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Design concentration, total flooding quantity, and discharge rate for fire extinguisher and agent are based on the minimal amount of agent concentration supplied by each system for fire extinguishment and on cup burner extinguishment concentration plus a ______percent safety factor at ______degrees Celsius (_______degrees Fahrenheit)

40% 20°C 68°F

During the hose and coupling pressure test what do you gradually increase the pressure to?

45 psi to initially check couplings, then 100 psi and hold for 5 minutes

The third stage cylinder on the EBAC compresses the air to what psi?

4500 psi

What psi is the SCBA air tank?

4500 psi

Class delta fires burn with an intense heat of up to what temperature?


The relief valve on the RIC/UAC assembly will open at what psi if the pressure of the emergency air supply exceeds the maximum pressure rating of 4500 psi?

4850 psi

On the EBAC the third stage ambient air is compressed up to a maximum operating pressure of what?

4950 psig

The naval firefighters thermal imager can sense the difference in infrared radiation given off by objects with a temperature difference of what?


What type of line is used as the SCBA tending line?

50 foot in length, 3/16 of an inch aircraft cable with clear plastic covering

With regard to hydrants and piping in fireman systems, water pressure in the system must be approximately what psi at the two hydrants that are the highest or furthest from the pumps while operating simultaneously?

50 psi

The remote pressure indicator provides the user a reading of cylinder air pressure in what increments?

500 psi increments

When operating the EBAC where do you position the pre-filter?

6 feet above ground and 7 feet upwind of the diesel exhaust pipe

Army watercraft uses what percent concentrate foam?


Fires can smolder in as low as what percent oxygen content?


He generated by lightning can be in excess of what temperature?

60,000°F (33,316°C)

The second stage cylinder on the EBAC compressor is the air to what psi?

640 to 680 psi

The EBAC's 6HP, 3600 RPM Yanmar Diesel Engine has a .92 gallon fuel capacity that provides what running time?

70 minutes

In highlift operation the P 100 will deliver how many gallons per minute at what psi while lifting how many feet?

71 gallons per minute at 62 PSI lifting 44 feet

The burst disc on the SCBA cylinder actuates when pressure inside the cylinder reaches what?

7200 psi

The first stage cylinder on the EBAC compresses the air to what psi?

90-95 psi

What is the ratio of water to foam solution in AFFF?

97% water 3% foam solution

Combustion is sustained through what?

A chemical chain reaction

What is pyrolysis?

A chemical decomposition due to the application of heat

What is the definition of oxidation?

A chemical process in which a substance combines with oxygen

What is a mass conflagaration?

A large fire

what are the four classes of fire?

A, B, C, D

According to table 3-1 what type of extinguishers are used on a bravo classification fire?

AFFF, A, B, and C multipurpose dry chemical, FM 200, carbon dioxide, water fog

Visual alarms will be what color light?

Amber strobe light activated by means of a pressure switch actuated by release of agent

What is a calorie?

Amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 g of water 1°C

What is a British thermal unit?

Amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 pound of water 1°F

How often will firehose and couplings be tested to the maximum pressure they may be subjected in service?


The FM 200 must be recertified how often by the manufactures certified technician?


What is a combustible liquid?

Any liquid that gives off flammable vapors at or above 80°F

What is a flammable liquid?

Any liquid that gives off flammable vapors at or below 80°F

What is the law of conservation of mass?

Any mass lost converts to energy

What are the three types of alarms used on Army watercraft?

Audible, visual, Time delay

When fresh air is allowed into a space before the fuel vapor cools below its flashpoint and ignites explosively is known as what?


Safety begins and ends when?

Begins on the drawing board, ends when the vessel is decommissioned

What is the self-sustaining reaction within a fire?

Burning vapor produces heat which releases and ignites more vapor

How do you dry chemical fire extinguishing agents extinguish fires?

By interrupting the chemical reaction of fuel and oxygen

According to table 3-1 what are the types of extinguisher used on a Charlie classification fire?

Carbon dioxide, A, B, and C multipurpose dry chemical, FM 200, purple potassium powder (PKP)

What is the byproduct of combustion which results from incomplete combustion?

