FOS EXAM 2 6-10

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A ---------- is a unit of measure used to represent the conversion of folic acid to folate. Example. 200 μg supplement of folic acid and obtain 150 μg of naturally occurring folate from foods such as vegetables, the dietary folate equivalent is calculated as follows: 200 μg of folic acid in the supplement × -----= 340 μg folate activity. Add to this, the 150 μg of dietary folate for a total of 490 μg of dietary folate equivalents

(dietary folate equivalent) DFE, 1.7

A fitness enthusiast will excersize about an hour a day. Such people need about ----grams of carbs, ------- gram of proteins and -------- rest for lipids a day. They should eat a meal high in ----around 4 hours before workouts, consume another meal high in both ---and -----an hour after and drink sport drinks for longer workouts. The amount in grams consumed is in grams/Kg of body weight/day

5-7, 0.8-1, carbs, carbs, proteins

Fat soluble vitamins -----,-------,----------,-------. Foods with fat have --------- mouthfeel and texture with lingering ------

A, D, E, K, superior, aftertaste

If newborns are given vitamin A, their mortality goes down in ----but not ----. Vitamin A is also good for lung function and also helps with antibodies. Vitamin A happens a lot around the -----. First conference in ----to eliminate vitamin A deficiency and then ------Goals in 2000-2015 and today we have ------ goals from now through 2030.

Asia, Africa, equator, 1992, Millennium Development , sustainable development

------------ allows shifting around of fatty acids on TAG

Enzymatic Interesterification

------ partially blocked artery. If the artery becomes completely blocked, it is called a ------ infarction or heart attack

angina pectoris, myocardial

arachidonic acid.20:4 ω6 means ----- carbons, ----double bonds starting at omega---- position of . Stearic acid has a melting point of 70 CELSIUS, ----- is hard white fat

20, 4, 6, beef tallow

A protein's structure and function can be changed by heat, acid, enzymes, -----, or --- -By taking ----you block heat and stomach acid

agitation, alcohol, antacids

You can obtain a balanced protein diet by eating ------proteins, which are foods that when eaten alone may not be -----proteins, but when combined- rice and beans (lysine). According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, -----eat only plant foods and do not consume meat, fish, poultry, milk or other dairy products, eggs, or use anything else produced from animals

complementary, complete, vegans

Vitamin A has many functions. It is involved in vision, gene regulation, immune function, bone growth, reproduction, cell membrane stability, integrity of epithelial cells (cells that make up the skin and lining of the digestive tract), synthesis of the hormone -----by the adrenal glands, maintenance of the lining that insulates nerves, production of red blood cells, and production of -----hormone. Leading cause of nonaccidental ---- called ----and spots on eye called ---- spots- named after French guy. People with borderline deficiency take longer to recover from a ---, hard and dry cornea. ----is the main source

cortisol, thyroid, blindness, xerophthalmia, bitot, flash, Carrots

The degree of TAG ------- determines whether it is solid or liquid and there are a number of factors that affect this including ------- (lowest melting point and lowest stability), ------- (medium and perfect) and ----- (highest and most stable used for chocolate)

crystallization, alpha, beta prime, beta

Grass list by the FDA is trying to reduce partial hydrogenation because they cause ----- fats. ------ in animals can creates ----trans fats. Conjugated linoleic acid may be -----

trans, biohydrogenation, good, anticarcingenic

omega 6 to omega 3 ratio- 1:1 (hunter gatherers) is ideal, developed countries have about ----ratios. Vegetable oil come from ----- sources. Cholesterol only in -----. Chole- means ---------, steros-means---- and ol- chemical suffix of -----. Sterols in plants are called -----

20:1, soybean, animals, bile, solid, OH, phytosterols

Food and Drug Administration (FDA)- definitions of labels- processing • Low fat—-- g or less of fat per serving- • Less fat:--- percent or less fat than the typical comparison food in its category of the same serving size - • Light (fat)—--- percent or less fat than in the comparison food) • Saturated fat free: less than ---- g of saturated fat and of trans fatty acids per serving • Trans-fat free—less than --- g of trans fatty acids per serving

3, 25, 50, 0.5, 0.5

The stomach is a -----shaped sac (lower esophageal sphincter) that mixes and liquefies food into a substance called ----. Stomach can hold up to 4 L

J, chyme

-------is a protein that is hard and tough and is what your fingernails are made of. -age-related eye disorders such as macular degenerative- disease is thought to be related to deficiency in vitamin ---.Other nutrients like carotenoids ------and ------, which are vitamin A-like but have a structure similar to beta carotene

Keratin, A, lutein, zeothanthin

2 g of trans fatty acids per day or less because they raise----------- cholesterol. In 2013, a preliminary determination by the FDA stated that --------- oils are no longer "generally recognized as safe.

LDL, partially hydrogenated

- --------- (leased accurate), based on the fact that lean tissue, with high water content, conducts ------relatively well, while fat tissue, with low water content, conducts electricity poorly.

BIA (Bioelectrical impedance analysis), electricity

-----------, or the rate at which metabolism occurs, is more precisely defined as the REE measured after -----in the morning, at least ---- hours after the last meal.

BMR (Basal metabolic rate), waking, 12

--------vegetarians consume milk and dairy products, but avoid eggs, seafood, and meat. - ----------- vegetarians consume eggs and dairy products, but no meat or seafood. -------- vegetarians consume mostly whole grains, especially brown rice

Lacto, Lacto-ovo, Macrobiotic

------is the smallest micromineral. Important in maintaining the integrity of -----and stabilizes --. Counter to calcium in muscle -----. People with low magnesium may experience heart -----and excess fluid loss, which can also be caused by taking -----. Again, good sources are greens, whole grains chocolate and nuts

Magnesium, nucleotides, ATP, relaxation, arrhythmia, diuretics

- ----- is similar to underwater weighing but does not displacement -----but ---- - ------pattern (more in men) of fat distribution, the "apple shape," most body fat is carried in the abdomen.

