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perception or awareness of the position and movement of the body. Highly correlated with somatosensation and vestibular

A graph that shows pH optimal ph level

ph concept.

outgroups vs ingroups

outgroups are viewed as similar and in-groups are viewed as different.

If the pka of citric acid is 3.13, what is the pH of a buffer solution composed of 0.005 M citric acid and 0.5 M sodium citrate?

Henderson hasselbach equation

Entropy can be descried according to the equation shown, where k is Boltzmann's constant (1.38x10^-23 J/k) and W is the number of energetically equivalent ways to arrange the components of a system. Given a system with a maximum of two equivalent energetic states, which expression gives the entropy of the system? S = klnW


Which graph best depicts the expected relationship between neuroticism and the time required to compete the fast-walking task?

.14 thus it would weak positive correlation.

Approximately what percentage of the general population suffers from schizophrenia?

1% Anxiety: 18% Depression 10%

The ocular tracking device uses an infrared LED that reflects light off of the eye. This reflection is detected by a samll video camera and the data is used to calculate eye movement. Light from this LED would most likely be of what wavelength?

1000 nm because that is infrared.

Dysfunction of the pancreatic B-cells would probably result in which disease manifestation?

Diabetes. Disfunction in alpha-iselts could lead to hypoglycemia (not excessive amount of glucose released) or hyperglycemia (excessive glucose release). Cancer is related to uncontrolled cell division. Cardiac arrest is related to high risk task

type 1 error vs type 2

False positive and false negative

Linear relationship

A relationship that has a straight line graph. If both axis are increasing by a constant ratio. If it doesn't increase by a constant ratio in both of the axis than that means that its exponential. If one of the axis added by a fixed amount but the corresponding axis is multiplied than that means its exponential.

Which methodological limitation was introduced by the researchers by using self-reported data on the amount of weekly television watched and physical activity performed? social desirability

Social disiability: The people in the study may make them seem more desirable then they actually are. Tendency of survey respondents to answer questions in a manner that will be viewed favorable by others. Selection bias: It focuses on selecting participants and placing them in test or control groups in an experimental design. Placing people in a certain group compared to another. Clearly, this research is not an experimental design because it used survey data. Overgeneralization: Extrapolate our study further then we should. Is wrong because this is an issue when researchers see a pattern or trend that it is. This question does not ask about researcher interpretations.

A patient has the physcial symtoms of acute appendicitis, and reports extreme anxiety that his appendix is aobut to rupture. However, his doctors verify that he does not have appendicitis or any other medical condition. Following consultation with a psychiatrist, the patient is most likely to be diagnosed with

Somatic symtom disorder.

Which Tip60 mutant is Least likely to catalyze a reaction involving DNA-associated nuclear proteins.

The Stem asks for teh enzyme Least likely to catazlyse a reaction involving DNA-associated nuclear proteins. Histones are specialized proteins in the nucleaus that ofrm a sort of spindle around which the DNA strand is wound during packaging. The HAT activity discussed in the passage refers specifically to acetyaltion of these histones, which is a mechanism for the regulation of DNA expression. Thus K327R

Normal and cancerous cells were isolated from human breast tissue. Some cells were treated with UV radiation, followed by a two-hour incubation of all cells with radioactive thymidine. Which scenario best explains the lack of radioactivity in normal breast cells.

The UV-treatment resulted in DNA damage, which caused healthy cells to arrest in either G1 or G2 of the cell cycle. The cancer cells, by definition, are dividing independent of normal cell division controls. For this reason, both treated and untreaed cancer cells continued to divide and incorporate radioactive thymidine. In the healthy cells arrest at the G1 checkpoint prevented entry into S-phase, and therefore no DNA replication occurred and no radioactive thymidine was incorporated. The question stem asks for a scenerio that explains why the normal cells did not exhibit radioactivity. That might expoian what happened in those cell types, but to explain what happened in the normal cells the answer should address soemthing unique to the normal cells compared to the other cell groups that did exhibit radioactivity.

This bond is most likely to form between the amino group of the amino acid and what PLP functional Group?

First observe PLP then decide which functional groups were not infected. Once you see them then those are not the answer and you must look at the ones that has been added with.

Exclusive adherence to a diet low in which biomolecule would have a physiological effect most similar to that of 3BrPA.

3BrPA inhibits glycolysis thus not consuming carbohydrates will cause low levels of glycolysis which is the same process as inhibiting it.

The human eye can detect wavelengths between 400 nm and 700 nm. The sky appears blue (490nm) due to the scattering of visible light by particles in the atmophere. Given this information, it is reasonable to conclude that:

490 nm light is the only wavelength that reaches the eye since thats the only thing that they can see. The eye sees the color blue when looking at the sky on a clear day because the blue wavelengths of light are the primary compoenent of th elight reaching the eye. The other wavelengths of light are present in light origniating from the sun, but they are satterered to a greater degree than the blue wavelengths. 490 nm light is the only wavelenght that reachers the surface of the earth. If that was true than we wouldn't able to see any other colors making this a untrue statement. It was 400 nm because it shows that the wavelength is smaller thus a greater frequency thus be able to perceive it.

If the ksp of chalcocite is 5.0 x 10^-29, what is the concentration of Cu in a saturated solution of chalcocite

5.0 x 10^-29 = 4x^3

SET uses 5% aqueous solutions of either octyl alchohol or tert-butyl alcohol. These solvents are effective because of their ability to serve as all of the followin, except?

A catalytic bases. The solvents are alcohols too thus the solution is more acidic. While it is true that many reactions are base-catalyzed, such reactions usually begin with the abstraction of a proton. Neither of the two solvents given abstracts a proton in these reactions. These solvents are going to protonate.

strange situation test

A parent-infant "separation and reunion" procedure that is staged in a laboratory to test the security of a child's attachment

Which hypothetical research finding, if assumed to be true, would most weaken the argument that children diagnosed with an ASD are cognitively impaired.

A randomly selected group of ASD patients performs at a slightly above-average level on a standardized cognitive task. If randomly selected ASD patients outperform the averages on a standardized measure of cognitive abiility this is direct and clear evidence contradicting the argument posed in the stem. Students may be distracted by the term slightly but this is inconsequential because the stem does not ask for the evidence to be quantified and there is not a better answer available that describes significant above-average performance.

When ATP production via glycolysis is inhibited, the cytotoxicity of chemotherapy agens is restored because

ABC proteins are unable to translocate drug molecules. In the passage it says that ATP production will lead to decreased ABC transporter activity since ATP hydrolysis is a necessary step for transport. Passage information suggests that drug resistance is the result of over-expressed ABC proteins transporting the chemotherapy drugs out of the tumor cell.

