First Aid Test Review (Principles of Health Science)

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Which is a sign of a severe airway block?

-Cannot breathe, talk or make sounds -Has a cough that has no sound -Makes the choking sign

Removing Gloves

-Grip glove and pull -Put glove in other hand -Use 2 fingers inside glove and peel off -Disposes of gloves

What is the next step when giving first aid to someone who has been bitten by a spider, after you've ensured scene safety and put on PPE?

-Phone 911 -Wash bite area with lots of running water and soap -Put bag of ice and water wrapped in a towel on the bite

How do you protect an amputated body part?

-Rinse amputated part with clean water -Cover it with clean dressing -Place it in a water tight plastic bag -Place in another bag / container with ice or ice with water. Label it with the injured person's name, date, and the time -Bring body part with injured person to the hospital; do not place amputated part directly on ice; can damage it

Find the problem (Responsive)

-Scene is safe -Tap shoulders, shout "Are you OK?" (2x) -Ask what the problem is -If person only moves, moans, or groans, should for help. Phone or send someone for AED kit and first aid kit -Check for breathing, if breathing and doesn't need immediate first aid, look for obvious signs of injuries and medical jewelry; tells you if they have a serious medical condition

Find the problem (Unresponsive)

-Scene is safe -Tap shoulders, shout "Are you OK?" (2x) -Send someone to call 911 and get an AED kit -if you're alone, phone 911 and put on speaker mode; get AED kit and first aid kit -Check breathing, if they're not breathing, provide CPR and use AED if available -If breathing, check for medical jewelry -Stay with them until more advanced help arrives

Stopping bleeding and bandaging

-Scene is safe -Send someone to get the first aid kit -Put on PPE; if possible, have person apply direct pressure over wound while you put on PPE -Apply dressing; use direct pressure -If it doesn't stop, add more dressing and press harder; do not remove already placed dressing; keep pressure till it stops -Once bleeding has stopped or you can't keep pressure, wrap a bandage firmly over the dressings to hold them in place

Using an Epinephrine pen

-Take off safety cap -Push tip of injector hard against the side of thigh midway

How long should you rub the surface of your hand during hand washing?

20 seconds

What should you do if someone is confused and needs first aid?

Assume the person wants help.

What should you spray on a person with heat exhaustion?

Cool water spray

A coworker is struck in the abdomen while on break. The coworker has a bruise and shows signs of shock. What should you suspect is wrong?

Internal bleeding

You are running on a track at a local school. You came across a woman who is fallen and is bleeding from a cut on her leg. Where do you apply direct pressure to this cut?

Over the bleeding area

What should you do if someone with an injury or illness at work refuses care?

Phone 911 and stay with them until help arrives

Which are the best methods you can use to get more info on first aid, CPR, and AED training?

Phoning 911 (?)

You are hiking on a trail and come across an adult woman who appears to have trouble breathing and has swelling of the tongue and face. What should you look for that could help you determine her possible medical condition?

Severe allergic reaction; swelling of the tongue and face

You and a friend are picking berries at a local farm. You notice a man who has been stung by a bee and has difficult breathing. Where should the epinephrine pen be injected into this person?

Side of the thigh midway

You are running on a track at a local school. You come across a woman who has fallen and is bleeding from a cut on her leg. Why is it important to properly remove your gloves after first aid?

So anyone else who comes into contact with the bio hazard waste bag does not get exposed to blood or body fluids

What should you do after you've finished taking care of an injured person at work?

Stay with the person until advanced help arrives

Why should you wear PPE?

They help keep you safe from blood and bodily fluids such as urine or saliva

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