Formation of Malaysia

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16 Sept 1963

Events and Implications

PAP form Malaysian Solidarity Convention(MSC) by recruiting non Malay based party into it. MSC aims for Malaysia Malaysian where everybody is treated equally regardless of race and religion. July 1964: Racial riot happens in different part of Singapore. 23 death and 454 injured. September 1964" Racial riot 13 death and 106 injured.

Effect of Political Disagreement

PAP increases campaign on Malaysia Malaysian concept. PAP declare to create new government upon winning the Singapore state election. Alliance embarked to anti-PAP campaign. Critics PAP for its : a) Failure to look upon interest of Malays in Singapore. b) Exploiting resettlement of Malay families.

Road Towards Malaysia: Malaya, Singapore, Brunei, North Borneo & Sarawak

Reason for joining Malaysia are: To facilitate independence through unification. To foster collective economic development. To suppress communism. To achieve ethnic balance and unity. Provide unity over international relations.

Reactions Towards "Malaysia"

Singapore Lee Kuan Yew (PAP) supported the idea. Opposed by Socialist Party & United People's Party. The people (majority) supported the idea. Evidence? Singapore Referendum 1962. Brunei Sultan Omar Ali supported the idea. A.M.Azahari (Brunei's People Party) against the idea. Why? Planned to unite North Borneo under the name of North Kalimantan. Launched armed rebellion, but fail. Sabah & Sarawak The people did not agree & afraid. Why? Losing their position Afraid of being discriminated Economic competition Malaya The people accepted the idea of formation Britain Support and accept the idea.

Singapore Separation

Singapore separates from Malaysia on 9th August 1965. Reason for separation: Economic: Delay in setting up common market Imposition of new tax laws on Singapore Attempts to increase Singapore contribution to central government b) Political: Political rivalry Racial politics Effect of Malaysia Malaysian Campaign

Brunei's Withdrawal

The sultan lost interest and withdraw from joining Malaysia. The demands & conditions of the sultan was rejected. There are: The numbers of the parliament seats The control on oil & others minerals Monetary autonomy Method of taxation

Singapore Dismissal From Malaysia

To avoid further bloodshed and chaos, on 7th August 1965, Tuanku Abdul Rahman advise Parliament of Malaysia to dismiss Singapore. 9 August 1965, parliament vote for separation with 126-0 (without any representative from Singapore). Lee Kuan Yew proclaim Singapore independence on 9 August 1965.

Inspiration to Create Malaysia

Tunku Abdul Rahman has inspires to create Malaysia. A country consist of : Peninsular Malaysia Singapore North Borneo (Sabah) Sarawak Brunei By unification, Singapore, North Borneo (Sabah), Sarawak and Brunei is able to gain its independence from British.

Separation- Political Reason

1963 State election (Singapore) People's Action Party (PAP) won 37 out of 51 seats contested Alliance (UMNO, MCA and MIC) fail to win any seats. Alliance leader is upset of the outcome 1964 Federal Election in Peninsular Malaysia PAP join the election and propose the Malaysia Malaysian concept(equal opportunity for all). Alliance leaders felt offended as it challenges Malay rights.

Malaysia Agreement

An agreement for British to withdraw its sovereign control over Brunei, Singapore, North Borneo (Sabah) and Sarawak. The agreement results to union between: a) Federation of Malaya- Sovereign state. b) North Borneo (Sabah)- Colony of Britain. c) Sarawak- Colony of Britain. d) Singapore- Colony of Britain. The Malaysia Agreement was signed in 9 July 1963. Malaysia was born on 16 September 1963

Separation- Economic Reason

Central Government saw Singapore as economic rival to Kuala Lumpur thus delay creation of common market. Central government wishes to protect Peninsular Malaysia industries thus impose taxes to Singapore industry. Central government propose to increase Singapore federal contribution from 40% to 60%.

Formation Of Malaysia

Declared in 16th September 1963 Malaysia = Federation of Malaya + Singapore + Sarawak + Sabah. 14 states.

Differences between Merdeka and Malaysia Day

Merdeka is when Malaya achieve independence (31 August 1957). Malaysia day is when Malaya, Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore joins to create Malaysia 16 September 1963. Thus, Malaysia celebrate 2 independence day celebration: Hari Merdeka: 31 August 1957 Hari Malaysia: 16 September 1963

External Opposition

Indonesia President Sukarno & Indonesia Communist Party Why? Neo colonize & opposed the idea of formation Indonesia-raya. Actions: Launched confrontation policy January 1963 Economic - boycott Critic the formation in the international conference Broke off diplomatic relations End? military coup in 1965, overthrown President Sukarno. New regime under President Suharto signed peace agreement in August 1966. Philippines President Macapagal Claimed Sabah was originally a part of Filipino territory (Sulu Kingdom) Actions: Broke off diplomatic ties End? President lose in the election & replace with new president, Ferdinand Marcos. Ok, 1967 (during the process of drafting ASEAN agreement)

Steps Towards "Malaysia"

Jan & July 1961 - Tunku's goodwill visit to Sabah & Sarawak. To give clarification & explanation August 1961 - Singapore consultation To explain & discuss July 1961 - The Malaysian Solidarity Consultative Committee Dissolved the suspicion of the people Discussed and elaborated the idea April-August 1962 - Cobbold Commission To conduct the survey the opinions of people in Sabah & Sarawak 5. August 1962 - Inter Government Committee - to discuss - 20 Demands / request addressed by the people in Sarawak & Sabah 6. September 1962 - Singapore referendum 7. Jun 1963 - United Nation Malaysian Mission Conducted the survey in Borneo Majority people agreed to join Malaysia. Why? 8. July 1963 - The Malaysian Agreement was signed. 9. 16th September 1963 - Formation of Malaysia

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