Bod Pod, water, air, android

Hormones secreted in the stomach helps it churn its antiparallel muscles -In addition to breaking down dietary protein, hydrochloric acid also denatures protein in potentially harmful bacteria ------protects the stomach from the acid and the digestive enzymes it contains. Defect results in stomach ----. only ----(drug), some fat-soluble drugs, the Villi, mineral -----, and a small amount of alcohol are absorbed in the stomach

Mucus, ulcer, aspirin, copper

--------is the most abundant mineral in the body. Bone is made primarily of it and phosphorus. It makes up a crystal in bone called ------. It is also important in muscle contraction. People with osteoporosis die within a -----

Calcium, hydroxyapatite, year

----------based (dextrins, maltodextrins), -----based (whey and egg whites) and ------based fat (Olean, Salatrim, and Caprenin , nondigestable) are substitutes for fat. The net calories in modified fat foods are similar to those in regular

Carbohydrate, Protein, Fat

The blood contains four types of lipoproteins: cholesterol transporters • ------ meal and cell lining fat absorption • ------ - made in the liver and contain triglycerides and cholesterol • ------ - VDLs w/o triglycerides • ------ made in the liver and removes cholesterol

Chylomicrons, VLDLs, LDLs, HDLs

when blood levels of calcium begin to drop, vitamin ---stimulates the kidneys to conserve calcium by decreasing urinary excretion. It also plays a role in cell differentiation. ----is caused by lack of this vitamin. Eating cod liver oil and getting ----- can help

D, Rickets, UV

-------is the restoration of micronutrients that were originally present in the food but were lost during processing. When the bran is removed we are left with only the -------. -The Enrichment Act of ----- states that U.S. food manufacturers must add thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, and iron to refined grain products. Adding vitamins and minerals to foods that are not naturally present in those foods. This process is called ----.

Enrichment, endosperm, 1942, fortification

--------- Nutrients that the body's tissues or cells cannot make. They are in two families- ----------- and --------- Linoleic acid (omega-6) and linolenic (EPA and DHA) (omega-3) are the two most prominent essential fatty acids

Essential, omega-6, omega-3

--------- is the program used to fold proteins. Protein is best known for its function in ---- growth. It also plays a vital role in the development, maintenance, and repair of all tissues in the body. It is involved in fluid balance, blood clotting, enzyme production, and hormone regulation, and it serves as a carrier for several nutrients

FOLDIT, muscle

--------- is for the hardening of the enamel. Too much it can result in -----, which causes discoloration and mottling of teeth

Fluoride, fluorosis

---------Sphincter does not work proper can cause acid reflux and heart burn. Happens to pregnant women and fat people ------ sphincter- regulate speed of food into small intestine, this depends on the type of food too----- pass fast but not lipids

Gastroesophageal, Pyloric, carbs

Stomach health is compromised by ---- and some bacteria in the colon can cause diarrhea - The breakdown of carbohydrates begins as soon as you put food in your mouth. The enzyme called salivary amylase. Carbs get ----- when you chew them slowly -In the stomach, carbs are broken down by pancreatic ----and then other enzymes like lactase, maltase and sucrase can come in.

H pylori, sweeter, amylase

------- no active way to expel iron. Diagnosed by -----levels and definitely by ----test (mutation of HFE gene). Specific for -----European descent. Disorders of iron metabolism are very common and should be monitored.

Hemochromatosis, ferritin, Genetic, Northern

- -----refers to the physiological mechanisms that determine how much and when we eat. - -----refers to the psychological mechanisms that determine how much we eat. They are different then

Hunger, Appetite

---------- syndrome-affects the large intestine and leads to cramping, diarrhea, and constipation, caused by sensitive stomach muscles and treated with fiber - ---disease and -------- (inflamed large intestines) caused by overactive immune system and genetics and treated with ------ fatty acids

Irritable bowel, Crohn's, Ulcerative colitis, omega 3

hypervitaminosis or vitamin A toxicity is experienced more by ------because of the bear meat that they consume. This affects the same tissues as deficiency and symptoms include headache, abdominal pain, skin rashes, fetal malformations and more. vitamin A toxicity can come from other sources such as -----drug called Accutane

eskimos, acne

Your body can make nonessential amino acids from the carbon skeletons it gets from pyruvate, essential amino acids, and other compounds. Of course, -----amino acids must come from your diet because humans lack the enzymes necessary for their synthesis. -Leftovers leave the large intestine by ----colon. The large intestine hasdescending/ascending and ----regions

essential, sigmoidal, transverse

Pellagra was a problem for southerners in the US because all they ate was -------,--------,--------

fatback, grits, molasses

Longer duration activities use-------- so like a marathan runner. Usually, the difference is at after ---min

fats, 20

Lipids are associated with flavor, do oxidize to ----in air. They serve as excellent ---transfer media and energy storage material in creatures. Butter's 20 percent -----interferes with crispy baking

free radicals, heat, water

The major function of chromium is facilitating -----uptake by improving the function of the hormone insulin and it is found in nuts and whole grains


Iron toxicity often occurs as a result of a genetic disorder called ------. The tests used to screen for it are the ------saturation and ferritin, as well as blood tests for liver damage

hemochromatosis, transferrin

Vegans/ vegetarians are sometimes lacking in ----- (in all dark vegies- ----- blocks this and it is not easily absorbed, vitamin---- helps with absorption),vitamin -----, ----- (not as rapidly absorbed), vitamin ----- (no plants produce this), proteins, only soy is comparable to meat proteins. Supplements can fix these problems (take on empty stomach). Don't want to have a pure supplements of pure vitamins

iron, fiber, C, D, calcium, B12

Lipid oxidation- properties depend on structure -hydrogenation makes solid and and -----stable to oxidation -degree of ----- -unsaturated fats oxidize -----because oxygen loves those double bonds- autooxidation -----are used to prevent lipid oxidation

more, unsaturation, faster, antioxidants

which are organs of the oesophageal tract?

