Frankenstein Quiz review ch 11-15
punishment inflicted in return for a wrong
Some attack him and others run away in fear.
How do the people in the first village that the creature visits react to him?
He was envious of others.
What does the creature see himself having in common with Satan (as he is portrayed in Paradise Lost)?
stops stealing food cause family is poor
What is one way that the creature shows a sense of morality?
seeing his own reflection
What terrified the creature?
The creatures puzzles over what topic
deeply or dreamily thoughtful
highly offensive
maliciously; without restraint
to guess using the available evidence
unable to be cheered up
found clothes, ate berries, drank from a brook, how to use fire
ways the creature satisfied his basic needs shortly after he came to life
worthy of respect or reverence
She didn't want to be constrained as a woman in a Muslim country
Besides wanting to be with Felix, why did Safie not want to live with her father in Turkey?
Milton's Paradise Lost, Plutarch's Lives, Goethe's Sorrows of Young Werther
Books the creature has been influenced by
chores, family dinners, showing emotion
What are the human activities the creature learns from the family
a mate
What does Adam have that the creature desires
Reserve his judgment (he's blind)
What does the creature expect De Lacey to do when he approaches him?
lack of money, property and unappealing appearance
Why the creature is powerless in society