Format Research Final

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What is the purpose of the use of brackets

-indicate additions or changes with brackets may need to add or change words in quote to make it fit grammatically

List and explain 4 ways to capture source material. -blended paraphrase and quotation -brief quotation with formal launch statement -brief quotation integrated in sentence -long quoation

-short quote with a signal phrase (four typed lines or fewer in MLA in APA it is less than 40 words) - short blended or embedded quote - paraphrase -summarize

What is the purpose of using note taking forms or organizing your sources and notes? What are the important parts of the note-taking process and form?

Avoid plagiarism by using note taking forms Bibliography Notes Topic of Notes Page numbers if given

Define sic

Intentionally so written - used after a printed word or passage to indicate that it is intended exactly as printed or to indicate that it exactly reproduces an original - said he seed [sic] it all

source material for quote from a poem

MLA add a slash to show where a new line begins

source material for quote from a play

MLA for a verse play list the act scene and line numbers divided by periods

How do you cite a government or organization document in an in text citation

MLA: acknowledge it either in a signal phrase or in parenthesis can shorten long names Ex: ...(Social Security Administration 12). APA: if long name that is recognizable by abbreviation, give the full name and the abbreviation the first time you cite the source. in subsequent references use only the abbreviations. if not familiar always use full name Ex: 1st reference (American Psychological Association [APA], 2008) subsequent (APA, 2008)

What is the core of an MLA citation? of an APA citation?

MLA: author's last name and page number APA: author's last name date of publication and page number

how do you record the page numbers for an article that do not appear on consecutive pages (non consecutive)

MLA: give the first page number with a plus sign pp.24+ APA: give all page numbers

In what order do you organize your list of entries on the works cited page and reference page

MLA: organize the entries in alphabetical order APA: alphabetical order

How do you cite different authors of multiple works in an in text citation

MLA: provide a parenthetical reference for each one or include both in the same parenthesis separate the references with a semicolon Ex: Tanner (7) and Smith (viii).... or (Tanner 7; Smith viii). APA: place them in the order that they appear on the reference list separated by semicolons Ex: ...(Heath, 1982; Moss, 2003).

If the title of the web site and the publisher are the same or similar which title should you list in the works cited entry when using MLA style? When would you use the author's name instead of the publisher's name when using APA style?

MLA: use the title of the website APA: use author instead of the publisher's name if the two are the same

APA capitalization rules

only 1st word of journal article or proper nouns (no articles or prepositions)

Primary Source

original source or evidence) is an artifact, a document, diary, manuscript, autobiography, a recording, or any other source of information that was created at the time under study. historical document literary works eyewitness accounts field reports diaries letters lab studies any original research you do through interviews observation experiments or surveys. Novels and films declaration of independence is a primary historical document published report of scientific findings try & find primary over secondary


restating someone else's words in your own

sources quoted paraphrased or summarized must be listed on works cited


one may never use a dropped quote

true ( always have to cite or introduce them)

Define Common knowledge

widely available information that everyone knows ( easily able to be found) -information that most readers are likely to know -information and documents that are widely available -well known quotations -material that you created or gathered yourself

4 characteristics of a summary

-state the main ideas in your own words -do not present all the details -be as brief as possible -use your own words -indicate the source

3 characteristics of a paraphrase

-use your own words and sentence structure ( a paraphrase is usually about the same length as the original because it includes all the main points) -introduce paraphrased text with signal phrases -put in quotation marks any of the source's original phrasing that you use -indicate the source

apa how many authors to use et al.

3-5 authors the 1st time you cite the source you have to list all authors, but all subsequent citations you can use name of 1st author & et al. 6 or more authors you can use et. al in all citations

How do you cite a source in an in text citation when the date is unknown

APA: use n.d. to mean "no date"

one author citation for book APA

Author's last name, initials. (Year of Publication). Title. Publication City, state or country: Publisher.

source material for quote from a novel or short story

MLA first note the page number in your own copy if possible add the section or chapter found in any edition

source material for quote from sacred text

MLA instead of the page, note the version book chapter & verse numbers

What is the 2 part system MLA and APA styles use to credit sources

MLA: (1) brief in-text parenthetical documentation for quotations paraphrases or summaries and (2) more detailed documentation in a list of sources at the end of the text called the works cited page APA: (1) brief in-text parenthetical documentation for quotations paraphrases or summaries and (2) more detailed documentation in a list of sources at the end of the text called the reference page

What is the most up-to-date edition of the handbooks that supply guidance on crediting sources in both MLA and APA