Carbon monoxide

What are the two basic types of foam?

Chemical and mechanical

What are the sources of heat energy?

Chemical, electrical, mechanical, nuclear, solar

Who is jointly responsible with the master for training and use of emergency equipment?

Chief engineer

Combustible gases may be present after what class of fire has been extinguished?

Class B

What are the two methods used to don the SCBA?

Coat style or over the head

On a hose coupling which end is toward the nozzle and which end is toward the water source?

Female end toward the nozzle male end toward the water source

The firefighter ensemble consists of which components?

Firefighters coveralls; anti-flash hood; anti-flash gloves; helmet; firefighter gloves; Firemans boots; storage bag; flashlight, explosionproof; SCBA

What is a class D fire?

Fires involving combustible metals such as magnesium and titanium

What is a class A fire?

Fires involving wood and wood products, cloth, textiles and fibrous materials, paper and paper products and or extinguished with water

What is a class B fire?

Fires that involve gasoline, solvents, oil, and other flammable liquids

Who is responsible for safety, firefighting, and Training aboard an army vessel?

First mate

What sizes are firefighters gloves available in?

Five sizes, extra small through extra large

What sizes are the Firemans boots available in?

Five through 15

The firefighter ensemble protect personnel from what?

Flame or flash exposure, heat, falling debris

What are four hazardous products of combustion?

Flames, heat, gases, smoke

Fire burns in what two basic combustion modes?

Flaming and smoldering

A Successful fire prevention program should include what?

Formal and informal training; periodic inspections; preventative maintenance and repair; recognition of effort

The firefighting team consists ideally of how many members?


What are the three elements required for combustion?

Fuel, oxygen, heat

What are the four sides of the fire tetrahedron?

Fuel, oxygen, heat, the chain reaction

Two rectangular green LEDs on the HUD indicate what level of air pressure?

Full to 3/4 full

What is the signal for dismissal from fire and emergency stations?

General alarm three times supplemented by the ships whistle for the same

What is the simplest and most effective method of fire prevention?

Good housekeeping

Roll over takes place in what stage?

Growth stage

What are the size and color requirements for system warning placards?

Half inch red lettering on a white background

The FM 200 extinguishes fire through what?

Heat absorption and chain breaking

After a class bravo fire the compartment should be tested for which gases?

Hydrocarbons, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrogen chloride, hydrogen cyanide

What are the five distinct stages in the growth of a fire?

Ignition, Growth, flashover, fully developed fire, decay

At 10 kW/m2 what is the human tolerance to radiant heat?

Immediate blistering

At 380°F (190°C) what is the human tolerance to heat?

Immediate incapacitation, death 15 minutes

What are the requirements for a staging area?

In a smoke free area; near the fire; open deck location; usually upwind

At 200°F (90°C) what is the human tolerance to heat?

Incapacitation 35 minutes, death 60 minutes

At 300°F (150°C) what is the human tolerance to heat?

Incapacitation five minutes, death 30 minutes

What is a pyrometer?

Indicates the presence of heat and often the relative intensity although not specific temperatures

What method of attack is used when conditions do not allow firefighters to enter the space?

Indirect attack

Requirements for portable fire extinguishers are set forth in chapter II-2 of what?

International convention for the safety of life at sea (SOLAS) regulations from the international maritime organization

At 400°F (200°C) what is the human tolerance to heat?

Irreversible respiratory tract damage

How is the water washdown system employed in conjunction with the FM 200?

It is activated prior to activating the FM 200 and must continue until a minimum of 15 minutes after the FM 200 bottles are emptied

What are the two ways water is used as a firefighting agent?

It is used primarily as a cooling agent; a secondary method of water extinguishment is steam smothering

What are eductors?

Jet type pumps that contain no moving parts

According to table 3-1 what are the types of extinguishers used on a delta classification fire?

Jettison from ship or extinguish with special dry powders based on sodium chloride or other salts; also clean dry sand can be used

What are the two types of Yanmar engine models?

L100AE-D, prior to Jan 2000 L100EE-D, after Jan 2000

Aqueous film forming foam is also known as what?

