plan the aftermath of the War in Europe. They would divide Germany and Berlin in half. Stalin would keep Eastern Europe and declare war on Japan after the defeat of Germany.

Yalta Conference

Towers made of mud bricks in Mesopotamia cities were called______________. Thought to possibly be religious temples.


"Divine Right" monarchy was a term used to refer to

a king's power derived from God

A Daimyo is ____________________

a lord or noble in feudal japan

The twelve tables was a ________________

a set of written laws to protect Rome's Plebian class

_________ is an area with surrounding territory that forms an independent state or government.


Athens was a Greek City State based on __________


The Japanese viewed the Emperor as _______ and therefore united to _______________________

divine, fight to the death

A movement in the 18th century that advocated the use of reason in the reappraisal of accepted ideas and social institutions ( rule and authority of kings) was _____________________


Adam smith is considered the ___________

father of capitalism

Someone who goes against religious beliefs is a ___________________


The Mongol Empire under Genghis Khan would go on to become one of the _____________________

largest continuous land empires in history

Genocide means the killing of a _________


Papal Supremacy is ______________________

the claim of medieval popes that they had authority over all secular rulers

What was the nanjing Massacre?

the murder of as many as 300,000 Chinese men, women, and children by Japanese troops

Alexander the Great's most lasting accomplishment is __________________

the spread of Hellenistic culture

why did Merchants become so wealthy during the crusades?

they gave loans to the lords to finance ship travel to the holy land

..What did Germany want out of the Munich Conference?

to receive the Sudetenland

15. Genghis Khan is responsible for ___________________

uniting the Mongol tribes and conquering the largest continuous land empire in history

One consequence of the Enlightenment is that it ________________________

would lead to the American and French Revolutons

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