MLA: 8th edition, 2016 APA: 6th edition 2009

same author with multiple works format

MLA: Author's last name, First Name and then use three hyphens in the author slot for each of the subsequent works, listing them alphabetically by the first important word of each title Ex: Author's Last Name, First Name. Title that comes first alphabetically. Publisher, Date - - -. Title that comes next alphabetically. Publisher, Date. APA: if the works were published in different years, list them chronologically, if the works were published in the same year list them alphabetically by title adding "a" "b" and so on to the year Ex: Kaplan, R. D. (2000a)..... Kaplan, R.D. (2000b)

what is the proper format for the date using MLA or APA

MLA: Day Month Year APA: print books- only give the year of publication and if more than one year is given use the most recent one print periodicals- for journals give year only. for magazines and newspapers give year followed by a comma and then month or month and day. online sources- give the year of the original publication on the web or most recent revision use n.d. to mean "no date" for undated content or content that may change include the month day and year that you retrieved the document

In what disciplines are MLA and APA styles used

MLA: Modern Language Association- Humanities APA: American Psychological Association- social sciences

Organization or group author format

MLA: Organization Name. Title. Publisher, Date. Ex: Diagram Group. The Macmillan Visual Desk Reference. Macmillian, 1993. for a govt publication, give the name of the govt first, followed by the names of any department and agency. Ex: United States, Department of Health and Human Services, National Institute of Mental Health. Autism Spectrum Disorders. Government Printing Office, 2004. When the organization is both the author and publisher start with the title and list the organization only as the publisher Ex:Stylebook on Religion 2000: A Reference Guide and Usage Manuel. Catholic News Service, 2002. APA: begin the reference page entry with the organization or govt is both author and published use the word Author as the publisher

unknown or unidentified author format

MLA: Start with title Ex: The Turner Collection in the Clore Gallery. Tate Publications, 1987. APA: begin the reference list entry with the title of the work. if the title page of a work lists the author as anonymous, treat the reference list entry as if the author's name were anonymous and alphabetize it accordingly

what title should you center on the page that you list your sources that you actually cited in your essay

MLA: Works Cited APA: References

Define signal phrase also known as a tag phrase and explain where it is located and its purpose. Give 5 examples of verbs you can use in a signal phrase besides says or said. how is a signal phrase connected to an entry on the works cited page or on the reference page?

MLA: a phrase used to attribute quoted paraphrased or summarized material to a source as in "she said" or "According to Kristof" located at the beginning middle or end of a quote paraphrase or summary connected to the reference of works cited page with the author's last nae or title in the case you have an unidentified author APA: same

which months should you abbreviate in a works cited entry using MLA and in references for APA

MLA: abbreviate Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. the months except for May June and July ( Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec) APA: do not abbreviate months

When should a writer credit his or her source when using MLA or APA style

MLA: credit your source anytime you quote, paraphrase or summarize from a source that you have used. This includes: -direct quotations (unless they are well known) these have to be enclosed in quoation marks cited with brief bibliographic information in parenthesis and usually introduced with a signal phrase who tells who said it or wrote it and provides necessary context -arguable statements an information that may not be common knowledge -opinions and assertions of others -any information that you didn't generate yourself ( anything from statistics to photos to graphs etc) -Collaboration with and help from others) APA: Credit your source anytime you quote paraphrase or summarize from a source that you have used

should you list the location or place of publication for book publishers when using MLA or APA

MLA: do not include the location of or the place of publication APA: give city followed by state (abbreviated) or country if outside US

do you use the page number form a print out of a source in HTML

MLA: do not use the page numbers from a source printed in HTML APA: no

How do you cite an organization author in an in text citation

MLA: either in signal phrase or in parenthesis it is acceptable to shorten long names ... (Social Security Administration 12). APA: if long name that is recognizable by abbreviation, give the full name and the abbreviation the first time you cite the source. in subsequent references use only the abbreviations. if not familiar always use full name Ex: 1st reference (American Psychological Association [APA], 2008) subsequent (APA, 2008)

list the types of sources in which you enclose the title of the works in quotation marks. what are the rules for quotation marks in APA style for an article title in your reference list? In your text (APA)

MLA: enclose in quotation marks the titles of short works and sources that are part of larger works. article titles, short stories, essays, poems APA: the same rules as MLA applies for sources that are enclosed in quotation marks. DO NOT enclose these titles in quotation marks on the reference page

Define "et al." Explain the proper use of this term in parenthetical references and on the works cited and reference pages