The primary role of oxygen in aerobic cellular respiration is to?

Accept electrons form the electron transport chain.

Suppose another research study reports a decrease in obesity among White and Hispanic adolescent immigrants to the U.S whose families have a higher socioeconomic status. How would these finding impact the results of the study cited in the passage?

Acculturation may actually increase healthier behaviors for adolescents in wealthier families. Answer D is wrong: Should be dismissed because although the passage study did look at obesity among immigrants, the new study also examined immigrants. A student may choose this distractor if they assume that a white person could not also be an immigrant. Need to pay attention to the definition that is provided in the passage with certain vocab.

Which of the following is a potential acetylation agent found in the Tip60 active site?

Acetyl-CoA is the best because commonly its commonly used by enzymes in the body for acetylation reactions as the carbonyl carbon is easily attacked by the nucleophilic nitrogen of an amino acid residue. Draw the molecules out and decide which one will have a good leaving group. The one with the good leaving group would be the best as an agent. When deciding a molecule determine which one will be a great leaving group and this will be the best agent and reaction to pursue. Acetyl-Coa was better than Acetic anhydride because Acetyl-Coa is biological and Acetic anhydride is most presented in vitro. Acetylation is adding a aceyl group

A neuron with resting and threshold potentials of -65 and -55mv, respectively, receives nearly simultaneous excitatory and inhibitory postsynaptic signals form its dendrites. If an inhibitory signal hyperpolarizes the axon hillock by 11mV related to to resting potential, which outcome is most likely?

Action potentials will be inhibited because the hillock potential will reach -76 mV.

Based on Table 1, which FFM personality trait is Least helpful in estimating VO2?

Agreeableness. According to Table 1, agreeableness was the only FFM perosonality trait that did not correlate with VO2 at a statistically significant level. As a result, this factor would be relatively useless in estimating VO2 levels. Its probably do to random chance. Not reliable.

If the atoms adjacent to a proton exhibit high electronegativity, this increases the chemical shift of the signal associated with that proton in an NMR spectrum. The hydrogen in which functional group will produce a H-NMR signal with the largest chemical shift?

Atoms with high electronegativity pull electrons toward their nuclei, and therefore away from the other atoms in a shared bond. Thus, a hydrogen bonded to an electronegative atom will experience decreased electron density, or increased deshielding. The atom is said to be deshielded because the decrease in electron density leaves it more exposed to the magnetic field. Oxygen has the highest electronegativity of the electronegative atoms shown in the four answer choices. Oxygen therefore hs the greatest ability among the atoms shown to deshield the nucleus of a proton.

During study enrollment participants were asked to report their full name. To respond to this question, participants utilized

Automatic processing: Is a cognitive process that requires little or no attention and few if any cognitive resources. Things that you can do without thinking. Repeating your name does not require you to focus your attention on recalling your own name, so it is an example of automatic processing. Elaborative rehearsal and Maintenance rehearsal: Since non of the participants were actively trying to rehearse their own name, neither of these are right.

Back Stage vs. Front Stage

Back stage: less interaction with people. Front stage: More interaction with people

Before administering meat protein to the pigs, the researchers sterillized the control sample, which was an equivalent mass of uncooked meat. This step was important for all of the following reasons, Except:

Bacteria could cause a bacterial infection in the ileum, which is a naturally sterile environment. WE are looking for the one answer choice that is NOT a logical purpose for sterilizing the control protein. A is plausible because the presense of bacteria and the various chemicals they secrete could alter digestion or absorption in some way. B is plausible because some bacteria can cause illness by disrupting normal flora. Answer D is plausible because the meat used in the cooked trails may have contained bacteria killed uring the cooking process but not live bacteria. It is important in any experimental study to control for every potentially confouding variable possible. Answer C is the correct answer because the ileum is NOT a sterile environment under normal conditions. It is filled with natural bacterial Flora.

The diagram below shows the metabolic role of Metabolie B, carnitine, in fatty acid b-oxidation. Which condition would NOT lead to excess carnitine in the Urine?

By inhibiting the enzyme that produces carnitine than it would be stuck inside the matrix and not allowing carnitine to get out. It is the only change that does not increase carnitine levels. Know the structures of carnitine and choline

What type of research design was used in this study?

Because attachement style was measured in participants and they were divided into groups based on their score on an attachment scale, secure vs. insecure attachement is not an independent variable and the investigators could not manipulate nor randomly assign attachement. The design is therefore correlational. Experimental design requires random assignment and an independent variable that the study administrators can manipulate directly. Double-blind is not a research method per se, but an aspect of the study design that improves validity. In a double-blind study neither the researchers or the participants know which participants have been assigned to the control group and which participants have been assigned to the experimental group. Nautralistic observation: Is a research method in which a subject is observed in its natural environment without any manipulation whatsoever by the researcher.

Which comparison would be most helpful in determining if the memory of an event and the belief in the reality of the event are independent constructs?

Believed memories vs. non-believed memories. These are comparable studies then others wasn't even provided in the passage thus those are all wrong. And the believed memories vs. non-believed non-memories contradicts itself.

An N-back task presents participants with strings of letters across multiple trials. Participants are asked to verify if a letter is the same as one presented in the previous trial (N=1), two trials previous (N=2), and so forth. The higher the N number, the more difficult the task. How are securely and insecurely attached adolescents likely to perfrom on an N-back task? Securely attachached adolescents will perform:

Better than insecurely attached adolescents. The N-back task described in the stem involves maintaining information in working memory and is most similar to the digit span task described in the passage. Thus a great prediction is that securely atached adolescents would perform better than insecurely attached participants.

Which E. coli strain is the most cytotoxic?

CD50/ml is defined in the passage as " the reciprocal of the dilution that kills 50% of intestinal cells " BS937 and BS938 both have a CD50/mL around 10^4. Therefore, the dilution that kills 50% of cells is 1/10^4 or 10^-4. BS974 and Stx both have a CD50/mL around 10^5. However, Stx is a control, not an isolate, so Answer D can be rejected. In other words, if it requires Less of of a toxin to kill the same number of cells, then the toxin is More Cytotoxic. Answers A and B can be eliiminated because both strains required a 10^-4 dilution, while BS974 required only a 10^-5 dilution. Least concentration causes the most damage to the cell. The Stx is cytoxic because its a positive control thus we can reject this and its not one of the isolates.