mouth, esophagus, stomach, intestine and anus

Energy balance- energy in (calories from food and beverages)- Alcohol is -----a nutrient but produces ---kcal twice that of sugars vs energy out (active energy- metabolic processes) Much easier to control ----in if you want to loose weight

not, 7, energy

Good quantities of vitamin D include vitamin D-fortified milk or margarine, liver, sardines, salmon, and shrimp. Cheeses and yogurts are not often fortified with vitamin D. Vitamin D2 is found in milk, cereal, and fortified juices, and vitamin D3 is found in ----

oily fish

above 20 different fatty acids are found in foods. Double bonds make --- fats. Naming fatty acids- ---- conformation is more in fatty acids. -----end of a chain is the methyl end and the -----is the carboxyl end and we start counting from the -----end

oily, cis, Omega, alpha, omega

All properties of fatty acids- methylene interruption is the same as -----of double bonds in fatty acids, ----of fatty acids, degree of ------, double bonds and ------hydrogenation are. Conjugated double bonds are often in --- products

position, length, unsaturation, partial, dairy

Water is not a great -------- and obesity itself is considered a --------- disease

rehydrator, chronic

Fructose is not absorbed by the ------- mechanism as sucrose and galactose - In the ----lipase, an enzyme that breaks down fats is released in the saliva.

same, mouth

In infants, a sign of vitamin C deficiency is a --------, an abnormal formation on the rib cage where the ribs appear "-------." Vitamin toxicity is still debatable but those who take its supplements have the same the chance of getting cold like those who don't. Although toxicity can lead to -----.

scorbutic rosary, beaded, kidney stones

fat-- soluble vitamins and vitamin B12 are absorbed in the ileum, so don't remove it - it will give you ------ syndrome (treated with supplement and intramuscular injection) - absorption of sodium and water, and preparation of waste for defecation happens in the ----- intestine which takes several ----to move foods. This intestine contains large flora of ----that break down -----to short chain fatty acids and gas. These intestinal bacteria also produce vitamin ---- ( clot) and some B vitamins

short bowel, large, hours, bacteria, cellulose, K

Lipid oxidation starts with ------acid that form -----and ------free radicals and eventually -------that can in turn form aldehydes, ketones, alcohols and carboxylic acids

unsaturated, radicals, peroxyl, hydroperoxide

Omega 3 fats - -----and ----- development(DHA and EPA) of infants. Derived from ------. ALA, EPA and DHA in -----

visual, neurological, fish, plants

The AHA recommends an optimal ratio of ----- to 1, but no higher than 5 to 1. Cholestelerol to HDL levels. There are ----- and ---- fats (like proteins and grains, depends with vegetable). Lipids can be pigments, -----, waxes, sterols, glycerophospholipids and tAG

3.5, visible, invisible, terpenes

Cells that line your intestine are replaced about every 3 days, your red blood cells live only for about --- months and --------- is part of all the connective tissue. Protein plays a crucial role in maintaining fluid balance. Proteins in the blood, such as ---(makes up 60 percent of body's plasma) and they act as ----

4, collagen, albumin, buffers

----- or vitamin b7 is involved with -----acid synthesis and the breakdown of amino acids and some fatty acids into glucose. Protein in raw eggs known as ----binds biotin and prevents absorption. Liver, fish and beans are good sources of biotin

Biotin, fatty, avidin

-------- binds to vitamin B12 to make sure that it not absorbed until it is ready. Some people genetically do not produce intrinsic factors. Bypass surgeries and cancer treatments can reduce them too. Vitamin B12 deficiency because of the lack of intrinsic factor develop an anemia known as ------- anemia (can result in death). The cells are immature, larger in size, but fewer in number; these cells are termed -----

Intrinsic factor, pernicious, megaloblasts

-------- or vitamin B3 can be found in two chemical forms: ---------- and ------. Its deficiency leads to a condition called ---. The symptoms of this are often referred to as "the -----": diarrhea, dermatitis, dementia, and death.

Niacin, nicotinamide, nicotinic acid, pellagra, four D's

Because you need ----- made from carbs to breakdown fats, when carbs are low fat breakdown is slow and in turn we form ----, alternate fuel for brain -The first step in the breakdown of amino acids is ------. Once this is done, the carbon skeleton is what remains of the amino acids. The nitrogen is converted to ----and excreted in the urine

OAA, ketone bodies, deamination, urea

In order to continue -----use, manufacturers promised the FDA that they would fortify food products with these fat-soluble vitamins. Total fat intake should be between 20 and --- percent of daily calories. In the United States, the percentage of calories from fats in our diet has actually -----over the last two decades

Olestra, 35, decreased

Vegan diets can be low in zinc, iron, calcium, protein, vitamin B6, and devoid of vitamin B12. --------occurs when a person does not consume adequate amounts of protein and energy- most ------- form of nutritional deficiency diagnosed in hospitalized patients in the United States

PEM(Protein energy malnutrition), common

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), ---is by far the most lethal form of malnutrition. -Two types of PEM- -----(emaciation, or a skeletal appearance) and ----(the sickness of the weaning, potbelly")

PEM, Marasmus, Kwashiorkor

-------hormone is a hormone produced by the parathyroid glands located next to the thyroid gland in the neck. Its role in the body is to maintain healthy levels of ----in the blood. The hormone converts vitamin D- into the active form, -------- which stimulates the kidneys to reabsorb calcium

PTH (Parathyroid), calcium, calcitriol

----- acid or vitamin b5 is a part of a much larger molecule that is critical for harnessing energy, but it is not a ------. It is involved in the synthesis of lipids, steroid hormones, neurotransmitters, and hemoglobin. "------" results from the deficiency. The word pantothenic means ----, but it is easily destroyed by food processing methods

Pantothenic, cofactor, burning feet, everywhere

---- can occur when people cannot produce the nonessential amino acids- Normally, phenylalanine is converted to the nonessential amino acid ----. people with this can't break down --------, so it accumulates and they need to consume tyrosine and follow a strict diet with low protein and avoid -----

Phenylketonuria, tyrosine, phenylalanine, aspartame

-----is second most abundant mineral in our bodies, often found as a phosphate. Phosphorus ions act as a -----in our blood. Good sources are dairy products and whole grains and soft drinks

Phosphorus, buffer

------and ----bind to calcium and iron and prevent them from being -----into the blood stream. Adolescents are the age group that do not meet the RDA for calcium. Canned sardine and vegetables are good sources of calcium

Phytate, oxalate, absorbed

Vitamin A is found in two forms. ----(dairy) and ----(yellow and in fruits and vegetable as beta carotene). Vitamin A is stored in the ----

Preformed, provitamin A, liver

------- used to detect night blindness in Zambia. Corneal -----has no cure and it is the progression of vitamin A deficiency. -----discovered vitamin A- father of modern nutrition.

