Forging the Modern World Exam 2

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Most of Spanish America was engulfed in civil wars for many years after Napoleon invaded the Iberian Peninsula.


Peter the Great of Russia sought to govern what kind of facial hair men could grow.


Prior to abolition, slaves composed more than 75 percent of the population in some cotton-producing regions of the United States,


The economies of Latin America achieved remarkable stability in the second half of the nineteenth century.


Rudyard Kipling's 1899 poem "The White Man's Burden" was directed towards inhabitants of:

United States

As a result of the industrial revolution, _____________ and ______________ gained a larger share of global economic output.

Western Europe and the United States

Sir Edwin Chadwick

Wrote "The Sanitary Conditions of the Laboring Population", small houses, disease, unsanitary


a movement that emphasized science and reason as guides to help see the world more clearly, scientific inquiry, rational analysis

The Lisbon earthquake triggered all of the following

a tsunami that struck islands in the Caribbean, the destruction of two-thirds of the houses in the city center, fires that raged through the city for a week.

Catherine the Great

absolute monarchy, modernize agriculture and industry, encourage education for nobles and middle class


allowed societies to break free from biological old regime, new technologies, advances in textiles, cotton gin created, factory work

The 1765 Stamp Act was part of a broader British imperial strategy to:

assert greater control over affairs in North America

Palmares Brazil

autonomous territory controlled by escaped slaves

H.T. Johnson

black mans burden: mocking Kipling, expansionism, represents violent exploitation, satire, say white people will be damned by God

Both the Wehehe and Maji Maji rebellions in Africa were followed by:

brutal reprisals

The Treaty of Allahabad granted the British East India Company the right to ___________________ across a large area of territory in South Asia.

collect and administer tax revenue

The "California School" of world history asserts that ____________ were key contributors to the Industrial Revolution.

colonies and the availability of coal near population centers

During the second half of the nineteenth century, indigenous autonomy on the Great Plains of North America:


Pueblo Revolt

drives Spanish from Northern frontier of New Spain

Seven Years War

emerging British power in Americas and South Asia, rise of Prussian influence in Central Europe, Empires engage in reform efforts to reassert control over territory, Qing empire appears extremely strong, and stable

Simón Bolívar:

expressed frustration over ongoing political unrest in South America.

Sino-Japanese War (1894-1895)

fought in Korea between Japan and Qing China; Japanese victory demonstrated its arrival as new industrial power. Both sides mobilized with latest military technology they could acquire. Contingent events and field decisions often determined outcome of battles

Moral duty

imperial powers had duty to instruct and improve those who have not experienced benefits of civilization

Among other objectives, the Bourbon Reforms were an attempt to:

increase revenue flows from colonial possessions

The Rose Bower Edict (or Rescript of Gülhane)

introduced a period of reforms for Ottoman government.

For many political leaders, industrialization magnified the importance of:

investing in new military technology

the Qing Empire in China was:

larger than the Ming

Self-Strengthening Movement

late 19th century movement in China to counter the challenge from the West; led by provincial leaders

British Empire Reform

limit movement into North American territories, new taxes and more efficient tax collection, new defense policies, increased focus on activities of British East India Company


manager of social contract

Frederick the Great

mandatory education

Succession Crisis in Spain

many rules if no direct successors, Spanish and French throne potential joining

Social Darwinists argued that

natural selection applies to entire human populations.

Spain-Bourbon Reforms

new subsidies to stimulate mining industry, tax reform, new administrative and military structures, new appointment policies to imperial bureaucracy


on paper built on liberal ideas (private property, free trade, individual political&civil rights, slavery abolished) authoritarian systems (elections tightly controlled by elites, popular protests harshly put down) dependent on imports of foreign capital and manufactured goods and exports of raw materials to industrial regions

During the fight to secure Haiti's independence, Toussaint Louverture declared that:

people who caused public disturbances with their words would be punished

Jamal al-Din al-Afghani argued that the British and other European colonial powers primarily _________ their colonies


William Snelgrave

recounts rebellion, feels compassionate to slave to an extent, says they forfeited their freedom through crime

Portugal-Pombaline Reforms

response to earthquake in 1755, stimulate economic growth, subordinate religious figures to state authority

The Boxer Uprising emerged from:

rural northwest China


say humans are not in control of their destiny


seizes power promising to bring order to France

Japan during the Meiji Restoration

strategy to industrialize, expand influence Fukazawa Yukichi "goodbye Asia" argues Japan needs to leave behind idea that it is like other Asian countries

In The Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith argued

that unseen by clear laws of cause and effect govern the economy

Rudyard Kipling

the "white man's burden" idea that many European countries had a duty to spread their religion and culture to those less civilized

Seven Years War

the British victory against the French at Quebec solidified British claims to rule in North America.

