French Revolution

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Reign of Terror

(1793-94) Time period during the French Revolution following Louis' execution when thousands were executed for "disloyalty" to Robespierre


(left side) wanted changes in government


(right side) opposed changes in government

What estate hated the Old Regime?

3rd Estate

Estates General

An assembly that represented the entire French population through three groups, known as estates

Legislative Assembly

Assembly that replaced the National Assembly in 1791

What was the United States' response to the British blockade?

Declared war on them (War of 1812)

Where was Napoleon exiled to?

Elba then St. Helena

According to Abbe Sieyes, what was the 3rd Estate?


How did Napoleon react to the emigres returning?

He welcomed them as long as they behaved politically

Fall of the Bastille

Hundreds of hungry people stormed the prison in search of gunpowder to save Paris and the National Assembly; this was the symbolic start of the revolution -July 14 (Their Independence Day)

What was Napoleon's response to Russia's refusal to stop selling grain to Britain?

Invaded Russia

Maximilien Robespierre

Revolutionary leader who tried to wipe out every trace of France's past monarchy and nobility

Napoleon and his troops forces the national legislature out. What did this end?

The directory

Great Fear

The panic and insecurity that struck French peasants in the summer of 1789 and led to their widespread destruction of manor houses and archives

Paris Commune

The small government in Paris who wanted to resist the conservative leaders of France and tried to form their own government

Battle of Waterloo

This was the battle that Napoleon lost after his return from Elba that ended his reign as French ruler


a form of tax that was paid with work other than money

3 classes within 3rd Estate

bourgeoisie, lower class, peasant farmers

What did the Napoleonic Code abolish?

the 3 estates

Third Estate

-97% of the population made up of Bourgeoisie, San Culottes, and the Peasant Farmers -paid high taxes -very poor

First Estate

-Clergy of the Roman Catholic Church -Made up 1% of the population -Were not taxed but paid 2% of their income to the government -They were focused on education and the spreading of their religion


-Established after the Reign of Terror / National Convention -a five man group as the executive branch of the country; incompetent and corrupt, only lasted for 4 years

Urban Laborers or San Culottes

-Often out of work -Would often riot

Result of the meeting of the Estates-General

-The 1st and 2nd Estates tried to impose their will on the 3rd Estate -The members of the 3rd Estate band together and form, The National Assembly

National Assembly

-a French congress established by representatives of the Third Estate on June 17, 1789, to enact laws and reforms in the name of the French people -wanted to end monarchy -beginning of revolution


-city dwelling middle class -bankers and professionals -Paid high tax -educated and believed in enlightenment -treated like peasants

In what 4 ways did Napoleon restore France?

-economically -socially -religiously -legally

Second Estate

-nobility -didn't pay taxes -made up 2% of the population


-owed a Corvee -Paid ½ of their income in taxes

Main Problems in France

-starvation -debt -3rd estates hated 1st and 2nd

What changes did the Nat'l Assembly make to the church?

-took church lands -church officials and priests must be elected by property owners

Abbe Sieyes

-wrote "What is the Third Estate?" -leading spokesman of the 3rd estate

Of Napoleon's 600,000 men army, how many made it back from Russia?


How many people died during the Reign of Terror?


Peninsular War

A conflict, lasting from 1808 to 1813, in which Spanish Rebels, with the aid of British forces, fought to drive Napoleons French troops out of Spain.


A direct vote in which a country's people have the opportunity to approve or reject a proposal -French people voted on Napoleon's new constitution

Jean-Paul Marat

A journalist and scientist, as well as an associate Jacobin; Marat (1743-93) helped launch the Reign of Terror and complied death lists


A machine for beheading people, used as a means of execution during the French Revolution.

Tennis Court Oath

A pledge made by the members of France's National Assembly in 1789, in which they vowed to continue meeting until they had drawn up a new constitution

Jacobin Club

A political club in revolutionary France whose members were well-educated radical republicans. -wanted to remove the king and wanted a republic

Grand Alliance

Britain, Russia, Prussia, Austria, and Sweden against Napoleon

Which blockade was stronger the British or French?


What did Russia do instead of trying to fight Napoleon's army?

Burned their grain and slaughtered livestock

Scorched Earth Policy

Burning live stock and crops to prevent the enemy from living off the land

Napoleon Bonaparte

French general who became emperor of the French (1769-1821)

According to the Concordat, who appointed Catholic Bishops?