Pupillary Dark Adaptometry, necrosis, McCollum

--------- 1. Muscle mass requires -----metabolic activity- body has to burn energy ------- is equal to resting energy expenditure. This is increased by lots of muscle 2. Health status- you cannot really change. There are other aspects of this that ca change and those that cannot be changed like gender, meal pattern and physical environment

REE (Resting Energy Expenditure), more, RMR (Resting metabolic rate)

We expend energy or calories in three ways:--------(basal metabolism)------ and the -----------of food

REE (resting energy expenditure), physical activity, TEF( thermic effect of food)

More muscles equals more calories burned. Mass and food restriction influence ---.----- is the component of daily caloric expenditure that varies the most. The process of burning calories as you digest, absorb, transport, store, and metabolize food is called the ------- of food. Higher for proteins than carbs and fats

REE, Physical activity, thermic effect (TEF)

Sunscreen with ---- can block the body's ability to produce vitamin D by 95 percent. It is essential that you actually go outside to get UV light for vitamin D synthesis. UV light ----- go through glass. Vitamin D toxicity is real just like with vitamin A

SPF 8, cannot

---------was thought to be toxic only but today we know that that is not the case. It has antioxidant effect as it is a part of glutathione. Lack of it effects match those of vitamin. Excellent source of it is seafood


-------- one amino acid is missing in the sequence for the protein hemoglobin-shortness of breath, fatigue, delayed growth, bone pain, and yellow eyes and skin. Can lead to permanent damage of the kidneys, lungs, bones, eyes, and central nervous system. Common in -------and -----

Sickle-cell anemia, African Americans, Hispanics

--------- are the primary form of lipid found in food and in the body. Blood transports fat as ------. -----(transport of cholesterol and fatty acids to the tissues) are a form of phospholipids

Triglycerides, phospholipid, Lipoproteins

-------weighing (most accurate) is often referred to as the gold standard for estimating body composition. - -------- are a more convenient alternative. These are used to measure the thickness of the fat layer under the skin in several locations. - ----- two X-ray energies to measure body fat, muscle, and bone mineral.

Underwater, skinfold calipers, DEXA (Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry)

--------and ---------can't be broken down to give us energy, but they play important roles in the pathways we use to get -----. -once pyruvate becomes acetyl CoA it -----go back to pyruvate

Vitamins, minerals, ATP, cannot

------, ----, ---, and small molecules such as glucose don't need to be digested or broken into smaller molecules before they are absorbed -taste is 80 percent ----. The rest of the sensation of taste is determined by the appearance, temperature, and texture of the food, and by the taste buds

Water, vitamins, minerals, smell

Night blindness is denoted as ---- by WHO and it is called ------ by some cultures. There is a group called ------ for vitamin A. Other denotions are X1A for conjunctivitis X1B for bitot spots and so on

XN, chicken eyes, IVACG

Vitamin E deficiency has been reported in laboratory animals but rarely occurs in humans. This is because vitamin E is ----in the food supply, the human body has large stores of it. Human infants deficient in vitamin E can have ----because they have not had time to build stores. Any symptom from vitamin E deficiency can be ----

abundant, anemia, reversed

Fats are made by a pathway called lipogenesis. Because --------- is the starting point, anything that can form acetyl CoA can be made into fat and stored. Protein in excess can be made into fats - Unlike fats and carbohydrates, proteins do not have a large storage form in the body, but there is the amino acid ----

acetyl CoA, pool

Vitamins in supplements are ----which is what make them dangerous because natural ones are often ----and activated by whatever Vitamin A is first to be discovered obviously The lecturer from Hopkins works in -----

active, inactive, Nepal

Some --------is absorbed right away in the stomach, especially when it is consumed without food, but most is absorbed in the ---- intestine. They must travel to the ----to be detoxified -Absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (vitamins A, D, E, and K) is facilitated by the presence of ------ in our diets, but they must also be transported as chylomicrons. If these are not consumed with fats, they are -----without absorption

alcohol, small, liver, lipid, excreted

Vitamin E is a group of 4 (------ greatest, ----, -----and ---) compounds, called --------. vitamin E fights against ----- and is thus an antioxidant nutrient and referred to as free radical buffer". Vitamin E also enhances the immune system and is needed for nerve cell development. Found mostly in areas of the body where we get the most -----so that it can combat free radicals. Tocopherols are often added to products to prevent oxidation of oils and to extend their shelf life

alpha, beta, gamma, delta, tocopherols, free radicals, oxygen

vitamine was developed in reference to the essential or vital (vita) and the presence of nitrogen (-----). As more "vitamines" were identified, scientists learned that ----- of them contain nitrogen. Thus, the term vitamine was shortened to the more familiar term vitamin. vitamin B wasn't a single vitamin- It has 9 variations with subscripts 1,2....

amine, not all

water-soluble vitamins are not as toxic as fat-soluble vitamins because they are rapidly excreted with the urine. vitamin C is ---- acid nicknamed ----. It prevents ----and is also an oxidants. Vitamin C also produces protein ----. Anemia also results if there is not enough ---absorbed with the help of vitamin C

ascorbic, limeys, scurvy, collagen, iron

Saliva does more than just moisten the mouth; it also digests some carbohydrates, helps inhibit ---growth, and helps dissolve molecules to enhance taste. - Five primary tastes are now recognized: salty, sweet, sour, bitter, and ----- - tongue helps with the mixing of food. Food, now in the form of a ----. Peristalsis does not depend on ----to move food down the digestive tract

bacterial, umami, bolus, gravity

Full calculation of weight will require estimating how much fat is on ----------and their distribution. Under --- BMI is underweight and above ---- is overweight, with ---- being obesity