Light water

One round red LED on the HUD indicates what?

Low battery

What is auto ignition temperature?

Lowest temperature at which a combustible material ignites in air without a spark, flame, or other sources of ignition

What are the two types of personal protective clothing for firefighting?

Proximity and approach

What is the PASS system for operating portable extinguishers?

Pull the pin Aim at the base of the fire Squeeze the trigger Sweep side to side

during combustion what type of heat is released?

Radiant heat

Heat that radiates back to the fuel is called what?

Radiation feedback

With regard to the SBCA what does RIC/UAC for?

Rapid intervention crew/universal air connection

What are the four methods of extinguishing a fire?

Removing the fuel, removing the oxygen, removing the heat, break the chain reaction

What is known as a flame front of burning gases formed across the overhead of a space?

Roll over

What are the two types of eductors?

S type and perijet

What resource has information on each individual hazardous product carried onboard ship?


What is the mental process of evaluating all influencing factors before committing personnel and equipment to a course of action?

Size up

What is the first sign of fire spreading?


What are the three states in which matter exists?

Solid, liquid, gas (vapor)

On the EBAC the carbon monoxide indicator changes from what color to what color when CO content exceeds acceptable levels?

Tan to dark brown

What is fire point?

Temperature at which a liquid fuels produce vapors sufficient to support continuous combustion once ignited by an outside ignition source

What does the fire tetrahedron represent?

The combustion process

Which type of fixed fire fighting system is sized to the machinery space it is designed to protect?

The fixed CO2 system

What is radiation?

The transfer of heat across an intervening space; no material substances involved

What is conduction?

The transfer of heat through a solid body

For a solid fuel to burn it must be changed into what state?

Vapor state

Fire hoses are inspected visually how often and pressure tested how often?

Visually inspected weekly, pressure tested monthly

What type of extinguishing agent is never used on a class D fire?

Water because it will increase the intensity of the fire and spread it

How are class B fires extinguished?

Water fog, aqueous film forming foam (AFFF), FM 200, CO2

According to table 3-1 what type of extinguishers are used on a classification alpha fire?

Water, A, B, and C multipurpose dry chemical

What is a by product of combustion resulting from complete combustion?

carbon dioxide

What is a class C fire?

energized electrical fires

What is the preferred method of extinguishing a class A fire?

hi velocity fog

What are the three extinguishing advantages of AFFF?

- aqueous film is formed on the surface which prevents the escape of hydrocarbon fuel vapors -The layer of foam excludes oxygen from the fuel surface -The water content of the foam provides a cooling effect

Gasoline has a flash point of what temperature?

-45°F (-43°C)

Aboard ship, CO2 fire extinguisher and equipment includes what three things?

15 pound CO2 extinguishers, 50 pound CO2 hose and reel installations, 50 pound CO2 installed flooding systems

In order to extinguish a fire by controlling the oxygen, a large enough volume of CO2 must be used to reduce the oxygen content to what level?

15% or less

On the SCBA the pressure reducer secondary path reduces the input pressure to what psi?

150 psi

What temperature is proximity clothing rated for?

1500°F (816°C)

What is the wet weight of the P 100 pump unit?

164 pounds which includes 1.45 gallons of fuel

What is the steam expansion rate of water?

1700 to 1

The pressure relief valve actuates above what pressure?

185 psi

Pound for pound, liquid fuels produce how much more heat than wood?

2 1/2 times more

How long can the P 100 pump unit be operated for on one tank of fuel?

2.75 hours

1 AFFF extinguisher will effectively extinguish what size flammable liquid fire?

20 ft.² (4 1/2' x 4 1/2')

What is the maximum moisture level for the air in the SCBA cylinders?

20 mg/m3

On the SCBA the HUD shall initialize with all five LEDs on for approximately how long before displaying the cylinder air pressure as a percentage of the air remaining?

20 seconds

The Vibralert alarm will sound when what percent of cylinder air remains?

20 to 25%

What temperature is approach clothing rated for?

2000°F (1093°C)

What is the maximum inclination of the P 100 for operation?