MLA: et al. means "and others" Works Cited- if there are three or more authors give the first author's name followed by et al. Ex: Rose Mike, et al. Parenthetical Citation- for a work with 2 authors name both in a signal phrase or in parenthesis Ex: Carlson and Ventura's ..... (v). for a work by 3 or more authors name the 1st author followed by et al. Ex: (Anderson et al. A19-24). APA: et al. means "and others" Reference page: for 2-7 authors include all of the names Form: First Author's last name, Initials, Next Authors last name initials (Etc) & Final Author's Last Name, Initials. for a work of 8 or more name just the 1st 6 authors followed by 3 ellipses points & end with the final author Parenthetical Citations: 1st reference to a work by 3 to 5 persons name all contributors use and in a signal phrase but use an amperstand (&) in parenthesis, in subsequent references name the 1st author followed by et al. whenever you refer to a work by 6 or more authors name only the 1st author followed by et al

where do you find the publication date of a work in print? where do you find the publication date for a web site? which date should you use if there are multiple publication dates?

MLA: find the date of publication on the copyright page if in print. copyright dates are usually at the bottom of a website. use the most recent publication date APA: same

when looking for publisher of a book in print in what 2 places should you look? for a web site? can you shorten the name of a publisher using either style? what terms should you always retain when writing the publishers names? how do you abbreviate university publishers (University Press)?

MLA: find the publication date in print on the title page or copyright page Website- usually at the bottom of the webpage write the publishers names in full but omit words like company or inc for university presses use U for "university" and P for "press" APA: find the publication date in print on the title page or copyright page website: usuallly at the bottom of the webpage use a shortened form of the publisher's name but retain association books and press

when do you use page numbers for articles and other short works? what abbreviations do you use and how do you format the page number

MLA: for most print articles and others short works help readers locate the source by giving a page number or rangers of page: p. 24, pp. 24-35. for those that are not on consecutive pages give the first page number with a plus sign pp.24+ APA: print periodicals use p. or pp. for a newspaper article but not for a journal or magazine article

what is a permalink or DOI and when do you include this on the works cited page or reference page

MLA: for online sources if it has a permalink or a DOI give that Permalink-URL that is intended to remain unchanged for many years into the future DOI- is a unique alphanumeric string assigned by a registration agency (the International DOI Foundation) to identify content and provide a persistent link to its location on the Internet. ommit the http:// or https:// APA: include the DOI instead of the URL in the reference whenever one is available ( if no DOI use URL) if you do not identify the sponsoring institution you do not need a colon before the URL or DOI. don't include any punctuation at the end of a URL or DOI. when a URL won't fit on the line break the URL before most punctuation

when should you use the URL what part of the URL should you omit. explain when to break a URL in the works cited page

MLA: give the URL (if no permalink), omitting http:// or https:// if in a database give the DOI if they have one, if not use the URL APA: if no DOI available use the URL of the home or menu page. if you do not identify the sponsoring institution you do not need a colon before the URL or DOI. Don't include any punctuation at the end of the URL or DOI. When a URL won't fit on the line, break the URL before most punctuation but do not break http://

What is important to remember about using visual material

MLA: help reader connect it to your text. identify the artist or the artwork and refer to its figure number APA: To refer to your own figure or table, mention its number in your sentence "As figure 2 shows,... " Clearly cite a visual from a source

three or more author format

MLA: if there are three or more authors give the first author's name follwed by et al. Ex: Rose, Mike, et, al. APA: first author's last name, initials, next author's last name, initials, & final author's last name, initials

How do you cite an unidentified author in an in text citation

MLA: if you do not know the author use the work's title or a shortened version of the title .... ("Every Patient's Nightmare"). APA: use the complete title if it is short, if long use the first few words of the title under which the work appears in the reference list, Ex: Webster's New Biographical Dictionary (1988)... " (p. 520). or ("Every Patient's Nightmare," 2007).

