Frankenstein 6-10 analysis

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Elizabeth tells Justine that [this] is the only reason she believed that Justine was guilty.

She was told that Justine had confessed to the murder

What does Elizabeth promise Justine?

She will not pay for the crime she did not commit.

What is the first part of Elizabeth's letter about?

She writes how she and the family miss Victor and want him to write them to assure them that he is well.

When Victor returns to his apartment what does he find waiting for him?

A letter from his father

The forlorn Victor compares himself to what kind of wounded animal?

A wounded deer hiding in the woods.

Victor's depressed state begins to affect __________.

Alphonse his father

Why didn't Victor want to use a guide as he ascended to the summit of Montanvert?

Any company would disturb the solitary grandeur of the scene.

How does Victor feel about the journey home?

At first he hurries to get there so he can console his family, but as he arrives he slows down because of the feelings running through him about his youth.

According to Justine's testimony, where did she spend the night of the murder?

Being locked out of town she spent the night in a barn.

In despair, Victor decides to take a trip to a valley. What is the name of this valley?

Chamounix - in the nearby Alpine valleys.

What are some words Victor uses in addressing the monster when he nears him?

Devil, vile insect

The condemned Justine asks to speak with [whom].


Who blames herself for Williams death?


Who ultimately speaks for Justine at court?

Elizabeth does

Justine says that she falsely confessed to avoid [what] which she was threatened with.


In literature what is a line like this called: 'I did not conceive the hundredth part of the anguish I was destined to endure'?


How does the walking tour Victor takes with Henry help him?

He becomes social again and happy with his life.

What does the creature do to try and shield his person from Victor?

He covers his eyes with his hand

Even though Victor found some relief at Belrive, what did he constantly fear?

He feared that the monster he created would strike again.

What does Victor do when he perceives that the court is going to rule against Justine?

He flees the court in mental self-torture.

What does Victor learn of william?

He has been murdered

How does Victor describe the movement of the man he sees striding toward him in the wilderness?

He says he advanced toward him with superhuman speed, bounding over the crevices in the ice.

Why does Victor feel that Justine will be acquitted of the murder?

He says he knows who murdered William and believes that the courts will not convict her on circumstantial evidence.

The creature tells Victor that he was once [this].

He says he was good and benevolent.

How does the monster threaten Victor?

He says that Victor must do what he says or he will destroy the rest of his family.

What stunning news does Ernest give Victor about William's murderer?

He says they know who it was

Victor contemplates committing suicide by drowning himself in the lake. He chooses not to do so. Why?

He thinks of Elizabeth and his father who would suffer if he did this.

Victor plans to return home for a visit to Geneva in the autumn, but what prevents him?

He was delayed by several accidents, winter which made travel difficult

What does Victor wish?

He wishes he would see the monster again, so that he could wreak revenge on him.

As Victor approaches the town where he lived he thinks that he should reveal that he knows who the murderer is, but why does he decide not to tell anyone?

He would have to go into the creation story and everyone would think him mad.

Who is the first to greet Victor on his return home?

His brother Ernest.

What does the creature call Victor?

His creator

Victor develops an aversion to [what], so that he cannot even be in the same room with them without becoming ill.

His lab instruments

How did the recent death of Justine affect Victor?

His mind was consumed with these events and the death of his brother.

What does Victor say that his early intentions in life were?

I had begun with benevolent intentions and wanted to make myself useful to my bellow beings.

Where was body found the next day?

I thbwgrass

How does Victor start his description of his journey up Montanvert?

It is a scene terrifically desolate.

Who is the man that Victor sees approaching him over the icy scape?

It is the monster he created

Who does Ernest say has been accused of the murder of William?

Justine Moritz

Whom does Elizabeth remind Victor of, who has been living with them since childhood?

Justine Moritz

Having seen the monster now in Geneva, what does he assume as the worst?

The monster must have killed his brother.

What does the monster ask of the frantic Victor?

Make me happy and I shall again be virtuous.

What pastime did victor enjoy at the house in Belrive?

Sailing and drifting in the lake.

How was Justine dressed for court?

She dressed in mourning

What was the most damaging evidence against Justine?

She has a picture in her pocket that belonged to the dead boy.

What happens to Justine the day after Elizabeth and Victor visit her?

She is executed

Elizabeth makes a revelation about Justine and William's death. What does she believe about their deaths?

She says that she cannot believe that Justine was the murderer and that the true murderer has escaped.

Before Victor was to return home, Henry suggests that they do [what] first.

Take a walking tour Ingolstadt.

Victor fears [what] about the monster.

That he may have committed other crimes as well.

On his journey, Victor became very much aware of __________, towering over everything in the valley.

The Alps

What is more painful to the human mind after a quick succession of events?

The dead calmness of inaction

What does the creature say has made him evil?

The hatred man has expressed toward him.

In the lightning from the storm at the spot where his brother was murdered, Victor sees the figure of [what].

The monster he had created

Before returning to his house in Geneva, Victor wanted to visit [what] spot

The place where william was killed.

What role does Justine play in the Frankenstein family?

The servant

Temporarily Victor found peace in [what] on his travels?

The surrounding hillsides, water rushing by in the river, and the glacier that surrounded him.

What was to begin at eleven o'clock?

The trial

After Justine's death, where did the family move?

Their house in Belrive

Why didn't two of Justine's friends testify on her behalf?

They were afraid and doubtful.

How did wiliam get separated from his brother?

They were playing hide and seek and his brother lost him.

Where does the creature take victor to hear a story

To a hut

Why does Victor's father plead for him to come home immediately?

To console Elizabeth

How many years have passed since Victor created the monster?


Elizabeth says that she will visit with Justine but she wants [whom] to accompany her.


During the trial, Victor ruminates that his curiosity and lawless devices could be responsible for the death of [these] two people

William and perhaps Justine

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