belly, 18.5, 25, 30

Thiamin of Vitamin B1 deficiency can result in -----(comes in two forms---- and -----), which is a condition in which the heart becomes enlarged, fluid under the skin can accumulate, and the muscles become weak and may atrophy. ---------- syndrome, is due to severe thia- min deficiency in alcoholics. Good sources of thiamin are pork, vegetables and fruits, whole grains and nuts

beriberi, wet, dry, Wernickle-Korsakoff

Fatty acids can turn into acetyl coa by --------, amino acids can turn into acetyl coa by -------and Carbs can turn into acetyl coa by -------. All these acetyl coa can go into the ------cycle

beta oxidation, deamination, pyruvate, citrate

pro- vitamins or precursors; these substances need to be converted in order to be vitamins. Examples include ------, which is converted into vitamin A, and tryptophan (an essential amino acid), which is converted into -----

beta-carotene, niacin

Acidic chyme from your stomach is neutralized by alkaline --------, which is released from the -----, which makes -----and ------

bicarbonate, pancreas, trypsin, chymotrypsin

Liver-Produces ---, which -----fats; gastric lipase also works on it receives nutrients after absorption; major site for metabolism Gallbladder-----bile, then releases it into the small intestine Pancreas-Produces digestive -----that are released into the small intestine, where they help digest carbohydrates, fats, and protein. The period of time it takes food to travel the length of the digestive tract is called --------time

bile, emulsifies, Stores, enzymes, transit

Bile contains water, cholesterol, fats, bile salts, proteins, and ---. Bilirubin gives bile and feces a light brown/dark yellow ------. If the bile contains too much cholesterol, bile salts, or bilirubin, it can sometimes harden into what are called ------(high cholesterol)

bilirubin, color, gallstones

Vitamin K is best known for its role in -----. Vitamin K is indirectly involved with the production of the protein ----. Blood clotting- One of the steps is the conversion of ----to ------, which requires vitamin K. Thrombin can then form the clot by converting fibrinogen to fibrin. Also good in bone development just like all the other vitamins talked about

blood clotting, fibrin, prothrombin, thrombin

B vitamins are needed in the pathways used to ------macronutrients into a usable form of energy— vitamins do not produce-----

break down, energy

The theory is that higher protein diets cause elevated urinary -----excretion, little evidence. Expert cannot agree on the side effects of too much protein


Two most important fuels are carbs and fat. High intensity activity fueled by more -----than ----vice versa. So as the intensity increases, you use more of one than the other

carbs, fat

Therapeutically, vitamin B6 has been used to treat ----------, a nerve disorder of the wrist, used to treat --------- and morning sickness in women. Taking too much of it can cause you to have a hard time ---------. Good food sources are red meat and nuts

carpal tunnel syndrome, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), walking

Metals like copper and iron act as -----for autooxidation. Normal oxygen is ----oxygen. Thermodynamically oxygen ------react with double bonds because spins are not in the same -----. Other mechanism of oxidation like UV, visible light, heat and enzyme and ozone. ----has a structure that will form oxidation, but this can be prevented by inhibiting the amount of visible light

catalysts, triplet, cannot, state, Chlorophyll

Another name for vitamin D is -------. Also classified as a -------and a steroid because it is made from cholesterol. The main effect of vitamin D on bone is its ability to control metabolism of both -----(binding through a protein known as calbindin) and -----

cholecalciferol, hormone, calcium, phosphorus

Before the larger triglycerides can be transported through the body they are formed into special carriers, called -----------, that enable the fat to travel in the watery environment of the blood. - Protein digestion begins in the stomach when pepsinogen is released from the wall of the stomach and converted to its active form, -------, Stomach acid also assists in the digestive process by -----

chylomicrons, pepsin, denaturing

After the stomach, it is not called food but -----. Which are the accessory organs and

chyme, salivary gland, pancreas, liver and gall bladder

Vitamin B12 is unique in several ways. First, it contains the mineral -----as part of its structure. Second, it is synthesized by -----and other microorganisms. Third, it is found only in foods of --------origin and not in plant foods. It converts folate coenzymes into ------forms. Its main function is to maintain -----sheath. Also involved with amino acid metabolism, bone metabolism, and the synthesis of DNA.

cobalt, bacteria, animal, active, myelin

Copper, like zinc, exerts its physiological effects as a ----for enzymes, but not for as many enzymes as zinc does. It is needed for absorption, storage, metabolism of iron and strengthening connective tissue. Lack of copper can result in ------and other heart problems. Drinking water is a good source of copper

cofactor, death

Small intestine-Releases enzymes; ----------chemical digestion of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins; releases ----to emulsify fats; is the primary site of absorption Large intestine-Absorbs water; prepares indigestible wastes (feces) for defecation -------------Temporarily stores feces Anus-Eliminates feces from the body

completes, bile, Rectum

The best sources of vitamin C are fruits and vegetables, but -----can deplete the stores of it. The B vitamins function in energy metabolism as -----or ------for releasing energy in foods, but do not increase ----. They also help with proper function of tissues

cooking, coenzymes, cofactors, energy

Saturated fats are typically found in -------- products, meats, and some plants and tropical oils such as coconut, palm, and palm kernel oils. Canola and olive oils, are good sources of --------- fatty acids

dairy, monounsaturated

Vitamin A can be found in animal foods and diary products. Also leafy -------- leafy vegetables and fruits like orange

dark green

Body eliminates the extra amino acids through a process called -----that occurs primarily in the ----- .The ammonia produced is converted into urea. ----------techniques measure the nitrogen contained in the protein we eat and excreted. This is at ---------in most healthy adults. positive nitrogen balance, when intake exceeds excretion and the opposite is negative nitrogen balance (sick)

deamination, liver, Nitrogen balance, equilibrium

lower levels of fat consumed have not shown a ----in body weight. fruits, vegetables, and whole grains -----body weight. fat intake linked to -----(loss of elasticity in in vessels) and -----(cutoff of circulation)

decrease, decrease, atherosclerosis, ischemia

vitamin E does/does not enhance sexual performance or slow the aging process. Foods that are good sources of vitamin E include vegetable oils. ----- vegetable, nuts and cereals are also good