Water is most efficient when it absorbs enough heat to raise its temperature to what?

212°F (100°C)

The pressure maintaining valve on the EBAC is factory set at what psi?

2175 psi

What is the shelf life of foam?

25 years

The vibralert will activate when air has reached approximately what percentage and psi?

25% and 1125 psi

PKP extinguishers have what ranges?

27 pound extinguisher has 21 foot range, 18 pound extinguisher has 19 foot range

What concentration of hydrogen fluoride gas can be fatal or harmful?

3 ppm and above

One rectangular green LED on the HUD indicates what cylinder pressure?

3/4 to 1/2 full

During hose and coupling pressure test the total length of test hose line will not exceed what length?

300 feet

What is the normal operating temperature range of the spaces protected by fire fighting systems?

32 to 130°F

What is the minimum required distance to use water fog as an extinguishing agent on a fire involving energized electrical equipment?

4 feet

The CO2 extinguisher has what range and what length of continuous operation?

4 to 6 feet from the outer end of the horn and 40 seconds of continuous operation

1 cal equals how many joules?


One AFFF extinguisher can be used to vapor seal a fuel spill to prevent a fire up to what size?

40 ft.² (6' x 6')

The low pressure hose provides pressure of what psig to second stage regulator?

~100 psig

What are the limitations of foam?

-electrically conductive -should not be used on combustible metal fires -should not be used on fires involving gases

The mask mounted regulator on the SCBA reduces air pressure to what?

0.3 -3.5 inches of water

One BTU equals how many joules?


One rectangular yellow slowly flashing LED indicates a cylinder pressure of what?

1/2 to 1/4 full

One rectangular red rapidly flashing LED indicates what level cylinder pressure?


With regard to fire fighting systems, in no case will the design concentration exceed the lowest observed adverse effect level of _____percent at the highest ambient temperature expected in the hazard areas at _____degrees Celsius (______degrees Fahrenheit)

10.5% 54°C 130°F

The P 100 pump unit is designed to provide how many gallons per minute at what psi while lifting how many feet?

100 gallons per minute at 83 PSI while lifting 20 feet

On the SCBA the pressure reducer primary path reduces the input pressure to what PSI?

100 psi

The first stage regulator reduces cylinder pressure to what?

100 psi

What is the maximum pressure the firehose and couplings will be tested to during annual inspection?

100 psi

On the SCBA the pressure reducer secondary path is activated when cylinder pressure drops to what psi?

1000-1250 psi

What is the total dry weight of the P 100 pump unit?

106.9 pounds

Inclination of the EBAC must not exceed what degree incline in any direction?


The flash over stage normally occurs at the time the temperature of the upper smoke layer reaches what temperature?

1100°F (600°C)

The bottles of the FM 200 have a shelflife of how long?

12 years between hydrostatic testing unless they have been discharged

The purge valve can be adjusted to provide a constant air flow of how much?

125 L per minute

FM 200 will break down chemically and create hydrogen fluoride gas when exposed to temperatures in excess of what?


The AFFF extinguisher has what range and what length continuous discharge time?

15 foot initial range and 55 to 65 second continuous discharge time

All fire fighting systems provide how long of reflash protection?

15 minutes

When running the EBAC how long do you ensure the condensate drain valves are open for?

15 minutes every hour

What publication governs the quality of air used in the SCBA?

Compressed gas Association (CGA) G - 7.1, commodity specification for air, 1997 edition

What are the three different modes of heat transfer?

Conduction, radiation, convection

What is the fire signal?

Continuous blast of the ships whistle for not less than 10 seconds supplemented by the continuous ringing of the general alarm bells

What are the four specific actions of fire extinguishing agents?

Cooling, smothering, oxygen dilution, chain breaking

It is the job of what chain of command to make firefighting decisions that are based on reports from the scene, investigators, and from boundary men?

Damage control chain of command

What type of pump is used on the P 100 pump unit?

Darley 2BE pump

At 650°F (340°C) what is the human tolerance to heat?


Once a fire is extinguished what specific actions must be taken to return the space to a condition suitable for remaining?