If the plasma membrane of a human muscle cell is subjected to detergents and enzymatic hydrolysis, which monomeric components will be found in the resulting solution.

Carbohydrates (sugar), amino acids (proteins) , fatty acids (fats).

The strength of the dipole moment generated in a polar-covalent molecule can be calculated using which two variables?

Charge and distance

The cobalt-chloride interaction formed in Complex 12 is an example of which type of bond?

Co-Cl coordinate covalent bond. All of the complexes in Figure 1 are coordination complexes. Metal coordination complexes of this type form coordinate covalent bonds wherein the ligand acts as a lewis based (elctron donor) and the central metal ion acts as a lewis acid (electron acceptor). In this case the chlorine is donating both electrons to the bond making it true. If the interaction involved a Group 1 or 2 metal ion that didn't have available d-oribitals, that would suggest an ionic bond.

Some activists have suggested that poverty is the result of poor individuals perpetuating a value system that does not lend itself ot escaping poverty. What sociological concept is most closely aligned with this argument.

Culture of poverty is a theory proposed that suggested tha social systems helped to perpetuate poverty and people in poverty are often trapped because hey have no social systems to give them the training, skills, or education necessary to escape poverty. Social mobility is about escaping poverty by obtaining assistance from family, peers, community, or even through personal archievement (earning a college degree). Social mobility is more about the movement from point A to point B, than it is about the cause of that movement. Cultural capital: Is what your peers, family, or community can povide to you to help you to achieve social mobility or cultural acceptance.

L-Mannose has what stereochemical relationship to the structure depicted in Figure 1?

D and L sugars are mirror images of ne another making them enantiomers.They are enantiomers. Anomers are would be alpha and beta. E and Z isomers are used to distinguish between geometric isomers resulting form a bound that cannot rotate, such as a double bond.

Which of the following biomolecules lower the energy of activation of a biological reaction ?

Enzymes lowers the activation energy thus anything that contains an enzyme or ends in -ase will lower the activation energy.

When antidiurectic hormone is acting on the collecting tubules of the kidney in response to acute dehydration, the osmolarity of the ascending limb of the loop of henle will?

Decrease. When a person becomes dehydrated, the brain secretes antidiuretic hormone (ADH), which increases water reabsorption occurs through pores (aquaporin proteins) that are opened up in the collecting ducts, allowing water to pass into the medulla. As a result, there will be more water in the medulla. A more dilute medulla shifts the equilibrium between the filtrate in the ascending limb and the medulla, driving more ions out of the ascending limb and the medulla, driving more ions out of the ascending limb (the ascending lib is impermeable to water, but highly permeable to ions). This increased removal of ions decreases the osmolarity of the filtrate in the ascending limb

The digestive system of human neonates produces amylase, maltase, lactase, and sucrase. Which of the plant carbohydrates shown is Least likely to be absorbed by the intestines of a human infant.

Disaccharides and polysaccharides must be broken down into monosaccharides before they can be absorbed by the small intestines. The polysaccharide depicted in Answer A is cellulose, and none of the enzymes listed can hydrolyze cellulose. It hinges only on the recognition that humans cannot digest B-linked saccharides; vertebrates can only digest a-linked saccharides using their own enzymes.

One disabled study participant reported to a researcher that, "My boss only talks to me when I am doing something wrong. I don't know when I am doing something right." Which construct is most useful in explaining the behavior of this "boss"?

Discrimination: Refers to acts of exclusion against certain classes of persons. In this scenario we only know that the boss is not particularly kind to the speaker and it is not possible to know if this behavior is discriminatory. Stigma extension: Refers to a tendency to impute limitations to a person's abilities beyond those of the disability itself. In this scenario, it would refer to the boss's apparent belief that the speaker needs to be told when they are not performing their job correctly, but that praise would be wasted as the speaker cannot be expected to exceed the limitations of their disability.

Which of the following indication are positive symptoms of schizophrenia?

Disorganized thought and Hallucinations. Flat affect: Lack of responding to emotions Anhedonia: Inability to feel pleasure

Given the neurotransmitter system associated with schizophrenia, cocaine most likely has which pharmacological effect?

Dopamine agonist.

Facilitated diffusion through the plasma membrane moves a substance

Down its concentration gradient and releases energy. It does not require energy.

After leaving the stomach, in which order does food travel through the regions of the small intestine?

Duodenum then jejunum then ileum

Which experimentla finding provides the strongest support for the conclusion that acetylation of K327 regulates but is not necessary for Tip60 HAT activity?

Evidence to support this statement shoudl indicate that wild-type Tip60 still shows HAT acitivty when Lys-327 is present but is NOT acetylated. A and B do not fit this requirement becuase K327Q and K327R are mutations where Lys has been repaced with Gln and Arg, respectively. This would provided information about the effect of the lysine residue being present vs. Gln or Arg, but it does not provide information about whether acetylation is necessary for HAT activity. C is false becuase the C369A mutation occurs at an entirely different amino acid residue. Mutations at amino acid 369 do not provide useful information as to the role of acetylation at amino acid residue 327. D provides strong support for this conlusion becuase deacetylated Tip60 contians all of tis native lysine residues, but none of them are acetylated, including K327. If HAt activity is still observed in deacetylated Tip60, this suggests that acetylation of K327 is not necessary for HAT activity. Even though we don't acetylate K327 the Tip60 HAT activity is still active.

Physical exercise has been shown to have what relationship to stress?

Exercise reduces both the physiological and emotional impacts of stress. Incomplete answers are the wrong answers.

Which of the following is a potential limitation of the data obtained from experiments 1 and 2 that makes it difficult to correlate the results of the two studies?

Experiment 2 used a different chemotherapeutic drug. If were manipulating different variables it would be difficult to measure which causes what thus its hard to correlate both experiments with a cause and effect.

Tactful blindless

Explain how individuals purposefully ignore mistakes or blunders in the interaction process, especially those that would threaten an individuals face. Face refers to a mask maintained by individuals that mirrors how they want to be perceived by others in a variety of social spaces.

explicit vs implicit memory

Explicit memory - consciously acting to recall/recognize particular info. Ex. trying to remember a list of words you just saw. Implicit memory - recalling/recognizing info w/out consciously being aware of doing so. Ex. remembering meanings of words as you read without trying

crystallized intelligence vs. fluid intelligence

Fluid intelligence is defined as the ability to solve new problems, use logic in new situations, and identify patterns (Working memory). In contrast, crystallized intelligence is defined as the ability to use learned knowledge and experience. (Semantic memory)

The passage study was conducted among undergraduates who identified as left-leaning politically. The results of this study are Least likely to be reproduced if the study is repeated using participants:

From a culture where women traditionally cover their head or face. Becuase this favors the in-group and not the outgroup.