does not, Green leafy

Fully hydrogenated oil remove all --------- and are made from ----- fat. Keep in mind that no completely saturated fats ----- in nature, the most saturated is palm oil and its only 80% so

double bonds, hard, exists

Numbers for omega= number of ----------bonds. Omega 6 (--------oils)- precursors to compounds that increase -------- and ---------, both in cell membranes

double, vegetable, blood flow, reproduction

We can spare liver glycogen by consuming -----while exercising. Consuming carbs after to replenish. Eat carbs before a game to maximize the amount of glycogen that is stored. ------is one of the main proteins in milk, it has a high percentage of -----(powerful anabolic trigger) We don't just consume supplement of this amino acid because, whey contains other amino acids other than leucine, but leucine is high. Therefore, we don't just consume supplements

drinks, Whey, leucine

Most minerals, except for the electrolytes are absorbed in the -----------and upper part of the jejunum. - The ------and upper ileum are the sites where carbohydrates, amino acids, and water-soluble vitamins are absorbed. Lipids in the -------

duodenum, jejunum, illeum

Blending of fat and water ---------- emulsifier -------- found in egg yolks to mix oil and water. ------- is an example. They are named by oil and water or water and oil, the one that is -----is in front

emulsification, lecithin, Mayonnaise, more

In the past, too much folic acid was thought to cause ------. Good sources are cereals and vegetables and fruits. This nutrient can be destroyed by too much ----

epilepsy, cooking

Given the weight of a person you can find how much of a particular nutrient they need per day if you know the grams/Kg of body weight/day. All you have to do is multiply their weight by the two ------of the recommended grams/Kg of body weight/day


Fats (9kcal) are the major form of stored energy in the body. - heart uses ----------as its preferred source of energy. EPA and DHA converted to active chemicals termed ----------. These have powerful physiological effects, including --------- blood vessels and promoting clotting

fatty acids, eicosanoids, relaxing

Some people call themselves vegetarians although they eat fish, chicken, or even red meat. These people are sometimes identified as semivegetarians (or ----------). Many people become vegetarians because of, animals, hormones, health benefits, religion and environment - Hindus recommended -----, but a free to choose except for ---and ----.Vegetarians have less risk of cancer, heart disease, low BMI

flexitarians, vegetarianism, beef, pork

Niacin or vitamin B3 toxicity is known as niacin -------- that is painful. ------ is prescribed with statins to lower cholesterol levels in blood. Good sources are diary products, red meat, nuts and foods that have tryptophan

flush-redness, Nicotinic acid

Folate is crucial to the maintenance of hair, skin, and linings of the digestive and urinary tracts. It is important in cell division because DNA needs -----for cell division. folate deficiency, ------- occurs when the red blood cells can- not mature because of defect in DNA. Deficiencies in pregnant women can result in neural tube defects called ------ (spine problem) and ------ (skull and brain underdevelopment). Folic acid variant of folate is ----- powerful because it is absorbed in the intestine

folate, macrocytic anemia, spina bifida, Anencephaly, more

The water-soluble vitamins can be absorbed without ------and are freely transported in the blood. Absorption of vitamin B12 requires ---------, which is released in the stomach. - ------is best absorbed with glucose and amino acids, which is why you will often find these nutrients together in sports drinks

food, intrinsic factor, Sodium

Reduction of vitamin A problems can be solved by ------, -----, ------and diet. Infection leads to ------and vice versa

fortification, supplements, biofortification, undernutrition

------ foods are foods and beverages that have been developed or altered in some way in order to optimize health and an example is calcium in orange juice. Calcium works with hormones as a -----messenger. Like vitamin K, calcium also helps with blood clotting. Lower chance of --------had higher dietary calcium intake and can also protect against hypertension.

functional, second, preeclampsia

Once food enters the stomach, the cells of the stomach start producing -----juice, which is composed of water, hydrochloric acid (HCl), ---, ---, gastric lipase, the hormone --, and ----- (absorption of vitamin B12)

gastric, mucus, pepsinogen, gastrin, intrinsic factor

Functions of vitamin A- Retinoic acid (vitamin A acidic form) control -----------transcription on and off for all types of cells (differentiation, embryo shape and immune system). It also helps with vision (----- blindness- or ---------).

gene, night, keratinizing metaplasia

Zinc is one of the first nutrients known to exert its effects at the ----level and it is needed for protein synthesis. Zinc serves as a ----- to many enzymes. The most notable deficiencies of zinc were ---and delayed sexual development. -------, is a technique used to deliver calories and nutrients in an IV solution into a central vein

genetic, cofactor, dwarfism, Total parenteral nutrition (TPN)

Iodine produce thyroxine or a thyroid hormone and deficiency results in ------. Mothers who are iodine deficient during pregnancy have offspring who are mentally and physically impaired. This is called ----.

goiter, cretinism

Medium chain triglycerides are -----now from 6-12. Olive oil is thought to be good because it helps -----omega six to and increase omega 3. Omega ----- come from (oleic acids). Coconut oil is very high in saturated fats. IF trans fats are less than ½ a gram they are reported as -----

good , inhibit, 9, zero

- --------pattern (more in women), the "pear shape," most body fat is carried on the hips and thighs. - ------------obesity carries more health risk

gynoid, Android

Two forms of iron in our blood- -----(organic form) and -----( elemental form and not part of hemoglobin) iron. The heme form has a -----time going across membranes than the nonheme. The heme form come from only ---- source but the nonheme is fro both. RBCs have been described as "-----of hemoglobin."

heme, nonheme, hard, meat, bags

Iron Most of the iron is in -------, -----iron storage protein the rest in myoglobin, enzymes. Each ferritin can hold up to -------irons. Iron deficiency measured by hemoglobin (most common) and plasma ferritin- mores specific for iron. Hemoglobin is ------specific for iron because other factors play into it.