Desmoking, atmospheric testing, dewatering, thorough follow up inspection

Ventilation is only used on what type of attack when fighting a fire?

Direct attack

Which method of attack is the most ideal method and involves short bursts with a narrow fog or direct stream on the fire?

Direct attack

What are the three most often used types of portable fire extinguishers aboard army vessels

Dry chemical, CO2, aqueous film forming foam

What is the most common portable fire extinguisher found on army watercraft?

Dry chemical, mono ammonium phosphate (he multipurpose)

How are class D fires extinguished?

Dry powders

Who gives permission for eductor operation?

Engineering officer of the watch

What should be done after the fire alarm is sounded in the situation has been investigated?

Establish communications and a staging area

The NFPA requires cleaning of PPE how often?

Every six months

How often must foam stored in tanks be tested?

Every two years

What are the four types of fixed fire fighting systems aboard army watercraft?

FM 200/heptaflouropropane, water washdown system, carbon dioxide, galley fire suppression system

What are the two types of portable foam systems?

Mechanical foam nozzle and in-line proportioner

What is flashpoint?

Minimum temperature at which a liquid fuel gives off sufficient vapors to form an ignitable mixture with the air near the surface

What is ignition temperature?

Minimum temperature to which a fuel in air must be heated to start self sustained combustion independent of an outside ignition source

What does radiation Feedback create?

More vapors from the fuel source

78% of air is what gas?


At 1 kW/m2 what is the human tolerance to radiant heat?

Noon sun radiation on clear sunny day

What are the different tending line signals?

O- 1 pull, okay A- 2 pulls, advance T- 3 pulls, take up H- 4 pulls, help

With regard to personnel accountability what allows officers to know exactly who is operating on the scene of a fire?

On duty list

What are the four basic categories of protective breathing apparatus?

Open circuit SCBA, supply breathing apparatus, air purifying respirator, emergency escape breathing device

What are the three layers of fire safety equipment?

Outer shell, moisture barrier, thermal barrier

At 5 kW/m2 what is the human tolerance to radiant heat?

Pain threshold for exposed skin

Flammable liquid spills and leaks from what source cover a large area, release a great amount of vapor, and produce a great amount of heat when ignited?

Pressurized sources

what law specifies that heat tends to flow from a hot substance to a cold substance?

The law of heat flow

Who maintains plots of all damage control information throughout the ship and will pass along all pertinent information to the scene leader?

The locker leader

What is the definition of the flashpoint?

The lowest temperature at which a liquid gives off sufficient vapor to form an ignitable mixture

Where do you record the EBAC running time?

The operating logbook and the DA form 4993 engine department log

What is the definition of combustion?

The rapid oxidation of millions of vapor molecules

What is the thermal layering of gases?

The tendency of gases to form layers according to temperature also known as heat stratification and thermal balance

What is convection?

The transfer of heat through the motion of circulating gases or liquids

What is the definition of firefighting?

The use of strategies, personnel, equipment, and systems to extinguish fires.

What condition is required in order to safely extinguish a flammable gas fire?

There is a reasonable certainty that the flow of gas can be secured

The P 100 pump is fitted with suction and discharge fittings of what two sizes?

Three and 2 1/2 inches

Before using the EBAC to SCBA cylinders ensure air samples have been taken within how long?

Three months

What is the most important feature to incorporate into fire drills?

Time compression

What CFR covers testing of carbon dioxide cylinders?

Title 46 CFR 147.65

What CFR contains specific fire protection requirements for watercraft?

Title 46 CFR parts 90 to 139

What CFR lists the requirements for periodic qualification of CO2 cylinders?

Title 49 CFR 180.209

True or false, fires normally spread faster upward to the space above than to adjacent horizontal spaces?


How long can the P 100 engine run with water discharge?

Two minutes

Prior to space reentry activate the aqueous foam forming film bilge sprinkling for how long?

Two minutes

How long is foam in 5 gallon plastic containers serviceable for?

Until exposed to the elements

How are class C fires extinguished?

Using non-conductive agents such as CO2 or FM 200 at prescribed distances. The most effective tactic is to deenergize and handle as a class A or B fire

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