Researchers studied MMF in skinned myocytes, muscle cells from which the sarcolemma has been removed. If supplied with exogenous calcium, skinned muscle cells would still be incapable of:

Generating an action potential. Skinned muscle cells lack the sarcolemma, which contains the voltage-gated channels necessary for the generation of action potentials. This makes Answer A correct. If the cells are incapable of generating action potentials, they could not regulate the calcium release channels on the sarcoplasmic reticulum, but should, in the presense of exogenous Ca2+ be capable of all subsequent muscle contraction events, including muscle fiber contraction.

Which statement does NOT accurately describe the genome of a human mitochondrion?

Genetic information was contributed equally by the father and the mother. True: Replication of the genome is independent of the nuclear genome. The size of the genome is small compared to the nuclear genome. The genome does not utilize histone proteins for chromosome packaging.

Why might an NEP deficiency result in Chronic high blood sugar?

Glucagon would not be degraded, resulting in release of glucose from the liver.

Which structure represents one of the glycosylated proteins purified during the affinity chromatography experiment?

Haworth projection form a fischer projection. Fischer projection, all the groups on the right-hand side will be below the plane of the ring structure in the Haworth projection and all the groups on the left-hand side will be above the plane of the ring. Remember that the next-to-last cadrbon doesn't count as far as determining what is above and below the plane of the ring because this hydroxyl group becomes part of the hexose ring. Starting with the carbon immediately aboe this next-to-last caron, the hydroxyls are right, left, left in the Fischer projection. Therefore, in the ring structure of mannose we should see hydroxyls that are down, up up.

Which element is least likely to participate in an ionic bond.

Helium because its a noble gas thus less likely to donate its electrons. Ionic bonding occurs between a metal and a nonmetal, with the complete transfer of two valence electrons from the metal to the nonmetal. Because its a noble gas.

Which enzyme does NOT catalyze an irreversible step of glycolysis in cancer cells.

Hexokinase, phosphofructokinase, and pyruvate kinase cauases a irreversible step. Phosphoglycerate kinase catalyzes a reversible.

Carbon forms ethers similar to the silane ethers described in the passage. Reacting which two species will produce a carbon ether?

How to form an ether. Ethyl alchohol and ethyl tosylate. Tosylate is a good leaving group and the OH is a good nucleophile thus these two groups would be a great subject to form an ether.

Laetrile is a molecule suggested to have anti-cancer activity. Which sequence of reactions will produce laetrile using amygdalin as the starting material.

Hydrolysis of a glycosidic bond, followed by oxidation of a primary alcohol. Amygdalin contains two sugar units while laetrile contains only one, so the first step requires hydrolysis of the glycosidic bond. This fact immediately eliminates After hydrolysis, an alcohol functional group will convert it into a carboxylic acid group, generating the desired laetrile product. Therefore, the second step must be oxidation of a primary alcohol.

What is the most plausible explanation for the researcher's decision to focus on adolescent acculturation rather than adult acculturation?

Immigrant adolescents face significant levels of influence from American adolescents and media. The plausible explanation. The other answers stem doesn't provide any logical explanation and you can't make that type of decision without anything presented in the passage.

Suppose that the researchers decided to add another measure of acculturation - language assimilation - to the analysis. What prediction would you make about BMI levels, accounting for the existence of this new variable?

Immigrants with low language assimilation would have lower BMIs than immigrants with high language assimilation. Answer D: Language assimilation would be a stronger predictor of BMI than all the other variables measured. This would be false and difficult to ascertain whether language assimilation would be the most important variable in the analysis. It would be a contributing factor but not dispositive in the analysis. There is not enough information in the paragraph to predict such an outcome.

Sociologists suggest that overall health conditions

Improved medical technology and industrialization. Urbanization is wrong because it acutally increases health issues in many countries, paritculary in the United States.

Social Capital vs Cultural capital

In terms of the MCAT, social capital usually refers to social circles. An example is how rich/successful people tend to have rich/successful friends who can help them with career opportunities. Or a blue-collar worker might have social capital by being friends with mechanics and plumbers, and thus never has to pay for repairs. Cultural capital refers to how "cultured" you are - dressing well, speaking eloquently, interest in arts/music, education level, etc. These qualities are respected by society and imply high social status. You might describe a lawyer who wears nice suits and has a taste for fine wine and art as having lots of cultural capital.

Osteoclasts are large multinucleate cells with a distinctive "ruffled border" along one side of the plasma membrane. The most likley purpose of the ruffled border is to

Increase membrane surface area for absorption and secretion. The ruffled border is a hallmark of these giant cells and permits them to cover a large surface of bone. Through this ruffled border, they secrete acid and digestive enzymes, and can more efficiently absorb the products of bone resorption.

A new psychotropic medication obstructs the reuptake of the neurotransmitter serotonin. This new drug is likely to have what effect on the brain?

Increased availability of serotonin in the neuronal synapses of the brain because it can't get taken back up into the pre-synaptic cleft.

A researcher utilizing observations of parents interacting with their children to form a hypothesis about parenting styles is an example of which approach?

Inductive reasoning. Deductive would be: Using a broader or more general premise to draw conclusions about narrower more specific examples.

According to the data in Figure 1, the object in which trial has the greatest inertia at t= 1.0s

Inertia is resist change in velocity. Since they has the same mass then inertia is identical for all objects. Measure of an objects resistance to a change in its velocity, generally quantified as its mass. Momentum: mass and velocity

Antibodies are frequently used to bind and inhibit functional proteins in vivo. Investigators chose to block A20 using shRNA instead of an antibody because A20 functions:

Inside the cell and antibodies do not readily enter eukaryotic cells. Antibodies are water-soluble proteins that function outside of a cell by binding to surface antigens on the Outside of the cell membrane. Antibodies do not normally cross the lipid bilyayer of eukaryotic membranse. In fact, given that they are hydrophilic, they could not without a specific protein channel or carrier. Antibodies can indeed bind to eukaryotic proteins.

Contact hypothesis

Is a sociological theory that holds that contact between members of different social groups will help reduce prejudice. According to the information in the passage, "prior contact heightened positive affect" in the sample of schoolchildren who participated in Study 2.