Define parenthetical reference, what is included in this

MLA: in text citation that is placed in parenthesis . Give author's last name and page number Include: author editor or creator of source, title of source ( and of publication or site where it appears) name of publisher date of publication retrieval information (for online sources) APA: in text citation that is placed in parenthesis give the author's last name date of publication and give page number ( include same as above and also) the place of publication (for print sources)

explain the rules for capitalizing words in a title using MLA style. explain the capitalization rules when using APA style for titles of books articles or Web sites and titles of a journal or other periodical. how do you punctuate a title and a subtitle

MLA: include any subtitles and capitalize all the words in titles and subtitles except for articles (a an the) prepositions (to at from) and coordination conjuctions - unless they are the first or last word of a title or subtitle APA: print books- capitalize only the 1st word and proper nouns and proper adjectives in titles and subtitles print periodicals (articles)- capitalize article titles as you would for a book online sources- for websites and electronic documents articles or books capitalize the titles subtitles as you you would for a book punctuate a title and a subtitle using a colon between the two

How do you cite the same author with multiple works in an in text citation

MLA: include the title of the work you are citing either in the signal phrase or in parenthesis. Give full title if it is brief otherwise use shortened, if both in the parenthesis put comma between author & title Ex: Kaplan insists... (eastward 330.) or (Kaplan, Eastward 330). APA: order them alphabetically by title adding lowercase letters ("a" "B" and so on) to the year Ex: Kaplan (2000a) ....

List the types of sources to which you italicize the titles of the works using MLA or APA style. what are the rules for italicizing article titles in APA style in the reference list

MLA: italicize the titles of books periodicals and other long whole works even if they are part of a larger work do not italicize article titles APA: italicize the titles of books periodicals and other long whole works even if they are part of a larger work. DO italicize the titles on the reference list

two author format

MLA: list the first author last name first and the second one first name first Ex: Lunsford, Andrea, and Lia Ede. APA: first author's last name, initials, next author's last name, initials Ex: Peter & Hull

Format Single Author

MLA: list the last name first then give first EX: Morrison, Toni APA: use the author's last name but replace the first and middle names with initials author's last name, intials

How do you cite two authors in an in text citation

MLA: name both either in a signal phrase or in parenthesis EX: Carlson and Ventura's ... (v). APA: always mention both authors use and in a signal phrase but use an ampersand (&) in parenthesis Ex: Carlson and Ventura (1990).... (p. v). or (Peter & Hull, 1969, p. 26).

How do you cite the author of an essay or article from a reader or collection in an in text citation

MLA: name the author of the work not the editor of the anthology - either in a signal phrase or in parenthesis Ex: ...according to Cynthia Ozick... (70). or in In Short: A Collection of Creative Nonfiction, readers will find both an essay on Scottish tea (Hiestand) and a piece on teapots as metaphors (Ozick). APA: Not applicable

How do you cite three or more authors in an in text citation

MLA: name the first author followed by et. al (Anderson et al. A19-24). APA: In the first reference to a work by 3 to 5 persons name all contributions. Use and in a signal phrase but use an ampersand (&) in parentheses. In subsequent references name the first author followed by et al. Whenever you refer to a work by 6 or more contributors name only the 1st author followed by et al. Ex: Faigley, George, Palchik, and Selfe (2004)... (p.xii). Peilen et al. (1990)... (p.75).

How do you cite an individual author in an in text citation that is named in the signal phrase

MLA: put only the page numbers in parenthesis do not write out page or p McCullough... " (18). APA: must put page numbers, not required with a paraphrase or a summary Quoted- put date in parenthesis right after the author's name put the page in parentheses as close to the quote as possible McCullough (2001)..... " (p. 18). Paraphrased or summarized- put the date in parenthesis right after the author's name follow the date with the page .... according to McCullough (2001, p. 18).

How do you cite an individual author in an in text citation that is not named in the signal phrase

MLA: put the author in the parenthesis along with the page numbers, no punctuation between them (McCullough 18). APA: if you don't mention anauthor in a signal phrase put his or her name, a comma, and the year of publication in parenthesis as close as possible to the quotation paraphrase or summary Author Quoted- give author date & page in one parenthesis or split the information between the 2 parenthesis ... (McCullough, 2001)..... (p. 18). Author Paraphrased or summarized- give the author date and page in one parenthesis toward the beginning or the end of the paraphrase of summary ... (McCullough, 2001, p. 18).