French government


French nobility who fled country to escape the Revolution and wanted to restore the Old Regime

Limited Constitutional Monarchy

Government led by a monarch whose powers were limited by a Constitution, and who was required to consult Parliament -created by National Assembly

Third Coalition

Great Britain, Russia, Austria, and Sweden against France

King Louis XVI

King of France, weak leader, executed during the French Revolution

What happened after a mob swarmed through the palace in Paris?

Louis and Marie Antoinette were imprisoned

The nobles would not pay taxes unless what?

Louis would call a meeting of the estates general

All of the new laws Napoleon created applied to every except ...

Napoleon himself

The Grand Army

Napoleon's army of 600,000 men which was very powerful up to the failed invasion of Russia

Continental System

Napoleon's policy of preventing trade between Great Britain and continental Europe, intended to destroy Great Britain's economy.

What came after the Legislative Assembly ended?

National Assembly--> Legislative Assembly-->National Convention

Because of Napoleon's Italian campaign, what two countries were forced to make peace?

Prussia and Austria (ended 1st coalition)

Marie Antoinette

Queen of France (as wife of Louis XVI) who was unpopular her extravagance and opposition to reform contributed to the overthrow of the monarchy

Old Regime

The Political and Social system that existed in France before the French Revolution

What are the four headings of "public functions"?

The Sword, the Robe, the Church and the Administration.

Battle of Trafalgar

The battle took place in 1805 in southern Spain. The british fleet commander Nelson with 23 ships attacked Napoleon's 27 ships. Nelson was killed in the middle of battle. Despite his death Britain still defeated France. After Britain defeated France Napoleon gave up on trying to invade Britain.

the Hundred Days

The brief period during 1815 when Napoleon made his last bid for power, deposing the French King and again becoming Emperor of France

Why did Napoleon invade Russia?

They encountered conflict because Russia continued to trade with Britain, Russia was interested in extending westward and become a Mediterranean power.

Napoleonic Code

This was the civil code put out by Napoleon that granted equality of all male citizens before the law and granted absolute security of wealth and private property. Napoleon also secured this by creating the Bank of France which loyally served the interests of both the state and the financial oligarchy

Georges Danton

Well-known Jacobin and lawyer eventually executed for being less radical than Robespierre


a body of associates living under a common law and represented by the same legislature.

Committee of Public Safety

a committee established during the French revolution to identify enemies of the republic led by Robespierre


a lower-class Parisian republican in the French Revolution.


a temporary alliance of several groups who are usually on different sides

What are the four classes of "private enterprise" according to Sieyès?

agriculture, manufacturing, merchants and traders, and special services

Who would be beheaded?

anyone who opposed Robespierre's leadership

Jobs in French cities

butchers, weavers, brewers, farmers, cooks, servants -very poor (went hungry)

What did the Nat'l Assembly create after abolishing all the provinces?


What did Louis XVI and his family try to do in June 1791?

escape France, they were caught

Jaques Necker

financial adviser to Louis XVI, he promoted the calling together of the Estates General and the taxing of the 1st and 2nd Estate

After finding Louis XVI guilty for treason, what happened?

he was beheaded by the guillotine

What was the outcome of Nat'l Convention's demand for Robespierre's arrest?

he was guillotined

What did one of the plebiscites do?

made Napoleon consul for life

In 1802, what did Napoleon do to himself?

made himself emperor -was crowned by himself, not the Pope

Nat'l Convention abolished the ____________ and declared France a _________________ .

monarchy, republic


money given by the peasants to support the clergy

Who did Louis XVI start to tax because of debt?

nobles (refused to pay)

What was the Fall of Bastille a symbol of?

oppression and monarchy


power given to 3 officials, Napoleon was one of them


sat right in the middle, wanted some reforms, but not as much as the radicals

How did Napoleon benefit France economically?

slowed inflation by balancing gov't's budget

A declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen

stated that men are born and remain free and equal in rights

When Napoleon got to Moscow what did he see?

the city in flames


the peace agreement made between Napoleon and the Pope following the chaos of the French Revolution.

Thermadorian Reaction

the reaction to Robespierre's harsh terror; Danton led a group in taking down Robespierre and sending him to the guillotine; middle-class lawyers and professionals reasserting their authority

Napoleon's first victory

there was a threat to the palace where the Nat'l Convention was and it was his duty to defend them. He greeted the royalists with a deadly cannonade and within minutes they had fled in panic

Peace of Amiens

treaty between Britain and France which brought peace to Europe in 1802

What could men do when France became a republic?


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