Rhodopsin is the photoreceptor protein found in rod cells. Retinal is attached to rhodopsin by the imine linkage shown below. Which amino acid is involved in forming the imine linkage between rhodopsin and retinal?

It shows a side chain of an amino acid group lysine thus lysine would be the amino acid thats involved.

Why did the researchers use both a Control and a Control-shRNA treatment for the experiment depicted in Figure 2?

It was to ensure that no other proteins besides A20 were being affected. The researchers used two controls in this experiment because they wanted to compare to both the baseline expression level with no experimental manipulation whatsoever, and to the expression level when inactive shRNA molecules were added. The inclusion of this second control ensures that something about the shRNA molecule itself, other than its ability to block A20, isn't impacting the results. Ex: Suggests , shRNA might bind to both the A20 gene and to other gens or proteins in the cell. Answer choice A should rejected because, although it would be useful to show that shRNA entered the cell, neither of these controls verify cell entry specifically. Answer choice B should be rejected beccause the Control-shRNA is intended to enter the cell but have no effect. If it affected other proteins as well, that would confound the results, and would be poor experimental protocol. The control shRNA is inted to have no effect on the cell. In a study that is examining the effect of A20 on macrophage activation and apoptosis, using a control that itself caused apoptosis would be particularly problematic.

H-ras participates in a signal transduction pathway in synovial cells that eventually results in secretion of IL-6. Because affibodies proved effective at inhibiting H-ras, investigators may consider which cellular component as a target for inhibiting other signal transduction pathways using affibodies.

It will be transmembrane receptor proteins because that is the only thing in the answer choice that participates in the signal transduction pathway. Nearly all signal transduction pathways involve a cell receptor that is a transmembrane protein. The receptor protein usually bind to the signaling across the plasma membrane into the cell. A cascade of molecules, in turn, activate each other until the final outcome is achieved.

Which mutant has the highest affinity for leucine-enkephalin

It will have to be the one that contains the lowest Km.

In cells treated with A20-shRNA what percentage of the A20 protein was expressed compared to the control?

It would be 25%. The control has to be expressed in the similar condition as the treatment. Especially in the graphs.

Which type of glycosidic linkage exists between the two sugar units in amygdalin?

It would be B (1-6). Count your carbons. Beta the oH group is on the same side as the ch2 group. Alpha is on opposite sides.

Which of the amino acids described in the table has the lowest isoelectric point?

It would be D. Because its acidic thus it would have a low pH making it be extremely low in the isoelectric point.

During DNA replication, which enzyme removes RNA nucleotides from the primer and adds equivalent DNA nucleotides to the 3' end of Okazaki Fragments?

It would be DNA polymerase. One of the DNA polymerases involved in DNA repair removes the RNA primer and replaces the ribonucleotides with deoxyribonucleotides . Ligase then seals the gap in the sugar-phosphate backbone, which eleiminates answer C. The function of primase is to polymerize the RNA primer so DNApolymerase can use the free 3'OH group to begin DNA synthesis. The function of helicase is to unwind the double stranded DNA to make to single-stranded templates for replication. Primase produced primers.

Which neurological condition is associated with significant disruptions of memory?

It would be Korsakoff's syndrome. Parkinson's disease: Is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by loss of voluntary movement as a function of degeneration of dopaminergic projecctions from the substantia nigra to the basal ganglia. Multiple sclerosis: Autoimmune disorder.

For an enzyme catalyzed reaction initial reaction velocity is linearly related to which variable?

It would be enzyme concentration because the graph is linear. The Substrate concentration provides a hyperbolic graph. Saturated.

How many unique H-NMR signals were associated with metabolite A?

It would contain 4. Metabolite A is choline. Choline contains four chemcialy distnct hydrogen environments: #1 fromthe identical methyl hydrogens on the timethylated ammonium ion, #2 and #3 from the two different CH2 groups, and #4 from the hydrogen attached to the hydroxyl group.

In a second experiment, researchers replaced the CCD with a single photodiode. If the surface of the photodiode is much smaller than the CCD, what modification is necessary to maximize the light registered by the photodiode?

It would have to be converging lens between the mirror and the photodiode. Because since the CCD sensor is smaller than we would need better focus and converging lens allows for better focusing compared to diverging lens because the light rays will diverge out.

Based on the data in Table 1, an F563M mutation is likely to have approximately what percent of specific activity relative to Wild-type?

It would just be the difference between the two numbers of their specific acitivty

During the production of a H-NMR spectrum, a proton that emits a higher radio frequency upon relaxation is associated with a

Larger energy difference between two nuclear spin states. Because upon relaxing it emits a greater amount of energy thus the energy difference is greater. If it emitted a smaller energy than the energy difference would be small.

entropy change (delta S) for the reaction shown in Equation 4 is:

Less than zero, because the moles of gaseous products are less than the moles of gaseous reactants. The sign of enthalpy does not determine entropy. 3 moles of gaseous reactans are converted into two moles of gaseous products. This means the system is getting more ordered, which is a decrease in entropy.

Two wires with opposiing current are placed near one another. In this arrangement, the magnitude of the:

Magnetif Field , B , will cause the wires to repel one another. The force on the bottom wire from the top wire can be determined by considering the direction of the magnetic field produced by the top wire. The magnetic field direction is given by the righ thand rule: point your thumb in the direction of the current, then your fingers curl around the wire in the direction of the magneti

A person adopting the perspective of social Darwinism is most likely to regard person with disabilities as:

Maladaptive. Not providing adequate or appropriate adjustment to the environment or situation.

Mice are not a natural host o

Mice are not a natural host for EBOVs. Given this information, the researchers most likely selected IFNR-/- mice fo this study because the EBOV produces proteins that block interferon in humans.

Which of the following phenomenological factors would be most useful in a future study examining the differences between believed and non-believed memories?

Movement. The other results in the graph shows that the ratings for believed (triangle) and non-believed (square) memories in Figure 1, the lines for these two groups are nearly indistinguishable for the phenomenological factors of smell, tase and location. Answer C is correct because for the movement factor there is a clear separation between the believed and non-believed groups.

Which piece of evidence would most strongly supposrt the conclusion that the ability of B-cells to produce a synchronized response when organized into pancreatic islets is dependent on Gap junctions?

Mutant B-cells within pancreatic islets treated with a gap junction inhibitor exhibit a variable response to changes in blood glucose. This actually proves the question stem statement.

A reaction will be spontaneous at all temperatures if enthalpy is:

Negative and entropy is positive.

The physiological effects of parathyroid hormone and calcitonin are best described as:

Negatively correlated, because they have opposite effects on blood calcium.