hemoglobin, ferritin, 4500, not

100 PDCAAS is given to egg white, meats, dairy, and seafood. Soy is given a score of 94 and beans and legumes a score around 50-60. (FDA)- % DV is required to be listed only if a claim is made for protein, such as "---- in protein" or for kids less than -----. Examples of incomplete proteins include are --------

high, 4, vegetables

Dairy products and the vegetable protein in soy are considered ----digestible because the human body can absorb almost 90 percent. In contrast, some plant proteins are only 60 percent digestible. --------- is based on a scale of 0-100, with 100 being the score given to foods that ---- meet the needs of humans

highly, PDCAAS (Protein Digestibility-Corrected Amino Acid Score ), best

A trans fatty acid (cis to trans) is an unhealthy fatty acid produced through addition of hydrogen atoms to double bonds of fatty acids, which causes the molecule to assume an unnatural shape through a process called ----------. In hydrogenation, hydrogen atoms are added to the --------fatty acid

hydrogenation, unsaturated

The -----is located between the ascending large intestine and ileum, should a seed be stuck in there you get --- -Villi are made of -----and are made of -----cells. Behind them are lymphatic tissues and behind those are capillaries

ileocecal, appendicitis, brush border, enterocytes

A vitamin A-deficient child has a weakened ----system. It is important in the production of -----blood cells, which destroy harmful bacteria and viruses. Epithelial cells require it to function too. ------- depends on vitamin A

immune, white, Cell differentiation

Enzyme is not created because of a problem in genetic coding. This is referred to as an ------of metabolism. -Not all enzyme deficiencies are caused by -----problems- an example is ---------. Protein- has ----- form in the body

inborn error, genetic, lactose intolerance, no storage

- Visceral fat is fat around the ------- organs, which is worse than -------- fat, which is fat that is under muscle and skin - -------- ratio is used to measure the level of risk from android or gynoid fat pattern. Above --- and --- for men and women respectively equals high fat accumulation

internal, subcutaneous, Waist to hip, 1, 0.8

When meat, fish, and poultry are consumed, the absorption of elemental ----is enhanced. This phenomenon has been referred to as the ----------.

iron, meat, fish, and poultry factor (MFP)

The large vessels of the lymph system, known as -----, transport most ------soluble molecules into the blood via two ducts in vessels in the neck. -Diarrhea is caused by both -----and ------infections. ------(part of the stomach pushing on the esophagus) can cause heartburn

lacteals, fat, bacterial, viral, hernia

- Fat tissue produces the hormone ----, which is released into the blood to signal the brain that the body has had enough to ----. In obese people the brain -----respond to leptin - There are also ----- (increases food intake) and -----(increases food intake) molecules

leptin, eat, does not, neuropeptide Y, ghrelin

- most diets fail because they are not -----approaches to healthful eating. - Eating ----and burning ----is the way to go

lifetime, less, more

Vitamin b2 or or riboflavin deficiency can cause hypersensitivity to ------. It is found in milk and whole grains. UV light can destroy riboflavin which is why milk is stored in opaque containers


The DRI is 0.8 g per kilogram of body weight daily. -the amino acid present in the smallest amount relative to the needs of the body, is called the ----amino acid. - "----amino acids" not found in protein are available for use for a relatively -----time, and they are called the amino acid ----

limiting, free, short, pool

Children have salivary --------that adults do not have. Mouth mechanically digests food by chewing and grinding; --------chemical digestion of carbohydrates with salivary amylase. Stomach mechanically digests food by churning and mixing; releases hydrochloric acid (HCl) to denature proteins; begins chemical digestion of proteins with -----

lipase, begins, pepsin

People who survived in regions with a high incidence of ------were more likely to have sickle-cell trait and to pass it on to their children. No -----for sickle cell anemia

malaria, cure

Iron and calcium are absorbed on ------. Water is absorbed by ----sodium and other nutrients such as glucose across the wall of the intestine. -series of chemical reactions that Turn chemical energy into a form the body can use. Energy --------is the sum of biochemical reactions that occur in the cells of the body to obtain usable energy in the form of ATP from food

need, following, metabolism

Deficiency mostly in ----(rare in adults) because breast milk is a poor source of vitamin K and they don't have the ----in their gut yet that synthesizes it

newborns, bacteria

Protein supplies energy, 4 kcal per gram, but providing energy is not its primary function. -the body can make the ---------amino acids by reusing the nitrogen groups of essential amino acids and from proteins that have been broken down. This process is called -----. when these amino acids cannot be made by the body in the quantities needed, those amino acids are considered to be ------ essential amino acids

nonessential, transamination, conditionally

Calories is the unit of energy and is the temperature required to heat -----gram of water---- Celsius, called food calories or kcal -Mammals -----interconvert omega 3 and omega 6 acids

one, 1, cannot

Sphincters -which are circular muscles located throughout the digestive system that work like -------- doors to control the movement of its contents from one part to another. -the contents of one organ of the digestive tract may be ---- to another area, heartburn - vomiting. It can be caused by irritants such as bacteria, alcohol, poisons, and trauma to the abdomen and can even be caused by sights, smells, thoughts, or -----

one-way, damaging, emotions

FATS -soluble in -------- solvents such as ether, acetone, and chloroform. THEY are made of Fatty acids • Triglycerides • Phospholipids • Sterols such as cholesterol. Triglycerides and phospholipids contain -------------

organic, fatty acids

In adults, a lack of vitamin D leads to softening of bone called ----caused by decalcification. Some contend that it is not essential. The active form resides in the ---and the non active form in the -----

osteomalacia, kidneys, liver

The Krebs cycle requires -------and produces a lot of ATP. Inadequate oxygen gives us -------- -Glycerol can be converted to pyruvate or glucose in the liver. The fatty acids are broken down into acetyl coa in a pathway called beta oxidation. The substance that acetyl CoA joins with is called -----or OAA. OAA is made by carbs therefore the saying "fat ------in a carbohydrate ----."

oxygen, lactate, oxaloacetate, burns, flame

Oxidized fats odors- oxidative rancidity -----(condiments), cardboardy, ----(omega 3's), metallic and oil.-----are injurious to human (inflammation)

painty, fishy, Advanced lipid oxidation endproducts

Vitamin B6 has seven forms. The most common and most active of these is called -------. It is involved in the interconversion of ---------and ------ like serotonin and hemoglobin. Deficiency can lead to anemia

pyridoxine, amino acids, neurotransmitters

Experiment done on ----by McCollum. Vitamin A is associated with levels of mortality Measles, diarrhea, ear discharge and hearing loss and sedentary responds very well to vitamin A supplements. T cells, antibodies and epithelial cells also respond well to these supplements.