In 1645, the chief advisor to the first Qing emperor issued a decree that Chinese men had to adopt:

the Manchu hairstyle called the queue.

The most important factor in breaking the "biological old regime" was:

the development of ways to harness new sources of energy for production

Middle Passage

the route in between the western ports of Africa to the Caribbean and southern U.S. that carried the slave trade

Tsar Peter the Great

this tsar introduced western technology and culture in an attempt to increase Russia's power and influence. IMPROVES EDUCATION. MODERNIZATION

Qing Dynasty rulers would periodically _________ to reinforce a connection between the regime and the population.

tour the empire

John Locke 1689

two treaties of government states are social contracts life, liberty, property people have to give up absolute power in exchange for the three

Age of Napoleon (1799-1815)

upheaval across Europe endures, national movements growing (some want republics, some want to gain autonomy)

During the Sino-Japanese War, China and Japan:

used steam powered battleships

Passenger Pigeon

was a bird that existed in North America until the early 20th century when it went extinct due to hunting and habitat destruction.

Olympe de Gouges advocated for:

women rights


'Restructuring' reforms by the nineteenth-century Ottoman rulers, intended to move civil law away from the control of religious elites and make the military and the bureacracy more efficient.

Olaudah Equiano

(1745-1797) African who was sold into slavery and bought his way out-kidnapped as a boy (age 11) from his home he was sold into slavery and sold amongst slave traders many times-he served in the Seven Years' War as a captain's boy and was then sold to a slave trader where he went to the Caribbean-from there a white colonist bought him and he eventually bought his way out of slavery-he went to England to live and published a book about slavery and his experiences-his message was widespread and helped to inspire the abolition of slavery

Boxer Rebellion (China), Maji-Maji rebellion (Africa), ghost dance movement (US) threatened by modernization


Dutch-Portuguese War

1602-1602; portuguese lost most of east/south asia, Dutch win trade with Asia

King Philip's War

1675. longest and bloodiest conflict between settlers and natives in 17th century, native Wampanoags under KIng Phillip ( Indian Chieftain) resisted England encroachment on their land, they killed many settlers in Mass, English joined with Mohawks to defeat them

Simon Bolivar

1783-1830, Venezuelan statesman: leader of revolt of South American colonies against Spanish rule. expressed frustration over political unrest gave public statement at constitutional convention

Edmund Burke

A conservative leader who was deeply troubled by the aroused spirit of reform. In 1790, he published Reforms on The Revolution in France, one of the greatest intellectual defenses of European conservatism. He defended inherited priveledges in general and those of the English monarchy and aristocracy. Glorified unrepresentitive Parliament and predicted reform would lead to much chaos/tyranny. writes Reflection on the Revolution in France

Francois Toussaint L'Ouverture 1801

A former slave who successfully led the Haitian Revolution against France. marriage is important to keep people happy

British East India Company

A joint stock company that controlled most of India during the period of imperialism. This company controlled the political, social, and economic life in India for more than 200 years.

Giuseppe Mazzini

A political nationalist in Italy in the mid 1800's. He started a group called Young Italy that promoted independence from Austrian and Spanish rule and the establishment of an Italian national state. By the mid nineteenth century, Young Italy had inspired the development of nationalist movements in other countries besides Italy, such as Ireland, Switzerland and Hungary. did not support Italian unification

Olympe de Gouges

A proponent of democracy, she demanded the same rights for French women that French men were demanding for themselves. In her Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen (1791), she challenged the practice of male authority and the notion of male-female inequality. She lost her life to the guillotine due to her revolutionary ideas.