The vaccine described in the passage was based on protein profiles from the Ebola-Zaire strain the most virulent and dealy of all EBOVs. Will this vaccine provide protection against all future outbreaks of Ebola?

No, because some EBOV stains may have different proteins. For a vaccine to be effective against all viral stains, it must recognize a protein that is expressed in all strains. Different stains of a virus are nearly identical; it is the fact that a few proteins or epitopes differ in one particular virus taht results in that virus being classfied as a different viral stain. Therefore, a vaccine based on a single strain may not be effective against other stains.

London dispersion forces are the major contributor to intermolecular attractions between:

Non-polar molecules. London dispersion forces, considered a part of van der waals forces, are the weakest type of intermolecular interaction. They occur between any two molecules that are very close to one another, but are most relevant to non-polar molecule because they are the only intermolecular attraction experienced by nonpolar molecules. London dispersion forces occur due to instantataneous induced dipoles resulting from short-term changes in the location of electons. Polar-covalent molecules are dipole-dipole intermolecular interactions. Ion: Ionic interactions

In United States culture, men are expected to wear pants, but not skirts or dresses, shake hand when they meet someone, and stop at red lights. All of these phenomena are examples of which sociological concept?

Norms. Folkways, mores, taboos, and laws are 4 types of sociological concept. Norms are social rules that tells us what kind of behavior is appropriate in certain situations. Norms can be failry informal, as is the case iwth folkways informal, as in the case with folkways, or can be more formal in the cases of mores and laws.

The researchers used an adenoviral vector for delivery of EBOV protiens, with the intent to stimulate cytotoxic T lymphocytes. This approach could be problematic because the adenoviral vector may

Not infect the same cell types as EBoVS. Cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) are not stimulated through the internalization of a virus. Rather, they are activated when an antigen presenting cell is infected with a virus and that cell presents the antigen to the CTL. If any cell that has the same membrane protein could potentially get attacked.

In order for plasmids to produce affibody proteins in synovial cells, the plasmid must be localized to the:

Nucleus. The plasmid DNA coding for the affibody would have to be transcribed into mRNA in the nucleus. Therefore, the plasmid would have to be localized to the nucleus. The mRNA would then be trafficked to the cytoplasm for translation. If the plasma was only in the cytosol, or only in the ER (and never in the nucleus) expresion of the plasmid gene could not occur.

Once the insect extracts have passed through the GNA affinity column, the researchers should include which compoenent int he elution liquid to most effectively elute the bound proteins from the column?

Oligomannose polymers. Because the column described in the passage is an affinity chromatography column, the proteins are bound to the column based on a specific binding interaction bettween the resin and some compoenent of the glycoproteins. Because we are told that glycoproteins are oligomannose were selectively bound, the GNA resin must bind oligomannose. To remove the proteins, the researchers will need to put in a high concentration of something that also has an affinity for the resin. In this case, since the column is separating out oligomannose glycosylated proteins, using pure oligomannose will be very effective.

The outer membrane of Gram negative bacteria features lipopolysaccharide molcuels that illicit a strong host immune respone. Given this information, the cell wall of S. flexneri contains which of the following components?

Peptidoglycan, Both an inner and an outer membrane, Lipopolysacchardes. Bacteria are separated into Gram positive and Gram negative classes based on how they respond to Gram staining. Both Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria contain peptidoglycan in their cell wall. But only Gram negative bacteria have both an inner and an aouter membrane. As indicated by the question stem, Gram negative bacteria are also the only class that contains lipopolysaccharides. It eliminates A, B, and C becuase they do not include all three.

During the last century, the leading causes of death in the United States have tansitioned from primarily infectious diseases to primarily chronic diseases. Sociologists would most likely suggest which intervention as the most effective and least expensive way of dealing with widespread chronic disease.

Preventive medicine is the treatment of health conditions prior to the development of chronic disease. Sociologists, who regularly examine global influences on health, have long supported a more forward-focused preventative approach to population health and disease eradication. Crisis and Curative medicine happen after individuals become ill or is the immediate treatment of illnesses that are quickly spreading and have a dramatic effect on the population. Radical intervention is the logical opposite of preventative medicine and is unlikely to be necessary if preventative treatment is adequate.

What is the enthalpy change for the reaction shown in Equation 4?

Products - reactants.

Based on passage information RecA most likely:

RecA most likely hydrolysis. The passage identifies RecA as a proteases are enzymes that break down protein bonds via hydrolysis. Answer A is incorrect because although RecA is an enzyme, it is a protease not a kinase. Answer C is false becuae enzymes do not normally bind an inactive antigens. This is closer to the function of an antibody. Answer D is false because proteases act on proteins, not nucleic acids. This is closer to the function of a transcription factor.

Researchers have reported that HIV/AIDs patients are socially devalued during medical treatment. However, sociologists also argue that patients must take on this "sick role". Which of the following factors does NOT explain why adopting the "sick role" is important for HIV/Aids patients even if it is devaluing

Right answer to the Not question type: It leads to psychological benefits that aid in the patient's physiological healing. Wrong answer to the Not question type: Medical institutions are not structured to treat people who do no view themselves as sick

Series of raised dots would be more likely to be grouped togehter if they were presented adjacent to a series of raised squares?

Similarity. Things that are moved together are seen as being grouped (common fate) Continuity: We are more likely to perceive groups of objects as aligned in smooth, continuous lines or contours. closure: Incomplete shapes as closure.

Suppose that 100ng/ul of IL-6 is present in the synovial fluid of an RA-affected joint. Based on Figure 2, if the same experimental dose of Zras220 affibody is injected into each of the synovial cells in this joint, approximately how much IL-6 would remain after 24 hours?

Since we're given 100ng/ul then we have to compare the chart with the same experimental drug which is Zras220. This cause inhibition within 24 hours by 25% thus subtract 100 minus 25 and you get how much it can inhibit with 24hrs.

Which adult tissue is embryologically derived from the ectoderm?

Sensory epithelium because its related to nerves.

What are the predicted chemical characteristics of the amino acids lining the NEP active site?

Serine (polar) and Phenalynine (hydrophobic)

The passage study was designed to bypass the stomach in order to measure ileal digestion and absorption. What aspect of the study results might be modified if the proteins were ingested orally?