List all of the information about the form use and punctuation of a long quote (aka blocked or indented quote)

MLA: set off quoations of 5 or more typed lines by indenting the quote one-half inch from the left margin. APA: indent quotations of 40 or more words one-half inch from the left margin for both do not use quotation marks and put any parenthetical documentation after any end punctuation it is the same for 4 or more lines of poetry if it is four or more lines of poetry they need to be set off in the same way

author of edited work or worth with a translator format

MLA: specify their roles. for works with multiple contributors put the one whose works you wish to higlight before the title and list any others you want to mention after the title. for contributors named before the title put the label after the name: Fincher, David, director. for those named after the title, specify their role first: directed by David Fincher APA: Author's Last Name, Initials. (Year of Publication). Title of article or chapter. In Initials Last Name (Ed.), Title (pp. pages). Publication City, State or Country: Publisher. Ex: Harris, I. M. (1999). Types of peace education. In A. Raviv, L. Oppenheimer, & D. BAr-Tal (Eds.), How children understand war and peace: A call for international peace education (pp. 46-70). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

when do you use the date of access in the works cited or references

MLA: use the date of access when citing online sources bc online sources often change or even disappear APA: online sources- give the year of the original publication on the web or most recent revision use n.d. to mean "no date" for undated content or content that nay change include the month day and year that you retrieved the document. you don't need to include the access date for content that unlikely to change

When would you choose to summarize material? For what reason would you choose to paraphrase material? when is it best to directly quote material?

Quote: when the wording is worth repeating or makes a point so welll that no rewording will do it justice, when you want to cite the exact words of a known authority on your topic, when an authority's opinions challenges or disagree with those of others, or when the source in one you want to emphasize Paraphrase: sources that are not worth quoting but contain details you need to include Summarize: longer passages whose main points are important but whose details are not

What is the difference between the author of a work an the editor of the work

The author of a work is the creator but the editor of a work compiles other works by authors into anthologies

What is the difference in a works consulted page and a works cited page. define padded bibliography

Works consulted- is a list of all the sources that you found in the process of your research including those that you did not cite in the research paper works cited page- only includes the sources that you cite in your research paper. padded bibliography- is a works cited page that includes sources that are not cited in the research paper

APA 2nd page

abstract, has summary & key points


author made a mistake in his quote

Hanging indent and when do you use it

hanging indent- indent the second line and all consecutive lines of the entry on the works cited page

Secondary Source

information is one that was created later by someone who did not experience first-hand or participate in the events or conditions you're researching scholarly books and articles reviews biographies textbooks other works that interpret or discuss primary sources. articles interpreting novels an films a historian's description of the events of the declaration of independence's writing critique of a report they help to understand & evaluate primary source material can distort or misrepresent the information

list all the types of common sources you may use in research

primary and secondary sources scholarly and popular cources print & online sources encyclopedia bibliographies references specialized reference works books Ebooks Periodicals general indexes single subject indexes & databases print indexes images sounds & more internet field research interviews observations questionnaires & surveys

What is an indirect source? how do you cite the author of the original source in an in text citation? how do you cite the author of the source you used in an in text citation

quote text that you found quoted in another source MLA: use the original author's name in the signal phrase. use the author of the source in the in-text citation use qtd. Ex: (qtd. in Tanner 7). APA: use the original author's name in the signal phrase use the author of the source in the in-text citation add as cited in Ex: (as cited in Oberfielf & Yasik 2004, p. 294)

note the differences between scholarly substantive news/general interest popular and sensational sources give examples

scholarly sources are written by academic experts or scholars in particular disciplines and are peer reviewed (evaluated by other experts in the same discipline for their factual accuracy & lack of bias) they are also written largely for experts in a discipline as a means of sharing research insights & indepth analysis with one another & that is why they have high standards of accuracy & objectivity & adhere to the discipline's accepted research methods Ex: scholarly articles in academic journals, scholarly books in university presses, or published by other academically encouraged publishers Look for author peer review & works cited Popular sources include almost all other online & print publications from websites to magazines to books writen for nonspecialists. these generally explain or provide opinion on current events or topics of general interest, when they discuss scholarly research they tend to simplify the concepts & facts providing definitions narraratives & examples to make them understandable to nonspecialist audiences. they are often written by journalist or other professional writers who may specialize in a particular area but who reprort or comment on the scholarship of others rather than doing any themselves, most important difference is that popular are not reviewed by other experts in the field being discusses, although editors or fact checkers review the writing before being publishe

What is the purpose of using an ellipsis? How does the writer indicate an ellipsis at the end of a sentence? In the middle of a sentence? Do you ever use an ellipsis at the beginning of a sentence?

they are three spaced dots to indicate an ommission To delete words from a quotation that is unnecessary for your point, insert three ellipsis marks to indicate the deletion. (3 dots= middle) (but space before & after the 3 ) If you omit a sentence or more in the middle of a quotation put a period before the 3 ellipsis dots ( 4 dots= end) never at the beginning

Explain the use of single quotation marks

use single quotation marks around the quote inside of another quote (quote within in a quote)

when do you need to use an abbreviated title in a parenthetical citation

when same author but different works

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