A radical ideology that proposed the revolutionary reorganization of society into an egalitarian community ruled by labor unions. challenges idea of modern state gains popularity in France, Italy, Great Britain, US, and Latin America violent confrontations between workers, strikebreakers, police Emma Goldman

Bourbon Reforms

A series of economic, administrative and religious measures instituted by the Bourbon monarchs (1700-1824) in the Spanish American colonies.

Sunni _________ forced the Safavid ruler Shah Sultan Husayn to abdicate in the 1720s.


Metacomet led the ______ against English settlers in New England.


andrew ure, the philosophy of the manufactures

Andrew Ure believed that conditions were improving for the working people. Ure wrote in 1835 in his study of the cotton industry that conditions in most factories were not harsh and were even quite good. efficiency of machines

Edmund Morel publilicized the imperialist atrocities occuring in:

Belgian Congo

Russie, Prussia, Ottoman Rivalry

Border conflict

Between 1700 and 1900, which of the following regions experienced population growth over 1000 percent:


Zumbi of Palmares (Black Consciousness Day)


Mary Wollstonecraft

British feminist of the eighteenth century who argued for women's equality with men, even in voting, in her 1792 "Vindication of the Rights of Women."

The "self-strengtening movement" took place in:


Large numbers of migrants to the southern cone of Latin America in the late nineteentch century came from __________.


New Imperialism

Europeans, US, Japan redraw map European empires added 8.6 million square miles 80% of world controlled by Europe Imperial centers sought tighter control

A good case may be made that economic institutions and consumer behavior in Europe and China were dramatically different on the eve of the industrial revolution.


In his book, Reflections on the Revolution in France, Edmund Burke expressed admiration for the way French revolutionary leaders tried to destroy existing political and social institutions.


More than half of of all private foreign investment in Latin America at the turn of the 20th century came from:

Great Britain

The 1842 Treaty of Nanjing opened five Chinese ports to trade, permitted foreigners to reside permanently in China, and established __________ as a British colony.

Hong Kong

The British crown took direct control over __________ in 1858.


Which of the following best characterizes the Marxist theory of history?

It is only possible to achieve social justice and economic equality within a capitalistic economic framework.

Menelik II managed to preserve Ethiopia (Abyssinia) as an independent state, primarily as the result of his military victory against ____________ in 1896.


According to the terms of an edict issued in 1685, _______ were expelled from the French Caribbean, and no faith other than Roman Catholicism could be practiced in the region, even among enslaved people.


The authors of the US Declaration of Independence relied for key concepts on the political philosophy of:

John Locke

As Japan increased its political, economic, and military influence in Asia, _________ became a formal Japanese colony in 1910.


Caleb Cushing

Massachusetts born Congressman and diplomat who "opened" China to U.S. trade, negotiating the Treaty of Wanghia in 1844. extraterritoriality=us under us law in China essentially establishing religion=against constitution

In 1839, the Qing Emperor reiterated the ban on all trade in ___________ in China and sent an official, Lin Zexu, to confiscate all of the supply at Canton.


Rescript of Gulhane 1839

Ottoman Empire reforms: modernization Rose Bower new taxation, military recruitment, legal administration


Plains Indians who were nomadic hunter-gatherers; depended heavily on bison, maintained huge herds of horses, and were devastating warriors. made especially effective use of horses in building an empire across the southern plains of North America, covering a large swath of today's Texas, New Mexico, and Oklahoma.

After Napoleon

Portugal moves capital to Rio de Janeiro

Sacred Edicts

Qing Empire copying Ming Empire honor your parents, mostly ethical and moral maxims

The product that drove a rapid increase of population and wealth in Manaus, Brazil was:


In Southeast Asia, successive rulers of ____________ balanced their kingdom between the ambitions of France and Britain, retaining sovereign status by conceding limited territory.


The treaty between Shah Alam II and Lord Clive confirmed the British as the dominant European power in:

South Asia

Representatives of the European powers met at the second Berlin Conference (1884) to discuss spheres of influence in:

Sub-Saharan Africa

In accepting the English Bill of Rights in 1689, King William and Queen Mary confirmed that ___________ must participate in decisions about taxation.

The Parliament

Social Darwinism

The belief that only the fittest survive in human political and economic struggle.

French Revolution

The revolution that began in 1789, overthrew the absolute monarchy of the Bourbons and the system of aristocratic privileges, and ended with Napoleon's overthrow of the Directory and seizure of power in 1799.

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