Some proteins may have been digested by stomach enzymes before reaching the ileum. The function of the stomach is digestion, not absorption which rules out. No absorption of any kind occurs until the small intestine. The acidic pH of the stomach denatures proteins, it does not re-nature them, eliminating B. Bile is secreted in the duodenum, but its primary purpose is the emulsification of fats, whereas the study was examining the digestion of proteins. D is correct because the stoamch secretes the enzyme pepsin, which is a protease. If the proteins had been ingested orally some digestion must have occured due to pepsin before the proteins would have reach the ileum.

If the starting amino acid is alanine, which a-keto acid will form after stage 1 of transamination?

Start with the starting product alanine then add a ketone at the alpha carbon.

If an EMG and FGT are performed on the working muscle of a healthy patient during a period of increasing MF, these tests are expected to reveal?

Sustained electrical voltage and reduced force generation. It would be sustained because there is no impact on the electrical voltage but since there was an increase in Muscle fatigue than that implies that there will be a reduced forced generation. Since your muscle will get tired of moving.

Ribosomes bound to the rough endoplasmic reticulum

Synthesize hydrolytic enzymes and secretory proteins. Ribosomes bound to the rough endoplasmic reticulum in eukaryotic cells synthesize hydrolytic enzymes that function in the lysosomes, or protiens that re secreted by the cell. Free-floating polyribosomes in the cytoplasm primarily synthesize the proteins that are used inside the cell. The one exception is the lysosome hydrolytic enzymes, which are synthesized by the ribosomes bound to the rough endoplasmic reticulum. Eukaryotic ribosomes have a sedimentation coefficient of 80S, with 60S and 40S subunits. Prokaryotic ribosomes have a sedimentation coefficient of 70S, with 50S and 30S subunits.

When cold air is inhaled, it passes into an existing resersvoir of warm air inside the lungs. The figure below depicts a graph of pressure vs. Volume for inhalation. If the scenario is treated as a closed system, what can be said about the variance of temperature?

Temperature is highest at point 2 and lowest at point 3. Thus this proved based on the graph analysis.

If the incident angle of the light rays stricking the mirror in Figure 1 is 50 degrees, the angle of reflection will be:

The angle of reflection would be 50 degrees. For a reflection from a plane surface, such as the mirror in Figure 1, the incident angle always equals the angle of reflection.

Selection bias

The bias introduced by the selection of individuals, groups, or data for analysis in such a way that randomization is not achieved. This ensures that the sample is not representative of the population intended to be analyzed.

A physiological pH, the acetylation of K327 causes which change to the amino acid side chain?

The charged amino nitrogen is neuralized. Acetylation is adding acetyl group. Base on the picture it shows that it was added on the amino group thus we can expect it to be neutralize at physiological pH.

Most of the glycoproteins bound to the column were found in only one insect species. Which hypothesis most plausibly explains why some of the glycoproteins were conserved across all of the species studied ?

The conserved glycoproteins evolved from a common ancestor shared by all species. A few glycoproteins were conserved across all of the insect species examined. This suggests that the insects have evolved from a common ancestor, and that common ancestor has these conserved genes within its genome. As the evolutionary tree branched, other genes were lost or mutated as these species differentiated, but these genes were conserved.

If improved memory is assumed to be the result of differnces in neurological structure, which brain region is most likely to be structurally different in securely and insecurely attached adolescents?

The frontal lobes are most closely associated with executive function, whihc include both working memory and attention. Therefore, if securely attached adolescents exhibit superior working memory, and if that improved memory has a structural component, this difference is most likely to be found in the frontal lobes. Hippocampus is primarily involved in episodic memory formation. Amygdala: Invovled in emotional processing. Cerebellum: Invovled in motor and sensory processing.

Using the SET method, 100 mmol of TMESi will react with excess 1-octanol to produce how many grams of TMOOSi when using bovine pancreatic typsin? Use: MW of TMOOSi = 202 g/mol)

The initial molarity is given, and the percent yield using bovine serum typsin is given in table 1 as 34.9%. One can disregard the MW of the starting material as the stoichiometry of the reaction is one-to-one. 100 mmol of TMESi will produce 35 mmol of TMOOSi at 35% yield. The molecular weight of the TMOOSi is given in the stem as 202 g/mol. Rounding the MW of TMOOSi and converting to scientific notation gives (35X10^-3 mol)(2.0x10^2g/mol) = 700 x 10^-1 g, or 7.0 grams. In the picture/diagram. It shows that the stochiometric ratio is 1 to 1.

The investigators reported using 5 uCi of 35S per treatment during experiment 2. This calculation was

The investigators using 5 uC. The 35St1/2 = 87 days). A radionuclide such as 35S decays at a a steady rate with the consequence that a predictable proportion is gone after a certain amount of time. The half-life (t1/2) refers to the time required for 50% of the radionuclide to decay. The 1.2 uCi

A molecular biologist plans to emplify the human OPG gene using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). What information will allow this biologist to establish the correct elongation time, and to design the correct forward and reverse primers.

The length and nucleotide sequence of the OPG gene. This directly will help the study as compared to the other choices.

Rhizopus oryzae lipase also exhibits lipase activity. The product formed by the action of the lipase on a triacylglycerol substrate is most similar to which of the following?

The product that is formed is fatty acids because lipase breaks down fats. Thus a similar structure that correlates to the fatty acid polar head group and non-polar chains is TMOOSi

The data in Table 1 do Not suggest which conclusion about the cyanohydrin reaction?

The reaction is spontaneous for all compounds. The table shows that Keq is higher for the aldehydes in the table than for the ketones. The forward rate constant is smaller than the reverse rate constant for C6H5COCH3. This is true because there is less Keq meaning that there are less keq being formed. This means that there are more reactants than products.

During Fatty acid metabolism, fatty acyl-CoA reacts with carnitine to form fatty acyl-carnitine. This is an example of what class of reaction?

The reaction shown is a transesterification reaction. The acyl group and the hydroxyl group on carnitine react to form an ester linkage. The original thioester bond in fatty acyl-CoA is transferred to carnitine. Condensation: Involves the removal of water between two molecules. B-Oxidatoin: Involves the oxidation of a fatty acid chain. Again, this is not the case for the reaction shown. Hydrolysis: Invovles water as a reactant that breaks a bond. There is no water given as a reactant in the reaction shown.

Lactic acid differs from a strong acid in each of the following ways, except

The same concentration of lactic acid has a greater impact on intracellular pH. Lactic acid has a larger pka (true), lactic acid has a smaller ka (true), the same concentration of lactic acid will be less dissociated in solution (true).

A drug that causes a sudden net influx of chlorine ions into the muscle cell at the neuromuscular junction (NMJ) would have what effect on muscle cell physiology?