Bone undergoes a process known as -----and this is accomplished with vitamin A. Vitamin A is important in gene regulation as -----

remodeling, retinoic acid

Rhodopsin has a --------(vitamin A) and opsin part. On the pyramid there was the hieroglyphs explaining how to cure night blindness by using -----juice.

retinol, liver

Vitamin A occurs in nature in three different chemical forms: -----(most active form), ----, and -------. -The units in which beta-carotene and other precursors such as carotenoids are measured are called --------. You need 12 times as much beta carotene to get as much retinol

retinol, retinal, retinoic acid, RAE (retinol activity equivalents)

Iron deficiency is -------largest after obesity in US. Minerals are inorganic nutrients that are essential components in the diet. Minerals are classified based on their -----in the body and recommended. Iron, copper, manganese and iodine are -----in our bodies

second, content , microminerals

- The -------- theory says that the body is programmed to gravitate to- ward a particular weight; - The ---of adipocytes increases with weight gain, but only the ---- reduces with weight lose

set point, number, size

Unlike glucose and fatty acids, carbon -------can enter the energy-producing pathways at different spots. Depending on which amino acid the carbon skeleton came from, it can enter at pyruvate, acetyl CoA, or different places in the Krebs cycle. --------and ----pick up electrons and send them to the etc. -----is required and the by products are water and carbon dioxide

skeletons, NAD, FAD, Oxygen

Most digestion and absorption occurs in the ----intestine . 3 parts of the of the intestinal wall ---, the ----, and the ----. The jejunum is Submucosa where ----digestion and absorption occurs. The small intestine is designed to maximize contact with nutrients. Food enters the small intestine by ----sphincter -microvilli are responsible for nutrient absorption

small, denum, jejunum, ileum, most, pyloric

Hydrogenation creates ---------from liquid fats- partial hydrogenation creates -----bonds- ----molecules and better packing.

solid, trans, straighter

Athletes have more -----meal and activity plan because in sports milliseconds make a difference. Depending on the duration of activity, athletes can require more carbs. Endurance athletes require ---proteins than strength athletes. An hour after workout, athletes are encouraged to consume------ or -------

specific, less, whey, milk (2 cups)

hydrogenation makes the product into a solid and less susceptible to ---------, on foods as "partially hydrogenated". hydrogenated oils are often preferred because they ------ break down under high cooking temperatures and they are usually cheaper than butter. Other sterols include ------, estrogen, cortisol and progesterone (cholesterol is their precursor)- 300 mg a day for cholesterol

spoiling, don't, vitamin d

Vitamins perform numerous roles in your body. They often work together to support common ----or ---goals. Many of the vitamins optimize health and can prevent disease. Found mostly in fruits and vegetables

structural, functional

Omega 3 (plant sources and Coldwater fish) prevent --------. EPA and DHA omega 3's is excreted in --------. Most Americans get plenty of ----------- fatty acids, but not enough ----------s

tissue inflammation, breast milk, omega-6, omega-3

microminerals are sometimes referred to as ----minerals. Microminerals- Iron's role is delivering oxygen to cells in our body. Iron is stored primarily in the liver bound to the protein -----; it is also stored in the spleen and bone marrow. Iron-deficiency ----. Breast milk is ----source of iron

trace, ferritin, anemia, poor

In order for iron to be used to make heme and hemoglobin, it must be transported to the bone marrow via -----. ------is the percentage of blood that is composed of red blood cells and a low value means anemia, but ferretin levels are the -----indicators of low levels of iron. Another test for iron levels may be the amount of iron -----is transporting, what is known as transferrin saturation

transferrin, Hematocrit, first, transferrin

Fats have Carbon (C) Hydrogen (H) Oxygen (O) but contain --------- as many H atoms than carbs. THey are Amphipathic and shorter acids are more --------

twice, hydrophilic

- ---------- is preferred to waist to hip ratio. And number of ----- and ----are too great for men and women respectively. - obesity is caused by a positive energy balance, which results from eating more calories than you burn.

waist circumference, 40, 35

The villi are absorptive cells that are lined with capillaries. The capillaries "pick-up" -----------soluble nutrients


Thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folate, biotin, pantothenic acid, and vitamins C, B6, and B12- all b vitamins are classified as -------soluble. Vitamins A, D, E, and K are fat soluble. These are more -------than their water soluble counterparts, which is why you don't need to consume them daily. They are also stored ----and in larger amounts

water, toxic, longer

No such thing as ---------loss foods. --------- is the sum of REE, physical activity, and TEF. - obesity measurement- The body mass index (---which ) is the simplest calculation.

weight, Total energy expenditure (TEE), BMI, weight/ height

Iron deficiency vs Anemia- Iron deficiency can happen ------anemia and it is very ------ and has adverse health effects and can only be determine by measuring ------levels.

without, common, ferritin

Sulfur is -----in color and was used as potions to heal before its nutritive values were known. Found in cysteine residues and glutathione antioxidant. Found in wines, beers, and some plants like garlic. -------have been banned in fruits and vegetables by the FDA

yellow, Sulfites

Food and Drug Administration (FDA)- definitions of labels- processing Cholesterol free—less than--- mg of cholesterol per serving, and 2 g or less of saturated fat per serving • Low cholesterol—--- mg or less of cholesterol per serving and 2 g or less of saturated fat per serving • Lean—Less than ---- g of fat, --- g of saturated fat, and 95 mg of cholesterol per (100 g) serving of meat, poultry, or seafood • Extra lean—Less than ---- g of fat, 2 g of saturated fat, and 95 mg of cholesterol per (100 g) serving of meat, poultry, or seafood

2, 20, 10, 4.5, 5

Only ---amino acids are essential and need to be in our food, name them

9, threonine, valine, tryptophan, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, phenylalanine, methionine and histidine

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