The sarcolemma in the vicinity of the NMJ would be hyperpolarized.

One of the urine samples from the study has a pH of 6.88. What is the expected structure of Metabolite C in this sample? (pka1 = 2.19, and pka2 = 9.21)

The structure that contains a negative and positive charge.

conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, openness, extraversion

The trait labled conscientiousness in the FFM refers to ones tendency toward self-discipline, dutifulness, competence, thoughtfulness, and achievement-striving. Therefore, a person able to cntrol extreme neuroticism or anxiety through self-discipline alone is also likely to score high on the conscientiousness scale. Answer A is incorrect because someoe who scores high on agreeableness would be described as king or warm, which is unrelated to any of the traits described in the question stem. Someone who scores high on extraversion would be described as outgoing or talkative. Once again, nothing in the scenario given in the stem relates logically to being outgoing or talkative. Answer D is incorrect because one's level of openness to experience, or lack thereof, does not suggest an ability to use extreme self-discipline to overcome neurotic tendencies. Neuroticsm: Extreme anxiety.

Which statement most accurately describes the motion of the object in the 0 m/s^2 trial from figure 1?

There was no net force on the object. If there is no acceleration, there is no NET force.

The side chains of PTH amino acid residues most likely do NOT contain which functional group?

Thiols contains sulfur and in the passage it says that the amino group does not contain any sulfur disulfide bonds.

What is the most plausible explanatin for the observation that calcitonin has only a minor impact on BMD and yet still reduces the risk of fractures significantly?

This answer must be inferred from the information in the passage Bisphophonates are drawn into question in the passage because although they increase bone mass, the new bone may not be as structurally sounds as bone deposited through normal mechanisms. The main effect of calcitonin, on the other hand, is to transiently inhibit osteoclasts, thus allowing some turnover whille shifting the balance toward bone building. This could result in healthier, less fracture-prone bone matrix deposited via the natural action of osteoblasts rather than the drug-promoted increase in BMD that results from bisphophonates which not only inhibit osteoclats but also promote osteoblast proliferation and block osteoblast apoptosis. Calcitonin reduces bone turnover (abosorption), which improves bone structure. pay attention to acronyms. Draw a connection.

The primary goal of Experiments 1 and 2, respectively, was to verify that the:

To answer these types of question interpret the graph and match the answers provided in the answer stem. Experiment 1 was performed to verigy tha the patient-isolated strains exhibited Stx toxicity. To verigy that these bacteria produced the Stx toxin. Experiment 2 was performed to verify that the Stx gene originated from a prophage ( the genetic material intoduced into a bacterial genome by a bacteriophage. According to the passage, mitomycin C starts a cascade that initiates the lytic cycle of the viral infection, eventually leading to transcription of late phage genes, including stx-1a. Therefore, if mitomycin C increases Stx expression, the gene must have originated from a prophage.

Which element could pontentially be substituted for cobalt in Complexes 11 through 14 while maintaining similar functionality?

To answer this question, one must select a metal that is likely to have similar properties to cobalt. Iron is next to Co in the periodic table, coordinates six ligands, and has a stable 3+ oxidation state.

The prism in Figure 1 is used to achieve total internal reflection, so that light absorbed by the electron wave is the only light that does not reach the CCD sensor. Given the variables defined in the table, what relationship must be true to generate accurate measurements at the CCD?

Total index of refraction: Is determined by light moving from a high index of refraction to a low index of refraction. That what should help us understand the total index of refraction. This also helps us understand the critical angle. If there is no angles provided then those answer can't be the choice thus the Nprism > Ncell is the best choice.

What is a possible reason for the increased yield produced by chicken egg white lysozyme?

What does an enzyme do to increase yield? How would it increase the rate of reaction or get more product? The reactants are correctly oriented by the enzymes active site. Because an enzyme active site exhibits a specifc morphology that allows it to arrange the reacts in the ideal spatial orientation for reaction. Induced fit concept. Once it does a conformational change then it would stabalize the transition state which will lower the activation energy create a higher yield.

Which peptide contains a potential NEP cleavage site?

Would be the peptide bonds that contains hydrophoci linkages.

Muscles that rely exclusively on glycolysis fatigue more quickly than msucles that utilize aerobic respiration. Does this finding support a role for latic acid accumulation in activity-related MMF

Yes, because glycolysis produces lactic acid. Muscles that rely excclusively on glycolysis are known as fast, glycolytic fibers. Per glucose metabolized, or per ATP produced, they will produce much more lactic acid than slow, oxidative fibers that preferentially rely on aerobic respiration. Thus, the information in the stem provides evidence in support of a correlation between increased lactic acid and/or the associated decrease in pH and more rapid muscle fatigue. Yes, because glycolysis produces ATP. Sure it does but it doesn't provide support about the accumulation of lactic Acid in activity-related MMF.

Gycoproteins lose oligosaccharides over time. A decrease in the number of carbohydrates is used by the cell to target older glycoproteins for degradation. If most glycoproteins are not replaced following turnover, should this process have influenced the design of this study?

Yes, the researchers should have sampled glycoproteins from very young insects form each species. Because glycoproteins lose sugar units as they age, and because the experiment is looking specifically at proteins with sugars attached, it is essential to study the insects at an early life stage. This will ensure that as many glycoproteins are possible are isolated, since as the insects age more and more glycoproteins will undergo degrdation. Answer A is false because because the stem specifically gives the assumption that most glycoproteins are not replaced after they are degraded. B is wrong becasue there is not sufficient information in the passage to conclude that most glycoproteins have enough sugar units to survive age-related losses and still have at least one mannose residue to bind the column. Further, even if a protein still has sugars attached to it, the stem states that a decrease in the number of sugars can cause a glycoprotein to be targeted for degradation. In the case some glycoproteins may well have been recycled by the insects cells before the experiment began. C is false becuase one-month old is an arbitrary age that may be early or late in the lifespan of an insect. Some insects live for only a few hours or days.

When considering a double-reciprocal lineweaver-Burk plot, the binding affinity between the substrate and the enzyme is best approximated by the magnitude of the

inverse of the x-intercept. The greater the affinity between substrate and enzyme, the lower the km.

T-cells contain a membrane receptor, TIM-1, that binds proteins produced by EBOV. With which viral protein does TIM-1 most likely associate?

mgP because its a membrane bound protein. The host membrane receptor, TIM-1, must interact with a proein on the viral envolope. From the passage text and Figure 1, we know that th eone proteins on the viral envelope are one of the GP proteins (mGP) and VP40.

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